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Spatial Colour Matching for Content Based Retrieval and Navigation

Spatial Colour Matching for Content Based Retrieval and Navigation
Spatial Colour Matching for Content Based Retrieval and Navigation

Spatial Colour Matching for Content Based Retrieval and


David Dupplaw,Paul Lewis,Mark Dobie

Multimedia Research Group,University of Southampton,



In this paper we describe two approaches for providing a versatile mechanism for retrieval and navigation using

spatially related feature selections.As an example,we build colour histograms from images,and use a quadratic

histogram match to achieve a retrieval method based on the spatial colour distribution of the images.Navigation is

facilitated by a larger architecture,called MA VIS(Multimedia Architecture for Video,Image and Sound),which is

an on-going research project to provide an integrated and networked approach to multimedia content based retrieval

and navigation.Demonstrations are provided of the two presented retrieval methods in action.


With a trend towards digital archiving of textual and visual documents,the management of large databases can be very dif?cult without an acceptable way of indexing these,in particular to simplify retrieval of relevent information.For many years our group have been working on the development of an innovative multimedia authoring tool and open-hypermedia system,Microcosm[2],which has now been commercialised.The MA VIS(Multimedia Architecture for Video,Image and Sound)[10,9]project is a programme of research to extend the open hypermedia idea to non-text media.Moving to a portable Java based implementation,MA VIS-2introduces the use of a multimedia thesaurus [11],intelligent agents and the ability to distribute processes,and perform matches in parallel,by utilising HTTP messaging.The Multimedia Thesaurus(MMT)[11]consists of a network of traditional thesaurus relations between text representations of concepts,augmented by representations of concepts from non-text media.This can extend the range of a query using synonym substitution and enhance cross-media navigation through the concept network.

Each media type supported by MA VIS(images,text,video,etc.)may have multiple feature extraction methods,for different features of the media,and each feature extraction technique is contained in a module,which is responsible for creation and matching of signatures.By preprocessing selections into signatures,and storing and indexing the signatures in a database,time can be saved during the matching process.

This paper describes how the spatial colour distribution module uses a variety of cues in the image to create and match signatures facilitating retrieval of images based on their spatial colour distribution.

2Related Work

To humans,the colour of an object is the most easily identi?able property-in comparison to texture and shape.In the computer representation is is also easily accessible.It is therefore not suprising that there are many colour-based image retrieval systems in development.

IBM’s QBIC System[3,12,13]is probably the most well known content-based retrieval engine,and uses colour, shape,and texture.The use of large areas of solid colour,drawn as rectangles in a paint-package,are transposed to a grid and used as a template for matching against images in a database.Queries based on histograms from other images is not supported.

Microcosm is a commercial product of Multicosm,Ltd.See https://www.doczj.com/doc/822565885.html,

Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19991

PicToSeek[6]is a content-based image search system,designed for use on The Web by the Intelligent Sensory Information Systems research group,at the University of Amsterdam.The system uses a colour model that is colour constant-that is,it is independent of the illumination colour,shadows,and shading cues.PicToSeek is,however,only concerned with the whole image histograms,and does not allow spatially oriented queries.

Virage[7]is a system produced by Virage Inc.that performs content-based navigation on video and images,using colour,texture,composition(colour intensity distribution),and structure(shape layout).

VisualSEEk[18]is a content based search engine designed at the Center for Image Technology for New Media,at Columbia University,New York.The system uses colour set back-projection to extract regions of colour from images. Colour back-projection is a way of automatically extracting salient regions,by quantizing the image based on the ‘colour sets’-which are thresholded histograms.Because colour sets are binary,the histogram matching functions can be reduced which allows ef?cient indexing.VisualSEEK allows spatial-colour retrieval based on a query built from areas of solid colour,and semantic relations between those areas.

Color-WISE[14]is an image similarity retrieval system which allows users to search for stored images using matching based on the localized dominant hue and saturation values.It uses a cunning?xed segmentation of over-lapping elements to ensure that the matching is slightly fuzzy.The system computes seperate histograms for hue, saturation,and intensity,and reduces their size by?nding their area-peak-basically removing noise that is small amounts of isolated colours.Color-WISE uses Microsoft Access to perform the database functions,and uses a simi-larity metric based on IBM’s QBIC system.Querying in Color-WISE is achieved with query-by-image.

The Digital Library Project[5]taking place at the University of Berkeley,California,uses low-level grouping techniques to create“blobs of stuff”,which can be texture,colour,or symmetry.The blobs can be matched against their content,and their position,and it is possible to use high-level techniques to analyse the semantics of the blobs (such as where they are in relation to other blobs),and conclude what they might represent.

Image-MINER[1]is an image and video retrieval system developed by the AI group at the University of Bremen. Their colour indexing system for images uses local histograms in a?xed grid geometry.Further grouping of the?xed elements occurs to get‘color-rectangles’,which are signatures for their input images.The colour based segmentation module,is part of the larger Image-MINER system which includes video retrieval methods,including shot detection and subsequent‘mosaicing’.

Haung et al.at Cornell University,has developed the idea of a‘correlogram’[8]which is a single feature incor-porating both spatial-correlation and colour information.The spatial relationships index on the probability that a pixel will be of a particular colour,when a given pixel is of another colour,and a certain distance from that pixel.

3Spatial Colour Matching using a Grid

Using a simple histogram based on the whole image content is not suf?cient for accurate colour-based retrieval of images,because it has no spatial dimension in the match.This inability to distinguish where the colours are located has led to many variations which take into account the spatial distribution of colours in the image.Taking the location of colour into account,is more likely to retrieve similar images—in effect,adding the extra dimension of matching decreases the possible number of matches and increases the precision of retrieval.

For the spatial colour matching,the starting point was a grid mechanism similar in concept to the Image-MINER and,to some extent,the QBIC approach.

To create a signature,the image is divided into a grid,each element of which contains part of the query image.The grid is overlaid on an image,meaning that a grid element will be of a different size for different images of different sizes.Each grid element has a histogram calculated for it based on the currently selected colour space.The histogram is normalised to ensure that histograms from different sized images are comparable.By using a simple grid mechanism the user interface is kept simple to use and learn.

To save processing at match time,images are usually converted before hand and stored into a database.The module can then retrieve signatures of previous images and match them against the signature of the query image.This requires only the query image to be converted at match time.

Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19992

4Colour Histogram Matching

Another desicion which is crucial when creating histograms,is which colour representation to use.The common colour models to use are RGB,HSV(and similar),YUV,CIE L*u*v*(and derivations,like CIE L*a*b*,CMC,BFD and M&S),and Munsell.As a compromise between computational effort,and relevance to the human visual system, the HSV colour model has been chosen for use in the work so far.

To convert RGB pixels into the HSV colour space we use the fast implementation as described in[4]which approximates the HSV cone to a hex-cone,with the corners on the colours red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,and magenta.

