当前位置:文档之家› 公共英语PETS五级口语考试样题






(For exam in er)Part A : Self-i ntroducti on (This task will take about 2 min utes). I nterlocutor :

Good morning (after noon / eve nin g). Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. (Ha nd over the mark sheets to the Assessor). My name is … and this is my colleague ….He / she is not going to ask you any questi ons, but he / she is just going to be liste ning to us. So, your n ame is -

and …? Thank you. First of all we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questi ons about yourselves. (Beg in with can didate A, the n move on to can didate B) Now

(say the n ame of the can didate and ask the questi on s).

Home Tow n

? Where are you from?

? How long have you lived there?

? What's it like liv ing there?

? How does your home tow n compare with (place where can didate is curre ntly liv in g)?

? Well, that's in terest ing.


? What about your family? Could you tell us somethi ng about them?

Work/ Study

? What do you do in (ca ndidate's home tow n), do you work or study? (If can didate already work ing) ? What does your work in volve?

? Is your job somethi ng you had always wan ted to do?

? How long do you think you will stay in this job?(If can didate still at school, college or uni versity)

? What are your favorite subjects at school? What exactly are you study ing?

What type of work are you hop ing to do in the future?


■^n ^Hl

What qualificati ons will you n eed to do that?

Collaborati on (This part will take about 5 min utes.)(For exam in er) Part B :

Discussi on

Regi onal Poverty Topic:

Now, (say the n ames of Can didate A and Can didate B), here is a list of causes for regi onal poverty. (Ha nd out the list to the can didates and let them read it through.) What do you think are the main

d lik

e each o

f you to choose three from the list and tell each other causes for regi onal poverty? I' ue and you may also add your own ideas that are why. If you hold different opinions you may ar

g t join you. You have 5 min utes. All right. not listed here. You just talk to eac

h other and I won' Would you beg

i n?

(The in terlocutor may sit back and in terve ne only whe n n ecessary.)

:Causes for Regional Poverty

lack of n atural resource ?

disorga ni zati on of the economy

out-of-date conven ti ons

climate ?

geographical positi on

poor leadership ?

overpopulati on

lack of educati on

(For can didate)

What do you think are the main causes for regional poverty? Choose three from the list and tell each other why.

:Causes for Regional Poverty

lack of n atural resource ?

? disorga ni zati on of the economy

下笔如有神读书破万卷 ___________________________________

out-of-date conven ti ons

climate ?

geographical positi on poor leadership

overpopulati on lack of educati on

Prese ntati on (This part will take about 8 min utes.)(For exam in er) Part C :

m going to give each of you a list of three different Interlocutor : Now, in this part of the test I'd like you to select one of the topics and give a short prese ntati on of about 2 min utes. topics. I'

d lik

e you, (say the n ame o

f Can didate 'Whe n (say the n ame of Can didate A) has fini shed talk in g, IB), to ask him/her one or two questi ons. You may make no tes while you are prepar in

g and take no tes while the other pers on is talk ing.

All right? Here are your topics.

Hand over the Topic Card, A & B, and some bla nk paper and a pen cil to each can didate.

ll have 2 min utes to prepare. 'Now you

The can didates are give n 2 min utes.

All right. Now (say the n ame of Can didate A), would you beg in by telli ng us which topic you have chose n and the n give your prese ntati on, please?

Liste n to the prese ntati on of Can didate A.

Thank you. Now (say the n ame of Can didate B), would you like to ask (say the n ame of Can didate followed by one by Can didate B, more 2 questi ons? A) some (Allow amaximum of questi ons question by the interlocutor.)

Now (say the n ame of Can didate B), would you begi n by telli ng us which topic you have chose n and the n give your prese ntati on, please?

Liste n to the prese ntati on of Can didate B.

Thank you. Now (say the n ame of Can didate A), would you like to ask (say the n ame of Can didate 下笔如有神读书破万卷_________________________________

more one followed Can didate A, by by questi ons? B) some of (Allow a maximum 2 questi ons

question by the interlocutor.)


The in terlocutor winds up the oral test by referri ng to the topics of both can didates.

a. Health

What is the relati on ship betwee n health and pers onal wealth?

b. Hobbies

How can we use hobbies for pleasure or relaxati on?

c. Polluti on

What are the main causes of polluti on?

