当前位置:文档之家› 一个陌生女人的来信 英语读后感

一个陌生女人的来信 英语读后感

一个陌生女人的来信 英语读后感
一个陌生女人的来信 英语读后感

Recently, I have read the Austria writer Stefan Zweig’s classic novel," a letter from an unknown woman." First read this novel is my first year of high school, at that time, I did not understand the heroine of the practice. But now read, I gradually learned something called people do foolish things just for love.

The novel is a story about an Austrian writer receives a letter from an unknown woman on the day of his anniversary. This woman tells him that she knew him for 20 years now. As she was his neighbor as an 8 years old child, she fell madly in love with him, observing him secretly. Later, at age 18, she was one of his numerous mistresses for two or three nights and became pregnant. She didn't want to disturb him so she chose to be a courtesan in order to raise their son. She met him for another night, years later, but the writer didn't recognize her, once again. Now that their son has just died from the influenza, she has decided to write to him this letter he will receive only after her death.

In this novel, the most worthy of careful reading is the heroine’s psychological activity and emotional meticulous description. Let the readers follow her emotion into a world is full of love and hate.

This is a story about secret love, they only met a few times, she gave birth to a child of the man. She became a prostitute for life.

But until the woman died, the men still do not know her name, or even in memory no traces. After reading it, I am very sad and surprised.How can a man have so feminine psychology.

In fact, the story is doomed a tragedy from the beginning. Thirteen year old girl is full of curiosity about everything, it is also a immature and uncertainty age. It is Easy to cause radical in thinking and behavior in extreme . Lack of knowledge, experience, experience and comprehensive thinking. Can't to have correct cognition, resolution, judgment and choice. Eventually led to the girl lost. The secret love for the man in this novel is also tragedy.

The last paragraph of the novel is my favorite paragraph:

The letter fell from his nerveless hands. He thought long and deepl y. Yes, he had vague memories of a neighbour's child, of a girl, of a woman in a dancing hall-all was dim and confused, like the flicke ring and shapeless view of a stone in the bed of a swiftly running st ream. Shadows chased one another across his mind, but would no t fuse into a picture. There were stirrings of memory in the realm of feeling, and still he could not remember. It seemed to him that he must have dreamed of all these figures, must have dreamed often and vividly-and yet they had only been the phantoms of a dream. His eyes wandered to the blue vase on the writing-table. It was em

pty. For years it had not been empty on his birthday. He shuddered , feeling as if an invisible door had been suddenly opened, a door t hrough which a chill breeze from another world was blowing into hi s sheltered room. An intimation of death came to him, and an intim ation of deathless love. Something welled up within him; and the th ought of the dead woman stirred in his mind, bodiless and passion ate, like the sound of distant music.

I think the man felt fear of the woman's love. Sometimes, love could make people happy, but it also can make us sad.



科学怪人读后感 科学怪人读后感范文19世纪英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱之妻玛丽雪莱1818年的小说《科学怪人》曾多次被搬上戏剧舞台及电影银幕。发明家托马斯爱迪生的公司就曾于1910年制作了《科学怪人》的首部默片,但直到1931年詹姆斯惠尔执导的首部有声《科学怪人》问世,观众及电影公司才真正承认了恐怖影片作为经典类型片的地位。 美国南加利福尼亚州大学研究上世纪三四十年代美国电影的教授里克朱厄尔说:“它是偶像级电影之一,影响力巨大。它真正确保了恐怖片成为好莱坞较有影响力的影片类型之一。” 《科学怪人》获得成功,富有创意的化妆师杰克皮尔斯功不可没。据报道,给卡洛夫在电影中饰演的怪物化妆常常要花上4个小时的时间,皮尔斯和他的助手们为塑造出高大骇人的怪物形象费尽心思。他们在卡洛夫头部垫上棉布卷,使他看上去更高且头部呈方形。同时,皮尔斯在卡洛夫的脖子两侧安上电极,还在他脸上涂上了厚重的粉,使其看上去冷漠麻木。 影片完成后,曾有人担心电影会吓跑观众,因此在1931年12月6日首映当天,有关方面特地安排一名演员在电影放映前提醒观众电影的可怕程度。电影获得了巨大成功,虽然观众们时常大声尖叫,但他们对影片十分着迷。

