当前位置:文档之家› 接电话常用英语句型





情况一: 打电话的人找的是你自己

Is Daisy there? Daisy 在吗?

Speaking. 我就是,说吧。

That's me. 我就是。

This is Daisy. 我就是Daisy.

This is she. 我就是。(注: 男的用This is he.)

You're speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。

情况二: 要找的人不在

May I speak to Mr. Gates? 请问Gates 先生在吗?

He's out. 他出去了。

He's not here right now. 他现在不在这里。

He's in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。

You've just missed him. 你刚好错过他了。

He's just stepped out. 他刚好出去了。

情况三: 要找的人不在, 问对方是否要留言

Can I talk to Mark? 我可以跟Mark 讲话吗?

He's out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了, 你要留言吗?

He's not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以帮你传话吗?

情况四: 打电话的人问他要找的人何时回来

Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗?

I'm sorry. I don't know. 抱歉, 我不知道。

I have no idea. 我不知道。

He should be back in 20 minutes. 他应该二十分钟内会回来。

情况五: 打电话的人问他要找的人在哪里

Do you have any idea where he is? 你知道他在哪里吗?

Sorry. I don't know. 抱歉, 我不知道。

He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number? 他现在在上班。你要不要他的电话号码?

情况六: 打电话的人要找的人不在, 愿意接受对方的留言

Can I leave a message? 我可以留个话?

Yes. Go ahead, please. 可以, 请继续。

Of course. Hold on for just a second so I can grab a pen and paper. 当然, 稍等一下让我拿个纸笔。

Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down. 当然, 如果你可以等我一下下, 让我找张纸写下来。

情况七: 接受对方留言时听不清楚, 希望对方重复

When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206) 5551212? 他回来后, 能不能让他打(206) 5551212 这个号码给我?

Can you repeat again, please? 能不能请你再重复一次?

(Say) Again, please? 再说一次好吗?

Pardon? 抱歉。请再说一次。

Come again, please? 再说一次好吗?

Im sorry? 抱歉。请再说一次。


May I leave a message? 我能否留个话?

You know what? My English is not that great, and I don't want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back later? I'm sorry. 你知道吗?我的英文不是非常好,我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗?我很抱歉。

If you don't mind, could you please call back and leave a message on the answering machine? My English is not very good. 如果你不介意的话,能否请你再打一次,然后在录音机上留言?我的英文不是很好。


Is Brandon there? Brandon在吗?

Yes, he is. One moment, please. 他在。请稍等。

Hold, please. 请稍等。

Hold on, please. 请稍等。

Let me see if he's here. Hang on. OK?



Can I speak to Alexander Walker?我可以和Alexander Walker说话吗?

Alexander Walker? I'm sorry, but there's nobody here by this name. Alexander Walker?抱歉,这里没这个人。

I'm sorry. I'm afraid you've got the wrong number. 抱歉,恐怕你打错电话了。

What number did you dial? 你刚才拨的号码是多少?


Can you put Daisy back on? I forgot to tell her something. 你能否请Daisy再来听电话呢?我忘了跟她讲一件事。

Sure. I'll go get her. 当然!我这就去叫她。


Did it go through? 打通了吗?

The line was busy. 电话忙线。

I got the busy signals. 电话忙线。


Paul, can you answer the phone?I'm busy. Paul,你能不能去接电话?我在忙。Can you get it, Paul? My hands are tied. Paul, 你能不能去接电话?我现在不能接。

Yes, dear. 是的,亲爱的。


Who called? 谁打来的?

No one. He hung up on me. 没人。他把电话挂了。

Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word. 打错了,我想。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了。



Hi! This is Abby. I'm not home right now. Please leave a message. 嗨!我是Abby. 我现在不在家。请留言。


Hi! This is 555-5555. We're not here. Please leave your message. Thank you. 嗨!这里是555-5555.我们现在不在。请留言。谢谢!


Hi! This is Brenda. I can't come to the phone at this time. Please leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as possible. 嗨!我是Brenda. 我现不能接电话。请你留言。我会尽快回你的电话。

电话往来是外企办公的一部分。得体娴熟的英文会在生意上帮你不少忙哦!这次就来给你一些非常实用的句子。1、ABC Corporation. May I help you?这里是ABC公司,我能帮你什么吗?这句话算是制式的讲法。一般接起电话的人通常会先报公司的名字"ABC corporation", 然后再说, "May I help you?" 或是如果要更客气一点的话则可以说"How can I help you?" (我该怎么帮你?), 因为这样的问法表示我'该'怎么帮你, 而非我'需不需要'帮你? 但基本上"May I help you?" 跟"How can I help you?" 都很常见就是了。不过如果是机器接的电话, 则听到的多半是这样, "Thanks for calling ABC corporation, if you know your party's last name or extension, press 1. If you want to receive information or publication, press 2. If you want to talk to the operator, press the pound sign or remain on the line." (感谢你打电话到ABC 来, 如果你知道你要找的人的姓或是分机号码, 请按1, 如果是想要本公司的简介或出版品, 请按2, 如果是要找总机, 请按#, 或是请别挂断。

