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Tour on Chinese Civilization 文化神州游

acculturation 文化融会,文化互渗(不同文化在频繁交流中的互相影响)cultural influence/interaction 文化影响

Gang of Four 四人帮

international publicity 对外宣传

中国点心dim sum 人参ginseng


乌龙茶Oolong 太极taichi


养生health preservation

阴阳yin and yang


风水feng shui

气功qi gong

公元前2000年世界最重要的城市伊拉克的乌尔Ur (古代美索不达米亚南部苏美尔的重要城市)


公元前500年波斯Persia 波斯波利斯Persepolis

所有关于中国问题的研究,统称为“中国学”China Studies


中国“和平崛起”Peaceful Emergence of China

软力量(文化影响与渗透)soft power

中国模式China Model

北京共识Shared Beijing Views

中庸the way of medium

和而不同harmony with diversities 仁政governing of benevolence 王道governing of justice

“睦邻友好”政策good-neighbor policy

共同发展cooperated development/mutual development

多赢局面win-win situation

中国的“温和形象”friendly and mild image

Communication across Ancient Civilizations 远古的文明交流


西域的坎儿井karez wells/the underground irrigation system


丝绸之路the Silk Road 古藏文ancient Tibetan 回鹘文Uighur script 于阗文Khotan script 粟特文Sogdian



Cultural Mainstream of Cathay 华夏主流文化

诸子百家the various schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods 百家争鸣free speech of one-hundred-and-one schools


Chinese Religious Culture 华夏宗教文化


穆斯林(回教)Muslim 基督教Christianity 道教Taoism

神山圣水holy mountains and sacred waters 名刹佛塔temples and stupas

Chinese Food Tradition 中华食文化烹调技艺wokking skills

地方菜local wokking

宫廷菜royal dishes 官府菜official cuisine

寺院菜Buddhist dishes

少数民族菜ethnic specialties 小吃snacks and dim sum

中国八大菜系China’s Famous Eight of Cuisine (鲁川粤闽苏浙湘徽)

食器culinary wares/dinner wares 老字号long-established restaurants 美食家gourmets

精食家epicures 满汉全席whole set of Manchu-Han dishes

国酒茅台Moutai,the national liquor

中元节,又称祭祖节Ancestor-Worshipping Festival

冬至节Winter Solstice 庙会temple fair

年夜饭family reunion dinner

民族历史ethnic history 民族风情ethnic customs 民族习俗ethnic social norms 民族神话/传说ethnic mythology/legendary

Chinese Architecture and Horticulture 中华建筑及园林文化

京杭大运河Great Jing-Hang Canal

都江堰the Dujiang Weir 南北大运河North-South Grand Canal

苏州园林classical Suzhou gardens

岭南庭院Lingnan courtyards

北京四合院Beijing quadruples; quadruple courtyards

世界遗产名录World Heritage List

Traditional Chinese Arts and Crafts 中国传统工艺

农耕文明farming civilization

现代工业文明industrial civilization

四大发明the Four Great Inventions

指南针compass (sinan compass 司南战国) 北宋制成指南针

造纸术paper-making (Marquis Cai’s paper 蔡侯纸) 西汉发明,东汉蔡伦改进火药gunpowder 隋

雕版印刷术carved wood block printing 隋唐

活字印刷术movable-type printing 北宋毕昇

木刻印刷wooden-type printing 木刻版画wood-carving printing 石板印刷lithographic printing 铜板印刷copper-type printing 铅字印刷lead-type printing 激光照排laser printing

数码印刷digital printing

“李约瑟难题”Joseph Needham’s dilemma 中医中药TCM=Traditional Chinese Medicine


针灸acupuncture and moxibustion 推拿massage

气功qigong 拔火罐cupping


穴位acupuncture point/acupoint

望、闻、问、切observation, auscultation, olfaction inquiry, pulse-feeling and palpation 中医治疗八法:汗、吐、下、和、温、清、补、消

相生co-occurrence/symbiosis 相克reciprocally destroying


中成药patent TCM 民间偏方folk prescription 家传秘方family prescription

《黄帝内经》The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine

葛洪Ge Hong(314-420), an alchemist(炼金术士)and doctor of the Eastern Jin 《抱朴子》The Book of Master Baopu.It summarizes ancient China’s ancient alchemy and records many observations of chemical phenomena.