《科学怪人》当年为环球电影制片公司带来了数百万美元的收入,如今这部电影的主创人员早已去世,但那个人造怪物依然活跃在荧屏上。从恐怖片到喜剧,改编自《科学怪人》的英美影片迄今已达数十部之多。 科学怪人读后感范文我最近看了一本印象深刻的书,名着《科学怪人》。内容虽然有些惊悚,但是却透露出一些真情。 文中的“我”为科学痴狂,用科学创造出了一个其丑无比的怪人,“我”厌恶自己创造的人,人们也不欢迎他,使怪人由本性善良变成了一个恶人,他四处杀人,最后把“我”杀了,忏悔者…… 这是一个以悲剧结尾的故事。我觉得主人公一开始就做的不对。1.他根本就不应该因为自己的好奇而创造出人,这就可以看出他的不冷静;2.他看见怪人的面目后十分厌恶,不给予怪人任何美好的情感,而是施予憎恶,所以才导致自己以及自己的亲人被怪人杀死。 由此可见美好的感情对人的重要性啊!感情是人类精神的支柱,美好的感情更是人类本性所向往的、单单想拥有的、宝贵的东西啊! 还有曾经我看过一篇文章,写的是政府将执行把囚犯精神禁锢的方法,先由一位警察试着执行,结果他遭到众人的


英语读后感50字 I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. I think Marguerite was right in saying that no one truly cared about her, but only wanted something from her, the only exceptions being Armand and Julie Duprat. Of course, the Comte de G. and Comte de N. wanted her body and appearance. The Duke needed to “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could never replace his dead daughter. If he truly cared, he could have helped her leave her lifestyle without “keeping” her himself. And lastly, Prudence was a blood-sucking leech who used Marguerite almost worse than the men. I also think she was jealous of the fact that Marguerite had so much more courage than herself and someone truly loved her.


《学生可以这样教育》读书笔记与读后感 1500字 导读:读书笔记《学生可以这样教育》读书笔记与读后感1500字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 《学生可以这样教育》读书笔记与读后感1500字: 之前读了陈宇老师的《你能做最好的班主任》一书,收获颇丰,最近在工作室的推荐下,又读了陈宇老师的另外一本书《学生可以这样教育》。看了这两本书,对陈宇老师的教育理念又有了更深一步的了解。陈宇老师是一个又务实,又机智的班主任。在他的很多教育案例中,他的很多处理问题的方法,都是从学生实际出发,跟学生一起制定各种规则。他们制定的这些规则不是简单的条条框框,而是在实际操作中,可以指导学生接下来哪些事情可以怎么做。这些规则制定的越是简单明了,可操作性强,就对班集体或者学生更有意义,因为学生很清楚、也很容易理解该怎么做? 在《学生可以这样教育》一书中,有关于规则教育、惩戒教育、说服教育、培养情商、提升成绩等这些教师们关注的问题。而书中介绍的各种方法均已在实践中得到检验,当遇到这些问题时,陈宇老师通过一些教育案例,给我们提供了相关的解决方案,这样在我们的实践中,可以根据实际情况,结合陈宇老师的做法,找到恰当的处理问题方式。

其中,令我感触最深的是书中第五章的内容---怎样让学生愿意接受你的教育。在传统的班级管理中,教师与学生的沟通多以教师说教、教师批评、学生被动接受为主,时间久了,学生耳朵磨出了茧子,对老师的这种方式越来越不耐烦,教师自身对学生问题处理的无力感也会越来越严重。 但是陈宇老师在处理学生问题时,却用了很多不一样的方式,但每一种方式都让我们特别有启发。 (一)润物细无声 1.多用“我们”----自己人效应; 2.以心换心----角色置换效应; 3.没有白说的废话----调味品效应; 4.“数学老师说你很棒!”----第三人效应; 5.边吃边聊----可口可乐效应; (二)沟通,从倾听开始 6.做一个真诚的倾听者----格林斯潘效应; 7.“是的,是的,可是……”----可是效应; 8.“有什么你就冲着我来吧”----安全阀效应; (三)褒贬得当,循序渐进 9.褒贬适度最和谐----黄金分割效应; 10.先抑后扬,渐入佳境----阿伦森效应; 11.让批评听上去很美好----三明治效应; 12.“哪怕做一道题也好啊”----进门槛效应;

