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Title: On the Difference between Chinese and Western Wine Culture

题目: 浅析中西方酒文化差异










目录 (i)

摘要 .......................................................................................................................... I Abstract ...................................................................................................................... I I

1 Introduction (1)

2 Different Origins of Wine (2)

2.1 The Origin of Wine in China (2)

2.2 The Origin of Wine in The West (2)

2.3 Brief Summary (2)

3 Different Preferences of Wine (3)

4 Differences of Drinking Vessels (4)

5 Drinking Etiquette (5)

6 Spirit Connotation of Wine (6)

6.1 Wine is Their Emotional Sustenance (6)

6.2 Wine is Their Way of Reclusiveness (7)

6.3 Wine Has Secular Utilitarian Utility (7)

6.4 Brief Summary (7)

7 Conclusion (8)

Bibliography (9)





With the expansion of communication between China and western countries and the globalization of the world nowadays, the differences between Chinese and western cultures have been attracted much more attention, for instance, the differences of wine culture is one of which focused as an issue. The wine is considered as the gift given by the god of wine. Wine culture has a long history and wine plays an important role in people’s daily life, and it combines people’s lives and interpersonal communication in all aspects. On the other hand, as a linker of inheriting history and leading to the future, wine is an article that deserves our earnest study. Because of the differences of living environment, historical background traditions, values and thinking mode, social norms and culture, wine culture has a different connotation in different countries and regions and shows the characteristics of disparate style as a kind of profound cultural phenomenon. This article is an analysis performed after a lot of data collection and reading, which mainly describes the differences of wine culture between China and western countries. According to the research, the wine culture between China and western countries is very special, which has similarities in their differences and differences in their similarities. The study presents that the content of the wine culture is really rich and complex. Therefore, for the sake of the successful intercultural communication among different nations and regions, having a good knowledge of wine culture is necessary. What’s more, it can deepen people’s understanding of their own history.

Key words: Wine Culture; Intercultural Communication; Cultural Differences


The wine as an objective substance in the world is in the shape of water but it has the character of fire. Since the wine comes into being, it contributes to a rich cultural connotation of human social life. The Chinese traditional view which proposal that people should cultivate one’s morality and care about the good and evil human nature is also reflect on the words making, which is from an ancient book named Shuo wen jie zi (speak the language and explain the words). It will brighten the bright and fool the fool. According to the history, drinking is such a common thing that the emperors, the heroes, the liberators, the ordinary people, the beggars are all like and want it. Undoubtedly, the wine can be said as a riddle. People no matter in China or in western countries all have the habit of drinking wine. They regard drinking wine as an indispensable part of life. The formation way of wine culture is different in different countries. In China, the word for alcohol "jiu” is used to refer to all types of alcoholic beverages. Since long time ago China had have the stories about Du Kang who invented the method of brewing wine. In English, there are many words can be used to refer to “jiu”, for example, alcoh ol, drink, liquor, spirits and wine are all refer to “jiu”. The wine culture was gradually formed after the appearing of wine. Someone has said that the wine culture referred to the integration of material, technical, spiritual, custom, psychological, and behavior phenomenon which generated around the center. No matter the eastern or western people, when they face the busy and helpless life and exclaim life is too short and changeable, they think only wine can help them escape from suffering and their weak human nature can be released. In order to push the development of wine culture we should do our utmost to promote the international communication of the wine culture.

2Different Origins of Wine

2.1The Origin of Wine in China

About the origin of wine, Chinese claims that wine is brewed with many kinds of technology by people, while the westerners think wine is originally created by god. In Chinese history, it is of long standing, and the old sayings about the born of wine are a lot. However, generally speaking, people prefer to consider the saying of Du Kang brewing wine is correct. It is said that Du Kang was a shepherd, when he was in grazing; he lost a vessel made from bamboo that contained millet congee. Several days after, he got it back and he found the millet congee fermented into tangy mellow nectar. From then on, Du Kang abandoned grazing and started to make and sell wine. As a consequence, Du Kang became the famous sage of wine. Then, Du Kang not only referred to the person’s name, but also the wine’s name. Therefore, Du Kang became the forefather of wine—making. 2.2The Origin of Wine in The West

There are also a lot of origins in the west, but mostly thought that wine is created by god, and it is the gift for human given by god. The ancient Egyptian think wine is made by Osiris who protects the dead, and Greece people think wine is brought by the god of wine named Dionysus, it is not only the gift given by the god of wine, but also the symbol of people’s harvest. According to the legend, Dionysus was the son of Zeus and the princess of Thebes named Himmler. He grew up in Asia Minor Thrace and Greece, and taught people growing grapes and the technology of making wine everywhere. Then the wine became gradually prevailing in Europe. The god of wine with his followers strolls here and there, so where they wandered where had the fragrance of wine.

2.3Brief Summary

In contrast, although Chinese has the words such as "wine god" or "wine immortal", these words actually refer to heavy drinkers or the laudatory names of the drinkers. Both of them have nothing to do with myth, and of course they are different with Dionysus in the western culture. In the current cross-cultural communication, it is need to be distinguished. And beyond the myth, archaeological studies showed that in the late neolithic, Eastern Asia and China (Yellow River basin and Yangtze River basin) and Western Asia and North Africa (two river basins and the Nile river basin) had begun farming revolution. While in the early stages of the impergium, the ancients of the east and the west almost simultaneously began artificially wine-making in the progress of planting crops.