2、And you are? 请问您是? 如果人家打电话来是要找你的上司, "May I talk to your manager?" (我能不能跟你们经理讲话?) 这时你总不能糊里糊涂地就把电话拿给经理说, 说不定人家是打电话来跟你经理勒索一百万的呢! 所以通常我们一定要先确定打电话来的是谁。最客气的问法是, "Whom I am speaking with?" 或是"Whom am I talking to?" (我正在跟谁讲话呢?) 但是人家一听是像我这种小毛头打电话找他们经理, 他们就会用比较口语的说法, "And you are?" (你是?) 如果人家这样问我, 我就可以答, "This is ..." 像是"And you are?" 这么口语的英文书上大概学不到, 但这却是外国人天天在用的句子, 只怕你学了之后还不敢用。其实真的不用怕,越简单的句子大家越听得懂。而且事实上"And you are?" 这句话还有许多适用的场合, 例如在公司的接待处(reception)。来访的客人如果说, "I'm looking for Mr. Wolf." (我要找伍夫先生) 接待小姐就可以反问他, "And you are?" (你是?) 所以像这种简单又好用的句子大家一定要记起来喔!

3、I'll put her on the phone. Just a second.我会请她听电话, 请等一下。Put someone on the phone 这个短语就是说请某人听电话。例如你打电话找你女朋友, 结果女朋友的同事接了电话, 就开始跟你东扯西扯, 问你们昨天是不是吵架了啊? 什么时候要结婚啦, 这时如果你实在不想跟她讲了, 就可以说, "Could you please just put her on the phone?" (你能不能请她来听电话啊?) 反过来如果今天是你接到了电话, 结果要找的是别人, 你就可以说, "Ok. I'll put her on the phone. Just a second." (好, 我会请她听电话, 请稍等一下。) 上面讲的put someone on the phone, 指的多半是只有一部电话时, 但如果像公司里有许多分机, 则用"转接"transfer 或是redirect会比较恰当,例如同样的情况你可以说, "I'm transferring your call." 或是"I'm redirecting your call." (我帮你转接她的分机。) 如果是接线生转接的话, 他们有时就只简单地说, "One moment, please." 或是, "OK. I'll put you through."

4、Would you mind holding for one minute? 你介不介意稍微等一分钟啊? 在美国如果有机会打电话给客户服务(Customer Service)部门, 如果没意外的话都会听到以下的电话录音, "All of our representatives are currently busy serving their customers. Y our call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes" (我们所有的客服人员都在忙着服务他们的顾客, 请等五分钟后, 就会有人接听你的电话), 然后十分钟过去了, "Please continue to hold, your call is very important to us." (请继续等候, 你的来电对我们非常重要)。可以想象,大家对这种无止境的等待是深恶痛绝的。所以要记得, 如果人家打电话来, 千万不要因为听不懂就说, "Hold on", 然后就跑去求救兵, 这对打电话来的人是十分不礼貌的。如果万不得已一定要请他稍候, 我们要客气一点地说, "Would you mind holding for one minute?" 所以记得要给对方一个明确的时间, 例如one second 或是five minutes 不要让对方无止境地等下去。但是如果一分钟到了你还没忙完, 则最好再说一次, "Sorry, I am still on the phone. Could you hold for

another minute?" (对不起, 我还在讲电话, 能不能再请你稍候一分钟。)

5、He's out for lunch. Would you like to try again in an hour?他出去吃午餐了, 你要不要一小时后再打来? 受到中文的影响, 许多人要讲某人'出去'吃午餐了常会说成, "He went out for lunch." 其实这个went 是多余的, 通常只讲be out for something 就行了。如果要再简化一点, 单说, "He is on lunch." 或是"He is on (lunch) break." (他正在休息时间。) 如果别人要找的人不在, 通常我们有两种选择, 第一种是请别人晚点再打来, 除了像例句用try again/ call again 之外, 我们也可以用call back/ try back 这样的讲法. 例如你可以建议别人, "Why don't you call back in 30 minutes?" (你何不30 分钟后再打来呢?) 第二种选择就是请对方留言, 客气一点的讲法是, "May I take a message?" 或是"Would you like to leave a message?" (你想留言吗?)

