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国际商务谈判(英文版)(doc 10页)
国际商务谈判(英文版)(doc 10页)

国际商务谈判(英文版)(doc 10页)


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Business Negotiation – Lesson 2 Chapter 1

Slide 1One of the most important things to remember in business is to never make enemies. You don’t have to love everyone, but if you dislike someone make sure you don’t show it. Your enemy today may be your boss tomorrow.

Slide 2The basic principles of negotiation are:- communication, negotiable issues, common interests, give and take, trust and to be a good listener.

Slide 3The most successful negotiation ends with a win-win solution. Both parties must feel as though they have gained something. Both parties must negotiate towards a mutual gain.

Slide 4Before negotiations begin, both parties should know the following six details:- why, who with, what, where, when and how they negotiate. Slide 5Negotiation is a process of exchanging information between two sides and both sides try to understand each other’s points of view. Both parties know that they have common and conflicting objectives, so they try to find a way to achieve a common and helpful objective that will be acceptable to them both.

Slide 6In summary: common interests must be sought. Negotiation is not a game. In a successful negotiation, everyone wins something.

Slide 7Succ ess isn’t winning everything –it’s winning enough. Slide 8In negotiation, both equality and mutual benefit are very important. Both parties are equal in status. They have equal rights and obligations. Remember that in a successful negotiation, each party must gain something or there is no reason for the other party to participate. Both parties should prepare well for the negotiation and be ready to satisfy the other party’s needs on an equal basis.

Slide 9Through negotiation, both parties are seeking an arrangement of a business situation. The purpose of this is to seek a win-win situation instead of a win-lose one. It is through sincere cooperation that this result can be made.

Slide 10Sincerity is very important for a negotiator’s style. Develop trust between the two parties. Treat others as you want to be treated, this will promote the negotiation and get successful results.

Slide 11 Keep it flexible and fluid. Do not be too rigid in what you want to give, and in what you want to take. All negotiations are a process of constant thinking, exchanging information and continuous giving. Before negotiation try and work out what the other party might be thinking, what their needs may be and what their tactics might be.

Slide 12 During negotiation, it is very easy for conflicts to happen. It may be that one side wants to take more than what they give. When this happens, either side may break out of the relationship. This

is a lose-lose situation. It is in both parties interests to find ways to minimize their conflict to achieve a win-win situation.

Slide 13 Most business negotiations take place between suppliers and purchasers (sellers and buyers).

A supplier cannot exist unless he has a purchaser.

Slide 14 Of course in negotiations both parties want to give as little as possible, and to take as much as possible, gaining as much profit as possible in the process. So during negotiations both parties usually give only a little at a time.

Slide 15 Both parties must be flexible and make changes during negotiation as required by the situation.

Slide 16 Negotiators need to be cooperative and dedicated, to find the best solution possible, instead

of just being concerned with their own needs.

Slide 17 In negotiation, both sides must try to reach an agreement that maximizes their own outcome. This may lead either side to be concerned only with their own gain and ignore the needs of the other party. Remember that most business relationships last for a long period of time, so it is beneficial for both parties to gain a win-win situation and continue the business relationship.

Slide 18 The three stages of negotiation are:-

pre-negotiation, during negotiation and


Slide 19 The pre-negotiation stage begins from the first contact between the two sides. This is when they show interest in doing business with each other. During this stage the gathering of information will determine the success or failure of the negotiation. The information to be gathered by either party should include:- the market, policies, regulations and financial background.

Slide 20 The second stage of negotiation (during negotiation) has five phases through which it must proceed. They are:- exploration (finding out what the other party want), bidding (giving), bargaining, agreeing and making it official (contract).

Slide 21 The third stage is post-negotiation. At this stage, all the terms have been agreed upon and the contract is being drawn up, ready to be signed.

Business Negotiation – Lesson 4 Chapter 2

Slide 1Title page - Today we are working on chapter 2.

Slide 2Proper Behaviour in Business Negotiation. People always make assumptions before negotiation and try to guess what the other party are assuming. Assumptions may be true or false, they need to be verified. Listening, talking, inquiring and observing are very important for a successful negotiation.

Slide 3Hidden Assumptions. We sometimes place ourselves at a great disadvantage with hidden assumptions about what other people’s motivati ons and actions might be. Don’t assume you know everything about your opponents.

Slide 4Listening. Listening carefully to the words spoken by the other party is very important. You must understand what the needs of the other party are. Paying attention to phrasing (the vocabulary they use), their choice of expressions, the mannerisms of speech and the tone of voice they are using. All of these elements give you clues to the needs of what the other party wants.

Slide 5The barrier of listening. Some topics are rather difficult and hard to comprehend, do not get distracted, stay focussed. If necessary ask the speaker to repeat something that you have missed or do not fully understand. When you are taking notes, concentrate on the concepts and principles first and then if you have time, write down the facts.

Slide 6Active listening. When someone is making a point or presenting an opinion, do not interrupt until they have finished speaking. Then you can ask them to repeat any parts that you didn’t understand.

Slide 7Negotiation language. You should only communicate the points needed, to encourage the action your party desires.

Your party should be informative, to support only the details necessary to make your offer clear. Keep your sentences simple. Your presentation should be fair and consider both the pros and the cons. Your presentation should be cooperative and friendly, not argumentative or hostile. It should emphasize the positive points, not the negative points.

Slide 8Aspects to be aware of. Listeners judge you by how you talk. Your speaking voice is one of the first impressions people have of you. A person may be characterized as friendly if his or her voice sounds warm and well modulated. If someone has a flat monotonous voice they will be judged as dull and boring. Do not talk too fast or you will give the impression that you are nervous and not confident. Slide 9Asking questions. In an appropriate situation you should ask the other party “What do you want from this negotiation? What are your expectations? What would you like to accomplish?” Be quiet after asking a question, encourage others to talk as much as possible so you

can gain more information. When you ask questions, make sure you listen to the answers.

Slide 10Answering questions. Always give yourself time to think about the question being asked. Never answer until you clearly understand what is being asked. Do not be embarrassed to ask them to explain the meaning of their question. Before negotiations begin, anticipate what questions may be asked, so that you can plan your answers before the negotiation.

Slide 11Observing. Besides listening to the other party in an attempt to learn their desires and needs, you must also closely observe their gestures. Body language and gestures are very important. Our entire bodies, including our head, arms, hands, fingers and even our posture can convey a message. Slide 12Eye contact. A person who looks away a lot while listening to you is showing that they are not happy with with you or what you are saying.

Slide 13 The mouth. When you meet or greet someone, you should do so with a warm, genuine smile.

Slide 14Hands. What you do with your hands is a very significant form of body language. Your handshake reveals clues to what you really think of someone. A firm handshake gives the impression of confidence and seriousness. The weak handshake has no energy at all and suggests a lack of confidence, interest and warmth. If the other party puts both of his/her hands on the table and he/she leans forward, it means they are confident and ready to get down to business.

Slide 15 The nose. Touching the nose or slowly rubbing it usually means someone has doubt in what they are saying and maybe it could indicate that this person is lying.

Slide 16 The legs. A person whose legs are crossed, and who is leaning away from you is probably very competitive. If someone has their legs crossed and their arms crossed they will be difficult opponent.

If the person has their legs crossed and they are swinging the top leg it means that they are probably bored with your ideas and opinions. If someone likes you or your ideas they will lean forward slightly in a relaxed manner with a slightly curved back.

Slide 17 The Feet. A person whose toes are turned towards each other (pigeon toed) or tucked under the chair is very timid or scared.

Business Negotiation – Lesson 6 Chapter 4

Slide 1 Title Page– Today we will work on chapter 4.

Slide 2Preparing for Negotiation. A successful negotiation is determined by its preparation. Thinking beforehand about who you are going to meet, what is going to be discussed, and what will be the best approach is very important. Good preparation has an impact on the opening stages of a negotiation, which sets the tone for the rest of the meetings.

Slide 3Scheduling the first meetings. The first impression each side makes will most likely have a major effect on the style, progress and eventual outcome of the negotiations. Scheduling the first round of meetings is an important task for both sides and should be handled in a manner that preserves the professionalism of all the attendees. Arrive to the meeting promptly and be prepared to get right to work.

Slide 4Setting the agenda. From a communication point of view, the process of structuring and controlling a negotiation focuses on the importance of setting an agenda and a procedure for the meeting. The agenda includes the order of the issues to negotiate and its main negotiation methods like what to negotiate first, what others to negotiate later and what is the final goal to attain etc. Slide 5Negotiating Agenda. An agenda pay be presented by one side or prepared by both parties, or each side may prepare a general agenda and a detailed agenda. The general agenda is presented to the other side, and the detailed agenda is for your own use. Attention should be given to the various issues to be discussed so that strategies can be developed. The issues might be listed so that the major ones are discussed first. This will prevent wasting time on minor issues and to make sure of leaving sufficient time to discuss the major ones.

Slide 6Preparing for negotiation. Do your homework. Successful negotiation results are directly related to its smooth implementation and will bring enormous results.

Slide 7Establishing Objectives. The objective is the prerequisite of a negotiation. Under the guidance of clear, specific, impersonal and feasible objectives could the negotiation be in a positive position.

Key elements of negotiation objectives are:-

Who can contribute to this negotiation, who will be affected by this negotiation, what are the maximum and minimum targets to seek. Minimum targets means the targets or benefits we would never give up, in other words there is no room for bargaining. Maximum targets are the targets or benefits we could think of giving up under critical conditions.

Slide 8Key elements of negotiation objectives (cont.) When would we like to conclude the negotiation, where is the best place for the negotiation, why has the other party chosen us to negotiate with, what concessions are we willing to make and what concessions will the other party be likely to make.

Making the objective of a negotiation rigid might cause the negotiation to breakdown. An alternative method of formulating objectives might be to keep them fluid so that the expectations can change with the circumstances of the negotiation.

