当前位置:文档之家› 《外贸英语函电》期末考卷答案版



宁波工程学院2013-2014学年第 二学期


本试卷适用班级: 营销111,112

Ⅰ.Translation of terms 术语翻译 (10%)

A. Translate the following terms into Chinese 将下列术语译成汉语 (5%):

1. upon rece ipt of …… 一收到…… 就

2. It goes without saying 不言而喻

3. conform to 符合

4. trade friction 贸易摩擦

5. partial shipment 分批装运 B. Translate the following terms into English in full 将下列术语译成英语(请用全称) (5%):

1. 订购(货物) Place an order

2. 即期汇票 draft at sight

3. 装船通知 shipping advice

4.内包装 inner packing 5. 不可转让 untransferable

Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences 单项



1. If you agree to_____, please e-mail us by return and we will

approach you further.

A. propose

B. proposing

C. be proposed

D. our proposal

2. As the item _____ the scope of our business activities, we shall

be pleased to establish direct trade relations with you.

A. lies within

B. fall within

C. come under

D. be within

3. One of our customers is in the market Chinese black tea.

A. of

B. for

C. on

D. in

4. We would very much if you send us some samples immediately.

A. thank you

B. appreciate it C appreciate D appreciate you

5______recript of your instructions we will send the goods.

A. In

B. Having

C. Upon

D. After

6._______the market price is falling, we recommend your immediate


A. When

B. If

C. As

D. For

7. In case you can reduce the minimum to 5000 yards per design, there

is a possibility of _______orders you.

A. reaching

B. placing

C. doing

D. making

8. Owing to _______ competition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably.

A. fierce

B. strained

C. eager

D. critical

9.Please refer the chart enclosed.

A. to

B. with

C. for

D. on

10. We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotation receipt of your detail requirements.

A. on

B. with

C. in D as soon as

Ⅲ. Complete the following sentences in English(15%)

1.The price you counter-offered is out of line with the market(与市场不一致),so it is beyond what is acceptable to us.

2.We are not in a position to entertain business _as per your price(按你方价格) with you,since it is 20% higher than the average.

3.We confirm it(并予以确认),your telegraphic order of June 10,for 100 cwt. Of the best sugar.

4. We are airmailing you(兹航寄)three sample books.

5.We hope to establish business relations with you(与你们建立利益关系).

IV.Fill in the blanks in their proper forms with the following words and phrases:(10%)

9.take advantage of 10.favorable

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your __________ by telex of September 3 for 5,000 pieces of the ____________goods at $10 per piece.

We immediately contacted our customers and they showed ____________interest in the quality and designs of your products. However, they said your price was too much ____________,5% higher than the __________. They told us if you could ___________your price to $9.5 per piece,they would ___________1,000 pieces to the quantity. So there is a good chance of ___________a bigger transaction with them if you can meet their requirements. We hope you will ____________the opportunity so that you will benefit from the expanding market. We await your ____________reply with great interest.

Yours faithfully,

Mark V.Translate the following sentences into Chinese or English


1、We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.我方将不遗余力为贵方效劳。

2、We have accepted your order of June 10 for 300 typewriters.我方已接受贵方6月10日关于300台打字机的订单

3、According to the contract ,the delivery should be completed by the seller.根据合同约定,货物的交付应由卖方负责

4、内包装盒的印刷令人满意。The printing of the inner box is very satisfactory

5、我们印花布系用木箱包装,内衬牛皮纸和防潮纸。每箱30匹,一花5色,平均搭配。Our cotton prints are packed in cases lined with draft paper and waterproof paper, each consisting of 30 pieces in one design with 5 color ways equally assorted. VI.Write a business letter in English:(20%)







P.O。Box 2703


Dear manager

I learn from the newspaper that a secretary of English language

is wanted in your company.I beg to apply for the post.