In Chinese traditional views, people prefer to choose food as raw material to make white and yellow wine as drinks in formal occasions. For example, when the Chinese government fetes the foreign guests, the flagship drinks is the top-grade white wine such as Chinese Maotai and Wuliangye Yibin. in recent years, beer are more and more important in the Chinese market, and people always choose beer to adjust atmosphere in the parties, but in the formal occasions, people will make the same choice of white wine to performance this function. For instance, in the wedding day, in order to adapt to the needs of different groups, the tables seat by the guests usually have white wine, beer and drinks; while the toast wine used by the new couple is always white wine that also called liquor. In the west, there is no doubt that the grape wine and brandy are really popular. Whatever adjusting the atmosphere or driving away the cold, whatever in the formal or informal parties, they would happen to coincide to choose grape wine. Wine has become an indispensable spice in their daily life.

In the beginning, people have no tendency for wine selection. People could take any things to make wine. Grape wine, just as its name implies, made by grapes. Chinese liquor (white wine) or yellow wine is made by rice or other crops. Because there is something to do with the natural and cultural environment, wine and liquor appear and gradually become the indispensable part of human life. In ancient times, Chinese people live in Yellow River basin which is the temperate continental climate, and this climate suits the growth of grain crops such as sorghum and wheat. It is granted that Chinese choose crops as wine-making raw materials. On the contrary, in Europe, especially on the coast of western Mediterranean and in the Mediterranean climate zone, the climate and topography are very suitable for grape growing. After a long time, people formed a preference for wine selection. Natural geographical environment and cultural inheritance, namely natural and cultural environment and social cultural environment contributed to the different preferences between Chinese and western people.

Whatever in China or the west, people take drinking vessels seriously. The elegant and suitable extant of drinking vessels are related to people’s degree of attention and love. The drinking vessels’ culture as an important part of wine culture also has a long history, beautiful and is worth for us to study carefully.

With the economic and social development, the materials, manufactural technology, shape and function of drinking vessels are in continuous change. According to an article’s introduction, in ancient China, drinking vessels generally called “zun”. Using as a proper noun, “zun”is a kind of containers with high neck, ring foot and animal motifs. In addition, there are various drinking vessels such as “pot”, “jue”, “jiao”, “xian” and “cup”, “light”, “zhong” and “wei”, “yi”, “ru”, “qing” and “ji”. Each vessel has its own function and shape. According to some people’s research, drinking vessel’s shape and wine’s flavor have great relevance. Because different shapes would make wine and the contact area of dynamic tongue is different, and the capacity in the mouth would be affected, the flavor of wine also has something to do with the drinking vessel’s shape. This is why westerners choose vessels with different shapes and making material to fill different wine.

There is no doubt that the westerners pay attention to the drinking vessels no less than Chinese. There is something different with China: Chinese drinking vessels’types are various not just because of the development of the social productivity, but also because of the feudal hierarchical need, which is through different vessels to represent the different status. Drinking vessels are divided into different levels just as the ancient robes. Different people use different drinking vessels, the existence of drinking vessels is complete to distinguish and stand out the drinker’s identity.

5Drinking Etiquette

China and western countries have a big difference on the drinking etiquette. Maybe the biggest difference in drinking etiquette is to urge people to drink at a banquet. A group of Chinese drink together is a bigger scene definitely than a group of westerners get together. Because the Chinese are good at urge others to drink, they would do their best to force others to drink. This not only symbolizes the hospitality of Chinese people, but also has the very big relations with Chinese groupthink. Urging others to drink as a special way to toast is a kind of Chinese custom that formed in the thousands of years. The custom is one kind of Chinese traditional culture which cannot see in the western countries and cannot be understood in the west. Western people stress democracy and freedom, and they never interfere and force others to do things. They drink and meal all by free and independent, if they want to drink and then drink, they want how much to drink and then drink how much, they need not to be polite and formal. The differences between Chinese and western are here. When Chinese drink, they would say that they cannot drink, but the host still urges them to drink to show respect and sincerity. When westerners drink, they would not appear this kind of circumstance, if they say that they cannot drink, the host would not urge them to drink anyway.

Besides, the Chinese are particular about to propose a toast. This toast has a custom, too, and can't easily break it. The first toast must start from the host, and then the guests have right to return, then the interplay among the guests. The host toasts also have the order from the old to the young, from the honourable people to the common. The whole toast has a particular regularity and strong interactivity. When westerners drink together such as a party, first, the host toasts the guests to thank the presence and hope them enjoy the party. After that, other time is free for all guests; they can find their own partner to propose a toast and chat. Also, because the influence of Chinese traditional culture and the thinking of toast, everybody would show humility and try to make their own cups to be lower position than others. After the toast, the host should also give the guests full of wine but cannot overflow, the full, the better. Westerners pay more attention on the wine-tasting when they are drinking. Commonly, they only pour quarter of glass so that they can rock the wine in the glass, and it is convenient for observation and smelling the fragrance. For westerners, they would not to show their humility. So when they see the Chinese behavior that d oesn’t let their cup higher than others, they feel surprise and cannot understand.

