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Cultural Differences in Polite Speeches between East and Wes1

Cultural Differences in Polite Speeches between East and Wes1
Cultural Differences in Polite Speeches between East and Wes1

Cultural Differences in Polite Speeches between East and West 1.Introduction

Polite Speeches are widely present in our daily life. It not only embodies a person's accomplishment, but also embodies a nation, a nation's civilization. Every country and every nation has its own history of civilization,so we can clearly hear the different Polite Speeches from around the world.As an observable phenomenon, politeness is something superficial and is recognized as a norm in all societies.People in every culture are trying to be polite when communicating. But if you know more about them, you will find differences between East and West.Only by fully understanding their own culture, understand and respect his country's culture in order to achieve successful communication.

2.Analysis & Usage

a.What is Polite Speeches?

“Polite”is the idea and acts of harmony between people, and conversation and behavior on other people respect and a friendly expression.It can be obtained, Polite Speeches is language form of expression about“Polite”.

b.The Influences of Differences between Chinese and Western Cultures on Polite Speeches.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/9417904741.html,parison of Chinese and Western cultures

Nations of the world's geographical and lifestyle are different, have different cultures. Today, the type of world culture in general can be divided into East and West two categories. Eastern culture with Chinese culture, followed by Indian culture; Western culture, to European and American cultures. Many similarities and differences between each other, where the main areas only in respect simple comparison.


During the five thousand years of Chinese culture, origin consistent, since the Yao, Shun and Yu to Confucius before into Orthodoxy, enduring, rare in the world. Han and Tang later, though subject to external cultural influences, the core has not as yet been fixed.

Western culture from three sources: the Greek culture (which originated from ancient Egypt, Babylon and Aegean culture), the Roman culture, the Hebrew culture (it consists of Judaism and the Evolution of the Christian culture.)It later added the Italian Renaissance thought, and became the modern Western culture. So it's the source complex and changing.

②National character

China's geographical environment and multi-ethnic composition of the same ethnic characteristics of the Chinese people easily create man and nature, respect for nature, formed within, mean character.

Western kind of complex, changing and more good fight with nature, and character, distinct personality.


Chinese culture, the economy is agriculture-based culture. So they like the static, light commercial, the lack of expansion of psychological.

Western culture began in a small and poor in Greece can not rely on living resources.However, the sea surface adjacent to facilitate trade.Therefore, the commercial develop earlier and faster and mercantilism greater impact.


Ethics of Chinese culture is based on father and son ,and then it expanded to monarch and his subjects, couples, young and old, friends. With particular emphasis on filial piety. Asians are very particular about the title on illustrates this point.

Different from Western ethics, the main two things: first, the most important is not self-cultivation, but to play a character. Second, there are no loyalty and filial piety ethical concepts. Few Seniority Rules, respectively, as everyone is equal, heavy majority.


Chinese people always advocate the rule of man. For demands of people are more than demands of law.

The ancient Greek tradition of the rule of law, a thousand years after the middle of twists and turns, and finally gradually evolved into the modern rule of law.


The characteristics of Chinese characters are a sound word that has a Pronunciation and a shape. Its disadvantage is not easy to master, spread of education; advantage is with art, thus the development of unique Chinese character calligraphy.

Western text of letters spell Easy to read and write, easy to spread, is conducive to the spread of science and culture. But it is difficult in endowing its artistic quality.

⑦Academic thought

Chinese culture with Confucianism as the center, even if there was contending, but is "self-examination" based.

Western cultural emphasis on science,and it make material become the main object.It aimed to conquer nature, but it is less emphasis on self-cultivation.


China's less developed religion and the West more developed.


A man and Nature idea in China is far-reaching. In China, poetry, calligraphy, painting isn’t divided, so they went in for harmonious beauty.

The West is different, their culture mainly from Christianity, advocated separation between nature and man, the pursuit of individual liberation.

C.The main scenarios differences between East and West

Polite Speeches between East and Western have differences mainly in the daily

greeting and farewell, sympathy language, all call, taboos and privacy and the attitude when praised by other.

⑴Greeting and Farewell

i. Greeting:In the West, acquaintances and friends greeting commonly used term is "How are you doing?", "What's up?", "Hi!" And so on.In Chinese, although in recent years by the influence of Western culture, people, especially among young people also used "hi!" Hello, but the usually more traditional "去哪儿?", "吃了吗?”If the Chinese greeting direct translation into English of the West, said: "Where are you going?", "H ave you eaten?” will find out who they think is their privacy and that the Chinese people rude.

ii. Farewell:In the West,farewell commonly used term is“Bye!”,“See you!”,“It's been a pleasant day”,“I wish you good luck”and so on. In Chinese, Chinese people when parting usually say"好走", "慢走", "一路顺风" to show courtesy.However, if we say in English "Go slowly", "Walk well",it will make foreigners very confusing.In this way, we want to express the meaning of courtesy and not to understand other side; therefore, we lost the real meaning of communication.

⑵Sympathy Language

In order to distinguish between Ease and Western, we look at two simple examples.Seeing others pale, weak comparison, the Chinese people will care to say: "You ill?" Or "Where are you ill?"In the English would say: "you seem rat her pale, are you ok?”It is not simply translated from the Chinese "Are you sick?", This phrase not only make not people feel concerned about, What is more, give rise to resentment of others.Similarly, to the station or to the airport to meet people, especially when not known, the Chinese man said politely say: "you must have been very tired!"However, the English would not say so.Say so, it make foreigners unhappy listening, they will think we feel that his body was not strong enough.In English, they would say "did you enjoy your trip?", "How was your trip?”and so on. From these differences, we can see that China's sympathy language is more direct than English, and the English expression is more euphemistic than Chinese.

⑶All Appellations

The appellation in Chinese is more complex than the English appellation. Chinese people call older people than their own age, to show courtesy and respect will often call with relatives’ appellations , such as "nurse Aunt", "Police uncle," "Uncle Zhang", "Grandma Wang" and so on.But in English, there are simply no such appellations.If you see a similar age with his father and you

call him “uncle”, that will make foreigners think you got the wrong person in, or you are neuropathy. And in Chinese, among acquaintances use always

“old/little+family name”, as expressed feel of affability. However, in west, age is secret. So that is taboo.Besides, we often use “family name+occupation”, such as

“Li doctor”, “Wang manager” and so on. In west, except for few occupations,such as doctor, professor, they use basically “Mr. , Mrs. ,

Miss. ,Ms. ,sir…”.Chinese polite principle about introducing yourself and other people is that we firstly respect other, and then turning in ourselves. But in west, there have nothing about it.

