当前位置:文档之家› 九年级英语综合测试题





I ?情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。 (5分) C. English. C. Sure. C. It ' s snowy. IV .信息匹配:根据你听到的短文内容将所给信息匹配, 把字母序号填入题前括号内。(5 分)

( )6. A . In a book shop. B . In a fruit shop. C. In a clothi ng shop.


)7. A . A taxi-driver.

B . A waitress. C. A teacher.

( )& A . The man ' s father. B . The woman' s father. C

The tall man.


)9. A . Classmates. B . A teacher and a student. C Mother and son.


)10. .A Black.

B . White.

C. Gree n.


III .听描述,选出正确的图片,将字母写在下面的横线上,有一幅图片是多余的。


分) ( )16. Math A . very good ( )17. English B . excellent ( )18. Chinese C. terrible ( )19. P.E. D. com mon (

)20. History

E . fine

V.根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下列表格中所缺的信息,每空一词。 (5 分)

Meaning Feeli ng

( )1. A . Canada. B . Japanese. ( )2. A . I don ' t know. B . I want to swim. ( )3. A . Pretty good. B . It ' s snowing ( )4. A . Great.

B . Large.

( )5. A . That ' s all right.

B . It ' s just across the street.

C. I ' m not feeling well today. C. Terrible. Colors

II .对话问答:根据你听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。 A B C D E F

11. 12 . 13 . 14 . 15

VI )26. Jack ' s teacher didn ' t like him because

A. he didn ' t study hard at his lessons

B. he didn ' t listen to his teacher in class

C. he didn ' t do his homework on time


But Jack thought he was very good at

A. English B . maths )28. One day when Jack got home ,he felt .

A. happy

B . sad


His mother told him there were

two apples

A. on the plate B . on the table )30. Could Jack eat the third apple . __________

A. No, he couldn ' t B . Yes ,he could


VII .根据句意,从方框中选出合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。


wind , be , begin, clear, five 31. May is the month of the year.

32. We are going to travel at the of the Summer Vacation. 33. I a hard-working student.

34. The fishermen must be more careful on days. ________ 35. The girl ' s eyesight is very poor, so she can

' t see the words very 丄 _________

VIII .单项选择,从每小题的四个选项中选出一个正确答案。 (15分) (

)36 . The twin brothers have different

hobbies .Tim likes


football while Tom likes playi ng pian ______

A. /,/

B. /,the

C. the ,/

D. the ,the

( )37. camera is not so expensive as ,but it works very

well ,too. A. My ,his B. Mine, his C. My ,him D. Mine ,him

( )38. Now I feel very hungry ,I want to have some . ______ A. water B. bread C. juice D. orange ( )39. I am very sorry to keep you waiting

me so long. A. at B. of C. for D. with (

)40. The book Lucy ' s .Look ,her name is on the book cover.

A. must be

B. may be

C. may not

D. should

( ( (


C. Chinese C. hungry

C. on the chair C. Yes ,he was right

( )41. In class ,Tim doesn ' t listen to the teacher as as Mary does.

A. careful

B. carefully

C. more careful D .more carefully

()42. Whenthe teacher walked in to the classroom ,he saw many stude nts

A. speaking

B. spoken

C. spoke

D. to speak

()43. I want to be a reporter when 1

A. grow up

B. make up

C. come up

D. turn up

()44. About workers have finished building the huge bridge over the


A. two thousands

B. two thousa nd C tow-thousa nd

D. tow-thousands

()45. computers mobile phones have become basic needs (

基本需要) for most moder n city people.

A. Not only ,also but

B. Neither ,nor

C. Either ,or

D. Both ,and

()46. I am very thirsty .Would you like to get to drink

A. something

B. anything

C. everyth ing

D. nothing

()47.—Frank ,your MP4 looks very nice.

—Tha nk you」it for only two days.

A. have had

B. had

C. have bought

D. bought

()48.—Could you tell me

—On April 21.

