当前位置:文档之家› 海底总动员电影中英文对白



Too loud! Too loud for me!


Twinkle, twinkle, little star


Find a happy place! Find a happy place!


Darla, your uncle will see you now.


All right, let's see those pearly whites.


I'm a piranha. They're in the Amazon.


And a piranha's a fish, just like your present.


I get fishy, fishy


Oh, no. Poor little guy.


- He's dead. - Sharkbait!

- 他死了- 鲨鱼饵!

Fishy, fishy, fishy!


Must've left your present in the car, sweetie.


L'll go and get it.


- He's still alive! - He's not dead!

- 他还活着- 他没死

What's happening? Why is he playing dead?


He's gonna get flushed down the toilet.


- He's gonna get out of here! - He's gonna get flushed! - 他有救了- 他要被冲走

What a smart little guy!


Oh, no! Not the trash can!


Nemo! No!


- Hey! I found his dad! - Where's Nemo?

- 我找到他爸爸了- 尼莫呢?

- Dentist! - He's over there!

- 牙医- 在那里

What's a dentist? Nigel, get in there!


- I can't go in there! - Yes, you can! Charge!

- 不行啦- 你行的

- Red! Red! Red! - What the...?

- 冲!冲!冲! - 那是什么

Darla, sweetie, look out!


Engage in what?


Easy! Easy!


Hold still!


Nobody's going to hurt you!




Oh, my goodness.


Gotcha! Keep down!






Out with you! And stay out!






Fishy! Wake up!


Oh, no!


To the top of Mount Wannahockaloogie! 快游到哇哈哈娜鲁湾山

Why are you sleeping?


- Hurry! - Bloat!

- 快点- 豚豚

Ring of Fire!




Crikey! All the animals have gone mad! 哇塞动物都发疯了

Get it out!


- Smack her in the head! - Go, Gill, go! - 用力K她的头- 快吉哥

Fish in my hair!




Sharkbait... tell your dad I said hi.


Go get 'em!


He did it!


- I'm so happy! - Is he gonna be OK, Gill? - 我太高兴了- 他不会有事吧吉哥? Don't worry. All drains lead to the ocean. 放心条条水管通大海






Lion King 狮子王中英文剧本 From the day we arrive on the planet 从我们出生的那一刻And,blinking,step into the sun 睁开眼睛走入阳光 There's more to see than can ever be seen 那儿有你看不完的东西 More to do than can ever be done 有你做不完的事 There's far too much to take in here 有数不尽你无法体会经验的事 More to find than can ever be found 有找不完的宝藏 But the sun roll ing high 可是太阳高挂在天空 Through the sapphire sky 在那色彩多变的天空中 Keeps great and smal l on the endless round 不论伟大与渺小都保存下来 It's the circle of life 那是生生不息 And it moves us all 而那感动了你我 Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望 Through faith and love 历经信心与爱 Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地 On the path unwind ing 在我们已知的种种之中 In the circle 在那生生不息之中 The circle of life 生生不息…  It's the circle of life 生生不息 And it moves us all 而那令我们感动 Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望 Through faith and love 历经信心与爱 Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地 On the path unwinding 在我们已知的种种之中 In the circle 在那生生不息之中 The circle of life 生生不息…  Life's not fair,is it? You see,I... Well,I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu. 生命真不公平啊!你看我呢,永远都当不上王,而你永远也见不到明天了,再见 Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food? 你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物 What do you want? 你想干什么? I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way. So you'd better have a good excuse.for missing the ceremony this morning. 我是来这里宣布大王木法沙要来了所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式最好找个借口 Oh,now,look,Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch. 你害我的午餐都没了 Ha! You'll lose more than that...when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. 等大王跟你算帐之后你不见的东西还会更多他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒 Ooh. I quiver with fear! 我怕得全身发抖Now,Scar,don't look at me that way. Help! 好了,刀疤,不要那样看我救命啊! Drop him. 刀疤,吐出来 Impeccable timing,Your Majesty. 你来得可真是时候,大王陛下 Why,if it isn't my big brother... 这不是我大哥吗?descending from on high to mingle with the commoner s. 屈尊降贵的来跟我这普通人厮混 Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba. 我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式中没有看到你 That was today? Oh,I feel simply awful! Must've slipped my mind. 那是今天吗?我觉得好害怕呀!我八成是给忘了 Yes,well,as slippery as your mind is..as the king's brother... you should've been first in line! . 是呀,你忘的不只如此,身为大王的弟弟你应该站在第一位Well,I was first in line... until the little hairball was born. 我原本是第一位直到这个小毛球出生 That hairball is my son...and your future king. 这个小毛球是我儿子他也是你未来的国王 Oh,I shall practice my curtsy.我该学学我的礼节啦 Don't turn your back on me,Scar. 千万不要背对着我,刀疤 Oh,no,Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me. 不,木法沙,或许是你不该背对着我 Is that a challenge?这是一个挑战吗? Temper,temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you. 冷静!冷静!我哪敢向大王你挑战呢? Pity. Why not? 可惜,为什么呢? As far as brains go,I got the lion's share. 要说脑袋的话我是有狮子的智慧 But when it comes to brute strength... 说到蛮力嘛…  I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. 恐怕我就是基因遗传比较不明显的例子了 There's one in every family,sire. Two in mine,actually...and they always manage to ruin special occasions. What am I going to do with him?He'd make a very handsome throw rug. 每个家庭都会有这个问题陛下,事实上我家有两个而且他们总会想尽办法破坏特别的场合我该拿他怎么办?拿他做地毯会非常好看 Zazu! 沙祖 And just think, whenever he gets dirty... you could take him out and beat him. 而且想一想,每次弄脏的时候你可以拿出去打一打 Dad! Dad! Come on,Dad,we gotta go! Wake up! Sorry. Dad. Dad. 爸,爸快起来,我们要走了啦!对不起爸…爸…


㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》 1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 4.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.恐惧让你沦为囚犯。希望可以感受自由。 5.Get busy living or get busy dieing. 要么忙于活着,要么忙于死去。 6.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。 7.forget that there are … place … in the world that are not made out of stone, there is something … inside … that they can not get to … that is hope . 不要忘了,这个世界穿透一切高墙的东西,它就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也接触不到,那就是希望. ㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。 3.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。 5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢。 6.You just stay away from me please. 求你离开我。 7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 8.It made me look like a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 10.I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡 12.To make each day count. 让每一天都有所值。 ㈢《The Lion King狮子王》 1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。 3. I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。


《燃情岁月》Legend of the Fall 《美丽心灵》A Beautiful Mind 《早餐俱乐部》The Breakfast Club 《骄阳似我》Good Will Hunting 《几乎成名》Almost Famous (感兴趣摇滚乐的同学可以找来一看) 《日落之前》Before Sunset (a very smart movie,女主角的英语有点法国味儿) 《阿甘正传》Forrest Gump (发音就别从这里学了) 《我的盛大希腊婚礼》My Big Fat Greek Wedding (很有意思的文化冲突) 《大河恋》A River Runs Through it 《西雅图不眠夜》Sleepless in Seattle 《后妈》(又名《亲亲小妈》)Step Mother 《谈谈情跳跳舞》Shall We Dance 《似是故人来》Sommersby (美国南方口音,了解一下,关键是故事很感人,呵呵) 《当哈里遇见萨莉》When Harry Met Sally 《漂亮女人》Pretty Women 《爱情十日谈》How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days 《爱是妥协》Something's Gotta Give 《天使之城》City of Angel 《时尚女魔头》The Devil Wears Prada 《公主新娘》The Princess Bride 《卡萨布兰卡》Casablanca 《魂断蓝桥》Waterloo Bridge 语言相对较简单:《南极大冒险》Eight Below 《小鬼当家》Home Alone 《公主日记》The Princess Diaries 动画片: 《海底总动员》Finding Nemo 《鲨鱼黑帮》Shark Tale 《怪物史莱克》Shrek 《花木兰》Mulan 《美女与野兽》Beauty and Beast 《冰河世纪》Ice age 《熊的传说》Brother Bear 连续剧: Friends Gilmore girls(我的最爱,哈哈,中译:《吉尔摩女孩》,语速较快,文化背景较深。适合听力口语水平较高,同时对西方文化较了解的同学观看。) the Apprentice 英式发音: 《真爱至上》love actually 《傲慢与偏见》新版Pride and Prejudice 《BJ单身日记》 《英国病人》English Patient 《面纱》The Painted V eil 励志(学习男主人公永不放弃的精神): 《肖申克的救赎》Shawshank Redemption 《当幸福来敲门》The Pursuit of Happiness <中青网> 美国电影学会于近日评选出了美国电影中的一百句最佳台词,《乱世佳人》的克拉克-盖博口中的“坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎”荣膺榜首。 评选结果的影片涵盖面十分广泛,最早的可以追溯到1927年的第一步有声片《爵士歌手》,最近的则是2002年的《指环王之双塔骑兵》。其中《乱世佳人》、《卡萨布兰卡》、《绿野仙踪》等经典老片在榜上占据了不止一席之位,而《卡萨布兰卡》凭借6句经典台词居首位。 美国电影学会总监费斯登堡认为,这些经典的电影台词已经成为了美国语言文化的一个组成部分,评选的目的是为了重新激起人们对美国经典电影的热情。以下是从这一百句最佳台词中精选部分台词,英汉对照,以飨读者。(以下的序号是台词的排名号) 1. Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn.坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3. Y ou don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am.你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4. Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5. Here's looking at you,kid.就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6. Go ahead,make my day.来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7. All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up.好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950)