My name is Lin Li,a girl of twenty-six,I graduated from the

English Department of a university four years ago.I have been

working as a guide in English for four years.I can speak good English

as well as Chinese.I want very much to be accepted by your company.Please give me an answer if these satisfy you.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Lin Li


XXXXXXX卷面考核 XXXXXXX学年第 2 学期期末 《外贸英语函电》( B )标准答案 专业_班级经济命题教师 一、Fill in the blanks with the right word or words (2% for each, 20%) 1~5 C D B B B 6~10 B D C B B 二、Choose the appropriate word or words in the parentheses. (2% for each, 20%) 1~5 B A A B A 6~10 B A B A A 三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(3% for each, 15%) 1.从中国国际贸易促进委员会获悉,你们有意购买电器用品。 2.我们还想了解各类商品的每种颜色和花样的最低出口起售量。 3.所有报价以我方最后确认为准。除非另有规定或经双方同意,所有价格都是不含佣 金的净价。 4.另行寄上我方目录若干份,以便你方作出适当选择。 5.我方所报价格是经过紧密计算的。然而,为促进业务我们准备给你方5%的折扣。 四、Translate the following sentences into English.(3% for each, 15%) 1.We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.


三年级下册语文期末模拟试题 (答题时间:80分钟) 一. 看拼音写词语。 yūníbēng jǐn gōng chéng zhíyè ()()() () bài fǎng shūjítān lán xiácháng ()()()() xìnìsuīrán pǔshíkuǎn dài ()()()() xūyào hóu jiézàn shǎng zhùhè 【 ()()()()zǔzhǐshàshízhūi zhúcuòwù ()()()() fán nǎo jǔsàng juézégào jiè ()()()() yán géduǒbìchǎn zi dīng zhǔ ()()()() shěn shìyán sùshúxīchíxù ()()()()límíng qiāng dàn fèn nùjiān jù 、 ()()()()guīdìng shùzhuāng shǒu zhūdài tù ()()() yǎn ěr dào líng gǔshòu rúchái ()() láng tūn hǔyàn yìkǒu tóng shēng ()() 二. 填空组成词语。 五()六色全神()注()()

有味 , 兴高()()争先()后完整无() ()()起舞()山()野()云()雾 ()()私语波涛()()五()十() ()()相处()奋人心欢声()() 专心()志持之以()()()不语 色彩()()()精会神 三. 写出下列词语的近义词和反义词。 1. 近义词: 快乐--()创造--()宁静--() / 奇异--()依然--()本领--() 渴望--()珍贵--()激励--() 全神贯注--() 2. 反义词: 警惕--()精致--()坚持--() 镇静--()兴高采烈--() 宁静--()黑暗--()幸福--() 坚定--()胜利--() ¥

2020最新部编人教版三语下期末试卷 及答案

三年级第二学期期末检测卷 (时间:90分 满分:100分) 一、积累运用。(50分) 1.在田字格中正确、规范地书写下面的句子,看谁写得最漂亮。(5分) 五色的浮光,在那轻清透明的球面上乱转。 2.读拼音,把对应的字词写在田字格里。(6分) y īng mi ào q í l áng 3.读句子,给加点的字选择正确的读音打“√”。(5分) (1)这两批货物都打折.(zh ē zh é sh é)出售,严重折. (zh ē zh é sh é)本,他再也经不起这样折. (zh ē zh é sh é)腾了。 (2)他挣.(zh ēng zh èng)扎了半天,终于从歹徒手中挣.(zh ēng zh èng)脱出来,撒. (s ā s ǎ)腿就向人多的地方跑去。 (3)张老师称.(ch èn ch ēng ch èng)得上是一位称.(ch èn ch ēng ch èng)职的好老师。 (4)这两件瓷器的模.(m ó m ú)样很相似,就像一个模.(m ó m ú)型做出来的。 4.认真区别,再组词。(4分) 历( ) 密( ) 竿( ) 拨( ) 厉( ) 蜜( ) 杆( ) 拔( ) 5.读句子,选择恰当的词语填空。(4分) 变幻 变换 (1)一天结束了,落日的余晖不时( )着颜色。 (2)他周末在家把家具都( )了一下位置。 继续 持续 (3)这场暴雨已经( )一个星期了,再这样下去庄稼会涝死的。 儿 寺 走