⑷Taboos and Privacy

It is very important for us to know their taboos and privacy, when we communicate with people in west. Whether in English or in Chinese, the "death" is a very taboo word.English has "at rest, be gone, go home", and many other euphemism to replace the words "die".There are, for example, people use "break wind, ass air," instead of "fart"; said "ladies, vamp, JC," not directly say "L adies’ room" "vampire" "Jesus Christ", etc. These are to polite and Taboo.In addition, some topics to talk about in China are normal, but in the West are seen as invasion of privacy, rude, such as: marriage, family, age, income, politics, religion.

⑸the attitude when praised by other

Chinese and Westerners are complimented the performance of the attitude from the language is very different.We give a simple example: "you are so

beautiful!”--" no, no,I'm flattered. "In general, when be praised, the Chinese language will not be used to answer with "thank you", but take the negative, implicit, or shirking ways; while Westerners hear the praise and say "thank you", They thank to other through saying “Thank you”.

3. Conclusion

From the above analysis, we can see Polite Speeches in the East and the West is a considerable difference. In a certain extent, it can influence our communication. But whether Western or Eastern, courtesy is a symbol of civilization.It to maintain social harmony and good human relations play an important role. Although the eastern and western cultures have different, but the mainstream of development are mutually inclusive.Therefore, we believe that through careful understanding of each other's culture, communication can be successful.

Reference:(1) 1997.顾日国.礼貌、语用与文化[J]外语教学与研究,1992,(4).

(2)Leech,Geoffrey. Principles of Pragmatics [M].London: Longman, 1983.

(3)He Zhaoxiong. Study of Politeness in Chinese and English Cultures [J] Foreign Language, 1995(5).




《过零丁洋》文天祥翻译、背景 【原诗】辛苦遭逢起一经,干戈寥落四周星。山河破碎风飘絮,身世浮沉雨打萍。惶恐滩头说惶恐,零丁洋里叹零丁。人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青。 【译文】回想我早年由科举入仕历尽辛苦,如今战火消歇已熬过了四个年头。国家危在旦夕恰如狂风中的柳絮,个人又哪堪言说似骤雨里的浮萍。惶恐滩的惨败让我至今依然惶恐,零丁洋身陷元虏可叹我孤苦零丁。人生自古以来有谁能够长生不死?我要留一片爱国的丹心映照史册。 【作者】 文天祥(1236年6月6日-1283年1月9日),字履善,又字宋瑞,自号文山、浮休道人。江西吉州庐陵(今属江西吉安)人,南宋末大臣,政治家、文学家,杰出的民族英雄和爱国诗人。宝祐四年(1256年)状元,官到右丞相兼枢密使。被派往元军的军营中谈判,被扣留。后脱险经高邮嵇庄到泰县塘湾,由南通南归,坚持抗元。祥兴元年(1278年)兵败被张弘范俘虏,在狱中坚持斗争三年多。受俘期间,元世祖以高官厚禄劝降,文天祥宁死不屈,从容赴义。至元十九年(1282)十二月初九,在柴市从容就义。著有《过零丁洋》、《文山诗集》、《指南录》、《指南后录》、《正气歌》等。 【背景】 1278年五月,年仅10岁的宋端宗赵昰在溺水后因自幼的娇生惯养和体质虚弱而病死,陆秀夫等再拥立端宗的7岁的弟弟赵昺即位为皇帝,年号祥兴。朝廷迁至厓山,加封文天祥信国公。冬天,文天祥率军进驻潮州潮阳县,欲凭山海之险屯粮招兵,寻机再起。然而元军水陆猛进,发起猛攻。年底,文天祥在海丰北五坡岭遭元军突然袭击,兵败被俘,立即服冰片自杀,未果。降元的张弘范劝降,遭严辞拒绝。1279年正月,元军出珠江口,进攻南宋最后据点厓山(在今广东新会南海中),文天祥被押解同行。船过零丁洋(零丁洋在今广东中山南的珠江口,中山市南,靠海有个零丁山,山下海面叫零丁洋),元军都元帅张弘范逼迫文天祥招降坚守厓山的宋军统帅张世杰,文天祥写下此诗以死言志,严正拒绝。


