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U.S.-China Joint Statement on Energy Security Cooperation

Office of the Spokesman

Washington, DC

May 25, 2010


The United States and China, as the world's largest producers and consumers of energy, share common interests and responsibilities to ensure energy security and face common challenges. The United States and China pledge to uphold the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified development, and coordination to ensure energy security; recognize that energy security and clean energy go hand-in-hand; and agree to strengthen cooperation in the areas of stabilizing international energy markets, ensuring diversified energy supply, and a rational and efficient use of energy.

Stabilizing the International Energy Market

The United States and China share a common understanding on maintaining the stability of world energy markets. International energy markets play an important role in meeting energy demand and stabilizing energy supply. Although international energy prices have fluctuated greatly over the past several years, using market mechanisms to meet future energy needs is still the primary and best choice for our two countries.

The United States and China reaffirm the common understanding reached by the Five Party Energy Ministers to establish open, transparent, highly efficient

and competitive energy markets, including transparent and effective legal and regulatory frameworks. The two sides have decided to increase transparency of energy markets, work to avoid excessive oil price volatility, continue close cooperation with the IEA and other international organizations, and ensure the safety and stability of international energy markets. The two countries expect to open communication on establishing an energy emergency early-warning system, strengthen supervision of energy markets, and cooperate to prevent manipulation of oil futures markets.

The United States and China reaffirm our G-20 commitment to increase market transparency and market stability by publishing complete, accurate, and timely data on oil production, consumption, refining and stock levels, as appropriate, on a regular basis, ideally monthly.

The United States and China reaffirm our G-20 commitment to rationalize and phase out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption; and stimulate investment in clean energy, renewables, and energy efficiency and provide financial and technical support for such projects in developing countries.

The United States and China recognize our common interests in improving energy market transparency and market stability, enhancing mutual

understanding of national and global energy issues and strengthening bilateral collaboration, seek to establish a working group to make formal arrangements for cooperation between the U.S. Energy Information Administration and China’s National Energy Administration, including information sharing and technical assistance, the collection of energy production data (conventional and unconventional) and end-use consumption data through surveys, short- or medium-term forecasting methods, and strategies for the dissemination and analysis of energy information.

Ensuring Diversified Energy Supply

The United States and China, fully understanding the importance of global energy production, especially the significance of clean energy development, intend to work to ensure safe and stable energy supplies by upholding the principles of relying on domestic energy supplies, encouraging d iversified development and strengthening cooperation. The two countries intend to discuss mechanisms that will allow quick communication and coordination in the event of a major energy supply emergency; maintain the stability of energy producing countries; ensure the safety of international energy transportation; and encourage enterprises from both countries to jointly develop oil and gas resources in third countries in order to increase oil and gas supply.

The United States and China have both committed to increasing investment in the energy sector. The United States and China are committed to developing their domestic energy supplies through open markets and broad based competition. Both countries welcome foreign investment to explore and develop these resources.

The United States and China have realized the importance of full development and utilization of domestic unconventional energy resources. As outlined in “The Memorandum of Cooperation on Shale Gas between the U.S. Department of State and China’s National Energy Administration,” the two sides formulated and signed the “U.S.-China Shale Gas Resource Task Force Work Plan between the U.S. Department of State and China’s National Energy Administration.” In order to promote China’s development of shale gas resources, the two sides intend to utilize U.S. experience in developing unconventional gas to cooperate in shale gas resource assessment, technologies of exploration and development and related policies, in accordance with China’s related laws and re gulations. Both countries take this opportunity to note engagement in the area of shale gas between the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Trade and Development Agency and China’s National Development and Reform Commission. The two countries announced the 5th U.S.-China Energy Policy Dialogue and the 10th

U.S.-China Oil and Gas Industry Forum will be held in September in the United States. The agenda for the Oil and Gas Industry Forum will focus on shale gas development and include a field study visit to U.S. shale gas producing fields.