(4)他们奇怪地互相望了一眼,又( )吃了起来。 6.请给句子中加点的字词选择正确的解释。(6分) 熟:①植物果实完全长成;②因常见或常用而知道得清楚;③熟练;④程度深。 (1)这件事必须经过深思熟.虑才能做决定。 ( ) (2)平时很熟.的曲子,今天却总也弹不准。 ( ) (3)果园里的梨熟.了。 ( ) 新鲜:①(刚生产、宰杀或烹调的食物等)没有变质,也没有经过腌制、干制等;②(空气)经常流通,不含杂类气体;③(事物)出现不久;④新奇,稀罕。 (4)数码相机已经不算什么新鲜 ..东西了。 ( ) (5)今天的肉很新鲜 ..,所以妈妈决定中午做红烧肉。 ( ) (6)病人最好多呼吸新鲜 ..空气。 ( ) 7.联系课文内容,判断对错。(5分) (1)“只见松林里一个个斗笠像蘑菇一样”一句写的是小孩子们的样子。 ( ) (2)《我变成了一棵树》一文中,“小白兔发现了树干上不断往下滴的水珠”,这里的“水珠” 是大树在哭。 ( ) (3)《漏》是一则神话故事,主要讲的是一个叫“漏”的怪物吓跑了老虎和贼。 ( ) (4)《海底世界》是从海面和海底的景象、海里的动物、海底的植物、海底的矿产资源等方面来介绍海底世界的。 ( ) (5)“因释其耒而守株”中的“因”是因此的意思。 ( ) 8.句子乐园。(10分) (1)顾客把一卷布料放到桌上。(改为“被”字句) (2)裁缝说:“我和别的裁缝不一样,我是个性子最慢的裁缝啊。”(改为转述句) (3)只要 ..我们仔细地观察、寻找,就.能从极普通的事物中找到美。 (用加点的关联词写句子) (4)把作业写完了。(修改病句)


外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/8f16751194.html, 外贸英语函电试卷(A卷) Ⅰ.Translation of terms 术语翻译(10%): A.Translate the following terms into Chinese 将下列术语译成汉语(5%): 1.mediation of dispute 2.DEQ, Delivered Ex Quay 3.acts of God 4.continental bridge 5.exclusive sales B.Translate the following terms into English in full 将下列术语译成英语(请用全称)(5%): 1.亚洲开发银行 2.电子商务认证 3.银行密押 4.机电产品 5.内包装 Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences 单项选择(20%):(提示:请在各题所提供的四个选项中选择一个,并将所选中的答案相对应的选项字母填入句中横线上。) 1.The boxes must be strong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads. A. along B. for C. in D. over 2.Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE0607 ____ out against your Order KK02736. A. got B. made


XXXXXXX卷面考核 XXXXXXX 学年第 2 学期期末 《外贸英语函电》( A )卷 专业__班级命题教师_ 10分。) 1. We would ______ very much if you send us some samples immediately. a. thank you b. appreciate it c. appreciate d. appreciate you 2. Our products enjoy _______ in the world market. a. most popular b. great popularity c. good seller d. selling fast 3. We are _______ a copy of our catalog for your reference. a. send b. covering c. closed d. enclosing 4. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry ________ color TV sets. a. about b. for c. of d. as 5. This chemical is made ________ a special formula. a. from b. according to c. of d. in 6. We ______ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of 《(国际经贸函电)》试题(A卷)第1页共7页