A. whe n the n ext exam would beg in

B. whe n would the next exam beg in

C. when the next exam will begin

D. when will the next exam begin

()49. I don ' t know the woman is talking to my mother at the door.

A. which

B. who

C. whom

D. what

( )50. You are a shop assista nt . When some on egets into your store ,you should n ' t say “__________ ” first

A. What do you do

B. What can I do for you.

C. Can I help you

D. May I help you


IX .根据对话内容及方框中的句子补全对话。其中有一项是多余的。(5分)

(In the moder n society ,advertis ing is very convenient to us all 」n the mean time it can also mislead people .Linda and Mariah are talk ing about the products that they have ever used. )

Linda : Do you believe the ads on TV or in the paper

Mariah : Sometimes. 51 . _______________

Linda : I agree with you .Last June I believed a misleading advertisement」saw an

ad for “ Non stick Pan ” on TV. I ordered one by the teleph one nu mber on TV.

Mariah : 52. _______________

Linda : No ,it didn ' t work at all. I can' t stand ads like that ! They make mereally mad. The pan cost me about 600 yua n.

Mariah : That ' s much too expensive .What have you done with it

Linda : I have already thrown it away.

Mariah : 53.

I have an idea .March 15 is a special day with “ Rights

and Interests

of the Customers. ” You can write to newspapers and TV stations

about it .

Linda : It ' s a very nice thought 」

'II do as you say .Have you ever had the same

in sta nee as me

Mariah : 54. ________ eading advertisements are more and more ,so I often go to the store myself to buy something I need.

Linda : Like what

Mariah : Cosmetics (化妆品)」tried L ' OREAL and it works really well. 55 Linda : You are right .We have to be careful .We shouldn reac

F. I don ' t know.

X.根据对话内容,在空白处填写一个适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短 语或一个词),


(Han Mei started to learn English . Her teacher asked them to find a pen pal to practice En glish with . Now Han Mei is look ing for her pen pal on li ne. )

Han Mei : Help ,help 」

' m looking for a pen pal from English-speaking countries.

I ' m a middle school student.

Vera : I ' m a middle school student ,too. Nice to meet you! I am interested in China.

Would you like

Han Mei : Sure ! Look ! Here is my photo .Do you like my look 57 . ______ Vera : I ' m tall ,but a little heavy ,because I like sweets. 58 . ________

Han Mei : I like fresh fruit best 」think it ' s good for our health. Do you like

doing sports

Vera : Yes, I do. I like doing sports ,especially Ping-Pong. I want to be a player

like Deng Yaping from your country. China. 59

. ___________________

Han Mei : I want to be a bus in ess woma n ,the n I can fly to other coun tries ,so I must study En glish


Vera : I want to fly to China .I know a little about China from the book and TV. I

want to know more.

Han Mei : 60.

Vera : I think China is a great country. The people are friendly , the food is delicious ,the customs are interesting and so on. Han Mei : Yes ,this year China will hold the Olympic Games ,you can come to China. Vera : I hope so.

四、阅读(40 分)

XI .选词填空(10分)


t believe everyth ing 56. friends with me

We all have dreams, usually while we ' re asleep. For example, you have a dream of eating chocolate and then you wake up and find nothing _61 ___________________ your mouth .Well ,I ' m not talking about that type of dream .Rather, I ' m thinking about

one' s plan or hope for the future .The dream tells us what the soul (灵魂)wants .Life without a dream is bori ng and 62 _________

Most of us have a dream, 63 most of us set the on/ off butt on (按纽)of our dream OFF. When ever we say "I can ' t ” we set the butt on to OFF. When ever

we believe we can ,we set the butt on to ON. Simple ,is n ' t it Bei ng con fide nt does n ' t mean there won ' t be any 64 .But once I believe I can do it ,I will find an an swer to every problem I have .Any good dream is a dream that can come true .Once

I realize I can do it ,the 65 step is to make it come true .We n ever know that our dreams will come true

66 we stop talking and start acti ng.