大学英语作文-大学英文作文- 读后感

大学英语作文 大学英文作文: 读后感 读后感: Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Favorite Novel. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1、我最喜爱的小说, 2、该小说的内容, 3、我为什么喜爱。 如果你发现朋友们的写作中有些小错误,哪怕是单词的拼写,也可以指出来噢,可以发站内短信,也可以在我们的写作群里讨论,总之目的只有一个,那就是我们一起提高自己的水平! PS:评分要求: 1) 评分并不只是版主的特权,每个人都可以为其他网友的写作进行评分和指出不足之处。 2)另拒绝抄袭!举报抄袭,经查属实,举报者奖励5分; 抄袭罚扣20分。

3)如果你觉得我们的题目出得不错,也可以为我们评分!评分不会影响你自己的分数! My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days which is written by Jules Verne. The author was born in France and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances, which gained him the name——Father of Modern Science Fiction. This is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his clubmates and manages to travel around the world in eighty days. It gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey. From this story, we can see the author’s deep love for the sea, travel and adventure, which played a vital role in his life. We are also astonished and convinced by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge.


《弗兰肯斯坦》读后感 《弗兰肯斯坦》被认为是世界第一部真正意义上的科幻小说。小说揭示了作者玛丽雪莱的观点:她认为人具有双重性格——善与恶,长期受人嫌恶、歧视和迫害会使人变得邪恶,乃至发展到不可收拾的地步。 它讲述了一位名叫弗兰肯斯坦的科学家自少年时期潜心研究自然科学,将尸体拼接起来,用电流赋予它生命,却在最后发现创造了一个拥有可怖外表的怪物。在恐慌与无措中,他选择了抛弃。怪物开始自己探索世界,起初它以善意对待世人,甚至因知道自己的丑陋而把自己藏了起来,暗中帮助他喜欢的一户人家,结果在小心翼翼袒露身份的那天却遭到鄙视与唾弃。渐渐的它开始仇恨这个世界,这股愤怒驱使他杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的弟弟和新娘。它失去了所有,它也不再顾虑或期待,用小说原文来说,它就像一股不受限制的飓风,将死亡带给弗兰肯斯坦的家庭。最终弗兰肯斯坦死去时,怪物也宣布它的复仇结束了,接着消失在冰原中。 对于这本书,我最感触的是怪物在与它的创造者重逢时说出的这句话“我本性也是仁慈的、善良的,都是痛苦让我变成了魔鬼。”细想一下,是什么让当初用好奇的眼睛捕捉周围一切的怪物变成了杀戮狂魔?是它所处的环境啊。即使它拥有一颗善良的心,可是人们一看到它的脸就躲避、尖叫,甚至拳脚相加;即使它的初衷是救助溺水的女孩,最终只得到了一颗冷冰冰的子弹。世界的冷漠剥去了它内心柔软的外壳。它也想过变好,可是怪物承受了太多人类的恶意,悲剧不断重现,最终彻底浇灭了它的希望。 而其创造者弗兰肯斯坦创造怪物的初衷是为了让人们免于死亡,因为他的母亲,一位善良可爱的女士,死于猩红热。他明明成功复活了死亡,却因此陷入无尽的悲痛与折磨。我认为弗兰肯斯坦就是人类的一个代表,他代表着自我矛盾。 可以说世上本没有怪物,但自从世上出现了人,怪物也就出现了,因为人本来就是怪物。某位大家曾说过:“人类为什么可以统治地球,那是因为没有任何生物可以比人类更残忍。”异想天开的弗兰肯斯坦无法接受自己创造的怪物,残忍地将其抛弃,造成了无法挽回的悲剧。现实中,往往我们的无情与冷淡无意间就会让我们自己成为弗兰肯斯坦,想想,社会上那些相貌丑陋亦或身体残疾的人群人们都得到了平等对待么?玛丽?雪莱可能就是要告诉我们善 待同类的同时也要善待异类吧。否则人类也终将会因为自己的残忍毁灭自己。 高三(4)班黄一文6号