Topic Card B (For exam in er)

a. Discipli ne

How do you deal with the relation between order and your personal interests?

b. Lifestyle

What are the differe nces in lifestyle betwee n you and your pare nts?

c. En viro nment

What is the relati on ship betwee n man and en vir onment?

Topic Card A (For can didate)

a. Health

What is the relati on ship betwee n health and pers onal wealth?

b. Hobbies

How can we use hobbies for pleasure or relaxati on?

c. Polluti on


What are the main causes of polluti on?

Topic Card B (For can didate)

a. Discipli ne

How do you deal with the relation between order and your personal interests?

b. Lifestyle

What are the differences in lifestyle between you and your parents?

c. Environment

What is the relationship between man and environment?

] 束结[


口试真题实战 Test 1 Part I (3 minutes) Interlocutor: Good morning /afternoon.My name is …and this is my colleague … He /She is just going to be listening to us. And your names are … and …? Give me your mark sheets please.(请把你们的登分卡给我。) Thank you. (hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.)(接过卡后递给专事评分的老师.) First of all we”d like to know something about you,Candida A, so I'm going to ask you some questions. T: May I know your job? A: I am a math teach. T: What does your job involve? A: I help students with their math. T: How do you like your job? A: I like it a lot. I like to talk to people and help them. And my hours are also very flexible. T: Do you want to change your job in the future? A: Yes,I want to find another job with a higher pay. Interlocutor:Thank you. Now,we”d like to know something


2019年公共英语考试一级口语必考话题及参考答案(1) A 节部分即口头提问,是针对所给的Topic(主题)设计出若干问题, 向考生发问。它出现在考试的起始阶段和最后阶段。在这两部分中每 位考生大约分别有一分钟左右的时间回答问题,大概要说十句话左右。所以不能简单地说上一两句就结束了。因为在口头提问部分不给准备 时间,所以考生无论在考试前还是考试过程中都应有充足的准备。 (1)事先学习使用一些表达方式给自己争取一点时间思考。常用 的表达方式有: As everybody knows. Sofar as I am concerned. What I mean is...Well... That is to say...You know, ... (2)重复考官的问题也是一种得体的方式,为的是让自己有一点 时间思考。 (3)考试中选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来谈,否则会因为有些词 不会用英文表述,而给自己造成麻烦。比如就音乐或书籍来讲,考试 时选择一种会表述或表述较为容易的音乐或一本自己熟悉的书,比选 择一种自己真正喜欢的音乐或一本书更现实。 (4)考试中为了使自己回答问题的内容更充实些,能够用列举法 或举例说明法予以适当展开阐述。 (5)考生在回答问题时,如果发现自己要说的话太少,或觉得无 话可说时,不妨把自己想到的问题再详细地说明或细化一下。 A 节部分常考话题汇总及答案 1. And what shall I call you? Most people call me Xiao Huang.

2. Where do you come from? a. I was born in Xi‘an, which is one of the major cities in China. It used to be the capital city at one point in China’s history. b. I come from Shanghai,but I was born in Xi‘an. My parents moved to Shanghai when I was just 4 years old, so I really don’t know much about Xi‘a n, apart from occasional summer visits to see some good friends of the family. In fact, I don’t have any relatives at all living in Xi'an. 3. Where about is your hometown? Xi’an is located in Shanxi Province, which is in central China. 4. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Hmm. . well, the population is about 6 million. It's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi'an was named the capital of China several times over many dynasties. Also, Xi'an is the starting point of the famous Silk Road, which was important in ancient times. The weather is extremely hot in summer, about 40 degrees Centigrade, and fairly cold in the winter, about 14 degrees Centigrade below zero. b. Okay. Well, first of all, my hometown is "X". I was born in the city, but moved to the outskirts of the town when I was small. "X" is a fairly large city — a pretty important economic centre actually. It has a population of 3 million. It's pretty flat, and is situated right near a large lake.


