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Comments on Arbitrariness

(1)Arbitrariness at different levels

Language is arbitrary. There is no intrinsic connection between meanings and sounds.

1.Arbitrariness at the morpheme level:

Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning, with the exception of onomatopoeic words, whose sound resembles its natural sound in reality. In different languages, the same idea is expressed by different forms. As Shakespeare says: A rose by any other name still smells as sweet as ever. Even for onomatopoeia, its sound varies from language to language.

2. Arbitrariness at the syntactic level

The order of elements in a sentence follows certain rules and there is a certain degree of correspondence between the sequence of clauses and the real happenings, though conjunctions can be used to changes the structure of a sentence while making it basically the same in meaning. So sentences enjoy less freedom or arbitrariness.

(2)Arbitrariness and conventionality

In principle, we can use any sound to stand for any idea we intend. But in reality, language is conventional at the same time. Words are associated with certain objects, actions, events or ideas. If language were entirely arbitrary in reality, communication would be impossible.Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative and conventionality makes learning a language laborious.

(3)Arbitrariness and motivation

There is an arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning. In different languages, the same idea is usually expressed by different linguistic forms, e.g. the concept “书” is realized in English as book and书(shu) in Chinese.

As for derivatives and compounds, their creation is based on words already existing, so there is a certain motivation behind their creation. For example, the meaning of simplify is derived from the word simple, and the meaning of classroom is based on the meanings of class and room.

Chapter1 :Body language doesn’t possess all of the design features of human language.The design features of human language includes Arbitrariness,Duality,Productivity and Displacement.

Firstly,Arbitrariness means the sound doesn’t have logical relationship with the meaning.For example,a book wasn’t called “book” at first.The reason why we say it is a book is that we set the sound “book” as this thing’s name.This sound has no direct or meaningful connection with the thing.When we are using body language, the actions in different situations may mean totally opposite meanings.Different countries,different cultural backgrounds will influence the actions’ expression to a great extent.So arbitrariness also can be found in body language.

Secondly,Duality means language is a system which consists of two sets of structures,one of sound and the other of meaning.It means that meaningless sounds can be combined into meaningful words.Sounds and meanings are two units.But body language only have primary units,which means it can only deliver meanings,but can’t be d ivided into elements.A action has its own meaning,however,it wasn’t composed of smaller elements.Thus,duality is the unique feature of human language.

Thirdly,Productivity means the language is creative.Human language is resourceful because of its duality.The fundamental elements,such as different sounds or words can be used in new ways to create new meanings.As for body language,people can also create new actions to voice

their thoughts,but the actions we can do are very limited.The movements we produce are not as various and changeable as human language.

Lastly,Displacement means human languages enable their users to refer to objects,events and concepts which are not present at the moment of https://www.doczj.com/doc/963510503.html,ing human language to express meanings in the future or in the past is a piece of cake due to the existence of tense.Referring to body language, the displacement of body language can only be reflected in the aspect of space.When we are pointing at something which are not in front of us,it’ll be easy for us to understand this gesture means “that thing”.However,the movements can only be used to describe things right now rather than in other times.

Therefore,body language doesn’t possess all of design features of human language.

Chapter2 What does phonetics differ from phonology?

It is known to us that Phonetics is the study of speech sounds that the human voice is capable of creating whereas phonology is the study of a subset of those sounds that constitute language and meaning. So from the definition, we can know that phonetics focuses more on language’s general nature. It is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages: how they are produced and how they differ from each other, what phonetic features they possess, how they can be classified. But phonology is more interested in the system of sounds of a particular language, aiming at discover how speech sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. In the conclusion, they both study speech sounds, but they differ in their approach and focus.

Phonetics is more like a description, for it is strictly about audible sounds and the things that happen in our mouth, throat, nasal and sinus cavities, and lungs to make those sounds. It has nothing to do with its meaning. So it only deals with the process physically without any meanings. However, phonology explores the differences between sounds that change the meaning of an utterance and the speech sounds which distinguish meaning. So phonology is both physical and meaningful compared with phonetics. For example, the difference between [p] and [f] in “pork” and “fork” is the concern of phonology instead of the difference between two [p]s in “pot” and “spot”.