Slide 9Issues and positions. Any information upon which there is disagreement can be organised into the negotiation issues. Issues are the things on which one side takes an affirmative position and the other side takes a negative position. Issues should be realistic. It is important that we should try to negotiate problems rather than our demands. Our demands are only a one-solution approach to the problems. There may be other solutions. It is said that your bargaining position should conceal (hide) as well as reveal (show), and as negotiations continue, concessions alternate from each side.

Slide 10Meeting places. Should you conduct the negotiation in your office, or should you go to the other party’s home ground? The general rule is that you perform better on your own home ground. A negotiator on home ground is more assertive and more confident. In contrast a negotiator that is a guest on the other party’s home ground may feel subordinate. The fairest for both parties is to meet on neutral territory where no one will have the psychological edge.

Slide 11Opening the meeting. Good negotiating atmosphere is better to be formed at the very beginning of the negotiations. Therefore, both parties should seize the occasion of the first meeting when doing self-introduction or being introduced. Try to behave gracefully and speak clearly to make the impression of being kind, natural and honest. Exercises from book

Business Negotiation – Lesson 9 Chapter 5

Slide 1Title Page – Chapter 5

Slide 2The Bargaining Process.The pattern of bidding and bargaining is seen by many people to be the core of the negotiation process. Almost all the negotiations have something to do with bidding and bargaining. The bargaining process is normally very intense. Both sides are trying to move to their own advantage. Or if it is not possible to cut the cake so that both parties get what they want, then they bargain in such a way that the dissatisfaction will be equally shared between them.

Slide 3Bidding.The opening bid (price) needs to be ‘the highest’ because:- our first bid influences others in their valuation of our offer, a high bid gives room for manoeuvre during the later bargaining stages, the opening bid has a real influence on the final settlement level. The more we ask, the more we will achieve.

Slide 4Bidding (cont.). You must be able to justify your original bid, you should not only seek to gain as much as possible but you also take the other party into consideration. Putting forward a bid that unrealistic and cannot be defended will damage the negotiation process. If we cannot defend our bid when challenged we will lose face and credibility. Slide 5The Highest Realistic Bid. The highest defensible bid is not set in concrete. It is a figure that is relevant to the particular circumstances. If the opposing party is pushing for their advantage, then for our advantage we must push for the highest price. If we have a lot of competition, we must

tailor our opening bid to the level at which it at least enables us to be invited to continue negotiations. Slide 6Content of Bid. The content of the bid usually needs to cover a range of issues:- the price, how badly the product is needed, the amount of product needed, product credibility, credit terms (payment of goods), competition in the market. The parts of the opening bid in a commercial negotiation will not only be price, but a combination of :- price, delivery, payment terms, quality specification etc.

Slide 7Presentation Tactics. In the bidding presentation of the negotiation process, there are three guidelines to the way in which a bid should be presented:- firmly, clearly and without comment. The bid should be put firmly, seriously and without hesitations. It needs to be understood clearly so that the other party recognises precisely what is being asked. In the process of negotiation, it’s better to have the quotation typed on paper, to ensure the clarity of the bid and to show the other party a sense of seriousness and legitimation.

Slide 8Responding Tactics. Both sides at this time are trying to move the negotiation to a more favourable direction to their own side. It’s quite necessary to do some homework, researching the other side before responding to the bid.

The competent negotiator should make sure they understand what the other party is bidding, should have an idea how to satisfy the other party and at the same time try and figure out what the other party’s expectations are. The competent negotiator should summarise his/her understanding of the bid as a check on the effectiveness of communication between the two parties.

Slide 9Bargaining. In this stage of the negotiation it is very important not to give the other party too much too soon. Bargaining should be to your advantage, however you must also make a fair deal in which both parties are equally satisfied or equally dissatisfied.

Slide 10Bargaining Moves. As we start the bargaining process we need to take two steps:- get it clear, assess the situation. It is vital to establish a clear picture of the other party’s requi rements at the beginning. You must have a clear picture of what the other party is bidding already. Your main concern is to understand what bid is being offered. Slide 11Clarification of Opposers Bid. Check every item of the other party’s bid. Inquir e the reason and bases of the bid, ask how important the item is and how much flexibility is in the bid. Pay attention to the other party’s explanation and response. Listen to the other party’s answers without comment and reserve your opinion.

Slide 12Clarification of your Bid. Try not to divulge too much information and knowledge, keep things simple. Give only the essentials asked for, do not go into lengthy comments or justifications. Slide 13Assessing the Situation. After understanding what the real expectations are of the other party, you have to assess the situation. Identify any differences between the two parties expectations are. Assess what direction should be taken in order to obtain the best deal.

Slide 14Assessment. What will the other party accept, what won’t the other party accept, what will the other party negotiate, bargaining strengths and weaknesses, price, terms and the probable settlement area.

Slide 15Assuming. Having assessed the differences between both parties you need to analyse the other party’s real position. Remember assuming is only guessing, you can never be certain that you are right.

Slide 16After Assessment. After assessment there are three options available:- to accept the terms offered and asked for by the other party, to reject the terms offered and asked for by the other party or to carry on negotiating.

Slide 17Continue Negotiations. In order to continue the negotiation, preparation should be made for the next round. These preparations involve the following steps:- provide a new offer from our party, seek a new offer from the other party, change the shape of the deal. In summary the first stage of bargaining involves understanding what the other party really wants, assessing the situation and the

differences between both parties, preparing for the next round of negotiations.

Slide 18Influencing the Deal. A deal can be influenced by the situation. To influence the situation a party can offer:- a different deal, better conditions and new opportunities.

Slide 19Making Concessions. Making concessions is the most popular tactics used in the bargaining process to keep the negotiations on going. Making concessions depends on many factors:- when to concede, what to concede and how to concede. Every concession is closely connected to a party’s own interests.

Slide 20Trading Concessions. A party should trade their concessions to their own advantage, doing their best to give the other party plenty of satisfaction even if the concessions are small. To trade concessions to your party’s advantage you should use the following tactics:- listen to the other party very carefully, give the other party detailed specifications, show the other party how they can benefit from the agreement on the terms that are asked. Reserve concessions until they are needed in the negotiation, you may be able to negotiate an agreement without giving too many concessions.

Slide 21 Breaking an Impasse. In the bargaining process, the two parties may be rigid with what they want to give and what they want to take. If this occurs the negotiations fall into a dilemma. This kind of situation is called negotiation impasse. The two parties should try to find the cause of it and actively search for ways out of the impasse. Negotiators strive to preserve their face, their status, their credibility, their reputation and their self respect.

Slide 22Coping with Conflict. The first principle in coping with these conflicts is to keep it fluid. Start talking discounts, terms of payment, change of specification and quality control.

Slide 23 Towards Settlement. When the parties become aware that a settlement is approaching a new mood is established. At the end of the negotiation both parties should work together to summarize, produce a written record of the agreement and identify what actions and responsibilities need to be taken care of and by which party.

Business Negotiation – Lesson 11 Chapter 7 Slide 1Title page– lesson 11 Chapter 7

Slide 2Negotiation Strategies. Negotiation strategies are established in order to achieve the negotiation objectives. They are acting guidelines and policies of the whole negotiating process and are subject to modification with the progress of the negotiation.

Slide 3Choice of Strategies. There are quite a few background considerations which will influence the strategy, these are:- repeatability, strength of both parties, importance of the deal and time scale.

Slide 4Repeatability. Repeatability is an important influence on the styles and tactics that should be used. If it is a series of deals with one organisation, then there needs to be goodwill and lasting relationships built with that organisation, a personal relationship is essential. If on the other hand, the negotiation is for a one time only deal with an organisation not likely to be met again, then the situation is strategically different.

Slide 5Strength of Both Parties. The second influence on the choice of strategies is each party’s strength. If the party is the only people with whom a deal could be made, then the party are in a strong position. If there are many potential customers or suppliers, then the party are in a relatively weak position. A party is strong if they dominate a market either as buyers or sellers. A party is weak if they are just one of many.

Slide 6Importance of the Deal. If the negotiation is a deal worth millions of dollars, then the strategy needs to be different from negotiations that are worth thousands of dollars.

Slide 7Time Scale. The time scale for the deal may also influence the strategy. If it is imperative that the deal be concluded quickly, then the negotiation strategy may be different from what it would be if there was little urgency.

Slide 8Guidelines for Strategic Decisions. The first of the strategic decisions which must be made is the choice of the other party. If there is a choice, how many parties should be negotiated with?

Which parties should be chosen? The choice of the other party with be strongly influenced by the range of commercial interests, the reputation, the reliability, the integrity and the quality etc. of the possible other parties.

Slide 9Guidelines for Strategic Decisions. The second of the strategic decisions which must be made is how quick the negotiations should proceed. The most dominate party should choose a quick deal. The weaker party should hold back. If there is no clear pattern of the stronger or weaker party, the strategy should be to hold back.

Slide 10Quick Deals. For a quick deal, there needs to be precise targets and very clear views about the extent to which compromises could be made. What style should be used to negotiate? If a quick deal strategy is adopted, the need is to move quickly and the style should be to our advantage. If the strategy is to hold back, then the option is to either be creative oriented or advantage oriented. Each negotiator has their own strengths, and it is desirable that they should negotiate in a style which reflects those strengths.

Slide 11Negotiation Strategies. A s trategy is a plan of techniques and tactics used in the actual process of an action, in this case a negotiation. Techniques to plan are:- when to move, where to go and how fast to go. These are all determined by certain conditions. To accomplish the aims in a negotiation, the inexperienced negotiator’s strategy will be limited to a few simple and obvious devices e.g price, terms etc.

Slide 12How and Where Strategy. The how and where strategy involves the method of application and the area of application. Often it is advantageous to use two or more strategic approaches in the same negotiation. Some of the main forms of the how and where strategy are:- participation, crossroads, blanketing, salami, agency and shifting levels.

