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2008.12四级英语 真题详解

2008年12月大学英语四级考试答案与解析Part I Writing

Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags








【3】1.Convenient as they are for consumers,they have become a threat to the environment and a cause for severe waste of resources.

2.Despite the convenience they bring to consumers,

they have caused a serious waste of resources and environmental pollution.

3.Though they have brought convenience to con?sumers,they have caused troubles concerning en?vironmental pollution and resource waste.





Part II Reading Comprehension 穴Skimming and Scanning雪

4.Disposable plastic bags,though convenient,put a strain on resources and the environment.


1.Therefore,the official ban on the use of plastic bags free of charge is of great significance.

2.So,limiting the use of free plastic bags is very important.

3.Consequently,restraining the use of plastic bags has many benefits,including environmental pro?tection and energy saving.

4.Therefore,it is of great importance to ban the use of plastic bags free of charge.


1.Not only will our public places look better with?out all the white pollution,but the saved energy can also be used in more meaningful ways.

2.The environment will be more pleasant without the white pollution and many resources will be saved for other meaningful uses.

3.To start with,our public places will become beautiful without so many plastic bags.Besides,much energy and many resources will be saved too.

4.Not only can we enjoy a cleaner environment but we will also save much energy and many re?sources with the ban.


1.Why don’t we applaud the wise decision?

2.Why not welcome the wonderful idea?

3.No wise man will resist the great decision.

4.We should certainly be all in faror of this policy.



【定位】根据题干中的人名Stella Bianchi及关键词the young boy’s mother查找到第3段。

【解析】原文中的apologise以动词形式出现,A中的名词apology与之相对应,make an apology是apologise的同义替换,因此选A。


【定位】根据题干中的dealing with other people’s children查找到第4段。



【定位】根据题干中的人名Professor Naomi White和机构名Monash University查找到第7段。






【定位】根据题干中的人名Andrew Fuller查找到第9段首句。

【解析】原文提到有两种方式来处理此事,而本题询问Andrew Fuller的方式。该段提到他会直接去和孩子谈,并且只需平静地提醒一下孩子就可以了,A与之相吻合,故为答案。


【定位】根据题干中的child?centric nature查找到第16段。



【定位】根据题干中的everyone is exhausted from overwork and lack of sleep查找到第18段。



【定位】根据题干中的kids got into trouble和school查找到第19段。

【解析】解答本题的关键在于理解You probably deserved it的含义,该句意为“也许是你该受罚”,说明他们责怪自己的孩子,D与之相吻合,故为答案。本题还可利用used to帮助定位,本文通篇都是一般现在时,只需查找原文中出现过去式的句子,并且一般说来题目顺序和文章顺序相吻合,因此应该在上题原文的后面查找。


【定位】根据题干中的人名Professor White和child?centred society查找到第22段首句。


9.【答案】possess/own(that they can be proud of)

【定位】根据题干中的人名Professor White和treat children查找到第23段。

【解析】空白处需要填入动词(短语)。原文中说我们喜欢把孩子当成是商品,而且为其长相和成就感到骄傲,而不是为孩子谋取最大的利益。因此本题可填possess/own(that they can be proud of)或直接填can be proud of。10.【答案】stay silent

【定位】根据题干中的人名Andrew Fuller和behave inappropriately查找到文章末段。

【解析】空白处需填入动词(短语)。总结性建议往往出现在文章后面。题干中的suggests与文章末句中的recom?mends相吻合,因此原文recommends后的内容即为答案所在,本题应填入stay silent。

Part III Listening Comprehension

11.M:I just received an Email from one of my former classmates.I was surprised,I hadn’t heard from him

for ages.

W:Well,I’ve been out of touch with most of my old friends,only one or two still drop me a line occa?sionally.

Q:What does the woman mean?

[D]【解析】女士说她与大多数老朋友失去了联系,D中的lost contact与对话中的(been)out of touch同义,所以答


【点睛】女士话语后半部分中的drop me a line意为“给我写信”,而only one or two表明与女士联系的老朋友



12.M:If you can make up your mind about the color,I can start on the outside of your house early next week.

W:Well,right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls,but I’ll let you know tomorrow.

Q:Who is the woman talking to?