Chapter3 Functions of Intonation

(ⅰ) Attitudinal function

Intonation expresses emotions, feelings and attitudes of the speaker. A falling intonation is often associated with completeness and definiteness, for instance, /p I’ll NEver do it a↘GAIN/. The rising intonation is often associated with incompleteness, uncertainty, questioning or encouragement, like /r It’ll be all ↗RIGHT/. The falling-rising is to express feelings of hesitation, contrast, reservation or doubt, like /It’s↘↗MINE/. The rise-fall tone can be used to express surprise, for example, /SHE won the ↗↘RPIZE/.

The same sentence can be said in different ways, which might be labeled “bored”, “enthusiastic”, “sarcastic” and so on, as shown in the interpretation of the utterance /What a gorgeous girl/ :

(a) /WHAT a GORgeous ↘GIRL/

(b) /WHAT a GORgeous ↗GIRL/

(c) /WHAT a GORgeous ↗↘GIRL/

Simple fall pattern of intonation used in (a) shows that the sentence is uttered in a matter-of -fact way, without much interest, attention or feelings. Rising intonation used in (b) indicates that

the sentence is said enthusiastically. Rise-fall intonation used in (c) suggests that the sentence is spoken sarcastically.

(ⅱ) Accentual function

The placement of the tonic syllable is of considerable linguistic importance. It is most common for the last word to bear the tonic stress. But for the purposes of contrast or emphasis, may any word be accentuated. In the following examples, sentence (a) represents the normal placement of the tonic stress while sentence (b) shows contrast as in the first example or emphasis as in the last two examples.

Eaxmple (A)

(a) /p I don't care what he does outside↘ CLASS/

(b) /p I don't what he does ↘OUTside class/pI want to know what he does↘IN class/

Example (B)

(a) /p She was very res↘PONsible/

(b) /p She was ↘VERY responsible/

Example (C)

(a) /p You can't stand↘HERE/

(b) /pYou↘CAN'T stand here/

(ⅲ) Grammatical function

Intonation becomes an important part of grammatical realization of an utterance. Different intonation patterns may indicate different sentence types. The following utterancecan be taken for a statement, a question or an exclamation, depending on different intonation patterns:

/p She’s studying in ↘SINgapore/ (a pure statement)

/r She’s studying in ↗SINgapore/ (a question)

/p She’s↘STUdying/p in↘SINgapore/(an exclamation)

(ⅳ) Discourse function

Intonation indicates the distribution of information in utterances. So the placement of the tonic stress depends on the “information content”. In general, a falling tone is used to indicate new information and a rising tone (including fall-rise) “shared” or “given” information. Look at the following examples:

/p John was REAding a↘NOvel/ (normal placement of the tonic stress)

/p↘JOHN was reading a novel/ (It’s John, not somebody else.)

/p John was↘REAding a novel/ (What John was doing is reading not writing a novel.)

/p John was reading a↘ Novel/ (What John was reading is a novel not a magazine.)

Chapter 4 Factors Account for the Diverse Ways of Word Formation

Thereare various ways of word formation:compounding,derivation,conversion,blending,clipping,acronymy,back-formation,sound reduplication,commonization of proper names,analogical creations and borrowing.Then what factors can be considered for the diverse ways of word formation?To make out the question,we will go further discussion next.

Firstly,in view of language itself,one of its design features is the creativity.There are numerous examples to illustrate that words can be used in new ways to mean new things,and can be instantly understood by people who never come across that usage before.Because language is created and used by people who are creative creatures.

Secondly,the society we live change moment by moment in every field.Words increase in

number and vary on types with the economy development,technological progress and culture creation.For example,Chinese comprehensive national power has been gradually strengthened in recent years and Chinese culture has more influence over the world,Chinese language like Wenyen,Taikonaut and so on are produced.

