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unit2 教案
unit2 教案


unit2 教案

English Lesson Plan Interpretation Lecturer: Zhang Hongwen Yima No.1 Senior Middle School

May 29th 2007 Senior English China Students Book Ⅰ A Unit

2 English around the World Integrating Skills American English

a nd British English Contents: Ⅰ . Analysis of Teaching material Ⅱ . Teaching Methods Ⅲ. Learning Methods Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures Ⅴ. Lay out on the blackboard Ⅰ . Analysis

of Teaching material 1. Introduction (Status and Function ) This part has an article about American English and British English. After reading this text, we can learn about some historical culture background leading to the differences between American English and British English. It also shows the structure of an exposition. It gives the topic sentences, expositive sentences, some facts and so on. It is helpful to develop the Ss ability of writing an exposition and to enhance

the Ss awareness of learning about the cultural background and

the differences in languages. 2. Teaching Aims and Demands A.

Ability goals: ⑴ To make the Ss learn more about the differences between American English and British English as

well as the Origins of these differences ⑵ To improve the

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Ss ability of finding its topic and support through scanning

the reading material ⑶ To develop the Ss ability of finding

out the structure of the text by reading the material ⑷ To improve the Ss reading and writing ability B. Knowledge and Learning ability ⑴ To enhance the Ss awareness of learning about the cultural background and the differences in language

⑵ To enable the Ss to have the habit of find main idea and its supports by scanning, so that they can grasp the main points

of the text quickly 3. Teaching Important Points ⑴ To help the

Ss to understand the whol e article ⑵ To make the Ss how to learn how to write an exposition ⑶Get the Ss to know about American English and British English 4. Teaching Difficult Points ⑴ The understanding of some language points

⑵ How to improve the Ss writing Ⅱ Teac hing Methods


activity/Analysis and Summary/Explanation 2. Multimedia Computer/A tape recorder/Blackboard Ⅲ Learning Methods To

find the main idea of each paragraph by scanning To get some details through careful reading and listening To understand

and master some language points with the teachers help To know

how to writing an exposition after learning this passage Ⅳ Teaching Procedures Step1 Presentation (Lead-in) Step2


Fast-reading Step3 Careful reading Step4 Listening and reading aloud Step5 Language Points Step6 Practice Step7 Discussion Step8 Summary and Homework Unit 2 American English and British English Step 1 Presentation bathroom in American English means ________ bathroom in British English means: ____________ That means there are differences between American English and British English. Today well learn more about their differences between American English and British English. Step2 Fast Reading 1. What is American English for

I think? In American English I guess is used instead of I think. 2. What did Noah Webster do in order to make American English different from British English? He changed the spelling of many words. Step 3 Careful Reading Questions:

1. When did America become an independent country? In 1776

2.Who wrote the first American dictionary? And when? Noah Webster in 1828 Main idea of the text: The text mainly tells

the differences Between American English and British English

in words/vocabulary spelling and pronunciation Step4 Listening Reading Aloud Differences between American English

and British English English words ways American English British English Words fall autumn

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I guess I think tornado typhoon Spelling

color colour center centre traveler traveller pronunciation dance not /nat/ /da:ns/

Reasons for the differences between AE and BE: 1. After independence from England, the language in America stayed the

same, while the language in England changed 2. Both started

borrowing words from other languages 3. Noah Webster published

his dictionary to make American English different from British

English Reading the second part and fill in the following form. American English word borrowed from

cent Old French Florida Spanish howl India cookbook German Read the text aloud and then

fill in the blanks. There are some differences between American

English and British English in vocabulary spelling and pronunciation. Sometimes, the same word means different things

just like the word bathroom, sometimes different words mean the

same thing like the words fall and autumn, and sometimes the

same word has different pronunciation like the word dance. How

did these differences come about? Because languages are

changing and so is English. American English has changed over

the centuries. Its really a mixture(混合)of different languages. Most of the words and expressions come from British


English, some are from Websters dictionary and some are from

other languages such as old French Spanish or German. If we know

the differences, we can learn English better. Step 5 Language

Points the differences between A and B There are many differences between Model A and Model B. come about How did the accident come about? in the same way I worked

out the problem. And my brother did it in the same way, too.

end up with We ended up the party with a song. different

from My dictionary is different from Jacks. more or

less Mary made some mistakes in the test, but her answers

were more or less right. have difficulty in doing I have

some difficulty in finishing the exercises. a great many

There are a great many new words in the article. I cant read

it. Step 6 Practice American English British English Chinese cab ______ 出租

车 ______ main road 公路

______ middle school 中学

Vacation ______ 假期

______ fortnight 两周

garbage ______ 垃圾

______ ground floor 一楼

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______ lorry 卡车

______ favourite 最喜爱的meter ______ 米traveling ______ 旅行

______ practise 练习organization ______ 组织 I have ______ 我有 Step 7 Discussion We just learnt that some American English words are borrowed from our Chinese. In fact, some our Chinese words are also borrowed from English. Now discuss and imagine what words

in our Chinese are from English? Step 8 Summary and Homework From this class weve learnt the differences between American English and British English and the reasons for the differences. As an English learner its important to know about their differences. So when we are in different English-speaking countries, we can use different English language so that we wont make mistakes by misunderstanding each other. Writing Homework Write a short passage, comparing American and British English or dialects in Chinese. Besides, read the tips on Page

14 carefully and use them when possible. Finish the exercises

on page 9496. Please remember the following sentences: 1. At the same time, British English and American English started

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ borrowing words from other languages, ending up with different words. 2. Except for these differences in spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English. 3. However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other. Ⅴ Lay out on the blackboard

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