当前位置:文档之家› 自考外贸函电历年真题并附答案




一、单项选择题(本大题共20 小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。

1. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to ____ packing.( )

A. inferior

B. superior

C. faulty

D. mistake

2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter __________ right away.( )

A. settle

B. to settle

C. settling

D. settled

3. By joint efforts we can ___ both friendship and business.( )

A. increase B .promoted C .expand D. extend

4. We ___ you for the special offer you send us.( )

A. thank

B. appreciate

C. be grateful

D. beindebted

5. We are looking forward to ___ your L/C for Order No 123.( )

A .receive B. receiveing C. be received D. be receiving

6. This is our best price, ____ which we have concluded many orders

with other buyers in your city.( )

A. on

B. for

C. by

D. at

7. As it involves only a small ___ , we hope you will have no difficulty

on promotion.( )

A. quality B .figure C. quantity D. number

8.Our payment terms (付款方式)are ___ , irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.( )

A. con firmed B .combi ned(联合) C. committed D. completed

9. Since the premium varies with the scope of ____ e xtra premium is for

buyer ' s account, should additional siske covered?( )

A. assura nee

B. in sura nee

C. bus in ess

D. en terprises

10. Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the coveri ng letter of credit ____ y ou.( )

A. gets

B. comes

C. arrives

D. reaches

11. We shall advise you by cable as soon as the goods ____ .)

A. will ship

B. will be shipped

C. ship

D. are shipped

12. According to the shipping _____ it will be impossible for us to ship

the goods in October.()

A. schedule (时刻表)

B. timetable (公共汽车、火车的时刻表)

C. plan

D. scheme (计划,方案)

13. This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply ____ should reach us not later tha n the end of this mon th.( )

A. it

B. they

C. what

D. which

14. We cannot entertain your suggestion ________ it does not seem workable.()

A .because B. for C. so D. therefore

15. ____ y our in formati on, we have received a crowd of enq uiries from buyers in other directi on s.( )

A. On

B. For

C. By

D. At

16. We en closed our Purchase Co nfirmation No. 4848__in__ duplicate^ ) 一式两份in triplicate (一式三份)

A .in B. for C. with D. through

17. We cannot _____ present entertain any fresh orders for Younger Bra nd Me n's Shirts.()


B.at (目前)



18. ___ you like other items, kin dly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.()

A. In case B」n the case C. In this case D. In that case

19. Gen erally we cover in sura nee __ defi nite (明确的)in structi ons from our clie nts.()

A. i n abse nee of

B. in the abse nee of

C. in no abse nee of

D. in all abse nee of

20. Welodge (声明) a claim _______ you _____ t he short--weight.()

A. with …with

B. for …for

C. with …for

D. for …with


1. Can you offer us machine tools with ___ the following specification?

2. To trade _with ___ the people of all eoun tries __on __ the basis of equality and mutual ben efit is our established policy.

3. Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are __in ____ e xact accorda nee with ___ the terms of the Sales Con tract.

4. We shall certai nly con tact you, as soon as we are _jn a positi on to en terta in new bus in ess in your district.

5. We note from your letter of September 10th that you are interested

__in __ w alnut meat.

6.0w ing __ to__ unu sual shortage of stock, this offer is made, subject to the goods being un sold.

7. There is always a ready market __for __ Sewing Machi nes, provided

they are of ___ good quality and competitive in price.

8. We shall can cel the con tract if you fail to ope n the relative L/C by __

the end of this year.

9. We shall ope n an L/C __in __ you favor ___ ith__ Barclay's Bank

here to ___ the exte nt of 15000.

10.lt is n ecessary for ___ you to comply with our shipp ing in structi ons.

11.We refer to ___ you letter of May 2.

12.lt is our sin cere hope that you will direct your efforts __to the promotion of this new product in your market __to our mutual ben efit.

13. We shall be glad to receive you offer for ___ walnut meat, shipme nt,

__during __ September/October for _____ t ran sshipme nt at Hongkong.

14. We prefer Chi nese bicycles to __ Japa nese bicycles for ___ their

fine quality.

15. Will you send us ___ by__ return mail pamphlets and price list

__for __ your exports?


1. We would like to in form you that at prese nt we can supply you with various ki nds of me n's leather shoes.1.我们想通知贵公司我们目前可以供应


2. As we said previously, it is only in view of our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation2我们以前曾说过,只是鉴于双方的


3」f you make us an offer at competitive prices we can sell a large quantity of chemical product in our district. 3.如你方以竞争性价格报盘,我


4. We advised you in our letter of Dec.1, that we would like to place a trial order with you for 50 pieces Flying Pigeon Bicycles. 4.我方曾在12 月


5. After reinspection at the port of destination, the quality of the goods shipped ex S.S. “ Red Star ” un der Con tract No. CT7543 waotfiou nd n complia nee with the con tract stipulatio ns.5.经在目的港的复验,发现“红星”轮装来的第CT7543与合项下货物质量与合同规定不符。

6. We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C exte nsio n. 6此信用证无展延可能,特此提请你方注意该


7. We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export7.兹寄去一份有关我公司目前可供出口的各式自行车的小册子。

8. Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in plywood kegs of

60kgs ,net and whether you can ship our order from stock.8.请告你方铁钉


9.Si nee the premium varies with the scope of in sura nee, extra premium is for buyer's aeeo unt, should additi onal risks be covered. 9.保险费随保险的责任范围不同而异,如投保额外险,额外险费由买方负担。

10. We shall be glad to ship the goods by a direct steamer to Van eouver within 30 days after reeeipt of you L/C. 10.我们将乐意在接到你方信用证后



1 ?鉴于这一事实,我们已将包装改为小木箱

1.ln view of the faet, we have ehanged the paeking to small wooden eases.

