当前位置:文档之家› 高级英语翻译



1Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Scientists more or less agree that global warming is a fact, but its cause is still

hotly debated among them. Many believe that if we piece together all the available evidence we can conclude that it is caused by human activities, but others think we need to dig into the problem further, that natural forces are at least of equal importance.

2.He devoted all his life to the cause of water conservancy. He was one of the few

scientists who first saw what kind of trouble it would cause us in future if we were to build a dam here.

3.Those who sympathize with international terrorism view the problem from a

different premise. They believe that a desired end/their goal can justify the means.But I am strongly opposed to this view. I believe that no excuse can justify cold-blooded murder of innocent women, children and old people.

4.It is a good thing to have NGOs at work. In a pluralistic society, people’s views

are bound to differ. Opposition should not only be allowed/permitted, it should be respected and encouraged. It is to our advantage to do this.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b2750574.html,ernment over-investment means that many state bank loans will not be

repaid and these bad debts will finally cause/lead to/result in a financial crisis.

6.Special bank loan s are now available to university students. Those who can’t

pay for their education can benefit from these loans.

7.He ended his speech by saying that as soon as they concluded their investigation

they would report to the Security Council, and he firmly believed that any attempt to maintain the rulers of a country in power using mass killing was destined to fail.

8.She will fly to India by way of Hong Kong to conclude a new agreement on the

protection of intellectual property rights with the Indian government.

9.Based on these reasons, we could only come to the conclusion that they were

out to make

trouble. We decided to recall our ambassador immediately by way of protest.

2.Translate these sentences using the patterns of defining.

1.Heroes are people who have unusual qualities. (Better: Heroes are people

with unusual qualities.

2.Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through

the media.

3.The Internet is a system that connects computers throughout the world.

4.Professor Ouyang says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can

to make himself /herself unnecessary for the students.

5. A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you as soon as you are in


6.Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production,

distribution and consumption of goods and services.

7.An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution, but who

doesn’t put what he says into practice.

8.The International Monetary Fund is the organization within the United

Nations which is concerned with trade and economic development.

9.The flash or USB drive is a small memory device that can be used to store

data from a computer and to move it from one computer to another.

10.Microblogging is defined as the activity in which you send regular short

messages, photos or videos over the Internet, to keep people informed

about your activities and thoughts.


4 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Building a house is no joking matter. You have to check carefully at every step.

2. His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy whose original intention was to make a surprise attack.

3. I really wanted to refute his arguments, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.

4. Rachel Carson is famous for devoting all her life to the cause of environmental protection.

5. In some ways we are still ignorant of the potential harm of these dams and reservoirs. They might cause irrevocable/irrecoverable changes in the environment.

6. There must be a set of checks and balances so that no important policy concerning national interests can be made by one person without the consent and knowledge of the people.

7. To compete successfully we have to adjust to new conditions. These colorful garments, for example, are specially designed. They are intended for the youth market.

8. We teachers cannot be excused for our lack of concern for students’health

9. He said that he would rather die than be confined to bed all his life and isolated from the outside world.

10. A mass protest swept the country and he was caught in a crossfire from both the right and the left.


1. Only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior.

2. She claims to possess a magic power/extra-sensory perception—the power to cure diseases simply by the touch of her hand.

3. He appointed five people to handle the case. They formed a strong team. Within days they found in his possession rolls of euros, US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which the suspect could not account for.

4. In the story, this evil spirit often appears in the form of a pretty young lady.

5. He rolled up the painting and said that he wouldn't part with it for less than a million dollars.

6. Of all the qualified judges, I don't know why she was appointed to the Supreme Court.

7. I don't know enough to form an elaborate theory, but I'm sure that poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate.

8. A big stone suddenly rolled down the hill, so big that it smashed the truck to pieces.

9. I said that we must roll up our sleeves and start working, but he just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled.

10. In ancient times, our philosophers believed that a good king should be to the people as a good father is to his children. He must never treat them cruelly on any account

3.1. They all stretched their necks to see what was happening, as if pulled by an invisible string.

2. We got out of the car to stretch a little. In front of us was a beautiful stretch of open land.

3. They talked for hours at a stretch, but they still failed to settle their differences.

4. For all the warm weather, fresh air and delicious food, her health still did not recover.

One glance at the car, and he knew that it was beyond repair. He looked ahead and found the desert stretching as far as the eye could see without a soul in sight. Ho knew he was in a terrible fix.

6. Wu Song swung his stick at the tiger with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his panic, he had hit the tree nearby.

