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The Beatles披头士经典名曲中英文歌词

The Beatles披头士经典名曲中英文歌词
The Beatles披头士经典名曲中英文歌词

The Beatles披头士经典名曲中英文歌词


The Beatles:

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away Now it looks as though they're here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be,

There's a shadow hanging over me.

Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.

Now I need a place to hide away.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.

Now I need a place to hide away.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.















Hey Jude

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.

Take a sad song and make it better.

Remember to let her into your heart,

Then you can start to make it better.

Hey Jude, don't be afraid.

You were made to go out and get her.

The minute you let her under your skin,

Then you begin to make it better.

And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain, Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.

For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool

By making his world a little colder.

Hey Jude, don't let me down.

You have found her, now go and get her.

Remember to let her into your heart,

Then you can start to make it better.

So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin,

You're waiting for someone to perform with.

And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do, The movement you need is on your shoulder.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.

Take a sad song and make it better.

Remember to let her under your skin,

Then you'll begin to make it

Better better better better better better, oh. Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude...






























In the town

where I was born

Lived a man

who sailed to sea

And he told

us of his life

In the land

of submarines

So we sailed

up to the sun

Till we found

the sea of green

And we lived

beneath the waves

In our yellow


We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine,

And our friends

are all on board

Many more of them

live next door

And the band

begins to play

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

As we live

a life of ease

Everyone of us

has all we need

Sky of blue

and sea of green

In our yelllow


We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine,

yellow submarin

























美国《音乐之声》插曲Do Re Mi中英文歌词

美国《音乐之声》插曲Do Re Mi let's start at the very beginning让我们从头开始学习 a very good place to start很美好的地方开始 when you read you begin with a-b-c当你读书时你先学abc when you sing you begin with do-re-mi do-re-mi, do-re-mi当你唱歌你先从哆来咪开始,哆来咪,哆来咪 the first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi, do-re-mi do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti最好是最先开始的音,哆来咪,哆来咪,哆来咪发嗦拉西 let's see if i can make it easier,让我们看看是否能使它容易点 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿 ray, a drop of golden sun来是一束金色的阳光 me, a name i call myself咪是对自己的称呼 far, a long, long way to run发是很远的长路 sew, a needle pulling thread嗦是穿针又引线 la, a note to follow sew拉是嗦的小跟班 tea, a drink with jam and bread西是茶配果酱和面包 that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿 ray, a drop of golden sun来是一束金色的阳光 me, a name i call myself咪是对自己的称呼 far, a long, long way to run发是很远的长路 sew, a needle pulling thread嗦是穿针又引线 la, a note to follow sew拉是嗦的小跟班 tea, a drink with jam and bread西是茶配果酱和面包 that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿 ray, a drop of golden sun来是一束金色的阳光 me, a name i call myself咪是对自己的称呼 far, a long, long way to run发是很远的长路 sew, a needle pulling thread嗦是穿针又引线 la, a note to follow sew拉是嗦的小跟班 tea, a drink with jam and bread西是茶配果酱和面包 that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆 do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti do so do哆来咪发嗦拉西哆嗦哆


We were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻 I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在脑海中重现 I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air 我站在阳台上,空气里,浓浓的,是夏天的味道 See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看见灯火,看见热闹的舞会,华丽的盛装 See you make your way through the crowd 看见你穿越人群向我走来 And say hello 对我说“hello” little did I know 我却一无所知 That you were Romeo 当时我并不知道你是我的罗密欧 You were throwing pebbles 在你抛砖引玉向我示爱之后 And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet .” 我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点 And I was crying on the staircase 我却蜷坐在楼梯间里偷偷地抹眼泪 Begging you “please don't go ” 祈求你不要离开 And I said 我说 Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess (到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,对吧 So I sneak out to the garden to see you 于是,我偷偷摸摸地溜到小花园去见你 We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew 我们压抑着声息,被他们发现我们就死定了 So close your eyes 那么,闭上你的双眼 Escape this town for a little while 逃避这个喧嚣的尘世,即使只有如此短暂的一刻 Oh, oh, oh Cause you were Romeo, 正因为你的出现 I was a scarlet letter 我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩 And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet ” 我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点 But you were everything to me


Seasons in the Sun_中文歌词翻译_中英对照 goodbye to you my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we're known each other we're 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识相知. together we've climb hills trees.我们一起爬山上树. learned of love abc.一起学习. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相通,情如手足. goodbye my friend it's hard to die.再见了,朋友们,我本不愿离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring is in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮女孩. think of me and i'll be there.想我,我便与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾充满阳光. but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.那些日子已然逝去. goodbye papa please pray for me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢. wonder how i got along.真不知那些日子是如何度过. goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我本不愿离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.孩子们到处嬉戏. when u see them i'll be there.当你看见他们,我便会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的贝比. u gave me love help me find the sun.你给我爱,给我希望. and every time that i was down.当我意志消沉时.