The United States and China fully understand the importance of clean energy technology in achieving diversified energy supply and ensuring energy security. The two sides reaffirm the common understanding reached in the “Memoran dum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation on Climate Change, Energy and Environment,” “The Memorandum of Understanding on the U.S.-China Renewable Energy Partnership,” “The Protocol on the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center,” and “The Memorandum of Further Cooperation on Nuclear Safety for the Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Reactor.” The two sides, based on the principle of “joint research, risk sharing, and enjoying achievements together,” will continue to conduct deep and pragmatic cooperation in joint investment, research and development, production, and promotion in the areas of clean coal, safety and operation of nuclear power (advanced nuclear energy), renewable energy, smart grid, shale gas, advanced bio fuels, and electric vehicles. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and China’s National Nuclear Safety Administration, after properly addressing the intellectual property rights protection issue and following the U.S.-China nuclear technology transfer practice, are willing to

make concerted efforts to promote technical cooperation on the safety of High Temperature Gas Cooled nuclear reactors.

The United States and China share the view that diversifying the fuel mix in our vehicle fleets is fundamental to both countries' energy security in the decades ahead. Toward that end, the United States and China are committed to the promotion of electric vehicles, advanced vehicle energy saving technologies, and advanced alternative fuel technologies. The two sides reaffirm the importance of their cooperation on the

U.S.-China Electric V ehicles Initiative.

Rational and Highly Efficient Use of Energy

The United States and China recognize that energy conservation and increasing energy efficiency are essential to achieve sustainable development and can greatly contribute to solving the challenges of energy security, climate change and environmental protection.

The United States and China reaffirm the commitment of the Five Party Energy Ministers to enhance global energy security through the promotion of energy conservation and energy efficiency measures as well as development

and deployment of environmentally sustainable energy technologies.

The United States and China plan to conduct cooperation on energy conservation and improving energy efficiency under the framework of the “Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the U.S.-China Ten-Y ear Framework on Energy and Environment Cooperation” and enhance dialogue, hold energy efficiency forums, strive to improve energy efficiency in areas of industry, construction and end-use products; and to promote cooperation in areas of auditing and benchmarking of industrial energy efficiency, construction specifications, signs and evaluation system, test and signs of end-use energy products, personnel training, demo projects, and promotion of trade and investment.


中美文化差异,英语作文 篇一:中西文化差异比较(英文) The difference between chinese and western culture With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows. First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have


世界各国治理腐败的主要措施 腐败是一种全球性的社会现象,为反腐倡廉,各国普遍加强反腐法规建设,加大反腐机构设臵,强化政党内部纪律和监察制度建设。世界反腐败斗争也出现了反腐形式多样化、反腐对象高层化、反腐力度加大的趋势,反腐国际合作不断增强,反腐国际组织作用越来越明显。 考察国外反腐的做法,以下一些经验具有共通性,具有一定的参考和借鉴的价值。 1、建立完善的反腐廉政制度。一方面,重视立法,制度规定相对完善和协调。首先是在内容的涵盖面上具有全面性。主要包括:政治公开透明制度、新闻独立和新闻监督制度、官员责任追究和弹劾制度、规范政党筹款制度、政务官与事务官分离制度、官员财产申报制度、公共采购招投标制度、金融实名制度、议会、司法、审计、公众的监督制度等。其次是反腐的法律法规制定比较详尽,尽量不留死角。美国自1883年以来先后出台了《政府行为道德法》、《联邦贪污对策法》、《有组织勒索、贪污赂贿法》等数部法律,形成完备的廉政法律体系。德国的法律细到明确规定官员15欧元以上的礼品必须上报。再次是制度规定之间相互配套,相互支持,注意避免了规定间的冲突。如新加坡公布《防止贪污法令》打击贪污腐败,又制定中央公积金制度,围绕公积金制度,又完善了国家公务员个人与家庭申报制度,再相应完善了股票账户检查制度,金融实名制度,公务员行为日志制度等,具有良好的操作性。另一方面,反腐监督组织及其运作既区别又联系,形成网络。它大致分为五个联系的层面:其一,议会监督。指议会对政府施政、财政、人事等事项进行监督审查,利用质询、调查、同意、纠正、