【点睛】由选项可以推断,本题问某人的职业。由关键词color以及white,yellow应不难得出答案。听到if的时候要注意其后的内容,一般是焦点信息。D中的carpenter是根据window frames编造的干扰信息,颇具迷惑性,要注意排除。

13.W:Excuse me,do you have any apartments available for under500dollars a month?I need to move in next

week when my new job starts.

M:The only vacant one I have is600dollars.Have you inquired at the apartment complex down the street?

Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?

[C]【解析】解答本题的关键在于抓听到男士以一般疑问句的方式所提出的建议,inquire与make inquiries同义,故选C。【点睛】动词选项题,可以推知本题可能询问某个建议。建议题的解答,要紧紧抓住原文建议句型中的核心动词。


14.W:You bought a pair of jeans yesterday,didn’t you?What are they like?

M:Oh,they are pretty much like my other ones,except with a larger waist.I guess I haven’t spent much time exercising lately.

Q:What can we infer from the conversation about the man?



【点睛】A中的prefer没有根据;B具有一定的干扰性,如果没有听清男士说这次买的jeans腰围更大,而只是根据他所说的最近没有花很多时间锻炼(原因也未必是忙)这一信息的话,很可能会误选B;D属于无中生有。15.W:I really like those abstract paintings we saw yesterday.What do you think?

M:I guess it’s something I haven’t acquired a taste for yet.

Q:What does the man imply?

[D]【解析】男士的回答非常委婉,同时意思又比较隐晦,这无疑增加了本题的难度。男士说的haven’t acquired a taste

与D中的doesn’t like意思相近,故选D。

【点睛】男士没有对女士做出任何评论,所以排除A、B;谈论的话题是abstract paintings,由此可轻松排除C。16.W:You haven’t seen a blue notebook,have you?I hope I didn’t leave it in the reading room.

M:Did you check that pile of journals you’ve borrowed from the library the other day?

Q:What is the man trying to say to the woman?


17.M:How about joining me for a cup of coffee?

W:I’d love to,but I’m exhausted.I was up till3this morning,writing a paper for my literature class.

Q:Why does the woman decline the man’s invitation?





19.Why does Simon find his retired life enjoyable?




ny’s available posts?



ment scheme?



18.W:You had a job interview yesterday,didn’t you?How did it go?

M:Not too bad,I guess.There were about20candidates competing for the sales manager’s job.And final?ly it was down to three of us,but the other two seemed better qualified.

Q:What does the man imply?




Now you’ll hear the two long conversations.

Conversation One

W:Simon,how does it feel to be retired?

M:Well,not so bad.

W:How have you been spending your time?

M:[19]I have been spending more time with my family.I’ve also travelled a bit,you know,off season when everywhere is less crowded and hotels cost less.


M:You know I haven’t stopped work completely.

W:Yes,could you tell us more about this?

M:I’m on a scheme that’s called phased retirement;I had a six?month break from work,after that I could apply for project work with the company I used to work for.

W:How does the scheme work?

M:Well,it’s a trial at the moment.Instead of hiring temporary staff,[20]the company advertises posts on its website that retired employees like myself can access.

W:What sort of work’s advertised?

M:Well,all sorts of things,really.Administrative work and more specialized work,the sort of thing I can do.

Some of the projects can last five or six months,and others can just be a couple of days.I can decide more or less when to work.[19]So I can manage my own time.

W:I can see it’s good for you.What does your company get out of this?

M:[21]Well,I still have all my old contacts at work,so I know who to contact to get something done.

The company gets flexibility,too.Once the job’s over,that’s it.I’m not on their books any more.



22.What are the speakers going to do at the time

of the conversation?

[C]【解析】对话开头男士就说要带女士去看一个农场,而a farm 就是a piece of property (地产),所以答

[B]【解析】男士说到这是一个小农场,还有一座带两间卧室的小房子,所以选B 。

than corn on the farm?

[C]【解析】男士说打算种土豆而不种玉米是因为农场不够大,所以选C 。

man’s plan?

[A]【解析】女士开始就质疑他们是否买得起农场,后来又问男士他们是否有足够的资金启动这一切,这好像是在做梦,由此可见答案为A 。

Passage One

Members of the city council and distinguished guests,[26]it is my privilege to introduce to you today Mr.Robert Washington,chief of our city’s police force.He will address us on the subject of the Community Polic?ing Program.Most of you know that Mr.Washington has a distinguished record as head of our police force for more than ten years.However,[27]you may not know that he also holds a master’s degree in criminology and studied abroad for a year with the international police force which deals with crimes around the world.Mr.Washington first introduced the Community Policing Program 8years ago.[28]The idea behind the program is to get police officers out of their cars and into our neighborhoods where they can talk directly to merchants and residents about the real dynamics of our city.These officers do more than make arrests.They try to find ways

Conversation Two

W:Oh,where are we going?