Pep小学、初中英语词汇表(共619个单词) 名词n ,noun[naun] 形容词adj ,adjective['?d?iktiv] 数词num ,numeral['nu:m?r?l, 'nju:-] 代词pron ,pronoun['pr?unaun] 动词v ,verb[v?:b] 副词adv ,adverb['?dv?:b] 冠词art ,article['ɑ:tikl] 介词prep ,preposition[,prep?'zi??n] 连词conj ,conjunction[k?n'd???k??n] 感叹词int ,interjection[,?nt?'d?ek??n] a,[?n,?n]一(在元音字母前代替不定代词a) an, [?n,?n]一(在元音字母前代替不定代词a) about[?'baut](关于,大约), after['ɑ:ft?](之后), afternoon[,ɑ:ft?'nu:n](下午), again[?'ɡen, ?'ɡein]再一次, ago[?'ɡ?u]以前, air[??]空气,空中, v t. & vi. 晾晒, 烘干 all[?:l]全部, along[?'l??]沿着, 向前,往前 am, [?m]是(用于第一人称) and, [?nd, ?nd, ?n]和, 与, 及,然后,接着angry['??ɡri]生气的, 恶劣的, 狂怒的 animal['?nim?l]动物, 兽, 牲畜 answer['ɑ:ns?]回答,答案, ant[?nt]蚂蚁, any['eni]任何的, 一点, 一些 apple, ['?pl]苹果; 苹果树 April['eipr?l]四月, are, [ɑ:]是(用于二三人称的复数) ask[ɑ:sk问要求, 请求,at, August['?:ɡ?st]八月, aunt[ɑ:nt]阿姨,姑母, 姨母; 伯母, 婶母, 舅母auntie aunty['?nti:, 'ɑ:n-](aunt的昵称)伯母;婶母;姑母;姨母;舅母 autumn['?:t?m]秋天,秋季,成熟期, 渐衰期 B Back[b?k](后面), bad[b?d]坏的, bag[b?ɡ]包,书包, ball[b?:l]球, 舞会 banana[b?'nɑ:n?]香蕉, bank[b??k]银行,河岸, basketball['bɑ:skitb?:l]篮球, bathroom['bɑ:θrum]浴室, be, [bi:, bi][be to-v]表示必要、打算、可能性、假设等或用来表示将来安排 bean[bi:n]菜豆,豆 bear[b??]n熊, vt. & vi.1 承担, 负担 beautiful['bju:t?ful]美丽的,很好的 bed[bed]床, 河床,苗圃, 花坛 bee[bi:]蜜蜂, before[bi'f?:]conj以前, prep. (表示位置)在…前面 begin[bi'ɡin]开始, best[best]最好的, between[bi'twi:n]在….之间, big[biɡ]大的, 成功的,重要的, 重大的;bigger较大的;biggest 最大的 bike[baik]自行车, bird[b?:d]鸟, birthday['b?:θdei]生日, black[bl?k]黑色的, blackboard['bl?kb?:d]黑板, blue[blu:]蓝色的, blow[bl?u]吹, boat[b?ut]小船, book[buk]书, 书籍账簿,vt. 1 登记, 记账 borrow['b?r?u]借,借入, boots[bu:ts]靴子, n擦靴人 bowl[b?ul]碗, 钵, 盘 box[b?ks]盒子,箱子, pencil['pens?l]铅笔, 彩色铅笔 pencil box文具盒, boy.[b?i]男孩, 少年 bread[bred]面包, 生计 breakfast['brekf?st]早餐, bright[brait]明亮的,聪明的, 愉快的,鲜艳的 bring[bri?]带来,造成,引起 brother['br?e?]兄弟, bus[b?s]公共汽车,巴士 but[b?t, b?t]但是, prep. 除…以外 buy[bai]买, 交易, 买卖 by[ba?]乘, 在…近旁; 在身边 bye[ba?]int.再见adj. 次要的 C Cake[keik]蛋糕, can[k?n, k?n]v能,会, n罐, 罐头 car[kɑ:]小汽车, 轿车 card[kɑ:d]卡, 纸牌, 扑克牌,办法, 手段, 妙计careful['k??ful]仔细的, 小心的 carry['k?ri]运,搬,提, 挑, 背 cartoon[kɑ:'tu:n]漫画, 动画片 cat[k?t], 猫 chair[t???]椅子, 大学教授职位 cheap[t?i:p]便宜的, 低俗的, 卑鄙的 cheese[t?i:z]奶酪, chess[t?es]国际象棋, chick[t??k]小鸡, 少妇 chicken['t?ikin]鸡肉, child[t?aild]孩子, 儿童,子女 children['t??ldr?n]孩子们, chocolate['t??k?lit]巧克力, city['siti]城市,都市,全城居民 class[klɑ:s]班级, 阶级, 社会阶级 classroom['klɑ:sru:m]教室, clean[kli:n]干净的,打扫, 正派的, 正大光明的clear[kli?]清晰的, 清白的,畅通的 clearly['kl??l?]明朗地,明确地,明亮地 clever['klev?]聪明的, 灵巧的, 精巧的 climb[klaim]爬, 上升, 增长 clock[kl?k]钟, 挂钟;watch [w?t?] 手表,看,观察close[kl?uz]关, 终结, 结束 clothes[kloz, kloez]衣服, coat[k?ut]外套, coffee['k?fi]咖啡, 咖啡豆 coin[k?in]硬币, cold[k?uld]寒冷, heat[hi:t] 高温, 炎热 have a cold感冒, colour['k?l?]颜色, 脸色, 气色,肤色 come[k?m]来, come back回来, come out出来, come to school来到学校, computer[k?m'pju:t?]电脑, 计算机


过零丁洋原文及翻译、《过零丁洋》训练试题及答案 文天祥,南宋民族英雄,著名爱国诗人。初名云孙,字天祥,后改字宋瑞,又字履善,自号文山,庐陵人。他二十岁即中进士,作品集有《指南录》、《指南后录》、《吟啸集》、《文山全集》。 [注释] ①零丁洋:在现在的广东省珠江口外。1278年底,文天祥率军在广东五坡岭与元军激战,兵败被俘,囚禁船上曾经过零丁洋。 ②遭逢:遭遇。起一经,因为精通一种经书,通过科举考试而被朝廷起用作官。文天祥二十岁考中状元。 ③干戈:指抗元战争。寥落:荒凉冷落。四周星:四周年。文天祥从1275年起兵抗元,到1278年被俘,一共四年。 ④絮:柳絮。 ⑤萍:浮萍。 ⑥惶恐滩:在今江西省万安县,是赣江中的险滩。1277年,文天祥在江西被元军打败,所率军队死伤惨重,妻子儿女也被元军俘虏。他经惶恐滩撤到福建。 ⑦丹心:红心,赤诚的心。汗青:同汗竹,史册。古代用简写字,先以火烤使出“汗”,干后易写而且不受虫蛀,也称汗青。 [译文] 回想我早年由科举入仕历尽辛苦, 如今战火消歇已熬过了四个周星。 国家危在旦夕恰如狂风中的柳絮, 个人又哪堪言说似骤雨里的浮萍。 惶恐滩的惨败让我至今依然惶恐, 零丁洋身陷元虏可叹我孤苦零丁。 人生自古以来有谁能够长生不死, 我要留一片爱国的丹心映照汗青 [赏析] 1278年底,文天祥兵败被俘。第二年押经零丁洋时,敌人一再逼他写信,招降在海上坚持抗元斗争的宋军将领。文天祥断然拒绝。他面对浩渺沧海,感慨国家命运,心潮起伏汹涌…作者首先回想了自己的一生:由刻苦读书进入仕途,到戎马干戈为国征战。第二句中的“寥落”,表明了南宋末抗元斗争的局势,渗透着作者的惋惜和痛心。投降派苟且偷安,主战派寥寥无几,文天祥孤军奋战,寡不敌众,才屡遭惨败,宋王朝危在旦夕。作者以生动形象的比喻,沉痛地抒写了“干戈寥落”中国家和个人的悲惨遭遇:国家已像风中柳絮,个人更像雨中浮萍,亡国孤臣,风雨飘摇。接着作者具体描述:“惶恐滩头说惶恐,零丁洋里叹零丁。”作者以两次激战为背景,巧妙借用地名和感情词语的同音重复,深沉地抒发了战败时和被俘时的心情。作者的所“说”所“叹”,不只是个人的不幸和愁苦,而且更饱含着剧烈的亡国之痛。最后,作者从沉郁悲痛转为昂扬壮烈,以高亢的笔调、磅礴的气势,表明了自己在生死关头的毅然抉择:“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。”这慷慨激昂、大义凛然的诗句,表现了作者的铮铮铁骨,耿耿忠心,表现了作者的英雄气慨和高风亮节。1283年,文天祥在元大都从容就义。这两句诗成了后来无数仁人志士的座右铭。 《过零丁洋》中考试题集萃 1、诗中第二联 , 运用比喻的方法 , 将国家命运与个人命运紧密联系在一起。诗人以