Although we have chosen to use the HSV colour model,we have ensured that this is not a?nal design decision. To this end,the colour model is selectable,but the colour space in to which the query is quantised,must be the same as the space which was used to create the database,so that the histogram match has some meaning.

Matching of histograms uses the histogram quadratic distance technique(weighted Euclidean distance),developed by IBM for their QBIC system[12]for histogram matching on full images,and objects in images.It takes into account the similarity of colours in different bins of the histogram,i.e.how similar the red bin is to the orange bin,which simple histogram distance measures based on the Minkowski metric do not.Each n-dimensional histogram becomes a one-dimensional row vector,the query histogram,,and the histogram to match against,.The histograms are normalised so that the area beneath them is1.The differences between the frequency stored in each bin,,is taken, and becomes another one-dimensional vector,,as shown in equation1.

(1) The match between a bin in histogram and histogram is weighted by the distance between the bins in the colour space.If the distance between the furthest two bins in the colour space is,and the distance between bin and bin(which is dependent on the colour space)is given by,then the weighting matrix,,is given by


(2) Matching between the two histograms is then a matter of matrix algebra,given by equation3.

(3) The single matrix cell results in a similarity measure,,where,and where is an identical match. Conversion to a percentage message of similarity,,is given by equation4.

(4) 5Matching using a Grid

For any single query,a particular match can be made upon a multiple or single grid element of the query image.Also, a match can take place with or without regard to the location of the grid element.Performing a spatial match,a single grid element in the query image,,will be matched against the grid elements in the database images at that particular position,.If multiple elements are selected,each is compared to its equivalent in the database image and an average taken across the matches.This is expressed in equation5.


A non-spatial match with only one selected grid element,will match all the grid elements in the database images against that single element in the query image.This returns multiple matches which will give rise to the problem of how to aggregate the matches.The most sensible way,in this case,would be to choose the highest match and give it as the?nal measure of similarity-so,if we are looking for a very red square,if there is a red square in the database

Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19993

image somewhere,it will be a good match.In a non-spatial match with multiple grid elements selected,the selected elements are each matched against all elements in the database image.For any particular selected query element,the maximum from all the similarities for that element is chosen as the best match.The average is taken over them all to be the match for the whole query.


6Spatial Colour Matching using Quad-Trees

A problem that was brought to light in testing was that sometimes deciding whether a particular grid element should be selected for a match was dif?cult,particularly if it contained a strong colour gradient(for example,it had an edge running through it).

To attempt to overcome this problem the use of quad-trees was introduced to localise changes in the features in an image during segmentation.

A quad-tree is a simpli?cation of the idea of the split and merge algorithm and the T-pyramid[19].Quad-trees involve recursively dividing the image into quadrants until all elements are homogenous,or until a prede?ned,“grain”, size is reached.Again,a histogram is built for each element in the quad-tree.This means that,in general,the quad-tree method requires more storage than the grid method(and hence longer match times).Unlike the split and merge algorithm which is used for object delineation,the divided areas are not merged again,even if they are adjacent and their total area would?t the homogeneity criteron.This ensures no loss of spatial data.

To match quad-trees with regard to spatial location of elements,requires some cases which did not need to be considered with the grid method.In particular,it is possible that the query selection is smaller than the nearest available element in the quad-tree retrieved from the database.It is also quite possible,that the opposite occurs,and the user’s selection in the query is larger than that in the retrieved quad-tree.To recognise these cases,we use the leaf-code,as proposed by Sonka et al.in[19].Each quadrant is numbered from one to four,left-to-right,top-to-bottom—that is,the top-left quadrant is quadrant-one,and the bottom-right quadrant is quadrant-four.This allows every node in the quad-tree to be represented by a unique code,its length representing the depth at which the node resides.It is then possible to?nd the nearest node in the quad-tree in the database to the node which is currently being matched from the query image’s quad-tree representation.This method also increases the speed of spatial-matching.

If the nearest node in the database quad-tree is the same depth as that in the query node,then they can be directly matched.If the nearest node in the database quad-tree is not a leaf node,then the histograms below that node are summed,so that,effecively,the area in the query image and the area from the retrieved database image are equivalent and can be directly matched.The most awkward case is that when the query quad-tree node is at a greater depth than the nearest match from the database image.Rather than trying to reduce the size of the retrieved selection, the pragmatic approach,suggests that the smaller query area can be directly matched with the larger area from the database.This would seem resaonable because for the images to be segmented in this way,the features must be close to homogenous,and further division would give no better results.

The matching of quad-trees without regard to the spatial location of the elements being matched,is as simple as doing it with grid elements,however it is likely there will be more elements to match,meaning the time taken to match the same database could be longer.

7User Interface

To ensure that this functionality is all readily available and able to be used,the user interface has been designed in such a way to make selection and querying of images as simple as possible.We have made sure that all the functions that will be required in constructing a query have all been placed in view,to avoid use of menus.The main query viewer for the grid method can be seen in Figure1,and for the quad-tree method in Figure3.

Helper tools have been built around the main interface which facilitate creation of a colour,and also the copying of a selection in another image,into an element in the query image.This allows the user to build a completely new Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19994

Figure1:The main viewer for the grid method,with an area of the car selected for matching upon,in a non-spatial match.With the grid lines on,it is possible to see how the images are segmented with this method.

query,not based on a single example image.A simple results viewer was built so that the matches could be viewed in similarity order,and that the best matching grid element be visible if appropriate.

Copying data from colour selectors,or from other areas of images has been achieved using a method which we have called the“paint bucket”.This allows users to place into it anything from a helper tool(the colour selector,or image viewer).The user can then change to“paint”mode on the interface which will allow them to copy the contents of paint bucket into elements in the query image.Changing back to“select/deselect”mode lets them change which grid elements are selected for querying.All the windows in the system have been made non-modal so that at any time the user can perform any task,which includes multiple results windows,and image viewers.

8Experimental Results

As explained in[6],the hue component of a colour is invarient to highlights and shadows,and it is the colour which matters mostly in a search of this kind.After testing various quantisations of the histogram,it was decided to use a segmentation of,with12hue bins,giving108bins in a histogram.This division provided enough accuracy to be able to distinguish well between objects,as well as keeping the size of a histogram to a minimum.

Figure1shows the main viewer for the grid method.Figure3shows the main viewer for the quad-tree method. Both have equivalent areas of the image selected.We can perform a non-spatial match on these areas using both methods.This will look for the small selection in all of the other images,and in any position within these images. Figure2shows the top three images of the grid-method.Figure4shows the equivalent results for the quad-tree method.It can be seen that the quad-tree method has found the correct images more accurately,due to the ability to have small elements,which are speci?c to a feature in the image.

