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()6. A.$2 . B.$4. C.$8.

()7. A.To Paris. B.To Canada. C.To New York. ()8. A.12 years old. B.15 years old. C.16 years old. ()9. A.It's cold. B.It's cool. C.It's hot.

()10. A.Because he lost her book.

B.Because he lent her book to his cousin.

C.Because he can't return her book today.



()11.How did Dan feel when Paul told him about the car?



C.Disappointed. ()12.What did Dan wish to do?

A.To give his brother a car.

B.To have a brother like Paul's.

C.To receive a car from Paul's brother.

()13.Why did Dan ask Paul to drive the car to his house?

A.To show he had a rich friend.

B.To let his brother ride in the car.

C.To tell his brother about his wish.

()14.What is TRUE about Dan?

A.He was very rich.

B.He had a healthy brother.

C.He loved his brother very much.

()15.What is Paul like according to the passage?









( )21.Mr. Wang is coming to our schoo.I can‘’t wait to see .

A. her

B. him

C. them

( )22. You can see the in our faces when we talk about the

great achievements in the past 70 years

A. doubt

B. pride

C. regret

( )23.- Tan Dun does not use any musical Instruments In his music Water,

-That’s really amazing! He is so .

A. energetic

B. serious

C. creative

( )24. The China International Import Expo(中国国际进口博览会|)is

a good chance to develop China’s trade with other countries.

A. finally

B. really

C. hardly

( )25.- Don't forget to take the camera with you tomorrow, Jane.

-Oh. I almost forget it. Please me about it tomorrow morning.

A. repeat


C. remind

( )26. My little sister can read lots of ancient Chinese poems she is only five years old.

A. although

B. because-


( )27.You’ll have to the books because there aren’t enough for everyone.




( )28.Families usually new pictures of flowers or fish before the Spring Festival.

A.give up

B.put up

C.set up

( )29.I still spare some time to take exercise every day though I so many subjects.

A.am Interested In

B. am tired of

C. am busy with

( )30.一 Could you tell me ?

-You will stay with an English family and take part in their daily life.

A.when Ishould pay for the course

B. what the best part of the course is

C. how long the shortest course lasts




(Li hua and Lin yao have just walked out of the cinema. A reporter is interviewing them.)

Reporter: Excuse me .I’m a reporter from https://www.doczj.com/doc/8715442516.html,. May I ask you some questions?

Li Hua/ Liu Yao: Sure.

Reporter: 31 .

Li Hua: The Wandering Earth(《流浪地球》)

Reporter: Why did you choose it?

Li Hua: 32 She said it was a big hit.

Reporter: I see (To Liu Yao)How do you like this movie?

Liu Yao: Amazing! 33

Li Hua: I agree. And Wu Jing acts really well.

Reporter: Well, what else would you like to say about it?

Liu Yao: 34 He wrote such a wonderful story.

Li Hua: And it’s an important milestone(里程碑) of our country’s movie development.

Reporter: 35 Thank you very much.

Li Hua/Liu Yao: My pleasure.



Life is full of colors and different colors reflect different attitudes towards life. Different colors can express different 36 .There is no doubt that colors have a big influence on our moods. It is reported that a black bridge over the Thames River used to be a spot where people often

committed suicide(自杀). But when it was repainted green, the number of suicides fell 37. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink. So it s not hard to infer that different colors have different effects on people. 38 warm colors are not always the best. It's better to work in a quiet place where the wall is painted with cold colors like blue or white. That’s because these colors make your heart peaceful and you can make better use of your time to work. If you study in a room that’s painted red, your brain will be more active and you will be more likely to go out and 39 .

You can also show your mood 40 dressing in different colors. For example, you wear red clothes if you are happy or when celebrating the New Year. Or you choose white or black if you are sad, like if you are going to attend a funeral(葬礼). How do you make such choices? An expert from Russia explains the reasons that warm colors make people feel 41 and full of energy, while cold colors make people 42 and usually help to create a solemn atmosphere.

43 ,colors play an important role in our life. Just find the color of your Ne and enjoy it!