感动一生的电影狮子王中英文台词1 (2011-12-28 23:06:02)转载▼ 标签:杂谈 From the day we arrive on the planet 从我们出生的那一刻 And,blinking,step into the sun 睁开眼睛走入阳光 There's more to see than can ever be seen 那儿有你看不完的东西 More to do than can ever be done 有你做不完的事 There's far too much to take in here 有数不尽你无法体会经验的事 More to find than can ever be found 有找不完的宝藏 But the sun rolling high 可是太阳高挂在天空 Through the sapphire sky 在那色彩多变的天空中 Keeps great and small on the endless round 不论伟大与渺小都保存下来 It's the circle of life 那是生生不息 And it moves us all 而那感动了你我 Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望 Through faith and love 历经信心与爱 Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地 On the path unwinding 在我们已知的种种之中 In the circle 在那生生不息之中 The circle of life 生生不息… It's the circle of life 生生不息 And it moves us all 而那令我们感动 Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望 Through faith and love 历经信心与爱 Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地 On the path unwinding 在我们已知的种种之中 In the circle 在那生生不息之中 The circle of life 生生不息… Life's not fair,is it? 生命真不公平啊! You see,I... Well,I shall never be king. 你看我呢,永远都当不上王 And you shall never see the light of another day. 而你永远也见不到明天了Adieu. 再见 Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food? 你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物 What do you want? 你想干什么? I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way.我是来这里宣布大王木法沙要来了 So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning. 所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式最好找个借口 Oh,now,look,Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch. 你害我的午餐都没了 Ha! You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. 等大王跟你算帐之后你失去的东西还会更多 He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. 他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒 Ooh. I quiver with fear! 我怕得全身发抖 Now,Scar,don't look at me that way. 好了,刀疤,不要那样看我


经典英文电影台词100句 美国电影学会于近日评选出了美国电影中的一百句最佳台词,《乱世佳人》的克拉克·盖博口中的“坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎”荣膺榜首。评选结果的影片涵盖面十分广泛,最早的可以追溯到1927 年的第一步有声片《爵士歌手》,最近的则是2002年的《指环王之双塔骑兵》。其中《乱世佳人》、《卡萨布兰卡》、《绿野仙踪》等经典老片在榜上占据了不止一席之位,而《卡萨布兰卡》凭借6句经典台词居首位。美国电影学会总监费斯登堡认为,这些经典的电影台词已经成为了美国语言文化的一个组成部分,评选的目的是为了重新激起人们对美国经典电影的热情。 1,Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950)


狮子王(英文版)经典台词及翻译 1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在 微妙的平衡中生。 2.I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。 3.I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 4.When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个 世界对你不理睬你也可以这样对待。 5.It’s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而复生似的。 6.You can’t change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。 7.Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对, 过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。 8.This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而 战斗,谁为呢? 9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信 你?你所说的一切都是谎话。 10.I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。


难以忘怀电影对白-3:狮子王场景 相信大家对于电影是不少看的,那么关于电影里面的一些经典台词或者是一些经典语句不知道大家会不会收藏起来呢?因为这是很多伙伴学习英语的好方法,以下是小编给大家整理的难以忘怀电影对白-3:狮子王场景,希望可以帮到大家Selected Scene 3 场景3 Timon and Pumbaa: 丁满和彭彭: HakunaMatata! 哈库那马塔塔 What a wonderful phrase 真是很有意思 Hakuna Matata! 哈库那马塔塔 Ain 't no passing craze 简单又好记 It means no worries 从现在开始 For the rest of your days 你不必再担心 It's our problem-free philosophy 不必像从前——听天由命 Hakuna Matata! 哈库那马塔塔 Why, when he was a young warthog... 啊,当他是只小山猪 When I was a young warthog... 当我是只小山猪

