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《国际商务英语 (双语)》

(International Business English)



《国际商务英语(双语)》是国际经济与贸易专业本科生的专业选修课,也是一门重要的专业技能深化课程。课程通过活动教学,模拟实际商务环境,介绍国际贸易与国际商务领域中的一些基本概念和知识,其重点在于通过本课程的学习促进学生对英文专业术语的掌握,并在运用商务专业英语进行沟通交流方面有所提高。同时,也为考取剑桥商务英语(BEC Vantage)证书作准备。

Business English is a basic course for college students majoring in international economics and trade. This lesson provides basic concept and knowledge of international business. The main purpose is to encourage students to learn necessary English terms and improve their ability to communicate with others in English.


Module 1


1.1 Ways of working

1.2 Making contacts

1.3 Getting through

1.4 Speaking skills: part one


了解:The principle of working and meeting people under different circumstances.

理解:The appropriate topics of business talk and social talk.

掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in making contacts;

Communicate with people through telephone in different business situations.

Module 2


2.1 Company benefit

2.2 Presenting your company

2.3 Management

2.5 Writing skills: part one


了解:The principles of company organization and benefit.

理解:How to ask questions about job.

掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in describing company history; discuss with your workmates about the working environment, company development and work arrangement.

Module 3


3.1 Starting a business

3.2 Leaving and taking messages

3.3 Business Law

3.4 Listening skills: part one

3.5 Speaking skills: part two


了解:The types of business and legal terms.

理解:How to start a business and obey the legal constraints.

掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in leaving and taking messages on the phone, dealing with legal problems in business.

Module 4


4.1 Advertising

4.2 Branding

4.3 Delegating

4.4 Reading skills: part four

4.5 Presenting your own product/service


了解:The principles of making advertisement and branding.

理解:Different means of advertisement, skills of branding.

掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in designing and presenting a marketing plan for your own products and services.

Module 5


5.1 The workplace

5.2 Participating in a meeting

5.3 Solving Problems

5.4 Reading skills: part three


了解:The principles of dealing with problems in business situation.

理解:How to face the crisis, how to prepare and participate in a meeting.

掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in dealing with problems; Capable of correct mistakes and handling crisis.

Module 6


6.1 Recruitment

6.2 Emailing

6.3 Simulation of Job application and interview

6.4 Reading skills: part two


了解:The characteristics of a resume and job application letter; the principle of writing emails.

理解:The preparation of a job interview .

掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in job application and interview.

Module 7


7.1 Sales

7.2 Selling

7.3 Showing you’re listening

7.4 Reading skills: part one

7.5 Writing skills: part two


了解:The characteristics and importance of sales and marketing.

理解:The characteristics of different means of selling.

掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in market research and analysis; Capable of conducting marketing activities and market analysis.

Module 8


8.1 Ethical economics

8.2 Training

8.3 Handling questions

8.4 Presentation


了解:The characteristics and importance of ethical economics.

理解:The characteristics of different means of training.

掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in economic ethics ;

Capable of asking and answering questions during training.



The characteristic of this course is a combination of English and core courses of Business major. The pre-required courses include International Trade, Macro Economics and International Trade Practices as well as College English.



The practical parts of this course include class discussions and seminars. During the discussion class, students are divided into groups of 3 to 5 to prepare a presentation, answer questions from the classmates and teacher, finish and hand in a report after class. Seminars will be given by professors domestic and overseas and the students are required to hand in a report after the seminar.






商务英语考试(BEC Vantage)的真题和模拟练习;为课堂讨论而准备的演讲和报告。


教材:John Hughs, 新编剑桥商务英语(中级),经济科学出版社,2008年教学参考资料:①Leo Jones,《剑桥国际商务英语》,华夏出版社,2001年