期末检测卷 时间:90分钟满分:100分 一、基础训练营(29分) 1.用“√”给带点的字选择正确的读音。(5分) (1)“哼,能长.(zhǎng cháng)多长.(zhǎng cháng)?”小真问。 (2)折.(zhēzhé)腾了大半夜,衙役们困得很。 (3)老虎和贼一齐滚下了山坡,浑.(hūn hún hǔn)身粘满泥水。 (4)那么,可能是一只虫子撒.(sāsǎ)的尿。 2.读拼音写词语。(9分) 3.按要求写词语。(6分) (1)写四个出自古代寓言的成语。 ____________ ____________________________________ (2)在下面的句子中补表示声音的词语。 ①小孩子们一个个()地跳下水去。 ②门()一声开了。 4.句子练习。(9分) (1)修改病句:人们常常经常看见五彩的云霞。 ________________________________________________________ (2)仿写拟人句:小蘑菇钻出了泥土,戴着一顶小斗笠,真可爱啊! ________________________________________________________ (3)改为转述句:爸爸语重心长地说:“我把道理告诉你,是不希望你犯错 啊!” ________________________________________________________ 二、综合展示厅(10分) 5.给下面的句子按顺序编序号。(5分) ()自己不动脑子,作文简直是七拼八凑。 ()老师在我的作文后面批着:“不真实,要用自己的话写真实的故事。” ()以前,我每写一篇作文,都要先找别人的文章来参考。 ()我的作文果然有了进步。 ()此后,我就试着用自己的话写自己身边的事。 6.发表意见:有的商家在红领巾上印广告,把这样的红领巾免费送给学生们戴。你会戴吗?为什么?(5分)


外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案 1.Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences The boxes must be strong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads. A. Along B. For C. in D. over 2.Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE0607 ____ out against your Order KK02736. A. Got B. Made C. put D. taken 3.Some customers requested us to ____ our price because they consider it too high. A. bring down B. get down C. put down D. take down 4.We can allow you a special discount of 2% on orders exceeding $60,000. The word “allow” can be replaced by the following words EXCEPT A. Give B. Grant C. offer D. permit 5.The consignment was shipped ____ on the S.S. “Changfeng” which left Shanghai for Singapore on June 16. A. Clean B. Cleaned C. cleaning D. cleanly 6.For your own ____ please expedite the L/C, which must reach us before August A. Advantage B. Benefit C. consideration D. profit 7.In the ____ we would ask you to dispatch the replacement to us as soon as possible. A. Meantime B. Meanwhile C. time D. occasion 8.This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through the Customs on ____ of the consignment. A. arrival B. Arriving C. reception D. receiving 9. A container holds 240 bicycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 5 containers, ____ 8 tons. A. and each weighing C. each weighing B. each to weigh D. each weighs 10.The cases should be ____ they can easily be made tightly closed again after being opened. A.as such so as C. of such a type that B.B. like this so that D. of such a type which 11.We deal in decorative fabrics ____ different varieties. A. On B. In C. of D. for 12.It is possible to extend this Letter of Credit, which expires ____ January 28. A. On B. in C. at D. for 13.We trust you will look ____ the matter without delay upon receiving the data concerning the damage. A. On B. Upon C. in D. into 14.Please quote us your lowest price ____ CIF Singapore basis for 1,500 pieces for early delivery.


镇江高等专科学校2009—2010学年第二学期期末考试试卷 ___08___级应用英语专业外贸英语函电试卷(A卷) 命题许辉校对尹昕审核________ 审批________ 20×1ˊ=20ˊ) Directions:This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. 1. We will forward all the necessary information of the item mentioned above ____ receipt of your reply. A. with B. upon C. in D. of 2. One of our chief lines is to supply factories ____ spare parts. A. for B. with C. to D. / 3. The company name “Sony” was ____ by combining two words “sonus” and “sonny” showing that “Sony” is a very small group of young p eople who have the energy and passion toward unlimited creation. A. create B. creating C. created D. creation 4. The medicine company ____ New Jersey and has branches in more than 50 countries all over the world. A. based in B. is based in C. based on D. is based on 5. With global sales in 2008 of 41.9 billion, the company ____ 24th in the Business Week list of “50 Best-performing Companies” A. rank B. ranking C. is ranked D. was ranked 6. We are pleased to receive your letter ____ a sample of our new products.


