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1. 他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.

2. 很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power.

3. 有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.

4. 控制沙城暴需要大量的工作和资金。The control of sandstorm will involve a lot of work and money.

5. 你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。You must take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies.

6. 所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars

7. 他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。Based on his (careful) observation of children?s behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure. 8. 在一个多民族的国家里,各民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.

9. 政府决定严惩所有涉案的腐败官员。The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.

10. 考试作弊并不经常发生,但一旦发生,学校会采取严厉的态度。Cheating at exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a very tough position.


1. 我怀疑这本书也许已经不再印了。我去问书店的工作人员,他们说我说的对,这书已经绝版很多年了。I suspected that this book might not be in print. I checked with the bookstore people, and they told me that I was right. The book had been out of print for years.

2. 这小说里有一个值得记住的故事,讲的是刘备如何尽量不引起曹操对他的雄心的怀疑,因为如果引起怀疑,他的生命就会有危险。One memorable story in the novel concerns how Liu Bei tried not to rouse Cao Cao?s suspicion about his ambitions, because if he did his life would be at stake.

3. 当曹操称他为真正的英雄时,刘备吓得筷子都掉了。但是他聪明地掩盖了他那令人怀疑的举动。When Cao Cao called him …a real hero?, Liu Bei was so shocked that he dropped his chopsticks. But he managed to cover up his suspicious behavior in a clever way.

4. 第一个嫌疑犯是死者的儿子。警察怀疑他谋杀了他的父亲,因为邻居们在案发当晚曾听到他们打架。The first suspect was the victim?s son. The police suspected him of murdering his father, because the neighbors reported having heard them fighting on the night of the killing.

5. 在学习当中,重要的不是把一切都记住,而是运用你的想象力,创造性地、批判性地去进行思考。What matters in learning is not to commit everything to memory, but to use your imagination to think creatively as well as critically.

6. 他肯定是你能想象到的最可笑的窃贼了。他偷偷进了屋子,尽情地吃喝,最后酩酊大醉,一脸满足的笑容,直到第二天早上被发现。He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable. He broke into the house, ate and drank to his heart?s content, and remained dead drunk until discovered the next morning, with a perfectly content look on his face.

7. 我现在记人的名字很困难。我想这肯定是年老造成的。I have trouble remembering people?s names now. I guess it must result from old age.

8. 我们生活在很多想象的威胁当中,结果就常常感到沮丧。We live under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result.

9. 我怀疑我们的教师有时候低估了学生的智力。其实年轻人脑子里充满了想象。I suspect that we teachers sometimes underestimate students? mental capacities. In fa ct, the young have very imaginative minds.

1. 有志者事竟成。Where there is a will, there is a way.

2. 俗话说每个成功的男人背后都有一个女人。As the saying goes, behind every great man there stands a woman.

3. 曾经有过一个时期这个镇上的居民可以夜不闭户。There was a time in this town when the residents d idn?t have to lock their doors at night.

4. 上学的第一天,那男孩就明白了再也不可能回到那个天堂一样的家里去了。On his first day at school, the boy realized that there was no question of ever returning to the paradise of home.

5. 纳尔逊·曼德拉在自传中说,有时候人们挽救不了该消亡的东西。Nelson Mandela said in his biography that there is nothing one can do to save something that must die.

6. 居住在大山中偏僻的小村里还是有些优势的。There is something to be said about/for living in a remote mountain village.

7. 说不好那些恐怖分子下一步要干什么,我们必须时刻警惕。There is no telling what the terrorists might do next. We must be on the lookout all the time.

8. 在这家人决定移民到澳大利亚之前有诸多事情要考虑。There were a lot of things to consider before the family decided to immigrant to Australia.

9. 这少年的攻击性举止中有些方面使他的父母很担忧。There is something in the boy?s aggressive behavior that is worrying his parents.

10. 世上没有免费的午餐。不要觉得你有权获得你没有为之流汗和努力的任何东西。There is no such thing as free lunch. Don?t feel entitled to anything you haven?t sweated and struggled for.