Slide 13Participation. Is the form of strategy where we enlist the help of the other party on our behalf. Slide 14Crossroads. With the crossroads strategy either party may introduce several matters into the discussion so that there can be concessions on one hand and gains on the other.

Slide 15Blanketing. In blanketing, one technique is to try to cover as large an area as possible to achieve a breakthrough in one or more places.

Slide 16Salami. The strategy of salami means a slice at a time. This strategy involves dealing with an issue bit by bit, slice by slice.

Slide 17Agency. The agency strategy is when you ask someone else to conduct the negotiation on your behalf.

Slide 18Shifting Levels. And finally we come to the final type of strategy which is shifting levels. Shifting levels deals with a strategy or tactic in which involvement in the problem is changed to a higher or lower level.

Slide 19Reminder. You will have to use all different types of strategies when negotiating. You will have to adapt to the other party and to the situation.

Lesson 13 Chapter 11

Slide 1Title Page – different business cultures and negotiations. A business negotiator should have some understanding of different cultures, customs and business conventions of different countries. Slide 2There are two main rules of international business. The first is that the seller is expected to adapt to the buyer. The second is that the visitor is expected to observe the local customs. To observe the local custo ms doesn’t mean to copy the local behavior, just be yourself. But of course, you should include being aware of local sensitivities and generally honoring local customs, habits and traditions.

Slide 3One classification of organizational style distinguishes between people who are task-oriented and people who are people-oriented. People who are purely task-oriented are concerned entirely with achieving a business goal. They are not concerned about the affect that their actions have on the people that they will come into contact with. As

negotiators they will be very tough, very aware of

tactical ploys and anxious to make maximum use of them. The American business culture is usually very task or achievement oriented.

Slide 4People-oriented persons, on the other hand, are highly concerned about the well-being of those who work for them or around them. In this respect, they give time to some small talk before the meeting starts because they believe this will improve communication and lay the basis for possible future relationships.

Slide 5This can be a great divide between business cultures. Deal-focused people are basically

task-oriented while relationship-focused people are more people-oriented. Conflicts can arise when deal-focused export marketers try to do business with prospect from relationship-focused markets.

Slide 6Many relationship-focused people find

deal-focused types pushy, aggressive and offensively blunt. In return, deal-focused types often consider their relation-ship focused counterparts vague and unintelligible.

Slide 7The vast majority of the worlds markets are relation-ship oriented. The Arab world and most of Africa, Latin America and the Asian Pacific region are where business gets done through intricate networks of personal contacts.

Slide 8Spatial behavior means personal space. Every human being is surrounded by an invisible envelope of air called a ‘space bubble’ which varies in size according to where in the world they grew up and the particular situation of that culture.

Slide 9Among business people all over the world the handshake is the most common form of physical contact. Make sure you make a good impression with your handshake.

Slide 10 Climate and culture both play a role in our dress behavior. In the tropical and desert climates, businessmen will often wear an open necked shirt and cotton trousers. But even in those markets it may be safer to wear a suit coat to the first meeting, just in case. In most parts of the world, business women can choose between a good dress, suit, or blouse and skirt. For men, a dark suit, nice tie and dark socks will cover most meetings with high status individuals. Slide 11 In most European cultures the custom is to greet people with a kiss. Some cultures kiss up to three times and it can be uncomfortable. If you do not feel comfortable with kissing or being kissed the people will understand, remember it is part of their culture so they are treating you as they would treat a fellow countryman. If you do decide to kiss you don’t actually touch a persons face, you kiss the air a couple of millimeters away. The British kiss once, the French twice while the people from the northern part of Europe kiss three times.

Slide 12 In Asian countries a business card is treated with respect. It is usually given and received with both hands. Other countries treat it a lot more casually, don’t take this offensively, it doesn’t mean that they don’t respect you or your business card. Slide 13 Do you give a gift to a foreign business contact? Some cultures are very uncomfortable with receiving gifts and some companies have very strict policies on their staff receiving gifts, especially if they are in a purchasing position. If you do give a gift make sure it is wrapped nicely. Some cultures will be offended with some gifts. The Chinese for example believe that a gift of a clock or a watch is bad luck. Usually it is good manners to open the gift in front of the giver and express your appreciation.

Slide 14 Title Page -Wining and Dining

Slide 15 Many people have individual preferences for eating food. For example Muslims do not drink alcohol or eat any pork product. Jewish people also only eat kosher food which is prepared in a certain way. Most Hindus are strict vegetarians and so are Buddhists. Knowing the fundamental element of local business protocol shows your counterpart that you are a serious and committed potential supplier or partner. Making fewer mistakes will give you an edge over your less conscientious competitors.

Slide 16 Title Page – Etiquette in eating.

Slide 17 The napkin should be placed on your lap.

In a high class restaurant the waiter will do this for you. You should never tuck your napkin into your collar.

Slide 18 When eating soup you should choose the rounded spoon if you have a selection. Dip the spoon away from you into the soup bowl and this will also prevent any drips from falling on you. As you near the end of the soup, tilt the bowl away from you to scoop, not toward you.

Slide 19 Which knife or fork do I use? Usually at a western style dinner you will be given at least three courses. A good rule to remember is to start the first course with the outer utensils, the second course with the next set and keep going until all the courses are done. Each course has a clean set of cutlery. Slide 20 When you are finished eating a course put your knife and fork together across your plate. This will signal the waiter to take away the plate. If you are just having a rest from eating and you have n’t finished rest your knife and fork on the edges of your plate.

Slide 21 Title Page – Wine Etiquette

Slide 22 Wine is classified into two categories – red and white. Red wine is served at room temperature while white wine is served chilled. Red and white wines are served in different glasses as a rule.

When holding a wine glass it should be held by the stem, this prevents your body heat from affecting the temperature of the wine. If you prefer not to drink just tell the host. If you do decide to drink it is wise to keep an eye on how much you drink, being drunk could spoil your reputation and also cause a lot of embarrassment.

Slide 23 Title Page – Now we will look at the different negotiating styles of different cultures. Slide 24 The American style is very direct and they try to demand the same from their counterparts. Generally Americans openly disagree and use aggressive persuasive tactics such as threats and warnings. Americans tend to make concessions throughout the negotiations, settling one issue at a time and then proceeding to the next. The American negotiator enters the negotiating room confidently and talking assertively. The Americans make decisions based upon the bottom line and on cold, hard facts. They do not play favorites. Economics and performance count, not people. Business is business. Slide 25 German negotiators are known for very thorough preparation. In other words, in particular the German preparation for negotiations is superb. They are also well known for sticking to their negotiating positions in the face of pressure tactics. When dealing with Germans be prepared to get right to the point. The German negotiator will put the issues and the bids clearly, firmly and assertively. When negotiating with German people expect them to take more time than the Americans but less time than Asian negotiators.

Slide 26 French negotiators are reputed to have three main characteristics in international dealings. Firmness, and an insistence on using French, and a decidedly lateral style in negotiating. The French are very expressive. They love to argue. Expect the negotiation decision to take longer than in most Western countries.

Slide 27 The British are old hands at international business. Their history of negotiation in international business goes back centuries. The depth of their knowledge is without comparison. When you negotiate with the British your presentation should be detailed and to the point. Britain is an orderly society and it is very important to be punctual. Arrange appointments in advance and prepare an agenda as early as possible.

Slide 28 Russians have clear agendas and no strategy or tactic is off limits. When arriving at a negotiation have clear objectives and make only a few concessions early in the discussions. If you play by their rules you will lose. Be ready for hardball tactics, a tough, sometimes confrontational approach with emotional outbursts. When dealing with Russians use patience, patience and more patience.

Slide 29 The Australians are a tough breed of people and they enjoy competition. They encourage long term business relationships and they prefer to work with people that they count as friends. Australians shun formality and are recognized as some of the friendliest business people in the world. Negotiations move at a quick pace, so show up on time and come prepared. When dealing with an Australian be direct, the Australians can spot deception and lies and they will walk away from the negotiation if they feel people are not being honest. The Australians will bargain but only to a small

degree. They do a lot of research and will know all about prospective companies and culture before the first meeting. A handshake is only a pleasantry a signature means business.

Slide 30 Chinese tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the direct manner of the American businessman. Chinese take time to see whether their prospective business contacts are really reliable human beings, for example, by inviting them to a party or dinner first. Also the decision making process of the Chinese is considered to be very slow and time consuming. This is because most Chinese companies have many levels of decision making. The Chinese negotiator is distinguished by their concern for ‘face and specialization.

Slide 31 Letters of introduction are essential for doing business in Japan. As in much of Asia, having connections in Japan is the only way to get through the front door, unless one represents an internationally recognized brand name. Individualism is not a characteristic of Japanese negotiators. They usually negotiate in teams of at least three people. The Japanese will not discuss points that are not part of the prearranged agenda. Small talk will be kept to a minimum and inquiries into personal lives will be rarely made or accepted. Slide 32 Koreans often make emotional pleas part of their negotiating style. They are not beyond painting themselves as poor, humble peasants. In reality the Koreans only respect hard line, strong opponents. Speak clearly and simply. Koreans are known as tough negotiators. When calculating your first price, allow some room for bargaining. Women play a very subservient role in Korean business.

Slide 33 Indian negotiators like to build a comfortable relationship with people before starting any negotiations. Be prepared for a long drawn out negotiation. The Indian loves to bargain, so remember to give a higher price at the first negotiation. Be aware that most traditional Indian food is eaten with fingers rather than a knife, fork or chopsticks. Avoid using your left hand for passing items, especially food. The left hand is considered dirty because it is used by Indians for personal hygiene.


