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Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? (05.3)

Can people ever be truly original? (07.10)

Is it always necessary to find new solutions to problems? (07.11)

Is it always better to be original than to imitate or use the ideas of others? (08.1)

Is it better for a society when people act as individuals rather than copying the ideas and opinions of others? (08.6)

Does planning interfere with creativity? (09.1)

Do people succeed by emphasizing their differences from other people? (10.5)


Is the opinion of the majority—in government or in any other circumstances—a poor guide?


Does worrying too much about other people’s opinions prevent us from seeing things clearly? (05.5)

Should our perceptions of beauty be influenced by the perceptions of beauty of other people? (05.11)

Do we tend to accept the opinions of others instead of developing our own independent ideas? (06.6)

Are people more likely to be productive and successful when they ignore the opinions of others? (06.12)

Is it always best to determine one's own views of right and wrong, or can we benefit from following the crowd? (07.5)

Are widely held views often wrong, or are such views more likely to be correct? (08.6)

Can common sense be trusted and accepted, or should it be questioned? (09.6)

Are the values of a society most clearly revealed in its popular culture? (09.11)


Are people afraid to speak out against authority, whether the authority is an individual, a group, or a government? (05.5)

Are established rules too limited to guide people in real-life situations? (06.6)

Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority?


Is criticism—judging or finding fault with the ideas and actions of others—essential for personal well-being and social progress? (07.11)

Do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence? (08.11)

Are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we can make?


Do people need to "unlearn," or reject, many of their assumptions and ideas? (07.12)

Is it sometimes necessary to be impolite? (09.3)

Should all people’s opinions be values equally, or should only informed opinions be taken seriously? (10.1)


Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present? (05.6)

Should people always prefer new things, ideas, or values to those of the past? (08.1)

Do incidents from the past continue to influence the present? (08.5)

Should we pay more attention to people who are older and more experienced than we are?


Is it better for people to work out their own ideas on a problem or issue before learning how others have approached it? (09.12)

Can people ever be truly original? (07.10)

Is it always better to be original than to imitate or use the ideas of others? (08.1)

五、物质vs. 精神:

Do people put too much emphasis on learning practical skills? (05.6)

Should schools help students understand moral choices and social issues? (05.6)

Should modern society be criticized for being materialistic? (07.5)

Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit? (07.5)

Does being ethical make it hard to be successful? (09.3)

Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well? (07.1)


Do newspapers, magazines, television, radio, movies, the Internet, and other media determine what is important to most people? (05.6)

Has today's abundance of information only made it more difficult for us to understand the world around us? (09.5)

Do books, newspapers, and other media focus too much on bad news? (09.10)


Is praising others, even if the praise is excessive or undeserved, a necessary part of life?


Is it better to change one's attitude than to change one's circumstances? (07.1)


Do we need other people to identify who we are?(05.11)

Is identity something people are born with or given, or is it something people create for themselves? (07.10)

Do the demands of others tend to make people more productive than they would be without such pressure? (10.1)


Are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject? (06.1)

Do people achieve greatness only by finding out what they are especially good at and developing that attribute above all else? (07.10)

Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar? (10.1)


Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way? (06.1) Is it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for other people? (06.1)(好奇怪啊)

Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? (06.1)

Does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties? (06.10)

Do people truly benefit from hardship and misfortune? (07.6)

Is the effort involved in pursuing any goal valuable, even if the goal is not reached? (08.1) Do people learn more from losing than from winning? (08.3)

Is persistence more important than ability in determining a person's success? (08.12)

Do we benefit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect? (09.6)

十一、坚持vs. 改变:

Should people always be loyal? (08.3)

Are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject? (06.1)

Is compromise always the best way to resolve a conflict? (08.10)

Should people change their decisions when circumstances change, or is it best for them to stick with their original decisions? (09.1)

Is striving to achieve a goal always the best course of action, or should people give up if they are not making progress? (09.1)

Can people have too much enthusiasm? (08.12)


Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth? (06.5)

Can deception—pretending that something is true when it is not—sometimes have good results? (06.10)

Do circumstances determine whether or not we should tell the truth? (07.5)

Is acting an essential part of everyday life? (08.12)


Does the success of a community-whether it is a class, a team, a family, a nation, or any other group depend upon people's willingness to limit their personal interests? (06.5) Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general? (07.1)

Are organizations or groups most successful when their members pursue individual wishes and goals? (08.3)

Does everyone, even people who choose to live alone, need a network or family? (09.10)


Does the truth change depending on how people look at things? (06.5)

Is it important to try to understand people's motivations before judging their actions?