不信任投票、弹劾、审判等形式将行政部门与国家高级公务员臵于其严密监督之下。以宪法为依据的议会监察,是西方现代监察体制的核心,最具权威性与代表性。其二,法定专门机构的监督。如英国的罗伦委员会、澳大利亚的行政监察委员会、芬兰的政府内部审查官、新加波的反贪污调查局、法国的行政法院等。其三,内部监督。政府和社会组织内部有严格的纪律制裁规定。其四,舆论监督。以立法保护新闻舆论自由,揭露政府官员的贪污贿赂,成为各国的一致作法。舆论监督自由敏锐,无处不在,在反腐中发挥着极为重要的作用。其五,社会公众监督。个人可以通过各种形式行使个人监督权利。许多国家为此制定了严格的举报保护、高额奖励规定。这些监督力量彼此联通、配合,形成联动的监督机制。 2、加强反腐败专门机关的独立性和权威性。没有独立于被监督对象的地位,则没有真正监督权威,也没有公正的监督,这在国外已成为一条公理。具体做法:一是直属最高层领导。“官官相护”是反腐败斗争中的最大障碍之一。只有从体制上使反腐败机构得以摆脱其他机关的牵制和干扰,才能落实惩治腐败的法律措施,有效地打击腐败行为。20世纪70年代以来,世界许多国家和地区加强了反腐败的机构建设,其基本趋势之一就是专门机关的独立性越来越强。在西方发达国家,如美国、英国、巴西、澳大利亚等国的专门反腐机构都直接对议会负责;新加坡韩国等则直接对最高行政长官负责。不论是在东方国家,还是在西方国家,在反腐败斗争中取得成功的机构都有一个共同特点:国家权力核心在哪里,反腐败机构就直接从属哪里。二是自成体系,不受地方势力干扰。当代许多国家包括联邦制国家,倾向于采用中央主导型的反腐败模式,因为地方机关在侦查贪污贿赂案件方面,往往存在一些难以克服的困难,如地方机关可能缺乏比较先进的技术手段,无权或难以采取某些特殊的侦查措施如秘密侦查等,还容易受到地方势


公报范文:中美三个联合公报相关知 识 公报范文:中美三个联合公报相关知识中美三个联合公报指的是1972年2月28日签订的《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报》(《上海公报》)、1979年1月1日签订的《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国关于建立外交关系的联合公报》(《中美建交公报》)和1982年8月17日签订的《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报》(《八一七公报》)。美国在三个联合公报中均强调坚持一个中国原则,这是中美两国关于两国关系以及我国台湾问题的重要历史文件。坚持一个中国政策和中美三个联合公报的原则是中美关系健康发展的政治基础。 发展历程 1972年2月,美国总统尼克松应周恩来总理的邀请访华,中美交往的大门重新打开。尼克松访华期间,中美双方于1972年2月28日在上海发表了《中

美联合公报》(“上海公报”) 。 1975年12月,美国总统福特应邀访华。整理1978年12月16日,中美两国发表了《中美建交联合公报》。 1979年1月1日,中美两国正式建立大使级外交关系,美国宣布断绝同台湾的所谓“外交关系”,并于年内撤走驻台美军,终止美台《共同防御条约》(即“断交、废约、撤军”)。 1979年1月,应美国总统卡特的邀请,中国领导人邓小平访美,揭开了中美关系史的新篇章。 1982年8月17日,两国政府发表《中美联合公报》(“八?一七公报”),美方承诺“它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,它向台湾出售的武器在性能和数量上将不超过建交以来近几年的水平,准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后解决”。中美三个联合公报(即“上海公报”、《中美建交公报》和“八?一七公报”),成为中美关系发展的指导性文件。


A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China Abstract:In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them1. There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly . Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body: Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China: 1.The concepts of family education are different . The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive differert education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future2. Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop their


中美三个联合公报 (内容摘要) 前言:当前我国举国上下正在热烈关注与讨论美国再次军售武器给台湾一事,于是我联想起在上世纪70年代初与80年代时中美双方曾有发表过“三个联合公报”,在公报内容中涉及美对台军售武器的事项,为此本人特将公报之内容整理摘要出来,以供大家品读与议论。 第一个联合公报《上海公报》 一、发布日期:1972年2月28日,在上海访问时发表。 二、事由:美国总统尼克松访问与参观了上海、北京与杭州三地,日程为1972年2月21~28 日 (历时八天的行程)。 三、公报内容:它是(公报)中美双方经过几个月的反复与磋商,又在一次高级别的会晤中一再讨论 后达成的文本,它真实地表述了当时中美关系的实际情况和中美两国的立场,是中美 关系史上的一个非常重要的里程碑。公报的签署,它标志着两国关系正常化进程的开 始。 公报的具体内容有三点: ①关于中美双边关系。 ②双方明确,任何一方不应在亚洲、太平洋地区谋求霸权。 ③关于国际形势,双方明确宣布希望减少军事冲突危险,国家不分大小,一律平等。 第二个联合公报 一、发布日期:1978年12月16日,中美双方在各自首都同时发表。 二、发布内容:中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国关于建立外交关系的联合公报,即中美建交公报。 三、主要内容: (1)两国将予1979年1月1日起相互承认并建立外交关系,并予3月1日互派大使,并建立大使馆。 (2)公报重申了上海公报中双方一致同意的各项原则,特别强调美利坚合众国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。 四、时任国家领导人: 中国~华国锋主席 美国~吉利·卡特总统