部编版三年级语文下册期末测试卷 (总分100分,时间90分钟) 一、看拼音写词语。(10 分) ǒu ěr qiān xūjiàzhízhìhuìjìxù wēi xiǎn xùn sùpǔtōng wēi wǔgǎn dòng 二、读句子,根据拼音写汉字。(7 分) (1)kuò:这里的变化可以概()为:道路变宽()了,绿化面积()大了。 (2)zhì:他及时()止了小明的幼()行为。 (3)yì:同学们都在()论:这样做的()处有哪些。 三、给下划线字选择正确的解释,将序号填在括号里。(8 分) 1.“疾”:①疾病,身体不适; ②痛恨; ③急速、猛烈; ④痛苦; ⑤ 快,迅速。 疾风()积劳成疾()疾恶如仇()疾步如飞() 2.“天”; ①天气; ②时间; ③季节; ④自然的。 天多冷啊()战胜天灾()冬天()天还早() 四、给下面字加偏旁组成新字并组词。(6 分) 舌()方()比() 且()比()佥() 五、照样子,写词语。(3 分) 暄腾腾(ABB 式) 丁零丁零(ABAB 式)

生机勃勃(ABCC 式) 六、写出下面句子运用的修辞手法。(8 分) 1. 白荷花从这些大圆盘之间冒出来。() 2. 独角仙的力气大如牛。() 3. 这一朵朵菊花,远看像一个个色彩鲜艳的绣球。() 4. 岸边的华灯倒映在湖边,宛如颗颗宝石缀在湖面之上。() 七、选词填空。(6 分) 虽然……但是……如果……那么……只要……就…… 1.()我们上课时认真听讲,()一定会很快进步。 2.()空间很小,()也足以表现出一线生机。 3.()不是我的力气太小,()我一定会掀起那一块块石头。 八、按要求写句子。(8 分) 1. 燕子从南方飞回来了。(扩写句子,至少扩两处) 2. 我们的班主任老师是那么,那么。 3. 一片一片晚霞倒映在水平如镜的河面上。(缩写句子) 4. 根据情境把句子补充完整。 自习课上教室里非常安静。同学们有的在写作业,有的,还有的。 九、根据课文内容填空。(9 分) 1.“鸭先知”侧面说明春江水还,因而别的动物都还没有感受到春天的来临,这就与诗中首句的桃花“”相呼应,表明时间是。 2.这样,二十只左右的蜜蜂,至少有十五只没有,准确无误地回到了家。尽管它们,沿途都是一些的景物,但它们_____________飞回来了。 3.独怜幽草涧边生,。_______________,野渡无人舟自横。


《外经贸英语函电》试题库I. Translate the following terms into English 目录按照要求 订单实盘 市场经济虚盘 电子邮件汇票 询盘装运 报盘还盘 报价利润 信用证折扣 你处形式发票 供你参考一式两份 信誉以……为准 支付条款唛头 代理与……建立业务关系 确认保险费 即期索赔 投保保险单 电子商务装船通知 集装箱托收 汇付成交 检验证书已脱销 毛重净重 纸箱捆 一切险发票金额 提单运输单据 仲裁会签 II. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. ( ) 1. We thank you for your letter of March 13 and the _____ catalogue.

A. given B. sent C. enclosed D. presented ( ) 2. They found an opportunity to purchase six _____ leather shoes. A. thousands pairs B. thousand pair of C. thousands of pair D. thousand pairs of ( ) 3. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _____ digital cameras. A. about B. of C. for D. as ( ) 4. What kind of products do you think _____ particularly interested _____ A. are they, in B. they are, in C. are they, / D. they are, / ( ) 5. We owe your name and address _____ Italian Commercial Bank who informed us that you are in the market _____ table-cloths. A. from, for B. to, with C. from, with d. to, for ( ) 6. While _____ an enquiry, you ought to enquiry into quality and price etc.. A. making B. sending C. offering D. giving ( ) 7. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should simple, clearly and concisely write _____ he wants to know. A. that B. so C. what D. because of ( ) 8. We are a specialized corporation, _____ the export of animal by-products. A. dealing with B. dealing C. handling D. dealt in ( ) 9. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the _____ of equality and mutual benefit. A. base B. basis C. bases D. based ( ) would not give you any lower price _____ you could place an order for more than 500 tons. A. expect B. until C. unless D. besides ( ) 11. We _____ some brochures _____ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture. A. enclose you, / B. enclose, you C. enclose, / D. enclose, to you