Are people best defined by what they do? (09.5)(基本跟上面一题一样)

Should people choose one of two opposing sides of an issue, or is the truth usually found "in the middle"? (07.12)

Do images and impressions have too much of an effect on people? (07.12)


Does a strong commitment to technological progress cause a society to neglect other values, such as education and the protection of the environment? (06.6)

Have modern advancements truly improved the quality of people's lives? (07.6)

Is the most important purpose of technology today different from what it was in the past?


Are there benefits to be gained from avoiding the use of modern technology, even when using it would make life easier? (08.5)

Should the government be responsible for making sure that people lead healthy lives?

(10.5) (不会写)


Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition? (06.10)

Are people’s actions motivated primarily by a desire for power over others? (08.5)

Is it necessary for people to combine their efforts with those of others in order to be most effective? (08.11)

When some people win, must others lose, or are there situations in which everyone wins?


Is solitude—spending time alone—necessary for people to achieve their most important goals? (10.6)

Do people help others only to help themselves? (08.12)

Are organizations or groups most successful when their members pursue individual wishes and goals? (08.3)

Do society and other people benefit when individuals pursue their own goals? (09.11)


Do people tend to get along better with people who are very different from them or with those who are like them? (10.6)

Is there any value for people to belong only to a group or groups with which they have something in common? (08.1)


Do we put too much value on the ideas or actions of individual people? (06.11)

Is there a value in celebrating certain individuals as heroes? (07.6)

Should we admire heroes but not celebrities? (07.10)


Can people achieve success only if they aim to be perfect? (06.11)

Do people place too much emphasis on winning? (08.5)

Do people need to compare themselves with others in order to appreciate what they have?


Do highly accomplished people achieve more than others mainly because they expect more of themselves? (09.1)

Is it best for people to accept who they are and what they have, or should people always strive to better themselves? (09.6)

Should ordinary people be considered heroes, or should the term "hero" be reserved for extraordinary people? (10.6)

Is it wrong to use the word "courage" to describe behaviors that are ordinary or self-interested? (10.6)


Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control? (06.11)

Is happiness something over which people have no control, or can people choose t o be happy? (06.12)

Is it better for people to be realistic or optimistic? (06.12)

Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well? (07.1)

Are people more likely to be happy if they focus on goals other than their own happiness?


Does having a large number of options to choose from make people happy? (07.11)

Does fame bring happiness, or are people who are not famous more likely to be happy?


Is using humor the best way to approach difficult situations and problems? (09.10)


Is education primarily the result of influences other than school? (07.1)

Is the main value of the arts to teach us about the world around us? (07.11)

Can books and stories about characters and events that are not real teach us anything useful? (06.11)

Should books portray the world as it is or as it should be? (10.1)


Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully? (08.10) Should people let their feelings guide them when they make important decisions? (09.5)

Is it better for people to know everything they can about something before taking action, or should they act first and get more information later? (09.10)

Is it better for people to stop trying when they feel certain they will not succeed? (09.11) Do small decisions often have major consequences? (10.5)


Should society limit people's exposure to some kinds of information or forms of expression?


Should people give up their privacy in exchange for convenience or free services? (09.12) Is it easier now to form friendships than ever before? (09.12)


Is using humor the best way to approach difficult situations and problems? (09.10) Is talking the most effective and satisfying way of communicating with others? (10.5)


SAT考试真题-新老SAT写作对比写作单项发生巨变 4月16日新SAT官方样题发布,新东方上海学校VIP学习中心的老师们在第一时间窥视其具体改革的真实面貌,准确把握住了备考的方向。新东方VIP学习中心建议广大考生及家长不要过分担忧新SAT,踩准改革方向和考察重点是顺利应对新SAT的关键。 写作一直是许多考生在考试中的障碍,新SAT的改革在写作单项上也有一些变化,新东方VIP学习中心的老师对比了新老SAT考试的写作部分,总结出写作改革的重点,希望对广大考生带了帮助。 SAT Essay 还有一年半的时间我们就要迎接来新的SAT考试了,那么我们先来看一下新的SA T会有些什么改变: ·最早的一次新SAT考试会出现在2016年的春天 ·新的SAT考试会以2种形式出现:纸质版考试和电脑版考试(电脑版考试的考 点会根据的地区来确定) ·考试内容: (1) 询证式阅读和语法 (2) 数学 (3)作文 ·考试长度: (1)3个小时+50分钟的作文 (2) 具体时长会根据进一步的实验再做决定 ·考试分数:1600 (1) 询证式阅读+语法:800分 (2)数学:800分 (3) 作文:单独出分数(可选,但是大部分学校会要求作文分数) SAT写作改革重点: 重新改革的SAT将会更加贴近美国高中教育同时配合美国大学人才的需求。新的SAT作文考试会更加侧重学生能不能够完全适应美国大学里面的学术写作要求,日常的作业,和论文的完成等。所以,新的SAT作文考试要求学生首先具备一些基本的英语写作素养,比如说,遣词造句的能力,表达的能力,构建文章的能力。除此之外,新的考试会更关注于学生整体的读与写的能力,包括逻辑思维能力,辩证性思维能力,独立思考能力,论证能力,辩述能力,分析文章能力等。