一个人的PETS5的经验(我一个字一个字打出来的)转贴今天拿到了PETS 5级证书,笔试76(其中听力26),口语5,总的说来还可以接受,下面讲讲我的一些体会,希望对大家有用。我是4月决定报考的,主要是因为参加工作2年,英语都忘得差不多了,想借此给自己一点压力和动力,四月底去到广外考试中心,交了160元,五一后再去拿到了准考证。复习过程我选择上外的大学英语精读这套教材,虽然有人对它指手画脚,实际上作为一套教材,它可以说是非常经典的。由于报5级,所以我直接从第四册开始学习。首先我把单词读一遍,一是掌握单词的发音,国为我有些单调拿不准,二是有些单词的意思和常用意思不一致,所以要先过一遍。词汇是外语的基础。5级的词汇量应该在6000以上,如果阅读过程中生词率高于30%,考试就没法考了。然后我习惯大声读一遍课文,为的是培养费语感,“文章硬如铁,读来满口血”,文章不读一次,就感觉嘴巴都硬了。读完之后,就借且参考书,逐字逐句的啃课文,主要包括词汇的意思和用法,句子的语法和逻辑结构(这是最重要的!),以及一些时代背景,名人名言等等,为什么要强调语法和逻辑结构呢?我们以第五册第一课第一句话为例:it is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the languagee have been understood.一句主占据了3行,而且结构复杂冗长,没有过硬的分析能力,考试时就会手忙脚乱了。所以这一肯虽然很烦也很枯燥,但却是必不可少的。我在复习过程中在这一步耗时最多,基本上一天看一课,课后的练习因为时间关系基本没有做,精力都在阅读上了。3册课本共30篇,去掉几篇小说还剩20多篇,一个月基本能看完。这是复习的第一阶段。第二阶段主要是巩固和提高,每天我固定抽出半个小时读课文,先大声读一遍,培养语感和锻炼发音,读的过程基本不知道课文在说什么,看到的只是一个个单词,见树不见林。第二遍是默读,读完一句话,仔细地分析它的结构,搞清楚每个成分之间的内在联系,既见树又见林。这一阶段还要进入实战练习,市面上关于PETS 的辅导书多如牛毛,可惜质量实在不敢恭维。见过一本王长喜主编的模拟书,里面错误百出,可谓误人子弟。我一直认为,最好的辅导书就是历年真题,可惜PETS5的真题概不流出,所以那些所谓的辅导书就不几太当真了,他们唯一的用处就是让你熟悉考试会有哪些题型,如果真的想做练习,可以拿6级或考研的历年真题来做。考试前一天睡的不好,八点来到考场,结果几乎到九点半才开考。第一部分是听力,又分3 PARTS,PART1是对话,PART2是段子,都是听完后选一个答案,PART3是填空,一段话放3遍,要求填补文中抽去的词或短语。个人觉得难度和6级差不多,有些地方稍微快一些。第二部分是语法填空,一篇文章里面抽掉了若干个词,要逑补充完整(没有选项,不像完形填空!)。这部分一半靠语感,1/3靠语法逻辑,苦命靠上下文语境,为什么要强调语感呢?其实靠逻辑也可以做出来,但需要时间,而考试最缺的就是时间,所以要靠 2013公共英语考试全攻略 考试介绍考试指导一级考试试题考试指导二级考试试题 平时多读,凭借语感当机立断,这部分每空只有0.5分,所以千万不要花太多时间,做不出的就放弃,当然也不要乱选,毕竟0.5分也是分,要做到又快又准。第三部分是大头:阅读,5篇文章,每篇约800词。对阅读的难度一定要有充分的认识;把你能想象的最大难度放大十倍,就差不多了(当然对于牛人这句话不适用)。每篇只能看一遍文章就去做题(做的过程可以回头寻找文中的细节)。我就在这方面犯错误了,有一篇文章看了两遍才做,最后就不够时间了。第四部分是排序,一篇文章抽去了几段,要从选项中把正确的段落补回去。这种题型对大家比较陌生,而且做到这里,脑子也比较混乱或者是转不动了,我也提不出什么好办法,虽然每题有2分。最后是快速阅读,有3篇文章,每篇800词,10道选择题,都是考文章的细节,难度很小,关键是阅读速度要快,以上是第一卷,到时间后监考人员收卷,再发第二卷作文,这次的作文题目是“多设立职业高中还是普通高中?”个


一.关于姓名 1.What’s your name, please? 2.Can/Could/Will/Would you tell me/us your name, please? 3.May I ask your name, please? 4.May I have your name, please? 回答: 1.My name is Li Ming. 2. I’m Li Ming. 3. You can call me Li Ming. 5.Just call me Li Ming. 二.关于年龄 1.How old are you? 2. What’s your age? 3. When were you born? 4. Can/Could/Will/Would you tell me/us your age, please? 1.I’m fourteen (years old). 2.I was born in (May) 1986. or I was born on May4th, 1985. 三.关于出生地 1.Where are you from? 2. Where do you come from? 3. Are you from Beijing? 4. Where were you born? 回答: 1. I’m from Shanghai. 2. I come from Shanghai. 3. I was born in Shanghai.