M:[22]I want to show you something.W:I know,but what is it?

M:[22]A farm.It’s just down this road.It’s a small place,but at least it would be our own.W:A farm?[25]How can we afford to buy a farm?

M:[23]It isn’t very large,only 40acres.We wouldn’t have to pay very much right now.W:Is there a house on the place?

M:[23]A small one,two bedrooms,but it needs to be fixed up a little.I can do the job myself.W:OK.Is there enough space for a kitchen garden?

M:There is about half an acre around the house.That’s plenty of space.

W:Then we can grow our own fresh vegetables.And maybe keep a few chickens,couldn’t we?M:Yes,and we can probably grow a lot of our own food.W:What are you thinking about growing,if we do take this place?

M:Well,[24]it really isn’t big enough for corn.I thought we might try to raise a crop of potatoes.W:Potatoes?They are a lot of work.M:We are used to hard work,aren’t we?

W:Yes,we are,[25]but the money.Do we have enough to get started?It seems like a dream.

M:I think we have saved enough.We can pay a little on the farm and maybe put a few dollars down on the




Passage Two

[30]There are between 3,000and 6,000public languages in the world,and we must add approximately 6billion private languages since each one of us necessarily has one.Considering these facts,the possibilities for breakdowns in communication seem infinite in number.However,we do communicate successfully from time to time.And we do learn to speak languages.But learning to speak languages seems to be a very mysterious pro?cess.For a long time,people thought that we learned a language only by imitation and association.For exam?ple,a baby touches a hot pot and starts to cry.The mother says,

“Hot,hot!”And the baby,when it stops

crying,imitates the mother and says,“Hot,hot!”However,Noam Chomsky,a famous expert in language ,pointed out that although children do learn some words by imitation and association,they also combine words to make meaningful sentences in ways that are unique,unlearned and creative.Because young children can make sentences they have never heard before,[31]Chomsky suggested that human infants are born with the ability to learn language.Chomsky meant that underneath all the differences between public and private languages,there is a universal language mechanism that makes it possible for us,as infants,to learn any language in the world.This theory explains the potential that human infants have for learning language.[32]But it does not really ex?plain how children come to use language in particular ways.30.Why does the speaker say there are great possi?

bilities for communication breakdowns?

[B]【解析】文章开头就提到世界上存在着许许多多的public languages 和private languages ,有鉴于此,就有可能产生大量的communication breakdowns (交际失败)。B 中的numerous 是对首句中3,000

and 6,000的概括。

learn language?

[C]【解析】Chomsky 说婴幼儿天生具有学习语言的能

26.What is the purpose of the speaker’s remarks?[A]【解析】文章开篇就提到讲话的目的是介绍市公安局局长Mr.Robert Washington ,所以选A 。ington?

[D]【解析】转折词however 之后的信息往往很重要,D 与文中However 后的原句一致,故选D 。


[B]【解析】原文说该program 背后的理念是让警官走出警车,进入社区,与商户和居民直接交谈,促进了解,B 是对此信息的概括。

out to be?

[C]【解析】短文结尾提到,该program 似乎在奏效,犯罪减少,公民更有安全感了。故选C 。

【点睛】其实本题很好选择,可以按以下思维推理:既然多次都提到Mr.Robert Washington 很优秀,那么对他所引入的该program 的评价肯定是正面的,所以在A 、C 中选择;另外,对于一个policing program 来说,光是popular 还不够,一定要effective ,即原文中的working ,据此选C 。

to help solve the problems that contribute to crime in the first place.Often that means hooking people up with services offered by other city agencies,such as schools,hospitals,housing,drug treatment centers.[29]And the program seems to be working:crime is down and our citizens report that they feel more secure.Today Mr.Washington is going to tell us more about this program.Now let’s welcome Mr.Robert Washington.-8-


33.What did Joan Higginbotham do before joining


[B]【解析】文章开头就明确提到Joan Higginbotham 在加入NASA 之前是engineer ,所以选B 。

space walks?