6Spirit Connotation of Wine

Since Du Kang brewing, wine plays an indispensable role in Chinese life, and Chinese literatus play a special role in the wine culture, the wine deeply infiltrates Chinese historic literatus's spirit. Chinese literature and cultural history can be said written with wine and emitted the aroma of wine.

6.1 Wine is Their Emotional Sustenance

Wine is a substance can accelerate human body's blood circulation, make the person more impulsive, and emotions are more likely to erupt. Literatus drink makes this function expressed to acme. They can make the common depressive in the heart into flows of ideas after drinking. As we all know, Li Bai, Du Fu, Xin Qiji and Li Qingzhao are all good at expressing emotions with wine. The great ancient poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), who was crowned as “the God of Poems”and “Immortal of Wine” in China. Many of his great masterpieces were created when he was drunk and 17 percent of his poems were about drinking. “Invitation to Wine” (Qiang Jin Jiu) is a very famous poem on wine of him:

Invitation to Wine

Li Bai

Do you not see the Yellow River come from the sky?

Rushing into the sea and ne'er come back?

Do you not see the mirror bright in chamber high

Grieve o'er your snow-white hair that once was silken back?

When hopes are won, oh, drink your fill in high delight

And never leave your wine cup empty in moonlight!

Heaven has made us talents; we're not made in vain.

A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again.

Kill a cow, cook a sheep and let us merry be,

And drink three hundred cupfuls of wine in high glee!

Dear friends of mine,

Cheer up, cheer up!

I invite you to wine.

Do not put down your cup!

I will sing you a song, please hear,

O hear! Lend me a willing ear!

What difference will rare and costly dishes make?

I want only to get drunk and ne'er to wake.

How many great men were forgotten through the ages?

Great drinkers are better known than sober sages.

The Prince of Poets feasted in his palace at will,

Drank wine at ten thousand coins a cask and laughed his fill.

A host should not complain of money he is short;

To drink together we'd sell things of any sort.

The fur coat worth a thousand coins of gold

And flower-dappled horse may both be sold

To buy good wine that we may drown the woes age-old

6.2 Wine is Their Way of Reclusiveness

The celebrities in Wei and Jin dynasties are the most famous for their reclusiveness in the history. Celebrities used wine as their way of reclusiveness was prevailing. Ruan Ji, Ji Kang and Tao Yuanming who all chose wine to achieve their wish that avoid any real, heavy and unbearable life and hope to find a bright world. Nonetheless, they were still throes in the half awake and half drunk, they wanted to stop but they cannot just like the poem “But since water still flows, though we cut it with our swords, and sorrows return, though we drown them with wine”.

6.3 Wine Has Secular Utilitarian Utility

Wine is often used as the substance of farewell dinner and to boost one’s courage. People choose wine to express their sorrow of separation or looking into the future life after separation. “One thousand cups of wine are not enough when you are drinking with a close friend”, what’s more, “From cups of jade that glow with wine of grapes at night, drinking to pipa songs, we are summoned to fight. Don't laugh if we lie drunk upon the battleground! How many warriors ever came back safe and sound?”In this poem, the utilitarianism of wine is more obvious.

6.4 Brief Summary

Wine as an image of poem creation possesses the magic formula to being alive beyond time and space, and various spirit of its culture makes the themes and meanings of poems great different. The amount and process of drinking, and the number of people involved all decide the aesthetic effects of poem, the feelings of poets, and the rhyme of poem. As for the expressions of missing, send-off scene, pastoral scenery, wine drinking has the capacity to producing huge-changing and meaningful effects. And for westerners, wine is a substance made personal senses more cheerful. As they choose the drinking vessel for better tasting, that is the same. They did not put overmuch thing to wine and they would not use wine to express their emotions.


China is considered as the wine hometown of the world, the content of Chinese wine culture has the characteristics of extensiveness and multi layer. Chinese wine culture influenced by the confucianism, so it shows its unique characteristics of connotation, constraint and nostalgia, and it reflects that is a high-level material needs or spiritual needs. By the text from this thesis, we can easily find that there still exist various differences between Chinese and western wine culture. But with the development of cultural communication between China and the west, along with the strengthening of communication between China and the west, China has imported various kinds of western wine. These mark a new western wine culture exchanges and infiltration. Most of nations have its own characteristic wine and custom of drinking wine. The culture of drinking wine has endurable vitality and character. The research of drinking custom will promote the unity of nations and progress of civilization. By comparing the differences between Chinese and western culture of wine, we found that although Chinese and western have their own distinguishing feature in the wine culture, people’s love to wine are the same. From the substance point of view, wine plays an important role in human communication; from the perspective of culture, wine symbolized the cultural features of a nation, and it becomes a delicacy for the national cultural feast. We can say, wine makes a bridge for the intercommunication between countries and countries. In addition, it helps people understand different cultures deeply so that we can have a better intercultural communication.