2. 希望早日报给我们车床的实盘,最好电开。

2.lt will be appreeiated if you will immediately let us have your firm

offer for lathes, preferably by eable.

3. 因无直达班轮,请允许转船。

3. As there is no direet steamer to your port, please allow transshipment.

4. 很遗憾,我们不能接受这一索赔,因为你们的保险没有包括“破碎险”。

4. Much to our regret, we cannot aeeept this elaim as you have not eovered the risk of breakage.

5. 如果你方不接受我们的建议,我们想提交仲裁解决。

5.lf you don't aeeept our propositi ons, we might submit the matter to arbitrati on.










Dear Mr. XXX;

Re:L/C No. 158

We wish to ack no wledge receipt of the capti oned Letter of Credit for the amount of USD2,500 covering your Order No. 121 for 8 M/T Wainutmeat.

It appears that the amount in your L/C is insufficient, as the correct total CIF value of your order comes to SUD2,960 in stead of USD2,500, the differe nee bei ng USD460.

In view of the above, please in crease the amount of your L/C by USD460. On receipt of your ame ndme nt we shall arrange shipme nt without fail.

Sin cerely yours











9.B 10.D

11.D 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B

16.A 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C

二、填空题(每空1 分,共25分)

1. with

2.with, on

3.i n, with




7.for, of


9.i n, with, to 10.for

11. to 12.to, to 13.for, duri ng, for 14.to, for 15.by for


1. 我们想通知贵公司我们目前可以供应你们各式各样的男式皮鞋。

2. 我们以前曾说过,只是鉴于双方的长期友好关系,我们才给你方这一照顾。

3. 如你方以竞争性价格报盘,我们能在我方地区大量销售化工产品。

4. 我方曾在12月1日信中告知你方,我方愿向你方试订50辆车飞鸽牌自行车。

5. 经在目的港的复验,发现“红星”轮装来的第CT7543与合项下货物质量与合同规定不符。


7. 兹寄去一份有关我公司目前可供出口的各式自行车的小册子。

8. 请告你方铁钉是否以胶合板桶装,每桶净重60公斤,以及是否可供现货。

9. 保险费随保险的责任范围不同而异,如投保额外险,额外险费由买方负担。

10. 我们将乐意在接到你方信用证后30天内,将货物交由驶往温哥华的直达轮装出。


1.ln view of the fact, we have changed the packing to small wooden cases.

2.lt will be appreciated if you will immediately let us have your firm offer for lathes, preferably by cable.

3. As there is no direct steamer to your port, please allow transshipment.

4. Much to our regret, we cannot accept this claim as you have not covered the risk of breakage.

5.lf you don't accept our propositi ons, we might submit the matter to

arbitrati on.


Dear Mr. XXX;

Re:L/C No. 158

We wish to ack no wledge receipt of the capti oned Letter of Credit for the amount of USD2,500 covering your Order No. 121 for 8 M/T Wainutmeat.

It appears that the amount in your L/C is insufficient, as the correct

total CIF value of your order comes to SUD2,960 in stead of USD2,500, the differe nee bei ng USD460.

In view of the above, please in crease the amount of your L/C by USD460. On receipt of your ame ndme nt we shall arrange shipme nt without fail.

Sin cerely yours




1. If you are interested, we will be pleased to send you a sample __________ charge.

A. with

B. without

C. free

D. free of

2. We shall appreciate ____ us CIF Melbo urne.

A. you quote

B. you to quote

C. your quot ing

D. to you quoti ng

3. Please be assured that your future orders will be satisfactorily ___________

A. exercised

B. made

C. done

D. executed

4. If you are prepared to in crease your __ to 15%, we shall be pleased

to purchase the complete stock.

A. price

B. disco unt

C. sales volume

D. cost

5. Our illustrated catalogue ____ shows various types of bathroom

fitt in gs a nd their available sizes.

A. en closed

B. that en closed

C. is en closed

D. which en closed

6. As soon as we have ____ your catalogue, we shall con tact you by fax.

A. studied

B. in specte

C. exam ined

D. researched

7. We are pleased to ____ your offer and place a trial order with you.

A. make adva ntage of

B. make use of

C. take adva ntage of

D. take use of

8. As you failed to makedelivery in time, we have no choice __________ our order with you.

A. but to can cel

B. but can cel

C. but can celi ng

D. but can celled

9. As our factory is now fully occupied with orders, we regret having

to ____ yours.()

A. refuse

B. decli ne

C. reject

D. return

10. We also wish to advise you that the prices we quoted are our ____


A. new

B. cheap

C. rock bottom

D. easiest

11. We tha nk you for atte nding ___ our request so promptly.

A. with

B. upo n

C. to

D. at

12. The time of waiting for payment agreed upon by both sides is the period

of ____

A. shipme nt

B.l etter of credit

C. draft

D. credit

13. We have bee n happy to ____ y our credit based on your promise to pay

accord ing to our terms.

A. expa nd

B. prolong

C. exte nd

D. le ngthe n

14. ____ the terms of payme nt as stipulated in the con tract, please

establish an irrevocable letter of credit in our favor.

A. I n fact

B. As a matter of fact

C. In con trast with

D. In accorda nee with

15. When submitt ing our quotati on, we suggested that the releva nt L/C

____ as early as possible.

A. be established

B. establishes

C. is established

D. would be established

16. ___ the un foresee n difficulties on the part of the suppliers, we

regret being un able to ship the goods with in the time limit of your L/C.

A. Owi ng to

B. As

C. Because

D. Since

17. Your order will be delivered on October 15 ____ you requested.

A. like

B. since

C. as

D. whe n

18. The in sura nee shall be______ from the time of the engin eer's departure

from China up to the time of his arrival in China on return.