We can perform a spatial match using the same tools.In Figure5we have selected part of the sky using the grid method.In Figure7we have selected the equivalent part of the sky using the quad-tree method.The results are shown in Figure6and Figure8for the grid method and the quad-tree method,respectively.It can be seen,both methods have Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19995

Figure2:The results from the non-spatial match of the area in Figure1,using the grid-method. retrieved relevant images.This suggests that for spatial matching,the grid method is as good as the quad-tree method, and,in practice,the match times were almost identical.The quad-tree method has advantages when used to perform non-spatial matching and also to make the user-interface friendlier,but the grid method is much faster at non-spatial matching due to the smaller amount of data to process.

Further functionality can be achieved by using combinations of the functionality in these spatial-colour matchers. For example,by selecting all the grid elements in a query image,and performing a non-spatial match,is the equivalent of using the global histogram technique for image retrieval.

9Conclusion and Future Work

A novel approach to image matching and retrieval based on spatially related colour cues using a grid,and quad-trees has been presented.Initial experiments with the approach suggest that it will enhance the precision of image retrieval over other colour retrieval methods,and improve the reliability of content based navigation.

Further work needs to be directed towards a faster method of database retrieval and indexing.A way to achieve this may be to use a pyramid of histograms by using the quad-tree idea,and performing initial esimates of colour matches between images,to remove those that are sure not to yield good results.Rather than using colour,a generalised spatial-feature matcher could be designed using the ideas shown here;rather than extracting colour from a query selection, extracting texture would allow for a spatial-texture matcher.An extension to this system might be to use fast object delineation techniques to select general shapes for matching upon which would require a more complex algorithm for object location matching.

However,it can be seen that there is a limit to the information that can be presented by roughly segmenting an image based on generalised feature methods.Work is taking place on using scale-space methods to produce an object tree based on the features in the image.A matching algorithm for these object-trees could provide the basis for a more generalised feature matcher.

Extensions to MA VIS are also planned that will increase the ef?ciency of the database retrieval,by using a com-mercial database to store all the data.

Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19996

Figure3:The main viewer for the quad-tree method,with an equivalent area of the car selected for matching upon in a non-spatial match.With the grid lines on,it is possible to see how the images are segmented with this method.


The?rst author is grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC)for the support of a research studentship.


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[5]D.Forsyth,J.Malik,and R.Wilensky.Searching for digital pictures.Scienti?c American,pages72–77,July


[6]T.Gevers and A.W.M.Smeulders.PicToSeek:A color invariant retrieval system.In Smeulders and Jain[17],


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Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19997

Figure4:The results from the non-spatial match of the area in the Figure3,using the quad-tree method.The retrieved results are more precise than those using the grid method.

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[13]W.Niblack,Z.Xiaoming,J.L.Hafner,et al.Updates to the QBIC system.In Sethi and Jain[16],pages150–161.

[14]I.K.Sethi,https://www.doczj.com/doc/822565885.html,an,B.Day,et al.Color-WISE:A system for image similarity retrieval using color.In Sethi

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Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19998

Figure5:The main viewer for the grid method,with an area of the sky selected for performing a spatial match upon.

Figure6:The results of a spatial match of the query presented in Figure5using the grid method.The results are very good for the simpler method.

Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,19999

Figure7:The main viewer for the quad-tree method,with an area of the sky selected for performing a spatial match upon.

Figure8:The results of the spatial match of the query presented in Figure7using the quad-tree method.The results are good,with as good recall and similar precision to those using the grid method.

Challenge of Image Retrieval,Newcastle,199910

小学英语“What colour is it”教学设计

一、教学设计说明: 本节课选自小学英语三年级上学期Lesson 9“What colour is it? ”.本课时主要学习用英语表达事物的颜色,其内容贴近小学生的生活和学习实际,有利于他们在真实的语言情境中培养运用英语进行交际的能力。教材强调学生在学习过程中的感悟、体验、实践、参与以及思维能力的发展,突出兴趣培养,重视学科内容的有效融合,注重培养学生自主学习的意识和能力。 二、学情分析: 本课的教学对象是刚刚涉足英语的三年级小学生,学生的好奇心强,大部分学生对于英语有着强烈的兴趣,敢于大胆开口说英语,愿意同他人合作,在交际中学习英语,感悟英语,在游戏中体验英语,认识英语。但三年级的新生刚刚入学,自制力较差,注意力不易集中。 三、设计理念: 《英语课程标准》中明确指出,基础教育阶段学习英语的目的旨在激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步用英语进行简单交流的能力,为进一步学习打下良好的基础。 要激发学生学习英语的兴趣,我们就要让学生变被动为主动地跟着教师参与教学活动,运用一些学生喜闻乐见的教学方法及措施。因此,教师在教学中发挥主导作用,以学生为主体,采用直观情境教学法、TPR(全身反应法),活动式教学法。充分采用了任务型教学途径,为学生提供了较大的实践空间,能较好地发挥学生的主动性和创造性。任务型教学途径适合多种活动类型和组织形式(如,游戏、比赛、竞猜等),它不但可以独立操作,也可以利于合作学习,使学生在乐中学、学中乐。 四、教法学法设计: 在本课中,我采用任务教学法,直观演示法、情境教学法、游戏教学法相结合的方法。在教学设计中一开始就把任务交给学生,让学生在任务的驱动下学习语言知识,利用多媒体课件,实物等创设情境,采用学生易于接受的游戏等方式组织课堂教学,提高了课堂效率。 生活化的情景有利于培养学生的语言运用能力,“情景交际法”是本课主要的教学方法。通过颜色学习,由green(绿色)red(红色)yellow(黄色)引向对学生的交通意识教育,打破学科本位的传统模式,将实际生活渗透于英语教学之中。 TPR教学法主要针对儿童的身心特点设计的,运用该法设计红绿灯绕口令,能充分调动学生的各种感官参与学习,有助于对知识的理解和内化。在学习方法上,主要运用全程式自主学习方式,从学生的需求入手,将学习内容与学生的日常生活经验相结合,在协同学习的环境中体验、参与,从而建构个人的经验,创造个人的知识。 五、教学内容: 1、五个新单词: blue, green, yellow,orange, red. 2、句型: What colour is it? It’s… 六、教学目标: (一) 知识目标:1、能听、说、认读五个颜色单词blue, green, yellow,orange, red,并能在实际情景中进行运用。 2、能掌握句型:What colour is it? It’s…,并且能灵活运用。 (二)技能目标:让学生在游戏活动中熟悉运用所学颜色单词,并能对身边的事物进行简单的描述。让学生学会用What colour is it ?和It’s…来提问和回答周围的事物的颜色。培养学生在课堂上进行自主评价的能力。 (三)情感目标:关注学生的内在需要,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识,培养学生热爱生活的积极情感态度。