6、She is not here but you can call her machine.她不在这里, 但是你可以打她的电话答录机。国外的很多电话都有录音功能,叫answering machine 或是也有少数人叫answer machine,但是在一般的对话中常常简称machine,例如"Y ou can call her machine." 就是说, 你可以打她的电话答录机留言. 或是你打电话给某人, 但你想他很可能不在, 这时你就可以说, "I'm expecting a machine." (我想会是电话答录机接的电话。) 如果是"I want to check my machine." 则是说我要检查电话答录机里的留言。记得喔! 通常人家讲someone's machine 时百分之九十九都是指电话答录机而言, 你可别傻傻地问人, "Answering machine?" 像六人行(Friends) 里有一集Chandler 说, "I got her machine." 结果Joey 还呆呆地问他, "Her answering machine?" Chandler 就讽刺Joey 的无知说, "No. Interestingly enough, her leaf blower (machine) picked up the phone." (很有趣喔, 不是电话答录机喔! 而是她的吹落叶机接的电话.) 注: 美国的落叶都不是用扫的, 而是用吹的, 很神奇吧? 而leaf blower 就是那种背在身上拿来吹落叶的机器啦!

7、I'm interested in your CRM software. Can you give me a quote?我对你们的客户关系管理软体有兴趣, 能跟我报个价吗? 之前讲的都是别人打电话进来要怎么回答, 现在要讲的是如果你打电话给别的公司要怎么讲。通常你会打电话给别的公司不外乎以下几种状况:询价, 下订单, 追踪订单, 应征工作, 推销产品等等。首先讲讲询价。如果只是要请对方大略地估个价钱, 你可以说, "Can you give me a quote?" 或"Can you give me an estimate?" 但是提醒大家, 这个quote 发/kwot/ 的音, 记得要特别强调那个/wo/ 的音, 不然老美会以为你在说coat /kot/ 或是court /kort/ 这个字,那可就错大了,所以最好的办法就是用estimate, 这个字是绝对不会发错的。另外,estimate 和quote 也可以指'报价单'而言, 例如你可以要求别人, "Can you send me a sample with an estimate ASAP?" (能不能请你尽快送一份样品和报价单给我?)

8、I'd like to place an order for a DL-1100 color printer.我想要下一份DL-1100 彩色印表机的订单。以前每次为了买东西而打电话给人家, 我都直接说, "I want to buy this, I want to buy that." 当然啦! 要买东西的人最大, 不管你说什么别人都一定会想办法把东西卖给你的。只是你如果直接说buy 听来比较像是日常生活在说的对话。如果像是公司要采购商品时, 最好正式一点用order, 或是更完整一些说place an order for, 例如"I want to order a color printer." 或是, "I want to place an order for a color printer." 都是不错的用法。

9、I'm calling to check my order status.我打电话来查看我订单的状况。如果不会这样说,那你可能会用, "I ordered something yesterday. Can you check if you've shipped it or not?" 这句话听起来是不是有点啰嗦呢? 其实只要简简单单地说"I want to check my order status." 或是"I want to track my order status." 就能完整地表达这句话的意思了。同样的,如果在机场你也可以用这句话来查一下航班的信息,比如那班飞机有没有晚点, 大概几点会到, 只

要用一句"I wanna check passenger status." 就可以了。

10、I was referred to you by Mr. Gordon. 是Gordon 先生介绍我来的。打电话到别人公司如果是有求于人的话,例如要去应征啦或是推销东西啦, 最好能先攀点关系啦! 例如最常用的招数, 我是某某人介绍来的, 就是"I was referred to you by someone." (注意, 介绍在这里用refer 而不是用introduce。) 还有呢? 如果你今天拿到了该公司的折扣券, 最好也是开宗明义地说, "I got your number from a coupon, which says your product is 50% off today." (我是根据你们折扣券上的号码打过来的, 它上面写着今天产品五折优待.) 这样子让他想赖都赖不掉。总之呢? 先表明自己是怎么搭上这条线的, 这样子别人才不会有突兀的感觉啦。


(一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


用英语打电话的各种说法篇--英语之家 Tag:英语 1、打公用电话: 1. I’m calling from a public phone, so I’ll call her again. 2. I’m not at home now, so I’ll call her around three o’clock again. 3. May I use your phone? 4. Would you mind if I use your phone? 5. How do I get an outside line? 翻译&解析: 1. 我现在是打公用电话,我会再打给她。 2. 我现在不在家里,三点左右我会再打给她。 3. 我可以借您的电话用一下吗? 4. 你不介意我用你的电话吧? 5. 如何打外线? 解析:*1. public phone 是公用电话, pay phone 也是(投币式)公用电话;而公用电话亭则是teleph one booth.*2. 在外打公用电话就表示无法让对方回电,所以通常会再告知下次联络时间或方式。*3.有时找不到公用电话,必要时需向商家借用电话,或者在别人的公司借电话时可用以上几句。*4. o utside line 是“电话外线”,而extension 为电话(内线)分机。 2、打错电话: 1. I’m sorry I have the wrong number. 2. Is this 02-2718-5398? 3. Sorry to have bothered you. 4. I’m sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number.