英语读后感(共6篇) 《大卫科波菲尔》英语读后感英语读后感(2) | It is the same as read other novels of Dickens' too to read" David Copperfield", People feel every personage --From protagonist to warder not speaking --It is ready to appear , lifelike. This because Dickens very much can play up angry to a great extent Atmosphere, the method is that the detail is delineated. At the time of writing to Mr.Murdstone teach David such as him, have published a question in this way: "If I go to the cheese shop to buy 4,000 pieces of extra quality cheese in Gloucester ……" he will it shows to be" extra quality cheese of Gloucester" in detail only, but this set off appear personality of Mr.Murdstone vividly even more just --Mechanical, intend to embarrass David. He describes David's banquet, each kind of vegetables is not described well at all in it, Whether and this it make people unable to feel even more vivid too,like in among. Can enter silk enter and deduct detail of describing, it is obvious Dickens one outsight and realize strength better people more like this. He draws support from his pen Tell reader abundant impression of him whether make readers rise and fall of the happiness, 1 / 12


:____________ 最新英语教师读书笔记3篇 _____年___月___日 _____________部门小学英语教师读书笔记(一)

俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半”。上课也一样。教师的循循诱导,能让学生产生强烈的求知欲和好奇心,从而更积极主动地参加课堂教学,为整节课的成功作准备。 一、导入:⒈歌曲导入。⒉设置悬念。当然导入很多,教学中不能单一的用一种导入,也许这种导入刚开始学生觉得很有劲,但天天用学生就会厌倦了。所以教师设计时要多多新颖,多多改变,尽量多样性。 二、创设情景,多用直观教学. 由于小学生年龄较小,生活经验不丰富,知识范围有限,决定了他们对直观、新颖、有趣的材料容易理解和接受。比如学生学习“good morning ﹑good afternoon ﹑good evening”这三个问候词时很容易混淆,我就用道具设置情景:画了三幅图,有从东面初升的太阳表示上午,有正在上方炎热的太阳表示中午,有明亮的月亮表示晚上。再叫学生用“good morning ﹑good afternoon ﹑good evening”来说,加深了学生的印象。作为一个小学英语教师表情要丰富,如果表情呆滞,语言平淡,学生就不能全身心投入学习中。所以在课堂上,老师需要生动地表演,丰富的表情,使学生进入一个童话世界。在制作教具时可让学生自己动手画、动手做。在教学中要用到的图片,可以提早几天布置下去,当他们的作品被运用在课堂上时,孩子们都很兴奋。这样使学生体会到成功的喜悦也激发了学英语的兴趣。此外画图片,也培养了学生的绘画能力,也可让他们熟悉一下将要学的新知识,真是一举多得啊!


文章读后感英文范文如何写英语文章读后感英语作文模版 A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感 This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and bees self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday bee close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England. Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature. 可以参照一下


英语名著读书笔记 【篇一:300字英语名著读后感】 frankenstein was a good scientist.he wanted to use elestricity to help people,and he wanted to discover the secrets of life.he worked very hard on these two things.he wanted to create a new life, but he was not allowed to make such medical experiments.he made a body in his laboratory and he didnot let anybody enter his labtatory or his flat while he was doing this awful work.he bought or stole all the pieces of human body that he needed,and slowly and carefully, he put them all together. he used electricity from lighting to give life to the body. in the beginning, the monster was kind and helpful. but when he was hated everywhere by his creator and people,he felt very painful. he became hated everything and wanted to destroy everything.he killed frankensteins son, william and fiancee ,elizabeth.frankenstein filled with anger chase him with his creation demonic monster, finally, frankenstein and the monster in the fight they died. it is a very terrible story. frankenstein created a monster, in this society in which the subject of ridicule, discrimination, so that he eventually became hate everything, trying to ruin everything. this is not just to create a simple person, but to create a satan, a devil. if people all show kindness for the monster, it would be a good man.there would not be many people losing their lives.in the story,the monster asked frankenstein to make a second creature. but at last, frankenstein did not.i think he is right.if he does that,there may be more people to be dead.maybe in the future,there will be no person on earth. it is awful. from the story,i learned that everyone should have sympathy. do not only care about appearance. 【篇二:英文名著读后感】 外国九大名著英文版读后感 【小王子】 title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery


活着英语读书笔记和感悟 导语:人的幸福要等到最后,在他生前和葬礼前,无人有权说他幸福--出自余华的短篇小说《活着》的自序。下面是的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 活着英语读书笔记和感悟 The happiness of man waits until the end, before he is born and before the funeral, no one has the right to say that he is happy -- the self-ordering of yu huas short story, to live. I love this book, because every time when reading this book, I will feel all of the difficulties faced by actually doesnt consider as what, people are always so, if he did not feel the real pain, he would be naive to think he is facing great difficulties, so he was upset and frustrated. Reading this book gives me great courage to pursue the happiness I want. What is happiness? This is what a person is pursuing from life to death, which is also the value of a persons life, but there are still many people who cant find the happiness they want. And I read living after the feeling of the book to talk about my happiness some ideas! What is life for? Or just live to live? Alive, is the most basic nature gives us the potential, the two simple words is full of desire for the life and the


《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字 导读:读书笔记《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字: 寒假期间,响应学校“品年味,品家味,品书味”活动的号召,我精心地为自己挑选了几本精神食粮,其中《英语可以这样教》一书令我感触颇深。 《英语可以这样教》是江苏一线教师沈丽新的教育札记。作为新老师的我,当初看这本书是带很强烈的功利心的,企图能够从老教师身上能够速成地掌握教学课堂的一些技巧。然后当我深入阅读,随着沈老师娓娓讲述自己课堂里发生的各种事件和她的教学积累与反思。我猛然发现,最大的收获不仅仅是学会如何教学,隐藏的更大的财富是学会何为人师。沈老师用温润的笔触,独特的视角,细致的观察向我们描述了一个美好而又充满激情的课堂,让刚刚从事教学事业的我突然有一种归属感,一种认同感,感动着,激动着。哦,原来英语也可以这样教,原来英语教学可以如此生动,如此曼妙。 印象最深的是《“我”很重要》这篇教育札记,沈老师在新学期伊始,并没有并没有急于教学进度的推进,而是挑了篇毕淑敏的《我很重要》,朗读给孩子听。其中有段文字写的很好:对于我们的父母,我们永远是不可复制的孤本,无论他们有多少儿女,我们都是独特的一个。重要并不是伟大的同义词,它是对心灵对生命的允诺。只要我

们在时刻努力着,为光明在奋斗,我们就是无比重要地生活着。是的,在沈老师抒情的朗读中,孩子们极为动容,沈老师形象描述道:几双总是在课堂上神色黯然的双眸也明亮了起来。 其实我想说的是,读到这段文字,我的血液也在沸腾,我也在不由自主地反思,面对这样一个个独特的生命,我该如何倾心待之。他们都很重要,他们都不该只是声音的模仿着,他们也不该只是知识的容器,他们很重要,他们很独特。作为新老师的我,承担着教书育人的重责,如何做到不辜负每一颗心灵。很快,我在沈老师的书中找到了答案。英语教师,首先是教师,其次才是英语教师。教师说的是作为人师的治教态度,要授以学生知识,更要教会学生做人。做到眼中有学生,心中想学生。 作为英语教师,应该有面对学生的专业姿态。课堂是生命生长,智慧生长的地方,是学生成长和教师发展的地方。作为一个英语教师,一定要把握好课堂这个主阵地。要时刻站在儿童立场,时刻规划好自己的教学,时刻更新自己的教学,时候反思自己的教学。让温情在课堂弥漫,读后感让家常课亦成为一道道亮丽的风景,让读书成为世界上最好玩最幸福的一件事。沈老师讲述了很多教学技巧,传授了很多教学经验与反思,大有裨益。而从中最大的领悟就是教书要用心,教书要动情。从札记的字里行间可以感受到沈老师是个用心教书,严谨治教的人。这是最值得我尊敬的地方,也是我最要学习的地方。教师吃的是良心饭,只有我们兢兢业业,用心教学,才能让年轻的生命丰盈,让稚嫩的心灵充盈,才能让我们的孩子聆听世界的声音。