Thirdly,cro-communications take the active role in ways of word formation.Especially after the industrial revolution,interpersonal communication between regions and countries become more and more frequent.While people communicate across culture,they need interlanguage to establish an bridge between native language and foreign language.Accordingly,new words are formed.

To sum up,we can account three factors for the diverse ways of word formtion:creativity of language,changes of the society and frequent cro-communication.

Chapter 5 syntax

I think syntax has many functions in a language, and I will show them in the following passage. First, syntactic knowledge can decide which strings are grammatical and which are not, from which we are able to know which phrase or certain words are grouped together and have a good understanding of word order., For example, “She works hard” is a correct sentence, but if someone says “Works she hard”, nobody will understands it and thinks it right. What is more , syntax can sometimes has ambiguous meanings.For example, “a beautiful girl picture”can be understood that a beautiful girl’s picture or a beautiful picture of a girl.

Second, syntactic knowledge also enables us to determine the grammatical relations on a sentence, such as subject and direct object, and how they are to be understood.Consider the following sentence:Mary like Bill. From this sentence,we can know that “Mary” is a subject and “Bill” is direct object.

Third,syntax shows creative aspect in a language.After grasping the syntactic rules clearly, speakers can produce and understand a limitless number if sentences never produced or heard before.For example,if the word “Apple” is used, we can produce many sentences according to syntactic rules ,such as “The apple is red”., ,“My favorite fruit is the apple”, and “ Shangdong is famous for producing apples”.

All in all, syntax has three major functions ,and they are the grouping of words in order, grammatical relations and creativity in a language.

Chapter 6 Comments on the Referential Theory

The Referential Theory have contributed greatly to the development of semantics. It also helps us to understand how can people use language to describe the word, or how can people convey meaning to a listener about what is going on in the real world.

In the Referential Theory, the semantic triangle shows out that the relation between a word and thing it refers to is not direct. It is mediated by concept. In the diagram, wordrefers to the linguistic elements (words), the thing refers to the object in the world of experience, and concept refers to the meaning of the word. Thus the symbol of a word signifies "things" by virtue of the concept associated with the form of the word in the mind of the speaker of the language; and the concept looked at from this point of view is the meaning of the word. For example, when we heard the sentence" There is a dog at the school gate", we shall firstly connect the word "dog" with the existed imagine of a dog in our head. The image of the dog could be a small furry being with a cute tail, thus we pictured the dog at the school gate with relative similar features.

However, the Referential theory also has some limitations and problems.

First, the theory seems to predict that every word has a referent. But, there are many words that is very difficult to find a exact referent. For example, "ghost" and "dragon", "is" and "are", "play" and "jump" etc. For those words that have no concrete entities, the theory does not make any sense then.

Second, according to the theory, a sentence is a list of names. But a mere list of names can mean nothing. For example, "Susan Mary Mike Jack" , this cannot be used to assert anything.

Third, there are linguistic phenomena that seem to show that there is more to meaning than reference. For example, in synonyms, two terms can share their reference but differ in meaning--" Luke Jackson" and "the basketball player".

To conclude, the Referential theory contributed greatly to the semantic research but also has some limitations need to be considered.

Chapter 7 Sentence Meaning vs.Utterance Meaning

The difference of semantics and pragmatics lies in the consideration of context. If it is not considered, it is traditional semantics. Or it's being carried out in the area of pragmatics. Sentence meaning is the meaning of a sentence, which is studied as abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence, abstract, and decontextualized. Utterance meaning is concrete and contextualized, on the basis of sentence meanings. It is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply a context.

The sentence meaning in semantics is related to the meanings of the words used in it. It just talks about the sentence itself, without basing on concrete context. But the sentence meaning is not simply the sum total of the word meaning. Sentences using the same words may mean quite differently if they are arranged in different orders. For example," The man chased the dog" and "The dog chased the dog",two sentences have the same words but their subjects and objects are opposited.So they mean quite differently. When we analyze the sentence meaning in semantics, we are just talking on the basis of the sentence itself from different sides.