The Sound of Music(音乐之声) 剧情简介: 玛丽亚是个活泼好动的修女,修女院的院长觉得她这样的性格不适合僧侣生活,就让她去上校家作看护。玛丽亚到达上校家,发现他是一个有七个孩子的鳏夫,长期的海军生活和丧妻的悲痛使他对待孩子像管教士兵一样严格。 上校要求玛丽亚也像他一样严格,但是玛丽亚没有听从,而是用她天生的温柔和善良赢得了孩子们的友好。趁上校不在的时候,她带孩子们出去游玩,还教他们唱歌。孩子们原有的拘禁和忧郁渐渐地被音乐和笑声代替了。 上校回家后,看到孩子们疯玩很生气,和玛利亚大吵一架,并让她离开。但他听到孩子们的歌声后很受感染,有点后悔赶玛利亚走,但爱面子的他说不出口。最后在孩子们的恳求下,他终于妥协了。孩子们很开心,所有的人一起唱起了动听的歌。 第一幕: Maria: (sing) I have confidence to myself... (唱得气喘吁吁,敲门) 我对我自己很有信心…… (Max开门)Hello! I’m the new governess, Captain. 你好,上校,我是新来的看护。 Max: And I’m the butler. (我不是上校),我是管家。 Maria: Oh, well, How do you do? (边说边很粗鲁地和Max握手) 噢,好吧,你好。 Max: You will wait here, please. I will call the Captain. (下) 请在这儿等一下,我去叫上校。 (Maria四处打量时,Captain上。) Captain:Why do you stare at me that way? 你为什么用那样的眼光看着我? Maria: You don’t like a captain. 你看起来不像个上校。 Captain:I’m afraid you don’t look like a governess! Well, madam… 你恐怕也不太像个看护!恩,小姐…… Maria: Maria.


披头士--西方流行音 乐赏析

披头士乐队的影响 在20世纪50年代,随着猫王和小理查德斯等人的大受欢迎,摇滚乐顿时兴起,然而到了60年代初仍不免变得式微,摇滚乐也跌落到了低谷,时代召唤着英雄的出现。彼时,英伦半岛上的四位年轻人(约翰?列侬、保罗??麦卡特尼、乔治?哈里森、林格?斯塔)组成的披头士乐队横空出世,引领了世界各个国家的流行文化方向,成为20世纪在商业上最成功及最有影响力的乐队。随时光冉冉,披头士乐队对各方面的影响也逐渐凸显起来了,直至今时今日仍被人们津津乐道。 曲风 披头士乐队敢于大胆尝试不同的曲风,进行融合创新,最终形成自己的风格,可以说相当多风格的鼻祖。之前,摇滚乐被认为是一种简单的﹑喧闹的音乐,具有较快的4∕4拍子,三个和旋的和声,结构简单。在1956年至1962年间,他们吸收了美国流行音乐(譬如蓝调﹑节奏蓝调﹑摇滚,猫王和比尔哈利等人的音乐),发展成一种跳舞音乐型态的风格。除了一些录音技巧,比如音响效果、特别的麦克风位置、双轨与变速录音,披头士乐队还使用了一些在当时的传统摇滚乐中不会使用的乐器,如弦乐,铜管,"Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)" 中的印度乐器西塔琴以及"Strawberry Fields Forever"中的swarmandel(印度竖琴)。他们

还使用了一些早期的电子乐器,比如麦卡特尼在"Strawberry Fields Forever"的开头利用一种电子琴模拟了长笛的声音,以及"Baby You're a Rich Man"中类似双簧管的声音也是另一种电子琴模拟的。1965年他们在Yesterday中使用了弦乐四件套,The Beatles就此开创了艺术歌曲的先河,为使用两组弦乐四人组的"Eleanor Rigby" (1966)与"She's Leaving Home" 做出了示范。而他们在1966年的"Rain" 与"Tomorrow Never Knows"、1967年的"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"、 "Strawberry Fields Forever"与"I Am the Walrus" 则开创了迷幻摇滚。摇滚乐也因披头士乐队而再度兴起,成为了一种具有重大影响力的音乐。 音乐思想 他们把流行音乐和社会上的种种现象相互联系,并且把自己的反战和博爱等思想融入其中,使得音乐真正的融入到了生活,渗透到了大家的血液里去。在披头士乐队前,流行音乐往往是和低俗、空洞等代名词联系在一起的,被认为是毫无营养的娱乐快餐。他们因为主张民主,主张变革,于是乎在许多他们的歌曲里,都有着他们对于这些自由的追求和向往,而这些歌曲也还流传至今,例如每当我们听到《let it be》时都会倍感鼓舞。而他们在商业上的大获成功更使得使他们的歌曲所宣传的思想更有影响力,本身也成为一个强力的文化符号。在表演中他们可以左右歌迷的喜怒哀乐,同样,他们也可以在某种程度上左右歌迷的思想和精神。有人说披头士乐