常用的英语口语句型 浏览:364|更新:2013-06-06 16:10 1. According to…依照/根据…….According to the newspaper, it's a great movie.根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影. 2. Am I allowed to…我可以……吗Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗 3. As matter of fact,…实际上……,…….As matter of fact,I don't agree with you.实际上,我不大同意你的看法. 4.As far as I'm concerned/…就我而言,…….As far as I'm concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety ofschoolchildren.就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题. 5.As far as I know,...据我所知,…….As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong.据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错. 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,…….As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe theyface the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider.正如我刚才提到过的,任何人都不应该辍学,除非他们相信他们面临着一生中难得的机会,尽管那样,他们还需反复思量. 7. As I see it,…在我看来,…….As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 在我看来,他不是这个职位的合适人选. 8. As is known to us all, ...众所周知,……As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia.众所周知,香港是亚洲金融中心之一. 9. As long as...只要….As long as we work together, we can make the impossible possible.只要我们一起努力,我们就能把不可能变为可能. 10.But for...若不是因为……./如果没有…….But for your generous help, we couldn't have finished the work so soon.如果没有你的鼎力相助,我们不可能这么快完成工作的. 11.Can you believe (that)...你相信……吗Can you believe (that) this excellent song was composed by a high schoolstudent你相信这首美妙的歌曲是出自一个高中生之手吗 12.Can you imagine...你能想像……吗Can you imagine how she lived through all these difficulties你能想像她是怎么捱过种种困难的吗 13.Could you please explain...你能解释一下……吗Could you please explain why you didn't come to the meeting yesterday你能解释一下为什么昨天没来开会吗


英语所有句型大全 【篇一:英语所有句型大全】 几个英语句型,帮助你减轻学习上的负担,让你更轻松学英语。几 个常用的英语句型,帮助你减轻学习上的负担,让你更轻松学英语。 6.as i just mentioned```正如我刚才所提到的 7.as i see it,```在我看来 9.as is known to us all 众所周知 10as long as只要 11.but for若不是因为 12.can you believe(that)```你相信吗 14.could you please explain```你能解释一下吗 16.could you do me a favor and```能否请你帮我一个忙 22.do you know if/whether你知道是否 24.do you realize(that)你有没有意识到 27.```doesnt make sense没有道理/没有意思/不清楚 28.dont be afraid of不要害怕 29.dont take it for granted that别把```当成理所当然 30.dont wast time doing不要浪费时间````(做事) 31.dont you think that```难道你不觉得````吗 32.excuse me for请原谅我`` 33.for one thing```for another```一方面```另一方面``` 34.from my point of view在我看来``` 35.from where i stand 从我的立场来说``` 36.generally speaking总的来说 37.hardly``` when```一```就```(倒装句型) 38.have you considered doing 你有没有考虑过```(做事) 39.have you decided 你决定好了吗 41.have you thought about /of你有没有想过 44.how are you going to你打算如何45.how does```sound(听起来)怎么样 47.how should i 我该如何 48.i absolutely agree with我完全同意 50.i am planning to 我打算


初中英语语法大全:英语五个基本句型1简单句、并列句、复合句 根据语法形式,即句子的结构,英语的句子可分为简单句、并列句和复合句。 1简单句 句型:主语+谓语 只包含一个主谓结构,而句子的各个结构都只由单词或短语表示。简单句有五种基本句型,详见第十七章。 They are playing baseball in the garden. 他们正在公园里打棒球。 Her brother and sister both are teachers. 她的哥哥和姐姐都是老师。 2并列句 句型:简单句+并列连词+简单句 (常见的并列连词有and,but,or) 并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成。并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间没有从属关系,是平行并列的关系。它们之间用连词连结。 My friend was at home,and we talked for along time. 我的朋友在家,我们谈了好长时间。 Her father is a doctor and her mother is a teacher.