7. I am terribly fond of the pictures you snapped in Russia, especially the one showing the Russian coachman sitting by the Black Sea with his supper in a cloth on his knees.

8. —"You can't just let it go at that,”I tried to plead with him. —"It is none of your business," he snapped.

9. He snapped his briefcase to, stood up and said, 'Then it's all settled.“

10. He was standing in front of his house on a hill, only about a hundred meters apart/away from the wharf when the tsunami came.

1. The hungry boy wolfed down the leftover corn bread as though it was his favorite king prawns.

2. What remains in his mind of his high school days is nothing but endless rounds of tests and exams.

3.1 don't think the resolution is in accord with the purpose of the organization. That's why I voted as I did.

4. He doesn't understand what it is that makes his grandson so crazy about microblogging.

5. I remember the details about the incident as though it was yesterday.

6. What remained of her home after the tornado was the land the house was built on.

7. That's why he behaved as he did when he witnessed the car crash this morning.

8. They are trying to figure out what it was that turned one of the twin brothers into a criminal, the other an excellent policeman.

9. When he found a particularly strong rice plant he was very happy as though he had discovered a gold mine.

10. Now that he's quite well-off, he has decided to get in touch with what remains of his family. Unit2

1). I suspected that the book might not be in print. I checked with the bookstore people, and they told me that I was right. The book had been out of print for years.

2]one memorable story in this novel concerns how liu bei tried not to arouseCao Cao’s suspicion about his ambitions, because if he did his life would be at stake.

3). When Cao Cao called him a real hero, Liu Bei was so shocked that he dropped his chopsticks. But he cleverly covered up his suspicious behavior.

4). The first suspect was the victims son.The police suspected him of murdering his father because the neighbors had heard them fighting on the night of the killing.

5). In learning, the important thing is not to commit everything to memory, but to use your imagination and think creatively as well as critically.

6). He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable. He broke into a house, ate and drank to his heart’s content, and remained dead drunk until discovered the next morning, with a perfectly content look on his face.

7). I have trouble remembering peoples names. I imagine it must result from old age.

8). We often live under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result.

9) I suspect we teachers sometimes underestimate mental capacities. Young people as a matter of fact have very imaginative minds


1). He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he will soon have to retire never occurs

to him.

2). Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we have a tendency to abuse

our power.

3). Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.

4). The control of the sand storms involves a tremendous amount of work and money.

5). You have to take into consideration the local conditions when you apply these technologies

6). All applicants will have to fill out this form and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.

7). Based on his careful observation of children”s behavior he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure.

8). In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.

9). The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.

10). Cheating at exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a very tough position.


Lesson 1The Middle Eastern Bazaar 1)一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处 2)集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有 3)我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。 4)新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。 5)在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。 6)他们决定买那座带有汽车房的房子。 7)教师们坚持对学生严格要求。 8)这个小女孩非常喜欢他的父亲。 9)为实现四个现代化,我们认为有必要学习外国的先进科学技术。 10)黄昏临近时,天渐渐地暗下来了。 11)徒工仔细地观察他的师傅,然后照着干。 12)吃完饭弗兰克常常帮助洗餐具。Frank often took a hand in the washing-up after dinner. Lesson 2 Hiroshima-the Livest city in Japan 1)礼堂里一个人都没有,会议一定是延期了。 2)那本书看上去很像个盒子。

3)四川话和湖北话很相似,有时很难区别。 4)一看见纪念碑就想起了在战斗中死去的好友。 5)他陷入沉思之中,没有例会同伴们在谈些什么。 6)他干的事与她毫无关系。 7)她睡不着觉,女儿的病使她心事重重。 8)这件事长期以来一直使我放心不下。 9)他喜欢这些聚会,喜欢与年轻人交往并就各种问题交换意见。 10)大家在几分钟以后才领悟他话中的含义。 11)土壤散发着青草的气味。 12)我可以占用你几分钟时间吗? 13)你能匀出一张票子给我吗? 14)那个回头发上了年纪的人是铜匠。 Lesson 4 Everyday Use for your grandmama 1.一场大火把贫民区三百多座房子夷为平地。 2.只要你为人正直,不怕失去什么,那你对任何人都不会畏惧。


