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2012-2014年高考英语题型分类汇编之单选 动词 Word版含答案]


24. I remembered the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights. (2012安徽)

A. locking

B. to lock

C. having locked

D. to have locked

28. The athlete’s years of hard training when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.(2012安徽)

A. went on

B. got through

C. paid off

D. ended up

23. One learns a language by making mistakes and ____ __ them. (2012北京)

A. corrects

B. correct

C. to correct

D. correcting

29. You had better __ ___ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic. (2012福建)

A. set aside

B. take up

C. put away

D. give out

21. Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to _______ our school’s campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster three years ago. (2012湖北)

A. sponsor

B. launch

C. organize

D. plan

22. Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and _______ every page of my draft. (2012湖北)

A. approved

B. quoted

C. polished

D. folded

23. Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to _______ his courage. (2012湖北)

A. hold up

B. keep up

C. set up

D. take up

24. I’m so glad you’ve come here to _______ this matter in person.(2012湖北)

A. lead to

B. see to

C. turn to

D. refer to

26. — OK, I’ve had enough of it. I give up.

—You can’t ______ your responsibilities. (2012江苏)

A. run off with

B. run up against

C. run out of

D. run away from

22. We have bought so much food now that Suzie won’t be with us for dinner.(2012江西)

A. may not

B. needn’t

C. can’t

D. mustn’t

24. I’ve the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.(2012江西)

A. come into

B. gone into

C. got into

D. run into

30. We were all agreed that the cottage would a perfect holiday home for the family. (2012江西)

A. make

B. turn

C. take

D. have

24. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school. (2012辽宁)

A. might

B. could

C. shall

D. will

26. Rod loves clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.(2012辽宁)

A. taking apart

B. giving away

C. making up

D. turning off

28. After Jack had sent some e-mails, he _______ working on his project. (2012山东)

A. had started

B. has started

C. started

D. starts

19. He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system _______.(2012陕西)

A. broke in

B. broke up

C. broke out

D. broke down

23. I ______ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. (2012陕西)

A. won’t

B. can’t

C. can

D. will

19. I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese, and I said “Ni Hao”just as I ______ do in China. (2012四川)

A. must

B. might

C. can

D. should

20. It’s surprising that your brother ______ Russian so quickly—he hasn’t lived there very long. (2012四川)

A. picked up

B. looked up

C. put up

D. made up

8. It’s quite warm here; we ______ turn the heating on yet. (2012天津)

A. c ouldn’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. wouldn’t

13. Parents and children should communicate more to ______ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. (2012天津)

A. open

B. narrow

C. widen

D. leave

27. Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can _ almost every word her teacher says. (2012新课标)

A. put out

B. put down

C. put away

D. put together

30. I use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each morning the train comes by my house. (2012新课标)

A. couldn't

B. mustn't

C. shouldn't

D. needn't

35. If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will her. (2012新课标)

A. persuade

B. promise

C. invite

D. support

12. According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.(2012浙江)

A. differ

B. shrink

C. fail

D. decline

15.Armed with the information you have gathered, you can _______ preparing your business plan. (2012浙江)

A. set out

B. set about

C. set off

D. set up

22.— Kevin, you look worried. Anything wrong?

— Well, I_______ a test and I’m waiting for the result. (2012重庆)

A. will take

B. took

C. had taken

D. take

25. —_______ you interrupt now? Can’t you see I’m on the phone?

— Sorry Sir, but it’s urgent. (2012重庆)

A. Can

B. Should

C. Must

D. Would

12. We _______ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day. (2012全国卷2)

A. set about

B. set up

C. set out

D. set down

17. I'm going to Europe on vacation together with John if I _______ find the money. (2012全国卷2)

A. can

B. might

C. would

D. need

26. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they on their life journey. (2013安徽)

A. give up

B. settle down

C. get through

D. set off

35. —You needn’t take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.