1. 他们都伸长脖子想看个究竟,就好像被一根无形的绳子牵着。They all stretched their necks to see what was happening, as if pulled by an invisible string.

2. 我们下车去伸伸胳膊和腿。我们前面是一片美丽的开阔地。We got out of the car to stretch

a little. In front of us there was a beautiful stretch of open land.

3. 他们连续谈判了好几个小时,但是仍然没有解决他们之间的分歧。They talked for hours at

a stretch, but they still failed to settle their differences.

4. 尽管有温暖的天气、新鲜的空气和美味佳肴,她的健康仍然没有恢复。For all the warm weather, fresh air and nice food, her health still did not recover.

5. 他瞟了那辆车一眼就知道它没法修了。他望望前面,只见一眼望不到头的沙漠,荒无人烟。他知道他陷入困境了。One glance at the car and he knew that it was beyond repair. Looking ahead, he found the desert stretching as far as the eye could see without a soul in sight. He knew he was in a terrible fix.

6. 武松奋力举起哨棒向老虎打去。但是哨棒“啪”的一声断了,而老虎毫发未伤。他一急打到附近树上去了。Wu song swung his stick with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his panic, he had hit the tree nearby.

7. 我非常喜欢你在俄罗斯拍的那些照片,尤其是那张上面有个马车夫坐在黑海边,膝盖上放着一块布,布上放着他晚餐的照片。I am terribly fond of the pictures you snapped in Russia, especially the one showing a coachman sitting by the Black Sea with his supper in a cloth on his knees.

8. ——“这事您不能就此罢休。”我向他请求道。——“这不关你事。”他厉声说道。“You can?t just let it go at that.” I pleaded with him. “It?s none of your business.” he snapped. 9. 他“啪”地一下合上了公文包,站起来说:“那就这么定了。”He snapped his briefcase to, stood up and said, “Then that?s all settled.”

10. 海啸来的时候,他正站在小山上的家门口,离码头大概只有一百米远。He was standing in front of his house on a hill, only about 100 meters away from the wharf when the tsunami came.

1. 那饥饿的男孩把剩下的窝窝头狼吞虎咽地吃了下去,就像那是他最喜欢的大虾一样。The hungry boy wolfed down the left-over corn-bread as though it was his favorite king prawns.

2. 关于高中的日子,他的记忆中只剩下一轮又一轮、没完没了的测验和考试。What remains in his mind of his high school is nothing but endless rounds of tests and exams.

3. 我认为决议违背了本组织的宗旨,因此投了那样一票。I don?t think the resolution is in accord with the purpose of the organization. That?s why I voted as I did.

4. 他不明白是什么使得他的孙子如此热衷于微博。He doesn?t understand what it is that makes his grandson so crazy about micro-blogging.

5. 我仍然记得那次事件的细节,好像就是昨天发生的事。I remember the details about the incident as though it was yesterday.

6. 龙卷风之后,她家房子只剩下地基了。What remained of her home after the tornado was the land the house was built on.

7. 这就是为什么他目睹今天早上的撞车事故时那样表现的原因。That?s why he behaved as he did when he witnessed the car crash this morning.

8. 他们在琢磨是什么使那对双胞胎兄弟一个成了罪犯,另一个成了优秀的警察。They are trying to figure out what it was that turned one of the twin brothers into a criminal, the other an excellent policeman.

9. 当他发现了一株特别壮实的水稻时,他高兴得好像发现了一座金矿。When he found a particularly strong rice plant he was very happy as though he had discovered a gold mine.

10. 现在生活富裕了,他决定与家里还活着的人取得联系。Now that he?s quite well-off, he has decided to get in touch with what remains of his family.


1. 只有这样我们对他的这种古怪行为才能给予合理的解释。Only in this way can we account for his odd behavior.

2. 她自称具有一种特异功能,用手一摸就能治病。She claims to have a magic power----the power to cure diseases by the touch of her hand.