《金匮要略》Synopsis of Golden Chamber 张仲景东汉

十进位值制the decimal system

祖冲之Zu Chongzhi, the first person in the world to bring the calculation of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter to the seventh decimal place, between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927.

太阳黑子sun spot

哈雷彗星Halley’s Comet


赤道坐标系the equator scale 二十八星宿28 celestial groups 黄道十二宫the 12 zodiac belts 坐标体系the positioning scale

《大明历》the Daming Calendar祖冲之南北朝

《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers先秦

《水经注》On Rivers郦道元北魏

《梦溪笔谈》Dream Stream Essays沈括北宋


农业的深耕细作agricultural cultivation

郑和Zheng He, a famous navigator of the Ming Dynasty, undertook several epic sea voyages as commander of the largest fleet in the world in his time.

海上丝绸之路the marine silk route

Continuity of Cathay Civilization 中华文明传承


远古时代remote antiquity

上古primordial times; ancient times; remote ages

中古middle ancient times; medieval times; middle ages

太古代Archaeozoic Era 元古代Proterozoic Era 古生代Paleozoic Era 中生代Mesozoic Era 新生代Cenozoic Era 石器时代Stone Age

旧石器时代Old Stone Age; Paleolithic Age

中石器时代Mesolithic Age

新石器时代New Stone Age; Neolithic Age

铜石并用时代Chalcolithic Age

青铜时代Bronze Age

红铜时代Copper Age

铁器时代Iron Age

女娲补天lady Nu Wa mending the sky

夸父追日Kuafu, the iron man, chasing the sun

后羿射九日Hou Yi shooting down the nine suns

嫦娥奔月Chang E flying to the moon; the Lady on the moon;the moon fairy

神农尝百草Shen Nong trying tasting wild plants

黄帝战蚩尤the war between Huang Di and Chi You

尧舜禹汤ancient Cathay kings of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang

大禹治水Da Yu, the Great Flood Tamer

养蚕业sericulture,silkworm-breeding and silk-weaving


刀耕火种slash-and-burn farming






文明的门槛the threshold of civilization

人类文明的标志an indicator or a marker of human civilization

兵器weapon 礼器ritual wares乐器musical instruments 食器culinary wares

青铜玉器wares made of bronze and jade(翡翠,碧玉)

鼎tripod 漆器lacquer 编钟bronze chimes

三星堆遗址Sanxingdui Archeological Site

原始社会the primitive society 奴隶社会the slave society 封建社会the feudal society 奴隶制slavery 封建制feudalism

资本主义阶段the capitalist period 社会主义socialist society

现代工业文明industrial civilization 光电数字时代the optical and digital stage

后工业时代the post-industrial era

中国特色的社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics

与国际社会接轨gear into the international society

实事求是to seek truth from facts

“大同社会” the Datong Society/ Universalization

乌托邦Utopia 地球村the global village

龙年the year of dragon

“天下为公” To serve the world as a whole.


The revolutionary course is not yet achieved, my country fellows have to work harder to fulfill it!_ Testament(遗嘱)of Premier Sun Yat-sen of ROC(Republic of China)

结绳记事rope-knot memo

元谋人Yuanmou Man 半坡氏族Banpo Clan

华夏三大人文始祖the three legendary ancestors of the Chinese people

“礼崩乐坏” The official rites and social patterns clasped.

中华文明盛于久远。Chinese prosperity is deeply rooted in history.