她父亲是个医生,她母亲是个老师。I liked the story very much but Li Ming wasn't interested in it.我非常喜欢这个故事,可是李明却对它不感兴趣。 Hurry up,or you'll be late. 快点,否则你就会迟到的。 3复合句 句型:主句+连词+从句;或连词+从句+主句(包含一个主句、一个或一个以上的从句,或只包含一个从句,但有两个或两个以上的主句的句子叫复合句。) 句子的成分 组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。句子成分包括:主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接宾语、间接宾语)、宾语补足语、定语和状语。主语和谓语是句子主体部分(在英文中一般的句子必须有主语和谓语)。表语、宾语和宾语补足语是谓语里的组成部分。其他成分如定语和状语是句子的次要部分。下面我们分别讲述一下句子的各个成分: 1主语 主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”。一般由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词或短语来充当。它在句首。 We study in No.1 Middle School.(讲述“谁”~) 我们在一中学习。 The classroom is very clean. (讲述“什么”很干净) 这间教室很干净。 Three were absent.(数词作主语)


(12) 谢谢你回我电话,再见。Thanks for returning my call, good-bye. (13) 让我们保持联络,再见。Let’s keep in touch, good-bye (11) 想聊的时候请随时来电。Call again anytime you feel like talking. (10) 我随时高兴接到你的电话。I’m always glad to hear from you. 9) 请一定要再来电话喔。Please do call again. (7) 有空请再打电话来。Call again when you’ve got time. (3) 很高兴跟你谈话。Nice talking to you. (4) 让我们尽快聚聚。Let’s get together soon. (5) 我该挂电话了。I’d better get off the phone. (6) 请随时再打电话给我。Call me again any time. (1) 谢谢你来电。Thank you for calling. (2) 感谢你打给我。It was kind of you to call me. (1) 没错。Right. (2) 正是。Exactly. (3) 是的,一点也没错。I’ll say. (4) 你说得对极了。You can say that again. (5) 好的。OK. (1) 我可不以为然。I don’t think so.(2) 不成!No way! (3) 不!No. (4) 喔,得了吧!Oh, come on! (5) 事实上不然。Not really. (1) 能说得明确一点吗?Could you put that in more specific terms? (2) 我无法确定你的意思。I’m not sure what you mean. (3) 很抱歉。我没听懂你的话。I’m sorry. I couldn’t follow you. (4) 你讲得太快了。我跟不上。You’re talking too fast. I can’t keep up. (5) 请你再多解释一下好吗?Will you explain a little bit more? (6) 你能说得简单一点吗?Could you put that more simply? (7) 恐怕我没听懂。能请你再说一遍吗? I’m afraid I didn’t understand that. Could you say that again, please? (8) 对不起,我没听到,请你再说一遍好吗? Excuse me, but I didn’t hear that, would you mind repeating it, please? (9) 抱歉,我没听懂,请您拼一下好吗? Sorry, but I didn’t catch that, would you mind spelling it, please? (1) 真的呀?Really? (2) 什么?What? (3) 别开玩笑!You’re kidding! (1) 好极了!Great! (2) 太棒了!Fantastic! (3) 棒极了!Terrific! (4) 哇!Wow! (1) 真糟糕。That’s too bad.(2) 真可惜!What a shame! (3) 听到这样我很难过。I’m sorry to hear that. (4) 喔,原来如此。Oh, I see. (1) 请问找哪位? Who do you want to talk [speak] to? (2) 您找哪位? Who would you like to speak with? (3) 请问受话人的尊姓大名? The name of the person you are calling, please?


英语口语常用句子PART 1 1. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 2. I’m very disappointed. 真让我失望。 3. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 4. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 5. Leave me alone. 走开。 6. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 7. That’s terrible. 真糟糕! 8. Enough is enough! 够了够了! 9. Don't count on me.别指望我。 10. Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 11. What should I do? 我该怎么办? 12. What a good deal! 真便宜! 13. It’s a long story.说来话长。 14. It’s Sunday today.今天是星期 15. Just wait and see! 等着瞧! 16. Make up your mind.做个决定

17. What day is today? 今天星期几? 18. I beg your pardon? 请您再说一 19. Don't let me down.别让我失望。 20. Speak louder,please.说话请大声点 21. Make yourself at home.请不要拘礼。 22. What a nice day it is! 今天天气真好! 23. I will never forget it.我会记着的。 24. He is looking for a job他正在找工作。 25. I get up at six o'clock.我六点起床。 26. Don't let me down!别让我失望! 27. Are you satisfied with your job? 你对你的工作满意吗? 28. Can't you speak louder? 你就不能说大声点吗? 29. Could you tell me what time it is? 你能告诉我现在几点了吗? 30. Do you know what happened? 你知道发生什么事了吗?