Our dreams don ' t have to be big or to be great. We don ' t have to become the world ' s greatest pianist, an Olympic67 ,or a superstar .An aunt of 68 _ sold gloves in a departme nt store for most of her life. Her 69 was to be the________

frien dliest and most helpful salespers on around and she 70 it. Year after _______

year, the same customers would return and look for her .She made every one ' s day beautiful and touched the lives of thousa nds of people. We all can follow a dream that will make a differe nt to us and those we meet.

XII .阅读理解(30分)


()71. The Chinese spaceman traveling in space in the autumn of 2003 is .

A. Yang Liwei

B. Fei Junlong

C. Nie Haisheng D . Zhai Zhigang

()72. Before China, how many countries had already sent their spaceship into


A. Only one

B. Two

C. Three

D. We don' t know

( )73. Shengzhou V circled the earth in space . ____

A. one time

B. four times

C. five times

D. fourteen times

( )74. During the second stage ,Chinese spacemen stayed in space for . _____

A. one day

B. four days

C. five days

D. fourteen days

( )75. Chinese spacemen will possibly walk on the moon around

A. 2007

B. 2008

C. 2010

D. 2017


Whenan earthquake hit a small town, many houses fell down. After the earthquake , all the newspapers reported many stories about some of the families who were in trouble.

One Sun day, whe n I was readi ng a n ewspaper, a special picture touches( 触动)me.

It suggested every one should give someth ing helpful to the people in the earthquake. I thought that this would be a good cha nee to teach my childre n to help those who were less lucky tha n themselves.

I said to my seve n-year-old twi ns, Brad and Brett,

and three-year-old Meghan. "We have so much, and these poor people now have nothing. We'll share what we have with them. ”

I filled a box with foods and clothes. While I was doing this, I en couraged the boys to choose their toys and give away some of their less favorite thin gs. Megha n watched quietly when the boys took out their old toys and games and put them together. The n she walked away. A few minu tes later she came back with Lucy, her much-loved doll. She put the doll on top of the other toys. "Oh, dear, ” I said. “You don't

have to give Lucy. You love her so much.” Meghansaid, "Lucy makes mehappy, Mommy. Maybe

she'll make ano ther little girl happy, too. ”

I looked at Megha n for a long mome nt. She taught me a less on. It's easy to give something that we don't want any more , but harder to give what we cherish( 珍爱),

isn ' t it

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写( T),错误的写(F)。( 5分)

( )76. An earthquake happened in the writer ' s hometown.

( )77. The writer learned the news of earthquake on the radio.

( )78. The writer decided to buy some clothes for those people in trouble.

( )79. The writer didn ' t let Meghan give her much-loved doll.

( )80. The writer thinks it is more difficult to give what we love a lot.


Wang Lee Hom, the Taiwa nese (台湾的) pop star, will have a concert this mon th.

Will you be the first in the queue for tickets Will you think of him all the time Will you talk about him with your friends

Many tee nagers admire the stars .Everythi ng about them seems to be right. They smile all

day .They don' t have to worry about tests. That' s why the teenagers like them so much.

Someteenagers have their own ways to admire stars. “ Most of my classmates have pictures of stars on the covers of their textbook, ” says Xia ng Tian tia n from Jan gxi.

Many tee nagers thi nk they love stars. But whe n they get older, the feeli ng goes away. They know that stars are just commonpeople like them .They still like stars ,but in a differe nt way.

Remember not to let the feeli ng affect (影响) your life and your school work.

It ' s fine to love a star ' s songs or TV shows, but there are many other things you can do in the world.


Get your tickets here!

Do you want to watch the 2008 Olympic Games in Beiji ng Go to .Beiji ng . You _______

can book tickets there. You won ' t miss your favorite game.