商务谈判实训总结 所谓实训,就是将所学的理论知识与实际的操作应用相结合。在本次的商务谈判中,我了解到商务谈判是一门综合运用多种学科于商务活动的艺术,总的来说,这次实训对于我自身是受益匪浅。 在这次实训中,我是我们小组的负责人。经过小组讨论,最终结果是苹果公司与联通公司的买卖展开模拟谈判,尽管是一次模拟的训练,但我们的团队还是进行了很明确的任务分配,将自身投之于市场,使我们的谈判更接近于经济生活,更加真实。 在谈判的前期,我们进行了充分的准备。首先,我们高度重视相关资料的收集以及分析,主要是对苹果公司的公司状况进行了分析,通过分析这些让我方在谈判桌上更占有优势。其次,知己知彼百战百胜,我们针对买主的购买心理进行了相关的推敲,以求更好地掌握对方的谈判目标。最后,我们制定了一个系统的商务谈判方案,包括确定谈判的主题和目标,选择谈判的时间和空间。谈判中,我方的队员齐心协力,表现优秀,最终获得了老师及同学们的肯定。 通过这次实训,我明白了在商务谈判中要善于灵活运用各种谈判策略和掌握谈判的相关方法和原则就会最大限度的达到谈判有利于自己的目标,减少成本和损失,获得商务谈判的成功。 在谈判中要把人与问题分开,谈判是人与人打交道,与我们谈判的对方是人,不是问题,处理好人的问题,把人与问题在一定程度上客观的分开,就有利于问题的解决。谈判者要说话算数,决不食言,但言而有信,将心比心也必须讲分寸,讲原则,该讲明的讲明,该坚持的坚持,该回避的则回避。在谈判中,我方应将所占优势,不论大小新旧,进行广泛而周详的列举,作为谈判的筹码,同时务必界清己方底线,以在报价时留有退路。谈判若不能达到相当程度的圆满成果,不管情况如何,要好聚好散,力争做到“买卖不成仁义在”,为下一回谈判圆满埋下契机。 此次模拟谈判,使我对谈判的整个商务谈判流程有了更进一步的了解,同时,经过这次谈判使我们对自身优缺点有了更深的了解,及时发现问题解决问题,以便为我们进入社会打下一个坚实的基础。篇二:模拟商务谈判个人总结 商务谈判总结 商务谈判是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定与交换有关的各种条件的一项必不可少的活动,它可以促进双方达成协议,是双方洽谈的一项重要环节。商务谈判是人们相互调整利益,减少分歧,并最终确立共同利益的行为过程。我们就是以这种形式来进行模拟商务谈判,在谈判过程中充分利用课程所学的方案策略,同时也结合营销手段,达到谈判的最佳效果。 一、职责与履行情况 此次谈判我们小组是代表。。。一方,谈判标的物是。。。。,主要围绕获得这几块土地的开发权谈判。于是我们便开始了分工,我在此次任务中主要担任的是主谈手,刘岳副谈手。围绕着我们的工作和谈判任务,我们开始了一系列的准备。 1. 组织小组成员开会并主持讨论,协调组员之间的沟通。 2.作为我们小组的主谈手,首要的工作就是组织小组的工作准备流程。我们整个谈判的准备的时间是一个星期,在这一个星期中,开了三次讨论会议,每次的讨论都有着不同的目的,第一次会议是小组成员的初次交流,先建立团队熟悉感,还有问题的初步认知,初步确定我们谈判的方向。二次会议则是确定谈判主题,谈判细则,谈判条款,然后进行明确的分工。三次会议是谈判前的热身和细节补充,就准备好了的谈判方案和合同进行修改和完善,并初步练习谈判时的情景。就这样我们的准备阶段经过了三次会议的讨论,每次的会议通知和组员关系协调工作都由我们组潘祺来做。


国际商务谈判心得体会三篇在现实中要顺利地完成一次商务谈判真的不容易,我们需要注意的有很多很多。正如课程中包含的:商务谈判的心理——作为谈判的双方都得学会察言观色,要做到“知己知彼”,方能“百战百胜”;商务谈判准备——成功永远是留给有准备的人,相信没有充分的准备便去与人谈判,那注定是以失败而告终的;商务谈判技巧——没有技巧,只会被人牵着鼻子走,何来主动权,又如何能取得谈判的成功等等。所以相信《国际商务谈判》也是一门很深的学问。 下面仅从以下方面来浅谈我对此课程的理解和体会:1、国际商务谈判的技巧;2、文化差异和国际商务谈判。 所谓国际商务谈判是是国际商务活动中不同的利益主体,为了达成某笔交易,而就交易的各项条件进行协商的过程,它是一种对外经济贸易活动中普遍存在的一项十分重要的经济活动,是调整和解决不同国家和地区政府及商业机构之间不可避免的经济利益冲突的必不可少的一种手段。 一、国际商务谈判的技巧 谈判技巧可以说是整个谈判过程最重要的一个环节。而谈判技巧的前提必须得有充分的谈判前的准备。在国际商务谈判中,既要保证自己的合理利益,又要达到预定目标,并不是一件轻松的工作,但是如果掌握了它的规律,按照一定

的原则,就能够达到更好的结果。 做到兼顾双方利益 兼顾双方利益就是要达到双赢。所谓双赢就是你的利益必须从对方利益的存在为前提。你的利益在对方身上体现出来。在无时无刻不充满矛盾和冲突的商务活动中,我们应懂得: 1、追求及扩大总体利益。也就是我们俗称的“把蛋糕做大”。谈判中如果通过双方的努力降低成本,减少风险,使双方的共同利益得到增长,这将使双方都有利可图。 2、将目标分散,尽量避开利益冲突。要善于营造一个公开,公平,公正的竞争局面,以使自己处于有利的位置,避免陷入被动,且只有利益分散,各得其所,才不至于产生矛盾。 3、消除对立。双方只要认准最终目标,在具体问题上可以采取灵活的态度,同时也为对方着想,从对方角度设计一个让他满意的方案,达到我的目的。 做到公平竞争 双方谈判应该是一种“公平竞争”,应建立在平等互利的基础上。但是,世上又没有绝对的公平。那就要懂得在不公平的现实中寻找公平的支点。 把握时机


国际商务谈判准备 国际商务谈判准备工作(一)选配参加谈判的人员 在洽商交易过程中,买卖双方在确定价格和各种交易条件以及拟定合同条款方面,往往因利害关系不同而存在分歧和争论,有时这种分歧和争论甚至是十分激烈的。而且在洽商过程中,还可能出现种种预先没有估计到的变化。为了保证洽商交易的顺利进行,事先应选配精明能干的洽谈人员,尤其是对一些大型的和内容复杂的交易,更要组织一个坚强有力的谈判班子,这个谈判班子中须包括熟悉商务、技术、法律和财务方面的人员,应具有较高整体素质,要善于应战,善于应变,并善于谋求一致,这是确保交易成功的关键。 参加商务谈判的人员需要具备多方面的基础知识,并善于综合运用各种知识。一般他说,他们应具备下列条件: 1、必须熟悉我国对外经济贸易方面的方针政策,并了解国家关于对外经济贸易方面的具体政策措施。 2、必须掌握洽商交易过程中可能涉及的各种商务知识,如商品知识、市场知识、金融知识和运输、保险等方面的知识。 3、必须熟悉我国颁布的有关涉外法律、法令与规则,并了解有关国际贸易、国际技术转让和国际运输等方面的法律、惯例以及有关国家的政策措施、法规和管理制度等方面的知识。 4、应当熟练地掌握外语,并能用外语直接洽谈交易。 5、具有较高的政治、心理素质和策略水平,并善于机动灵活地处理洽商过程中出现的各种问题。 国际商务谈判准备工作(二)选择目标市场 在商务谈判之前,必须从调查研究入手,通过各种途径广泛收集市场资料,加强对国外市场供销状况、价格动态、政策法令措施和贸易习惯等方面情况的调查研究,以便择优选择适当的目标市场和合理地确定市场布局。在选择国外目标市场时,应当注意以下两个问题: 1.在考虑贯彻国家对外贸易方针政策和国别(地区)政策的同时,应尽量考虑经济效益问题,力争做到在政治上和经济上都体现平等互利。 2.应根据购销意图,合理选择国外销售市场和采购市场。在安排销售市场时,应当分清主次,并要有发展的观点,即在安排主销市场的同时,也要考虑辅销市场;在考虑市场现状的同时,也要考虑市场将来的发展趋势;在巩固原有传统市场的同时,还应不断开拓新市场,以利扩大销路。在安排采购市场时,既要考虑择优进口,也要防止过分集中在某个或少数几个市场。在同等条件下,应尽量从友好国家订购商品;应考虑多从我国有贸易顺差的国家订购商品,以利贸易上的平衡。 国际商务谈判准备工作(三)选择交易对象 在商务谈判之前,必须通过各种途径对客户的政治、文化背景、资信情况、经营范围、经营能力和经营作风等方面的情况进行了解和分析。为了正确地选择和利用客户,需要建立和健全客户档案,以便对各种不同类型的客户进行分类排队,做到心中有数,并实行区别对待的政策。