郑和下西洋Zheng He’s Voyage to the West

戊戌变法(百日维新)100-Day Reform 洋务运动Learning-from West Campaign 辛亥革命1911’s Revolution 五四新文化运动May 4th New Culture Movement

西周Western Zhou 春秋Spring-Autumn Period 战国Warring States Period

三国Three Kingdoms 南北朝Northern and Southern Dynasties

五代十国Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms 后唐Later Tang

天朝the Celestial Empire 王朝;皇朝dynasty; imperial/royal court

皇权royal power 官衔official title 官职official position

三公九卿three councilors and nine ministers

英国王室的头衔爵位rank of nobility

公爵duke 侯爵marquis 伯爵earl;count 子爵viscount 男爵baron





由于中外相互缺乏了解的现象仍十分普遍,历史上形成了汉译英文本中的许多“文化空白”(cultural gap)、“词汇空白”(lexical gap)、“语义空白”(semantic zero)、“意念空白”(abstract gap)。

“五伦全图”象征了封建时代的五种基本伦理关系与人际关系,即“君臣、父子、夫妇、兄弟、朋友”。并用五种鸟禽代表这五种人伦关系:凤凰、仙鹤、鸳鸯、鹑鸽、黄莺。五伦:five ethic relations






翻译首先要完成本语言、本文化的阐释,做好语内翻译(intralingual translation),才能做语际翻译(interlingual translation)。

科举imperial examinations


龙的传人descendants of the dragon

茶馆teahouse 说书story-telling

算盘abacus (pl.abaci)世界最早的手动计算器




血缘blood relationship

无缘无故without any reason or any cause/for no reason at all

缘分predestined relationship

姻缘predestined marriage


天赐良缘a god-sent marriage; a good marriage arranged in Heaven

天缘巧合a luck coincidence

喜结良缘tie the nuptial knot

缔结姻缘form marital tie

佛缘Buddhist attachment

人缘relations with people

有人缘enjoy great popularity

聊得投缘talk congenially

投缘的街坊们congenial neighbors

有缘结识某人be lucky to get acquainted with sb.

与某人有一面之缘happen to have met sb. Once

化缘beg for alms

婚姻是缘分。A couple’s conjugal fate is prearranged.

他们的结合是美满的姻缘。Their wedlock is a happy marriage.

有缘终相逢。Fate brings together people who are far apart.

无缘不成对。There is no meeting without predestination.

我与烟酒无缘。Smoking and drinking don’t appeal to me.

好事似乎与他无缘。Good luck seemed to be wholly denied to him.

千里姻缘一线牵。(As a Chinese saying goes) Two beings destined to marry each other, though thousands of miles apart, are tied together with an invisible red thread by an old man under the moonlight.

他们俩有情无缘。They are attracted to each other but not fated to be conjugally tied. 机缘凑巧,我找到一份工作。As luck would have it, I found a job.

有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。As decreed by providence you have met him; otherwise you might have failed although you came along a long way.

我发现有几个同事和我挺投缘。I found quite a few colleagues congenial to me.

他在单位有人缘。He is popular with his fellow workers.

真遗憾,我们一直无缘相见。It is a pity that we have no opportunity to meet each other.


There is absolutely no such a thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.


I can’t tell the nature of Mt. Lushan, for I myself stay in the mountains.




玉不琢,不成器。Unpolished pearls never shine.

宁为玉碎不为瓦全。Better death than dishonor.

化干戈为玉帛。Bury the hatchet.

Epigraphy 金石学

marble 大理石

北京四合院Beijing Quadruples

陕北土窑洞cave houses in northern Shaanxi

蒙古包Mongolian yurt

(佛教寺庙的)神龛Buddhist shrine (基督教教堂的)神坛Christian altar

骑楼sotto portico

四书The Four Books即

《大学》The Great learning《中庸》The doctrine of the Mean

《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》Mencius这四部著作的总称。

五经The Five Classics即

The Book of Songs《诗经》The Book of History《书经》

The Book of Changes《易经》The Book of Rites《礼经》仪式

The Spring and Autumn Annals《春秋》编年史




二人转er’renzhuan dance; pair dance 皮影戏shadow show

双簧a two-man act

绕口令tongue twist

相声cross-talk; comic talk

山东快书Shandong clapper

快板kuaiban;clapper/comic talk

露天表演open-air performance

中国结Chinese knot 七巧板Chinese puzzles; tangram 踢毽子shuttlecock

陀螺whipping-top/spinning top 扯铃/抖空竹diabolo

泥人张Zhang’s clay figurine

泥塑clay figurine

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