第三个联合公报 一、发布日期:1982年8月17日中美发表了第三个联合公报。 1972年2月21日第一次公报。 这是1979年1月1日第二次公报之后的第三次有关中美关系的重要公报。 二、发布内容: 1、美国只承认中华人民共和国是中国唯一的合法政府,在此范围内美国人民将同台湾人民保持 文化、商务和其它非官方关系。 2、中美建交后,美国国会于1979年3日通过了严重违背了中美建交原则的《与台湾关系法》。 同年4月经美国总统卡特签署生效。据此,美国继续向台湾出售武器。 3、美台之间这种武器买卖关系,显然不是人民之间的商务关系。美国武器售给台湾都是经过政 府批准来进行的,这就说明美国出售武器给台湾是把台湾作为一个独立的政治实体来对待的。 据此,中国政府就美国向台湾出售武器问题多次向美国交涉,并提出抗议,1981年10月中国总理赵紫阳与美国总统里根会见时,双方进一步就此问题进行了探讨。 三、美方同意作出以下的承诺: 1、美方同意此后售台武器在性能上和数量上将不超过建交以来的水平。 2、但不肯承诺在2000年期限内完全停止出售武器给台湾。 3、坚持要把美国逐渐减少售台武器和最终解决这一问题同中国和平解决台湾问题直接联系起 来,很明显,这个问题得不到解决,中美关系就不会顺利向前发展。 四、最后的谈判: 1982年5月上旬,美国付总统布什访华,同中共中央付主席邓小平,国务院总理赵紫阳进行了会谈。布什表示:美国不同意承诺一个停售日期,并不意味着今后无限期地向台湾出售武器。 邓小平强调:美国领导人必须承诺在一定时间内逐步减少,直到完全终止向台湾出售武器。双方经过艰难的谈判,于1982年8月17日发表了《联合公报》俗称为8.17公报。 注:时任美国总统是里根,付总统是老布什。 相关链接: 尼克松在第一次访华时,他刻意安排了与周恩来握手前,令随从人员暂缓下飞机,当他和夫人快步走到舷梯尽头时,就在掌声中他急忙伸手向周恩来走去,主动同周恩来热情握手。为的是消除当年杜勒斯下令,不同周恩来率领的中国代表团进行握手的傲慢失礼的行为。


* * * *大学 课程论文 (20**-20**学年*季学期) 论文题目:A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China 课程名称:跨文化交际策略与技巧 任课教师:**** 班级:123 学号:123 姓名:123 日期:20**年*2月*0日

A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China Abstract:In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family educatio n is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them1. There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly . Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body: Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China: 1.The concepts of family education are different . The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive differert education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future2. Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop their children’s intellect , except for caring chi ldren’s daily life . In order to make their children have a good performance in study , become outstanding , or even become a famous person in the future ,