A. effective

B. effect ing

C. effect

D. effected

19. En closed are sample parts ___ some of the problem we encoun tered.

A. show you

B. show ing

C. will show

D. show n

20. Uni ess otherwise ___ . we wish to take out an All Risks in sura nee

policy for you the shipme nt.

A. in structed.., in

B. in structi on s.., for

C. in structed.., for

D. in structi on.., on



21. It is apparent that each sample has been subjected. _to _______ long periods __in ___ e xtreme sun light.

22. However, based _ on ____ reports from our numerous sources of credit information, we can makeshipments __ to you only whencash is received.

23. Weregret that we have to complain _____ a bout__ the way__in _____ which the con sig nment just received has bee n packed.

24. The goods should also be insured _ against ______ breakage _ at _____ y our cost.

25. ___ o n__ receipt of your L/C we shall make shipme nt immediately.

26. We apologize for the delay in shipme nt and hope you will un dersta nd

that it is en tirely due the cause _ beyond __ our con trol.

27. The users are __in ____ urge nt n eed of the mach ines con tracted and are in fact press ing us_ for ______ assura nee of an early delivery.

28. The n ext direct steamer _ form _________ S han ghai to your port sails

__at __ t he begi nning of n ext mon th.

29. If the amount exceeds that figure, payme nt _ by ___ L/C will be required.

30. If our connoisseur coincides __ ith _______ our. consumers, the attractive desig ns and the superior quality will surely find a promisi ng market in

our local areas.

31. Such a grow ing dema nd can only result _ in ________ in creased price.

32. The goods are packed in special waterproof-li ned cases and will be

loaded _on ___ board S. S. "Dongfang", which leaves _ for ________ New York on March 10.

33. I have looked _ into ______ your order, and I can assure you that

everyth ing is schedule.

34. Your quoted price is out_of line with the prevailing level. That

is why we feel con fide nt that our suggesti on of three perce nt _ off ___ your prese nt one is workable.

35. Our newlow-cost solutions maybe __of _____ particular interest to you.


36. We no Ion ger supply Model SB-95, but we have Model SB-99 in stock, which is better in performa nee and more favorable in price.

37. Through len gthy and on-an d-off n egotiati ons we now fin ally have reached an agreeme nt.

38. We are a lead ing importer in surgical in strume nts and would like for

our refere nee your sending us the latest catalogue, in which we are very much in terested.

39. As requested, we are offering 5000 metric tons of soybean subject to

your reply reachi ng here withi n one week start ing from today.

40. Our proposal to cut dow n the price by 7% is reas on able, or else the

buyer is en titled to retur n the goods and ask for compe nsati on as stipulated in the con tract.

41. Weregret wecan' t accept "Cash against Documents" on arrival of goods at dest in ati on.

42. The amount of this credit shall be restored automatically twice after n egotiati on.

43. Since the goods may be tran sshipped, please rein force the seaworthy pack ing to avoid unn ecessary damage to the goods from poor pack ing.

44. Items like this are net to be returned once they are accepted by

purchasers. We have established this regulati on for offeri ng our customers the definite best quality products.

45. We hope that you' 11 pay more attention to the quality of your goods in the future.


46. 再说,这已经把价格压到接近生产成本了。

47. 我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。

一、l .D 2 .C 3 .D 4 . B 5 . A 6 . A 7 .

l3 . C l4 D l5 .A l6 . A 17 . C l8 .

. 、 21 .t0

,in 22 .on


23 .abo ut

in 24 .against ,at 25 .On/ Up on 26 .to,beyond 27


in, for 28 ? from, at

29 .by 30 ?with

31 .in 32 ?on .f or

33 .int0 on 34 .of。off

35 .of C 3 . A 9 . B l0 . C ll . C l2 . D

A l9 .

B 20 . C


48 ?如合同所示,颜色方面的轻微差异是允许的。故此,你提出的问题依然属于正常现象。

49?假如你能把原来6、7月各装运一半改为6月装运40%,其余的7月装运, 即期发货有望。



51 .尊敬的先生:订单号789――自行车

我们已请洛杉矶大通银行(the Chase Bank of Los Angeles) 开立一张10



















四、46. Moreover, wehave kept the price close to the costs of production .

47. We will agree to change the terms of payment from L /C at sight to D/ P at sight .

48. As stipulated in the con tract , a minor discrepa ncy in colors is permissible . That is why the case you brought up is still a normal

phe nomenon

49. The immediate shipment of your order can be expected if you modify

your usual delivery arrangements by shipping 40% in June and the balanee in July in stead of two equal mon thly shipme nts

50. It is in view of Our long sta nding bus in ess relati on ship that we make you such a counter —offer .


Dear Sirs ,

Our order N0 . 789-Bicycles

We have instructed the ChaseBank of Los Angeles to open a credit for US$100 000 in your favor , valid un til 30th May. The Credit will be con firmed by the Bank of China, Shanghai, whowill accept your draft on them at sight for the mount of your inv oice

The docume nts required for n egotiati on are Commercial Invoice in triplicate

Bill of Ladi ng in duplicate an In sura nee Policy Please advice US whe n the bicycles have bee n shipped Yours sin cerely ,


2002 年4 月全国高教自考外贸函电试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20 小题,每小题1 分,共20 分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有 一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to packing.( ) A. inferior B. superior C. faulty D. mistake 2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter right away.( ) A. settle B. to settle C. settling D. settled 3. By joint efforts we can both friendship and business.( ) A. increase B .promoted C .expand D. extend 4. We you for the special offer you send us.( ) A. thank B. appreciate C. be grateful D. beindebted 5. We are looking forward to your L/C for Order No 123.( ) A .receive B. receiveing C. be received D. be receiving 6. This is our best price, which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( ) A. on B. for C. by D. at 7. As it involves only a small , we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( ) A. quality B .figure C. quantity D. number