—Well, I don’t know. It _______ do.(2013北京)

A. might

B. need

C. would

D. should

28. Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks ________ in disasters.(2013福建)

A. turn down

B. turn out

C. break down

D. break out

23. While intelligent people can often ______ the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.(2013湖北)

A. sacrifice

B. substitute

C. simplify

D. survive

24. According to the law, all foreigners have to ______ with the local police within two weeks of arrival.(2013湖北)

A. associate

B. dispute

C. negotiate

D. register

25. Butterflies ______ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.(2013湖北)

A. carry on

B. feed on

C. put on

D. focus on

26. In much of the animal world, night is the time ______ for sleep—pure and simple.(2013湖北)

A. set aside

B. set down

C. set off

D. set up

32. He _______ sleep, although he tried to, when he got on such a hun t for an idea until he had caug ht it.(2013湖南)

A. wouldn’t

B. shouldn’t

C. couldn’t

D. mustn’t

24. Lionel Messi, the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.(2013江苏)

A. set

B. setting

C. to set

D. having set

29. Team leaders must ensure that all members their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes. (2013江苏)

A. get over

B. look over

C. take over

D. come over

27. Mo ther always complains that children ______ their shoes very quickly.(2013江西)

A. find out

B. wash out

C. wear out

D. set out

29. When I was a child, I ______ watch TV whenever I wanted to.(2013江西)

A. should

B. could

C. must

D. need

31. She ______ the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.(2013江西)

A. connected

B. fitted

C. equipped

D. matched

31. Harry is feeling uncomfortable. He ______ too much at the party last night.(2013辽宁)

A. could drink

B. should drink

C. would have drunk

D. must have drunk

32. Bri ggs will ______ as general manager when Mitchell retires.(2013辽宁)

A. get away

B. take over

C. set off

D. run out

22. Would you like to with us to the film tonight?(2013全国)

A. c ome along

B. come off

C. come across

D. come through

26. Since nobody gave him any help, he have done the research on his own.(2013全国)

A. can

B. must

C. would

D. need

28. The watch was very good, and he 20 percent down for it.(2013全国)

A. paid

B. cost

C. bought

D. spent

23. Try not to cough more than you can ______ since it may cause problems to your lungs.(2013课标)

A. check

B. allow

C. stop

D. help

30. At the last moment, Tom decided to ______ a new character to make the story seem more


A. put up

B. put in

C. put on

D. put off

5. —Why are your eyes so red? You ______ have slept well last night.

—Yeah, I stayed up late writing a report.(2013四川)

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. won’t

2. If you are in trouble, Mike is always willing to a hand.(2013天津)

A. lend

B. shake

C. wave

D. want

8. I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasn’t able to .(2013天津)

A. get away

B. drop in

C. check out

D. hold on

9. No one be more generous; he has a heart of gold.(2013天津)

A. could

B. must

C. dare

D. need

9. When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to it with important points.(2013浙江)

A. conclude

B. lead

C. avoid

D. hold

17. Bears fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have enough energy to last them through their sleep.(2013浙江)

A. pack up

B. build up

C. bring up

D. take up

26. —What are you doing this Saturday?

—I’m not sure, but I go to the Rolling Stones concert.(2013重庆)

A. must

B. would

C. should

D. might

26. Terry, please your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you.(2014安徽)

A. look up from

B. look into

C. look back on

D. look through

28. When the sports hero at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.(2014安徽)

A. turned up

B. left off

C. moved on

D. got away

34. Shakespeare’s writing is still popular today. It has really the test of time.(2014安徽)

A. failed

B. stood

C. taken

D. conducted

27. I have a word with you? It won’t take long. (2014北京)

A. Can

B. Must

C. Shall

D. Should

25. It is widely acknowledged that students should be in terms of overall quality.(2014福建)

A. supported

B. matched

C. evaluated

D. controlled

33. As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can

concerning music, and takes every

opportunity to improve herself.(2014福建)

A. catch sight o f

B. get hold of

C. take charge o


D. make mention of

30. Although you find bargains in London, it’s not generally a cheap place to shop.(2014广西)

A. should

B. need

C. must

D. can

31. Caroline doesn’t have a gift for music, but she it with hard work. (2014广西)

A. goes back on

B. takes away from

C. makes up for

D. catches up with

33. me tomorrow and I’ll let you know the lab result.(2014广西)

A. Calling

B. Call

C. To call

D. Having called

23. Seeing the big crowd coming towards him, he started to run down the hill, but and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow.(2014湖北)

A. slipped

B. skied

C. signalled

D. sank

24. The old rules have to be because they only applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago.(2014湖北)

A. developed

B. established

C. observed

D. revised

25. I’ve been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; I can’t seem to .(2014湖北)

A. get through

B. get off

C. get in

D. get along

26. Is this your necklace, Mary? I it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.(2014湖北)

A. came across

B. dealt with

C. looked after

D. went for

25. —I’ve prepared all kinds of food for the picnic.