[C]【解析】原文提到Higginbotham 会根据观众的不同来调整演讲内容,所以选C 。tailor sth.to sb.与ad?

just sth.to sb.同义。

know about space travel?


文中明确提到,中学生感到好奇的问题是“太空人会不会携带武器以防备太空中可能遇到的敌人”,据此选A 。


【解析】此处需要名词作宾语从句的主语。根据文章首句中的increasing 也可推测此处应该是trend “趋势”。


【解析】此处需要单数名词作句子的主语。注意该词中的元音字母和字母组合ph 的使用。38.【答案】scene

【解析】此处需要名词作介词on 的宾语。scene 意为“现场,场面,场景”。不可误以为是同音词seen 。39.【答案】offences/offenses

【解析】此处需要复数名词作动词report 的宾语。

Passage Three

When US spacewoman Joan Higginbotham is not flying and working in space,she might be found some?where on earth giving a speech.Higginbotham,who grew up in Chicago and became [33]an engineer before joining NASA,that is the National Air and Space Administration,gives about a dozen speeches a year.[34]Each speech is different because she tailors her remarks to each audience.Through interviews and E?mails,she finds out in advance her listeners’educational level and what information they want to know.On the subject of space walks,for example,audiences vary in their interests and how much complexity they can comprehend.To ele?mentary school children,Higginbotham may discuss a problem that many kids want to know about.“How do spacemen in a spacesuit eat,drink,and go to the bathroom?”Her answer is “the spacesuit is really a small spacecraft with room for food and water?containers,and a waste?collection system.”[35]To a high school audi?ence,she might satisfy a curiosity that often arises in her pre?speech interviews with students who obviously have seen many science fiction movies.[35]“Do spacemen carry weapons in case they encounter enemies in space?”Her answer is “No ”.To scientists,she might provide technical details on such topics as the design of spacesuits that protects spacemen from the deadly temperature extremes of space.Just as elaborate preparation is required for success in space,[34]Higginbotham says that it’s important for speakers to learn as much as possi?ble about their listeners before a speech because every audience is different.力,C 中的born with 是听到的关键原词,故选C 。cording to the speaker?

[D]【解析】文章结尾提到,该理论并未解释孩子是如何以特定的方式学习使用语言的,D 是听到的原句,故选D 。



Part IV Reading Comprehension 穴Reading in Depth雪

【词性分析】名词:characters 品质,特性,特色;人物,角色[复数]desire 愿望,欲望,心愿

diversity 多样化;多样性



personnel (总称)人员;员工

respect 尊重;敬佩;细节,方面

词:communicating 交流;通讯[现在分词]derive 源于

desire 希望,渴望;要求escape 逃跑,逃脱;避开

offences 意为“犯罪,冒犯”,注意双写f ,词尾s 不要漏掉。该词美语的拼写为offenses 。40.【答案】murder

【解析】此处需要名词与robbery,rape 和auto theft 并列。murder 意为“谋杀”。注意不要漏掉第一个r 。41.【答案】particularly

【解析】此处需要副词作状语。particularly 意为“尤其”。注意字母组合ar 。42.【答案】explosion

【解析】此处需要单数名词作动词is driving 的宾语。explosion 意为“爆发,爆炸”。43.【答案】associated

【解析】此处需要动词的过去分词作后置定语,并且与介词with 构成搭配。注意双写s ,不要漏掉i 和词尾d 。

44.【答案】changing national borders,greater economic

growth,and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong

【听音关键】national borders,economic growth,lack of accepted social ideas

【答案重构】changing borders between countries,growing economy,and the lack of social norms agreed by all people


that has been common in America for most of its history

【听音关键】facing,cultural variety,common in America,most of its history

【答案重构】are now in a state of cultural diver?sity/heterogeneity,just like the US //are facing multiculturalism,just like America for most of its history

versity can lead to serious crime problems 【听音关键】failure,recognize,plan,diversity,se?rious crime problems

【答案重构】if we ignore this reality and do not prepare for it,serious social problems may arise -10-