全国2007年1月高等教育自学考试 国际贸易理论与实务试题 课程代码:00149 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.汇总世界各国的进出口统计数据后,世界出口总额与世界进口总额相比较( ) A.二者总是相等 B.出口总额大于进口总额 C.出口总额小于进口总额 D.有的年份出口总额大,有的年份出口总额小 2.按照赫—俄原理,一国应该进口( ) A.丰裕要素密集的商品 B.稀缺要素密集的商品 C.绝对成本低的商品 D.比较成本低的商品 3.按照比较成本理论,一国应该出口( ) A.丰裕要素密集的商品 B.稀缺要素密集的商品 C.绝对成本高的商品 D.比较成本低的商品 4.主张限制进口、奖励出口,以有利于本国生产厂商发展的政策是( ) A.重商主义政策 B.贸易自由政策 C.进口导向政策 D.保护贸易政策 5.普雷维什认为,发展中国家实施保护贸易政策的理论依据之一是( ) A.贸易乘数理论 B.贸易条件恶化理论 C.幼稚产业保护理论 D.充分就业理论 6.普惠制的主要原则之一“普遍的”,其含义是( ) A.发展中国家应对发达国家出口的初级产品给予普遍的优惠待遇 B.发展中国家应对发达国家出口的制成品和半制成品给予普遍的优惠待遇 C.发达国家应对发展中国家出口的初级产品给予普遍的优惠待遇 D.发达国家应对发展中国家出口的制成品和半制成品给予普遍的优惠待遇 7.卖方信贷是指( ) A.卖方对买方的信贷 B.卖方银行对买方的信贷 C.卖方银行对卖方的信贷 D.买方银行对卖方的信贷 8.在自由贸易区中( ) A.成员对非成员实行统一的关税壁垒 B.成员对非成员保持独立的关税壁垒 C.成员间执行共同的经济政策 D.成员间的生产要素自由流动 9.世界贸易组织已达成的协议有( ) A.劳工标准协议 B.与贸易有关的投资措施协议 C.初级产品协议 D.军工产品协议 10.WTO的成员之间产生贸易纠纷,应该( ) A.在WTO内,通过WTO的争端解决机制来解决 B.在起诉国按照WTO的法律规定来解决 C.在被诉国按照WTO的法律规定来解决 D.在国际法院内,按照WTO的法律规定来解决 11.对在中国境内的外资公司,对其提出当地成分要求,即要求购买一定比例的当地原材料、零部件,这种做法违反了WTO的( ) A.外汇管理协定 B.外资企业协定 C.与贸易有关的投资措施协议 D.出口管理协定 12.WTO的非歧视原则体现于( ) A.反倾销条款 B.公平竞争条款 C.反补贴条款 D.最惠国待遇条款 13.国际法协会专门为解释CIF合同而制定的国际惯例是( ) A.《美国对外贸易定义1941年修订本》 B.《1932年华沙—牛津规则》 C.《1990年通则》 D.《2000年通则》 14.根据《2000年通则》的解释,按CFR术语成交,卖方无义务( ) A.提交货运单据 B.租船订舱 C.办理货运保险 D.取得出口许可证 15.若进口方出口结关有困难,最好不要 ..采用的贸易术语是( ) A.EXW B.FOB C.CFR D.DDP 16.在国际贸易中,适用于低值商品的计量办法是( ) A.毛重 B.净重 C.公量 D.理论重量 17.对工业制成品交易,在品质条款中通常( )


2011年7月外贸函电自考试题 全国2011年7月自考 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. Our ______ catalogue will give you details of the model. () A. illustrated B. illustrating C. illustrate D. to illustrate 2. The global economic crisis results ______ an increase in unemployment. () A. in B. from C. for D. to 3. Please instruct your bank to amend the L/C as ______. () A. follow B. follows C. following D. followed 4. If we still haven’t received the relevant L/C by the end of this month, the ______ of the contract will be delayed. () A. negotiation B. conclusion C. execution D. position

5. The ______ will take delivery of the goods at the port of destination. () A. consignor B. consignee C. bank D. shipper 6. ______ account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transshipment in your L/C. () A. On B. For C. With D. In 7. We are pleased to accept your Order No.AH43 ______ 500 sets of “Forever” brand bicycles for July shipment. () A. selling B. shipping C. paying D. covering 8. Our order is subject to ______ the import license. () A. obtain B. be obtained C. us obtain D. our obtaining 9. It is ______ our long-standing business relationship that we accept your counter offer. () A. in view of B. in the view of C. with view of D. with the view of 10. The ______ balance of the contract should be transferred by teletransmission to the Seller’s bank in one week. ()A. standing B. understanding

自考外贸函电历年真题 并附问题详解

2002年4月全国高教自考外贸函电试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to _____ packing.( ) A. inferior B. superior C. faulty D. mistake 2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away.( ) A. settle B. to settle C. settling D. settled 3. By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.( ) A. increase B .promoted C .expand D. extend 4. We _____ you for the special offer you send us.( ) A. thank B. appreciate C. be grateful D. beindebted 5. We are looking forward to _____ your L/C for Order No 123.( ) A .receive B. receiveing C. be received D. be receiving 6. This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( ) A. on B. for C. by D. at 7. As it involves only a small _____, we hope you will have no