— Do you mean we bring anything with us?(2014湖北)

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. shan’t

D. needn't

25. Top graduates from universities are _______ by major companies. (2014江苏)

A. chased

B. registered

C. offered

D. compensated

30. —Dad, I don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job.

—I see. I’ll go right away and _______. (2014江苏)

A. pay him back

B. pay him off

C. put him away

D. put him off

33. Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to _______ the soul of Qu Yuan. (2014江苏)

A. remember

B. remind

C. recover

D. recall

27. Anyway, we’re here now, so let’s some serious work.(2014江西)

A. come up with

B. get down to

C. do away with

D. live up to

29. I don’t believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to me.(2014江西)

A. convince

B. inform

C. guarantee

D. refuse

30. Life is unpredictable; even the poorest become the richest.(2014江西)

A. shall

B. must

C. need

D. might

18. Ralph W. Emerson would always _______ new ideas that occurred to him.(2014陕西)

A. set off

B. set about

C. set up

D. set down

25. My book, The House of Hales, is missing. Who _______ have taken it?(2014陕西)

A. need

B. must

C. should

D. could

6. I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ______ take me to Disneyland at weekends.(2014四川)

A. might

B. must

C. would

D. should

9. My parents always great importance to my getting a good education.(2014天津)

A. have

B. attach

C. accept

D. pay

13. The two countries are going to meet to some barriers to trade between them.(2014天津)

A. make up

B. use up

C. turn down

D. break down

6. We most prefer to say yes to the _______ of someone we know and like.(2014浙江)

A. attempts

B. requests

C. doubts

D. promises

7. Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _______ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later.(2014浙江)

A. share

B. realize

C. ignore

D. cause

9. No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _______ when the unexpected will happen.(2014浙江)

A. prove

B. imply

C. demand

D. predict

19. How could you _______ such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months.(2014浙江)

A. turn off

B. turn in

C. turn down

D. turn to

3. I’ve ordered some pizza, so we _______ worry about cooking when we get home tired.(2014重庆)

A. can’t

B. dare not

C. needn’t

D. may not

10. — I spent two weeks in London last summer.

— Then you must have visited the British Museum during your stay, _______ you?(2014重庆)

A. mustn’t

B. haven’t

C. didn’t

D. hadn’t


情态动词精品学案 情态动词解读: ①本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词。 ②不能单独作谓语。 ③和其他动词原形构成谓语。 ④谓语动词之前。 ⑤无人称和数的变化。 ⑥否定式构成是在情态动词后面加“not”。 ⑦个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式,过去式可以用来表达更加客气、委婉的语气,时态性不强,可用于过去,现在或 将来。 经典例句: We can be there on time tomorrow. 我们明天能按时去那儿。 May I have your name? 我能知道你的名字吗? Shall we begin now? 我们现在就开始吗? How dare you treat us like that! 你怎么敢那样对待我们! We can't carry the heavy box. 我们搬不动那箱子。 情态动词考点: 1.情态动词表示推测。 2.情态动词的基本用法。 3.情态动词的答语。 1 / 17

常见情态动词: 情态动词有can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall (should, will (would), dare (dared), need (needed), ought to等。 情态动词的基本用法: 一、can, could 1) 表示能力(体力、知识、技能)时,等于be able to 。 a)Can you lift this heavy box?(体力) b)Are you able to lift this heavy box? c)Mary can speak three languages.(知识) d)Is Mary able to speak three languages? e)Can you skate?(技能) 此时可用be able to代替。 2) can表示请求和允许。 -----Can I go now? ----- Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could, might代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,不能用于肯定句和答语中。(特别注明:这是在表示请求和允许的时候。) ---- Could I come to see you tomorrow? ---- Yes, you can. (No, I’m afraid not. ) can't在否定句中可以表示命令,不允许,但是语气比mustn't弱,具有劝慰的意思. 3)can表示“有时会”: A kind person can lose temper sometimes. 4)表示与五种感官和知觉的动词连用。 I can hear/ see you clearly from here. You can imagine how annoyed she was ! 2 / 17