解析雅思阅读信息配对题 关于雅思阅读当中的配对题,很多学生和老师都已经习惯了称它为matching题。但matching的范畴太过于宽泛,如果刻意细分的话,我们还可以把它分为单词配描述,句子完成题和段落信息配对题三个大类。针对句子完成题(题干往往为complete each sentence with the correct ending)和段落信息配对题(题干往往为which paragraph contains the following information),我将以后另开专题来讲解,本次将重点讲解最传统的配对题型(单词配描述),并根据雅思阅读题干部分将其继续细分为match题(match each XX with the correct statement)和classify题(classify the following features)。 首先强调一下配对题的基本功:定位能力+词汇量积累 我们分别来解释一下。定位,就是拿着给定的主语去文章当中去找到位置。这些主语往往是专有名词,首字母都会大写。这一个步骤看起来很容易,也不需要任何语言能力和技巧,我们经常开玩笑说就算这是一篇法语的文章,这一步也能很快搞掂。但在大班课堂的练习中,我们会发现,有很多同学定位单词耗费时间太多,往往三四个单词就要找两三分钟,无形中给自己增添了很多时间紧迫的压力。而这种办法的唯一破解,就是拿着一些练习题做专项训练,而唯一的技巧在于,match 类(非classify类)的定位词出题顺序与文章中原词的出现顺序是一致的,一项找不到,我们就用夹击法,把前后项都找到,当中的就好找了。 那么为什么强调词汇量的积累呢?因为到了我们配对题的关键破题点,会发现想在原文中找到与选项中一摸一样的单词或句子并不容易,往往会用到近义词转述,比如unable会变成at loss,lay stress on会变成emphasize。这些单词看起来很简单,但能不能意识到他们之间的近义词关系,需要课下多进行“词以类记”的单词强化记忆,单词不求难,但求精准和举一反三。 下面我们先说说match一类题型的做题步骤。 以雅思剑桥真题集5,第91页的题为例: Look at the following people and the list of statements below. Match each person with the correct statement. Write the correct letter A-H in boxes 14-17 on your answer


做效果图之基本配色方案及色标大全(新手颜色搭配必学) 基本配色——奔放 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 藉由使用象朱红色这种一般最令人熟知的色彩,或是它众多的明色和暗色中的一个,都能在一般设计和平面设计上展现活力与热忱。中央为红橙色的色彩组合最能轻易创造出有活力、充满温暖的感觉。 这种色彩组合让人有青春、朝气、活泼、顽皮的感觉,常常出现在广告中,展示精力充沛的个性与生活方式。把红橙和它的补色——蓝绿色——搭配组合起来,就具有亲近、随和、活泼、主动的效果,每当应用在织品、广告和包装上,都是非常有效。 基本配色——传统 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 传统的色彩组合常常是从那些具有历史意义的色彩那里仿来的。 蓝、暗红、褐和绿等保守的颜色加上了灰色或是加深了色彩,都可表达传统的主题。 例如,绿,不管是纯色或是加上灰色的暗色,都象征财富。

狩猎绿(hunter green)配上浓金或是暗红或是黑色表示稳定与富有。这种色彩常出现在银行和律师事务所的装潢上,因为它们代表恒久与价值。 基本配色——低沉 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 不同于其它色彩展现柔和,低沉之美的灰紫色没有对比色。灰紫色调合了红紫色、灰色和白色,是个少见的彩色。 任何颜色加上少许的灰色或白色,能表达出的柔和之美,有许多种包括灰蓝色、灰绿色等。但若灰紫色本身被赋其它彩度或亮度,则可能掩盖了原颜色的原有意境。使用补色,或比原色更生动的颜色,可使这些展现柔和之美的颜色顿时生意昂然,但要保持自然的柔美,亮度的变化应尽少使用。 基本配色——动感 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最鲜艳的色彩组合通常中央都有原色——黄色。黄色代表带给万物生机的太阳,活力和永恒的动感。当黄色加入了白色,它光亮的特质就会增加,产生出格外耀眼的全盘效果。 高度对比的配色设计,像黄色和它的补色紫色,就含有活力和行动的意味,尤其是出现在圆形的空间里面。身处在黄色或它的任何一


《Colours》教学设计 万年县第二小学吴妤 一、设计理念 在本课的教学中,我主要按照新课标中的理念,以人为本、面向全体,采用任务型教学方式,让学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作交流来实现任务目标。我在整个活动中只起一个活动者、组织者、指导者、参与者的作用,留足够的时间和空间给学生完成任务,努力做到教师用“爱”促进教育,用“趣”构建教育模式,用“玩”组织教学活动,使学生“为用而学、边用边学、学完就用”,充分发挥师生的互动作用,在“玩中学、玩中练、玩中见成效”。 二、教学内容:Colours 三、教学目标: (一)知识目标 1、能听、说、认读单词red,yellow,blue,green,orange. 2、能听懂、会说句型It’s red/yellow/...。The…is red/yellow/…。 (二)能力目标 培养学生在游戏中熟练运用单词的能力、知识迁移能力、灵活运用交际用语的能力,能听懂指令,并能按照指令做出各种动作。 (三)情感、文化等有关目标 1、情感态度:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学习英语的积极态度,使学生乐于合作参与,勇于进行交际实践。 2、学习策略:注重合作学习。 四、教学重点难点 (一)重点: 单词red,yellow,blue,green,orange的教学。 句型It’s red/yellow/…的教学。 (二)难点: Blue及green的正确发音。 五、教学准备 1、CAI课件。 2、学生自备有颜色的实物。 3、调查表。

4、录音机、磁带、五种颜色的花瓣单词卡片、彩虹图。 5、玻璃杯、水、颜料。 六、教学过程 Step1:Warming up. 师生共同表演唱彩虹歌《I can sing a rainbow》。 Step2:Revision. (1)课件出示一只鸟。T:What’s this? Ss:It’s a bird.又飞来了二只鸟,T:Do you like birds? Ss:Yes,I like birds./No,I don’t like birds. (2)课件出示一只兔子,T:Is this a bird? Ss:No,it’s a rabbit.又跑来了三只兔子,T:Do you like rabbits? Ss:Yes,I like rabbits./No,I don’t like rabbits. (3)课件出示一只猴。T:What can you see? Ss:I can see a monkey.又跑来了三只猴子,T:Do you like monkeys? S:Yes ,I like monkeys./No, I don’t like monkeys. Step3:Learn the new words. 1.出示彩虹图。T:Do you like rainbow? Ss:I like rainbow.T:I like rainbow,too.Because it’s colourful.Today we’ll learn colours.(出示课题,贴彩虹图)。I have divided you into five teams.(红队、黄队、蓝队、绿队、桔黄队,老师边说队名边贴代表队的卡在黑板)看看今天哪队表现得最好. 2.课件出示一面红旗。T:The flag is red .It’s red .课件显示句子It’s red.教师贴红色花瓣单词卡red ,教读red,指名读red,纠正读音,然后手拿一朵红花教It’s red.T:Pass the flower and say “It’s red .”生边传递花边说It’s red .再教读The flower is red .然后教师请学生拿着课前准备的实物,用句型The …is red .说说红色的实物。 3.课件出示一只黄色的鸭子。T:Look,it’s a duck.The duck is yellow.It’s yellow.课件显示句子It’s yellow.贴黄色花瓣单词卡yellow.用不同的语气教读yellow,(咦yellow,啊yellow,嘿yellow,哎yellow),再让学生表演读yellow,指名读,教读It’s yellow.The duck is yellow.生跟读之后,教师又让学生拿课前准备的实物说说黄色的物品。 4.课件出示大海,T:The sea is blue.It’s blue.课件显示句子It’s