2019自考《国际贸易理论与实务》名词解释(1) 1.国际贸易(International Trade):是指世界各国之间商品 (货物) 和服务交换的活动,是各国之间分工的表现形式,反映了世界各国在 经济上的相互依靠。 2.对外贸易(Foreign Trade):一国和地区同别国和地区实行商 品(货物)和劳务交换的活动。 3.总贸易体系(General Trade System):也称一般贸易体系。它 是以货物通过国境作为统计进出口的标准。据此所有进入本国国境的 货物一律计人进口,所有离开本国国境的货物一律计入出口。 4.专门贸易体系(Special Trade):也称特殊贸易体系。它是以 货物通过关境经过结关作为统计进出口的标准。 5.对外贸易额又称对外贸易值: (Value of Foreign Trade)。 它是以金额表示的一国或一地区一定时期的对外贸易,对外贸易总额 等于一国一地区一定时期的进口总额与出口总额之和。 6.对外贸易量(Quantum of Foreign Trade):剔除价格变动后的 对外贸易额。以此来表示·一个国家或地区的对外贸易的实际规模。计·算时能够固定年份为基期计算的进口或出口价格指数去除当时的 进口总额或出口总额,得到相当于按不变价格计算的进口额或出口额。通过这种方法计算出来的对外贸易额已经剔除了价格变动的影响,单 纯反映对外贸易的数量规模。这个指针便于不同时期对外贸易额的比较。 7.贸易差额(Balance of Trade):指一定时期内一国出口额与进 口额之间的差额。贸易差额用以表示一国的对外贸易的收支状况,当 出口总额大于进口总额时,称为贸易顺差,或贸易出超;当出口额小于 进口额时,称为贸易逆差,或贸易入超。通常贸易顺差用正数表示, 贸易逆差用负数表示。当出口额等于进口额时,称为贸易平衡。


浙江省2018年7月高等教育自学考试 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填 在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1. ( ) the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment from July 11th to August 12th. A. Owing to B. According to C. In order to D. So as to 2. The buyer made a bid ( ) $600 per ton for peanut meat. A. in B. at C. for D. with 3. So far we ( ) business relations with the firms in more than one hundred countries in the world. A. are established B. have established C. had established D. shall establish 4. ( ) the goods under Contract No.1986 are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C with the least possible delay. A. If B. Unless C. Although D. As 5. Under separate cover, we have already sent you samples of ( ) sizes of shoes. A. varying B. various C. variable D. variant 6. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools on ( ). A. reply B. order C. request D. call 7. We wish to ( ) that this is the best price we can quote, and therefore any counteroffer from you cannot be considered. A. point at B. point to C. point of D. point out 8. We find your price is rather on the high side. We wonder ( ) you can do better in the near future. A. if B. why C. what D. as 9. All the cases are strongly packed ____compliance _____ your request.( ) A. for...with B. in...with C. for...in D. in...for 10. Please ( ) that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay. A. see to them B. see them C. see it D. see 11. Can you offer us machine tools with the following ( ). A. informations B. messages


全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试外贸函 电试题 全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试外贸函电试题 湖北自考网8月20日整理 课程代码:00094 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. We __________ your quoting us your competitive prices on a CIF basis for the following. A. appreciate B. are appreciated C. appreciate it D. will be appreciated 2. Under the __________, it is impossible to decline our price again. A. circumstance B. circumstances C. case D. cases 3. Please see to __________ that goods should be delivered in 3 equal lots. A. us B. it C. the L/C D. them

4. We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still __________. A. owned B. owning C. standing D. outstanding 5. Marketing is __________, we have received a crowd of enquires from our customers. A. declining B. advancing C. weak D. going 6. Through our joint efforts, we have successfully concluded a __________ with your company. A. business B. order C. trade D. deal 7. The __________ creates a power of acceptance, permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation. A. free offer B. firm offer C. non-firm offer D. offeree 8. Our __________ catalogue and price list are sent together with the letter for your reference. A. illustrated B. illustrating C. be illustrated D. that illustrated 9. The stipulations in the relevant L/C should strictly



全国4月高等教育自学考试 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. We __________ your quoting us your competitive prices on a CIF basis for the following. A.appreciate B.are appreciated C.appreciate it D.Will be appreciated 2. Under the __________, it is impossible to decline our price again. A.circumstance B.circumstances C.case D.Cases 3. Please see to __________ that goods should be delivered in 3 equal lots. A.us B.it C.the L/C D.them

4.We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still ______ ____. A.owned B.owning C.standing D.Outstanding adj. 优秀的, 突出的, 未支付的, 未完成 5. Marketing is __________,we have received a crowd of enquires from o ur customers. A.declining B.advancing C.weak D.Going 6. Through our joint efforts, we have successfully concluded a __________ with your company. A.business B.order C.trade D.deal 7. The __________ creates a power of acceptance, permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual o bligation. A.free offer B.firm offer


第一章导论 国际贸易的基本概念: 1.国际贸易:世界各国之间货物和服务交换的活动,使各国之间分工的表现形式,反映了世界各国在经济上的相互依靠。 对外贸易额(值):一国或地区一定时期进出口总额构成,是反映一国对外贸易规模的重要指标。 国际贸易总额:世界出口总额 世界各国在统计商品进出口额通常是:出口额按照FOB,进口额按照CIF (世界出口总额小于进口总额) 是指国家进行对外货物贸易统计所采用的统计制度 总贸易体系(一般贸易体系):通过国境作为统计进出口的标准 专门贸易体系(特殊贸易体系):经过结关(关境)作为统计进出口的标准 5.直接贸易、转口贸易、过境贸易 转口贸易:消费国和生产国通过第三国进行的贸易活动,对消费国是间接进口,对第三国是转口贸易。 过境贸易 往另一国的贸易活动。 6.货物贸易vs服务贸易 货物贸易《联合国国际贸易标准分类》---10类 0-4初级产品 5-8制成品 0:食品及主要供食用的活动物 1:饮料及烟类 2:燃料以外的非食用原料 3:矿物燃料、润滑剂及有关原料 4:运植物油脂及蜡 5:未列名化学品及有关产品(化工产品) 6:主要按原料分类的制成品 7:机械及运办理设备 8:杂项制品 9:其他 服务贸易:三类(运输服务、旅游服务、其他商业服务) 世界贸易组织列出的服务行业包括以下12个部门: 商业、通讯、建筑、销售、教育、环境、金融、卫生、旅游、娱乐、运输、其他 7.贸易差额(出口总额与进口总额之间的差额)