英语句型大全 一.主(Subject)+系(Link verb)+表(Predicative) 主语:名词、代词、V-ing、to do、从句 表语:名词、代词、V-ing、to do、从句; V-ed ( prep+n/pron)、 prep+n/pron、adj(prep+n/pron)、 adv(prep+n/pron) (除了动词原形以外,一切皆可) 系动词,有三类,我得记住 感:feel, smell, taste, sound, look 变:become, go(朝坏的方向变化), come, turn, get, grow, fall 维:keep, stay, remain, be, seem/appear (to be), turn out(to be), prove(to be)

二.主语+ 谓语(vi/[V])+(adv/prep+n/pron) 记住:在一般现在时态中,当主语为He/She/It/××时,其句中动词后应加上-s/-es。 Eg: He often plays basketball after school. His father gets up early every day. ★adv/prep+n/pron+谓语+主语(名词)(我们称之为完全倒装句,一般只用于一般现在时态或一般过去时态) Eg: Here came a bus. ★adv/prep+n/pron+ 主语(代词)+ 谓语/系动词 Eg: Here it is./Here they are./Here you are.(给你。) 三.主语+ 谓语(vt/[VN])+宾语


情况(一) 打电话的人找的是你自己 打电话来的人 你(接电话的人) Is Daisy there? (Daisy 在吗?) Speaking. 我就是。 This is she. 我就是。(注: 男的用"This is he.") You're speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。(注: 男的用"You're speaking/talking to him.") This is Daisy. 我就是Daisy。 That's me. 我就是。 情况(二) 打电话的人要找的人不在 打电话来的人 你(接电话的人) May I speak to Mr. Gates? (请问Gates 先生在吗?) He's not here right now. 他现在不在这里。 He's out. 他出去了。 He's in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。 You've just missed him. 你刚好错过他了。 He's just stepped out. 他刚好出去了。 情况(三) 打电话的人要找的人不在, 问对方是否要留言 打电话来的人 你(接电话的人)

Can I talk to Mark? (我可以跟Mark 讲话吗?) He's out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了, 你要留言吗? He's not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以帮你传话吗? 情况(四) 打电话的人问他要找的人何时回来 打电话来的人 你(接电话的人) Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗? I'm sorry. I don't know. 抱歉, 我不知道。 I have no idea. 我不知道。 He should be back in 20 minutes. 他应该二十分钟内会回来。 情况(五) 打电话的人问他要找的人在哪里 打电话来的人 你(接电话的人) Do you have any idea where he is? 你知道他在哪里吗? Sorry. I don't know. 抱歉, 我不知道。 He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number? 他现在在上班。你要不要他的电话号码? 情况(六) 打电话的人要找的人不在, 愿意接受对方的留言 打电话来的人


1 Greetings I haven't seen you around lately. What are you up to 最近没看到你,忙什么呢 I just stopped by to say hello. 我只是顺道过来打个招呼。 It's fancy meeting you here. 真没想到在这儿见到你。 2 Introduction I'm afraid I didn't catch your name 我没听清你的名字。 》 I've heard a lot about you. 久仰大名。 3 Invitation Could we have the honor of your present at the party 可否请您光临我们的宴会 4 Appointment Let's make a date to go shopping this Saturday. 让我们约好这周六去逛街。 He won't be able to make your meeting this evening. 他今晚无法与您会面了。 , He'll give you a call then to make another appointment. 他会给你打电话再约时间。 5 Help Can you cover for me on Tuesday 周二能不能帮我代个班 If we can be of any help, please don’t hesitate tell us. 如果用得上我们,请不要客气。 I'm sorry to have take up so much of your time. 非常抱歉占用了你这么多时间。 He asked me to attend the meeting for him. | 他叫我代他出席会议。 6 Compliments Last night it was hard to recognize him, he was dressed to kill. 昨晚我简直就认不出是他,他打扮得超帅。 Because he finally got a date with that blond he's admired for so long.


xx英语作文万能模板及万能句型汇总 作文万能模板 一、阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义.2.分析并举例使其更充实.二、解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)Confronted with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,---------------(解决方法一)。For another -------------(解决方法二)。Finally,--------------(解决方法三)。Personally,I believe that -------------(我的解决方法)。Consequently,I'm confident that a bright future isawaiting us because --------------(带来的好处)。 三、说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1.说明事物现状2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)3.你对现状

(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows. First ----------------(A的优点之一)。Besides -------------------(A的优点之二)。 1 / 13 But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点). 四、议论文的框架 (1)不同观点列举型(选择型) There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that _ 观点一________. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows:in the first place,___原因一_______.Furthermore,in the second place,___原因二_____. So it