②Guy Brook-Hart 剑桥标准商务英语教程,西安交通大学出











制定(修订)日期: 2013年3月

国际商务英语 初级 试卷及参考答案

★绝密·考试前严禁任何人翻阅 全国外经贸从业人员考试 国际商务英语等级考试(初级) 试题册 考试时间:2014年5月31日 09:30-11:30 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 考生姓名: 准考证号: 考点(考区): 注意事项 一、考生将姓名、身份证号、考试项目、考点(考区)、准考证号填涂在试题册及答题卡(答 题纸)相应位置。 二、考生在规定考试时间内做完试题册上的试题,并将答案填涂在答题卡(答题纸)相应位 置,写在试题册上的答案一律无效。全部答题时间为120分钟。 三、考生在答题卡上作答时,切忌超出答题区域。如因超出区域作答导致答题卡失效,由考 生个人负责。客观题按题号顺序进行填涂,主观题在每题左上角写清题号按顺序作答。 凡因题号不清导致考试成绩有误,由考生个人负责。 四、考生不得将试题册、答题卡(答题纸)带出考场。考试结束,监考员收卷后考生方可离 开考场。 五、考生注意对自己的答案保密。若被抄袭,一经发现,后果自负。

★请将答案写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。 一、客观题(本大题有60小题,每小题1分,共60分) [1-20] Listening: 20%(听力,20分) Section A Directions: Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice. Mike: It would be nice to see you again, Mary. Are you free on Sunday evening? Mary: I’ m sorry, I’m not. I’ve got to visit my aunt 1 . Mike: Oh, that’s a pity. Monday’s difficult for me. What about Tuesday evening? Mart: Tuesday’s bad for me as well. I’ve got to go to a meeting. Mike: Wednesday then? Mary: No, Wednesday’s out for me, I’m afraid. I’ve got to 2 and do some work. I really must. Mike: Oh, that’s a shame. Well, I can’t 3 Thursday. What about Friday? Mary: I’m 4 sorry. I’ve got to go out for dinner on Friday. Mike: Have you got to? Can’t you get out of it? Mary: I’m afraid not. I’ve simply got to go. Mike: Well, it looks as if we’ll have to wait till next week then. Mary: Yes, I’m sorry, Mike. Look, I must go now. I have to meet Lisa in ten minutes. Ring me next week 5 . Mike: Fine. Try and keep an evening free for me. 1.A. in the hospital B. in hospital C. in hotel D. in hostel 2.A. stay in B. staying C. stay D. sleep 3.A. make that B. make this C. make D. make it 4.A. outright B. awfully C. really D. totally 5.A. some time B. sometimes C. sometime D. some times Section B Directions: Listen to the following passage and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice. For international investors, the decision to invest in a foreign country, whether to establish or 6 a plant or a sales network, or to purchase stocks or bonds, is a difficult one. Before they make the decision to invest abroad, international investors will have to make sure that the


大学课程专业名称中英文对照 关键词:大学课程专业名称中英文对照 工学ENGINEERING 课程中文名称课程英文名称 高等数理方法Advanced Mathematical Method 弹塑性力学Elastic-Plastic Mechanics 板壳理论Theory of Plate and Shell 高等工程力学Advanced Engineering Mechanics 板壳非线性力学Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell 复合材料结构力学Structural Mechanics of Composite Material 弹性元件的理论及设计Theory and Design of Elastic Element 非线性振动Nonlinear Vibration 高等土力学Advanced Soil Mechanics 分析力学Analytic Mechanics 随机振动Random Vibration 数值分析Numerical Analysis 基础工程计算与分析Calculation and Analysis of Founda tion Engineering 结构动力学Structural Dynamics 实验力学Laboratory Mechanics 损伤与断裂Damage and Fracture 小波分析Wavelet Analysis 有限元与边界元分析方法Analytical Method of Finite Element and Boundary Element 最 优化设计方法Optimal Design Method 弹性力学Elastic Mechanics 高层建筑基础Tall Building Foundation 动力学Dynanics 土的本构关系Soil Constitutive Relation 数学建模Mathe matical


电子信息工程专业课程名称中英文翻译对照 (2009级培养计划)