colours微评课 一、新旧结合,复习导入。 每节课的教与学都不是孤立的,它有承上启下的作用,是旧知识的拓展与深化。因此,在新课开始之前,对与本节课内容有关的知识与技能进行复习与巩固,既能弥补学生旧知识掌握中的缺漏,又能使学生很快地投入新知识的最佳学习状态。微课中教师主要教授的句型是What’s your favourite colo ur?及其回答My favourite colour is_______.教师在引出句型之前运用卡片复习了颜色单词,唤醒了学生的旧知,同时为本节课句型学习做好知识准备。 二、游戏操练,突破难点。 在英语单词教学中,如果总是采用教师领读、学生跟读的方法,学生会感到枯燥,所以不太愿意跟读。低年级学生活泼好动,乐于接受新奇、趣味性强的事物,在教学单词时融入游戏对帮助他们理解与母语迥异的另一种语言是必不可少的,是英语教学的重要手段。微课中favourite这个单词是今天所学的句型中的重点和难点,学生对其意思的理解和单词的发音掌握起来都具有一定的困难。教师在操练单词时设计了一个小游戏,出示笑脸学生就说favourite,不是笑脸就不能说,这个游戏可以防止学生注意力不集中,跟

读时偷懒,能让每个学生主动参与到游戏中,牢固掌握单词发音的同时也能对favourite的意思加深印象,为后面的句型教学扫除了障碍。 三、师生互动,实时评价。 教师从复习颜色,解决教学难点,到进入核心句型的学习,整个过程循序渐进,符合学生的认知和接受能力,过渡十分自然。颜色是学生平时生活中容易接触到并有所感知的话题,所以教师直接通过介绍自己最喜欢的颜色切入主题句型,并用What’s your favourite colour?询问,让学生一一进行操练。等学生较好的掌握答句之后,再通过全班问,个别答的方式巩固问句,关注发挥学生的主体作用,让学生真实的去感受知识,体验知识,积极参与,努力实践,在活动中学会用语言表达交流,较好的体现了从不懂到懂,从不会到会,从不熟练到熟练的过程。教学过程中,教师准备了各种不同颜色的小卡片,只要学生用正确的句型表达出自己最喜欢的颜色,就能得到相应的颜色卡片,这个小小的设计不仅能让学生体会到语言学习的功能性,营造出较真实自然的交际情景,而且学生所得到的卡片也可以视为教师对其敢于表达的及时评价和奖励,把学生对卡片的向往转化成课


平面设计常见的配色方案及色标 粉红代表浪漫。粉红色是把数量不一的白色加在红色里面,造成一种明亮的红。象红色一样,粉红色会引起人的兴趣与快感,但是比较柔和、宁静的方式进行。 浪漫色彩设计,藉由使用粉红、淡紫和桃红(略带黄色的粉红色),会令人觉得柔和、典雅。和其它明亮的粉彩配合起来,红色会让想起梦幻般的6月天和满满一束夏日炎炎下娇柔的花朵。


今天“流行”的,明天可能就“落伍”了。流行的配色设计看起来挺舒服的,但却有震撼他人目光的效果。 淡黄绿色(chartreuse)就是一个很好的例子,色彩醒目,适用于青春有活力且不寻常的事物上。 从棒球运动鞋到毛衣,这种鲜明的色彩在流行服饰里创造出无数成功的色彩组合。黄绿或淡黄绿色和它完美的补色——苯胺红(magenta)搭配起来,就是一种绝妙的对比色彩组合。

基本配色——平静 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

在任何充满压力的环境里,只要搭配出一些灰蓝或淡蓝的明色色彩组合,就会制造出令人平和、恬静的效果。 中间是淡蓝的配色设计,会给人安心的感觉,因为它看起来诚实、直接。 带着明色的寒色可保持安宁、平和的感觉。补色和这些强调平静的色彩在明暗度方面一定要类似,这点很重要,因为要是色彩太鲜明,会制造出不必要的紧张。

基本配色——强烈 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


https://www.doczj.com/doc/822565885.html,/tresearch/a/83740115cid00001 课题名称 Colours 教学内容词汇 red、yellow、blue、green、pink、purple、orenge 句型 A:What colour is it? B:It’s… 教学目标 1、知识目标 学习怎样用英语表达事物的颜色,掌握相关的单词: red\yellow\blue\green\pink\purple\orenge和句型What colour is it?It’s…并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定交际任务。 2、情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识。 3、能力目标 培养学生的观察力、想象力、动手操作能力,提高学生感受美、欣赏美的水平,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。 4、德育目标 培养学生热爱大自然、保护环境的良好品德。 教学重点 创设语言情景,使学生正确理解和运用所学知识用英语表达事物颜色。 教学难点 激发学生的求知欲,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生体验参与,主动学习事物颜色的表达法。 课前准备

1、CAI课件; 2、“red、yellow、blue、green、pink、purple、orenge”单词卡片及“What colour is it?It’s…”句型卡片; 3、调色板、水彩颜料、铅画纸若干及一些带颜色的实物; 4、小动物头饰、色块卡; 5、歌曲Colour Song录音、投影器; 6、在教室里挂上一些五彩气球和彩带,营造课堂气氛,同时作为奖品,激发学生兴趣。 学生情况分析 学生的年龄在九、十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。学生学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,课堂上要以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱! 教学步骤 Step1 Free talk 1、Sing a song:“Morning Song” 2、T:Good morning,boys and girls.Nice to see you. Ss:Nice to see you,too. 分别与单个学生对话:Hello!/What’s your name?/How are you?/Where’s your nose?/Touch your face,please./Show me your pencil./What’s this?(头、手、铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔……) Step2 Introduce T:What’s this? CAI演示:一阵雷雨过后,太阳露出了笑脸,天边出现了一道美丽的彩虹。 引出rainbow T:Wow,how beautiful!Today we’ll learn a lesson about the colours of the rainbow.