Exercise 1 Radioactive Waste 核废料 One of the major problems of nuclear energy is the inability of scientists to discover a safe way to dispose of the radioactive wastes which occur throughout the nuclear process. Many of these wastes remain dangerously active for tens of thousands of years, while others have a life span closer to a quarter of a million years. Various methods have been used to date, but all have revealed weaknesses, forcing scientists to continue their research. 科学家暂时未能找到一种能够安全处理核废料的方法,是核能源使用过程中的最大问题。这些随时可能带来危险的废弃物会活跃上万年,有的甚至能延续接近几十万年。处理方法不断地被提出,又不断地在实践中遭到失败,科学家们不得不继续他们的探索。 The nuclear fuel rods are installed in the reactors, where they remain until the accumulation of wastes becomes such that the fuel is no longer usable. The “used”fuel is then sent to a reprocessing plant, where the radioactive wastes are removed: the remaining uranium is sent to a chemical plant to start the fuel cycle over again. The radioactive wastes are sent to be stored or buried. The nature of these wastes together with their lengthy life span has made it extremely difficult for scientists to find a way of disposing of them safely and permanently. 核燃料棒安放于反应装置上,这些废弃物不断聚集,直到燃料失去效用。“用过”的燃料将被送往再处理车间中进行转移:剩余的铀被送往化学车间进行能源再利用。核废料被运走储存或者销毁。由于这些废料的生存期很长,所以科学家很难将它们安全、永久地处理掉。 The United States attempted to bury much of its radioactive waste material in containers made of steel covered in concrete and capable of holding a million gallons. For a long time it was believed that the nuclear waste problem had been solved, until some of these tanks leaked, allowing the radioactive wastes to seep into the environment. Canada presently stores its nuclear waste in underwater tanks, with the long-term effects largely unknown. However, plans are under consideration for above-ground storage of spent fuel from reactors. These plans include the building of three vast concrete containers, which would be two stories high and approximately the length and width of two football fields. Other suggestions include enclosing the waste in glass blocks and storing them in underground caverns, or placing hot containers in the Antarctic region, where they would melt the ice, thereby sinking down about a mile. This idea has since been abandoned because of the possible adverse effect on the ice sheets. 美国曾经尝试过将核废料置于容积达上千加仑的铁质容器中,再用混泥土教官,埋进地下。长时间以来,人们误以为核废料问题已得到成功解决,直到部分容器泄露导致环境遭受危害。加拿大最近将核废料埋藏于置于海底的密封罐中,但长期效果还不得而知。无论如何,核废料的地底储存计划一直在人们的考虑范围内。其中包括了制作三个高达两层楼、长宽都约有两个足球场大的混泥土容器。其他建议还包括将废料置于密封玻璃罐中,并储存于底下洞穴;或者将高温的容器置于南极地区,当一部分冰溶化后,容器就会下沉大概一英里。由于可能会对冰盖产生负面影响,这个主意已经被否决了。


法律英语翻译技巧(二)法学语言与法学语言翻译 例1:The law holds that the individual is responsible for his acts. The law also indicates what is good and right, and what may and should be done. It also indicates what is evil and wrong, and should not and may not be done. The law further holds that what is evil and wrong is a crime and may not be done, and if done, renders the doer liable to punishment. The law also recognizes the principle that man has free will and that, with certain exceptions, he exercises free will in commission of any crime that he may commit. 译文1:法律认为公民应对自己的行为负责。法律还规定什么是美好的和正确的,规范了哪些事是允许做或应该做的。同样,法律规范了什么是邪恶的和错误的。法律还进一步明确规定哪些邪恶的错误的事是不能做的犯罪行为看,如果某人做了这样的事,那么该行为就要受到惩罚。同样,法律还承认这样一个原则,每个公民除犯罪自由外都具有自由意志,如果某人在各种违法活动中实施其自由意志,那么他就可能触犯法律。 译文2:法律规定人人应对自己的行为承担责任,分清善良和正义,规范了人们的行为准则;法律还认为,作孽枉法即是犯罪,法不可恕,


法律英语翻译专业词汇 大全 This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.

equality of men and women, equality between [of] the sexes南昌市 Nanchang Municipality南京市 Nanjing Municipality南宁市 Nanning Municipality南平市Nanping Municipality南通市 Nantong Municipality脑外伤综合症 combined external head injuries年报 annual report年度账目 annual accounts宁波市 Ningbo