出口总额 >进口总额贸易顺差(出超)出口总额 <进口总额贸易逆差(逆差) 8. 对外贸易与国际贸易结构 进出口贸易中各类货物的构成(一国角度/世界角度) 可以反映出一国或世界的经济发展水平、产业结构状况和第三产业发展水平 出口结构=出口货物总额/进出口总额 进口结构=进口货物总额/进出口总额 9.对外贸易与国际贸易地理方向 对外贸易地理方向(对外贸易地区分布或国别构成):一定时期内各个国家或国家集团在一国对外贸易中所占的地位,以它们在该国进、出口总额或进出口总额中的比重来表示。 受经济互补性、国际分工的形式和贸易政策的影响。 国际贸易地理方向:表明世界各洲、各国或各个国家集团在国际贸易中所占地位。 (对外贸易系数)计算题 对外贸易依存度的计算:对外贸易依存度=该国对外贸易额/该国的GNP(GDP) 对外贸易额(进出口额)同该国GDP/GNP比重,反映一国经济发展对对外贸易的依赖程度。 受经济发展水平、自然资源拥有状况、对外经济政策、国内市场容量一样 第二章:国际分工与世界市场 一、影响国际分工形成与发展的主要因素 1、社会生产力是决定性因素 2、自然条件是基础 3、资本流动是国际分工向广度、深度、多层次发展的重要力量 4、上层建筑可以推进或延缓国际分工的形成和发展 二、国际分工学说 1、亚当。斯密 亚当斯密是国际分工和国际贸易理论的创始者。代表作《国富论》 2、大卫。李嘉图 内容:进一步发展了绝对成本说,他认为每个国家不一定要生产各种商品,而应集中生产优势最大或劣势最小的产品,然后通过国际贸易,在资本和劳动力不变的情况下,生产总量将增加,由此形成的国际分工对贸易各国都有利。(两利取其重,两劣取其轻。) 3、赫克歇尔-俄林H-O理论) 商品,输入稀缺要素密集的商品。 该理论还分析了国际贸易对要素价格的反作用,说明国际贸易不仅使国际间商品价格趋于均等化,还会使各国生产要素价格趋于均等化,即要素价格均等化原理。 4、里昂惕夫反论 里昂惕夫利用投入-产出法对美国的对外贸易计算。美国参加国际分工是建立在劳动密集型生产专业化基础上,而不是建立在资本密集型生产专业化基础上。 1)劳动熟练说


自考外贸函电复习重点 1. bid 在国际贸易中,一般由卖方发盘或报盘,但有时,出于策略上的考虑,如卖方的商品供不应求,看涨,或是对当前的市场情况还不清楚,或是不知买方是否有诚意购买,常常要求买方先出盘,,以便集中对比,然后决定与谁成交。这种买方出的盘叫递盘(bid)。Bid也是一种报盘。 Bid 做名词时,常与动词make连用,基本结构是make ab a bid at a price for sth.。They made a bid at US$2,500 for Walnut-meat.他们对核桃仁曾按单价2,500美元递价。 Bid做动词用的常用句型为bid a price for sth. Last week we bid US$…… per metric ton for Green Tea.上星期我们对绿茶递价每公吨……美元。 另外bid也可做“投标”解。 2. 重要表达式 (1)to make you firm offers for both Groundnuts and Walnut meat CFR Copenhagen报花生和核桃仁两货CFR哥本哈根实盘 (2)Hand-picked,Shelled and Ungraded Groundnuts 手拣去壳不分级花生 (3)European Main Port 欧洲主要口岸 (4)This offer is firm,subject to your reply reaching us within one week此确盘一周内复到有效 (5)the best price we can quote这是我们能报的最好价 (6)As regards walnut meat关于核桃仁 (7)to be under offer elsewhere已向别处报盘 (8)to make us an acceptable bid给一个合适的(可接受的)递盘 (9)there has been a large demand for the above commodities对上述两商品的需求甚殷 (10)result in increased price结果导致价格上涨 (11)avail yourselves of the advantage of this strengthening market 可以得到这方面的好处。 (12)to be well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles与主要纺织品经营商有良好联系 (13)to be of good quality and competitive in price品质优良,价格又有竞争性 (14)best firm offer最优惠实盘 (15)to rush us samples by airmail立即以航邮将样品寄来 (16)If your shirts agree with the taste of our market,we feel confident of placing a trial order with you. 如你方的衬衫符合我地市场需要,我们有信心向你方试订 (17)By 100% confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit 100%保兑的、不可撤销的信用证(18)in our favour 以我方为受益人 (19)by draft at sight凭即期汇票支付 (20)to reach the sellers one month before shipment 在装运前一个月开到卖方 (21)remain valid for negotiation in China till the 15th day after shipment装船后15天内在中国议付有效