Unit Unit 1 Cultural Relics Heading Topic and Content Teaching Goals and Objectives Grade Level: Senior Grade One Time: 45min Description of students: For the students in grade1 in senior high school, their basic knowledge of cultural relics is enough. So the topic of this unit is familiar and easy to them. However, the passage in this unit is about another unfamiliar cultural relic---the Amber Room, so it is a little difficult to them. In addition, this passage is logically organized through three clues. So to the students, this passage is hard to grasp. Topic: Cultural Relics Teaching Content: 1.Key vocabulary: amazing, honey, decorate, select, belong, remove 2.Subject matter: 1.) recall the famous cultural relics around the world 2.) emphasis the importance of protecting of cultural relics 3.) reading comprehension---In Search of The Amber Room 1.Teaching Goals: 1.)Talk about history and background of the cultural relics 2.)Improve the students’ reading ability through the passage 2.Teaching Objectives: 1). Ability objectives Towards the end of this unit, the students should be able to: A. Enable the students to have the ability of talking cultural relics and ways to protect them. B. Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room. C. Train the students ability’ to grasp key information and clues while listening. D. Learn to skim for the main idea of this passage E. Fully understand the passage through the clues. F. Retell the passage in their own words. Teaching Key Points and Difficult Points 2). Emotion objective Make the students realize the importance of protecting the cultural relics and take action to protect them. 1.Key Points: 1).The key words and expressions; 2). Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room; 3). Train the students’abilityspeaking. 4). Improve the students ’ reading ability, including skimming and scanning. 2.Difficult Points: Train the students’ ability to grasp key information while listening. Lesson Step1Lead-in (4 minutes)


一、循序渐进,逐步掌握自然拼读法 对于小学生而言,自然拼读法的掌握并不是一蹴而就的事情,而是一个循序渐进,逐渐积累熟练的过程,因此,作为小学英语教师,在引导学生掌握自然拼读法时,一定要由简到繁,由易到难。在自然拼读法的教学中,我一直坚持采用“五阶段分解法”,将自然拼读法的学习分成五个阶段,层层递进。第一阶段:引导学生建立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系,让学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合,比如掌握单辅音(p,d,k…)、辅音字母组合(c h,sh,th…),元音包括短元音(a,e,i…)、长元音(ai,ee,ie…)和其他元音(er,or,oi…)的发音等等;第二阶段:引导学生能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:m-ymy,g-ogo等等;第三阶段:引导学生能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。如d-o-gdog,h-o-thot;第四阶段:引导学生成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-ersweater;第五阶段:引导学生听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。所以说在教学中,教师一定要分清层次,引导学生逐步去学习,一步步的打牢基础。 二、强化练习,熟练运用自然拼读法 学习是一个持续推进,反复强化的过程,最忌三天打鱼、两天晒网。不管哪一门学科,要想掌握相关知识,都必须不断的学习、练习、强化记忆。尤其是关于语言的学习,一定要不断回顾,不断练习。小学自然拼读法的学习,同样如此。在教学中,笔者发现许多教师在教学过程中,只传授给学生最基本的方法,然而却忽视引导学生进行认真的练习,导致学生学过之后,遗忘率很高,影响了教学效果。笔者认为,对于教师而言,一定要将强化练习融入自然拼读法的教学中,比如,在讲解字母和字母组合的基本音时,如果教师讲过之后,没有督促学生进行练习,加深记忆,学生肯定记不清、记不牢、容易混淆,只有不断加强督促,加强检查,引导学生去记忆,去练习,才能将44个字母和字母组合的基本音刻印在学生的脑子里。此外,掌握了基本的字母和字母组合的发音后,教师就应该引导学生进行单词的拼读和拼写练习。在教学过程中,在引导学生掌握字母和字母组合的发音后,我首先会组织学生进行拼读练习,每天都会在黑板上写出很多