Seasons?in?the?Sun_中文歌词翻译_中英对照 goodbye to you my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we're known each other we're 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识相知. together we've climb hills trees.我们一起爬山上树. learned of love abc.一起学习. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相通,情如手足. goodbye my friend it's hard to die.再见了,朋友们,我本不愿离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring is in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮女孩. think of me and i'll be there.想我,我便与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾充满阳光. but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.那些日子已然逝去. goodbye papa please pray for me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢. wonder how i got along.真不知那些日子是如何度过. goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我本不愿离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.孩子们到处嬉戏. when u see them i'll be there.当你看见他们,我便会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的贝比. u gave me love help me find the sun.你给我爱,给我希望. and every time that i was down.当我意志消沉时.


音乐之声 The sound of music The hills are alive 大地新象 With the sound of music 只因这天籁之声 With songs they have sung 清歌传唱 For a thousand years 千年万年 The hills fill my heart 云岭送翠 With the sound of music 只为这天籁之声 My heart wants to sing Every song it hears 我心雀跃不已只因它拾得片音短曲 My heart wants to beat like the wings Of the birds that rise 我心澎湃狂喜宛如鸟生新羽展翅飞去 From the lake to the trees 自湖滨遥向枝头高栖 My heart wants to sigh Like a chime that flies 我心呢喃低语仿佛钟铃 From a church on a breeze 自教堂乘风徐徐而来 To laugh like a brook When it trips and falls 欢笑一如小溪清清蜿蜒宛转 Over stones on its way 川流石头间 To sing through the night 彻夜高歌 Like a lark who is learning to pray 就像云雀习祷,喜悦轻盈 I go to the hills 我总会来这山巅 When my heart is lonely 每当我心抑郁 I know I will hear 我知道定能听见 What I've heard before 昔日歌声 My heart will be blessed 我心将被赐福 With the sound of music 只因这天籁之音 And I'll sing 我也愿 Once more 再次高歌 Hallelujah, hallelujah 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 Hallelujah, hallelujah 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 -Reverend Mother. -Sister Bernice. -院长-柏尼丝修女 -I simply cannot find her. -Maria? -我找不到她-玛丽亚 She's missing again. 她又不见了 We should've put a cowbell around her neck. 也许我们该在她脖子上挂个牛铃 Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals. 你找过杂仓了吗?她很喜欢动物 I have looked everywhere. In all of the usual places. 我到处都找过了 Sister, considering it's Maria... 我建议你 ...I suggest you look in someplace unusual. 找不寻常的地方 Well, Reverend Mother... 院长 ...I hope this new infraction ends whatever doubts... 我希望这次违规 ...you may still have about Maria's future here. 会结束你对她在这里会有未来的疑虑 I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe. 我对疑虑仍常保持信心 After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm. 毕竟黑羊的毛也是会温暖 We are not talking about sheep, black or white, Sister Margaretta. 我们不是争论绵羊颜色 Of all the candidates for the novitiate, Maria is the least-- 所有修女的候选人中她最糟