Municipality宁静的占有权 quiet possession宁夏回族自治区 Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region扭亏为盈 turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources纽约公约 New York Convention农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labour农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives农副产品采购支出 outlays for agricultural procurement农工商联合企业 agro-industrial-commercial combines农垦区 land reclamation district农民集体 peasant collective农药残留物 pesticide residue农业部 Ministry of Agriculture农业发展银行 Agriculture Development Bank农业税agricultural tax农转非 rural residents become urban residents虐待 maltreat虐待罪 crime of abuse挪用公款 misappropriation of public funds殴打他人 assault 偶犯 casual offender排斥外在证据原则 parol evidence rule排除责任条款 exclusion clause排纷解讼 dissolution of disputes and litigation排他性的独占权exclusive monopoly right派生的分租人 derivative under-lessor派生的分租租契derivative under-lease判案理由 adjudicative reasons, grounds of judgment判处sentence判定 confirm判定债务人没有付款的誓章 affidavit of default on the part of the judgment debtor判决 judgment判决理据 grounds of judgment判决书 written judgment判决执行 enforcement of the judgment判刑 sentence泡沫经济bubble economy泡沫效应 bubble effect培育新的经济增长点 to tap new sources of economic growth赔偿 compensate赔偿金 compensation money赔偿损失 compensation for losses赔偿责任 liability to damages配股 allotment of shares, rationed shares配合饲料 compound/mix feed配偶 spouse配偶的父母 parents-in-law配套改革concomitant reforms配套人民币资金 local currency funding of批复 Reply批评教 育 re-education批准 approve, approval批准机关 approval authority批准文号


《高级英语》课文逐句翻译(12) 我为什么写作 Lesson 12:Why I Write 从很小的时候,大概五、六岁,我知道长大以后将成为一个作家。 From a very early age,perhaps the age of five or six,I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer. 从15到24岁的这段时间里,我试图打消这个念头,可总觉得这样做是在戕害我的天性,认为我迟早会坐下来伏案著书。 Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to adandon this idea,but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books. 三个孩子中,我是老二。老大和老三与我相隔五岁。8岁以前,我很少见到我爸爸。由于这个以及其他一些缘故,我的性格有些孤僻。我的举止言谈逐渐变得很不讨人喜欢,这使我在上学期间几乎没有什么朋友。 I was the middle child of three,but there was a gap of five years on either side,and I barely saw my father before I was eight- For this and other reasons I was somewhat lonely,and I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays. 我像一般孤僻的孩子一样,喜欢凭空编造各种故事,和想像的人谈话。我觉得,从一开始,我的文学志向就与一种孤独寂寞、被人冷落的感觉联系在一起。我知道我有驾驭语言的才能和直面令人不快的现实的能力。这一切似乎造就了一个私人的天地,在此天地中我能挽回我在日常生活中的不得意。 I had the lonely child's habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons,and I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued. 我知道我有驾驭语言的才能和直面令人不快的现实的能力。这一切似乎造就了一个私人的天地,在此天地中我能挽回我在日常生活中的不得意。 I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts,and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure 还是一个小孩子的时候,我就总爱把自己想像成惊险传奇中的主人公,例如罗宾汉。但不久,我的故事不再是粗糙简单的自我欣赏了。它开始趋向描写我的行动和我所见所闻的人和事。


Lesson 1 1) Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people. little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another 2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market. 3) they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down they drop some of items that they don't really want and begin to bargain seriously for a low price. 4) he will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining He will ask for a high price for the item and refuse to cut down the price by any significant amount. 5) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear As you get near it, a variety of sounds begin to strike your ear. X.1)一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处 A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods. 2)集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有 At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. 3) 我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。 I really don't know what it is that has made him so angry. 4)新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。 The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs. 5)在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。 Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see. 6)他们决定买那座带有汽车房的房子。 They decided to buy that house with. a garage attached. 7)教师们坚持对学生严格要求。 The teachers make a point of being strict with the students. 8)这个小女孩非常喜欢他的父亲。 This little girl is very much attached to her father.