宋史 原文: 文天祥字宋瑞,又字履善,吉之吉水人也。年二十举进士,对策集英殿。帝亲拔为第一。咸淳九年,起为湖南提刑,因见故相江万里。万里素奇天祥志节,语及国事,愀然曰:“吾老矣,观天时人事当有变,吾阅人多矣,世道之责,其在君乎?君其勉之。”十年,改知赣州。德祐初,江上报急,诏天下勤王。天祥捧诏涕泣,发郡中豪杰,有众万人。事闻,以江西提刑安抚使召入卫。其友止之,天祥曰:“第国家养育臣庶三百余年,一旦有急,征天下兵,无一人一骑入关者,吾深恨于此,故不自量力,而以身徇之,庶天下忠臣义士将有闻风而起者。”尽以家赀为军费。明年正月,除知临安府,寻除右丞相兼枢密使,如军中请和,与大元丞相伯颜抗论皋亭山。丞相怒拘之,北至镇江。天祥夜亡入真州,展转至高邮,泛海至温州。至元十五年十二月,趋南岭。天祥方饭五坡岭,张弘范兵突至,天祥仓皇出走,千户王惟义前执之。至潮阳,见弘范,左右命之拜,不拜,弘范遂以客礼见之,与俱入崖山,使为书招张世杰。天祥曰:“吾不能捍父母,乃教人叛父母,可乎?”索之固,乃以所书《过零丁洋》诗与之。崖山破,弘范遣使护送天祥至京师。天祥在燕凡三年,上知天祥终不屈也,召入谕之曰:“汝何愿?”天祥对曰:“天祥受宋恩,为宰相,安事二姓?愿赐之一死足矣。”然犹不忍,遽麾之退。言者力赞从天祥之请,从之。俄有诏使止之,天祥死矣。天祥临刑殊从容,谓吏卒曰:“吾事毕矣。”南乡拜而死。数日,其妻欧阳氏收其尸,面如生,年四十七。其衣带中有赞曰:“孔曰成仁,孟曰取义,惟其义尽,所以仁至。读圣贤书,所学何事,而今而后,庶几无愧。” (节选自《宋史文天祥传》) 译文: 文天祥字宋瑞,又字履善,吉州吉水人。二十岁中进士,在集英殿对答皇上的策问,皇上亲自选拔他为第一。咸淳九年,被起用为湖南提刑,顺便拜见了原丞相江万里。江万里一向认为文天祥有超过常人的意志节操,谈及国家大事,江万里改变容色说:“我老了,综观天时人事将有变化,我见过的人很多,改变社会状况的责任,大概就落在你的身上了吧!你可要竭尽全力。”咸淳十年,改任赣州知州。德祐初年,元军进逼愈急,皇上下诏号召天下起兵救援,文天祥捧着诏书大哭,发动郡中豪杰,有民众万人。朝廷知道后,让文天祥凭江西提刑安抚使的身份领兵入卫。他的好友劝阻他,文天祥说:“但国家抚养臣民三百多年,一旦国家有急难,向天下征集兵员,竟然没有一人一马响应入关,我对此非常遗憾,所以不自量力,而想到要以身殉国,但愿天下有一听到消息就立刻行动的忠臣义士。”于是倾尽家财为军费。第二年正月,担任临安府尹,不久又担任右丞相兼枢密使,朝廷派他到元军军营请求和好,跟元丞相伯颜在皋亭山,据理力争。元丞相伯颜大怒,扣押了他,文天祥随元军向北到了镇江。后来趁夜色逃到真州,辗转到了高邮,渡海到了温州。至元十五年十二月,逃到南岭。文天祥正在五坡岭吃饭,张弘范的军队突然到来,文天祥仓皇出逃,千户王惟义上前抓住了他。文天祥被押解到潮阳,带去见张弘范,张弘范身边的人命令文天祥下拜,文天祥不拜,张弘范于是用对待客人的礼节对待他,与他一起到崖山,让他写信去招降张世杰。文天祥说:“我不能护卫皇上,却教别人背叛皇上,能这样做吗?”张弘范坚持索要劝降信,文天祥就将他所写的《过零丁洋》的诗交给张弘范。崖山被攻破之后,张弘范派人护送文天祥去京师大都。文天祥呆在大都一共有三年,元世祖知道文天祥始终不屈服,于是召文天祥入朝,对他说:“你有什么愿望?”文天祥回答说:“我受大宋恩泽,担任宰相,怎能侍奉他姓之人呢?只愿赐我一死就满足了。”可是元世祖还是不忍心杀文天祥,就让他退下了。有人进言,竭力赞成依从文天祥的请求,元世祖同意了。不久世祖又有诏书制止赐死他,可是文天祥已经死了。文天祥临刑时非常从容镇定,对行刑的吏卒说:“我的事情完成了。”向南


小学四年级上册英语单 词发音归类 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-

小学四年级上册英语单词发音归类 a-e /e/ cake make face name shake date race game gate hate plate grape wave Dave Jane Jake Kate a // cap map dad hand bag man fat fan hat cat at apple candy Jack i-e/a/ five rice nine kite nice fine like time bike bite side ice white Mike i // pig big six sit milk fish thin picture is it this miss bit rabbit English window sister fifteen o-e// nose Coke home note rose hope Jones bone old toes no o // dog box body mom orange hot not lot lost Tom John u-e /ju:/ use cute excuse UK USA pupil student tube mule u // duck up cup cut but bus us uncle under fun mum study -e /i:/ he she we be -e- /e/ red bed ten pen pencil leg let get desk seven egg elephant friend


【原诗】 过零丁洋 辛苦遭逢起一经, 干戈寥落四周星。 山河破碎风飘絮, 身世浮沉雨打萍。 惶恐滩头说惶恐, 零丁洋里叹零丁。 人生自古谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。 【今译】 回想我早年由科举入仕历尽苦辛, 如今战火消歇已熬过了四个周星。 国家危在旦夕恰如狂风中的柳絮, 个人又哪堪言说似骤雨里的浮萍。 惶恐滩的惨败让我至今依然惶恐, 零丁洋身陷元虏可叹我孤苦零丁。 人生自古以来有谁能够长生不死, 我要留一片爱国的丹心映照汗青。 【赏析】 《过零丁洋》赏析 祥兴元年(1278)十二月,文天祥兵败被俘。第二年元月,元军出珠江口,进攻南宋最后据点山(在今广东新会南海中),文天祥被押解同行,过零丁洋时写了这首诗,决心以死殉国。当时,元军统帅张弘范逼迫文天祥招降坚守山的南宋将领张世杰,文天祥严正拒绝,说:“我自救父母不得,乃教人背父母,可乎?”并出示此诗以明心志,张弘范见诗中辞意坚决,“但称:‘好人!好诗!’竟不能逼。”诗的开头两句回顾自己一生的主要经历。概括地说,是两件大事。一是受到皇帝的选拔,经过科举考试进入仕途。二是在元军入侵、宋室危亡之际,响应朝廷“勤王”号召,在德 元年(1275)正月,以全部家产充军费,起兵抗元,在频繁不断的战斗中度过了四年。这四年中,他出生入死,为挽救危亡,竭尽全力,苦苦支撑,但局势却越来越危殆。此时,南宋大部江山已落入敌手,自己也兵败被俘。眼看大势已去,诗人不禁悲从中来。所以接下去两句就进一步抒写国破家亡的悲哀。国土遭到元军的蹂躏,山河破碎,设在山的南宋王朝在元军的攻逼之下也岌岌可危,覆亡在即,一如风中柳絮。这是从国势一面说。至于文天祥自己,也是一生坎坷,当初做官曾因忤权贵而屡被罢斥;起兵抗元之后,多次兵败,一次被扣,两次被俘,数次欲自杀尽节而不死。如今部下将士牺牲殆尽,亲人被元军俘获,自己孤零一人,身陷敌手,一如风雨吹打的浮萍,无所依托。这两句以比喻的方式写国势和身世,生动形象,而蕴藏其中的感情尤为深挚沉痛,