People can buy tickets to the Beijing 2008 Olympics from April 15th to June 30th

in the first phase .Register (注册)on the website ,and you can book a ticket.

The most expe nsive ticket is for the ope ning ceremony on August 8. More tha n 60,000 tickets for that ni ght are on sale. They will sell at betwee n 200 yua n and 5,000 yua n.

Ticket prices for sports events are from 30yuan to 1,000 yuan. Diving and Artistic Gymnastics (艺术体操)are the most popular events.

Tickets for the men ' s basketball final (决赛)are the most expensive of all the sport ing events .You may see super basketball stars like Yao Ming and LeBr on James there . It ' ll be

great ,won ' t it


If you want to 86 . ______ tickets for the 2008 Olympics Games in Beijing.

You can click tickets. . But first you should register on the website and the n you can book a ticket .The most 87 . _____ tickets are for the opening ceremony

on August 8. They cost 88. ________ 200 yua n and 5,000 yua n. Amon gall the sport ing

89. _______ s for the men ' s basketball final is the most expensive.

You can see super 90 . ______ ke Yao Ming and LeBron James.


Nearly every pare nt says that we n ever grow up. In fact, we are maybe 16 or 17 years old. In their eyes, we are always little ones and always do wrong thi ngs. For example, whe n I n eed to stay at home alone, they always worry about me and my life without them.

Most pare nts always think that they have offered the best thi ngs they can to make their childre n live in a comfortable world. They buy their childre n pretty clothes, cool shoes, stra nge but expe nsive school thin gs, and always a thousand-yuan-cost bike. They think that they have done everything they can to their

dear little children. In return, they only want their little boy to give them good results in the exam in ati ons But why their little babies still can ' t understand them Why Does it mean that

they still want more material (物质的)thi ngs No. As a matter of fact, what they

want is a true family. What does a true family mean I think it means a place where we can hide ourselves from the outside cold world. From here, we can get warmth, we can get con solati on (安

慰),and we can get happ in ess. And one importa nt thing is that we should be stron ger and more con fide nt (自信的)in the outside world because we know that we have a family.

So I think that pare nts should save their money and sit dow n to talk with their child to let them know that they have a true family, so the child and his parents could understand each other more and more. Then, no boy will be regarded as a little boy.


91. What are we always like in our parents ' eyes

92. What do parents expect all of us when they give us so much

93. What does a true family mean

94. What can we get from a true family

95. How can parents let children know that they have a true family


XIII .写作



Dear Miss Liu,

As you know, I ' ve made great progress in English 96. ____________ to ____ your help.

At this moment ,1 want to say “ Thank you ” .

I still remember when I began to learn English, I 97 . ______ it too

difficult .No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn ' t do well in it」lost my

con fide nee and almost gave it up. As soon as you knew it, you had a long talk with

me kindly about 98 . ______ English well .You always encouraged me

whe never I made a little progress. Ever si nee the n I have bee n 99 . _____ in

it and improved myself a lot. Though I have to say goodbye to you soon ,I still think I am so lucky to be your student 」hope you can relax yourself and keep 100.


Yang Fan


要点:save endangered animals ‘recycle …,stop using …,save trees.






I ?情景反应,根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分)

1. Where are you from

2. Do you want to go to movies with me

3. How is it going

4. What size bowl of noodles would you like

5. What' s the matter

(Key:1 —5: ACABC

II .对话问答,根据你听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分)

6. W:What do you think of the coat

M: I like it .But it is a little bit expensive ,I think.

W If you really want it ,you can pay just half of the price ,OK

M: OK, I will take it.

Q: Where are the man and the woman talking

7. W:Can I help you ,Sir

M: Yes ,could you show me the menu ,please

W Here you are.

W Tha nk you.

Q: What is the woma n

8. W : Dad, what is that tall man doing over there

M: He is talking with his math teacher.

Q:Who is talking with the teacher

9.M:Hi, Mary. You look happy. Any good news

W:I passed the English exam this time

M:Congratulations! Work harder, and your English will be much better.