中美关系和中日关系 官店民族中学傅卫华 一、中美关系 1.简述美国推行霸权主义的侵华史实主要有哪些? (1)鸦片战争后,美国趁火打劫,强迫清政府签订中美《望厦条约》; (2)甲午中日战争后,美国提出门户开放政策,使美国在华势力一天天加强; (3)参与八国联军侵华战争,强迫清政府签订《辛丑条约》; (4)1922年华盛顿会议,签署了关于中国问题的《九国公约》,实质是保证帝国主义列强对中国的控制,使中国回到几个帝国主义国家共同支配的局面; (5)抗日战争结束后,支持蒋介石集团发动反共反人民的内战; (6)对新中国在政治上孤立,经济上封锁,军事上威胁;命令第七舰队侵入台湾海峡,以武力阻止中国人民解放台湾;指挥所谓“联合国军”武装侵入朝鲜,严重威胁中国安全。 2.1941年到1979年期间美国的对华政策有哪些变化?原因是什么?这样正确认识美国的对华政策? (1)对华政策变化及原因 1941—1945年:积极支援中国,原因是希望中国牵制日本,减轻其在太平洋战场压力。 1945—1949年:扶蒋反共,原因是控制中国,扩张在亚洲的势力。 1949—1972年:不承认新中国,对新中国在政治上孤立,经济上封锁,军事上威胁。原因是新中国的诞生,沉重打击了美国的势力,遏制其在亚洲的扩张。 1972—1979年:中美关系正常化(1972 年,美国总统尼克松访华,在上海发表《中美联合公报》,结束了中美20多年的敌对状态,中美关系开始走向正常化。)原因是美国在美苏争霸中处 于下风,霸权地位急剧衰落,急于调整外交政策;西欧、日本经济崛起,资本主义世界形成三足鼎立的局面。 (2)美国对华政策的认识:①美国总是以本国利益为其外交的根本出发点,中国在与其交往中,应坚持独立自主的方针,争取主动地位。②国际关系的发展必须以实力为后盾,必须加强经济建设,不断增强综合国力,提高国际地位。③坚持和平外交政策,反对霸权主义和强权政治,争取建立国际政治经济新秩序。 3.怎样正确看待中美关系正常化以来的两国关系? (1)冷战结束后,暂时形成“一超多强”的局面,美国依然依靠它强大的经济军事实力,推行霸权主义和强权政治,成为威胁世界和平的主要因素;中国政府实行独立自主的和平外交政策,反对霸权主义,维护和平。 (2)中美关系既有冲突,也有合作,在曲折中前进。中美关系的核心问题是台湾问题,妥善处理台湾问题仍然是中美关系健康稳定发展的关键。只有坚持一个中国的原则,遵守《中美联合公报》,中美关系才能健康发展。 4.新时期如何促进中美关系的和谐发展? (1)相互理解和尊重,互不干涉内政,求同存异,和平共处,合作共赢; (2)遵守《中美联合公报》,坚持一个中国的原则,共同解决出现的问题,共同面对出现的挑战; (3)美国是当今唯一的超级大国,中国是最大的发展中国家,只有交流才会进步,只有合作才能互利,只有共赢才有未来。 三、中日关系 1.古代中日关系的状况如何? (1)汉唐时中日友好交往: ①西汉时,中日交往有了文字记载。东汉光武帝赠给日本使臣“汉委奴国王”金印。 ②中日两国在隋唐时期交往密切。为了密切两国关系,学习唐朝先进的经济文化,日本派遣使节到唐朝访问学习,还有众多的留学生,留学僧和专业技术人员随从。其中最著名的人物是阿倍仲 麻侣,空海,吉备真备。 ③鉴真六次东渡日本,对中日经济文化交流作出了杰出的贡献。 ④大化改新效仿中国隋唐制度进行改革。 (2)明朝中期:倭寇骚扰中国东南沿海,戚继光抗倭。 2.近代日本侵略中国的主要史实有哪些? (1)1894-1895年挑起甲午中日战争,强迫清政府签订《马关条约》; (2)1900年,参与八国联军侵华战争,强迫清政府签订《辛丑条约》; (3)第一次世界大战期间,借对德宣战,出兵山东,强占德国在山东的权利; (4)1919年的巴黎和会把德国在山东的一切权利交给日本; (5)1931年,制造“九一八”事变,占领东北,1932年建立伪满洲国傀儡政权;1932年制造“一·二八事变”,进攻上海;1937年,制造“七七事变”,发动全面的侵华战争;1937年,制造“八一三事变”,进攻上海。 (8)抗战期间侵华日军暴行:1937年12月,制造南京大屠杀。 3.新中国何时与日本建立友好邦交? 1972年,日本首相田中角荣访华,中日建交。 4.现阶段影响中日关系和谐发展的因素有哪些? (1)历史问题如教科书问题;(2)参拜靖国神社问题;(3)民间战争赔偿问题,遗留化学武器问题;(4)领土问题如钓鱼岛问题;(5)台湾问题;(6)东海油气田问题。 5.怎样正确认识日本右翼势力的抬头? (1)日本右翼势力抬头的表现:①篡改历史教科书,否认和美化侵略战争;②日本政要参拜靖国神社。 (2)认识:日本篡改历史教科书以及参拜靖国神社是军国主义复活的表现,使世界和平面临威胁,他们否认侵华战争完全是歪曲历史,极大地伤害了中国人民的感情;我们应对少数极右翼分子的逆行倒施表示强烈抗议和谴责,历史不容篡改,正义永远战胜邪恶,前事不忘,后事之师。 5.新时期应该如何促进中日关系的和谐发展? 中日关系的发展必须:第一,以史为鉴,面向未来。正确对待侵略历史,妥善处理历史遗留问题。第二,坚持一个中国原则。台湾问题是中国的内政,是中国的核心利益,不允许任何国家直接地或间接地予以干预。第三,通过对话、平等协商,妥善解决中日之间的分歧,第四,相互尊重,