3. 他任命了五个人处理这个案件。他们组成了一个强有力的班子。几天内,他们就发现嫌烦拥有成卷的他无法说明来源的欧元、美元和大量贵重物品。He appointed five people to deal with/handle the case. They formed a strong team. Within (a few)days, they have found out that the suspect possessed rolls of euros, US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which he could not account for.

4. 在这个故事里,这个妖怪常常以美女的样子出现。In this tale, this evil spirit often appears in

the form of a pretty young woman.

5. 他把画卷了起来,并说一百万美元以下绝对不卖。He rolled up the painting and said that he would never sell /part with it for less than 1 million US dollars.

6. 有那么多的合格法官,我不明白为什么她被任命到最高法院工作。Of all the qualified judges I don?t know why she was appointed to the supreme court.

7. 我对此知道得不多,不足以形成一大套理论。不过我肯定,仅仅是贫困还不能解释犯罪率上升。I don?t know enough to formulate/form an elaborate theory. But I?m sure that poverty alone can not account for the rise of crime rates.

8. 一块大石头突然从山上滚了下来。它是如此之大,一下子把一辆卡车砸得粉碎。A stone suddenly rolled down the hill, so big that it smashed the truck to pieces.

9. 我说我们得卷起袖子开始干活,但他就只是像哲学家一样转了转眼珠,笑了笑。I said that we must roll up our sleeves and start working, but he just rolled his eyes philosophically/like a philosopher and smiled.

10. 古时候,我们的哲学家们认为一个好的皇帝对他的百姓就应该像一个好父亲对他的孩子那样,在任何情况下都不可残酷地对待他们。In ancient times, our philosophers believed that a good king should be to the people as a good father is to his children. He must never treat them cruelly on any account.


1. 造房子不是开玩笑的事情,你们每一步都必须仔细检查。Building a house is no joking matter. You have to check it at every step.

2. 他的部队成功地阻止了敌人的前进。这些敌人原先的企图是要来一个突然袭击。His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy whose original intention was to make a surprise attack.

3. 我当时很想反驳他的观点,但是我克制住了,因为我觉得那种场合不合适。I really wanted to refute his arguments, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.

4. 雷切尔·卡森以将她的一生都献给了环保事业而闻名。Rachel Carson is famous for devoting all her life to the cause of environmental protection.

5. 在某些方面,我们对这些大坝和水库潜在的危害仍然一无所知。它们可能造成不可恢复的环境变化。In some ways we are still ignorant of the potential harm of these dams and reservoirs. They might cause irrevocable changes in the environment.

6. 应该有一整套平衡制约的手段,这样才不会由一个人在没有得到老百姓同意,在他们不知情的情况下制订关系国家利益的重要政策。There must be a set of checks and balances so that no important policy concerning national interests can be made by one person without the consent and knowledge of the people.

7. 要想在竞争中获胜,我们必须适应新的形势。比如这些花花绿绿的衣服就是特别设计的,他们针对的是年轻人市场。To compete successfully we have to adjust to new conditions. These colorful garments, for example, are specially designed. They are intended for the youth market. 8. 我们教师如果对学生的健康情况缺少关心,那是不能原谅的。We teachers cannot be excused for our lack of concern for students? health.

9. 他说他宁可死也不愿意永远卧床不起,与外界隔绝。He said that he would rather die than be confined to bed all his life and isolated from the outside world.

10. 一场群众抗议席卷了全国,将他置于左右两方的交叉火力当中。A mass protest swept the country and he was caught in a crossfire from both the right and the left.