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Differences between Chinese and Western culture As we know the differences between the our estern cultures and western cultures are quite obvious.I would like to state some of my opinions in this paper. I.difference in the thinking style People on the earth are homologous,but different people in different place have different performance on the way of thinking. Differences between Chinese and Western way of thinking reflected in many aspects.Such as the difference between abstract and concrete, reflected in their attitudes towards life can be understood as Westernersare more practical, and the Chinese are much more biased towards some spiritual experience. Westerners pay attention to logical thinking, but Chinese pay more attention to dialectical thinking and so on. As Chinese and western way of thinking are different, there are differences in expression of the order. For example,we can see that the names of western style are not like ours,they put their given names at the first place,while we put them after our family names,that is to say,we regard our family more important than ourselves,and it's the traditional way of estern thinking.Westerners have another way of thinking,they think that each person is important in our world and society,and a person should play a important role among our human beings. II.differences in daily communication Westerners are frank,but chinese are humility.The reflection between westerners and chinese on the treatment of praise is different.In the West, people can accept it generously. As the Chinese have long term impact of Confucian education, we treat others’ praise and recognition not often take the attitude of ourselves, or there is suspected of arrogant. When meeting acquaintances, chinese and westerners greet each other are also different. Chinese people often say "Have you eat ?" "Where are you going?"except the general asked”hello”. In western culture, this is not a greeting, but substantive issues. When British and American people meet,they usually use a polite phrase like "How are you?" or "Nice to meet you!" In addtion,when westerners accept gift from others,they are willing to open it and praise it directly,but chinese do not do like that. III.differences in customs Chinese people regard ourselves as descendants of the Dragon.Chinese have a supreme respect for the dragon, we think dragon is a symbol of our nation. In the dynasty time,Chinese emperors generally self-styled "dragon".However,in the West, the dragon was regarded as the devil, and it was killed by the legendary god of protection, so they set a day as a festival to celebrate the lifting of a disaster, and thank the protection of God.For this reason, when the students describe a person's lively, they say "He / She is full of vim and vigor." not"He / She is as lively as a dragon and tiger". Everyone has their favorite color, so does a country and a nation. Chinese like the red colour ,because chinese think red is a symbol of luck and enthusiam. But westerners perfer to the blue colour,they think blue can make themselves calm. Thus,the preferences of different colors can reflect the whole of a country’s aesthetic taste. IV. differences in eating cultrue Chinese and Western diets are very different, so the differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form, that is, everyone sit around one table. People toast each other,and eat the same food in one plate,,It reflects the mutual respect between people even the traditional courteous virtue. Although from the health point of view, this dietary approach has obvious shortcomings, it is consistent with our


论“诚实守信” 系、部、院:美术与设计学院专业:国画三班 年级:2012级 姓名:王波 学号:2012101108

论“诚实守信” 王波 诚信是什么?诚信是成功人生的灯塔,诚信是人生的重要美德,诚信是人的立足之本,而且诚信更是一种高尚人格的体现,是人类社会和谐发展,人与人友好共处的基础,也是当代大学生的“必修课”,古人云:“君子立其诚”。“诚信明礼,以信为美”,而且在这个竞争激烈的社会,诚信越来越成为,我们当代大学生在以后的生活中精诚合作的开始,而且我也是这样认为,共有以下几点: 一.大学生诚信的现状和问题 首先大学时期是大学生立志成才的关键时期,是大学生完善自我的时期。但是在当前时期的高等院校的诚信建设却出现了许多新的问题,如大学生考试作弊现象;求职履历“掺水”或造假;不履行还贷义务,故意拖欠助学贷款;个别毕业生还在就业合同中出现毁约现象,但总的归结起来都是大学生本人的诚信教育有着息息相关。而我经过网上查询得出大学生的诚信状况有: 1.大学生的现状大致有以下几个特点: a、从认识层面来讲,多数学生把诚信作为一种重要品质来看待。 b、大学生将诚信划分为理想认识与现实操作两个层面 c.从对别人要求的角度,大学生对于别人的诚信品质要求普遍较高,而作为自己的道德要求却不高,并且自身实践诚信较差。 d、有相当一部分学生对于什么是“诚信”认识不清。 e、大学生选择诚信同时考虑自身的经济利益,有强烈的功利倾向 2.大学生在诚信方面存在的突出问题有: a、日常言行缺乏诚信,背信违约。 b、信贷诚信:恶意拖欠贷款、学费,银行高校处境为难。 c、考试诚信:考试作弊,屡禁不止。 d、就业诚信:求职履历,弄虚作假;就业签约,无故悔约 e、学术诚信:抄袭成风,瞒天过海 二.诚信问题产生的主要原因 大学生活其实就是一个小社会,因为大学实际上是社会、家庭、学校的一个缩影。所以我针对大学生出现的诚信危机,我不能简单地归结为大学生道德品质