2012高考英语单选题语法分类汇编 一、冠词 【2012全国卷II】⒎ He missed ___ gold in the high jump, but will get ___ second chance in the long jump. A. the; the B. 不填; a C. the; a D. a; 不填 【答案】C 【2012安徽】21. Carl is studying food science at college and hopes to open up _____meat processing factory of his own one day. A. / ;a B. / ;the C. the ; a D. the ; the 【答案】A 【2012重庆】24. Sam has been appointed _______ manager of the engineering department to take ____ place of George. A./,/ B. the,/ C the; the D./, the 【答案】D 【2012全国】22. Sarah looked at finished painting with satisfaction. A.不填;a B. a; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 【答案】C 【2012山东】29. Being able to afford ______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; 不填 D. 不填; a 【答案】 【2012江西】21. The Smiths don’t usually like staying at ___ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ____ sea. A. /; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the; a 【答案】C 【2012辽宁】21. I woke up with ______ bad headache, yet by ____ evening the pain had gone. A. the; the B. the; an C. a; the D. a; an 【答案】C 【2012四川】18. We are said to be living in ____ Information Age, ____ time of new discoveries and great changes. A. an; the B. 不填; the C. 不填; a D. the; a 【答案】D 【2012浙江】2. The development of industry has been _____ gradual process throughout _____ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology. A. 不填; the B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. a; a 【答案】C 二、名词 【2012全国卷II】⒚ The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great ___ in this city.


高考英语动词知识点基础测试题(2) 一、选择题 1.We had arranged to meet at the railway station, but to our anxiety, she didn’t _________. A.come about B.show off C.work out D.turn up 2.It is said that body language ________ 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 percent. A.lies in B.accounts for C.consists of D.goes with 3.To get a better grade, you should ________the notes again before the test. A.go over B.get over C.turn over D.take over 4.One of the secretary’s jobs is to ___________ letters and mails. A.help out B.dry out C.sort out D.stick out 5.The desks and seats can be ____________ the height of any child. A.adapted with B.adapted to C.adjusted with D.adjusted to 6.Our food and drink are ________.I will go to the supermarket to get more. A.using up B.running out C.running out of D.running away 7.There is a terrible smell in the room. Please open the window to ________it. A.get away B.get off C.get over D.get rid of 8.It suddenly _______ to me that we could use a computer to do the job. A.took place B.happened C.occurred D.was occurred 9.Audiences are ______ turn off the phones or put them on silence before the lecture. A.reminded to B.opposed to C.adapted to D.sentenced to 10.Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to _________and stress. A.put on pressure B.fed up with C.relieve tension D.try out for 11.People believe that when Fu __________upside down, happiness arrives. A.is surrounded by B.is swept C.is attached D.is attracted 12.—Shall I get you something to drink? —Thanks, but don’t _____. I have to leave now. A.make B.annoy C.disturb D.bother 13.Brought up in China, Mary found it quite difficult to______ the life in America. A.go with B.fit for C.live up to D.fit in with 14.Only one child of the thirty passengers in the plane _____ after the air crash. A.survived B.starved C.shouted D.shook 15.---Why did the police _____ the crowd? ---Because the presidents car ____ in the street.


高中英语情态动词精讲与解析 概说 助动词(auxiliary)主要有两类:基本助动词(primary auxiliary)和情态助动词(modal auxiliary)。基本助动词有三个:do, have和be;情态助动词有十三个:may, might; can, could; will, would; shall, should; must, need, dare, used to, ought to. 上述两类助动词的共同特征是,在协助主动词构成限定动词词组时,具有作用词的功能: 1)构成否定式: He didn't go and neither did she. The meeting might not start until 5 o'clock. 2)构成疑问式或附加疑问式: Must you leave right now? You have been learning French for 5 years, haven't you? 3)构成修辞倒装: Nowhere can he obtain any information about his sister. Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining. 4)代替限定动词词组: A: Who can solve this crossword puzzle? B: Tom can. A: Shall I write to him? B: Yes, do. 情态助动词的特征 基本助动词与情态助动词最主要的区别之一是,基本助动词本身没有词义,而情态助动词则有自己的词义,能表示说话人对有关动作或状态的看法,或表示主观设想: What have you been doing since? (构成完成进行体,本身无词义) I am afraid I must be going. (一定要) You may have read some account of the matter. (或许已经) 除此之外,情态助动词还有如下词法和句法特征: 1)除ought和used以外,其他情态动词后面只能接不带to的不定式。如果我们把ought