新视野大学英语(第三版)第一册课后翻译答案及原文 Unit 1 原文: Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamentals (基础) of modern Western philosophy. He is a mysterious [m??st?ri?s] figure known chiefly([?t?ifli?]adv.主要地) through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his most famous student Plato.Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field(n.领域)of ethics(['eθ?ks]n.伦理学). His method of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to stimulate(vt.激发)critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly([?kɑ:m?nli]adv.普通地)used tool in a wide(adj.广泛的)range of discussions. He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of epistemology ([??p?st??mɑ:l?d?i]认识论) and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation([fa?n?de??n]基础)for Western philosophy that followed.Socrates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon became a household word although he con structed no philosophical system, established no school, and founded no sect (宗派). 翻译: 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域做出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。 原文: 孔子是中国历史上著名的思想家、教育家,是儒家学派(Confucianism)的创始人,被尊称为古代的“圣人”(sage)。 他的言论和生平活动记录在《论语》(The Analects)一书中。《论语》是中国古代文化的经典著作,对后来历代的思想家、文学家、政治家产生了很大影响。不研究《论语》,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。孔子的很多思想,尤其是其教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。在21世纪的今天,孔子的学说不仅受到中国人的重视,而且也越来越受到整个国际社会的重视。 翻译: Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient (古代的)"sage". His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring(持久的)classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years' traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius' thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. Unit 2 原文: Christmas is a widely observed cultural holiday, celebrated on December 25 by millions of people around the world. It commemorates (纪念) the birth of Jesus Christ. The festival dated from as early as 336 AD. Gradually it evolved into a religious as well as secular (非宗教的) celebration, celebrated by an increasing number of non-Christians. Today Christmas is observed as an important festival and public holiday around the world. Christmas customs differ in different


Unit 1 Your college years 1你可曾考虑过作为一个大学生你生活中正在发生和即将发生的变化?你可曾想到过大学时代教授们以及其他教职工为了你的成长和发展制定了目标?你可曾注意过你在从青少年渐渐成人的过程中会发生某些变化?尽管大学生很少想这些,但是在大学生时代很可能会发生一些主要的变化。 2在这段时期,学生们正经受自我认同危机,他们努力要了解自己的身份,掌握自身的优缺点。当然,优缺点他们兼而有之,且两者都为数不少。重要的是人们如何看待自己,其他人又如何看待他们。皮尔斯和兰多曾在一篇文章中探讨了爱立信在《国际社会百科全书》中有关理论,根据他们的观点,性格特征是由先天基因(即父母的遗传物质)所决定,由外部环境而形成,并受偶然事件的影响的。人们受环境的影响,反过来也影响他们的环境。人们如何看待自己扮演的这两个角色无疑正是他们性格特征的部分表现。 3学生们经历自我认同危机的时候,他们也开始渐渐独立,但是可能仍然非常依赖父母。这种介于独立与依赖之间的冲突常常发生在青少年末期。事实上,这种冲突很可能因为他们选择继续接受大学教育而愈发激烈。高中一毕业,一些学生便会立即走入社会开始工作。这种选择的结果就是他们可能他们在经济上获得独立。但是大学生已经选择了用几年的时间继续掌握新知并且发展自我,因此他们在一定程度上还要依赖父母。 41984年4月杰利弗·A·霍夫曼在《心理咨询杂志》上发表了《即将成人的青年与父母的心理距离》,文章中他提及了人与父母产生心理距离的四个不同方面。第一,独立处理日常生活的能力,它包括个人独立处理实际事物和自身事务的能力,如理财的能力、选购服装的能力和决定每天工作日程的能力。第二,态度独立,即个人学会正确看待和接受自己与父母的态度、价值和信仰上的差异。第三个心理分离过程是情感独立,霍夫曼将这一过程定义为“摆脱父母的认可、亲近、陪伴和情感支持的过分依赖”。例如,大学生们会随自己所愿自由选择专业,而且并不认为必须征得父母的认同。第四是摆脱“对父母的过度内疚、焦虑、疑惑、责任、反感和愤怒的心理”。大学生们需要退一步看清自己在介于独立与依赖之间的冲突中所处的位置。 5可能大学生们面临的最紧张的问题之一就是构建自己的性别特征,这包括与异性之间的关系和对未来自身男性或女性角色的设计。每个人必须将其性格特征定义为男性或女性角色。这一过程中兴奋与受挫并存。也许没有什么比恋爱更能让学生们情绪低落或高涨的。例如,我曾经和一位年轻的大学生共事,一次他欢呼雀跃的进了我的办公室,面带笑容,声音激动。年轻人宣布:“我刚度过了人生中最灿烂的一天。”他继续解释他是如何与一位超凡脱俗的女子相遇的,而且这份浪漫的爱情与他梦中所期待的完全一致。而不倒一个星期,同一个年轻人却拖着脚步神情沮丧的进了我的办公室。他在同一张椅子上坐下来,深深地叹了口气,宣布说:“我经历了人生中最糟糕的一天。”他和那个年轻女子刚刚吵过架,两人的关系不再看好。因而,大学生们与异性交往的方式对他们的情感必定有所影响。 6于此同时,这些刚刚成年的大学生也在学习如何在成年人的世界里奉献和收获情感。在这一角度上,成长不仅要处理与异性之间的关系,还要处理与两性及所有年龄段的朋友之间的关系。随着他们渐渐成人,他们与异性交往的方式也在发生变化。这时作为成年人他们应该思索如何与同龄人和睦相处并有礼有节,如何与他们生活中的青少年儿童和睦相处,如何与他们的父母和睦相处并表达自己的感情。举个我在西南浸礼教会学院读研究生时的例子,当我刚刚修完一门咨询课程后,我去探望父母。在学习这门课的过程中我渐渐意识到,当我的世界不断扩展,新的机遇不断出现时,我的父亲,一个年过花甲之人,正在亲眼目睹自己的世界在变小,选择在变少。在家的那些日子里,我和父亲几次谈心,共同探讨了我课程的内容以及它如何应用到我的生活中。我发觉自己正以一种不同的方式看待父亲,并且把他看作一个我可以鼓励的朋友。我有意识的去鼓励这个从前鼓励过我的人。我在以一种不同的方式与父亲交流。 7大学生的另一个变化就是内化他们的宗教信仰、价值尺度和道德观念。从出生开始,就有一位或更多的父母成为他们的榜样,教给他们特定的信仰、价值和道德。然而,当他们到了青春期,这些问题却遭到了质疑,在一些情况下甚至遭到了反叛。现在他们刚刚成年,他们有机会为自己决定人生中将会如何选择何种信仰、价值和道德。60年代末,一位生活在极度歧视其他种族的环境中的年轻女子深信自己种族的