浅谈中西方酒文化的不同点 1. 引言 文化是一个国家的灵魂,是一个民族凝聚力形成的关键,是落叶归根的根源。文化的差异导致中外风俗习惯的不同,引起中外人们思维方式的差异。无论是东方还是西方,酒在人们的日常生活中占有重要的地位。酒的历史漫长,随之形成的酒文化也就源远流长。酒就象血液一样,在每个民族文化里流淌。然而源于中西方不同的文化背景,中西方酒文化亦显现出不同的特征。在中国文化中,酒都是作为一种文化消费,亲朋聚会,浅尝小酌可以营造气氛、增进感情。《圣经》记载道,耶稣基督在最后的晚餐下把葡萄酒分给门徒,并告诉他们,葡萄酒是自己的血,让人们记住他是为了替人们赎罪而死的。在西方人眼中,酒是特殊的艺术品,拥有魅力和生命。面对这个充满魅力和生命的神圣艺术品,西方人自然会热爱它、饮用它,并且用心去欣赏和玩味。可以说,古今中外,酒已经渗透到了包括政治、经济、文学、艺术、饮食、养生等各方面在内的社会生活中。由此可见,在人类文化的历史长河中,酒不仅仅是作为一种物质而存在,更是一种文化象征。它伴随着人类文明的发展,不断形成了自身独特的文化——酒文化。酒作为文化的一种载体,与文化一样,由于历史背景、生活环境、宗教信仰、风俗习惯和思维模式等的不同,在中西方呈现出其风格迥异的民族特性。 摘要:“酒文化”一词由我国著名经济学家于光远教授提出。最初的酒是人们的一种饮品,随着时代的发展和变迁,饮酒的内涵不断的丰富,最终演变为一种文化。不同的人文历史背景和社会环境下,不同的种族,国家之间的酒文化也有所差异。本文将通过几方面的论述来探讨中西方酒文化的差异 关键词:酒文化差异 一、酒的诞生 在东方亚洲的中国与西方欧洲的希腊几乎同时产生了酒这种饮品。在中国历史中,人们更倾向于认为酒是由杜康率先开始酿造的,所以才有了”何以解忧,唯有杜康”的诗句传世。在希腊,则非常浪漫的认为是酒神狄俄尼索斯发现了酒的制作方法,教会了人们如何酿造葡萄酒。现存的历史记载中,出土于伊朗西部的扎格洛斯山脉的戈丁山丘一带,公元前3100-3500年的苏美尔人的作品就有提及啤酒。 二、酒的种类 中国幅员辽阔,丰富的地理气候环境有利于粮食作物的种植与生长。因此,勤劳的中国人民多用粮食酿酒。中国本土的酒主要分为两种:白酒和黄酒。从酿造工艺角度看白酒:



The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's


如何对待中外文化差异英语作文 我们如何去看待,中外文化差异所带来的英语学习的思维转换?下面是给大家整理的怎样对待中外文化差异英语作文,供大家参阅! 如何对待中外文化差异英语作文篇1 The culture differences between the East and West. As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better understanding ,I will set examples of China and America. It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in America prefer to forks and knives.This different result is based on different food they are like .Americans choose to eat beefsteak,bread,and salad,while Chinese people choose noodles ,pancakes and rice.What is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly.However,there is a trend that the food in both countries has been mixture.For example,the coffee and bread have introduced to China.The famous KFC is very popular at children. The gap of teaching system between China and America is big.Chinese students always complain about their homework.Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax.They have to recite many things as to get a high mark.Homework comes the first to them. In my opinion,the study in America is more interesting .Teachers pay attentions to training students skills in thinking in realastic life not to emphasis on the importances of memories.In a addition,the rate of going to school ,the salary of teaching ,and the job of gruduates are quite different,too.I should say that Chima government should make great efforts to improve its teaching syetem.I am also expect to be one day ,the West give more cheers to our country.


题目:中西方礼仪文化差异学院:数学与统计科学学院专业:数学与应用数学 学生姓名:白莉 学号:201141000102 指导教师:刘晓玲

中西方礼仪文化差异 [摘要] 中西方不仅在语言方面有很大的差异,同时也在饮食习惯,交际礼仪等等多方面。大学生在学习生活中也要去了解与学习中西方文化的差异。本文阐述了中西方文化在日常礼仪与餐桌礼仪方面的不同之处,帮助学生更好地了解中西方文化的不同,提高对中西方礼仪差异的认识,从而加深交际能力和跨文化意识。 [关键词] 中西方文化;餐桌礼仪;日常礼仪;交际礼仪

目录 引言 (3) 称呼 (3) 饮食 (4) 餐具 (4) 交谈 (5) 结论 (5)