小学英语单词辨音 5个元音字母的发音规则: Aa 开音节[ ei ] 闭音节[ ? ] 在[w]音后发[ ] Ee 开音节[ i: ] 闭音节[ e ] Ii 开音节[ai ] 闭音节[ i ] Oo 开音节[?u] 闭音节[ ] [u:] Uu 开音节[ju:] 闭音节[Λ]若是在j、l、r、s后读[u:] 练习 给出例词,请找出与划线部分相同的例词,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Aa ()1、cake A:take B:cat ()2、name A:bag B:plane ()3、China A:about B:want ()4、after A:class B:wash ()5、What A:watch B:father ()6、cat A:flag B:baby ()7、late A:game B:any ()8、have A:happy B:past ()9、animal A:apple B:past ()10、make A:plane B:away Ee ()1、me A:these B:bed

()2、he A:Chinese B:egg ()3、she A:best B:we ()4、let A:evening B:red ()5、lesson A:desk B:open ()6、mess A:me B:letter ()7、hen A:letter B:Chinese ()8、vegetable A:hen B:apple ()9、eng A:pen B:me ()10、pen A:he B:egg Ii ()1、ring A:shine B:miss ()2、mistake A:big B:find ()3、milk A:pick B:child ()4、nine A:line B:dish ()5、drive A:live B:bright ()6、pig A:finished B:pilot ()7、bike A:time B:city ()8、swim A:kite B:sit ()9、drink A:fish B:time ()10、find A:high B:chicken Oo ()1、nose A:dog B:boat ()2、those A:go B:not ()3、lose A:stop B:old

《过零丁洋》 优秀教案

《过零丁洋》教学设计 一、教学目标: 知识与能力:借助文中注解,整体把握诗歌内容和写作手法,体会作者的情感; 过程与方法:通过反复的诵读,把握诗歌情感; 情感态度与价值观:体会作者慷慨激昂的爱国情感,激发学生的爱国热情。 二、教学重、难点 理解诗歌中的名句及内涵,准确把握诗中情感,有感情地朗诵诗歌。 三、教学方法:诵读法 四、课时安排:1课时。 五、教学工具:多媒体教学设备、手机APP教学。 预习要求: 1、朗读诗歌,借助注解和工具书,疏通诗歌大意; 2、查找文天祥相关文学常识与诗歌写作背景。 教学过程: 课前常规活动: 成语积累——“舍生取义”(学生讲解成语) ppt展示:“生,亦我所欲也,义,亦我所欲也;二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。” ——《孟子·告子上》 大意: 生命,是我所喜爱的,大义,也是我所喜爱的;如果这两样东西不能同时都具有的话,那么我只好牺牲生命而选取大义了。 (一)导入: 师:同学们,你们知道有哪些舍生取义的古今英雄吗? 生:……文天祥! 师:好,这节课我们一起来学习这位英雄写下的诗歌!请大家一起齐读诗歌。 师:请同学为大家介绍文天祥的相关文学常识: (二)作者及写作背景简介 文天祥 (1236年-1283年),原名云孙,字宋瑞,号文山,吉州庐陵人。南宋杰出的民族英雄、政治家、军事家、爱国诗人。代表作品《正气歌》《过零丁洋》。 过零丁洋》作于1279年,即文天祥被元军所俘的第二年正月过零丁洋时。当时,元军统帅张弘范逼迫文天祥写信,招降宋朝正在海上坚持抵抗的将领张世杰,文天祥坚决拒绝,并写了这首诗作为回答。这首诗为作者誓死明志而作,是一首大义凛然的正气歌,饱含着作者的爱国主义情感。 (三)多种形式朗诵,整体感受诗歌情感 ①学生齐读诗歌(教师先不点评) ②手机APP范读(正字音、把握节奏) 请学生评价示范朗读。明确朗读要注意的事项。 ③教师指导朗读: 辛苦/遭逢/起一经,干戈/寥落/四周星。↓ 山河/破碎/风飘絮,身世/浮沉/雨打萍。↓


小学英语单词记忆法 作者:u899292/用户名:u899292 一、拼音式记忆法 如:数字“十”ten,可以联想成ten的拼音发音。男人们“men”汉语拼音便是men…… 二、谐音记忆法 1.单词读音谐音法 如:apple单词的汉语谐音是“阿婆”画图“一个阿婆手里拿着一个苹果”联想,看到图画联想到apple的读音,汉意。 2.字母音与汉字音相结合谐音记忆法 如颜色单词红色red,记住一句话,阿姨地里的苹果红了……这一句话,不仅让学生加深了三个字母r,e,d的粗读,还记住了这个单词的顺序,同时又记住了这个单词的汉意“红色”,这样一句话,可谓一石三鸟,在实际的教学中收到了良好的效果…… 三、形近串连记忆法 如tea茶叶,eat吃,teacher教师,meat肉,这些单词形近,老师吃茶吃肉,这样一句话,让学生一下子便记住了四个单词。Purple people紫色的人们,monday moon 星期一,月儿升…… 四、字母谐音及外形和故事结合记忆法 单词eleven “十一”很多同学记忆吃力,即便是当时记住了,可是很短时间又忘了,一种方法想忘记都难,三个阿姨(e)走娘家,(她的娘家门牌号是11.)第一个阿姨带去了一把勾子(l这个字母形状像勾),第二个阿姨呢,竟带去了一把剪刀(v像剪刀),第三个阿姨特别有意思,把自己的大门扛了去……想必是娘家的大门坏了…… 五、循环记忆法 这种方法是一个传统的记忆方法,也是来是们使用的做多的方法,人的大脑有一个特点,对某个信息反复刺激才能记住,例如,三年级的学生每天规定记忆的词汇量是五个单词,第二天记忆十个其中包括第一天的五个,第三天背十五个其中包括前两天的,照这样累计,这种方法也许对于孩子来说是枯燥无味的,但每个单词却都对大脑刺激无数次,从而记得比较牢。