(一) 情态动词常考点 (一) 表能力 can be able to will be able to could was/ were able to could have + ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?表示现在的能力 :表示将来的能力 表示过去的能力 过去分词:表示过去有能力做但未做 如:I am starving to death 。I can eat two bowls of rice now 。 (现在的能力)我快饿死了,现在我能吃两碗米饭。 If you have a good sleep ,you will be able to work out this problem 。 (将来的能力)如果你好好睡一觉,你将能够解出这道题。 The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out 。 (过去有能力做并且成功的做了某事)尽管这场大火迅速蔓延到了整个宾馆,但是每个人都能够逃出 去。 I could have worked out the problem ,but I didn ’t 。 (过去有能力做但未做)我本来可以解决这个问题,但没有解决。 (二) 表推测(可能性) 1. 可能性可分为客观的可能性和具体事情实际发生的可能性两种。所谓客观的(理论的)可能性即并不涉及具体某事是否会发生,此种用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。情态动词can 可用于肯定句中表示客观的(理论的)可能性,而表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,can 一般不用于肯定句。如: Accident can happen on such rainy days 。 这样的多雨天气有可能会发生事故。(客观的可能性) Peter may come with us tonight ,but he isn ’t sure yet 。 彼得今晚可能和我们来,但他还没确定。(实际可能性,不用can ) 2. 表示具体事情实际发生的可能性: (1)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性的层次比较 (2)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,may ,must 常用于肯定句,一般不用于否定句和疑问句(may not 表示“可能不”);can 常用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中,表示疑惑、惊讶或不相信等意思;could 既可用于肯定句,又可用于否定句、疑问句中。如: This can ’t/ couldn ’t be done by him 。(表不相信) 这不可能是他做的。 This may not be done by him 。(表不确定) 这可能不是他做的。 He could be on his way home now 。(could 不如may/ might 常用) 他现在可能在回家的路上。 Can this be done by him ?(表示疑惑、惊讶) 这可能是他做的吗? Mr. Bush is on time for everything 。How can it be that he was late for the opening ceremony ?(表示疑惑、惊讶) 布什先生做每件事都很按时。他怎么可能在开幕仪式上迟到呢? I didn ’t hear the phone 。I must have been asleep 。(表肯定) 我没听到电话。我肯定已经睡着了。 3. would ,could ,might 并不一定与过去时间有关,而是表示可能性弱于他们相应的现在时形式。另外should 也不一定与过去时间有关。如: This may/ might be done by him 。(后者比前者语气弱)


2018年高考英语必背单词分类汇总(实用)时间词一、一周七天 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 时间词二、一年十二个月 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 时间词三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. twentieth第二十 五、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈) 3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹) 5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈) 六、以下动词加-ed或-ing要 双写最后一个字母 1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘 记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英 语)也可不双写(美国英语) 七、部分过去式和过去分词不 规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰 6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是 规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过 去式过去分词都是hung) 7. lie (作“说谎”讲时,是 规则的;作“位于”讲时,其 过去式是lay,过去分词是 lain) 8. seek (sought, sought) 寻 求 9. shake (shook, shaken) 发 抖 10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌 11. sink (sank, sunk/sunken) 下沉 12. spread (spread, spread) 传播 13. swim (swam, swum) 游泳

全国各地高考英语 七选五分类汇编

51.【答案】E 【解析】根据下一句ready to offer you public speaking training and courses可知,开头说的是与public speaking 有关的问题,故选E。 52.【答案】B 【解析】根据第一句可知,演讲要集中在自己做过的成功的事情上,故选B。 53.【答案】C 【解析】本段第一句中提到lots of dos and don’ts, walk away!可知,如果有的培训讲太多的条条框框的话,最好不要理会这样的培训,故选C。 54.【答案】G 【解析】根据上一句Your brain is so full of what you’re going to be talking about 可知,给大脑灌输一套规则会使事情变得更糟糕。故选G。 55.【答案】A 【解析】根据treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits可知,本段讲的是“与众不同”,故选A。 5.课标I 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项。 Business is organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit (利润) —that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. __71__Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. __72__ Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business.__73__One is the establishment (制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting __74__The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision (监管) and guidance by the management in authority.__75__ A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work. B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management. C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service