一、外贸函电的写作要领:completeness(完整)、concreteness(具体)、clarity(清楚)、conciseness(简洁)、courtesy (礼貌)、consideration(体谅)以及correctness(正确)。 二、信息可以分为四大类:肯定信息(positive message)、中性信息(neutral message)、否定信息(negative message, 也称负面信息)和说服信息(persuasive message). 三、布局可以分为平铺直叙法(Direct Plan or Approach)和曲折迂回法(Indirect Plan or Indirect Approach)。 四、书信的组成部分 (必备部分)(可选部分) 1.信头(The Heading)8、事由( The Subject Heading Or Caption) 2.日期(Date Line)9、经办人(Attention line) 3.封内地址(The Inside Address)10、附件(The Enclosure)简写Encl. or Enc. 4.称呼(The Salutation)11、抄送(Carbon Copy)简写C.C. 5.信的正文(The Body of the Letter)12、再启(The Postscript)简写P.S. 6.结束语(The Complimentary Close) 7.签名(The Signature) 五、打信格式 1.缩行式:封内地址和其需要分行的地址的后一行,都比前一行缩进两格或三格;信的正文,每一段的开始一 行都缩进若干格(一般与称呼末一字母取齐)。 2.平头式:需要分段的地方,及每段的开始一行都与前一行取齐,一律不缩行。平头式各段之间要用double space 以示分段。 3.混合式:封内地址和称呼采用平头式(从左边的空白边缘打起),其他部分采用缩行式,两种格式的混合采 用所以称之为混合式。 八、撰写询函的理由通常包括: (1)获取信息(如价格和技术数据) (2)获得印刷品(如商品目录本、说明书、公司介绍等) (3)索取样品 (4)取得帮助(如得到特别允许,帮助或建议等) 九、询函的回复分几种情况,有肯定的答复,有否定的答复,也有部分肯定、部分否定的答复。如果答复是肯定的,则采用平铺直叙的结构,答复开门见山,先说最紧要的。如果答复是否定的,或者是部分肯定,部分否定,回复九要采用曲折迂回的布局。在部分否定的答复中,肯定的那一部分内容正好可以充当缓冲垫。 十、报盘(Offer)又称发盘。卖方的Offer称为Selling Offer,Offer to sell。买方的Offer,称为Buying Offer,Offer to buy 或Bid。 十一、报盘有实盘(Firm Offer)和虚盘(Non-firm Offer)两种形式。实盘又称“不可撤销的发盘”,指由发盘人向受盘人提出完整、明确、肯定的交易条件,并愿在一定期限内按所提条件与受盘人达成交易的一种肯定表示。 虚盘是卖方所作的非承诺性表示。往往附有保留条件,买方接受后卖方仍然可以改变注意。 报盘属于中性信息,布局采用平铺直叙法。 We are now ___c____ your inquiry of October 12th。 a. on receipt of b. upon receipt of c. in receipt of d. in reception of I want to acquaint myself ____b__ the supply position of steel products. a. of b. with c. for d. about Our new low-cost solutions may be ____d_____ particular interest to you. a. in b. with c. for d. of ___c___ we would like to close the business with you , we find your bid unacceptable. a. Much b. However much c. Much as d. Despite ___a___ your counteroffer, we regret that we can’t accept it . a. As regards b. In regards to c. With regards d.In regards


第一章:导论 1、对外贸易:一国或地区同别国或地区进行货物和服务交换的活动,从一个国家的角度来看,这种交换活动被称为对外贸易;从国际范围来看这种货物和服务交换活动就被称为国际贸易.:P41 2、对外贸易额又称对外贸易值,它是指一国或地区一定时期进口额与出口额的总和,是反映一国对外贸易规模的重要指标之一,一般以国际上通行的货币表示。 3、对外贸易量是用以固定年份为基期计算的进口或出口价格指数去调整当年的进口或出口额,得到相当于按不变价格计算的进口额或出口额.P42(2009.1,2010.10) 4、对外贸易依存度.又称对外贸易系数.以一国对外贸易总额同该国GNP或GDP的比率来表示,用以反映一国经济发展对对外贸易的依赖程度P46 5、对外贸易地理方向又称对外贸易地区分布或国别构成,指一定时期内各个国家或国家集团在一国对 . 外贸易中所占有的地位 1、世界货物出口总额总是小于世界货物进口总额。原因:出口用FOB价(货价,不含运费保险费),进口用CIF价(包含运费、保险费),因此从世界范围看,出口总额﹤进口总额。09.10,P42 2、总贸易体系与专门贸易体系是指贸易国家进行对外货物贸易统计所采用的统计制度,前者以货物通过国境作为统计进出口的标准(世界上大部分国家采用此法),后者以货物通过海关作为标准(欧洲除了英国都用专门贸易体系) 3、直接贸易指货物消费国.生产国直接买卖货物的行为;转口贸易也称中转贸易,指货物消费国与生产国通过第三国进行的贸易活动,对第三国而言便是转口贸易;过境贸易指别国出口货物通过本国国境,未经加工改制,在基本保持原状条件下运往另一国的贸易活动P43 4、世界贸易组织列出服务行业包括以下12个部门:商业.通讯.建筑.销售.教育.环境.金融.卫生.旅游.娱乐.运输.其他P45(多选考点。07.01,0710,08.10,) 5、一定时期内一国出口额与进口额之间的差额称贸易差额.当出口额超过进口额时,为贸易顺差或出超;当进口额超过出口额时,称为贸易逆差或入超.P46(2012.1,2011.1,2011.10,单选) 6、对外贸易按商品形式与内容不同,分为货物贸易与服务贸易. 7、对外贸易与国际贸易结构是指货、.服务在一国进出口或世界贸易中所占的比重.狭义的对外贸易与国际贸易结构又称对外贸易或国际贸易货物结构;对外贸易货物结构是指某大类或某种货物进出口贸易与整个进出口贸易额之比,以份额表示 二战后国际贸易发展的特点是什么?P50 1、不同阶段,国际贸易增长速度呈现出重大差异。 2、制成品贸易成为国际贸易的主导。 3、服务贸易迅速发展,成为国际贸易的重要组成部分。 4、发达国家仍然是国际贸易的主体,发达国家之间的贸易为国际贸易的主要流向。 5、区域性贸易迅速发展。 (1)2002年,某国对外贸易依存度为0.8,而该国当年的服务贸易总额为