高考必背64篇汇编之《 过零丁洋 》(原文+解析+译文+情景默写+作文素材运用积累)

高考必背64篇汇编之《过零丁洋》 (原文+解析+译文+情景默写+作文素材运用积累) 过零丁 (宋)文天祥 《过零丁洋》是宋代大臣文天祥在1279年经过零丁洋时所作的诗作。此诗前二句,诗人回顾平生;中间四句紧承“干戈寥落”,明确表达了作者对当前局势的认识;末二句是作者对自身命运的一种毫不犹豫的选择。全诗表现了慷慨激昂的爱国热情和视死如归的高风亮节,以及舍生取义的人生观,是中华民族传统美德的崇高表现。 辛苦遭逢起一经,干戈寥落四周星。 山河破碎风飘絮,身世浮沉雨打萍。 惶恐滩头说惶恐,零丁洋里叹零丁。 人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青。 【译文】 我一生的辛苦遭遇,都开始于一部儒家经书;从率领义军抗击元兵以来,经过了四年的艰苦岁月。 祖国的大好河山在敌人的侵略下支离破碎,就像狂风吹卷着柳絮零落飘散;自己的身世遭遇也动荡不安,就像暴雨打击下的浮萍颠簸浮沉。

想到前兵败江西,(自己)从惶恐滩头撤离的情景,那险恶的激流、严峻的形势,至今还让人惶恐心惊;想到去年五岭坡全军覆没,身陷敌手,如今在浩瀚的零丁洋中,只能悲叹自己的孤苦伶仃。 自古人生在世,谁没有一死呢?为国捐躯,死得其所,(让我)留下这颗赤诚之心光照青史吧! 【整篇赏析】 首联“辛苦遭逢起一经,干戈寥落四周星。”“起一经”当指天祥二十岁中进士说的,四周星即四年。天祥于德祐元年(1275),起兵勤王,至祥兴元年(1278)被俘,恰为四个年头。此自叙生平,思今忆昔。从时间说,拈出“入世”和“勤王”,一关个人出处,一关国家危亡,两件大事,一片忠心。唐宋时期,一个人要想替国家做出一番事业,必须入仕,要入仕,作为知识分子必须通过科举考选,考选就得读经,文天祥遇难时,衣带中留有个自赞文说:“读圣贤书,所学何事,而今而后,庶几无愧”,就是把这两件事拴在一起的。圣人著作就叫经,经是治国安邦的。这两句诗,讲两件事,似可分开独立,而实质上是连结在一起的。干戈寥落一作干戈落落,意思相近。《后汉书·耿弁传》“落落难合”注云:“落落犹疏阔也。”疏阔即稀疏、疏散,与寥落义同。《宋史》说当时谢后下勤王诏,响应的人很少,这里所讲情况正合史实。 颔联接着说“山河破碎风飘絮,身世浮沉雨打萍。”还是从国家和个人两方面展开和深入加以铺叙。宋朝自临安弃守,恭帝赵昰被俘,事实上已经灭亡。剩下的只是各地方军民自动组织起来抵抗。文天祥、张世杰等人拥立的端宗赵昱逃难中惊悸而死,陆秀夫复立八岁的赵昺建行宫于崖山,各处流亡,用山河破碎形容这种局面,加上说“风飘絮”,形象生动,而心情沉郁。这时文天祥自己老母被俘,妻妾被囚,大儿丧亡,真像水上浮萍,无依无附,景象凄凉。 颈联继续追述今昔不同的处境和心情,昔日惶恐滩边,忧国忧民,诚惶诚恐;今天零丁洋上孤独一人,自叹伶仃。皇恐滩是赣江十八滩之一,水流湍急,令人惊恐,也叫惶恐滩。原名黄公滩,因读音相近,讹为皇恐滩。滩在今江西省万安县境内赣江中,文天祥起兵勤王时曾路过这里。零丁洋在今广东省珠江15里外的崖山外面,现名伶丁洋,文天祥兵败被俘,押送过此。前者为追忆,后者乃当前实况,两者均亲身经

高中英语必修二知识讲解 Unit 1 Culturalrelics语言点

Unit 1 Culture relics 单元语言点 目标认知 重点词汇 rare, valuable, survive, doubt, remove, amazing, select, design, remain, worth, fancy 重点短语 belong to, in return, serve as, think highly of, part of, in search of 重点句型 1. could have done 2. Nor do I think... 知识讲解 重点词汇 rare 【原句回放】Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? 文化遗产总是稀少而贵重的吗? 【点拨】rare adj. 稀少的, 罕见的;稀薄的 It is rare to see a man over 160 years old. 很少见到一个人能活到160岁。 The air is rare at high altitudes. 高处空气稀薄。 【拓展】occasional, uncommon, scare, rare均含“稀罕的、很少发生”之意。 occasional 指偶然、间或发生的事,侧重无规律可循。 uncommon指一般不发生或很少发生的事情,故显得独特、异常与例外。 scare指暂时不易发现、不存在或数量不足,供不应求的东西。 rare指难得发生的事或难遇见的人或事,侧重特殊性。 valuable 【原句回放】Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? 文化遗产总是稀少而贵重的吗? 【点拨】valuable adj. 很有用的,宝贵的;很值钱的,贵重的(=of great value) valuable experience 宝贵的经验 valuable jewelry 贵重的首饰 This is one of the most valuable lessons I learned. 这是我所学到的最宝贵的教训。 Is the watch valuable? 这块表很值钱吗? 【拓展】valueless 无价值的,不值钱的(=of no value) worthless 没有用的,无价值的; priceless 无价的,极重要的,珍贵的 【高清课堂B2U1重点词句】 survive


文天祥《过零丁洋》 【原诗】 过零丁洋 辛苦遭逢起一经, 干戈寥落四周星。 山河破碎风飘絮, 身世浮沉雨打萍。 惶恐滩头说惶恐, 零丁洋里叹零丁。 人生自古谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。 【今译】 回想我早年由科举入仕历尽苦辛, 如今战火消歇已熬过了四个周星。 国家危在旦夕恰如狂风中的柳絮, 个人又哪堪言说似骤雨里的浮萍。 惶恐滩的惨败让我至今依然惶恐, 零丁洋身陷元虏可叹我孤苦零丁。 人生自古以来有谁能够长生不死, 我要留一片爱国的丹心映照汗青。 【赏析】