4. Yes, I’m from Beijing. 5. No, I’m not from Beijing. I’m from Shanghai. 四.关于职业 1.Are you a student? You are a student, aren’t you? 2. Do you study? 3.Do you work? 4. Have you got a job? 5. What do you study? 6. Do you like it? or Do you like studying computer science? Yes, I do. 7. Why do you like it? Because it’s very interesting. / Because I enjoy it very much. 8. What do you do? / What’s your job? 9. Do you like your job? No, I don’t. / Not at all. 10. Why don’t you like it? Because it’s not interesting. / Because I have to work so long every day and it makes me tired. 11. Do you want to change your job? Yes. Why? Because I’ve done the same job for a long time. I want to learn more and more things. 1. Which school are you in? 2. What subjects do you study? 3. Do you study computer? 4. Which subject do you like best? Why? I like maths best. Because I think it’s very interesting and useful. 5. Which subjects are you good at? 6. Which subject is the most difficult? Why? I think physics is the most difficult, because I often don’t do well in physics exams. 7. Which subjects do you like? Why? I like Chinese and English.


* I". 公共英语一级口试分类模拟题模拟二 题目1 1、口试教师对考生A 说:A, here is a card for you ? Tomorrow B will go autumn outing. Now, ask him/her five questions about it according to the card. 提问卡 He/She will go autumn outing tomorrow. Please ask him/her five questions about it according to the card. 口试教师对考生日说:B, here is a card for you. You wi 11 go autumn out ing tomorrow. Now, answer him/her five questions about it according to the card? You can use what is there on your card to help you. 回答卡 You will go autumn outing tomorrow. Please answer him/her five questions about it according to the card. Autumn Outing 3. p^lc? luin v 7 7 S. acivtf?

Autiunn OutiuM 题目2 2、口试教师对考生B说:B z here is a card for you. Now, ask A five questions about his/ her climbing mountains according to the card. 提问卡 Please ask him/her five questions about his/her climbing mountains according to the card.


听力真题1 Part A The following is an interview with Emma Richards, one of Britain' s most successful sailors and the youngest person to complete the Around Alone Race in May 2003. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 A. They do not have a middleman. B. They do not have sufficient capital. C. They are too humble to their clients. D. They focus on a six-figure salary. 15、What does Weiss say about self-esteem?

C. Self-esteem is built up on a support system. D. Self-esteem plays a bigger role for the self-employed. 16、What does "bill on value" mean? A. Helping a company improve its market share by 10 percent. B. Knowing what the company is planning to achieve. C. A consultant' s income depends on how much he helps a company make or save. D. A consultant should have a clear idea about who has the final say on expenses. 17、How many people lost their lives worldwide in emergencies in 2008? A. 11, 000. B. 16, 000. C. 250, 000. D. 11, 000, 000. 18、Which is one of the best practices WHO is advocating? A. To train doctors and nurses. B. To recruit volunteers. C. To equip hospitals with advanced facilities. D. To do drills in preparation for emergencies. 19、Which of the following is suggested by the two officials? A. To spend 80 percent of the total health budget on hospitals. B. To make use of the existing facilities in emergencies. C. To increase the original budget for hospital construction. D. To rebuild the hospitals that have been destroyed. 20、What causes hospitals to lose their normal functions? A. Inadequate investment. B. Large-scale outbreaks of diseases. C. Lack of experienced surgeons. D. Outdated health facilities. Part C You will hear an interview with Mike Rowe, host of the American TV show Dirty Jobs. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21 to 30 by writing no more than three words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the interview twice. 21、Rowe thinks a civilized life is made possible by people doing ______. 22、The show is about j obs that most people try very hard to ______. 23、To many Americans living a clean and suburban life, the j obs introduced in the show are ______. 24、Before the show was televised on a network, it was on the air in ______. 25、In making the show, Rowe learns that the interest of the audience is in both ______. 26、Rowe was at the end of his wits when the number of his programs totaled ______. 27、Where does Rowe get the inspirations for his programs now? 28、Though not well-educated, Rowe' s grandfather had a natural gift in the fields of ______. 29、At the age of 18, Rowe decided not to follow ______. 30、What does Rowe think the people doing clean j obs lack in their lives?