19种英语常用句型结构 [精] 初学英语的人常常感到在掌握一些英语单词和基本语法后,在英语说和写方面还是很难表达自己,其中一个原因是没有掌握一些英语句型,只有掌握了一些句型才能比较正确、完整地表达自己。下面是一些常用的句型及其例句。 1.否定句型 2.判断句型 3.祝愿祈使句式 4.感叹句型 5.疑问句型 6.数词句型 7.关联指代句型 8.比较句型 9.比喻类句型 10.条件假设句 11.时间句型 12.地点句型 13.原因句型 14.目的句型 15.结果句型 16.程度句型 17.让步句型

18.转折句型 19.省略句 1. 否定句型 1) 一般否定句 I don't know this. No news is good news. There is no person /not a person/not any person in the house. 2)特指否定 He went to his office, not to see him. I am sorry for not coming on time. I don't think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right. 3)部分否定 I don't know all of them. I can't see everybody/everything. All the answers are not right.(并非所有答案都对。)All is not gold that glitters. (闪光的不一定都是金子。) Both of them are not right.(并非两人都对。) 4)全体否定 None of my friends smoke. I can see nothing/nobody.


1. ABC corporation. May I help you? ABC 公司, 我能帮你什么吗? 这句话算是制式的讲法. 一般接起电话的人通常会先报公司的名字"ABC corporation", 然后再说, "May I help you?" 或是如果要更客气一点的话则可以说"How can I help you?" (我该怎么帮你?), 因为这样的问法表示我‘该’怎么帮你, 而非我‘需不需要’帮你? 但基本上"May I help you?" 跟"How can I help you?" 都很常见就是了. 不过如果是机器接的电话, 则听到的多半是这样, "Thanks for calling ABC corporation, if you know your party's last name or extention, press 1. If you want to recieve information or publication, press 2. If you want to talk to the operator, press pound sign or remain on the line." (感谢你打电话到ABC 来, 如果你知道你要找的人的姓或是分机号码, 请按1, 如果是想要本公司的简介或出版品, 请按2, 如果是要找总机, 请按#, 或是请别挂断. 2. And you are? 你是? 如果人家打电话来是要找你的上司, "May I talk to your manager?" (我能不能跟你们经理讲话?) 这时你总不能糊里糊涂地就把电话拿给经理说, 说不定人家是打电话来跟你经理勒索一百万的呢! 所以通常我们一定要先确定打电话来的是谁. 最客气的问法是, "Whom I am speaking with?" 或是"Whom am I talking to?" (我正在跟谁讲话呢?) 但是人家一听是像我这种小毛头打电话找他们经理, 他们就会用比较口语的说法, "And you are?" (你是?) 如果人家这样问我, 我就可以答, "This is Benlin." 像是"And you are?" 这么口语的英文书上大概学不到, 但这却是老美天天在用的句子, 只怕你学了之后还不敢用. 其实真的不用怕. 越简单的句子老美越听得懂. 而且事实上"And you are?" 这句话还有许多适用的场合, 例如在公司的接待处(reception). 来访的客人如果说, "I'm looking for Mr. Wolf." (我要找伍夫先生) 接待小姐就可以反问他, "And you are?" (你是?) 所以像这种简单又好用的句子大家一定要记起来喔! 3. I'll put her on the phone. Just a second. 我会请她听电话, 请等一下。 Put someone on the phone 这个片语就是说请某人听电话. 例如你打电话找你女朋友, 结果女朋友的同事接了电话, 就开始跟你东扯西扯, 问你们昨天是不是吵架了啊? 什么时候要结婚啦, 这时如果你实在不想跟她讲了, 就可以说, "Could you please just put her on the phone?" (你能不能请她来听电话啊?) 反过来如果今天是你接到了电话, 结果要找的是别人, 你就可以说, "Ok. I'll put her on the phone. Just a second." (好, 我会请她听电话, 请稍等一下.) 上面讲的put someone on the phone, 指的多半是只有一只电话时, 但如果像公司里有许多分机, 则用‘转接’ transfer 或是redirect. 会比较恰当. 例如同样的情况你可以说, "I'm transferring your call." 或是"I'm redirecting your call." (我帮你转接到分机给她.) 如果是接线生转接的话, 他们有时就只简单地说, "One moment, please." 或是, "OK. I'll put you through." 4. Would you mind holding for one minute? 你介不介意稍微等一分钟啊?