《过零丁洋》赏析 祥兴元年(1278)十二月,文天祥兵败被俘。第二年元月,元军出珠江口,进攻南宋最后据点山(在今广东新会南海中),文天祥被押解同行,过零丁洋时写了这首诗,决心以死殉国。当时,元军统帅张弘范逼迫文天祥招降坚守山的南宋将领张世杰,文天祥严正拒绝,说:“我自救父母不得,乃教人背父母,可乎?”并出示此诗以明心志,张弘范见诗中辞意坚决,“但称:‘好人!好诗!’竟不能逼。” 诗的开头两句回顾自己一生的主要经历。概括地说,是两件大事。一是受到皇帝的选拔,经过科举考试进入仕途。二是在元军入侵、宋室危亡之际,响应朝廷“勤王”号召,在德元年(1275)正月,以全部家产充军费,起兵抗元,在频繁不断的战斗中度过了四年。这四年中,他出生入死,为挽救危亡,竭尽全力,苦苦支撑,但局势却越来越危殆。此时,南宋大部江山已落入敌手,自己也兵败被俘。眼看大势已去,诗人不禁悲从中来。所以接下去两句就进一步抒写国破家亡的悲哀。国土遭到元军的蹂躏,山河破碎,设在山的南宋王朝在元军的攻逼之下也岌岌可危,覆亡在即,一如风中柳絮。这是从国势一面说。至于文天祥自己,也是一生坎坷,当初做官曾因忤权贵而屡被罢斥;起兵抗元之后,多次兵败,一次被扣,两次被俘,数次欲自杀尽节而不死。如今部下将士牺牲殆尽,亲人被元军俘获,自己孤零一人,身陷敌手,一如风雨吹打的浮萍,无所依托。这两句以比喻的方式写国势和身世,生动形象,而蕴藏其中的感情尤为深挚沉痛,极有艺术感染力。接下去,“惶恐滩头说惶恐,零丁洋里叹零丁”两句,是对


自然拼读词汇 一.a e i o u 的短音 Aa: a n a m a t f a t h a s a nd b a g c a p c a t h a t f a t s a d h a d r a n p a n c a n m a n b a ck th a t th a nk h a ppy st a nd bl a ck p a nda f a mily dr a gon a pple h a ve M a ths a nimal gr a ndma gr a ndpa bl a ckboard ban a na a pple p a rrot a nimal c a rry r a ng st a nd m a tter c a tch Ee: leg g e t b e d y e s r e d t e n h e lp h e llo d e sk s e ven el e ven tw e lve p e n p e ncil e lephant t e nnis pr e sent dr e ss w e st Ii: i s i t i n h i s s i x b i t c i ty th i s b i g sh i p th i n sk i p f i sh m i lk s i n g g i ve w i ndy an i mal sw i m d i nner w i nter an i mal b i scuit c h i ldren

chopst i cks d i ff i cult dr i nk dumpl i ng f i fteen f i fty h i ll k i d l i sten l i ttle l i ve p i cture P i nk s i xteen s i xty sw i m v i sit w i n w i nner s i t g i ve w i nd w i th sk i p m i ss ch i ck f i n i sh f i nger fam i ly s i ster pol i cemen Oo: o x o n o f n o t d o g o n h o t g o t b o x d o ll d o ctor b o dy s o ng p o p pr o ject st o p o range cl o ck fr o g fr o m l o st s o rry b o x h o t l o st dr o p cr o ss b o ttle c o ffee sh o pping Uu: u p b u s m u m b u mp l u nch s u mmer s u nny u nder r u n r u nning l u ck d u mpling h u ndred h u ngry j u mp j u mping m u ch m u m j u st h u rry


高中文言文传记阅读《文天祥》答案及译文 - 文言文阅读及答案- 文天祥字宋瑞,又字履善,吉之吉水人也。年二十举进士,对策集英殿。帝亲拔为第一。咸淳九年,起为湖南提刑,因见故相江万里。万里素奇天祥志节,语及国事,愀然曰:吾老矣,观天时人事当有变,吾阅人多矣,世道之责,其在君乎?君其勉之。十年,改知赣州。德祐初,江上报急,诏天下勤王。天祥捧诏涕泣,发郡中豪杰,有众万人。事闻,以江西提刑安抚使召入卫。其友止之,天祥曰:第国家养育臣庶三百余年,一旦有急,征天下兵,无一人一骑入关者,吾深恨于此,故不自量力,而以身徇之,庶天下忠臣义士将有闻风而起者。尽以家赀为军费。明年正月,除知临安府,寻除右丞相兼枢密使,如军中请和,与大元丞相伯颜抗论皋亭山。丞相怒拘之,北至镇江。天祥夜亡入真州,展转至高邮,泛海至温州。至元十五年十二月,趋南岭。天祥方饭五坡岭,张弘范兵突至,天祥仓皇出走,千户王惟义前执之。至潮阳,见弘范,左右命之拜,不拜,弘范遂以客礼见之,与俱入崖山,使为书招张世杰。天祥曰:吾不能捍父母,乃教人叛父母,可乎?索之固,乃书所过零丁洋诗与之。崖山破,弘范遣使护送天祥至京师。天祥在燕凡三年,上知天祥终不屈也,召入谕之曰:汝何愿?天祥对曰:天祥受宋恩,为宰相,安事二姓?愿赐之一死足矣。然犹不忍,遽麾之退。言者力赞从天祥之请,从之。天祥临刑殊从容。谓吏卒曰:吾事毕矣。南乡拜而死,年四十七。(节选自《宋史文天祥传》)

1.对下列句中加点的词语的解释,不正确的一项是 A.年二十举进士,对策集英殿对策:对付的策略 B.第国家养育臣庶三百余年养育:养活、抚养 C.吾深恨于此深恨:非常遗憾 D.天祥临刑殊从容从容:沉着镇静 2.下列各组句子中,加点的词的意义和用法相同的一组是A.因见故相江万里B.君其勉之 然后践华为城,因河为池其如是,孰能御之 C.以江西提刑安抚使召入卫D.与大元丞相伯颜抗论皋亭

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