Very nice. 很好! Thanks! 谢啦! He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal. He could clear the savannah after every meal. I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned. And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind. And oh, the shame ( He was ashamed ) 看他好像魅力十足,风度翩翩看来看去好像缺少一些东西虽然我长得丑,可是很温柔我终于,发现我没办法,出人头地!哎呀,真丢脸(太丢脸喽!) Thought a changing my name. 我想过改名字 ( Oh, what's in a name? ) (哦,改什么名字啊?) And I got downhearted ( How did you feel? ) 后来终于放弃(为什么呢?) Every time that I.., 每次我想…… Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids! 嘿,彭彭,不要在小孩面前…… Oh...sorry. 啊,对不起 Hakuna Matata! 哈库那马塔塔 What a wonderful phrase! 真是很有意思 Hakuna Matata! 哈库那马塔塔 Ain 't no passing craze


1,Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950) 10,You talking to me? 你是在和我说话吗?(《出租车司机》1976) 11、原文:“Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?” 出处:琼·哈罗(Jean Harlow),《地狱天使》Hell's Angels,1930 译文:“假如我换一身更舒服的衣服你会觉得震惊吗?” 12,I love the smell of napalm in the morning. 我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。(《现代启示录》1979) 13,Love means never having to say you're sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。(《爱情故事》1970) 14、原文:“I could dance with you'til the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows until you came home.”


Scar: Life's not fair, is it? You see I -- well, I... shall never be King. And you... shall never see the light of another day. ...Adieu... Zazu: Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? Scar: What do you want? Zazu: I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. ...So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning. Scar: Oh now look, Zazu; you've made me lose my lunch. Zazu: Hah! You'll lose more than that when the King gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. Scar: Oh... I quiver with fear. Zazu: Now Scar, don't look at me that way... HELP! Mufasa: Scar! ... Scar: Mm-hmm? 3 Scar: Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you. Zazu: Pity! Why not? Scar: Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength ...I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. Zazu: There's one in every family, sire... Two in mine, actually. And they always manage to ruin special occasions. Mufasa: What am I going to do with him? Zazu: He'd make a very handsome throw rug. Mufasa: Zazu! Zazu: And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and BEAT him. Simba: And this will all be mine? Mufasa: Everything. Simba: Everything the light touches. What about that shadowy place? Mufasa: That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba. Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants. Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being king than... getting your way all the time. Simba: There's more? Mufasa: Simba... Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures-- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope? Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life. 7 Simba: Hey Uncle Scar! Guess what! Scar: I despise guessing games. Simba: I'm going to be king of Pride Rock. Scar: Oh goody. Simba: My dad just showed me the whole kingdom; and I'm going to rule it all. Heh heh. Scar: Yes. Well... forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know. Simba: Hey, Uncle Scar? When I'm king, what will that make you? Scar: A monkey's uncle. Simba: Heh heh. You're so weird. Scar: You have NO idea. ...So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he? Simba: Everything. Scar: He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border...?


20部经典英文电影对白, 哪个最经典? 20部经典英文电影对白, 哪个最经典? 每部电影都有让人难忘的经典对白,下列对白哪个是您最欣赏的呢? 1.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrow is another day. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go o f that promise. 3.《007系列》 "Bond. James Bond." 4.《阿甘正传》 Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're go nna get." Mother: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is j ust a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Jenny: Are you stupid or something? Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does. 5.《终结者》 "I'll be back!" 6.《英国病人》 We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this m arked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I'v e wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps. 7.《空军一号》 “My family first” 8.《罗马假日》 I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you. Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it? 9.《绿野仙踪》 "There's no place like home." 10.《卡萨布兰卡》 Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.


Life's not fair, is it? 生命真不公平啊! You see, I Well, I shall never be king 你看我呢,永远都当不上王 And you shall never see the light of another day 而你永远也见不到明天了 Good bye 再见 Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? 你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物 What do you want? 你想干什么? I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way, 我是来这里宣布大王木法沙要来了 so you'd better have a good excuse for missing this morning's ceremony 所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式 #VALUE! #VALUE! Oh, look, Zazu 你看 You've made me lose my lunch 你害我的午餐都没了 You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you 等大王跟你算帐之后你不见的东西还会更多 He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia 他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒 I quiver with fear! 我怕得全身发抖 Now, Scar, don't look at me that way 好了,刀疤,不要那样看我 Help! 救命啊! Scar? Drop him 刀疤,吐出来 Impeccable timing, Your Majesty 你来得可真是时候,大王陛下 Why, if it isn't my big brother descending from on high 这不是我大哥吗?屈尊降贵的 to mingle with the commoners 来跟我这普通人厮混 Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba 我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式中没有看到你 That was today? 那是今天吗?

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