当前位置:文档之家› 现代英语语法自考题分类模拟23



(总分:72.00 ,做题时间:90 分钟)

一、PART ONE总题数:0,分数:0.00)


1. ____ water the most common liquid in the world but it is also the most important.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. Not only

B. If only

C. Only was

D. Not only is V

解析:[解析]译文:水不仅是世界上最普通的液体而且它也是最重要的。not only...but also... 意为“不仅……而且……”,其中以notonly开头的句子要用部分倒装;if only 意为“只要,但愿,要是……就好了” 。答案为D

2. —I don like the man.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. So did I

B. So do I

C. Nor does I

D. Neither do I V

解析:[解析]译文:- 我不喜欢那个人。一一我也不喜欢。“so+助词+主语"意为"后者与前者情况一样” ;“nor/neither+助词+主语”意为“后者与前者也有一样的否定情况”。本题前句是否定,后句要用。neither/nor , A和B错;与I搭配的助词应该为do,C错。答案为D

3.I have made it clear _____ I will never turn to him.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. when

B. that V

C. where

D. however


限定性分句,宾语分句的外位通常局限于主一谓一宾一补(SVOC和主一谓一宾一状(SVOA两种。这里使用的就是SVOC 形式。用代词it 作宾语,真正的宾语从句放句后,来避免头重脚轻。答案为B。

4. ________ Here the nine noisy children in the field.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. comes

B. coming

C. come V

D. is coming

解析:[解析]译文:田间那九个吵闹的孩子过来了。以here,there 开头的句子,如果主语是名词,其谓语动词要放到

主语之前形成全部倒装,即:here/there+ 谓语动词+主语(名词)。若主语是代词,则不完全倒装,即:here/there+ 代词+谓语动词。而且谓语要与其后的主语保持一致。本题的主语为the nine noisy


5. _______________ Never before so many people in our country been interested in sports.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. has

V B.have

C. had

D. are

解析:[解析]译文:以前我们国家从未有这么多人对运动感兴趣。否定副词用在句首,要用部分倒装,即要将助动词放在主语之前。其正常语序是So many people in our country have never... ,其主语为so many

people ,谓语要用复数,而且从题意知要用现在完成时。答案为B。

6. But for a long time we hardly saw any lights, ____ see the shore.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. or we ever did

B. nor did we ever V

C. or did we ever

D. nor we ever did

解析:[解析]译文:但是很长时间我几乎看不到那些灯,也看不到海岸。or用作连词,表示“否则”或“或者” ;nor 表示“也不”,其用在句首要进行部分倒装。显然前句说的情况与后句一样,要用nor。答案为Bo

7. Not a single song ____ at yesterdays party.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. she sang

B. sang she

C. she did sing

D. did she sing V


8.Only by working hard, _____ .

(分数: 1.00 )

A. you can succeed

B. can you succeed V

C. do you succeed

D. do succeed you

解析:[解析]译文:只有通过努力工作,你才能成功。only用在句首,要进行部分倒装,即将助动词提到主语之前。本题要表达的是成功的可能性,要用助动词can。答案为B o

9. What was it ____ caused the forest fire?

(分数: 1.00 )

A. who

B. that V

C. this

D. whom

解析:[解析]译文:是什么引起森林着火?此题考查分裂句的特殊疑问形式,正常语序是It was...that

caused the forest fire ,被强调部分缺失且不指人,可用what来提问,因此设空处应为分裂句中的引导词that。答

案为B o

10. ____ that he have made up his mind to divorce his wife.

分数: 1.00 )

A. Believing

B. To believe

C. The belief

D. lt is believed V

解析:[解析]译文:大家都认为他已经下定决心要与他妻子离婚了。本题属于主语分句外位。It is believed

that...=He have made...is believed. It is believed that... 意为"人们认为.... ,大家认为... ”,。D都不合

题意。答案为C、B、A 是固定句型,

11. Not until the game had begun ____ at the sports ground.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. he arrived

B. he didn arrive

C. did he arrive V

D. he would arrive

解析:[解析]译文:直到比赛开始他才到达运动场。not...until... 意为“直到……才……",引导时间状语,放在句首时主句要用部分倒装,即将助动词放在主语之前。句中本来就有否定词not,主句中不必再用否定。答案为Co

12. ____ when I heard someone knock at the door.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. Hardly had I sat down V

B. Hardly I had sat down

C. I hardly have sat down

D. I was hardly sitting down

解析:[解析]译文:我一坐下来就听见有人在敲门。“hardly...when…"意为"一就”,当hardly用于句首时,其后要用部分倒装,即将助动词放在主语之前,B错;sit down是瞬间动词,不用进行时,D错;从句中的谓语为heard,主句要用过去完成时,C错。答案为A。

13. ____ who caused you to serve dinner an hour later than usual?