引言 培根说过:“举止彬彬有礼的人,一定能赢得好的名誉。”正如同西班牙的伊丽莎白女王所说:“理解是一封通行四方的推荐书。”中国自从加入世界贸易组织,国际交往日益增多,身为高等学府的学生,有更多的机会与外国友人交往。在交往中需要学习并且写好这份“推荐书”,仅有流利的语言交流是不够的,必须了解中西文化利益的差异。“礼仪”的学习与了解应该是有意识的加入到日常生活照,下面,对中西方文化礼仪之差异作进一步分析。 礼仪是在社会交往活动中应该遵守的尊敬他人的礼节程序。中文中的“礼仪”由“礼”和“仪”两个字组成,分别代指礼貌、礼节,仪式、仪表。它们是一种要求,一种被人们规定的共同认可的程序。《论语》说“礼之用,和为贵”。“礼”可以产生出“人利”的气氛。“不学礼,无以立”,不懂礼貌,则无法立身,这是中国自古以来的共识,反映了孔子对礼仪的重视。中国自古被称为文明古国,礼仪之邦,礼仪在中国历史上源远流长。中国古代有《周礼》、《仪礼》、《礼仪》三部名著,这三部涵盖了中国古代礼仪的重要内容。 西方礼仪有很多种词汇,比如courtesy:有礼貌的行为。Etiquette:除了礼仪外,还指对从事某一行业人士的行动起约束作用规矩。Protocol:一种刻板的,在外交和军事领域内实行的长期公认的相处准则。Tite:仪式、典礼和惯例、习俗。 繁多的有关礼仪的词汇反映出了西方人对礼仪的重视,并有对礼仪更加细致的划分。这具体到礼仪文化上,中西方有如下多种差异。 称呼 中国传统意义上的家是指家庭,中国的礼仪产生于不同的家族文明。西方则从古希腊就开始以工商经济为主,这种经济于天然人伦无法相容,所以,宗法文明未充分发展。英语中的家源自拉丁词汇,而这个拉丁词汇源于在“家族之父的权力下”从事劳动的奴隶[1]。这与中国的家的概念完全不同。西方的家带有与工商经济发展相融的私有财产的意味。不仅家不同,国家也有不同的地方。在英语中,国家主要表示地域性或民族性的含义。是地域、民族、家族的总和。在中国人看来“国之本在家”。家是国家的命脉。中国人重在家中做人,英文中所说的一个人的背景与起源在中文中时身家,出身的表示。中国礼仪有着一种高超的宗法文明,同时内外亲疏之别,是中国人往往注重拉关系,“义父”、“义子”、“干


安徽文学 2010年第 期 10 245 浅析中西文化差异在酒文化中的折射 ◎肖艳 (四川外语学院研究生部 重庆 400031) 摘要酒在人类生活和文化中有着其独特的地位,且在中国和西方国家也形成了风格迥异的酒文化,而表现于酒文化中的异同正是与中西方在历史进程、价值观念、思维模式、生活背景和传统习俗等方面的异同息息相关。在当今全球化信息化的时代,酒融会贯通了人们生活和人际交往的各个方面,了解中西方酒文化的不同及其折射出的文化异同有着其特殊的研究意义,也有助于中西方人民的跨文化交流。关键词酒文化差异中西文化折射文章编号1671-0703(2010)10-245-02 酒,作为一种饮品,它深入千家万户,无论是为了爱情友谊、宴客婚嫁,还是为了交际谈判、消愁解闷,酒几乎渗透到了一切的人类活动之中。酒伴随着人类,走过了悠久的岁月,它不仅仅是一种客观的物质存在,而是代表了一种文化。每一种酒的发展,都来源于一代又一代劳动人民的探索和研究,是劳动人民生产经验的总结和智慧的结晶,人们可以通过酒文化了解其中折射出的中西方文化历史。而由于生活环境、历史背景传统习俗、价值观念、思维模式、社会规范以及文化底蕴的不同,酒文化作为一种深刻的文化现象,也在中西方各个国家、各个地区有着各不相同的内涵,呈现出风格迥异的特性。 一、酒的起源 关于酒的起源,大体分来,中国人主张酒是由人通过种种工艺酿造而成的,而西方则普遍认为酒是由神创造的。酒在中国历史上可谓是源远流长,关于酒诞生的说法也有很多,而为人们所普遍认同的是杜康造酒说:相传杜康是位牧羊人,于放牧中不慎丢失装有小米粥的竹筒,半月后竹筒复得,竟意外发现小米粥发酵而成为醇香扑鼻的琼浆。杜康于是弃鞭停牧,创酒坊,酿美酒,开酒肆,售佳酿,一举成为天下闻名的酒圣。而“杜康”也成为酒的代名词。古书中说杜康“有饭不尽,委之空桑,郁结成味,久蓄气芳,本出于代,不由奇方。”杜康因此成为酿酒的鼻祖。 西方关于酒的起源也有许多,大都把酒解释为神造的产物,是属于人类的神赐的礼物。古埃及认为酒是由死者的庇护神奥里西斯发明的,而希腊人认为酒是由酒神狄奥尼索斯(Dionysus )带到人间来的,是酒神赐给人们的礼物,也是人们丰收的象征。相传狄奥尼索斯是从神之父宙斯与底比斯公主西姆莱所生,长大后流浪于小亚细亚色雷斯和希腊,到处传授种植葡萄和酿酒的技术,酒便在欧洲在陆上渐渐盛行起来。酒神带着他的随从四处流浪,所到之处便飘起了酒香。 相比而言,虽然汉语虽有“酒神”或“酒仙”的叫法,却是指酒量很大的人,或是古时对酷好饮酒之人的美称,两者均与神话无关,更与西方文化中的“酒神”(Dionysus )不同,在现代的跨文化交际中需要有所区分。而在神话传说之外,考古发掘表明,在万年之前的新石器时代晚期,东亚华夏地区(黄河流域和长江流域)与西亚北非地区(两河流域、尼罗河流域)就开始了农耕革命,而在农耕时代的初期,中西方古人在种植农作物的过程中几乎是同时开始了人工酿酒。 二、酒的种类 纵观各类酒品不难发现,东方以酿造米酒为主,而西方则以啤酒和葡萄酒为主。中西方酒在种类上的差异也与其背后蕴含的文化差异密切相关。这是因为在农耕时代初期,中西方由于地理及气侯因素的不同,形成了不同的农作物种类,华夏文明的起源中,主要的农作物是米类,黄河流域以种植抗旱耐瘠薄土壤的粟(小米、谷子)为主,而长江流域多栽培性喜高温多湿的稻(大米),古代的华夏中国幅员辽阔,气候温和,沃土良多,极适宜农作物的耕种,因此米类粮食产量大、品种多,人们一直用小米、大米等谷物制造米酒,因此,中国盛行的是“米酒文化”。与之不同的是,西方文明的起源中,主要的农作物是麦类,众多考古发现表明,早在远古时代,巴比伦人就已用小麦制成啤酒,远古埃及人也有如何酿造啤酒的记载,且西方国家大多以畜牧业或者商业为主、农业为辅,许多地方的气候和土壤等不适宜大多数农作物的生长,却对葡萄的生长非常有利,因而,在西方国家葡萄的产量和品质都首屈一指。在这样的条件下,西方的人们可以大量地用葡萄酿制并享用葡萄酒,所以古代西方盛行“啤酒和葡萄酒文化”。 可见,中西方酒种类之不同,反映出的是中西方不同的地理环境及农耕文化。直到近代,中西方的酒品才通过文化的交流而为相互所知并传播接受。