高考英语情态动词讲解Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

(一)情态动词常考点 (一)表能力 如:I am starving to death。I can eat two bowls of rice now。 (现在的能力)我快饿死了,现在我能吃两碗米饭。 If you have a good sleep,you will be able to work out this problem。 (将来的能力)如果你好好睡一觉,你将能够解出这道题。 The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out。 (过去有能力做并且成功的做了某事)尽管这场大火迅速蔓延到了整个宾馆,但是每个人都能够逃出去。 I could have worked out the problem,but I didn’t。 (过去有能力做但未做)我本来可以解决这个问题,但没有解决。 (二)表推测(可能性) 1.可能性可分为客观的可能性和具体事情实际发生的可能性两种。所谓客观的(理论的)可能性即并不涉及具体某事是否会发生,此种用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。情态动词can可用于肯定句中表示客观的(理论的)可能性,而表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,can一般不用于肯定句。如: Accident can happen on such rainy days。 这样的多雨天气有可能会发生事故。(客观的可能性) Peter may come with us tonight,but he isn’t sure yet。 彼得今晚可能和我们来,但他还没确定。(实际可能性,不用can) 2.表示具体事情实际发生的可能性: (1)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性的层次比较


历年全国高考英语情态动词试题汇总及答案 一、单项选择情态动词 1.The door ________ open, no matter how hard she pushed. A.shouldn’t B.couldn’t C.wouldn’t D.mightn’t 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:无论她怎么使劲推,门就是打不开。A. shouldn’t不应该;B. couldn’t 不能够;C. wouldn’t不愿意;D. mightn’t可能不。will及其过去式would均可表示一种倾向性、习惯。故选C。 2.He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he ________ be quite charming when he wishes. A.shall B.should C.can D.must 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:他是个脾气不好的家伙,但当他希望自己有魅力的时候,他可以变得相当可爱。此处表示“能、可以”,故C项正确。 3.— Mum, little Ray broke his toys again! —It doesn't matter. You see, accidents _____happen. A.shall B.should C.must D.will 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:——妈妈,小雷又弄坏了他的玩具。——没事的,你看,意外总会发生。A. shall将要,会;B. should应当;C. must必须;D. will总是。Will可以表示习惯,意思为“惯于,总是”。故D选项正确。 【点睛】 will/would是情态动词,其表达的意思如下。 (1)表示意志或意愿:决心,愿意,……好吗? We will do our best to save the child. 我们会尽力抢救这个孩子。 I told her to stop crying, but she just wouldn’t listen. 我叫她别哭,可她就是不愿听。 注:表示请求、建议或征求对方意见时,用Would you…? 比用Will you…?更婉转。如:Will/Would you please keep the door open? 请让门开着好吗? Will/Would you go with me? 你愿意和我一起去吗? (2)表示真理或习惯:惯于,总是。如:


高考英语词汇分类大全 1 单词快速记忆的两种深加工方法: ①词根词缀构词法(适合于集中快速地记忆单词); ②Word Map 联想分类法(适合于集中快速地记忆 词); 2 使用本书时,可以把汉语意思遮盖,根据英语单词回忆汉语意思;或者把英语单词遮盖,根据汉语意思回忆英语单词。记不得的单词做上记号,或者记到一个小本子上,每天重复记忆。 3 强烈建议参考所给词汇素材在自己专用的词汇本上编写自己的word map 记忆图。 神经生理学家尤里-什德洛夫研究得出结论:要想记住单词,就需要重复练习,朗读或 默记都可以,至少重复160 次。如果记不住,这只是因为你偷懒,没下工夫。 School 学校 第一组 No1 subjects 有关科目的词汇curriculum n 课程course n 课程compulsory course n 必修课 optional course n 选修课 schedule n 课程表 school timetable n 课程表 mathematics(math)n 数学Algebra n 代数Arithmetic n 算术Geometry n 几何statistics n 统计学physics n 物理chemistry n 化学Chinese n 汉语English n 英语biology n 生物politics n 政治history n 历史

geography n 地理physical education(PE) n 体育music n 音乐art n 美术science n 科学philosophy n 哲学medicine n 医学engineering n 工程学 astronomy n 天文学 psychology n 心理学 economics n 经济学 finance n 金融学 law n 法学botany n 植物学 zoology n 动物学 No1.1 math 有关数学的词汇 count v 数数number n 数字add v 加addition n 加法subtract v 减去