披头士音乐对欧美流行文化的影响 摘要:从成立到解散,披头士乐队仅仅存在了十年的时间,但是乐队作为一个音乐文化的革命者,他们不仅拥有世界上最高,而且令后人难以企及的唱片销售纪录,而且他们的文化影响力也早已超过了其艺术的本身。披头士乐队在这几十年的时间里,俨然成为了流行音乐和流行文化的标志,同时也成为了英国文化和英国历史的一个商标。 正文: 1966年以前,摇滚乐被认为是一种简单的、喧闹的音乐,具有较快的、强烈地4/4拍子,一般化的旋律、缺乏新意的歌词、三个和弦的和声;一首曲子的长度约2分半钟左右;结构简单,包含了很多重复。但是,到了1967年下半年时,这种老的模式被打破了。到60年代末,任何摇滚乐队,只要它有足够的创造性,可以奏出任何声音,基本上没有限制。虽然,其他摇滚乐手也对此做出了贡献,但是,主要的贡献却来自披头士。 披头士乐队引领了六、七十年代世界各个国家的流行文化方向,成为时尚流行的风向标,关于披头士乐队的任何东西全部都成为了最具文化内涵的商品,而披头士乐队曾经使用过的任何东西都可以被以惊人的天价来拍卖。披头士乐队除了不计其数的登上各种杂志的封面以外,还经常登上世界多个国家的邮票和明信片等纪念品,他们拥有不计其数的相关主题博物馆和纪录片,电影等相关文化资料储存组织。除此以外,在世界上至今仍拥有大量的披头士乐队成员的职业模仿者,以及专业组织和评判模仿大赛的机构和组织。披头士乐队以及披头士文化早已成为人类在20世纪文化领域的一个重要组成部分而被永远铭刻,他们作为上个世纪流行文化的商标,从未受到任何的挑战。 在20世纪50年代,英国流行起了噪音爵士乐,只有十几岁的约翰·列侬就是当时追逐潮流的一个叛逆青年,他与保罗·麦卡特尼和乔治·哈里森这三名利物浦吉他手在50年代末构成了Quarrymen乐队的核心稳定阵容。 乐队从最初的翻唱歌曲,到后来乐队成员自行创作,特别是约翰·列侬和保罗·麦卡特尼两个人相互合作创作了大量在日后脍炙人口的歌曲,同时他们也开始了自己音乐风格的探索,从最初的噪音爵士乐,到逐渐从民谣,布鲁斯,R&B 音乐和摇滚音乐中汲取精华加以融合,最终形成自己的风格。同时开始尝试各种乐器的演奏技巧并将其纳入乐队音乐的摸索。同是在这一年,披头士乐队的忠实歌迷,乐队前贝斯手苏茨里费的女朋友Astrid Kirchherr突发奇想,让乐队的所有成员全部把头发剪成拖把头一样的发型,这一起怪诞的想法变成了现实,这一发型也成为了披头士乐队成名以后的商标之一,并且带动了后来的流行方向。


Turn your face away 把你的脸转向这里 from the garish light of day Night-time sharpe ns 夜色渐浓 heighte ns each sen sati on 知觉萌动 Darkn ess stirs and wakes imag in ati on 冥冥黑暗引领想象出笼 Sile ntly the sen ses aba ndon their defe nces ... 寂静之中感觉幵始放纵 Slowly, gen tly ni ght un furls its sple ndour 夜晚显现魅力缓慢轻柔 Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender 抓住它感觉它 颤抖中带着温柔 tur n your thoughts away 把你的心转向这里 from cold, un feeli ng light 脱离那冰冷无情的光 and listen to the music of the night ... 尽情聆听这夜的乐章 Close your eyes and surre nder to your 闭上双眼尽情放纵 darkest dreams! 心灵深处的梦想 不要再看俗气的日光

you knew before! 全部主张! Close your eyes, 闭上双眼 let your spirit start to soar! 让你的灵魂去飞翔! And you'll live 你将拥有新的生活 as you've n ever lived before ... 在你从未生活过的地方 Softly, deftly 不知不觉中 music shall surro und you ... 音乐将你包容 Feel it, hear it, 去感受去聆听 clos ing in aro und you ... 让它进入你的心 Ope n up your mi nd 让你的思想翱翔 let your fan tasies unwind 为你的幻想松绑 in this dark ness which 在这黑暗之中 you know you cannot fight 你知道自己无力抵抗

音乐之声 中英文对照歌词

Do-re-mi 歌手:Sound Of Music(音乐之声) Let's start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A-B-C When you sing you begin with do-re-mi Do-re-mi, do-re-mi The first three notes just happen to be Do-re-mi, do-re-mi Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti Let's see if I can make it easy Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do So-do! 让我们从头开始学习 从这儿开始真有趣 你要念书就先学 A B C 你要唱歌就先学Do re mi do-re-mi 这三个字符最先遇到你 Do-re-mi, do-re-mi Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti 让我们看看是否把它弄得简单点 Doe是一只小母鹿 Ray是一束阳光 Me是称呼我自己 Far是道路远又长 Sew是穿针引线 La这音符跟着Sew Tea是饮料茶点 然后我们再唱多