一到九章及一些附加内容 第一章Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 1.1 Structure 构成: a.Letterhead(信头)——发件人的信息(名称、电话、地址) b. Reference and date(发文编号和日期) c. Inside Name and Address(封内名称和地址)——收件人的信息 d. attention line (注意事项) e. The Salutation(称呼) f. the Subject Line(事由标题) g. The Body of the Letter(信的正文) h. Complimentary Close(结尾敬语) i. The Signature(签名) j. enclosure (附件) k. carbon copy notation(抄送) l. postscript(附言) 1.2 Envelope 信封的写法: China National Chemicals (stamp) Import&Export Co. 寄件人地址 Beijing,China Overseas Trading Co. 153 Market street 收件人地址 London, E.C.3 Registered 挂号信 1.3 Principle 写信原则: Courtesy 礼貌 Conciseness 简洁 Clearness 清晰 第二章Establish Business Relations 建立贸易关系 2.1 Structure 第一部分说明信息来源 Commercial Counselor office商务参赞处;Embassy 大使馆;Chamber of commerce 商会;第二部分说明写信目的+自我介绍 leading importer 主要进口商/ one of the largest importers 最大的进口商之一 deal with/ specialize in 专营 competitive price 竞争价格/ enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉 for your reference 供你方参考; fall(be) within the scope of 属于…的经营范围 enter into business relations 建立贸易关系 in the market for想要购买/in the hope of doing sth. 希望 acquaint sb. with sth. 让某人了解某事/ Credit standing 商业信用


人教部编版语文三年级下册 期末测试 (总分:100分时间:60分钟)一、基础知识(32分) 1.(12分)看拼音,写词语。 lìhài jùlǒng chèn shān xiōng měng biàn rèn jìxùfùzélàzhú xùn sùwēi wǔqiān xūzhìhuì 2.(6分)我会给加点字选择正确的读音。(在正确的读音下画“√”)(1)他就爱瞎折.(zhēshé)腾,结果全折.(zhēshé)本了。 (2)校门口竖着围杆.(gān gǎn)的地方放着一杆.(gān gǎn)秤。 (3)她将缝.(féng fèng)衣服的针掉到砖缝.(féng fèng)里取不出来。 3.(4分)给加点字选择正确的解释,将序号填在括号里。 “疾”:①疾病,身体不适;②痛恨;③急速、猛烈;④痛苦;⑤快,迅速。 疾.风积劳成疾.疾.恶如仇疾.步如飞 4.(6分)补充词语,并选择恰当的填在下面的语境中。 并论没打大摇窃窃(1)他走路不小心撞了人,非但不道歉,反而地走了。 (2)小明这次考试又没考及格,他地向家走去。 5.(2分)我会选词填空。(填序号) ①继续②连续 (1)李伟三年被评为“五好学生”,是我们的好榜样。 (2)小娟做完了语文作业,又做数学作业,一分钟也不浪费。 6.(2分)我会选词填空。(填序号) ①如果……那么……②只要……就…… (1)我们上课时认真听讲,一定会很快进步。 (2)不是我的力气太小,我一定会掀起那一块块石头。