英语口语50句 1. According to…依照/根据……. According to the newspaper, it's a great movie. 根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影. 2. Am I allowed to…我可以……吗 Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you 请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗 3. As matter of fact,…实际上……,……. As matter of fact,I don't agree with you. 实际上,我不大同意你的看法. 4.As far as I'm concerned/…就我而言,……. As far as I'm concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety of schoolchildren. 就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题. 5.As far as I know,...据我所知,……. As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong. 据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错. 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,……. As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider. 正如我刚才提到过的,任何人都不应该辍学,除非他们相信他们面临着一生中难得的机会,尽管那样,他们还需反复思量. 7. As I see it,…在我看来,……. As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 在我看来,他不是这个职位的合适人选. 8. As is known to us all, ... 众所周知,…… As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia. 众所周知,香港是亚洲金融中心之一. 9. As long as...只要…. As long as we work together, we can make the impossible possible. 只要我们一起努力,我们就能把不可能变为可能. 10.But for...若不是因为……./如果没有……. But for your generous help, we couldn't have finished the work so soon. 如果没有你的鼎力相助,我们不可能这么快完成工作的. 11.Can you believe (that)... 你相信……吗 Can you believe (that) this excellent song was composed by a high school student 你相信这首美妙的歌曲是出自一个高中生之手吗 12.Can you imagine... 你能想像……吗 Can you imagine how she lived through all these difficulties 你能想像她是怎么捱过种种困难的吗 13.Could you please explain... 你能解释一下……吗 Could you please explain why you didn't come to the meeting yesterday 你能解释一下为什么昨天没来开会吗 14.Can't we... 难道我们不能……吗

英语常用句型结构大全 英语五种基本句型结构

英语常用句型结构大全英语五种基本句型结构 一年一度的高考即将到来,作为三大主科之一的英语,在考试中所 作占的分数比例很大,但是英语也是许多考生的薄弱科目。那幺想学好英语 的得到高分最起码要掌握英语最基本的常用句型语法等,下面小编就给大家 分享一下英语五种基本句型结构,希望大家学业有成,工作顺利 ?英语中的五种基本句型结构一、句型1:Subject (主语) + Verb (谓语)这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就是这种动词后不可以 直接接宾语。常见的动词如:work, sing, swim, fish, ?jump, arrive, come, die, disappear, cry, happen等。如:1) Li Ming works very hard.李明学习很努力。2) The accident happened yesterday afternoon.事故是昨天下午发生的。3)Spring is coming.4) We have lived in the city for ten years.二、句型2:Subject (主语) + Link. V(系动词) + Predicate(表语)这种句型主要用来表示主语的特点、身份等。其系动词一般可分为下列两类:(1)表示状态。这 样的词有:be, look, seem, smell, taste, sound, keep等。如:1) This kind of food tastes delicious.这种食物吃起来很可口。2) He looked worried just now.刚才他看上去有些焦急。(2)表示变化。这类系动词有:become, turn, get, grow, go等。如:1) Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer.春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和。2) The tree has grown much taller than before.这棵树比以前长得高多了。 三、句型3:Subject(主语) + Verb (谓语) + Object (宾语)这种句型中的动词一般为及物动词, 所谓及物动词,就是这种动词后可以直接接宾语,其宾语通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等来充当。例:1) He took his bag and left.(名词) 他拿着书包离开了。2) Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties.


接听:Hello/Good morning/... 自报姓名:(This is) ... speaking. 问对方姓名:Who's that speaking? 好久不见的老朋友:Hey, it's you!/Fancy hearing from you! 寒暄:How are you? 回答对方问候:Fine. Thank you./Pretty well. Thanks a lot./Not bad./Couldn't be better. 其它客套话:How is your business?/How are things going on with you?/How is your family? 转接找别人的电话:Hold on, please./Just a moment. I will switch the line to him./Let me put through to him. 别人不在:He is not at his desk right now. Could you leave a message?/Could you call him later?/Could you please call his mobile? 感谢来电:Thanks for calling./Nice to have your call./Pleased to talk with you. 告别:Talk to you later./Take care./Bye bye./See you. 回应感谢:You are welcome./My pleasure. 或者: 情况(一) 打电话的人找的是你自己 打电话来的人 你(接电话的人) Is Daisy there? (Daisy 在吗?) Speaking. 我就是。 This is she. 我就是。(注: 男的用"This is he.") You're speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。(注: 男的用"You're speaking/talking to him.") This is Daisy. 我就是Daisy。 That's me. 我就是。 情况(二) 打电话的人要找的人不在 打电话来的人 你(接电话的人) May I speak to Mr. Gates? (请问Gates 先生在吗?) He's not here right now. 他现在不在这里。 He's out. 他出去了。 He's in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。 You've just missed him. 你刚好错过他了。 He's just stepped out. 他刚好出去了。 情况(三) 打电话的人要找的人不在, 问对方是否要留言

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