2019年英语四级美文:The Beatles

2019年英语四级美文:The Beatles 1.The Beatles 2.Even if the word “pop” disappears from the English vocabulary, 3.the influence of pop will remain. 4.Pop has become part of British — and American —history. 5.There has always been a close cultural link, or tie, 6.between Britain and English peaking America, 7.not only in literature but also in the popular arts, especially music. 8.Before the Second World War the American exported jazz and the blues. 9.During the 1950s they exported rock and roll, 10.and star singers like Elvis Presley were idolized by young Britons and Americans alike. 11.The people responsible for the pop revolution were four Liverpool boys 12.who joined together in a group and called themselves the Beatles. 13.Unlike the famous solo stars who had their songs written for them,


see you again It's been a long day without you my friend 没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望我们携手走过漫长的旅程 Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 When I see you again 与你重逢之时 Damn who knew all the planes we flew 谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程 Good things we've been through 谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好 That I'll be standing right here 我都会在这里 Talking to you about another path 与你聊聊另一种选择的可能 I know we loved to hit the road and laugh 我懂我们都喜欢速度与激情 But something told me that it wouldn't last 但有个声音告诉我这美好并不会永恒 Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture 如何才能改变观点用更宏观的视野看这世界 Those were the days hard work forever pays 有付出的日子终有收获的时节 Now I see you in a better place 此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来 Now I see you in a better place 此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来 How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊时我们怎么能忘却最可贵的亲情Everything I went through you were standing there by my side 无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷总有你相伴陪我度过 And now you gonna be with me for the last ride 而今你将陪我走完这最后一段旅程 It's been a long day without you my friend 没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 We've come a long way from where we began


(The story starts in an abbey of Salzburg, Austria, in the last Golden Days of the Thirties. Halleluyah! Bernice: Reverend Mother... Reverend Mother: Sister Bernice. Bernice: I simply cannot find her. Reverend Mother: Marisa? Bernice: She's missing from the abbey again. Sister A: Perhaps we should have put a cowbell around her neck. Sister B: Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals. Bernice: I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places. Revernd Mother: Sister Bernice, considering that is Maria, I suggest you look in some place unusual. (Later, Maria gets back and comes to see Reverend Mother.) Reverend Mother: I'm here, my child. Now sit down. Maria (short for M): Oh, Reverend Mother, I'm so sorry. I just couldn't help myself. The gates were open and the hills were beckoning and before... Reverend Mother: I know! I have not summoned you here for apologies. M: Oh, please Mother, do let me ask for forgiveness. Reverend Mother: If it will make you feel better. M: Yes. Well you see, the sky was so blue today and everything was so green and fragrant. I just had to be a part of it! And you know those birds kept meeting me higher and higher as though it wanted me to go right through the clouds with it. Reverend Mother: Child, suppose darkness had come and you were lost? M: Oh, Mother, I could never be lost up there. That's my mountain, I was brought up on it. It was the mountain that led me to you. Reverend Mother: Oh? M: When I was a child, I would come down the mountain and climb a tree and look over into your garden. I'd see the sisters at work and I would hear them sing on their way to Vespers, which brings me to another transgression, Reverend Mother. I was singing out there today without permission. Reverend other: Maria, it is only here in the abbey that we have rules about postulant singing. M: I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. And what's worse, I can't seem to stop saying things. Everything and anything I think and feel. Reverend Mother: Some people would call that honesty. M: No, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother. You know how Sister Beth always makes me kiss the floor after we had a disagreement? Well lately I've taken to kissing the floor when I see her coming just to save time. Reverend Mother: Maria, when you saw us over the abbey wall and longed to be one of us, that didn't necessarily mean that you were prepared for the way we live here, did it? M: No, Mother. But I pray and I try and I am learning. I really am. Reverend Mother: What is the most important lesson you have learned here, my child? M: To find out what is the will of God and to do it whole-heartedly. Reverend Mother: Maria, it seems to be the will of God that you leave us. M: Leave you?

The Beatles歌词全集4.Beatles For Sale

Beatles For Sale 1964.12 1.No Reply This happened once before, when I came to your door, no reply. They said it wasn't you, but I saw you peep through your window. I saw the light, I saw the light, I know that you saw me, 'cos I looked up to see, your face. I tried to telephone, they said you were not home, that's a lie, 'Cos I know where you've been, I saw you walk in your door. I nearly died, I nearly died, 'cos you walked hand in hand with another man, in my place. If I were you, I'd realize that I, love you more than any other guy. And I'll forgive the lies that I, heard before, when you gave me no reply. I've tried to telephone, they said you were not home, that's a lie, 'Cos I know where you've been, I saw you walk in your door. I nearly died, I nearly died, 'cos you walked hand in hand with another man in my place. No reply, no reply. 2.I ‘m A Loser I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser, and I'm not what I appear to be. Of all the love I have won or have lost. There is one love I should never have crossed. She was a girl in a million my friend, I should have known she would win in the end. I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser,

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