二、句子积累与运用.(18分) 7.(10分)按要求写句子。 (1)你难道不是性子最慢的裁缝吗?(改为肯定句) (2)她的头发卷在身上。(改为比喻句) (3)小真的头发就在水里像海带一样轻轻地荡来荡去。(缩写句子) (4)老婆婆说:“我什么都不怕,就怕漏!”(改为转述句) (5)这是有趣的一本童话故事书。(用修改符号修改病句) 根据所学知识填空.(8分) 8.(3分)“人谁无过?,善莫大焉。”让我们知道了,人有了过错要及时改正,我也知道“者赤,者黑;,耳听为虚”;诗中有情,诗中有景,从“绿阴不减来时路,”中我体会到了作者山行时的愉悦心情;从诗句“清明时节雨纷纷,”我知道了诗人怀念去世的亲人。 9.(5分)这学期我了解了的陶罐和的铁罐;认识了的宋庆龄;游览了不但而且的赵州桥;还欣赏了、的海底世界;从《花钟》一文中,我知道了一天之中,;学习的寓言故事有《》;我还知道了蜜蜂具有的能力。真是收获颇丰啊! 三、口语交际。(5分) 10.(5分)刘晶同学上课不注意听讲,爱做小动作,导致学习成绩退步,请你运用所收集的关于学习的成语或诗句,写一两句劝劝刘晶。 四、阅读.(19分) 11.(6分)课内阅读。 老虎正走着,见天上掉下个黑乎乎的东西,响声又这么大,心想:“‘漏’又来 了,这下我可活不成了!”赶紧逃跑。下过雨的山坡又湿又滑 ....,老虎腿一软,顺着山坡往下滚。 老虎和贼一齐滚下了山坡,浑身(粘满沾满)泥水,撞在了一块儿。他们俩对


Chapter One 1.特此奉告: a.We are pleased to inform/advise you that... b.We have pleasurenininformingyou that... c.We have the pleasure of apprising you of... d.We take the liberty of announcing to you that... e.Pleas allow us to callyour attentionto... 2.专此奉告: a.The purpose of this letter is to inform you that(of) ... b.The object of the letter is to tell you that(about)... 3.惠请告知: a.Please inform me that(of)... b.we will thank you for your infoming me that(of) ... c.We should be glad if you would inform me that(of) ... 4.兹确认我公司某月某日函。 a.We confirm our letter of the...of this month... b.We confim our last letter of the 10th June... c.In confirming our e-mail of this morning... 5.敬悉你公司某月某日来函。 a .We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favour of the 3rd May... b.We are in receipt of your letter of the 7th July... e.We have duly received your favour of the 5th March... d.We thank you for your letter of the 5th May... 6.敬复你公司某月某日函。 a.In reply to your letter of the 5th of May,I have to inform you that (of).. b.We are in receipt of yours of the 15th May,in reply to which we are pleased to state that... c.Replying to yours of the 8th of February regarding...I would say that... d.In reply,we would like to say.. 7.本公司深感遗憾,必须奉告…… a.We regret to inform you that (of)... b.We very much regret to announce you that.... c.It is most regrettable that we have to inform you that (of)... d.We are regretful that we have to inform you that (of)... 8.本公司深感遗憾,得悉…… a.We are very sorry to hear (know )that... b.We very much regret to hear that... c.We regret that we have been informed that (of)... 9.感谢你公司某月某日的函询。 We thank you for your inquiry of the 10th May...


宁波工程学院2013-2014学年第 二学期 《外贸英语函电》期末考卷1 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 复核人 应得分 20 20 15 10 15 20 100 实得分 评卷人 本试卷适用班级: 营销111,112 Ⅰ.Translation of terms 术语翻译 (10%) A. Translate the following terms into Chinese 将下列术语译成汉语 (5%): 1.business lines 2.refer to 3.specialize in 4.tight money 5.point out B. Translate the following terms into English in full 将下列术语译成英语(请用全称) (5%): 1.最新的商品目录 2.客观资料 3. 建立业务关系 4.作为……的回报 5. 价格偏高 班级: 姓 名 : 学 号 :

Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences 单 项选择(20%):(提示:请在各题所提供的四个选项中选择一个,并将 所选中的答案相对应的选项字母填入句中横线上。) 1. We look forward to ______ the goods in the fourth quarter. A. delivery of B. your delivery C. deliver D. delivery 2. as agreed upon in your negotiations,payment()L/C. A. by B. is to be made by C. with D. in 3.We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotation _______ receipt of your detailed requirements. A .on B .with C. in D. as soon as 4. One of our clients----American leather shoes. A. in the market for B. are in the market for C. is in the market for D. be in the market for 5. If you could make a reduction ______5% in quotation, please let us know. A .to B .by C. of D .at 6. We ______your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 200 sets Panasonic 2189 Color TV. A. believe B. find C. trust D. think