大学英语精读 3 课后答案【篇一:大学英语精读第三版第三册课后答案(含 close 原文)】 >1) accent 2) turn against 3) a couple of 4) takes his time 5) fate 6) confirmed 7) witness 8) subsequent 9) stands a chance 10) trial 1) belief 2) brilliant 3) employment 4) has saved up 5) stood a chance 6) were awarded 7) presumably 8) conducted 9) casual 10) around (which student life) revolves 1) joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness. 2) despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening. 3) traffic was held up for several hours by the accident. 4) called (up) on to speak at the meeting, i couldnt very well refuse. 5) mrs. stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left. 6) it was the rumor that turned joe against his twin brother. 7) we wondered how sara was getting on in her new job. 8) although anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in. 9) visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.


U n i t 1 Baptist counsel encyclopedia agenda attitudinal contribute crisis endeavor ethical ethnic masculine resentment evaluate feminine adulthood option perceive project excessive functional genetic inherit interaction peer process stressful endowment ethnic adolescence affirm approval unquestionably heighten inhibition internalize newscast

rebel seminary theological wardrobe unit4 bearded Cynicism elegant guffaw lunatic monarch page pebble scant scratch block elaborately fountain half-naked nudge olive paradox privacy scoop squatter stroll titter sweat unit5 abundance adapt angler biocide birch bound built-in

chorus colossal confined considerable throb trout vegetation migrant suppress synthetic contamination counterpart deliberate ecologist evolve fern flame flicker gear harmony immune reserve score sicken span spiral subject mold outbreak potent primitive puzzle rapidity resurgence midst modify organism