外贸函电期末复习试题及答案 1.We are sending you the samples C_requested. a.be b.are c.as d.for 2.We trust that you will find our goods D_. a.attracting b.to be attractive c.attract your attention d.attractive 3.The brochure covers_B wide range of products we deal in. a.the b.a c.of d.about 4.We would B_very much if you send us some samples immediately. a.thank

b.appreciate it c.appreciate d.appreciate you 5.We look forward to_A__a trial order. A.receiving B.receive from you C.receipt D.receipt your 6.We_C__some brochures to illustrate the products we manufacture. A.enclose,to you B.enclose,you C.enclose D.enclose, your 7.We shall_D__very much if you will send us a catalogue by air. A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciate it 8.We would like to take this_B__to establish business relations with you. A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.opening 9.The shipment time is June or July at our_A__and the goods will be shipped in one___. A.option,lot B.option,consignment C.choice shipment D.decision,cargo10.The first shipment of pens has turned out to be_B. A.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfactory


国际贸易:是指世界各国之间货物和服务交换的活动,是各国之间分工的表现形式,反映了世界各国在经济上的相互依靠。直接贸易:货物消费国、生产国直接买卖货物的行为。转口贸易:也称中转贸易,货物消费国与货物生产国通过第三 国进行的贸易活动对生产国是间接出口,对消费国是间接进口,而对第三国而言是转口贸易。过境贸易:指别国出口 货物通过本国国境,未经加工改制,在基本保持原状条件下运往另一国的贸易活动。 贸易差额:一定时期内一国出口总额与进口总额之间的差额称贸易差额。 国际分工:是指世界各国之间的分工 贸易条件:一般是指一个国家出口商品价格与进口商品价格之比。 关税:是进出口商品经过一国关境时,由政府所设置的海关向进出口商征收的税收。 补贴指政府或任何公共机构对企业提供的财政捐助和政府对收入或价格的支持。 不可申诉补贴普遍性实施的补贴和在事实上并没有向特定企业提供的补贴。 差价税:又称差额税,当某种本国生产的产品国内价格高于同类的进口商品价格进,为了削弱进口商品的竞争能力, 保护国内生产和国内市场,按国内价格与进口价格之间的差额征收关税,就叫差价税。 非关税含义:指关税以处的一切限制进口的各种措施。 出口信贷:是一个国家为了鼓励商品出口增强商品的竞争能力,通过银行对本国出口厂商提供的货款。P140 国民待遇条款:指缔约国一方保证缔约国另一方的公民、企业和船舶在本国境内享受与本国公民、企业和船舶同等的 待遇。 贸易协定含义及特点:是两个或几个国家之间调整它们的互相贸易关系的一种书面协议。特点:对缔约国之间的贸易 关系规定得比较具体,有效期一般较短,签定的程序也较简单,一般只须签字国的行政首脑或某代表签署即可生效。 国际商品协定:是指某项商品主要出口国和进口国为了稳定该项商品价格和保证供销等目的所缔结的政府间多边贸易 协定。 备用信用证含义适用于跟单信用证统一惯例的一种特殊形式的信用证,它是开证行受益人承担一项义务的凭证。 经济一体化含义与形式:一般是指国家通过签署条约或协定,采取具体的措施协调彼此之间的经济贸易政策,以促进 经济的共同发展。 国际货物关税合同特点1具有国际性2具有买卖的标的物是货物3国际货物买卖合同的性质为买卖货物买卖合同。 货物买卖合同:是指卖方为了取得货物而把货物的所有权移交给买方的一种双务合同。 发盘的含义:向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受时承受约 束的意旨,即构成发盘。 19贸易术语:又称价格术语,或价格条件,它是以简明的外贸语言或缩写的字母、或国际代号,来概括说明买卖双方 在交易中交货的地点,货物交接的责任、费用,以及风险的划分和表明价格构成等诸方面的特殊用语。 提单的含义:是承运人或其代理人在收到货物后签发给托运人的一种证件,它体现了承运人与托运人之立的相互关系。 性质、作用1 提单是承运人或其代理人出具的货物收据,证明其已按提单的记载收到托运人的货物2 提单是代表货物 所有权的凭证,提单的持有人拥有支配货物的权利,因此,提单可以用来向银行议付货款和向承运人提取货物,也可 用来抵押或转让,3提单是承运人和托运人双方订立的运输契约的证明,由于运输契约是在装货前商订的,而提单一般 是在装货后签发的,故提单本身不是运输契约,而只是运输契约的证明。 汇票含义及内容:是一个人向另一个签发的要求见票时或在将来的固定时间或可以确定的时间,对某人或某指定的人 或持票人支付一定金额的无条件的书面支付命令1应载明汇票字样2无条件支付命令3 一定金额4付款期限和地点5 受票人,又称付款人,即接受支付命令付款的人,在进出口业务中,通常是进口人或其指定的银行6受款人即受颔汇 票所规定金额的人在进出口业务中或其指定的银行7出票日期和地点8出票人签字 本票含义是一个人向另一个签发的,保证于见票时或定期或在可以确定的将来的时间,对某人的书面承诺。 支票含义:是以银行为付款人的即期汇票,即存款人对银行的无条件支付一定金额的委托或命令。 24信用证含义:是一种银行开立的有条件的承诺付款的书面文件。 25信用证内容:1 对信用证本身的要求2 对货物的要求3对运输的要求4对单据的要求5特殊要求与指示6开证行保 证付款的责任文句。 争议含义:是指交易的一方认为对方末能部分或全部履行合同规定的责任与义务而引起的纠纷。 索赔含义指遭受损害的一方在争议发生后,向违约方提出赔偿的要求,在法律上是指主张权利,在实际业务中,通常 是指受害方因对违约而根据合同或法律提出予以补救的主张。 不可抗力又称人力不可抗拒,它是指在货物买卖合同签订以后,不是由于订约者任何一方当事人的过失或疏忽,而是 由于发生了当事人既不能预见、又无法事先采取预防措施的意外事故,以至于不能履行或不能如期履行合同,遭受意 外事故的一方可以免除履行合同的责任或延期履行合同。

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