CET-42008.12 establishing建立,成立[现在分词]narrow(使)变窄respect尊重;敬佩widen(使)变宽





48.[K]短语turn to为固定搭配,表示“求助于;借助于”,中间的空白处缺副词,根据语义选naturally“自然地”。

49.[H]不定式符号to后面的空白处缺动词原形,根据与from的搭配以及宾语中的limited environment判断,此处










56.[M]空白处缺一个副词修饰动词use。根据上下文中的褒义词enrich,fact?finding,此处选properly“得当地”。Passage One


【解析】文中congratulations前后的reading和survivor对应选项C中的lived long enough to read。

【点睛】A中的serious和B中的average life span,extended无依据,D更加夸大其词。



58.[B]【定位】根据题干中的the most important reason和men die five years earlier查找到首段末句和第2段。


【点睛】含有最高级的句子往往是考点。A虽然是其中一个原因,但不是the most important reason。





【解析】根据该段引语中的scared和would rather not know,可判断选项D是原文的同义表达。


61.[B]【定位】根据题干中的regular check?ups查找到末段首句。

【解析】该句后面引语中的But prevention is cheaper in the long run对应选项B。


Passage Two

62.[B]【定位】根据题干中的store managers often the last to hear complaints查找到第3段以及第2段。


【点睛】原因一般在现象的前后阐述,此题依据在前。A中的bother,C中的Few...believe和D中的no easy access都无据可依。








64.[B]【定位】根据题干中的moonlighting police as parking attendants查找到第8段首句。

【解析】该段首句指出,一些零售商通过雇用当地警察……来解决顾客的停车问题,题干中的...so that...即是对该句中的...solve...problems by...的同义表达,因此选B。此外,根据该段多次出现的parking一词


【点睛】把握住关键词往往可以迅速锁定答案,A中的browsing in the store,C中的worries about security和D 中的after shopping都偏离了该段的核心内容。

65.[A]【定位】根据题干中的smoothing over issues with customers查找到倒数第2段首句。

【解析】选项A是对该句主语Retailers who’re responsive and friendly的概括。倒数第2段的引文是对前一段话的解释说明。前一段说销售人员应该diplomatic and polite,A与之一致。


66.[C]【定位】根据题干中的better shopping experiences,advised查找到末段首句。

【解析】题干中的better shopping experiences对应文中该句的improve...shopping experiences,选项C对应文中的手段by filing complaints to the retailer,因此选C。


Part V Cloze



及下文提到的贫困家庭/社区,可知sponsor“主办,赞助”符合要求,故选D。spread“传播”;speed“加速”;spur “鞭策”。





71.[D]考查语义逻辑和近义词辨析。此处要与上文的have the resources needed截然相反,以构成有钱人家的孩


















79.[D]考查动词辨义与固定搭配。lead sb.to do sth.“引导/致使某人做某事”为固定表达,符合上下文语义,




81.[B]考查上下文语义逻辑。根据第78题后的social surroundings可判断此处指社会环境。故选surroundings的同




83.[D]考查介词用法。“在……之初”用at the beginning of,因此选D。







Part VI Translation

87.【答案】(that/which)they have no solutions/answers to till now//to which they haven’t found solutions/answers

so far

【解析】①此处要求译出定语从句。可用关系代词that或which引导,介词to置于句尾;也可以由介词to加关系代词which引导。前者中关系代词可以省略,后者不可以。②solutions/answers to a problem为固定搭配。

③“至今”可以译为till now,up to now,so far等。


88.【答案】What most parents are concerned about

【解析】①此处需要译出主语从句,汉语中的“的”字结构英语中往往用what引导。②“关心”常用be concerned about表达。

【点睛】主语从句是翻译中的难点。“most+名词复数”是常用的结构,没有限定范围时不需要用“most of the+名词复数”。

89.【答案】lest/in case it should get cold//in case it gets/turns cold//in case of temperature drop

【解析】①此处需要译出目的状语,“以防”常用lest/in case表达。lest后接从句,其中的谓语动词用should型虚拟语气。in case接从句,谓语动词可用虚拟语气,也可用直陈语气。还可用in case of,后接名词短语。②描



90.【答案】decided/decide to establish/found/launch/start their own businesses/enterprises/projects/undertakings

【解析】①此处需要译出与have received training并列的成分,“决定”可用现在完成时或一般现在时。②“决定做某事”用decide to do sth.的结构。③“自己创业”可以理解为“开创自己的事业”,其中“开创”可以译为establish/found/launch/start等,“事业”可以译为businesses/enterprises/projects/undertakings等。


91.【答案】until a doctor discovered it by chance/happened to discover it/chanced upon it

【解析】①此处需要译出时间状语从句。②“直到”往往用not...until的结构;“偶然发现”可以表达为discovered by chance/happened to discover/chanced upon等。



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