1.你认为一个人要做些什么才能成为一个幸福的人? What do you think one can do to be a happy person? 2. 自从她去年离开上海去重新过她的农村生活后,我的心里一直很失落。Since she left Shanghai and resumed her life in the country last year, a void has found its way into my heart. 3. 我甚至没想过他会中头奖。 It didn't even cross my mind that he would win the first prize. 4. 我是在大城市长大的,忙忙碌碌的生活对我不再新鲜了。 I grew up in a big city, so the rat race is no longer new to me. 6. 教书是一个重要的职业——一个令人神往的职业,充满挑战和激情。Teaching is an important profession—a fascinating one, filled with challenges and excitement. 7. 如果这位科学伟人还活着的话,毫无疑问他会扩充他的定义,把最新的研究成果If the great scientist were still alive today, he would no doubt expand his definition to include the latest research findings. 8. 解决国与国之间争端的最好的办法是通过联合国。The best way to solve disputes between countries is through the United Nations. 9. 大工厂生产的产品正在替代小工场生产的产品。 Goods produced by big factories are taking the place of the goods produced by small workshops. 10. 这事件可能产生的后果应予以认真考虑。 The likely consequences of the incident need to be reflected on/upon. 11. 他差点解决了这个问题。He was within an inch of solving the problem. 12. 假如你要把财产转让给他人,须使他成为合法产权人 If you want to transfer your property to someone, you should first make him the legal owner of it. 13. 自从公司迁到这个地区以来,已有数十台电脑被盗,公司决定采取措施制止盗窃。More than ten computers have been stolen since the company moved to this area, so the company decided to take action to stop it. 14. 形势要求政府立即作出反应,否则,重大损失将不可避免。


Page 39 6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.It seemed impossible to me, but all the others looked very confident. Sth. seems (to be) + adj.(表) + to sb. 2.We looked around. There wasn't a building standing in sight. The earthquake seemed to have destroyed everything. Sth. /sb. +(seem + to do)复合谓语3.He seems to be in low spirits these days. Sth./Sb. + seem to be + 表语 wonder why. I think it's because he doesn't seem to be making much progress in his studies. He is afraid of being looked down upon by his classmates. Sb. + seem to do sth There seems to be 4.What are you looking for, Dick? I seem to have lost my key. How annoying! 5.If you find that a word doesn't seem to

make any sense in the sentence, you should look it up in the dictionary. That's the only way to learn to use a word. 6.They went on arguing for hours. Neither of them seem (to be) willing to listen to each other. I suddenly remembered someone saying "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge while argument is an exchange of ignorance." 7.The situation there seems to be very complicated. The government has promised to look into it. 8.My grandpa seems to be getting better and better, but he still needs somebody to look after him. 9.Economists have already come to the conclusion that the crisis seems to be coming to an end. W orld economy is looking up. 10.When I got well I looked at my bank account. To my sadness, I found my balance was almost zero. All my savings in


NNCE Book3课后翻译参考答案 Unit1 英译中原文:Global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community's values and practices. Global citizenship believes that humankind is essentially on and each individual has the power to change things. In our interdependent world, global citizenship encourages us to recognize our responsibilities toward each other and learn from each other. Global citizens care about education, disease, poverty, and environmental issues around the world. Today, the forces of global engagement are helping some people identify themselves as global citizens who have a sense of belonging to a world community. This growing global identity in large part is made possible by the forces of modern information, communications and transportation technologies. Global citizenship aims to empower people to lead their own action. Along with the knowledge and values that they have gained from learning about global issues, people need to be equipped with the necessary skills to give themselves the ability and confidence to be pro-active in making a positive difference in the world. Keys:世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。世界公民相信人类从本质上来说是一个整体,任何个人都有改变事物的能力。在我们这样一个相互依赖的世界中,世界公民意识鼓励我们认识到对彼此的责任,并从对方身上学习。世界公民关心全球的教育、疾病、贫穷和环境问题。在当今,全球合作的力量在使一些人萌发世界公民的意识,让他们拥有对全球社区的归属感。这种不断发展的世界公民意识在很大程度上来讲,要归功于现代信息、通信和交通技术的力量世界公民意识致力于给予人们力量,让他们付诸行动,世界公民除了要从世界问题中学习知识和价值观,还要拥有必需的技能,使他们拥有能力和自信,积极推动世界的发展。 汉译英原文:如今,很多年轻人不再选择" 稳定" 的工作,他们更愿意自主创业,依靠自己的智慧和奋斗去实现自我价值。青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正是让中国经济升级换代的力量。尤其是在当前,国家鼓励大众创业、万众创新,在政策上给予中小企业支持,这更加激发了年轻人的创业热情。 Keys:Nowadays, many young people no longer choose "stable" jobs. they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people's life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China's economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people's enthusiasm to start their own businesses.