2008年10月SAT写作真题及要点解答 95.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:(2008.10) We are frequently told that compromise is the best way for people to work out their differences.When people compromise,with each side losing a little in order to reach a satisfactory agreement,both sides can continue to live in harmony.However,compromise can work only when the issues at stake are not that https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f4605362.html,promise does not work when there is a genuine difference of opinion about strongly held principles or ideas. Assignment:Is compromise always the best way to resolve a conflict? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observation. 96.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:(2008.10) People usually assume that the quality of a decision is directly related to the time and effort that went into making it.We believe that we are always better off gathering as much information as possible and then spending as much time as possible analyzing that information.But there are times when making a quick judgment is the best thing to do.Decisions made quickly can be as good as decisions made slowly and


教你如何去写SAT作文 在SAT写作考试中,考生想要写出一篇完美的文章是很不容易的,那我们应该在备考时怎样去屑SAT作文呢?下面三立小编为你带来教你如何去写SAT 作文,让你学到技巧,减少分数的丢失,希望对你有所帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线教育,专业老师为你在线解答相关疑问。 DIRECTIONS The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. In your essay, you should demonstrate that you have read the passage carefully, present a clear and logical analysis, and use language precisely. 第一段提出了明确要求: 1. read the passage carefully 认真阅读文章; 2. present a clear and logical analysis 分析清楚有逻辑性; 3. use language precisely 言简意赅。 第一段也说明了写作立场:you …read…a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage。对别人的文章进行阅读分析,而不是表达自己的情感或者观点。 Your essay must be written on the lines provided in your answer booklet; except for the Planning Page of the answer booklet, you will receive no other paper on which to write. You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting


Is the Vietnam War a wise choice? Martin Luther King Jr., the famous leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, stated his opinion that it was totally wrong to start that war. Meanwhile, in order to strengthen his opinion, rhetorical devices, such as parallel, contrast, irony, personal anecdote, quotation, were utilized in his speech, which made his speech more persuasive and evoked the audience to stand by his side Throughout the whole passage, the use of contrast presented two extreme opposite sides, which highlighted the difference and conflicts between what is shown on TV screens to the reality of the society; the rhetorical device of parallel showed strong artistic expression of contend, which strengthened the speaker’s point of view concerning how the miserable situation the poor are facing with; it is the personal anecdote illustrated an undeniable truth of his own experience of convincing angry young men that described his opinion

SAT essay写作真题官方满分范文精选1

Essay2:Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observations

In a world where economic prosperity and“getting ahead”in work and technology are highly valued,creativity and the arts are often shunted in favor of more“practical”pursuits.Students abandon dreams of acting or painting in order to major in medicine,computer technology,or engineering:highly profitable and scientific fields.Even with the advances in these fields,however,there is still a need for creativity in our world,because seeing things in a new way can make all the difference. Today,more and more public schools are forced to abandon their arts programs to make time for subjects like science and math:subjects in which all students must have a basic knowledge in order to succeed in higher education.However,by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide,and are taught to view the world in“black and white”terms:one right answer to every problem.With a view such as this, how will children perform in the future?It may be assumed that all people will see things the same way,and propose only one solution to a problem,failing to see the bigger picture. Creativity has obviously influenced earlier generations in a positive way,so there is no need to eliminate creativity from our world.What would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt had never proposed his New Deal?The Great Depression might have persisted for some time,robbing even more families of their chance at prosperity and happiness.However,by proposing a new, creative solution for the problem of the U.S.’s depression,FDR pulled the nation out of its slump. Another example of how creativity has positively influenced the world happened just recently, with the introduction of hybrid cars.These new cars do not rely on as much oil as other cars do in