(分数: 1.00 )

A. Was he

B. Did he

C. Had he

D. Was it he V

解析:[解析]本句是个分裂句。分裂句型的肯定式是It is/was+被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+其他部分。肯定句转换为疑问句时,只是把is/was提到it前面。答案为Do

14.It was about 150 years ago _____ Dalton put forward the important idea.

(分数: 1.00 )

A. when

B. that V

C. at which

D. /

解析:[解析]译文:正是在150年前道尔顿提出了这个重要的观点。分裂句型“ It is/was+ 被强调的部分+that/who+ 原句其他部分”用来强调说话人的意愿,意为“正是……” 。如果被强调部分是事情或物,其后用that ;如果被强调部分是人,其后用who答案为Bo

三、PART TWO总题数:0,分数:0.00)


Using extraposition: (分数:7.00)

(1).You will feel listening to him talk boring. 分数:1.00)


解析:You will feel it boring listening to him talk.[ 解析] 要求将句子改写成外位的语句。外位就是指把原来

位于句中或句首的部分移至句末,并用it 填补移走部分留下的空缺。本题属于宾语外位,此处可以把listening to him talk 移至句末,原空缺处用it 来填补。答案为You will feel it boring listening to him talk.

(2) .Whether there was gold left in the mine was not known.

(分数:1.00 )



解析:It was not known whether there was gold left in the mine.[ 解析] 译文:是不是有金子留在了煤里,谁也

不知道。可采用主语外位的结构,将主语部分(Whether there...) 移至句末,用It 作形式主语。答案为It wasnot known whether there was gold left in the mine.

(3) .Whether you keep the money or give it away is none of my concern. (分数:1.00 ) 正确答案:()

解析:It is none of my concern whether you keep the money or give it away.[ 解析] 译文:你是想保留这些钱

还是将其扔掉,这不关我的事。题干中的whether...give it away 是句子的主语,主语太长,可用it 作形式主语,形

成主语外位句式。答案为It is none of my concern whether you keep the money or give it away.

(4) .She took that her son would study medicine for granted.

(分数:1.00 ) 正确答案:()

解析:She took it for granted that her son would study medicine.[ 解析] 译文:她认为儿子会学医是理所当然

的。题干中的that her son would study medicine 作take 的宾语,宾语太长,可用it 作形式宾语。答案为She took

it for granted that her son would study medicine.

(5) .To see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes breaks my heart. (分数:1.00 ) 正确答案:()

解析:It breaks my heart to see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property

and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes.[ 解析] 译文:看到所有的高中生单脚站在学校大

楼外面,虽偷偷摸摸却又叛逆地吞烟吐雾,我的心都碎了。此句中主语太长,显得头重脚轻,可用it 作形式主语。答案为It breaks my heart to see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes.

(6) .That we need some more equipment is quite obvious. (分数:1.00 )


解析:It is quite obvious that we need some more equipment.[ 解析] 译文:很明显我们需要更多的设备。题干中

的that we need some more equipment 作句子主语,为了避免头重脚轻可将真正的主语移至句末,用it 作句子的形式

主语。答案为It is quite obvious that we need some more equipment.

(7).Meeting you in London that day was pleasant. (分数:1.00 )

正确答案: ()

解析: It was pleasant meeting you in London that day.[

解析 ] meeting you in London 是句子主语,可将其移至

句末,并用 it 填补移走部分留下的空缺。答案为 It was pleasant meeting you in London that day. Using fronting: (分数: 6.00 ) (1)

.The plane dived into a large crowd of spectators. (分数:

1.00 ) 正确答案: ()

解析: Into a large crowd of spectators the plane dived.[

解析 ] 译文:这架飞机向一大群观众冲去。本句中可以

将宾语部分移至句首来突出强调,其他部分依次排列即可。答案为 Into a large crowd of

spectators the plane dived. (2)

.Joe may be fool, but he is not thief. (分数: 1.00 )



解析: Fool Joe maybe, but thief he is not.[ 解析 ] 译文:乔可能有点傻,但是他不是小偷。题干中的 fool 和 thief 作 be 的表语,都是题干的信息重点, 可将其前移到句首, 以突出说话者对 Joe 的评价。答案为 Fool Joe maybe, but thief he is not. (3) .A computer can take most of these problems in its stride.