Unit 1 1.adolescence .青春期 2.adolescent .青少年时期 3.adulthood.成年 4.affection .喜爱 5.affirm. 断言 6.agenda.日程表 7.Approval .同意,批准 8.attitudinal .态度的 9.counsel .建议 10.crisis . 危机 11.encyclopedia .百科全书 12.endeavor.尝试 13.endowment.天赋 14.ethical.道德的 15.evaluate.估算,评估 16.excessive.过分的,极度的 17.feminine .女性的 18.functional .职务的 19.genetic 基因的 20.heighten . 提高 21.inherit遗传,继承 22.inhibition压抑的情绪 23.interaction合作 24.internalize内化 25.masculine 男性的 26.newscast 新闻广播 27.option 选择 28.peer 同龄人 29.perceive理解 30.prejudiced 偏见 31.rebel抗议 32.resentment 怨恨 33.seminary学院的 34.theological神学的 35.wardrobe衣橱 Unit 2 36..abate 减弱 37..akimbo两手叉腰 38..barrel桶 39..bookworm极爱读书的人 40..careerism追求个人事业成功 41..clan家族 42..coax 哄骗https://www.doczj.com/doc/955818686.html,prise 组成 https://www.doczj.com/doc/955818686.html,pulsion 冲动 45..convent女修道院 46..corollary 推论 47..couched 表达 48..courser骏马 49..crayfish小龙虾 50..curled卷曲的 51..discontented不满足的 52..dishearten 让人失去希望 53..dogged顽强的 54..domino---多米诺骨牌 55..equivalent等效 56..ethos精神 57..exclusivity---排他性,排外性 58..flatten使平整 59..frigate- 护航舰 60..gable---三角墙 61..guillotine- 断头台 62..hale--健壮的 63..installment- 一期 64..interior--内部的 65..inveterate- 积习难改的,成瘾的 66..invincible 太壮而无法击败 https://www.doczj.com/doc/955818686.html,tter-下半年 68..literacy-有文化的 69..literati-识字的 70..lure 诱惑力 71..mockingbird--知更鸟 72..ottoman- 奥斯曼帝国 73..parallel平行的,同时的 74..perplexed- 迷惑的 75..plummet--暴跌 76..portray-- 描绘,勾画 77..prance-欢腾 78..prize-对---很重要 79..pundit-某一学科的权威,专家 80..safari-野外狩猎 81..Saint--圣徒,圣人 82..sanction-批准 83..seduce 诱使 84..sling-挂在 85..snobbery- 势力 86..solace安慰

大学英语精读第三册 翻译答案

大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编) 第三册Book3 Unit1~Unit10 翻译答案 Unit1 翻译 1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。 The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances. 2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。 Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary. 3) 随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。(confirm) The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again. 4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。 I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays. 5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official. 6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.