“黑技巧”教你搞定雅思阅读最难题型段落matching题 作者简介: 詹逸雄,环球雅思阅读女教师一枚,但是因为名字很有mafia老大的气质,很多同事 和学生会叫我熊哥…听力阅读均9分,硕士就读于UCL英语教育专业。 写在前面的话: 段落matching题,英文名称为which paragraph contains the following information? 问的是题目的内容在文章哪段出现。这种题型,江湖上人称“断子绝孙题”,一听名字 就让烤鸭们虎躯一震,身体某个部位随之一紧,学渣闻风丧胆,学霸也抓耳挠腮。很 多学渣被这个题型虐过几次之后,基本上处于放弃治疗状态,最后纯蒙大法了事。甚 至业界一些老师给出的策略也很佛系:反正你也做不好,留到最后做,能做成咋样就 咋样...段落matching题确实难,但最大的问题是绝大部分烤鸭都没有一个正确的做题方法!!真是让熊哥痛心疾首,今天熊哥就来教大家段落matching题正确的做题方法,再配以一些黑技巧,让大家看到段落matching题感觉so easy,妈妈再也不担心我的 学习! 讲述段落matching题正确的方法前,先诊断一下烤鸭们可能存在的问题: 1.完全凭感觉,在各段乱找乱瞟。这类同学,正确率经常不稳定,好的时候也能 对不少,差的时候基本没有对的,当然差的时候居多。。。这类同学,用上熊 哥正确的方法,正确率和稳定性很容易都提上来!!! 2.题目都读不懂,只能找找哪段出现了题目中的原词,找不到原词的就纯蒙了事。 说句实在话,这类同学建议先背单词,关于单词,熊哥有很多话要说,等我拖 延症痊愈了(怎么可能???),等我拖延症病情缓解了,就好好码字给大家 分享背什么单词,以及背单词的方法。其实,雅思阅读文章有生词很正常,熊 哥能考到9分,但自己的雅思书上也会有零(mì)星(mì)几(má)个(má)的生词,所以熊哥上课从来不带阅读书,一方面是为了装X显示自己对于文章 熟悉,另一方面主要是怕背学生看到我查的生词有(guò)点(yú)多,影响 我的光辉形象(好像并没有任何形象可言...)BUT!BUT!我说的是文章有生

pep小学英语三年级上册教学设计 unit2 colour

Pep小学英语三年级上册教学设计 Unit2 Colour 指导思想: 以学生为主体,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,培养创新精神。 知识目标: 1. 能听说、认读颜色单词:blue, green, yellow, red, 2. 通过用“Show me...”的指令来练习和运用有关颜色的单词。 能力目标: 辨色彩,感受生活。 情感目标: 1. 通过游戏活动和歌曲培养学生说英语、学英语的兴趣。 2. 爱色彩,热爱自然,保护环境。 3. 通过用哑语说颜色,培养学生们关心他人的优秀品质。 教学重难点: 1. 听、说、认、读五个颜色单词。 2. 会说唱 Let's do,并会听音做出相应的反应。 教具准备: 1. 教师准备 blue, green, yellow, red, 的单词卡片和颜色卡片。 2. 教师和学生都准备红、黄、蓝、绿、紫色的蜡笔。 3. 教师准备颜色的教学课件。 4. 教师准备学生学过的文具并放在书包中。 教学教程: Warm-up: (1)教师生之间相互问候: T: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello, boys and girls. S: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello, teacher./... T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you./I'm fine, thank you./...

(2)游戏 T: Let's play a game, OK? S: OK. “猜一猜”的游戏。将学生学过的文具放入书包中,让学生摸一摸,猜一猜。从而复习学过的文具词。 (说明:“猜一猜”的游戏能调动学生大脑中所有相关记忆,使学生回忆起所有知道的有关文具的单词。) (3)课件展示学过的文具用品:橡皮(红色),钢笔(绿色),铅笔盒(蓝色),书(黄),书包(绿色),蜡笔。 Presentation: 1. Teach “red” (1) 教师从复习中引入新课,问:“What colour is the eraser?”教师自答:“It's red.” (2) 教师手拿红色的橡皮反复说“red”,让学生猜意思,并使他们明白“red”表示红色。 (3)教师领读“red”。 (4) 教师拿起其他红色的物体,指示说:“It's red.” (5) 让学生找出教室中红色的物体练习说:“It's red.”在练习过程中教师应注意纠正发音。 (6)教师板书“red”,让学生认读。 (说明:先练听说,后练认读,先易后难,循序渐进。此方式符合三年级学生的认知规律,难度低于出示单词并领读的传统教法。) 2. 用这种方法逐一介绍 blue,green,yellow,purple 并出示单词卡片让生认读。 注意:“green”一词的发音较难,教教师要多带读,引导学生感悟发音,从而了解英语的语音语调的知识。 3. 猜词游戏: a. 教师从颜色卡片中抽出一张,请每小组派一名学生猜,猜对的小组可加1分。

做雅思阅读 记雅思单词:MATCHING (配对)题型

做雅思阅读记雅思单词:MATCHING (配对)题型 做雅思阅读记雅思单词:MATCHING (配对)题型做雅思阅读记雅思单词:MATCHING (配对)题型川菜为什么会成为食者最多的地方菜系? 从地域上说 川菜是中国西部四川这块地方出现的菜。在秦末汉初就初具规模,唐宋时发展迅速,明清已富有名气。川菜成了一种影响很大的风味菜系,如今已遍及世界许多国家、地区。川菜它是属于中国的,也是属于世界的。 从历史上说 概括地说川菜发源于古代的巴国和蜀国,它是在巴蜀文化背景下形成的。到两汉两晋之时,就已呈现了初期的轮廓。隋唐五代,川菜有较大的发展。两宋时,川菜已跨越了巴蜀疆界,进入北宋东京、南宋临安两都,为川外人所知。明末清初,川菜运用引进种植的辣椒调味,对继承巴蜀早就形成的尚滋味、好辛香的调味传统,进一步有所发展。晚清以后,逐步形成为一个地方风味极其浓郁的体系,与黄河流域的鲁菜,岭南地区的粤菜,长江下游的淮扬菜同列。 从基本特征来说 川菜发展至今,得天独厚的自然条件和丰富的物产资源,对川菜

的的发展,是一个重要而有利的条件。川菜由成都菜、重庆菜、自贡菜和素食佛斋菜组成。具有用料广博、味道多样、菜肴适应面广三个特征,其中尤以味型多、变化巧妙而著称。尤以麻辣、鱼香、怪味等味型独擅其长。味在四川,便是世人所公认的。 从烹饪方法来说 川菜拥有4000多个菜肴点心品种。这些菜点是由筵席菜、便餐菜、家常菜、三蒸九扣菜、风味小吃五个大类组成的。当今流行的川菜品种既有对历代川菜品种的传承,也有烹饪技术工作者的不断开拓、创新。 众多的川菜品种,是用多种烹饪方法制作出来的。川菜常用烹调技法近40种,长于小煎、小炒、干煸、干烧、家常烧等技法。小炒不过油,不换锅;干煸成菜味厚而不腻;干烧用汤恰当,味醇而鲜。家常烧先用中火热油翻炒豆瓣,入汤烧沸去渣,放料再用小火慢烧至成熟入味勾芡而成。川外人熟悉的麻婆豆腐就是用家常烧法烹饪的。 川菜的特产原料: 四川素有天府之国之称,烹饪原料当然是多而广的。56万平方公里境内,物产富庶。牛、羊、猪、狗、鸡、鸭、鹅、兔,可谓六畜兴旺,笋、韭、芹、藕、菠、蕹(weng),堪称四季常青,淡水鱼有江团、岩鲤、雅鱼、长江鲟。即便是一些干杂品,如通江、万源的银耳,宜宾、乐山、涪陵、凉山等地出产的竹荪,青川、广元等地出产的黑木耳,宜宾、万县、涪陵、达川等地出产的香菇,四川多数地方都产的魔芋,均为佼佼者。就连石耳、地耳、绿菜、侧耳根、马齿