【篇一】如何对待中西文化差异英语作文 In many parts of the world , personal influence is essential in achieving success. This is not true in the United States, where success usually results from hard work , education, skill, and personal initiative , America is truly a "do-it-yourself" society ; success is not dependent on family origins or the help of an influential person . Personal progress is the result of individual effort. Because effort and initiative are so important in America , there are many customs that may be different from those practiced in other countries. For example , it is not considered dishonorable to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time . Moving from job-to -job , or "job-hopping ", as it is called , is quite acceptable in the United States. Frequently , the opportunity to change jobs offers workers a chance to move up to a better position. Americans like to move from place to place trying new jobs, meeting new people and living in different parts of the country. "Job-hopping" also gives employers a chance to benefit from the new ideas and skills that different people bring to their jobs even if such people are employed for only a short time. 【篇二】如何对待中西文化差异英语作文 The whole question of the changing role of Blacks in American society as been the subject of news***** articles around the world so frequently that visitors to the United States do not know what to expect when they arrive. They may be surprised when they see that Blacks and Whites work side by side in offices , factories , and schools across the country . The majority of Blacks in the United States, however, live in and around only a small number of American cities. Many dark-skinned visitors arrive in the United States fearing personal attack or expecting various degrees of racial prejudice. Some forms of discrimination [1] still exist ,unfortunately, especially in the areas of the housing , schools , and jobs . The school equality is still more a dream than a reality. There are still too many areas of the country where Black Americans do not enjoy the same full opportunities as White Americans . However, the vast majority of American s are working , studying , and sharing public places together. This was not true even a few years ago in some parts of the country , but progress is steadily being made . You will be able to observe the improvement in race relations as soon as your plane lands . You will see it in the airport, in public buses and trains , in theaters , restaurants , rest room, in sops and libraries , in offices and factories . Close personal friendships between Blacks and