关于英语的读后感 _读书笔记 英文读后感要按照英文的习惯,文章中的语句时态必须得是一般现在时,即用一般现在时来表达自己的感想和自己的观点。下面是英语读后感,欢迎大家阅读 ! Loves also thoroughly, hates thoroughly also. Repays a debt of gratitude also thoroughly, the revenge is also thorough. This is reads " Christ mountain revenge in me records " after the biggest feeling.China has the proverb is called the " gentleman revenges, ten year not late ", revenges also is needs to conserve strength, certainly is not may act rashly by reason of for a while the state of mind. But Christ mountain count, then was most concrete the motion explains this proverb with oneself. After experiences 14 years in prison, his life essential meaning was pursues ever the family member, ever benefactor and ever personal enemy. After confirmed had to seek person, he certainly did not have like us such which saw in the chivalric fiction novel, held the fist in the other hand cloud " to the benefactor goes through fire or water, again did not hesitate ", assassinated to the personal enemy one sword. He chose his own way.To ever had the graciousness to own ship owner one, he used up it energy, silently supported, by the various way, actually always did not let them know actually own was for repay a debt of gratitude.If he repays a debt of gratitude moving, then his revenge is so the incisiveness, also has several after us calls unavoidably to have the dessert is startled. Helen Keller today read this book, I benefited greatly!"Helen. Keller," This article describes the life of Helen sad but tenacious. The age of one in Helen, she was due to serious illness led to a blind and deaf. But Helen did not give up, still hard to learn, learning to speak. Emperor it pays off, Helen finally learned to talk, admitted to the university, became a world celebrity.Helen Keller difficulties do not retreat, but the courage to overcome difficulties, to me? Once, my father taught me to ride, I always do not mind, falling again and again, failed again and again, always feel impatient and always want to give up, so get in their studies. But after reading this article, Helen Keller brave defeat the disease of the spirit moved me, I am determined to learn cycling. This does not, now riding for me, is simply a piece of cake!Helen. Keller such a waist, self-unyielding, never-give-in spirit, we set an example, her own actions compose a songof life, beautiful music! After reading this novel,I learned something about how British classical upper-class behaved and their standards of choosing spouse.Even in the same family,they had various thoughts about marriage.Jane and Lizzy wanted to marry someone they really loved,while Lydia and Kitty preferred to find someone funny.Their parents thought highly of family wealth,and the young thought it less important.However,most of them still had a ranking


Thoughts about Frankenstein Frankenstein is regarded as the first science fiction written by British novelist Mary Shelly about a fanatical scientist who creates a monster and the disasters after that. It is a novel with Gothic elements and it reflects the darkness of human being. Beginning in the form of letters, the author uses flashback and makes the reader less boring when reading this book. The monster is one of the main character of the novel. He is created by a seemingly crazy scientist, Frankenstein and suffers the unfair treatments of human being. Then he takes revenge to the creators and his family and finally moves down to the path of destruction by himself. Actually in my opinion, the corruption of the creature has something to do with the behaviors of human beings. He lives in the jungle alone and takes notice to the old man and his poor family besides him. He cuts fire woods for them and even learn speaking and reading by himself in order to understand that poor family. When he takes his determinations to make friends with the kind family, they are too sacred about his ugly appearance and fights to get rid of him. That hurts the monster. He suffers so many similar events and finally goes to the path of self-destruction. I think it is the discrimination of human being that renders the changes of the monster. There is an old Chinese saying, “people at the beginning of goodness.” No one is born evil. To some extent, life changes people. Imagine that the monster gets fair treatments and lives a normal life. The ending of the story will be different. There are also examples in modern life. Ma Jiajue who was a good student and got many honors at school killed four classmates because of feeling despised. Maybe it is the poor family background and long-time self-abasement that causes the psychological illness of him and the harsh words from his classmates that cause the tragedy. When some tragedy happens, there are both immanent and external cause of it. When we turn our eyes to the creator, Frankenstein, we can see that he is a figure with different characteristics. When he is a scientist, he seems determined and crazy. When he wants to prove his lovely friend is innocent, he seems coward. Combined with the time of the creation, people are experiencing the fast development of technology and it has many great influences. When we pay more attention to the development of high technology, we should sometimes slow down and think about the impacts to our normal life. Technology is a double-edged sword and if we abuse them, it