Is a person responsible, through the example he or she sets, for the behavior of other people? Do people depend on work—whether it is a job, schoolwork, or volunteer work—to determine what their daily activities and interactions with others should be? Do people put too much emphasis on learning practical skills? Should schools help students understand moral choices and social issues? Do newspapers, magazines, television, radio, movies, the Internet, and other media determine what is important to most people? Do we live in a time when people do not engage in serious thinking? Should people make more of an effort to keep some things private? Should our perceptions of beauty be influenced by the perceptions of beauty of other people? Is praising others, even if the praise is excessive or undeserved, a necessary part of life? Are leaders necessarily people who are most capable of leadership? Is it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for other people? Are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject? Are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we can make? Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth? Can people achieve success only if they aim to be perfect? Is it better for people to be realistic or optimistic? Is it important to try to understand people's motivations before judging their actions? Is it best to have low expectations and to set goals we are sure of achieving? Are people more likely to be happy if they focus on goals other than their own happiness? Do people achieve greatness only by finding out what they are especially good at and developing that attribute above all else? Is it always necessary to find new solutions to problems?


sat作文题目汇总 【篇一:2014年sat写作题目汇总】 2014年sat写作题目汇总 2014.01.25 1. 2. 3. successful than those who do? 4. forward? 2014.03.08 5.assignment: should people who are more fortunate than others have more of a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate? 6. 7. 2014.05.03 8. achievements? 9.assignment: should we express our disagreement with authority figures权威人物, even if there are negative consequences? assignment: should people focus on enjoying the present moment instead of following a plan for future achievement? 2014.06.07 achievement? another? 2014年10月 ice? assignment: is envy necessarily a bad thing? 2014年11月8日 assignment: is quitting ever a good idea? assignment: should we complain to get what we want? 2014年12月6日 assignment: are snap judgments better than decisions to which people give a lot of thought? assignment: is most of what people buy totally unnecessary?


SAT作文历年作文真题汇总 1.OG2ed.P119-Is there always another explanation or another point of view? 2.OG2ed.P189-Is deception ever justified? 3.OG Practice Test4:Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? 4.OG Practice Test5:Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money,fame,or power? 5.OG Practice Test6:Can success be disastrous? 6.OG Practice Test7:Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? 7.OG Practice Test8:Is the world changing for the better?

8.OG Practice Test9:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 9.OG Practice Test10:Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 10.OC1:Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is? 11.OC2:Are bad choices and good choices equally likely to have negative consequences? 12.OC3:Do people learn who they are only when they are forced into action? 13.OC4:Are people’s lives the result of the choices they make? 14.OC5:Do closed doors make us creative?


2005-2015亚洲考区 SAT 写作真题题库 写作鲍老师出品 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f4605362.html,

去喜马拉雅关注“写作鲍老师” 听斯坦福招生官谈留学申请 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f4605362.html,/#/zhubo/34430883/ Dear SAT 考娃们, 15年的SAT 是16年SAT 改版前最后的考试啦,新版的SAT Essay 可比现行的难,所以大家一定要好好把握15年的考试哟。 为了帮助大家更好的备考,鲍老师跟大家分享2005年至2015年亚洲考区SAT 写作的真题,希望对同学们有用。 更多材料请见 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f4605362.html, : 2015SAT 写作例子参考——按话题分类1 2015SAT 写作例子参考——按话题分类2 2005-2015亚洲考区SAT 写作真题题库 2005-2015北美考区SAT 写作真题题库 SAT 写作例子段如何改写更扣题 北美名校申请文书成功案例(college essay) 关注微信公众账号 eas ywriting01了解最新材料更新情况

去喜马拉雅关注“写作鲍老师” 3 Challenge authority/independent thinking/creativity 1. (2005.5) Does worrying too much about other people’s opinions prevent us from seeing things clearly? 2. (2012.6) Should people care for others' opinions, or take a stand against opinions that they think are wrong? Most people try to be fair to others and respect their opinions. It is sometimes difficult, however, to be open to and accepting of all opinions, especially when the people expressing them are obviously uninformed or mean -spirited. It is more important to point out to others what they are doing and saying wrong than to try to tolerate every opinion. 3. (2008.6) Are widely held views often wrong, or are such views more likely to be correct? When someone has the same ideas or views as most people do, we tend to believe that the person is reasonable and correct. Often, however, views that are considered reasonable or commonsensical are anything but sensible. Many widely held views regarding current events, science, education, arts and literature, and many other topics ultimately prove to be wrong. The fact that an idea or view is widespread —held by many people —does not make it right. 4. (2007.11) Is criticism ---judging or finding fault with the ideas and actions of others --- essential for personal well -being and social progress? All people judge or criticize the ideas and actions of others. At times, these criticisms hurt or embarrass the people receiving them. Other criticisms seem to be intended to make the critics appear superior. And yet criticism is essential to our success as individuals and as a society. 5. (2011. 10) Are people better off if they do not listen to criticisms? Although most of us do not like being criticized, it is said tha t we can always benefit from being told what we are doing wrong. We may lose a valuable learning opportunity if we do not listen to the criticisms expressed by others. Yet criticism, even when honest and well -intended, can be more harmful than helpful. We have more to gain by ignoring or shielding ourselves from the criticisms of others. 6. (2015.5) Should we always think before we speak? From the time we are very young, we are cautioned to think before we speak. That is good advice if it helps us word our thoughts more clearly. But reflecting on what we are going to say before we say it is not a good idea if doing so causes us to censor ou r true feelings because others might not like what we say. In fact, if we always