浅谈中西方文化差异 计算机科学与技术学院 xx级x班 xxx 学号:xxxxx 通过对本学期中西文化比较课程的学校,我对中西方文化的异同有了一定程度的认识,以下我将从饮食、节日、音乐、建筑等方面,简要对中西文化的异同做一下探讨。 首先,从饮食方面来说:餐饮产品由于地域特征、气侯环境、风俗习惯等因素的影响,会出现在原料、口味、烹调方法、饮食习惯上的不同程度的差异。正是因为这些差异,餐饮产品具有了强烈的地域性。中西文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。中国人注重“天人合一”,西方人注重“以人为本”。 中国和西方的饮食习惯之间的主要区别是,不同于西方,其中的每个人都有自己自己的食品板块,在中国菜都放在表和大家共享。如果你是被视为一个中国主机,准备一吨的食物。中国是他们的饮食文化非常自豪,并会尽力给你许多不同类型的菜肴的味道。朋友之间,他们只是为了将足以为那里的人民。如果他们有人出来吃饭的关系是半礼貌客气的,那么他们通常会比客人数量(例如四口人,五菜)为了一个菜。,如果它是一个商务宴请或一个非常正式的场合,有可能是一个巨大的食物量,将不可能完成。一个典型的餐开始与一些凉拌菜,像煮花生和大蒜捣烂黄瓜。这些都是其次的主要课程,热鲜肉和蔬菜菜肴。最后,汤是带了出来,这是由淀粉的“主食”食品,通常是米饭或面条或有时饺子。许多中国人吃米饭(或面条或其他)最后,但如果你要与其他菜肴米饭,你应该说那么早。 对比注重“味”的中国饮食,西方是一种理性饮食观念。不论食物的色、香、味、形如何,而营养一定要得到保证,讲究一天要摄取多少热量、维生素、蛋白质等等。即便口味千篇一律,也一定要吃下去——因为有营养。这一饮食观念同西方整个哲学体系是相适应的。形而上学是西方哲学的主要特点。西方哲学所研究的对象为事物之理,事物之理常为形上学理,形上学理互相连贯,便结成形上哲学。这一哲学给西方文化带来生机,使之在自然科学上、心理学上、方法论上实现了突飞猛进的发展。但在另一些方面,这种哲学主张大大地起了阻碍作用,如饮食文化。在宴席上,可以讲究餐具,讲究用料,讲究服务,讲究菜之原料的形、色方面的搭配;但不管怎么豪华高档,从洛杉矶到纽约,牛排都只有一种味道,无艺术可言。作为菜肴,鸡就是鸡,牛排就是牛排,纵然有搭配,那也是在盘中进行的,一盘“法式羊排”,一边放土豆泥,旁倚羊排,另一边配煮青豆,加几片番茄便成。色彩上对比鲜明,但在滋味上各种原料互不相干、调和,各是各的味,简单明了。 中国人是很重视“吃”的,“民以食为天”这句谚语就说明我们把吃看得与天一样重要。由于我们这个民族几千年来都处于低下的生产力水平,人们总是吃不饱,所以才会有一种独特的把吃看得重于一切的饮食文化,我想,这大概是出于一种生存需要吧。如果一种文化把吃看成首要的事,那么就会出现两种现象:一方面会把这种吃的功能发挥到极致,不仅维持生存,也利用它维持健康,这也就是”药补不如食补”的文化基础;另一方面,对吃的过份重视,会使人推崇对美味的追求。中国饮食之所以有其独特的魅力,关键就在于它的味。而美味的产生,在于调和,要使食物的本味,加热以后的熟味,加上配料和辅料的味以及调料的调和之味,交织融合协调在一起,使之互相补充,互助渗透,水乳交融,你中有我,我中有你。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美,是中国烹饪艺术的精要之处。菜点的形和色是外在的东西,而味却是内在的东西,重内在而不刻意修饰外表,重菜肴的味而不过分展露菜肴的形和色,这正是中国美性饮食观的最重要的表现。在中国,饮食的美性追求显然压倒了理性,这种饮食观与中国传统的哲学思想也是吻合的。作为东方


中西文化差异英文 Differences Betwween Chinese And Western Clture As we know,there are many obvious differences between chinese and western clture.Here I will epress some opinions about this. Chinese culture is the collectivist culture.Chinese put the benefit of groung the first place.The value of people can not be allowed to set up over the the benefit of the grounp.On the contrary,western culture is the individualist culture.They spare no efforts to show off themselves. 1、Differences in addressing Chinese put the given name after the family name.While in the western country,their given names were put at the place.We can see that Chinese regard the family name more important than the given name.It reflects that Westerners have a thought that each person is significant in our world and a person should play a important role among our beings. 2、Differences in rendering thanks Generaly,in China the family members hardly say “thanks”.If say it,we will feel strange and have distance beween each other.But Westerners can it on any occasion and beween any people.When someone give they a cup of drink,they will say“Thanks”.What,s more,when someone ask you“Would you like something to eat/dirnk,”Chinese would say a few words of courtesy although they would like.But in th e west,peole will say“Yes,please”if they would like and will say“No,thanks”if they would not.


【个人简历范文】 一方水养一方人,中西方的文化也是有差异的,用英语描写一下你所知道德1中西方的文化差异吧。下面是为你整理的有关中西文化差异的高中英语作文,希望你喜欢! 描写中西文化差异的英语作文范文篇1 Through I am a Chinese,I have some west country friends.They lived in China for many years, from their tone ,I know that there are many cultural difference between West and China.Such as difference of dinner manners……In west countries ,when people are having dinner ,if one of them want to go to a WC.He or she shoud say”Excuse me ,I want to go to the toilets…”Only in such a way can others think you are of good manners.And in the bathroom,you can relieve the bowels, wash you faces, refine the make-up ,pick your teeth and so on.When you finished yourself,you can return to you set.A wonderful dinner can be continue.But in China,there are some different of it.When you want to have a bath,you shoud only say”I want to go to washroom”.That just means:I want to go out for a while.If you finished you dinner ,you can also say:”I'm full”That means:I am full ,help youselves.And then ,you can go out to have a rest or walk.That just some of the difference of dinner manners in west and in China.When we face it in the future ,don`t forget that! 描写中西文化差异的英语作文范文篇2 Long history in China in 5000, western social process of world 56 a hundred years.China is brilliant abundant, great and deep food culture;The western nation then has delicately and particularly , from become the food civilization of system.Medium the west food cultural collision, exchanges and melted into whole mankind's civilization to fill up with wear colourful function.Medium the Spanish turn of the difference of educated medium west food culture of difference, but this kind of difference come from medium the west different mode of thinking with conducting philosophy. This text introduced a medium Spanish to turn in the difference of food.West food from the food idea, food object, food method, food ownership and property etc. carry on the comparison of the culture. 描写中西文化差异的英语作文范文篇3 There are many difference between China and America such as in the field of geography ,culture, language ,politics ,economy and education with the development of science and technology .The word get even more smaller ,the communication between them is more frequent . Our country, China absorbs the essence and doesn’t eliminate the bad thing . Because a proverb ever since said when the fresh air come in ,the flies will also accompany it . At times we may not determine our countries’ geography

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