Unit1中国书法 中国书法(calligraphy)是一门独特的艺术、是世界上独一无二的艺术瑰宝。中国书法艺术的形成,发展与汉文字的产生与演进存在着密不可分的关系。汉字在漫长的演变发展过程中,一方面起着交流思想、继承文化的重要作用,另一方面它本身又形成了一种独特的艺术。书法能够通过作品把书法家个人的生活感受、学识、修养、个性等折射出来,所以,通常有“字如其人”的说法。中国书法不仅是中华民族的文化瑰宝,而且在世界文化艺术宝库中独放异彩。 Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world. The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters. In this long evolutionary process, Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting culture but also developed into a unique art form. Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers' personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that "seeing the calligrapher's handwriting is like seeing the person". As one of the treasures of Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world's treasure house of culture and art. Unit2互联网 近年来,随着互联网技术的发展,我国的数字化教育资源建设取得了巨大的成就。很多高校建立了自己的数字化学习平台,数字化教学在教育中发挥着越来越大的作用。和传统教学方式相比,数字化教学方式有很大的优势。一方面,数字化教学使教学资源得以全球共享;另一方面,它拓展了学习者的学习时间和空间,人们可以随时随地通过互联网进入数字化的虚拟学校学习。这使得人类从接受一次性教育走向终身学习成为可能。 In recent years, with the development of Internet technology, the construction of digital education resources of our country has made great achievements. Many universities have set up their own digital learning platforms, and digital teaching is playing an increasingly important role in education. Compared with the traditional way of teaching, the digital way has a lot of advantages. On one hand, digital teaching makes global sharing of teaching resources possible on the other hand, it expands the learner's study time and space to learn, allowing people to get access to the digital virtual schools through the Internet anytime and anywhere. These advantages make it possible for people to shift from one-time learning to lifelong learning. Unit3 孝道(filial piety)是中国古代社会的基本道德规范(code of ethics)。中国人把孝视为人格之本、家庭和睦之本、国家安康之本。由于孝道是儒家伦理思想的核心,它成了中国社会千百年来维系家庭关系的道德准则。它毫无疑问是中华民族的一种传统美德。孝道文化是一个复合概念,内容丰富,涉及面广。它既有文化理念,又有制度礼仪(institutional etiquette)。一般来说,它指社会要求子女对父母应尽的义务,包括尊敬、关爱、赡养老人等等。孝道是古老的"东方文明"之根本。 Filial piety is the basic code of ethics in ancient Chinese society. Chinese people consider filial piety as the essence of a person's integrity, family harmony, and the nation's well-being. With filial piety being the core of Confucian ethics, it has been the moral standard for the Chinese society to maintain the family relationship for thousands of years. It's undoubtedly a traditional Chinese virtue. The culture of filial piety is a complex concept, rich in content and wide in range. It includes not


Michael Welzenbach 1. When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life. My father’s government job demanded that he go overseas every few years, so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends. 2. We rented an 18th-century farmhouse in Berkshire. Nearby were ancient castles and churches. Loving nature, however, I was most delighted by the endless patchwork of farms and woodland that surrounded our house. In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. 3. I spent most of my time roaming the woods and fields alone, playing Robin Hood, daydreaming, collecting bugs and bird-watching. It was heaven for a boy —but a lonely heaven. Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon


大学英语精读三课后翻译题及答案 UNIT1-P16 1.发言人明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消这次旅行。 The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances. 2. 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。 Jack didn’t know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary. 3.随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑是对的。 The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions/ confirmed me in my suspicions once again. 4.我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。 I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs during their summer holidays. 5.令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分政治的州长竟然是个贪官。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official. 6.只有少数工人得到提升,与此同时却又数百名工人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed. 7.如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。 Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter. 8.数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转。 Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods. UNIT3-P59 1.许多美国大学生申请政府贷款交付学费。 Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their education/tuition. 2. 除阅读材料外,使用电影和录像会激发学生学习的兴趣。 Besides reading materials, the use of films and videotapes can stimulate students' interest in a subject. 3.这位律师试图说服陪审团他的当事人是无辜的。 The attorney/lawyer tried to convince the jury of his client's innocence. 4. 提问常常会引起创造的火花。 Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity. 5.我已经把我的简历寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。 I have sent off my resume to several corporations, but haven't yet received a reply. 6. 她的结论是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。 Her conclusion is built on a careful analysis of current international affairs. 7.我们满怀期望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。 We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed. 8.暂时他只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。

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