实践环节翻译 高等数学Advanced Mathematics

大学物理College Physics 线性代数Linear Algebra 复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variable and Integral Transforms 概率论与随机过程Probability and Random Process 物理实验Experiments of College Physics 数理方程Equations of Mathematical Physics 电子信息工程概论Introduction to Electronic and Information Engineering 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer Application 电路原理Principles of Circuit 模拟电子技术基础Fundamentals of Analog Electronics 数字电子技术基础Fundamentals of Digital Electronics C语言程序设计The C Programming Language 信息论基础Fundamentals of Information Theory 信号与线性系统Signals and Linear Systems 微机原理与接口技术Microcomputer Principles and Interface Technology 马克思主义基本原理Fundamentals of Marxism 思想、理论和“三个代表” 重要思想概论 Thoughts of Mao and Deng 中国近现代史纲要Modern Chinese History 思想道德修养与法律基 础 Moral Education & Law Basis 形势与政策Situation and Policy 英语College English 体育Physical Education 当代世界经济与政治Modern Global Economy and Politics 卫生健康教育Health Education 心理健康知识讲座Psychological Health Knowledge Lecture 公共艺术课程Public Arts 文献检索Literature Retrieval 军事理论Military Theory 普通话语音常识及训练Mandarin Knowledge and Training 大学生职业生涯策划 (就业指导) Career Planning (Guidance of Employment ) 专题学术讲座Optional Course Lecture 科技文献写作Sci-tech Document Writing 高频电子线路High-Frequency Electronic Circuits 通信原理Communications Theory 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 计算机网络Computer Networks 电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology 现代通信技术Modern Communications Technology


全国外经贸从业人员考试 国际商务英语等级考试(中级)试卷 2011年5月 Ⅰ.Listening: 20%(听力,20分) Section A Directions:Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you’ve heard. L/C is a written by a bank given to the exporter at the request of the importer to effect up to a stated sum of money within a prescribed time limit and against stipulated documents. L/C is the most generally used method of payment in the of international trade. It is reliable and safe because it gives protection to both the exporter and the importer. The exporter is assured of payment once he has shipped the goods as stipulated in the and the importer is assured of getting the right goods once he has made payment accordingly. Section B Directions: Listen to the tape and translate the sentences into Chinese. 1. . 2. . 3. . 国际商务英语等级考试(中级)试卷第1 页(共13页)


大学英文成绩单中课程名称英文对照参考大全 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

大学课程名称翻译参考大全 BASIC 语言及应用 BASIC Language & Application C 语言 C Language CAD 概论 Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM COBOL语言 COBOL Language 生物物理学 Biophysics 真空冷冻干燥技术 Vacuum Freezing & Drying Technology 16位微机 16 Digit Microcomputer ALGOL语言 ALGOL Language BASIC 语言 BASIC Language COBOL语言程序设计 COBOL Language Program Designing C与UNIX环境 C Language & Unix Environment C语言与生物医学信息处理 C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计 C ourse Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ FORTRAN语言 FORTRAN Language IBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT IBM-PC微机原理 Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC LSI设计基础 Basic of LSI Designing PASCAL大型作业 PASCAL Wide Range Working PASCAL课程设计 Course Exercise in PASCAL X射线与电镜 X-ray & Electric Microscope Z-80汇编语言程序设计 Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages 板壳理论 Plate Theory 板壳力学 Plate Mechanics 半波实验 Semiwave Experiment 半导体变流技术 Semiconductor Converting Technology