历史性的三个中美联合公报 1972年2月21日,在早春北京的寒风中,美国总统尼克松走下舷梯,开始了在中国的为期一周的历史性访问。在这被尼克松称为“改变世界的一周”里,尼克松与毛泽东、周恩来进行了会谈,参观了北京的万里长城和杭州西湖。2月28日,中美在上海发表了一份联合公报,即今天人们所熟知的《上海公报》。 光阴荏苒,转眼30年过去了。在这30年里,中美从关系正常化走到了正式建交。虽然在这30年里,中美关系历经无数摩擦、风波和危机,但在《上海公报》以及后来达成的《建交公报》、《八·一七公报》的基础上,两国间在政治、经贸、文化和社会等各个领域的交往都取得了引人注目的成就。逝者如斯,当年呱呱坠地的稚子如今已当而立之年,当年事件的亲历者皆已年愈古稀,一代伟人和领袖已先后长辞。然而,三个公报所体现的智慧和精神仍然启迪着后人。 基辛格秘密来访,引发外交大地震 1969年3月,在冰封的乌苏里江上,围绕一个面积只有0.74平方公里的小岛的主权归属问题,中苏两国爆发了武装冲突,这就是震惊世界的“珍宝岛事件”。当时几乎没有人会想到,这场冲突竟然会为中美关系的解冻提供了契机。 战略家的伟大就在于他们通常能够透过局部的、偶然的事件洞察全局性的变化。在1969年的春天,毛泽东透过珍宝岛把目光盯在了地球了另一边,他对身边的工作人员说:“中苏发生交战了,给美国人出了个题目,好做文章了。”远在万里之外,当时的美国国家安全事务助理基辛格似乎也闻到了珍宝岛的硝烟,他在回忆录中写道:“在苏联和中国军队在一条没没无闻的江上冰封的西伯利亚冻土地带爆发冲突的时候……一切朦胧不清都消失了,我们毫不犹豫地走向世界外交的重大变化。” 中美关系已经冰冻了整整20年,横亘在两国之间的不仅仅有辽阔的太平洋,而且还有意识形态、社会制度的迥异和长期的战略敌对。打破坚冰的过程是十分曲折和艰辛的,中美两国的领导人和外交家为此付出了巨大的努力,上演了美国大使在华沙追中国外交官、乒乓外交、基辛格托病秘访等一幕幕戏剧性的场面。这些精彩场面已经成为外交学的经典范例而永载史册。 1971年7月9日,美国总统特使基辛格秘密飞抵北京,与周恩来总理举行会谈。基辛格在发言中表示,美国准备在越南战争之后撤走2/3的驻台美军,并随着美中关系的改善减少在台余留的军事力量,美台共同防御条约可留待历史去解决;美国承认台湾是中国的一部分,不支持台湾独立;美国支持中国恢复在联合国的席位,但不支持驱逐台湾代表;美国还希望获得一个解决越南问题的体面的办法。周恩来总理指出:中美双方有不同的看法,但这种分歧并不妨碍我们两个在太平洋两岸的国家寻求阁下所说的平等友好相处的途径;中美两国人民是愿