pets5级口语高频必备短语及例句 这一秒不放弃,下一秒就有希望!坚持下去才可能考试通过!下面是小编整理的2016年pets5级口语高频必备短语及例句,欢迎阅读! 1. abide by 遵守,履行 If you join the club, you must abide by its rules.如果你加入这个俱乐部,你必须遵守他的规定。 They have always abided by their promises.他们总是遵守诺言。 2. abound in (with) 盛产,富于 Our country abounds in oil resources.我国有丰富的石油资源。 This area abounds in natural wonders. 这地区充满了自然奇观。 3.above all 首先,最重要地 A clock must above all be exact.钟表最重要的是时间精确。 Above all, you should cherish your time.最重要的是你要珍惜自己的时间。 4.according to 依照,按照 According to the Bible, God created the world in six days.根据圣经,上帝在六日内创造了世界。 According to the news, sixty people died in the air crash. 根据新闻,60 人死于空难。 5.accuse of 指控,谴责 They accused him of taking bribes.他们指控他纳贿。 The country was accused of having violated the treaty.这个国家被指控违反条约。 6.adapt to 适应 We adapted ourselves to the cold weather.我们习惯了寒冷的天气。 The new teacher is very slow to adapt to the usual rules of the school. 这位新老师非常缓慢地适应学校的常规。 7.add up to 加起来,总计 The figures add up to 100. 这些数字加起来是100。 The rain, the crowded train and the lack of suitable accommodation all added up to a very unpleasant trip.大雨,拥挤的火车,缺乏合适的居住地,所有的加起来导致了施行的不愉快。 8.after all 毕竟,终究 Rumors, after all, cannot conceal truth. 谣言终究掩盖不了事实。 He was worried about the exam, but he passed it after all. 他担心考试,但最终及格了。 9.all but/except 除了……都 All but one were present. 除了他一个人以外,其他的都到了。 All but he fled.除了他所有的人都逃了。 10.appeal to 呼吁,要求;对……有吸引力 The conference appealed to all the member states for still closer unity.会议呼吁全体成员国更加紧密地团结起来。 The song appeals to Chinese children.这首歌为中国的孩子们所喜爱。 11.approve of 赞成,同意 I cannot approve of her staying up.我不赞成他熬夜。 We do not approve of divorcing theory from practice.我们不赞成理论脱离实际。 12.arrive at 到达,达到(想法,结论) We arrived at the station at midnight. 我们半夜抵达车站。 We arrived at the conclusion that he was a spy. 我们得出结论,他是个间谍。


公共英语三级(pets3级)口语试题重点句型 Chemistry 常用句子 Our chemistry paper is too difficult.我们的化学试卷太难了。 I'm thinking whether I can pass or not.我在想我考试能不能及格。 I like chemistry not because itself is interesting but because there are many experiments in chemistry lab.我喜欢化学不是因为它有趣,而是因为有好多的化学实验。 It's dangerous if one doesn't following our teacher's instructions. 如果不按老师的示范去做那将很危险。 Chemistry is important for me because in the future I want to be a chemist. 将来我想当化学家,所以化学对我来说很重要。 Is chemistry more useful than physics?化学比物理重要吗? I think chemistry is as important as physics.我认为化学与物理同等重要。 Chemistry becomes so interesting with our teacher's explanation. 化学经我们老师的讲解显得有趣多了。 Do you know what is H2O?你知道H2O是什么吗?

I think chemistry teachers are the same characters with rare hair on the head. 我觉得化学老师都有相同的特点:头发少。 Every time I'm dreaming in class our chemistry teacher pulls me back to his humorous explanation. 每次化学课上我昏昏欲睡的时候,我们的化学老师幽默的讲解又使我精神振作。 Is this a chemical change or a physical change when wood becomes desks? 木材变成桌子是物理变化还是化学变化? There will.be a chemistry test tomorrow morning.明天上午考化学。 17.Maths 常用句子 The simplest real numbers are the natural numbers,which are just the ordinary counting number l,2,3… 最简单的真数是自然数,即平时我们口数的一、二、三…。 One convenient way to visualize the real numbers is by the way of a number line.