案例一: 美国Y公司向中国石家庄工厂销售了一条彩色电视机玻壳生产线,经过安装后,调试的结果一直不理想,一晃时间到了圣诞节,美国专家都要回家过节。于是全线设备均要停下来,尤其是玻璃熔炉还要保温维护。美方人虽过节是法定的,中方生产线停顿是有代价的,两者无法融合。 美方走后,中方专家自己研究技术,着手解决问题,经过一周的日夜奋战将问题最大的成型机调试好了,这也是全线配合的关键。该机可以生产合格的玻壳后,其它设备即可按其节奏运转。 等美方人员过完节,回到中方工厂已是三周后的事,一见工厂仓库的玻壳,十分惊讶,问“怎么回事?”当中方工厂告诉美方,自己调通生产线后,美方人员转而大怒,认为:“中方人员不应动设备,应该对此负责任。”并对中方工厂的外贸代理公司作出严正交涉:“以后对工厂的生产设备将不承担责任,若影响其回收贷款还要索赔。” 问题: 1.如何看美方的论述? 2.如何看中方人虽调设备的行为? 3.中方外贸代理面对美方论述会怎么回答? 4.最终结果应如何? 分析: 1.美方沦述属诡辩范畴,主要运用了:平行论证(中方行事理由与美方行事理由分别沦证)和以现象代替本质(中方表面行为代替其执行合同的效果)。 2.中方自己调设备具有一定的风险性,按合同规定会产生问题。没把握,绝对不能轻率行事。此时.可行使向美方索赔的权利,此处.重在判断。当有把握时,通过“等与行”的对比推演决定行动,是一个推理的正常结果,从本质意义对中美双方均有积极效果。 3.中方代理,先从概念人手——依据合同谁有过?再依过推算谁损失最大(应负过之责),再推导出美方应取何种态度。 4.最终结果:美方应感谢中方为其减少负担.井应继续履行未完的合同义务。 案例二 澳大利亚A公司、德国D公司与中国c公司,谈判在中国合作投资滑石矿事宜,中方c 公司欲控制出口货源.但又不能为该合作投入现金,只想用人力与无形资产投入。 A公司和B公司代表来华欲参观考察矿山,c公司积极派人配合并陪同前往,整个日程安排周到.准备有效,在有限的时间里满足了A公司和B公司的该次访问的要求‘双方在预备会和小结会上对合作投资方式进行了讨论。 A公司:我公司是较大的滑石产品的专业公司,产品在国际市场占有相当份额,尤其在精细滑石产品方面o B公司:他们在中国投资过,但失败了,正在纠纷中,但他们认为中国资源丰富,潜在市场大,很想找一个合作伙伴再重新干。


国际商务谈判中的沟通礼仪 沟通是需要技巧的,我们在涉外商务谈判时应该注意哪些细节,下面是为您整理的''国际商务谈判中的沟通礼仪”,仅供参考,希望您喜欢! 洽谈礼仪 对于沟通过程中,便要遵守一些沟通礼仪准则了,尊重他人,谈吐文明,温文尔雅:高声辩论,话题适宜,善于聆听,以礼待人。 具体的来说,便是在参与别人谈话,要提前打招呼,不能够显得冒失,不要凑前旁听别人谈话,不要涉及疾病,死亡等不愉快的话题,不要涉及财产,履历,婚姻等私人问题,不要刨根问底。 会谈过程中的用语肯定是很重要的,用语指在会谈中如何在恰当的时机选择适当的词语,表明自己的立场、观点、态度和意思。 谈判中常见的用语有五种,即礼节性的交际语言、专业性的交易语言、弹性语言、幽默语言以及劝诱性语言等。 说话的语速,语调和音量也長重要因素,在选择好合适的词语以后,还需将选择好的用语以适当的方式表达出来,考虑用什么样的语速,何种语调,多高的声音去进行沟通。 除了说话,会谈是的体态和手势更是一种无形的语言,体态是一

种身体语言,洽谈中,有人会有一些不经意的动作,它们能透露出有关内心活动的有用信息。 人在某种环境下,可以通过自觉的意识,在语言、语气等方面显示出强硬和雄辩,显示出信心十足,决不后退,但因为内心并不踏实,没有把握,便在下意识中借助动作掩饰自己,平衡内心紧张和冲突。比如频繁的擦汗动作,抚摸下颁,敲击桌面等都反映心情的紧张不安。 会谈时的距离和面部表情也是容易影响谈判的,会谈时双方间隔的距离往往受谈判进度的影响。人们之间的空间距离与心理距离联系密切,空间距离大小直接影响洽淡双方心理上的距离、一般情况下,人们交谈时,无论站、坐,都避免直接相对,要保持一定的角度,而洽谈活动中,双方却是直接面对,没有什么回旋余地的。 这使洽谈活动中,距离变得更为敏感易察,较合适的距离在一至一点五米之间,这也是谈判桌的常规宽度。距离过大,双方交谈不方便,难以相互接近.有谈不到一起的感觉。 宴请礼仪 宴请的形式有宴会、招待会、茶会、工作餐。每种形式均有特定的规格和要求。宴请的安排包括宴请的方式、宴请的日期和时间、邀请的方式和宴会座次的安排。正式宴请分为迎宾、致词、席间交流、


第七章国际商务谈判前的组织和准备 、选择谈判人员,组织谈判班子 一)谈判班子的规模 应根据谈判地点、时间、内容和对方人数乃至己方人员的素质 确定。通常情况是:内容繁多技术性强的谈判,人数应多一些,反 之则少一些。对方人数多,我方人数也应多 些。在现代社会里,谈判一般是比较复杂,谈判班子的规模般要超过一个人。根据谈判实践,谈判班子一般由4-5 人组成较好。理由主要从以下方面考虑: 1、谈判班子的工作效率。 2、有效的管理幅度。 3、谈判所需专业的范围。 4、对谈判班子的调换。 二)谈判班子中专业人员的配备 1、工程师 2、经济师 3、律师 4、语言翻译 5、领队(根据需要)应注意的是谈判班子中的“三师”作用非 常重要,可以 避免许多失误。同时,使用翻译至少可以得到三个好处: 1)可以得到一次更正失误的机会或借口。

2)可以利用翻译的时间,观察对方的反映,决定下的策略。 3)可以避免自己外语水平过早暴露,起到监听作用。 (三)谈判班子中人员的性格搭配 根据现代医学研究表明,人们的性格可以分为以下四种。 1、胆大好胜,判断力强,头脑灵活,处事果断迅速, 给人以敢作敢为直爽无欺的感觉。但急噪,欠周到,遇到刺激难于冷静,愤怒冲动中常常失去理智。 2、忧郁型。沉着冷静,办事心细,责任心极强,严守机密,不易失误,但过于拘谨,头脑难以转弯,一旦受到冲击,常常难以自己应付和解脱。 3、活泼型。思维敏捷,谈笑风生,亲切随和,善于回避尖锐问题,能以巧妙的方式解脱突如其来的攻击和困境,但常常缺乏责任心。 4、粘液型。亲切随和,坚定倔强,有较严格的逻辑思维和敏锐的观察力,但易受感情支配,郁郁寡断。 若能在一个谈判班子中兼顾到各种性格的人,则可以起到互补的作用。当然,如果能根据 对方组员性格的情况进行有针对性的组合搭配,有的放矢,则能收到更明显的效果。如对方是粘液型,我方应注意配备暴躁型与活泼型,使对方在压力下让步。对方是暴躁型的性格,我方则应配备粘液型,以柔克刚。等等。



你代表一家医疗器械销售公司向某家大型医院洽谈业务,其中一款设备报价是800元,你可以将价格降到720元成交,因此你谈判的空间是80元。怎样让出这80元是值得探讨的。下面是几种常见的让步方式。 给出底线反遭怀疑步步紧逼让你难招架80元、90元、100元1100元小额渗透不实际遭反感对手不买账5元、15元、25元、35元。四平八稳落价格对手摸透规律更宰你20元、20元、20元、20元。先大后小刺激求成欲望让对方觉得已砍到价格最底线40元、20元、15元、5元。 谈判是双方不断地让步,最终达到利益交换的一个过程。让步既需要把握时机,又需要掌握一些基本的技巧,也许一个小小的让步会涉及整个战略布局,草率让步和寸土不让都是不可取的。 一些谈判者急于求成,不清楚让步的真实目的,最终的结果往往是将自己逼入绝境,而对手却在静观其变。这种对于谈判的理解在业界是非常普遍的,但却是极端危险的。不要以为你善意的让步会感动对方,使谈判变为更加简单而有效,这只是一厢情愿的想法,事实上恰恰相反,在你没有任何要求的让步下,对方会更加有恃无恐、寸土不让,并且还会暗示你做出更大的让步,想以让步来换取对方的让步是绝不可能的。要记住:谈判桌前并不是朋友间的馈赠,其核心是利益之争,因此,在使用让步策略时千万不可心慈手软。 中国玩具批发网是一家主营圣诞礼物的专业型企业,主力产品是圣诞卡、圣诞老人及各种毛绒玩具,因为专业性强,在业界享有极高的知名度,其产品遍及市内所有中高档商场。雅贵商厦是一家著名的综合性商场,地理位置极佳且交通便利,每个重要节日都会创造极高的销售额。双方在每年的圣诞节都会有愉快的合作,各自都能达到预期的销售目标。而今年雅贵商厦提高了进店费用,这令美妙公司极为不满,因为这将增加该公司的运营成本,会影响其经营利润。于是双方进行了沟通,在十月初进行了一次失败的谈判后谁也没提出第二次会面时间,但圣诞节却越来越近了。 中国玩具批发网认为他们是圣诞行业中无可争议的第一品牌,每年销量都在上升,消费者非常认可美妙品牌,如果在圣诞期间雅贵商厦没有该产品的销售,在经营上将造成较大的损失,所以他们计划使用时间压力策略,在最后时刻等待雅贵方的让步。