《国际商务英语》期中考试题 i. Put the following from English into Chinese or vice versa. 1. terms of payment 付款方法 6.预付运费Prepaid freight 2. enclosed please find 随函寄上7.报CIF伦敦价格Quote CIF London price 3. by separate post 另行邮寄8.即期信用证Sight L/C 4. profit margin 边际利润9. 以我方为受益人in our favor 5. quantity discounts 数量折扣10. 装船通知Shipping advice ii. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese. 1.Your company has been introduced to us by the Bank of China as prospective buyers of electronic products. As we deal in the items, we shall be pleased to establish direct business relations with you. 中国银行向我们介绍贵公司是有希望的电子产品买主。由于我们经营该商品,我们很乐意与你建立直接的贸易关系。 2.In reply to your letter dated March 28, we enclose our latest illustrated catalogue for your reference. 兹复你方3月28日函,我们附上最新的带有插图的目录,供你方参考。 3.We are interested in your “Red Flower” Brand Varnish(清漆), but regret to say that your price is about 8% higher than that of other suppliers for similar quality products. 我们对你方的“红色的花”牌清漆(清漆)感兴趣,但很遗憾你方的价格高于其他供应商质量相同的产品价格8%左右。 iii. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English. 1.如果你方价格有竞争力,我们愿首次订购1200打,即各种型号各400打。 If your prices are competitive,we are willing to place our first order for 1200 dozen,ie,400 dozen of each type. 2.我们的产品在世界市场上十分畅销,以其优良的品质和合理的价格而值得介绍。 Our products are popular in the world market, with its excellent quality and reasonable price worth introduction. 3.请报最好的CIF上海价格,注明最早装运期。 Please quote us your best CIF Shanghai price, indicating the earliest time of shipment. 4.最近对我们的山地自行车需求量很大,我们不能保证新订货在6月30日之前交付。 recently, mountain bike great demand for us, there is no guarantee that new orders on June 30 before delivery. 5.我们已决定委托你方在中国独家代理我方的玩具产品。 We've decided to entrust you with the sole agent of our toy products in China iv. Translate the following letter into English. XX 先生: 我们感谢你方1月2日的询盘,并高兴地获悉你方愿与我们建立贸易关系。按照要求,现向你方报盘如下,以你方答复于20XX年11月7日前到达此地为有效。 规格:蝴蝶牌浴巾(Turkish towel) NJ011 数量:20000打 价格:纽约到岸价含佣金5%,每打22美圆。 包装:每盒一打,每一纸板箱20盒。


大学各专业课程中英文对照 A开头的课程 ALGOL语言ALGOL Language BASIC & FORTRAN 语言BASIC Language & FORTRAN Language BASIC 语言BASIC Language BASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & Application C 语言C Language C++程序设计C++ Program Designing CAD 概论Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM CET-4 College English Test (Band 4) CET-6 College English Test (Band 6) COBOL语言COBOL Language COBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program Designing C与UNIX环境C Language & Unix Environment C语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in C C语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计Course Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ FORTRAN 77 语言FORTRAN 77 Language FORTRAN语言FORTRAN Language FoxBase程序设计FoxBase Programming Hopf代数Hopf Algebra Hopf代数与代数群量子群Hopf Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua ntum Group IBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT IBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC IBM汇编及高级语言的接口IBM Assembly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet Technology LSI设计基础Basic of LSI Designing OS/2操作系统OS/2 Operation System PASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range Working PASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCAL PASCAL语言PASCAL Language PC机原理Principle of PC Unix编程环境Unix Programming Environment Unix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix System VLSI的EDA技术EDA Techniques for VLSI VLSI技术与检测方法VLSI Techniques & Its Examination VLSI设计基础Basis of VLSI Design Windows系统Windows Operation System X光分析X-ray Analysis X射线金属学X-Ray & Metallography X射线与电镜X-ray & Electric Microscope Z-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages


英文字母开头的课程: ALGOL语言 ALGOL Language BASIC & FORTRAN 语言 BASIC Language & FORTRAN Language BASIC 语言 BASIC Language BASIC 语言及应用 BASIC Language & Application C 语言 C Language C++程序设计 C++ Program Designing CAD 概论 Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM CET-4 College English Test (Band 4) CET-6 College English Test (Band 6) COBOL语言 COBOL Language COBOL语言程序设计 COBOL Language Program Designing C与UNIX环境 C Language & Unix Environment C语言科学计算方法 Scientific Computation Method in C C语言与生物医学信息处理 C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计 Course Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ FORTRAN 77 语言 FORTRAN 77 Language FORTRAN语言 FORTRAN Language FoxBase程序设计 FoxBase Programming Hopf代数 Hopf Algebra Hopf代数与代数群量子群 Hopf Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua ntum Group IBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT IBM-PC微机原理 Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC IBM汇编及高级语言的接口IBM Assembly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术 Internet and Intranet Technology LSI设计基础 Basic of LSI Designing OS/2操作系统 OS/2 Operation System PASCAL大型作业 PASCAL Wide Range Working PASCAL课程设计 Course Exercise in PASCAL PASCAL语言 PASCAL Language PC机原理 Principle of PC Unix编程环境 Unix Programming Environment Unix操作系统分析 Analysis of Unix System VLSI的EDA技术 EDA Techniques for VLSI VLSI技术与检测方法 VLSI Techniques & Its Examination VLSI设计基础 Basis of VLSI Design Windows系统 Windows Operation System X光分析 X-ray Analysis X射线金属学 X-Ray & Metallography X射线与电镜 X-ray & Electric Microscope Z-80汇编语言程序设计 Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages


国际商务英语函电答案【篇一:世纪商务英语外贸函电(第二版)课后习题答案】 letter 1.at, of, with, in, for letter 2.from, into, with, of, to p40 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8510473545.html,rming, interesting, dealing, sample, details, quality, prices, applied, items, inquiry unit 3 p55 letter 1.from, for, by, with, on letter 2.with, in, of, in, from p56 2.referring, established, cost, quality, opinion, responsibility, part, satisfied, information, decision unit 4 p71 letter 1. to, of, at, in, by letter 2.with, in, with, for, with p73 2.advertisement, leading, interested, details, dealers, line, market, replying, over, item unit 5 p88 letter 1.for, with, at, by, to letter 2.for, for, by, at, by/under p89 2.inquiring, quotation, receipt, subject, confirmation, discount, catalogue, brochure, separate, appreciate unit 6 p105 letter 1.of, on, in, with, to letter 2.of, in, by, for, at p106 2.offer, regret, price, sold, level, difference, transaction, counter-offer, samples, acceptance unit 7 p122 letter 1.to, of, of, in, for,


简历写作之课程名称中英文对照_个人简模 板 简历写作之课程名称中英文对照 (转自.cn/bbs) 工学ENGINEERING 课程中文名称课程英文名称 高等数理方法Advanced Mathematical Method 弹塑性力学Elastic-Plastic Mechanics 板壳理论Theory of Plate and Shell 高等工程力学Advanced Engineering Mechanics 板壳非线性力学Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell 复合材料结构力学Structural Mechanics of Composite Material 弹性元件的理论及设计Theory and Design of Elastic Element 非线性振动Nonlinear Vibration 高等土力学Advanced Soil Mechanics 分析力学Analytic Mechanics 随机振动Random Vibration 数值分析Numerical Analysis

基础工程计算与分析Calculation and Analysis of Founda tion Engineering 结构动力学Structural Dynamics 实验力学Laboratory Mechanics 损伤与断裂Damage and Fracture 小波分析Wavelet Analysis 有限元与边界元分析方法Analytical Method of Finite Element and Boundary Element 最优化设计方法Optimal Design Method 弹性力学Elastic Mechanics 高层建筑基础Tall Building Foundation 动力学Dynanics 土的本构关系Soil Constitutive Relation 数学建模Mathematical Modeling 现代通信理论与技术Emerging Communications Theory and Technology 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 网络理论与多媒体技术Multi-media and Network Technology 医用电子学Electronics for Medicine 计算微电子学Computational Microelectronics 集成电路材料和系统电子学Material and System Electronics


广东外语外贸大学公开学院辅导资料 国际商务英语试卷(一) 课程代码:05844 I. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%) 1.International business 2.GDP 3.Free trade area 4.Multinational corporation 5.Specialization 6.specific duty 7.roll on roll off 8.EDI 9.article number 10.auction Ⅱ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English (10%) 11.返倾销 12.最惠国条款 13.贴现 14.充分就业 15.保兑信用证 16.零库存 17.代位,取代 18.保护主义 19.免除条款(豁免条款) 20.证券交易所 Ⅲ.Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right (10%) 21.contracting party a. amount above what is estimated as necessary 22.gilts b. a business concern owned or controlled in whole or in part by another concern 23.cyclical c. recurring in cycles 24.affiliate d. stocks issued by government 25.legal action e. an action taken against some one in accordance with the law. 26.margin f. a country or firm that signs a legal agreement 27.pooling g. a trace of land including its buildings 28.verified data h. a set of international rules for the interpretation of


大学常见课程名称及英语翻译按字母排序及专业排序1大学各专业课程中英文对照 A开头的课程 ALGOL语言ALGOL Language BASIC & FORTRAN 语言BASIC Language & FORTRAN Language BASIC 语言BASIC Language BASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & Application C 语言C Language C++程序设计C++ Program Designing CAD 概论Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM CET-4 College English Test (Band 4) CET-6 College English Test (Band 6) COBOL语言COBOL Language COBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program Designing C与UNIX环境C Language & Unix Environment C语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in C