However, when we talk about the utterance meaning in pragmatics, we usually put the sentence in concrete context and try to consider more than what the speaker says. For example, if it's cold in the dormitory and your roommate open the window, you may say "Are you cold?"It seems that you are caring about her in the area of semantics. But if you think a while, you ask her the question and she will think "I'm ok, and you ?"Then she knows you are cold, why?-she open the window. Consequently, she will realize that she should close the window. This is a common phenomenon in the world. We often express our idea friendly not to take a straight way.

What's more, the same sentence has different utterance meanings in pragmatics but it just has one meaning in semantics. For example, "Would you like a cup of coffee? Coffee will keep me awake". If it's asked in the morning and you are sleepy, you mean that you want. But if it's asked in the midnight and you are going to sleep, you mean you don't want it. This is also different. It just means the influence of coffee toward you in semantics.

In a word, whether considering the context is the difference between the sentence meaning in semantics and utterance meaning in pragmatics.


练习1 1. There is no logical connection between meaning and sounds. A dog might be a pig if only the first person or group of persons had used it for a pig. This is one of the design features of language.A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 2. Language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is . It makes people possible to talk everything within his knowledge. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 3. ___ refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one’s native language, including those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation .A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 4. __ __ refers to the fact that one can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. The dog couldn’t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for some lost love or a bone to be lost. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 5. ______ means language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but the linguistic system must be learnt anew by each speaker. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 6. ______ means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 7. To say “How are you.” “Hi” to your friends is the ____ __of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 8. “Tell me the result when you finish.” If you want to get your hearer to do something, y ou should use the _____ of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 9. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __ ___. A. unnatural B. something to be feared C. natural D. abnormal 10. A linguist is interested in ___A. speech sounds only B. all sounds C. vowels only 11. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? A. [t] B. [m] C. [b] D. [p 12. Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate? A. [y] B. [t∫] C. [z] D. [dЗ] 13. Which of the following sounds is a central vowel? A. [ ? ] B. [ i ] C. [ou] D. [a: ] 14. In the following sounds , ______ is a palatal fricative ? A. [ s ] B. [∫] C. [ l ] D. [θ] 15. In the following sounds, _____ is a voiceless affricative? A. [dЗ] B. [v] C. [t∫] D. [θ] 16. In English if a word begins with a [ l ] or [ r ],then the next sound must be a __ __. A. fricative B. nasal sound C. semi-vowel D. vowel 17. Of the “words” listed below___ is not an English word A. [r∧b ] B. [ l? b ] C. [m?sta:∫] D. [lm?p] 18. ___ are produced when the obstruction created by the speech organs is total and audibly released. A. Back vowels B. Stops C. Fricatives D. Glides 19. The International Phonetic Association devised the INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET in _____. A. 1965 B. 1957 C. 1888 D. 1788 20. ___ is a phonological unit , and it is a unit that is of distinctive value. A. Phone B. Phoneme C. Allophone D. Sound 1. [ f ] is a dental consonant. F 2. Phonology studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. F 7. The three / p / are allophones. T 3. Phoneme is a phonological unit. T 4. Phone is a phonetic unit. T


英语语言学试题(1) I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%) 1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___. A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible. A、mouth B、lips C、tongue D、vocal cords 3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___. A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause. A、coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator 5、"Can I borrow your bike?" _____ "You have a bike." A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes 6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___. A、semantics B、pragmatics C、sociolinguistics D、psycholinguistics 7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization. A、elaboration B、simplification C、external borrowing D、internal borrowing 8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication. A、Lingua franca B、Creole C、Pidgin D、Standard language 9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ . A、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus B、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortex C、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neurons D、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area 10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. A、learning B、competence C、performance D、acquisition II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%) 11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user's k_______ of the rules of his language. 12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b______ . 13、M_______ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 14、A s______ is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command. 15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances are called c______ synonyms. 16、The illocutionary point of r_____ is to commit the speaker to something's being the case, to the truth of what has been said. 17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c______.