小学三年级英语课文《Colour》的教 学评课稿 一、活动的设计有趣味性 1、陈老师能根据小学生的年龄特点,准备了很多五彩缤纷的实物,有黄的、红的、蓝的、紫的、绿的等,都是学生喜闻乐见的玩具,并设计生动活泼的课堂活动,如:通过图片猜颜色、听音涂色等游戏,特别在教授单词时,运用了多种形式,如:“大小声”、“火车接龙”等,避免了没趣、机械重复的操练,既培养了学生的语言运用能力,又培养了学生的注意力、观察力、思维力和想象力。激发学生兴趣! 2、关注教学方法,体现了一个活字.教师的教学方法灵敏,新单词呈现形式多样.应该说整堂课中,教师在引入新词时,都是比较新奇而又自然,而且具有生活化的.教师还注意利用实物,图片,卡片,身体语言,表情动作等作为教学资源,创设讲解,操练和运用英语的情景.季老师能贯彻以学生为中心的原则,关注教学过程,尽可能发挥学生的主体作用,让学生真实的去感受知识,体验知识,积极参与,努力实践,在活动中学会用语言表达交流,较好的体现了从不懂到懂,从不会到会,从不烂熟到烂熟的过程. 二、活动的设计有层次性 本课中,陈老师在教学中先让学生学说表示颜色的单词,如:red让学生掌握单词的音、型、意。再让学生找一找身边有什么东西是红色的,用简单的句型进行表达,如:Thisis red.My pencil is red.What colour is it? What colour do you like?最后,让学生运用所学语言进行拓展性练习,挖掘学生创造使用语言的能力,从教师的语言输入转为学生的语言输出,符合语言的习得规律。 三、活动设计有实用性 陈老师在培养学生在实际情景中运用英语方面花了很多功夫,积极践行“学中用,用中学”。新授完颜色单词之后,敖老师因势引导,过渡到句型“Ilike…What colour is it?What colour do you


信息配对题使用联想法攻克 雅思阅读中的段落信息配对题的特点是:题干非常短,出题范围非常大,同义表达非常多。这类题目往往是以―Which paragraph contains the following information?‖开始,然后给出小小的几个短语,问考生究竟文章中哪一个段落提到了这么一个小小的概念。 这一类考题被称为雅思阅读中难度最大的一类题,大家通常使用得很多的―定位词‖技巧在这一类题目面前会显得束手无策,因为定位词很可能根本就不会出现。那么这一类题目应该怎么做呢?请看下面的例子: 剑桥雅思6 - Test3 – Passage 1 – Page 65 这是一篇讲电影发展史的文章 在这篇文章中,第1-5题便是段落信息配对题,它的题干是这样的:Which paragraph contains the following information? 1, the location of the first cinema 2, how cinema came to focus on stories 3, the speed with which cinema has changed 4, how cinema teaches us about other cultures 5, the attraction of actors in films 按照我们以前划出定位词的做法,很可能第一题便会划出first cinema,期待着能够在文中找到first cinema这个词,或者划出location这个词,期待能够找到location。但如果这样做的话,本文一直到末尾也没有提到两个短语。在此,我推荐一种联想法,对关键词所在的类别进行联想,操作步骤如下: 首先判断出题干中让我们去寻找的核心概念是什么。在第一题中,核心概念便是location。 第二步便是开始联想,如果是自己写文章,那么我们自己会怎么去表达一个location。当然会说出一个地理位臵来表示,比如中国、美国、伦敦、

九大配色定律 三种经典配色方案

传说中的宝典建筑建模高手的修炼之路(八大条) 建模, 宝典, 传说, 建筑, 高手..................................建筑建模高手的修炼之路(八大条) 一.无止境追求最少的鼠标和键盘操作,既可以提高建模速度,又可以释放大脑思维,因为任何操作都是 ....需要大脑去支配的,所以减少操作能释放出更多的思维来分析模型,有利于加快识图速度以及提高 ....建模准确性和连贯性; 二.不断提高建模过程的准确性和连贯性,首先,每次建模前尽量调节好自己的状态,如果状态不好宁可 ....先进行休息,在准备充分的情况下尽量准确而连贯地完成模型,总之,一气呵成的建模过程将是效率 ...最高的; 三.无止境追求命令的娴熟和全面性,以及命令应用的无限可能性,很多异形都是最基础的命令或命令 ....组合创建出来的,所以能娴熟地掌握和应用所有基础命令将是一个建模高手的必修课; 四.积极学习相关的专业知识和不断提高问题资料的处理能力,这是建筑建模与其它建模最本质的区 .....别,也决定着一个建筑建模高手的深度; 五.无止境追求各种组件结构创建和修改方法的科学性,清晰/科学的建模/改模思路总是能起到事半功 ....倍和"快人与无形"的效果; 六.无止境追求项目流程的科学性,建模流程的步骤和不定性是效果图制作工序里最复杂的,所以学会 ....分析和优化项目的操作流程将是提高建模工序乃至整个效果图制作工序生产效率的关键; 七.不断提高沟通和表达能力,建模过程实际可分为"与电脑的交互"和"与客户的交互"两部分,与电脑 ....的交互过程在电脑里完成建模,改模;而这些工作需要的所有资料和信息都是需要与客户有一交互 ...过程的,这时模型人员的沟通和表达能力就尤为重要了; 八.无止境追求自我价值的提升,是保持对工作和学习最大激情并同时为自己争取更多的权益.....和希望的秘诀。 九大配色定律三种经典配色方案 设计吧廊 https://www.doczj.com/doc/822565885.html, 减小字体增大字体色彩搭配是服装搭配的第一要素,家居装饰中也是如此。当考虑装扮爱家时,一开始就要有一个整体的配色方案,以此确定装修色调和家具以及家饰品的选择。如果能将色彩运用和谐,您可以更加随心所欲地装扮自己的爱家。