2009-2011 pets5 历年口语真题

2009年11月 What do you think are the effective ways to prevent Internet addiction among young people in China? enhancing public awareness of the problem closer parent-child relationship attentive guidance from school promotion of healthier leisure activities more accessible counseling cure centers for Internet addicts applying age limit to users of Internet cafes Do you usually go to big hospitals or community clinics for medical treatment? Why? What do you think individuals can do to help reduce traffic in big cities? Do you think we should give money to beggars in public places? Do you prefer to read e-books or printed books? Do you think Chinese tourist should be taught manners before go abroad? Will the increased number of buses help ease congestion in big cities? Which do you prefer, a traditional library or an e-library? Why? What’s your opinion about military training programs for students? Should team work be always encouraged? Why/Why not? 2010年6月 Here is a list of advantages of being a librarian. What do you think are the main advantages of being a librarian? Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I won’t join you. You have 5 minutes. λ Regular working hours λ Quiet working conditions λ Indoor work λ Access to books λ Light work λ Job security λ Clean working environment What is an ideal age for a young person to be independent? Give your reasons. When do you think a college graduate should get further education? Immediately upon graduation or after working for a period of time? Not many business women get into the top of their companies. What are the possible obstacles in their way?


公共英语三级(p e t s)口语真题汇总口试真卷 Part 1 (3 minutes) Interlocutor: Good morning/afternoon. My name is... and this is my colleague... He/She is jus t going to be listening to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please ? Thank you. And your names are ... and ... ? (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor. ) First of all, Candidate A, we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions. (Select two or more questions from the following categ ory for Candidate A. ) Thank you.

Now, Candidate B, I'm going to ask you some questions. Select two or more questions from the following categor y for Candidate B. Thank you. Part 2 (3minutes) Interlocutor: Now, I'd like you to talk about something between yours elves. We're just going to listen. ( Place the picture sheet ![p.6] in front of both ca ndidates. ) This is the picture for your reference. It shows a smal l boy' s childhood: 1. taken out by his grandpa for a walk, 2. taught to write by his parents, 3. looked after by a na nny, 4. playing with other children in a kindergarten.


Section I Listening Comprehension This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Part A. You will hear a conversation between a student, Mr. Wang, and his tutor, Dr. Wilson. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 by circling True or False. You will hear the conversation ONLY ONCE. You now have 60 seconds to read Questions 1-10. 1. Dr. Wilson and Mr. Wang have met before. TRUE/FALSE 2. Wang prefers to live with an English family. TRUE/FALSE 3. Wang intends to study how computer is used for language translation. TRUE/FALSE 4. Back in his own country Mr. Wang studied C-language and chemistry. TRUE/FALSE 5. Wang has some experience in CAD. TRUE/FALSE 6. Dr. Wilson is satisfied with Wang’s past experience. TRUE/FALSE 7. Wang has little knowledge of the phonetic processing system. TRUE/FALSE 8. Wang decides to take courses and pass exams. TRUE/FALSE 9. Dr. Wilson suggests that Wang should extend his stay at the university. TRUE/FALSE 10. Dr. Wilson asks Wang to do a little more research before deciding on his project. TRUE/FALSE You now have 20 seconds to check your answers to Questions 1 - 10. That is the end of Part A. Part B. You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 1 - 3 are based on the following talk. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1 - 3. 1. What does the speaker suggest that the students should do during the term? [A] Consult with her frequently.



2011级大学英语口语一级考试试题一 Part I (6minutes) Examiner: Now, I’d like you,first of all, to read the following paragraph: The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak. They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other. Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveler fold his cloak around him; and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shone out warmly, and immediately the traveler took off his cloak. Part II (6minutes) Examiner : Next, I’d like each one of you to answer a question on Sports: 1.Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? 2.What sports do most young people go in for? 3.Why do people need to play sports? 4.What do you know about the Olympic Games? 5.Who’s your favorite sports star? Why? 6.What’s the most popular sport in China? Do you like it?

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