浅谈国际商务谈判中的沟通技巧 目录 1.引言 (1) 2.沟通技巧对国际商务谈判的重要性 (2) 2.1以双赢为前提,求同存异 (2) 2.2 有助于化解僵局,实现谈判意图 (2) 2.3 有助于树立良好的企业形象 (3) 3. 国际商务谈判沟通技巧中切忌的问题及分析 (3) 3.1切忌忽略气氛营造,谈判直入主题 (3) 3.2 切忌强调个人主观性观点,影响主次 (4) 3.3 切忌观点过多,拖沓不清 (4) 4.如何解决沟通技巧相关的问题 (4) 4.1 营造气氛,抛砖引玉 (4) 4.2 树立大局观,半个蛋糕就够了 (5) 4.3 理清思路,各个击破 (5) 结语 (5) 参考文献 (6) 摘要:在当今迅猛发展的国际自由贸易经济大潮中,各企业国际商务活动频繁,而大多数国际商务活动目的的实现和商务问题的解决都是通过商务谈判来进行的。切国际商务谈判避免不了许多涉外因素,对于谈判中的沟通技巧也有高于国内商务谈判的要求,如果不加注意,会给商务谈判带来极大的困扰。合理地使用沟通技巧不仅体现了商务谈判人员素质的高低,也有助于谈判和合作的顺利开展。鉴于国际商务谈判沟通技巧的重要性,接下来我将针对当前国际商务谈判中沟通技巧展开评述。 关键词:国际商务谈判;沟通技巧;双赢 1、引言 学习中,工作中,生活中,我们无时无刻都需要用语言来进行沟通和交流。巧妙的沟通技巧可以让我们无时无刻都散发着一种独特的职场气质和魅力。俗话说:“人脉就是钱脉。”一个人成功的开始就是从最最基本的沟通和交流开始的。 交流与沟通技巧的关系放大到国际商务谈判领域也是如此。当今世界,国际经济一体化趋势加剧,各个国家的企业都有走出国门,开展国际经济交流与合作的迫切要求,中国也毫不例外。WTO的成功加入,给中国企业全面进入国际市场带来了机遇。随着中国经济的发展与改革开放进一步深化,我国与世界经济的联系更加紧密,和世界各国的商务往来、国际交流与合作越来越频繁,国际商务谈判作为一种重要的沟通方式必然不可或缺。而在国际商务谈判中,沟通技巧又是一个不可缺少的组成部分。在谈判过程中,如果不注重沟通技巧,一句话的失误很可能导致当次沟通失败甚至于双方合作关系破裂。


国际商务谈判案例分析 专业: 09国经贸 姓名:李斌 学号: 09990877

国际商务谈判案例分析 摘要 商务谈判活动是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定交换有关的各种条件的一项必不可少的活动,它可以促进双方达成协议,是双方洽谈的一项重要环节。如果谈判技巧掌握不合适,不但会使双方发生冲突导致贸易的破裂,更会造成经济上的损失。在商务谈判中,应善于收集与谈判内容有关的信息,善于进行认真分析思考,抓住问题的本质,然后将自己所要表达的内容,运用恰当的方式与策略将其准确、简练的表达出来。其次,在谈判过程中分析谈判技巧,会体现出诸多谈判的特点。

(一)案例 中方某公司向韩国某公司出口丁苯橡胶已一年,第二年中方又向韩方报价,以继续供货。中方公司根据国际市场行情,将价从前一年的成交价每吨下调了120美圆(前一年1200美圆每吨)。韩方感到可以接受,建议中方到韩国签约。中方人员一行二人到了汉城该公司总部,双方谈了不到20分钟,韩方说:“贵方价格仍太高,请贵方看看韩国市场的价,叁天以后再谈。”中方人员回到饭店感到被戏弄,很生气,但人已来汉城,谈判必须进行。中方人员通过有关协会收集到韩国海关丁苯橡胶进口统计,发现从哥伦比亚、比利时、南非等国进口量较大。中国进口也不少,中方公司是占份额较大的一家。价格水平南非最低但高于中国产品价。哥伦比亚、比利时价格均高于南非。在韩国市场的调查中,批发和零售价均高出中方公司的现报价30%一40%,市场价虽呈降势,但中方公司的给价是目前世界市场最低的价。为什么韩国人员还这么说?中方人员分析,对手以为中方人员既然来了汉城,肯定急于拿合同回国。可以借此机会再压中方一手。那么韩方会不会不急于订货而找理由呢?中方人员分析,若不急于订货,为什么邀请中方人员来汉城?再说韩方人员过去与中方人员打过交道,有过合同,且执行顺利,对中方工作很满意,这些人会突然变得不信任中方人员了吗?从态度看不像,他们来机场接中方人员.且晚上—起喝酒,保持下良好气氛。从上述分析,中方人员共同认为:韩方意在利用中方人员出国心理,再压价。根据这个分析,经过商量中方人员决定在价格条件上做文章。总的讲,态度应强硬,(因为来前对方已表示同意中方报价),不怕空手而归。其次,价格条件还要涨回市场水平)即1000美元/吨左右)。再者不必用二天给韩方通知,仅一天半就将新的价格条件通给知韩方。 在—天半后的中午前。中方人员电话告诉韩方人员:“调查已结束.得到的结论是:我方来汉城前的报价低了,应涨回去年成交的价位,但为了老朋友的交情,可以下调20美元,而不再是120美元。请贵方研究,有结果请通知我们。若我们不在饭店,则请留言。”韩方人员接到电活后一个小时,即回电话约中方人员到其公司会谈。 会谈中,韩方认为:“中方不应把过去的价再往上调。”中方认为:“这是韩方给的权利。我们按韩方要求进行了市场调查,结果应该涨价。”韩方希望中方多少降些价,中方认为原报价已降到底。经过几回合的讨论,双方同意按中方来汉城前的报价成交。这样,中方成功地使韩力放弃了压价的要求,按计划拿回合同。


《国际商务谈判策略与涉外销售沟通技巧》 一、涉外商务谈判的PLAM模式与销售谈判人员管理 A、海外销售与国内销售的异同分析 B、PLAM模式 1、PLAN 2、RELATIONSHIP 3、AGREEMENT 4、MAINTENANCE C、涉外销售谈判人员管理 二、国际商务谈判注意事项 1、国际商务谈判与定价权 2、国际商务谈判中的团队协作 3、国际商务谈判中的跟单与流程管理 4、国际商务谈判中的系统管理 5、国际商务谈判中的客户认同与激励措施 6、影响到国际商务谈判中的六大要素 三、涉外销售谈判中的国别特征分析及相应的策略应对 A、客户的国别与区域特征对涉外销售的影响 B、重点区域提点及推广经验畅谈与概括 C、如何展开与不同区域特征的客户的销售推广 1、北美 2、欧盟不同区域 3、中东 4、日韩 5、东南亚 6、印巴 7、南太 8、地中海/非洲 四、OEM客户的应对策略 1、客情关系 2、跟进要点 3、客户关注 五、涉外商务沟通中的战略思想与沟通技巧 1、涉外商务沟通的战略要点一------关注点碰撞 2、涉外商务沟通的战略要点二------思维一致性 3、涉外商务沟通的战略要点三------过程、氛围与节奏

4、涉外商务沟通的战略要点四------一揽子谈判与多方案 5、涉外商务沟通的战略要点五------利益与立场 6、涉外商务沟通的战略要点六------谈判方式的合理选择 7、欧式思维与欧式谈判 8、美式思维与美式谈判 9、日式思维与日式谈判 10、华裔思维 11、贸易代表的特征解析与沟通要点 六、海外客户跟进与客户关系管理 1.跟单员与业务员在客户关系处理中的不同角色与定位 2.样品处理 3.客户的初次跟进与跟进策略 4.客户的中期跟进与订单催讨 5.接单与审单 6.客情关系处理与客户动态跟进 7.跟踪顾客反应与做好客户服务 8.建立客户档案与客户关系管理 9.客户跟进与管理的流程分析 七、涉外销售中的妥协与让步 1、5W+1H 1)为什么让步 2)谁应让步?应对谁让步? 3)在何处让步?让步的幅度? 4)什么时间让步? 5)让步的内容有哪些?什么可以让?什么不可以让?是否需要对方作出相应的 表态? 6)怎样让步?节奏如何? 2、是否让步 3、八种让步方式对比 4、让步策略 5、迫使对方让步的策略 6、阻止对方的策略 八、涨价谈判策略 1、涨价前的准备工作 2、营造涨价谈判的前期氛围 3、涨价预警与涨价心理预期 4、涨价谈判的六大要点 5、涨价谈判前的双方实力评估和SWOT分析 6、涨价的五步计划与策略


案例一真诚赞美 1. 哈尔滨橡胶厂通过真诚赞美湖北橡胶厂厂长,卖掉了搁置三年的陈旧设备。 2. 一位广告公司的业务员,由于赞美制鞋厂第八代旧产品款式新颖而拉业务失败。(1)通过分析第一个案例,我们能得出什么谈判技巧? (2)通过分析上述两个案例的不同结果,请回答在具体运用该谈判技巧时,应注意哪些问题? 答:(1)通过分析第一个案例,我们可以得出“真诚赞美”是商务谈判中的一个重要 技巧。诚挚而又不虚伪地赞扬对方,显示对方的“重要性”和“伟大”,是获得商务谈判成功的一种行之有效的方法。 (2)通过对比这两个案例我们可以得出在运用真诚赞美法进行商务谈判时,要特别注意感情的真实和言语的恰当,虚情假意不但不能引起对方感情上的共鸣,相反还可能被对方认为是对他的讥讽和嘲弄。言过其实,无限拔高,极容易使对方觉得你是在阿谀奉承。在第二个案例中,广告业务员由于感情不真实,不但没拉到广告,相反还弄得非常尴尬就是例证。总之,如果不顾实情,盲目赞美,就激发不起对方愉悦情感,达不到预期的谈判目标。 案例二橘子难题,互利性 林达和君安两个人由于课程研究需要,都要买仅剩的唯一一箱橘子,如何处理? 答:以上例子表明,林达和君安的根本利益不仅是不冲突的,而且还可以协商得到更 加有利的购买方案而使双方更加有利,即合买一箱橘子,节约购买费用。如果从传统的冲突角度去进行这一谈判,显然得不到这一有利结果。因此,谈判的互利互惠原则就是要协调双方的利益,提出互利性的选择。在一定的情况下,谈判能否达成协议取决于能否提出互利性的选择方案。为了更好地协调双方的利益,不仓促地确定选择方案,在双方充分协商、讨论的基础上,进一步明确双方各自的利益,找出共同利益、不同利益,从而确定哪些利益是可以调和的。 互利性选择方案可以考虑以下两种方式:(1)打破传统的分配模式,提出新的创新分配方案选择。人们的习惯性思维往往是,对于争论的东西,或是我得到,或是你得到。好像没有更好的选择形式。这种观念是影响人们寻找互利解决方案的主要障碍。要打破传统的分配方法,提出新的选择形式,就要考虑头脑中没有的东西,就需要创造性,需要灵感。一方面要收集大量的信息资料作为考虑问题的依据; 另一方面,要突破原有的习惯思维模式,鼓励谈判小组成员大胆发表个人简介,集思广益,并付诸实施。(2)寻找共同利益,增加合作的可能性。当双方为各自的利益讨价还价、激烈争辩时,很可能会忽略了双方的共同利益。如果你的谈判战术就是坚持某一点不动摇、不退让,许多情况下,就会使谈判在枝节问题上就陷入僵局,甚至破裂。事后冷静下来,权衡考虑如果达成协议对各方的利益,常常追悔莫及。一个根本原因是什么?就是当时考虑的都是各自的利益。如果能从大局出发,多考虑双方共同利益,把双方的利益由互为矛盾转化为互为补充,那么就会形成“我怎样才能使整个馅饼变大,这样我就能多分了”的观念认识。寻找共同利益要注意:尽管每一合作都存在着共同利益,但是它们大部分都是潜在的,需要谈判者去挖掘、发现。共同利益不是天赐,要把它明确地表示出来,最