三年级下册语文期末模拟试题答题时间:80 分钟) . 看拼音写词语。 yūníbēng jǐn gōng chéng zhí yè ) ( ) () ) bài f ǎng shūjítān l án xiácháng () ( ) ( )( ) xìnì suīrán pǔshí kuǎn dài () ( ) ( )( ) xūyào hóu jiézàn shǎng zhùh è () ( ) ( ) ( zǔzhǐshàshízhūi zhúcuòwù () ( ) ( )( ) f án nǎo jǔ sàn g juézégào ji è () ( ) ( )( ) yán géduǒbìchǎn zi dīng zhǔ () ( ) ( )( ) shěn shìyán sùsh ú xī chíxù () ( ) () ( límíng qiāng dàn f èn nùjiān j ù () ( ) () ( guīdìng shùzhuāng shǒu zhū dài tù () ( ) ( ) yǎn ěr dào l íng gǔ shòu rú chái ( ) ( ) láng tūn h ǔyàn yìkǒu t óng shēng ( ) ( ) ) ) )

. 填空组成词语 五( )六色 全神( 争先 )注 )后 ( )( 完整 ) 无 有味 兴高( ) () ( ) ( )( )起舞 () 山( )野 ( )云 ( )雾 ( )( )私语 波涛( )( ) 五( ) 十( ) ( )( )相处 ( )奋人心 欢声( ) ( ) 专心( )志 持之以( ) ( )( ) 不 语 色彩( ) () ( )精会神 三. 写出下列词语的近义词和反义词。 1. 近义词: 快乐--( ) 创造- -( ) 宁静 - -( ) 奇异--( ) 依然- -( ) 本领 - -( ) 渴望--( ) 珍贵- -( ) 激励 - -( ) 全神贯注- -( ) 2 . 反义词: 警惕--) 精致-( ) 坚持 - -( )


《外经贸英语函电》试题库 I. Translate the following terms into English 目录按照要求 订单实盘 市场经济虚盘 电子邮件汇票 询盘装运 报盘还盘 报价利润 信用证折扣 你处形式发票 供你参考一式两份 信誉以……为准 支付条款唛头 代理与……建立业务关系 确认保险费 即期索赔 投保保险单 电子商务装船通知 集装箱托收 汇付成交 检验证书已脱销 毛重净重 纸箱捆 一切险发票金额 提单运输单据 仲裁会签 II. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. ( ) 1. We thank you for your letter of March 13 and the _____ catalogue.

A. given B. sent C. enclosed D. presented ( ) 2. They found an opportunity to purchase six _____ leather shoes. A. thousands pairs B. thousand pair of C. thousands of pair D. thousand pairs of ( ) 3. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _____ digital cameras. A. about B. of C. for D. as ( ) 4. What kind of products do you think _____ particularly interested _____ A. are they, in B. they are, in C. are they, / D. they are, / ( ) 5. We owe your name and address _____ Italian Commercial Bank who informed us that you are in the market _____ table-cloths. A. from, for B. to, with C. from, with d. to, for ( ) 6. While _____ an enquiry, you ought to enquiry into quality and price etc.. A. making B. sending C. offering D. giving ( ) 7. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should simple, clearly and concisely write _____ he wants to know. A. that B. so C. what D. because of ( ) 8. We are a specialized corporation, _____ the export of animal by-products. A. dealing with B. dealing C. handling D. dealt in ( ) 9. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the _____ of equality and mutual benefit. A. base B. basis C. bases D. based ( ) would not give you any lower price _____ you could place an order for more than 500 tons. A. expect B. until C. unless D. besides ( ) 11. We _____ some brochures _____ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture. A. enclose you, / B. enclose, you C. enclose, / D. enclose, to you ( ) 12. They have _____ us that you are _____ the market _____ chemicals. A. inform, in, on B. informed, in, for

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