内容unit 2 Colours 第一课时 教学 目的 要求听懂,会说Good morning! This is …..并能在实际情景中进行运用。要求模仿正确,语调自然。 重点与难点教学重点:问候语Good morning. 以及介绍人物用语This is … 教学难点:This is …的发音。 教具与挂图Cheng Jie ,Mike, Wu Yifan, Sarah, Zip, Zoom 头饰;Kitty, Mickey 等卡通人物的手偶或头饰;教学课件[Unit 2 Let’s talk]一个小木偶。 教学过程 热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1. 教师播放歌曲Hello ,师生共唱。教师边唱边用体态语示范和学生问候,并鼓励学生边唱边和戴有歌曲中人物头饰同学打招呼。 2. 用所学用语,师生互相问候:Hello/Hi, what’s your name? Hello/Hi, I’m… 3学生用英语名字,自由下座位同别人打招呼并询问姓名。 呈现新课(Presentation) (1). 教师告诉学生英语的打招呼用语有很多,除Hello/Hi 以外,在早上或上午可用Good morning. 来进行。教师在黑板上画一个升起的太阳,标上时间7:30和Good morning.一句。然后教师用学生的英文名字,以不同的身份和学生打招呼。(2)学生操练Good morning. (3)教师向学生打招呼:T: Good morning. I’m Miss Wang /Mr. …What’s your name? 学生回答S: My name’s …(4)教师呈现句式This is ….并把新朋友Miss Green 介绍给学生。 (5)学生操练句式This is ….(6)听录音或VCD来展示Let’s talk部分的对话时,教师联合几位学生表演一下,帮助学生理解。(7)学生跟读并模仿Let’s talk 部分的内容。(8)学生分小组,扮演对话中的人物或其他人物,进行实际交流。教师简单介绍Miss, Mr的用法,并鼓励学生说Miss , Mr 。(9)学生展示练习情况。 3、活动、操练(Activities/ Practice)(1)游戏1:“击鼓传花”(2)游戏2:“听声音,猜朋友” 4、课堂评价(Assessment)情景再现Let’t talk 5、课外活动(Add-activities) 听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。 早上遇到老师时,要用Good morning!打招呼。 会用This is ….来介绍自己的老师、朋友和家长。 以小组为单位,准备下一节课表演本课A部分Let’s talk 的对话。 内容 unit 2 Colours 第2课时 教学 目的 要求1能听说、认读blue, green, yellow, red 这些表示颜色的单词。 2能听懂所接触的指示语,并能按照指示语做出相应的动作。 重点与难点教学重点:学习表示颜色的单词blue, green, yellow, red,


小学英语案例分析Colours 课题名称Colours 教学内容词汇red、yellow、blue、green 句型A:What’s your name? My name is…B:It’s… 教学目标 1、知识目标学习怎样用英语表达事物的颜色,掌握相关的单词:red\yellow\blue\green和句型What ’s your name? My name is…It’s…并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定交际任务。 2、情感目标激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识。 3、能力目标培养学生的观察力、想象力、动手操作能力,提高学生感受美、欣赏美的水平,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。 4、德育目标培养学生热爱大自然、保护环境的良好品德。 教学重点创设语言情景,使学生正确理解和运用所学知识用英语表达事物颜色。 教学难点激发学生的求知欲,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生体验参与,主动学习事物颜色的表达法。 课前准备 1、课件; 2、“red、yellow、blue、green”单词卡片及“What ’s your name? My name is…It’s…”句型卡片; 3、调色板、水彩颜料、铅画纸若干及一些带颜色的实物; 4、小动物头饰或者图片、色块卡; 5、歌曲Colour Song录音; 学生情况分析学生的年龄在九、十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。学生学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,课堂上要以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱! 教学步骤

小学英语教学案例 What colour is it

What colour is it?教学案例 教学目标 1、知识目标 学习怎样用英语表达事物的颜色,掌握相关的单词:red\yellow\blue\green\pink\purple\orenge 和句型What colour is it? It’s…并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定交际任务。 2、情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识。 3、能力目标 培养学生的观察力、想象力、动手操作能力,提高学生感受美、欣赏美的水平,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。 4、德育目标 培养学生热爱大自然、保护环境的良好品德。 教学重点 创设语言情景,使学生正确理解和运用所学知识用英语表达事物颜色。 教学难点 激发学生的求知欲,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生体验参与,主动学习事物颜色的表达法。 课前准备 1、CAI课件; 2、“red、yellow、blue、green、pink、purple、orange”单词卡片及“What colour is it? It’s…”句型卡片; 3、调色板、水彩颜料、铅画纸若干及一些带颜色的实物; 4、小动物头饰、色块卡; 5、歌曲Colour Song录音、投影器; 6、在教室里挂上一些五彩气球和彩带,营造课堂气氛,同时作为奖品,激发学生兴趣。 学生情况分析 学生的年龄在七八岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。学生学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,课堂上要以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱! 教学步骤 Step1 Free talk 1、Sing a song:“Morning Song” 2、T:Good morning,boys and girls.Nice to see you. Ss:Nice to see you,too. 分别与单个学生对话:Hello!/What’s your name?/How are you?/Where’s your nose?/Touch your face,please./Show me your pencil./What’s this?(头、手、铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔……)


雅思阅读matching题型答题技巧 本文由新航道雅思整理发布 很多同学都在找寻雅思阅读技巧,尤其是matching题型确实比较费脑筋还是找关键词的问题如果实在看不懂可以用排除法先排斥不可能的选项降低题的难度,今天就为大家整理了关于雅思阅读matching题型的答题技巧,包括了这个雅思阅读题型的要求,解题步骤以及注意事项等内容,非常的实用。同学们可以在备考雅思阅读时进行适当的参考和练习。 雅思阅读matching(作者及其观点搭配题) 题型要求 在原文中,就一个主题,若干人或组织提出了若干个观点,题目要求将观点与其提出者(作者)搭配。这种搭配题也有一个选项的集合和一个题目的集合。题目是观点,选项是作者。 这种题型一般比较难,主要表示现在: (1) 没有顺序性,即题目的顺序与原文的顺序是不一致的。 (2) 文章题材多样,有的比较偏。作者提出的观点一般比较抽象,不好理解。 (3) 文章句式复杂。一般句子都比较长,有很多都是复合句、并列复合句、多重复合句,造成大家理解上的困难。 (4) 题目中的观点与原文中的对应观点在句子形式上变化较大,造成对应困难。 与从属关系搭配题一样,作者及观点搭配题也没有顺序性。但不能用同样的解题方法。 怎么做从属关系搭配题呢?前面介绍的方法是:在阅读文章前,先将题目从头到尾看一遍,记住尽可能多的关键词。 但不能用这种方法作者及其观点搭配题。主要是因为题目都是一些观点,意思抽象,句式复杂。先将题目从头到尾看一遍,不仅会花很多时间,而且很可能读完题目之后,没有什么印象,也抓不住什么关键词。那么应该怎么做呢?请看下面的解题步骤。 考试中,A类一般考得比较多,考一组,共五题左右。G类一般考得比较少。 解题步骤 (1) 在原文中将作者及其观点用线划出。 作者都包含大写字母,有的还有年代,表明是什么时候提出来的观点,所以一般都比较好找。他的观点在他的名字之前或者之后。表述观点一般有两种方法:

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