(分数: 1.00 ) 正确答案: ()

解析: Most of these problems a computer can take in its stride.[

解析 ] 译文:电脑能按照自己的步调处理大部

分问题。题干中的 most of these problems 作 take 的宾语,可前移至句首以示强调。答案为 Most of these problems a computer can take in its stride. (4)

.Youve made a horrible mess of it. (分数: 1.00 ) 正确答案: ()

解析:A horrible mess youve made of it.[ 解析]译文:你把它弄得一团糟。题干中的 a horrible mess

作made 的

宾语,为了突出宾语,可以将其前移至句首。答案为 A horrible mess youve made of it. (5)

.All life depends on this cycle. (分数: 1.00)

正确答案: ()

(6) .The firemen dashed into the burning house.

正确答案: ()

解析: Into the burning house the firemen dashed.[ 解析] 译文:消防员冲进了着火的房子。题干中的介词短语 into the burning house 在句中作地点状语,可以前移。答案为 Into the burning house the firemen dashed. Using inversion: (分数: 6.00 ) (1)

.I have never been there before. (分数: 1.00 ) 正确答案: ()

解析: Never have I been there before.[ 解析 ] 译文:我以前从来没去过那里。本题可将否定副词放在句首,当否定

副词 never 置于句首时,要进行部分倒装,即将操作词 have 移到主语 I 之前。答案为 Never have I been there before. (2)

.The secretary had scarcely got to the office when her boss wanted her to type a letter.

(分数: 1.00 )

正确答案: () 解析: Onthis cycle all life depends.[ 解析] 译文:所有生命都依靠这个循环。根据句意知题干中的 on this cycle


On this cycle all life depends.

分数: 1.00 )

解析:Scarcely had the secretary got to the office when her boss wanted her to type a letter.[ 解析] 译文:这位秘书刚进办公室,老板就让她打印一封信。否定副词scarcely 用在句首,要将其后的句子进行部分倒装。即将题干中的had 移到主语the secretary 之前。答案为Scarcely had the secretary got to the office when her boss wanted her to type a letter.

(3) .A weak cry for help came from the house across the street. (分数:1.00 ) 正确答案:()

解析:From the house across the street came a weak cry for help.[ 解析] 译文:从街道对面的房子里发出的微

弱的呼救声。介词短语from the house across the street 置于句首,且主语为名词时,其后的部分要进行全部倒装,即将句子谓语came移至主语a weak cry for help 之前。答案为From the house

across the street came a weak cry for help.

)1.00 (分数:(4).The enemy tried in vain to encircle and wipe out the guerrillas.


解析:In vain did the enemy try to encircle and wipe out the guerrillas.[ 解析] 译文:敌人试图包围并粉碎

游击队,但是他们失败了。当表示否定意义的in vain 置于句首时,其后的部分要进行部分倒装,即将题干中与tried 对应的操作词did 置于主语the enemy 之前。答案为In vain did the enemy try

to encircle and wipe out the guerrillas.

(5).Some plants are sensitive to pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean

environment. (分数:1.00)


解析:So sensitive are some plants to pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean


句子要进行部分倒装。答案为So sensitive are some plants to pollution that they can

only survive in a perfectly clean environment.

(6).Come and teach in our school. You won find such fine pupils anywhere else. (分数:1.00 ) 正确答案:() 解析:Come and teach in our school. Nowhere else will you find such fine pupils.[ 解析] 倒装句中可以将表

示地点的指示代词提前,如本句中的anywhere else 可以改为no-where else ,含义未变,还可以将其置于句首形成倒装句式。答案为Come and teach in our school. Nowhere else will you find

such fine pupils.

Using cleft sentence and pseudo-cleft sentence: (分数:3.00 )

(1) .I met my old neighbor Mary in the supermarket. (分数:1.00)


解析:It was in the supermarket that I met my old neighbour Mary.[ 丽。本题


强调的是地点状语in the supermarket,引导词要用that,题干用的是过去式

met,分裂句中的be要用was。答案为It was in the supermarket that I met my old neighbour Mary.

(2) .I gave her a book. (分数:1.00 ) 正确答案:()

解析:WhatI gave her was a book.[解析]译文:我给了她一本书。根据句意可知,本题的强调的中心是句子后部分,要用拟式分裂句,即用what引导的主语从句。答案为What I gave her was a book.

(3) .The students are going to write theses. (分数:1.00 ) 正确答案:() 解析:What the students are going to do is to write theses.[解析]本句可以改写成假意分隔语句形式。和其他


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