C语言与生物医学信息处理 C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计Course Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ FORTRAN 77 语言FORTRAN 77 Language FORTRAN语言FORTRAN Language FoxBase程序设计FoxBase Programming Hopf代数Hopf Algebra Hopf代数与代数群量子群Hopf Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua ntum Group IBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT IBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC IBM汇编及高级语言的接口IBM Assembly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet Technology LSI设计基础Basic of LSI Designing OS/2操作系统OS/2 Operation System PASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range Working PASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCAL PASCAL语言PASCAL Language


全国2010年7月高等教育自学考试国际商务英语试题 - Ⅰ. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%) 1. income distribution of a market 2. set forth 3. clean credit光票信用证 4. equity investment 5. akin to 6. endowment of nature自然赋予 7. all risks一切险 8. non-trade settlement 9. standing committee 10. comparative advantage比较优势 Ⅱ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%) 11.自由贸易区free trade area 12. 进口税import duty 13. 开证银行opening bank 14. 中间产品 15. 对外直接投资foreign direct investment 16. 技术转让 17. 特别提款权 18. 制成品 19. 外汇短缺 20. 配额限制 Ⅲ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right(10%) 21. productive a. one in which one of the parties agrees to supply, at the contract price, a complete product ready for use, such as a new home, factory, ship, etc.


大学课程名称翻译参考大全 BASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & Application C 语言C Language CAD 概论Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM COBOL语言COBOL Language 生物物理学Biophysics 真空冷冻干燥技术Vacuum Freezing & Drying Technology 16位微机16 Digit Microcomputer ALGOL语言ALGOL Language BASIC 语言BASIC Language COBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program Designing C与UNIX环境C Language & Unix Environment C语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计C ourse Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ FORTRAN语言FORTRAN Language IBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT IBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC LSI设计基础Basic of LSI Designing PASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range Working

PASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCAL X射线与电镜X-ray & Electric Microscope Z-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages 板壳理论Plate Theory 板壳力学Plate Mechanics 半波实验Semiwave Experiment 半导体变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology 半导体材料Semiconductor Materials 半导体测量Measurement of Semiconductors 半导体瓷敏元件Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements 半导体光电子学Semiconductor Optic Electronics 半导体化学Semiconductor Chemistry 半导体激光器Semiconductor Laser Unit 半导体集成电路Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry 半导体理论Semiconductive Theory 半导体器件Semiconductor Devices 半导体器件工艺原理Technological Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device 半导体物理Semiconductor Physics 半导体专业Semiconduction Specialty 半导体专业实验Specialty Experiment of Semiconductor 薄膜光学Film Optics


文化课: 大学英语 College English I 计算机基础 Fundamentals of Computers 思想道德修养与法律基础 Moral Cultivation and Basic Lawsl 形式与政策 National and International Situations and Policiesl 创新方法 Innovative Method 大学英语技能拓展综合实践 College EnglishComprebensive Skills practice 中国近代史纲要 An Introduction to Chinese Modern History 马克思主义基本原理 Basic Principles of Marxism 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Mao Thought & Theoretical System of China Socialism 经济学基础 Fundamentals of Economics 专业课: 色彩 Color 素描 Sketch 艺术设计导论 Design Introduction 摄影基础 Foundation of Photography 构成基础 Basic Principles of Structure Basic Principles of Structure

现代设计史 History of Modern Designing 美术鉴赏 Art Appreciation 人工图学 Manual Picturing 写生 Sketching 装饰基础 Fundamentals of Decoration 版式设计 Typographical Design 广告设计 Advertisement Design 实用广告学 Practical Advertising 图形创意 Graphics Creativity 文字设计 Character Design 中国画基础 Basis of Traditional Chinese Paintings 中外美术史 History of Chinese and Foreign Art 包装设计 Packaging Design 民族艺术研究与考察 Ethic Arts Research and Check 商业插画 Commercial Illustrator 数字摄影与后期 Digital Photography and Post 当代艺术思潮

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