Food Culture Generally speaking, we Chinese think food is very important to man. People often associate food with important holidays and the chance to meet distinguished guests. The Chinese food not only is very delicious and tasty but also very pleasing to your senses and many of dishes have very beautiful and fancy names. The Chinese have the food culture of our own which are quite different from westerners. In the west, people pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than the looks of it. The cuisine and table manners are quite different from ours in a great extent. Greeting by Asking Your Meal in China It is a very common practice we Chinese people say "Have you had your meal?" when they meet each other around the time before or after meals. Sometimes they even ask this question everywhere even in toilets. In fact, it is a kind of greeting to communicate with each other. But foreigners cannot understand that because they think why you ask me this. They tend to think you want to invite me to dinner or I am not rich enough to feed myself regularly but that is my business not yours. Chinese think food is very important and essential to people so it shows some care and concern about you. Everything is eatable in China It seems that we eat everything and everything can be eatable in Chinese food, whether it comes from land or from the sky or from the sea or whether it is wild or domestic or whether it is inside or outside. Foreigners cannot imagine we eat the food like snakes, dogs and even frogs. When we sell the meat from the animal and poultry, we normally sell it as a whole or cut it from the whole body. I know a woman American teacher didn't want to buy and eat pork when she first came to China because she saw the meat cut from a certain part of the pig. In English, we know the animals and their meat are used different words because the words of the meat from animals originally come from French and they are used by upper class while the words of animals are Anglo Saxon, which are used by the farmer of lower class. So there are pig and pork, sheep and mutton and cattle and beef in English but it is not the case in Chinese. Name of Dishes is Implicit in Chinese Food Very often it puzzles foreigners a lot that we ask and talk so much when we order our food in the restaurant. One reason is we ask what the food or the dish is and try to clarify it because you sometimes never know what the food is just according the name of the food until it is put on your table in the restaurant just. Sometimes the food is very simple but the name is very obscure. For example one of the dishes is called "Ants Climbing the Trees." But the food is simple potato noodles and bits of meat in it, while most of western food has a simple and clear name and you know what it is when you hear the name. For instance, there is a traditional food call "fish and chips" in the UK. You see it is very obvious it is fried fish and potato chips. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have a good imagination and association to let you have a good appetite. Too Much Food to Eat at meals We Chinese think it very disgraceful if we don't cook the food enough for the guests so we normally cook more food than guests eat. If you finish your food at meal, the host and hostess usually add more and more food in your dish or bowl without asking you whether you want it or not so as to show they are polite to the guests. They will keep saying, "eat more" and in English


A part of western education emphasizes the teaching of students' independent thinking and the way of expressing themselves. Many factual information is found in the book, so the teacher focuses on how to help the students interpret the content in a more meaningful way. As the Greek philosopher Socrates, American teachers and students will continue to ask questions to force you to state your view, and others openly share. Based on these differences, Chinese students to the United States at the beginning of the school will have a great impact, see the American students to ask questions or answer, and even to the challenge of the professor, will feel uncomfortable, think these students how to be so arrogant and disrespect, students should absolutely comply with the authority of the professor is. Moreover, my English is so poor, why should I make a fool? With the Americans and other countries' friends. Participate in the school club, sports organizations, students will, and so can promote social life. In the local community, you can join a number of service organizations and volunteer organizations, the reception family, etc.. Although there are academic pressures, but a lot of benefits to participate in extra-curricular activities, but also the way to lift the pressure. The creative thinking in the process of American school more attention to practice and practice. This is an important distinction between domestic education and Western education. Domestic students tend to have amazing memory capability and good mathematical foundation, which is Chinese students to achieve success in the exam oriented education, but higher education in the United States more require students to participation, practice and creation, many courses are arranged a case study and the discussion of time and students of case analysis and statements with students as the center of teaching activities. The teacher to the students face a very short time, about students with learning time is about 30%. The rest of the time depends on the students themselves, the library access to information, the students to discuss each other, to learn to understand the relevant knowledge. In the process of participation and practice, students self-learning and their ability to solve the problem has been improved. Because they change from passive learning to active learning attitude, learning effect is different, there are different. American education is the combination of the universal and the elite education, you can let the students choose to be when civilians or do the elite". Own choose "elite" road and need to work hard and struggle, to choice of civilian road walk, accepts the popularization education, flat faint, madding crowd to accept society needed to survive the basic knowledge education. This is why a lot of knowledge teaching. Only to a point. Such education is the education of the mass of the populace. Chinese students have no choice in this form of society, the United States is different, choose the "elite" of the road, a few people, as long as the hard work, serious study, and strive to "essence" "deep", also can realize their "elite" education. 西方教育的一部份强调的是教导学生独立思考及各种自我表达的方式。很多事实资讯在书中就找得到,因此老师着重的是如何帮助学生以更有意义的方式来诠释课程内容。一如希腊哲人苏格拉底,美国的老师和同学会不断发问逼你陈

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