练习1:外国合营者如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。If the foreign joint venturer causes any losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment, it shall pay compensation for the losses. 修改提示:单复数考虑不周;用语不够简洁。 答案(修改要点):causes any losses →causes any loss(es) 造成一项或多项损失时都应当赔偿,不能仅用复数形式。 pay compensation for the losses →pay compensation therefor (therefor=for that/them) 练习2:人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关办理刑事案件,应当分工负责,互相配合,互相制约,以保证准确有效地执行法律。 原译文:The people’s courts, people’s procuratorates and public s ecurity organs shall, in handling criminal cases, divide their functions, each taking responsibility for its own work, and they shall co-ordinate their efforts and check each other to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law. 修改提示:“分工负责”,应理解为:侧重点在“负责”,而非“分工”,即分工过程中各负其责;respective 比own 更为妥当、准确;原来的译文中,and they shall …比较啰嗦,更严重的问题是,使to ensure …割断了与divide their functions 的联系。 答案(修改要点):in handling criminal cases, divide their functions, each taking responsibility for its own work, and they shall co-ordinate their efforts and check each other to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law.→… in handling criminal cases, take responsibility for their respective work while dividing functions, co-ordinate, and check each other, to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law. 练习3:商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护。 原译文:Trademark registrants shall enjoy the right to exclusive use of their trademarks and shall be protected by law. 修改提示:商标专用权的译文“貌合神离”,立法原意是“商标专有权”;受法律保护的主语有些歧义,可加括号处理;原文shall滥用,因为并未刻意强调“必须,一定要”。 答案(修改为):Trademark registrants have the exclusive trademark right, (and are) protected by law. 练习4:被告人的犯罪情节极其严重、社会影响极其恶劣、社会危害极其严重。 原译文:The extremely serious circumstances of the offense committed by the accused have brought abominable influence and severe hazard to the whole society. 修改提示:bring的用法有些生硬,动宾搭配不太适当。 答案(修改为):have brought abominable influence and severe hazard to the whole society. → have exerted an abominable influence and posed a severe hazard to society. (exert, vt. 施加,产生,如exert pressure on, exert an influence on; abominable, adj. 可恶的,极坏的;pose v. 提出,形成,成为;使摆好姿势pose a problem; pose an obstacle/a threat to …) 练习5:买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:货号; 品名及规格;数量;单价;总值(数量及总值均有_____%的增减, 由卖方决定);生产国和制造厂家;包装;唛头;装运期限;装运口岸;目的口岸;保险;


第二课法律、民主与道德分歧 最近人们常听说,在美国及其他的地方,在公开演讲和市民生活中,对手之间的相互尊重和待人接物的礼仪风尚正在减弱。有些人从种种雄辩理念中找到一种指标可能,即重要的是在许多道德分歧问题上“赞同不同意见”。许多这些观念对此类问题存在客观真理。实践共识或者两者都存在的可能性,趋于持怀疑态度。其他人则倾向于把实质性的道德争议完全排除于政治领域之外,以免不可避免要表达的道德上的政治分歧的观念危害到社会的稳定性。然而,在两本有价值的关于道德分歧的政治和法律含义的新书中,则体现了另一种不同的趋势。《民主和意见分歧:政治上难免道德冲突之探源及其对策》,政治理论家艾美?古特曼和丹尼斯?托普逊著;《法律推理和政治冲突》,法律学者卡斯桑斯坦著,提出了对公民生活行为道德分歧内涵的反思,和我们的政体如何处理牢固的道德分歧的具体建议。 1.罗尔斯和理性分歧之事实 曾参加过鸡尾酒会或在大学里教授过伦理学或政治学理论的人,很可能熟悉下列驳论的套路。社会主流不赞同,比如堕胎、色情或者同性恋行为的道德准则。道德分歧的现象表明,这些问题不存在客观真理,只有主观观点。在更大范围内,任何人都没有权利将他自己的主观观点强加于那些恰恰不赞同他们的人身上。因此法律禁止、限制甚至反对堕胎、色情或者同性恋行为的做法不正当的侵犯了人们的自由。 然而稍作反思,人们就会发现这种推理套路中有大量的谬误。也许最受争议的便是它从道德分歧之存在中得出不存在客观道德真理的推论,而这一推论违背了社会常规性。打个比方,如果埃里克斯主张奴隶制是道德性的错误,那么贝尔塔不赞同的现象并不意味着埃里克斯的观点是错误的。实际上,埃里克斯也许对奴隶制的道德性错误想法有误,但贝尔塔不赞同的这一仅有的现象是不构成埃里克斯主张错误的充分理由的。毕竟,贝尔塔的主张也有可能是错误的。如果查尔斯还没有形成自己关于奴隶制的观点,但正希望形成一个正确的观点,那么在得出一个判定之前,他将会把埃里克斯关于奴隶制的道德性的论证和贝尔塔的反证放在一起加以考虑。仅仅从埃里克斯和贝尔塔分歧这一现象中,查尔斯是不可能理性地得出该问题不会有客观真理的结论。此外,如果埃里克斯和贝尔塔的争论从奴隶制转向论证堕胎、同性恋行为、色情、娱乐性使用毒品或其他任何当前有争议的道德问题上,这样的结论依然是不合理的。 但是如果埃里克斯和贝尔塔都是“理性之人”,又该如何呢?如果理性之人对某行为是否不道德发生分歧,是否就意味着该问题不存在客观真理而只有主观观点呢?并非如此。他们的分歧仅表明他们其中之一是错误的,或者他们都是错误的。即便是理性之人也会犯错误,有时也会信息不全。埃里克斯或贝尔塔可能完全或部分的忽视了或者未能充分注意到某些相关的现象或价值。你或他(或者我们大家)都可能正在推理中犯逻辑性的错误或其他的错误。这样或那样的偏见也许或妨碍一个关键的推论或其他的洞悉。 当然,相信客观道德真理的人(像我一样)并非认为那些客观真理总是那么明显,道德问题也从不棘手。相反,某些道德问题特别的棘手。有些道德问题是自身棘手,而有些道德问题的棘手是因为人们所处的文化环境中的物质、偏见、私利或其他因素使相关价值趋于模糊,并妨碍了关键洞察力。理性之人遇见此种情况也难以幸免。然而道德问题的棘手并不是暗示着问题没有正确的答案。即使理性的分歧也并不表明客观真理的缺失。 至此,我一直想表明的是,与人们在鸡尾酒会或大学教室的听闻不同,分歧存在并不意味无客观道德真理——即便是“理性的分歧”,即,有关理性之人自己在多数场合下也可能产生分歧的棘手的道德问题之分歧。但是,有一个不太直接但相当精妙的,从理性之人间道德分歧之事实,论证得出涉及法律和公共政策中充满特定道德问题的、开明结论的方法。约翰?罗尔斯最近的著作中借助于他所谓的“理性多元主义”事实,作为其他问题除外而包含