“国际商务谈判”总结与课程感想 一、引言: 本学期,学习了《国际商务谈判》课程。一方面,在学习教材的过程中,我们学习了诸如团队的选择,谈判的控制,谈判的准备,谈判的风格,谈判的程序和方法,偏见的作用等一系列国际商务谈判的基础知识,了解了谈判的首席谈判的特征、原则、重要性和作用,以及在谈判中制胜的策略和技巧。 另一方面,上课时讲述的生活中关于谈判的例子,使我们明白了生活中的谈判技巧以及为人处世方面的常识和技巧。因为谈判不仅存在于商务贸易中,其实还存在于生活中的任何地方。生活中无时无刻不存在这样的谈判:在买卖东西的时候,处理各种工作事务的时候,亦或是处理人与人之间的关系的时候。地点可能是在会议室,可能是在大商场,可能是在饭店,也可能是在菜市场……因此,我认为,生活中充满了谈判的较量。 本文拟从国际商务谈判和生活中的谈判两个方面对课程中学习的内容做个总结,并提出关于谈判的一些感想(尤其是谈判问题在生活中的体现)以及对课程的建议。 二、国际商务谈判: 随着我国加入世贸组织和全球经济一体化进程的加快,对外贸易持续增长,我国各企业和单位所面临的国际商务谈判也越来越多。因此,掌握国际商务谈判的技巧,对于预防商务谈判的利益冲突和顺利达成商业协议具有重要意义。 国际商务谈判,是国际商务活动中不同的利益主体,为了达成某笔交易,而就交易的各项条件进行协商的过程。谈判是每一笔交易的核心。在大多数情况下,目的一致(为了盈利)但方式各异的交易双方均需经过复杂的谈判过程,在冲突和妥协之中寻求双方均能接受或者满意的结果。 我认为,国际商务谈判的内容不仅包括商务与技术方面的问题,还包括法律与政策等各方面问题,是一项政策性、策略性、技术性和专业性很强的综合性工作。因此,谈判前先要做一系列的准备工作,例如搜集筛选情报信息,选择谈判团队以及制定谈判计划与方法等等。本人认为,谈判的主要流程及注意事项可以概括如下: 谈判前为了做好充分的准备,评估贸易或投资的可能性,首先应该搜集如下信息:政治、经济、教育、基础设施、科技、金融、会计核算、通信、销售、投资和贸易的限制、税收结构、法律环境、人事政策、腐败、对外商的态度、历史文化情况等等。知已知彼是谈判成功的关键因素,因此探求清楚信息之后,能在谈判开端创造对己方最有利的局势。 然后,在具体确定谈判队伍的规模时,主要考虑以下三个方面的因素:谈判班子的工作效率,有效的管理幅度,谈判所需专业知识的范围。我认为,谈判团队规模应控制在4人左右,此时工作效率比较高。此外,商务谈判人员应具备良好的职业道德、健全的心理素质、合理的学识结构和较高的能力素养。在谈判过程中,谈判人员是否具备高超的技巧和策略是谈判成功的决胜因素。其中谈判翻译人员的选择尤为重要,他必须精通对方的语言和文化,并熟悉商务贸易的相关知识。 接着,在充分了解了谈判对手的优劣势以及当地的情况和分析了己方公司的情况之后,根据企业和行业类型的不同拟订不同的谈判策略。主要包括以下四个方面:确定谈判目标,明确谈判的地点和时间,确定谈判的议事日程和进度以及制定谈判的对策。 最后便正式进入了谈判阶段。在谈判的过程中,我认为,尤其要注意文化因素,具体包括谈判风格、语言、风俗习惯、时间观念、人际关系等文化差异。在不同文化背景下生活的人,各自的谈判方式和谈判风格迥然不同,甚至会相去甚远。他们的世界观和价值观会以各种独特的形式,在谈判桌上表现出来。了解和掌握不同国家商务谈判人员的表现规律和行为特点,对我们形成和提高涉外谈判能力,有着直接而重要的现实意义。举例来说,美国商人


题目:浅谈国际商务谈判中的沟通技巧系:经济贸易系专业:国际经济与贸易姓名: XXXX 学号: XXXXXXXXXXX 指导教师: XXXXXXX


目录 1.引言 (1) 2.沟通技巧对国际商务谈判的重要性 (2) 2.1 有助于加深了解,求同存异 (2) 2.2 有助于化解僵局,实现谈判意图 (2) 2.3 有助于树立良好的企业形象 (3) 3.国际商务谈判沟通技巧相关的问题 (3) 3.1 忽略气氛营造,谈判直入主题 (3) 3.2 强调个人主观性观点,阻碍主次 (4)

3.3 观点过多,拖沓不清 (4) 4.如何解决沟通技巧相关的问题 (4) 4.1 营造气氛,抛砖引玉 (4) 4.2 树立大局观,半个蛋糕就够了 (5) 4.3 理清思路,各个击破 (5) 结语 (5) 参考文献 (6)

浅谈国际商务谈判中的沟通技巧 摘要:进入21世纪以来,商务活动交往越来越多,而大多数国际商务目的的实现和商务问题的解决差不多上通过商务谈判来进行的。由于国际商务谈判具有涉外因素,关于谈判中的沟通技巧也有高于国内商务谈判的要求,假如不加注意,会给商务谈判带来极大的困扰。合理地使用沟通技巧不仅体现了商务谈判人员素养的高低,也有助于谈判和合作的顺利开展。鉴于国际商务谈判沟通技巧的重要性为切入点,针对当前国际商务谈判中沟通技巧存在的要紧问题展开评述,通过对这些问题的分析,指出其产生的要紧缘故,并提出了相应的应对措施,希望能对类似问题的解决与幸免提供一定的参考。 关键词:国际商务谈判;沟通技巧;双赢 1.引言 激烈的社会竞争,企业竞争,行业竞争,职位竞争……无时无刻不在提醒着刚走出校园,跨入社会的毕业生们一种无形的压力。面对如此的现状,往往沟通能力强者一般都会找到好的工作。而不善言辞,


际商务谈判准备 国际商务谈判中,要坚持平等互利的原则,既不强加于人,也不接受不平等条件。为了做好国际商务谈判这项艰难复杂而又十分重要的工作,必须事前做好充分准备。需要准备的事项很多,下面我整理了国际商务谈判准备工作,供你阅读参考。 国际商务谈判准备工作(一)选配参加谈判的人员 在洽商交易过程中,买卖双方在确定价格和各种交易条件以及拟定合同条款方面,往往因利害关系不同而存在分歧和争论,有时这种分歧和争论茯至是十分激烈的。而且在洽商过程中,还可能出现种种预先没有估计到的变化。为了保证洽商交易的顺利进行,事先应选配精明能干的洽谈人员,尤其是对一些大型的和内容复杂的交易,更要组织一个坚强有力的谈判班子,这个谈判班子中须包括熟悉商务、技术、法律和财务方面的人员,应具有较高整体素质,要善于应战,善于应变,并善于谋求一致,这是确保交易成功的关键。 参加商务谈判的人员需要具备多方面的基础知识,并善于综合运用各种知识。一般他说,他们应具备下列条件: 1、必须熟悉我国对外经济贸易方面的方针政策,并了解国家关于对外经济贸易方面的具体政策措施。 2、必须掌握洽商交易过程中可能涉及的各种商务知识,如商品知识、市场知识、金融知识和运输、保险等方面的知识。 3、必须熟悉我国颁布的有关涉外法律、法令与规则,并了解有关国

际贸易、国际技术转让和国际运输等方面的法律、惯例以及有关国家的政策措施、法规和管理制度等方面的知识。 4、应当熟练地掌握外语,并能用外语直接洽谈交易。 5、具有较高的政治、心理素质和策略水平,并善于机动灵活地处理洽商过程中出现的各种问题。 国际商务谈判准备工作(二)选择目标市场 在商务谈判之前,必须从调查研究入手,通过各种途径广泛收集市场资料,加强对国外市场供销状况、价格动态、政策法令措施和贸易习惯等方面情况的调查研究,以便择优选择适当的目标市场和合理地确定市场布局。在选择国外目标市场时,应当注意以下两个问题: 1.在考虑贯彻国家对外贸易方针政策和国别(地区)政策的同时,应尽量考虑经济效益问题,力争做到在政治上和经济上都体现平等互利。 2.应根据购销意图,合理选择国外销售市场和采购市场。在安排销售市场时,应当分清主次,并要有发展的观点,即在安排主销市场的同时, 也要考虑辅销市场;在考虑市场现状的同时,也要考虑市场将来的发展趋势;在巩固原有传统市场的同时,还应不断开拓新市场,以利扩大销路。 在安排采购市场时,既要考虑择优进口,也要防止过分集中在某个或少数儿个市场。在同等条件下,应尽量从友好国家订购商品;应考虑多从我国有贸易顺差的国家订购商品,以利贸易上的平衡。 国际商务谈判准备工作(三)选择交易对象 在商务谈判之前,必须通过各种途径对客户的政治、文化背景、资信 情况、经营范围、经营能力和经营作风等方面的情况进行了解和分析。 为了正确地选择和利用客户,需要建立和健全客户档案,以便对各种不同