( )36. A. opinions B. feelings C. values

( )37.A. directly B. typically C. rapidly

( )38.A. And B. But C.So

( )39.A. play B.study C.sleep

( )40.A. by B. before C.with

( )41.A. joyful B. awful C.truthful

( )42.A. pull together B. take action C.keep cool

( )43.A.To be honest B.All in all C.In fact


( A )


Typhoon Lekima (利奇马) landed at around1:45a.m. on Saturday in the city of Wenling in Zhejiang. It made a second landing at 8: 50 p.m. on Sunday on the coast of Qingdao in Shandong province. It brought torrential rains and strong wind. Do you know something about typhoon? Today, let's learn about it!

( )44. Lekima made a second landing at .

A Wenling

B Qingdao

C Zhejiang

( )45. According to the article, typhoon .

A. is used in east Asia for a cyclone

B.occurs In the western regions of the Pacific Ocean

https://www.doczj.com/doc/8715442516.html,es from the Chinese term tal-fung meaning strong rain ( )46.Typhoon can leads to a dangerous situation directly except .

A. landslides and debris flow

B. heavy rain

C. strong winds ( )47. can help people to prevent typhoon.

A. Surfing the Internet to get weather updates

B. Turning off light and flashlight if necessary

C. Preparing enough towels, rags and mops

( )48. The article may come from .

A. a morning newspaper

B. a sports magazine

C. a fashion book

( B )


A six –year-old kid walked into a candy store with his dad and was surprised by so many candies on sale. "It's amazing. What should I choose? "he asked himself.

“Come on, son. We don’t have much time. I have to attend an important

meeting,”his dad said. " These are all my favorites and I don't know what to choose. "He picked up some bags and then put them back. He couldn't make up his mind.“Hurry up, son. We have no time. I’m very busy,” his dad said. So the boy ran around the store quickly again. His eyes moved from one bag to another,but all of the sweets looked so good and he hesitated, unsure of what to buy. Finally, the

dad lost his patience. He caught his son by the hand and they walked out of the store empty-handed. The boy cried. He wanted them all, but ended up with nothing because he wouldn't choose just one

Some of us are like that boy. The world is that candy store. We have a great number of choices available to us, but if we don’t make a decision about our jobs, education, relationships, marriage or other important things, we will end up empty-handed. Sometimes we worry about making the wrong choice. If we regret the direction that we take, is it too late to go back?We don't have to worry about this. How do we know whether it is good or not if we don’t make a choice?The bigger danger is that we make no decision at all and end up going nowhere and doing nothing.

( )49. Why couldn't the boy make up his mind?

A. Because he didn't know what he liked.

B. Because all the e candies were his favorites

C. Because his father didn't have enough money

( )50. What does the underlined word"hesitated"mean in Chinese?




( )51. How might the boy feel when he walked out of the store?

A. Sad

B. Doubtful

C. Nervous

( )52. The writer compares some important things in our life to in the story.

A. the boy

B. the father

C. the candies

( )53. What's the best title for the text?

A.Made your decisions bravely

B. It's hard to make a right choice

C. Never regret what you have decided

( C )



Summer is here. One of the best ways to cool off on a hot summer day

is to jump into a swimming pool.Swimming is great exercise, and a trip

to a pool or beach is a good way to have fun with friends. But swimming

can also be dangerous, so it s important to stay safe as you do it.


★Swim only in areas set for swimming.

Don't swim unless there is a lifeguard(救生员)on duty. If you ' re

on a beach near the ocean, this is especially important. 55 So if a

sign says"no swimming”, please take care.

★ Be careful when diving(跳水) into the water headfirst.

Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe, but we are usually not

sure how deep the natural water is. 56 Or you could hit your head on

the bottom, causing injury(伤害)or death.

★ 57

Nobody knows what will happen while you are swimming. If something goes

wrong, you can get help from that person as soon as possible. In this

situation, a few seconds can make a big difference.

★Pay close attention to children ‘s safety.