《给英语教师的101条建议》读后感 《给英语教师的101条建议》读后感 读完了《给英语教师的101条建议》这本书。尽管它的理论性较强,比较适合初、高中英语教师阅读,但我还是颇受启发。特别是看了“英语课堂教学中如何纠错”这一条,恍然大悟,结合自己的教学经历及观摩名师们的课堂纠错高招,才真正知道怎样做。 1.Never say “No “,Just say “Maybe” with smile. 当学生回答问题出错时,仍带着微笑,Never say “No “,Just say “Maybe”,然后插上一两句话加以提醒,这样照顾学生的自尊心,学生还会在下一次勇于回答问题。在英语课堂教学中尽管教师该讲的都讲了,学生该练的都练了,可是学生运用所学的语言知识时,往往还会错误百出。这时我们教师也许会惊慌失措,灰心丧气(特别是公开课时),或许还会责怪学生。其实学习过程中学生犯错是不可缺少的部分,也正因为会犯错,他才是学生,他才需要学习,教师才会知道哪些知识学生掌握不牢固。我们可以了解学生个体接受能力方面差异及学生的学习态度。这样把学生的错误当成学生学习的资源,我们讲究适时、适度、得法,在不伤害学生的自尊心和自信心下,巧妙地纠正了学生的错误! 2.Ues “Would you repeat ? Say it again,please.”… 发现学生讲错了,有时可以要求其重复。如及时、婉转、耐心、客气地对他说: “Would you repeat ?”” Say it again,please.”这样一来可以暗示学生,“你的句子有问题”;二来学生很愿意接受,他明白后

一般就会自己改正。有时“Again.”” Would you repeat ?”之类的话还不足以引起学生对错误的注意,这时,我们就可以用疑问的语调重复学生有错误的话,还可以强调句子中错误的部分。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8d16585295.html,e different ways for asking questions. 发现错误时,我们可以提问说错了的学生,也可以提问其他学生。如,“Is that correct ?””Is he right ?”这样做的好处是: 既可以让说错的学生改正错误,又可以让更多的学生注意。如果这个学生仍不能自己改正,我们可以试控性地问其他学生:“Who can help him?’,这样激发全班学生积极参与,主动思考,一般也不会伤害这个学生的自尊心。很多时候,我们在组织操练(如对话)时,应要求学生边听边注意其他学生的错误,互相纠错,从而自觉地把纠正错误作为英语学习过程的重要组成部分。 4 .Use expression or gesture to implie. 用表情或手势给予暗示,这样比较含蓄,学生容易接受。但是,我们的表情或手势一定要让学生能够理解,否则会适得其反。因此,用表情或手势暗示学生时一定要适度,并经过一段时间的训练,形成习惯,使之容易被学生理解。如,一年级小朋友说“This is my ears ,this is my eyes ”,这时我就伸出一个手指,然后用这个手指摸着一只耳朵和一只眼睛,学生马上就能改口说“This is my ear ,this is my eye ”。 帮助学生纠正错误的方法很多,但一定要讲究适时、适度、得当。通过纠错,激发学生的求知欲,培养学生的学习兴趣和良好的学习习惯,改进和促进学生的学习。另外在设计内容教学时,要充分考

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