SAT essay写作真题官方满分范文精选5

Essay 5:Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather than by money or fame? Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. Assignment :Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather than by money or fame?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or Observations.

Even though we live in a capitalist society,I still cannot help but believe,despite my own cynicism,that people are more motivated to achieve something for personal satisfaction rather than monetary gains.Look at Chekov's short story,“The Bet.”A man agrees to sacrifice fifteen years of his life in prison in exchange for a million dollars. Obviously his motivation for such an extreme bet is wealth,but by the end of the prison sentence,the man could care less about the money.After years of introspection,of reading Shakespeare,The Bible,and textbooks,the man actually comes to despise the money he once sought;the money he signed away fifteen years of his life for.He does not collect his money from the banker,he runs away to be on his own and continue to live the life of solitude he has learned to love,free of money and possessions. Also,in a psychology class,one of the first things students study when they come to the topic of motivation,is external stimulus versus personal drive.Any textbook will tell one that studies show that a child is more likely to put as much energy as possible into completing a task when it is something that makes him happy,than if he was doing it for a physical reward. A child is more likely to get good grades,if it makes him feel good about himself,than if his parents offer to pay him every time he makes the honor roll.I agree with this theory on motivation because I see it play out everyday in my life.If my older sister had been concerned with money and fame,which reality television tells us every night is important,she would have gone to college after graduating high school.She knew though,that school and learning did not make her happy,and she was not going to suffer through four more years of school just because a college degree could lead to a more successful job.Right now she does not make as much money at her job,but she likes her life and the way she lives;she has more fun


科技类 1 Assignment: are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject? 2 Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit? 3 Are there benefits to be gained from avoiding the use of modern technology, even when using it would make life easier? 4 Has today’s abundance of information only made it more difficult for us to understand the world around us? 5 Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar?

成功失败类 1Assignment: Do people accomplished more when they are allowed to do things in their own way? 2Assignment: Is it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for other people? 3can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? 4Assignment: Does the success of a community-whether it is a class, a team, a family, a nation, or any other group-depend upon people’s willingness to limit their personal interests? 5Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition? 6Do people achieve greatness only by


更多广州sat培训资料请进入:https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f4605362.html,/sat/查看 一篇关于SAT文章阅读模拟题 下面为大家整理的是一篇关于women’s studies in Korea的SAT文章阅读模拟题,后面附有相关题目和正确答案。SAT文章阅读考试涉及到的类别很多,需要大家很多的练习。下面大家就和一起来看看详细内容吧。 In 1977 the prestigious Ewha Women’s University in Seoul, Korea, announced the opening of the first women’s studies program in Asia. Few academic programs have ever received such public attention. In (5) broadcast debates, critics dismissed the program as a betrayal of national identity, an imitation of Western ideas, and a distraction from the real task of national unification and economic development. Even supporters underestimated the program ; they thought it would be (10) merely another of the many Western ideas that had already proved useful in Asian culture, akin to airlines, electricity, and the assembly line. The founders of the program, however, realized that neither view was correct. They had some reservations about the appli- (15) cability of Western feminist theories to the role of women in Asia and felt that such theories should be closely examined. Their approach has thus far yielded important critiques of Western theory, informed by the special experience of Asian women. (20) For instance, like the Western feminist critique of the Freudian model of the human psyche, the Korean critique finds Freudian theory culture-bound, but in ways different from those cited by Western theorists. The Korean theorists claim that Freudian theory (25) assumes the universality of the Western nuclear, male- headed family and focuses on the personality formation of the individual, independent of society, An analysis based on such assumptions could be valid for a highly competitive, individualistic society. In the Freudian (30)family drama, family members are assumed to be engaged in a Darwinian struggle against each other— father against son and sibling against sibling. Such a concept of projects the competitive model of Western society onto human personalities. But in the Asian (35) concept of personality there is no ideal attached to indi vidualism or to the independent self. The Western model of personality development does not explain major char- acteristics of the Korean personality, which is social and

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