高考英语情态动词及其解题技巧及练习题(含答案) 一、单项选择情态动词 1.It_____ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. A.may B.can C.must D.should 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词表猜测的用法。句意:一定是汤姆把车停在这儿的,因为他是唯一有车的人。A. may可能;B. can可能;C. must一定;D. should应该。由as he is the only one with a car.可知一定是他把车停在这里的,非常有把握的肯定推测,故选C。 2.We’ll make the final decision on our scheme. ______ you change your mind, please inform us as soon as possible. A.Should B.Were C.Would D.Had 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 考查虚拟语气。句意:我们将对我们的计划做最后决定。如果你改变主意,请尽快通知我们。根据语境,此处用虚拟语气,表示与将来相反,从句用should+动词原形,省略if,should提前,陈述句是:If you should change your mind……。故选A。 【点睛】 虚拟语气中的倒装 当虚拟条件句中含有 were,had,should时,可以将if省略,然后将 were,had,should,移至句首: 1)If he should fail, he would kill himself. →Should he fail, he would kill himself. 万一失败,他就会自杀。 2)If I were you, I would do it at once. →Were I you, I would do it at once. 假若我是你,我就会马上做。 要是我能做此事,我一定会做。 3)If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. →Had he seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. 他昨天要是看到了你,他就会问你这事了。 该小题属于上述的第一种情况。should作为情态动词,有一种特殊的用法:在虚拟条件状语从句中表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,可以把should放在句首,即主语前,从而省略从属连词if。原来的表述为:If you should change your mind。故选A。


2017年高考英语必背单词分类汇总(实 2017年高考英语必背单词分类汇总(实用) 一、一周七天 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 二、一年十二个月 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第 九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. twentieth第二十四、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈) 3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹) 5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈) 五、以下动词加-ed或-ing 要双写最后一个字母 1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred,

preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)六、部分过去式和过去分词不 1 规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰


阅读理解 专题一广告信息类 2018年 Passage 1 2018全国卷Ⅰ,6分话题:骑自行车在华盛顿特区观光词数:274 Washington,D.C. Bicycle Tours Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. Duration:3 hours This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, D.C. Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability —and the cherry blossoms — disappear! Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours(4 miles) Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, D.C. Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. Duration:3 hours Morning or Afternoon, this bike tour is the perfect tour for D.C. newcomers and locals looking to experience Washington, D.C. in a healthy way with minimum effort. Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks. Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route(路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours(7 miles) Join a small group bike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington, D.C. Get up close to the monuments and memorials as you bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history. Tour includes bike, helmet, and bottled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights. 1. Which tour do you need to book in advance? A. Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. B. Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour. C. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. D. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour. 2. What will you do on the Capital City Bike Tour? A. Meet famous people. B. Go to a national park. C. Visit well-known museums. D. Enjoy interesting stories. 3. Which of the following does the bicycle tour at night provide? A. City maps. B. Cameras. C. Meals.


高考英语情态动词知识点真题汇编及答案解析(4) 一、选择题 1.Skills like critical thinking and analysis ________ be found on the Internet, because they must be acquired in the context of facts. A.can’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t 2.—Can I pay the bill by check? —Sorry,sir.But it is the management rules of our hotel that payment _____ be made in cash.A.shall B.need C.will D.can 3.——I called you last night, but no one answered. ——Sorry, I____________ sleeping. A.need have been B.would have been C.must have been D.should have been 4.You ______ feel all the training a waste of time, but I'm a hundred percent sure later you'll be grateful you did it. A.may B.can C.should D.would 5.—Where is my dictionary?I remember I put it here yesterday. —You___it in the wrong place. A.must put B.should have put C.might put D.might have put 6.For all of the diligent students here, I give you my promise: Work hard, and you ________ be rewarded! A.can B.need C.shall D.could 7.Home is not just the place where you grow up. It ________ be a warm smile, a sincere hug, and a shoulder for you to cry on. A.must B.can C.will D.should 8.You ________ give me a lift. I want to walk home for exercise. A.needn’t B.couldn’t C.can’t D.mustn’t 9.-Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Guangzhou this morning. -Really? He__the 9:00 train. It's much more comfortable and safer to travel by train. A.could have taken B.should take C.must have taken D.can take 10.--Is Jack still in hospital? --Yes. He _________ the bad food. A.wouldn’t eat B.shouldn’t eat C.wouldn’t have eaten D.shouldn’t have eaten 11.–Will you read me a story, Mummy? --OK. You ______have one if you go to bed as soon as possible. A.might B.must C.could D.shall 12.—I can’t think why he________ so angry. I mean no harm. —It’s typical of him to be sensitive(敏感的).

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