高级英语翻译[试题] 1. 她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩子,以她坚强的毅力写出了一部部催人泪下的奋进小 说。(同位语语序)
A thin and weak girl susceptible to diseases,she wrote one inspiring novel after another with her strong will. b5E2RGbCAP
2. 这 3 个县经历了那场中国 70 年代第四次较为严重的遍及数省的自然灾害。 (英文定语的语序)
The three counties underwent the fourth most serious natural disaster that plagued several provinces in China in the 1970’s. p1EanqFDPw
3. 这首歌并不曾继续多久,就和笛声共同消失在黑暗里了。(拆开状语从句) The singing did not last very long.Soon,together with the sound of the flute it faded away in the darkness. DXDiTa9E3d
4. 说毕,张道士方退出去。这里贾母与众人上了楼,在正面楼上归坐。凤姐 等占了东楼。(合句法)
Thereupon the priest withdrew ,while the Lady Dowager and her party went upstairs to RTCrpUDGiT
, Xifeng and her companions occupying that to the east.sit in the main balcony5PCzVD7HxA
5. 这日他比平日起得迟,看见她已经伏在洗脸台上擦脖子,肥皂的泡沫就如 大螃蟹嘴上的水泡一般,
1 / 14


II . 1) little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people. little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another 2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market. 3) they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down they drop some of items that they don't really want and begin to bargain seriously for a low price. 4) he will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining He will ask for a high price for the item and refuse to cut down the price by any significant amount. 5) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear As you get near it, a variety of sounds begin to strike your ear. X.1) 一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处 A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods. 2) 集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. 3) 我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。I really don't know what it is that has made him so angry. 4) 新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs. 5) 在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see. 6) 他们决定买那座带有汽车房的房子。They decided to buy that house with. a garage attached. 7 )教师们坚持对学生严格要求。The teachers make a point of being strict with the students.


Legal English (revised version for the students) Ch.1 The Main Features of Legal English 一、法律英语的英译: David Mellinkoff(加州大学洛杉矶分校法学院教授):《The Language of the Law》1963 1.legal English---Lawful English Legal parlance(说法、用语)/legal lingo(行话、隐语)/legal jargon(行话、黑话)/legalese( 法律八股文)/language of jurisprudence(法理语言) 2. the English Language of the Law or shortened as “the language of the law” 3. 法律英语与法学英语 二、法律英语的范围: 是否凡是涉及法律的英语(词汇、表达方法、句子结构……)都是法律英语? 英美法学界所公认的法律英语主要是指普通法国家(common-law countries)的法律人所用的习惯语言(customary language),包括某些词汇、短语,或具有特色的一些表达方法(mode of expressions)。 三、法律英语的主要特点: I. precise or exact (准确) 正常情况下,起草法律文件时,用词造句务必十分精准(with great exactness),因为一旦笔者的思想、观点、企图落实成文字,即成为法庭判断是非的重要依据,因为按严格解释原则(principle of strict construction)或唯名论原则(principle of nominalism),尽管实践中还存在推测意图原则(principle of presumed intent),但其不占主导地位,书面文字仍然是法官解释法律文件的唯一依据。 实务中鉴于对法律文件中文字的理解不一,也是常有纠纷出现: e.g. The Charter required that directors “shall be elected on a vote of the stockholders representing not less than two-thirds of outstanding capital st ock of the corporation.” 甲方理解成:被选上董事的人需三分之二的股东投票赞成(a candidate to be elected needs the votes of two-thirds of the stockholders ) 乙方则认为:选董事时须有三分之二的股东出席(two-thirds of the stockholders must be present at the meeting at which the election is held) What’s the judge’s opinion? e.g. 一个阿肯色州的美国人临终前写了一个遗嘱,遗嘱写道: The remainder of the testator’s property should be “divided equally between all of our nephews and nieces on my wife’s side and my niece.” 问题出在对“between”一词的理解上。立遗嘱人妻子一边的外甥和外甥女加在一起共有22个。这句话是指立遗嘱人的遗产的一半归其妻子方的22个外甥和外甥女,另一半归其本人一方的外甥女?还是指将遗产在双方的外甥外甥女中平均分配呢? 为达准确之目的,常使用下列招法: 1. 使用专门术语(下文有述) 2. 重复使用具有绝对含义的词汇,如all , none, perpetuity, never, unavoidable; 3. 使用具有绝对限制含义的短语:


第一课美国法律制度介绍 第一部分特征与特点 美国既是一个非常新的国家也是一个非常老的国家。与许多别的国家相比它是一个新的国家。同时,它还因新人口成分和新州的加入而持续更新,在此意义上,它也是新国家。但是在其它的意义上它是老国家。它是最老的“新”国家——第一个由旧大陆殖民地脱胎而出的国家。它拥有最古老的成文宪法、最古老的持续的联邦体制以及最古老的民族自治实践。 美国的年轻(性)有一个很有意思的特点就是它的历史肇始于印刷机发明之后。因此它的整个历史都得以记录下来:确实可以很有把握地说,任何其它国家都没有像美国这样全面的历史记录,因为像在意大利、法国或者英国过去的传说中湮没的那样的事件在美国都成了有文字记载的历史之一部分。而且其记录不仅全面,还非常浩繁。不仅包括这个国家自1776年以来的殖民时期的记录,还有当前五十个州以及各州和联邦(nation)之间错综复杂的关系网络的历史记录。因此,据一个非常简单的例子,美国最高法院判例汇编有大约350卷,而一些州的判例汇编也几乎有同样多的卷数:想研究美国法律史的读者要面对的是超过5000巨卷的司法案例。 我们不能说一个文件或几个文件就能揭示出一国人民或其政府的特性。但如果横跨一百多年的千百万个文件敲出始终如一的音调,我们就有理由说这就是其主调。当千百万个文件都以同样的方式去解决同样的中心问题,我们就有理由从中得出可以被称为国民特定的确定结论。 第二部分普通法和衡平法 同英国一样,美国法律制度从方法论上来说主要是一种判例法制度。许多私法领域仍然主要是由判例法构成,广泛而不断增长的制定法一直受制于有约束力的(解释制定法的)判例法。因此,判例法方法的知识以及使用判例法的技巧对于理解美国法律和法律方法是极其重要的。 从历史的角度来看,普通法就是由英国皇家法院的巡回法官的判决所得出的普通的一般法——优于地方法。采纳或执行某项诉讼请求是以存在法院令状这种特殊形式的诉为前提的,而这就使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古罗马法的“诉”所构成的体系。如果存在令状(于1227年),诉讼请求就可以被采纳或执行;没有法院令状(为前提)的诉讼请求就没有追索权,因而该诉讼请求也不存在。“牛津条例”(1285年)禁止创设除了“个案令状”之外的新令状,这种“个案令状”使该制度变得较为灵活了,而且导致了后来合同和侵权法的发展。 对于诉的形式的严格限制及由此产生的对追索权的限制导致了衡平法和衡平判例法的发展。“衡平”的一般意义就是寻求“公平”,即公平且善良地裁决,它最初是由国王,后来由作为“国王良知守护人”的大法官颁行,以便在艰难的案件中提供救济。但是到了十四世纪,衡平法和衡平判例法发展成了一个独立的法律制度和与一般的普通法法院一争高下的司法系统(衡平法院)。其规则和格言变得非常固定而且在某种程度上不像在其它法律制度中一样灵活。衡平法的特点有:以特定履行(或实际履行)的方式提供救济(与普通法提供补偿性损害赔偿金的救济方式形成对照);强制令(为或者不为某项具体行为的临时或者最终法令);渗透了整个法律制度并且能在许多场合下揭示现代法律概念的起源的所谓的衡平法格言的发展。不过,一般都是只有在普通法救济不充分时,才会出现衡平法救济。比如,优于普通法损害赔偿金被认为是不充分的,这是因为考虑到不动产所具有的唯一性,这些赔偿金无法补偿不动产购买人(的损失),就可能判以特定履行购买不动产。 与普通法一样,衡平法通过司法接纳或通过明确的制定法条款,成了美国法律的一部分。目前,这两个法律制度在许多美国司法管辖区中得以融合(始于1848年的纽约),因而,在这些司法管辖区以及联邦的实践中只存在一种形式的民事诉讼。只有为数很少的州还保留着单独的衡平法院。