国际商务谈判案例分析 精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

国际商务谈判案例分析 巴西一家公司到美国去采购成套设备。巴西谈判小组成员因为上街购物耽误了时间。当他们到达谈判地点时,比预定时间晚了45分钟。美方代表对此极为不满,花了很长时间来指责巴西代表不遵守时间,没有信用,如果老这样下去的话,以后很多工作很难合作,浪费时间就是浪费资源、浪费金钱。对此巴西代表感到理亏,只好不停地向美方代表道歉。谈判开始以后似乎还对巴西代表来迟一事耿耿于怀,一时间弄得巴西代表手足无措,说话处处被动。无心与美方代表讨价还价,对美方提出的许多要求也没有静下心来认真考虑,匆匆忙忙就签订了合同。等到合同签订以后,巴西代表平静下来,头脑不再发热时才发现自己吃了大亏,上了美方的当,但已经晚了。这个是一个挑剔式开局策略的运用,在一开始的时候对对手的某项错误或礼仪失误严加指责,使其感到内疚,从而达到营造低调气氛,迫使对方让步的目的。 在本次案例中,其实巴西作为买方,通常占据主导优势,美方居于弱势,但是本案例中美国谈判代表成功地使用挑剔式开局策略,利用这个战略和机会,美方迫使巴西谈判代表自觉理亏在来不及认真思考的情况而匆忙签下对美方有利的合同。这种气氛贯穿了整个谈判过程,但是我与此同时我们更需要注意的是,这也是一个关于国际的商务谈判,其中就没有很好的运用我们上文中所提出的观点应该在谈判之前了解对方的文化,并且应该想好一旦迟到的情况下应该如何是好,如何地应对这种文化上的差异.同时谈判过程中如果巴方人员也比较强硬,就可能导致他们另外寻找卖方了,并不适合每种案例。 日本有一家着名的汽车公司在美国刚刚“登陆”时,急需找一家美国代理商来为其销售产品,以弥补他们不了解美国市场的缺陷。当日本汽车公司准备与美国的一家公司就此问题进行谈判时,日本公司的谈判代表路上塞车迟到了。美国公司的代表抓住这


江西经济管理干部学院毕业设计(论文)题目:浅谈国际商务谈判的沟通技巧 系别外语系专业班级09商英2班 学生姓名王淑娟 指导教师吴静 指导教师职称讲师 2012年 6月02日

浅谈国际商务谈判的沟通技巧 写作提纲 一、绪论 随着我国市场经济的发展和对外开放的进一步扩大,特别是加入WTO后,中国在国际事务中的商业活动更加频繁,在相互交往与工作中,国际商务谈判的作用越来越突出。在许多情况下沟通在商务谈判中极为重要,甚至决定着交易或合作的成败,对谈判双方都是一种挑战,而要想在国际商务谈判中取得胜利关键是要运用好各种谈判技巧。本文鉴于国际商务谈判沟通技巧的重要性为切入点,针对当前国际商务谈判中的沟通技巧存在的问题进行论述,使谈判在友好和谐的气氛中进行,以最终实现互利共赢的商务合作目的。 二、本论 (一)谈判中沟通的重要性 (二)商务沟通的基本流程 (三)商务沟通存在的问题 1.忽略气氛营造 2.强调个人主观性观点 3.观点过于拖沓 4.中西方文化歧义 5.思维差异

6.谈判者情绪 (四)商务沟通的具体技巧 1.营造沟通气氛 2.树立大局观 3.理清思路 4. 避免跨文化交流歧义 5.调整思维 6. 调节情绪, 三、结论 罗伯特赫勒说过“良好的沟通对于一个组织就如血液对于生命。”总之,我们在商务沟通中可能遇到遇到各种各样的人物、各种各样的情况,需要及时采取最佳的方式进行沟通交流,从而调整不利因素而达到我们的目标。

浅谈国际商务谈判的沟通技巧 王淑娟 【内容摘要】进入21世纪以来,商务活动交往越来越多,而大多数国际商务目的的实现和商务问题的解决都是通过商务谈判来进行的。由于国际商务谈判具有涉外因素,对于谈判中的沟通技巧也有高于国内商务谈判的要求,如果不加注意,会给商务谈判带来极大的困扰。合理地使用沟通技巧不仅体现了商务谈判人员素质的高低,也有助于谈判和合作的顺利开展。本文从国际商务谈判沟通技巧的重要性切入,针对当前国际商务谈判中沟通技巧存在的主要问题展开论述,提出商务沟通的应对技巧,使谈判在友好和谐的气氛中进行,以最终实现互利共赢的商务合作目的。 【关键词】国际商务谈判问题沟通技巧 在当今世界市场形成完全成熟的条件下,开拓国际市场,拓展国际贸已成为中小企业发展其业务的主要渠道了。由于国内市场日益趋和,为了寻求进一步的发展,许多企业把目标市场有国内转向了国外,因此和国外企业建立国际贸易买卖合同是非常重要的。当然在签订合同的过程中最重要的环节毋庸置疑是国际商务谈判。国际商务谈判要面对的谈判对象来自不同国家或地区。而要想在国际商务谈判中取得胜利关键是要运用好各种沟通技巧。 一、谈判中沟通技巧的重要性 在国际商务谈判中必须时刻关注沟通技巧,使谈判在友好和谐的气氛中进行,以最终实现互利共赢的商务合作目的,总的来说,沟通技巧在国际商务谈判中的重要性主要体现在以下几点: (一)有助于加深了解,求同存异 中西方的价值观,语言和非语言,思维方式等等都存在差异。国际商务谈判的过程,也是中西方的价值观、文化和思维方式等一次碰撞。所以,谈判过程中,


1 谈判概述 1.1 谈判的产生 沈阳理工大学要举办春季运动会,向我公司协商赞助费用及体育用品,并提出给出我方相关品牌宣传等利益,就此探讨双方合作问题,达到合作目的,并建立长期良好稳定的关系。 1.2 谈判形势简要分析 我方是中国领先体育品牌,是中国体育用品行业的领军企业,是第一家建成国内运动服装和鞋产品设计研发中心,因为奥运会的契机,品牌国际影响力较高。产品有一定的专业技术,李宁产品价格适中,适合普通群众。同时也使得自己的产品比较大众化,非常适合于沈阳学生市场需求。所以在此看来我们处于谈判的重要地位,在谈判中可以尽量多提出对自己有利的条件。 对方优势: (1)参加者以青年学生为主,参加者只限在校大学生。 (2)人群密集消费者集中,运动会是属于大学生的体育盛会,备受关注。 (3)在沈阳影响力相对较大。 (4)可供选择的服装品牌很多,比如,:安踏、乔丹、特步等。 我方劣势: (1)受众狭隘,大多是青年学生所以观众以青少年以及学生占多数。 (2)宣传错位,宣传力度不够。在我们通过问卷调查后发现有一半以上的人不知道有沈阳理工运动会都表示才听说。即使知道的,也表示不会专门花时间去观看比赛。(3)与专业体育赛事相比,其可观赏性较低。 1.3谈判的前期考察过程 在谈判的前期我公司派出相关人员对此次谈判进行相关信息的考察,并对本次谈判最终会给本公司带来的利益及影响作出了初步的判断,对沈阳理工大学进行了相关材料的收集和进一步的了解,并对该校学生的消费能力及对李宁产品的兴趣和关注度进行了调查和研究。

1.4总结 本次谈判在进行了相关前期工作后,对相关谈判人员、谈判的时间、谈判内容以及谈判的应急方案等进行了相关安排和详细的准备,目的在于获取更多有利于李宁公司的利益。谈判过程中也遇到了一些问题,但是在积极的谈判和配合下,采取合理的对策,最终与沈阳理工大学谈判代表达成协议,并成功的完成了本次谈判的内容,也取得了本公司想要得到的条件。 2 谈判过程: 2.1导入阶段: (1)互相介绍、互相熟悉。 谈判中采用自我介绍,双方了解谈判人员的基本情况,双方本着互相尊重的原则,给彼此留下良好的印象。 (2)塑造良好的谈判气氛。 礼貌尊重的气氛、自然轻松的气氛、友好合作的气氛、积极进取的气氛。 概说阶段: 我方主要观点:根据沈阳理工大学学校背景、师生人数、学校知名度及学校地理位置等相关信息进行分析的基础上,决定对沈阳理工大学春季运动会进行冠名赞助,在校园包括广播、条幅、展板等宣传设施对李宁产品进行宣传。为学校春季运动会提供相关赞助。以提高李宁企业影响力,树立的品牌形象,从而提高品牌认知度,扩大市场占有率。 校方主要观点:希望李宁公司为沈阳理工大学春季运动会提供赞助,包括体育器材、运动服装、相关费用。 2.2磋商阶段: 2.2.1 明示阶段 此阶段双方都进入实质性问题的洽谈,彼此明确表示自己的要求,提出问题,回答问题,说明自己的意图目标,努力达到自己的利益。 向校方表明我方观点:(1)此次运动会为我企业冠名,即“沈阳理工大学李宁杯春季运动会”;(2)运动器材包括足球、篮球、羽毛球、排球、网球、网球拍、羽毛球拍、乒乓球等,必须使用李宁公司所提供的;(3)赛会运动员所穿着服装必须为李宁公司所

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