Kids who don 't know how to swim should wear life jackets. 58 If

you have a pool at home, put a fence(围栏 ) around it in case children

fall in. And if a child disappears, check the pool first.



Learn how to drive safely in the UK

British roads are the safest in the world-in 2010,only 3.8 people out of 100,000 died in road accidents.This number is lower than in any other country.If you go there,you should try to drive the same way British people do.This is some advice for visitors who plan to go driving in the UK.

●Drive on the left side of the road.In most countries,people drive on the right side.Many visitors have problems because they forget about this difference.

●If there is line of cars,don't try to go past other people to get to the front.This is called"jumping the line".If you do this,other people will get angry with you.

●Stop at the traffic lights.In the UK,drivers always stop when the light is red,although there aren’t any cars or people around.

●Don't use your horn(喇叭)too much.If you do,people will think you are not polite.If another driver flashes(闪光)their lights at you,then they are probably trying to tell you that they will wait for you to go first.

●If you have an accident,then don't try to bribe(贿赂)the police!If you

do,you might finish your visit in prison(监狱).




Do teenagers in small villages help with housework at home?How about the teenagers in big cities?Here is a survey.We asked 4,000 teenagers in China some questions.Half of them come from big cities.The others are from small villages.We found out that teenagers from small villages do more housework than those from big cities.或许是因为他们过着更为艰苦的生活。However,we think doing housework helps teenagers to look after themselves.

The survey of doing housework

The chart above shows that the teenagers in big cities might not love doing chores,but scientists say that it does help burn calories.According to Weight Loss Resources,dusting,mopping(拖地)and sweeping,for example,are great for keeping arms shapely;and bending among all the types of housework.Meanwhile,most students would rather do simple work like folding clothes which are good for their muscles.What's more,students in big city would like to do housework because of getting paid.

Being paid for doing housework is good for us students.It helps us to treasure(珍惜)the money.Now most of us students just ask for money from our parents when we want it.So we won't treasure it.If we help with housework and then get paid,we will understand that money is not well earned.

It is a fair way for us students to earn money.The more and better you do the housework,the more you get paid.And this is also useful when we grow up.

64. Please translate the underlined sentence into English.

65.What does the underlined word“it”refer to?

66.From the chart,what can you get the conclusion?

67.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

68.Why do some people agree with getting paid after doing housework for


69.Do you think that students should be allowed being paid when doing

housework?Tell us one reason.



There are many reasons why I encourage people to travel,and I know that the experience will make one a better person.

I remember while I 70 ,I began to know the world better.The world

is not just about me,my small town and home. 71 you will meet different people from all over the world,you will realize that people are similar in their 72 ,hopes and feelings.Enjoy exploring(探索)the different cultures,and you will also find that people are different in some of the things they do and how they live.Once you understand their ways,it will not be strange or scary.Often we read stories about other cultures in books.Only when we visit their areas,do we find that those stories are something wrong.

One thing you may find out is that there are problems all over the world.We can't just get money to send to these areas and hope that will work them out.The world should get involved(干预)and help wherever there are problems.People everywhere should 73 a chance.It is so easy to ignore(忽视)this if one does not travel or explore.One can look around and see that so many people have many challenges worse than ours.One can realize that sometimes the 74 problems that he has ever experienced are not that big after all.

On your journey you will meet lots of new friends.Talking to strangers

and finding about their lives is a great way 75 your time.You will 76 be more confident after having to deal with problems and make

many 77 along the way.

When you travel,you have to be on your own in some situations.You will

surprise 78 by how well you can do that.All your special experiences

could make an interesting book to read.It would be filled with your special


Traveling around and seeing so much happening in the world around us

is a wonderful experience. 79 the experiences during the travel,we all

would be better people and the world would be a better place.

70 71 72.

73. 74. 75.

76. 77 . 78.





“从父母身上学到的最重要的一种优秀品质(quality)”这一话题,对 100 名学




要求: 1. 词数不少于 80 词;



A school did a survey among 100 students about the most important quality

they have learned from their parents. Here are the results.

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