尽管如此,提及这一历史演变仍然是很重要的,因为它一方面解释了许多当代法律概念(如财产法中的所有权分割)的起源和意义,另一方面,它仍然与做出某些裁决有一定的关联,比如是否有权获得陪审团的审理(这仅发生与普通法的讼案中,在其它案件中仅由法官审理)。另外,这种区别将决定“通常的”普通法赔偿金救济是否适用或者是否可以使用“特别的”衡平法特定履行救济。 “判例法”代表了整个的法官造法体系,而且在现代还包括了普通法和衡平法先例。在不准确的和令人迷惑的用法中,“普通法”和“判例法”这两个术语通常被当作同义词来使用,在这里,“普通法”这个术语一般代表着法官制定的法,以示区别制定法。“判例法”总是代表着法官制定的法律,而“普通法”则相对来说,根据想表达的意思不同,要么代表普通法主题事项(即具体问题)上法官制定的法律,要么在更广范围内指所有法官制定的法律。 第二课法律职业 第一部分律师协会 法律职业的规范主要是各州的事务,每一各州对于执业许可都有其自己的要求。大多数州都要求三年的学业和法律学位。各州自行管理本州申请律师资格的书面考试。不过,几乎所有的州都利用“多州律师资格考试”,这是一种长达一天的多项选择测试,在这项考试之外,各州还会再增加一次主要是关于其本州法律的时长一天的论文考试。大多数申请人都可以通过第一次考试,而且许多失败者都会在下一次考试中通过。每年有四万多人通过这些考试,在经过人品调查之后,他们便可获准在相应的州执业许可。在获得许可之前或之后都不要求实习。到各联邦法院执业的许可规则互不相同,但一般来讲,那些获准在州最高法院执业的律师在办理一些无关紧要的手续之后即可获准在联邦法院执业。 律师执业范围通常仅限于一个地区,因为尽管律师可以代表当事人到其它地区办理事务,但是一个人只能在其获得许可的州内执业。人们习惯雇用本州的律师办理其它洲的事务。但是,只要一个人已经在其获得职业资格的州执业达一定时间(通常是五年),那么他移居到另外一个州时通常无需考试便可获得执业许可。 律师不仅可以从事法律事务,还允许从事任何其他公民能从事的事务。执业律师在企业客户的董事会中工作、从事商业或者积极参与公共事务都是很平常的事情。律师即使在成为法官、政府或者私人企业集团的雇员或者法律教师之后仍然是律师协会的会员,他们可以辞掉这些其它事务,回头开始私人执业。为了在工商业中担任重要的执行职务而放弃执业的律师人数相对较少。这一职业中的流动性和公共责任感的一个例证是哈兰·菲斯克的职业生涯,他曾多次成为一名纽约州律师、一名教授和哥伦比亚法学院院长、美国总检察长和美国最高法院首席大法官。 律师并不按照职责进行正式的划分。在英国对诉讼律师和非诉律师的区分并没有移植到美国,既不存在拥有特别或者专有出庭权的职业群体,也没有专门制作法律文书的职业群体。美国律师的业务范围包括出庭辩护、咨询和起草文书。另外,在被广泛地成为“法律执业”的范围之内,律师的业务范围是专有性的,不对其他人开放。在出庭辩护领域,这种规则非常清楚:任何个人都可以代表其自己出庭,但除了一些基层法院之外,只有律师可以代表他人出庭。不过,律师不得代表他人参与一些行政机关设立的具有司法性质的正式程序当中。在咨询和起草法律文书领域的界限并不是太清晰,比如在在联邦所得税领域的法律执业和会计执业之间就是如此。但是,纽约最高法院的一个裁决表明了大多数美国法院的严格标准,该裁决认为,一个获准在外国执业单位获准在纽约执业的律师不得在纽约对客户提供法律咨询,即使该意见仅限于该律师获准执业的该外国的法律。但是,一个外国律师可能获准在一个州执业,而且无需获得许可便可以以一个外国法律顾问的身份向美国律师提供法律咨询。 1

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