W:Thanks a lot .You ' re the best student in our class .Can you help me with my English

M:No problem.

Q:Who are the two speakers

10.W:I don 't like the colour of my bag.

M:Which colour do you like White

W Er …,no ,I like green.

Q:Which colour would she like

(Key:6 —10:CBCAC)

III .听描述,选出正确的图片,将字母写在下面的横线上,有一幅图片是多余的。(5 分)11.Stop fighting and listen to me.

12.Sorry I can ' t answer the question.

13.Mr. Jack is giving a living maths lesson to the students.

14.How can I get to the railway staion

15.Would you mind not smoking here

(Key: 11 —15:CAEDF)

V信息匹配,根据你听到的短文内容,将所给信息匹配,把字母序号填入括号内。(5分)Mid-term exam was over. Some of my subjects were good. For example ,my English teacher said my speaking was very good. Chinese is my favorite subject, and I ' m better at Chinese than anything else. My Chinese teacher said my work was excellent .My history report was common ,but my teacher said I could be better.

Actually ,I like history a lot .I think it 's really interesting. And my . grade

was fine. I 'm good at sports .But my math report was terrible. I think it 's boring.

I sometimes forget doing my homework ,and I don 't always pay attention in class.

My math teacher thinks I 'm lazy .He said if I worked hard ,I could do better. I

hope so.

(Key:16 —20:CABED)

V.根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下列表格中所缺的信息。(每空一词)(5分)We live in a colorful world. Colors are everywhere .Do you know different colors have different meanings Black means darkness ,and it often makes you feel serious .White means clean ,and it makes you think of something good .Red means happy or angry .It often makes you feel warm or even hot. Blue means sad ,but it can make you feel free. What about green Green means importance .It often makes you feel quiet and peaceful.

(Key:21 . serious 22 . clean 23 . warm 24 . blue 25 . peaceful)

VI ?听一段短文,根据你所听到的内容选择正确答案。(5分)

Jack was ten years old this year. He was in Grade Three. He didn ' t study hard

at his lessons. So his teacher didn ' t like him. But he thought he was the cleverest student in his

class .And he thought he was very good at maths .One afternoon Jack went home after school .He felt very hungry .So he said to his mother, “ Mum, I am too hungry. Could I have something to eat ” “ Supper is not ready now .But here are

two apples on the plate .You can eat them first. ” When he got the two apples ,Jack

said, “ Mother, I have three apples now. Look ! This is the first one. This is the

second one. One and two makes three. I amvery clever. ” “Yes ,you 're very clever. ” said his mother. “ Now give me the first apple ,your father will eat the second

one .And you eat the third one. ”

(Key:26 —30:ABCAA)

二、基础知识(20 分)

VII .31.fifth 32 .beginning 33 .am 34 .windy 35 .clearly

VIII .36—40:BABCA 41—45:BAABD 46 —50:AACBA

三、交际运用(15 分)

IX .51—55:BCAED

X.56.to make

57.What's your look /What do you look like

58.What would you like

59.What do you want to be when you grow up

60.What do you think of China/How do you think China

四、阅读(40 分)

XI .61—65:LFGBJ 66 —70:ECDHI

XII .(A)71—75:ABDCD (B)76—80:FFFTT

(C)81.Twaiwanese pop star

82.worry about tests

83.have pictures of stars on the covers of their textbook.

84.Yes ,they are.

85.affect your life and your school work.

(D)86.book 87 .expensive 88 .between 89 .events 90 .basketball (E)91.We are always little ones and always do wrong things.

92.They only want us to give them good results in the examinations.

93.It means a place where we can hide ourselves from the outside cold world.

94.We can get consolation, and we can get happiness.

95.They should save their money and sit down to talk with their child.

五、书面表达(15 分)

XIII .(A)96.studying 97 .thought 98 .how 99 .interested 100 .healthy (BE

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