新版简明英语语言学 Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学

Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学 知识点: 1.*Definition: pragmatics; context 2.*sentence meaning vs utterance meaning 3.*Austin’s model of speech act theory 4.Searle’s classification of speech acts 5.*Grice’s Cooperative Principle 考核目标: 识记:*Definition: pragmatics; context 领会:Searle’s classification of speech acts 综合应用:sentence meaning vs utterance meaning;Austin’s model of speech act theory;Grice’s Cooperative Principle 一、定义 1. Pragmatics语用学: Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatic can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study.语用学研究的是语言使用者是如何使用句子成功进行交际的。语用学也可以看作是一中意义研究。(它不是孤立地去研究语义,而是把语义置于使用语境中去研究的一门学科。) 2. Context 语境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it’s generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. 语境这个概念对语言的语用研究来说是必不可少的。一般认为他是由言者和听者的共享知识所构成的。 二、知识点 6.1.2 pragmatics vs. semantics语用学与语义学 二十世纪初,Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics 一书的出版标志着现代语言学研究的开始,同时也为现代语言学奠定了基础调,即语言应该作为一个独立的,内在的系统来加以研究。 语用学和语义学既有相关性又有相异性。两者都是对意义的研究。传统语义学把语义看成是抽象的,内在的,是语言本身的特性,不受语境的影响。因此传统语义学只研究语义的内在特征,不把语义研究置于语境中来考察。语用学研究的是交际过程中语言意义的表达和理解。语用学家认为不把意义放在语境中来考虑就不可能对语义进行充分的描述,因此在研究语义时是否考虑语境便成了传统语义学和语用学的根本区别所在。 Semantics 和Pragmatics的区分 Pragmatics studies how meaning is conveyed in the process of communication. The basic difference between them is that pragmatics considers meaning in context, traditional semantics studies meaning in isolation from the context of use.


语言学概论试题(一) 一、填空(每空1分,共15分) 1.语言中最单纯、最常用、最原始和最能产的词是根词。 2.语言是人类最重要的交际工具,文字是最重要的辅助交际工具。 ?3.我国古代学者为读懂古书而建立的训诂学、文字学、音韵学组成了我国的语文学,通称为“小学”。 4.英语属于印欧语系的日耳曼语族的西部语支。 ?5.语音可以从生理角度分析它的产生方式,从物理角度分析它的表现形式传递过程,从社会功能角度分析它的功能作用。 6.是否能够独立运用,是区分词和语素的根本特点。 ?7.现代大多数国家的拼音文字的字母,大多直接来源于拉丁字母。 ?8.具有不同功能的三种最基本的语法单位是语素、词、句子。 ?9.语言发展的主要特点是渐变性和不平衡性。 ?10.我国宪法 1982年第19条明确规定“国家推广全国通用的普通话”。 二、选择题(每题1分,共10分)?????? 1. 中国的传统语文学研究的薄弱环节是( D ) ??A.文字学B.语音学? ?C.词汇学D.语法学 ?2. 汉语属于( B ) ?A.屈折语B.孤立语 ?C.多式综合语D.粘着语 ?3. 一种语言中数量最少的是( B ) ??A.音素B.音位 ??C.语素D.音节 ?4. 文字的前身是( C ) ??A.结绳记事B.手势 ??C.图画记事D.实物记事 ?5. 派生词中包含( B ) ??A.词尾B.词根 ??C.虚词D.根词 ?6. 语音和语义结合的最小的语言单位是( C ) ??A.音素B.义素 ??C.语素D.音位 7. 汉语单词“忽然”出现的位置是( C ) ??A.主语位置B.谓语位置 ??C.状语位置D.定语位置 8. 以下各种语言变体中,属于社会方言的是( D ) ???A.土话B.客家话 ???C.客套话D.黑话 9. 下列语素中属于自由语素的是( C ) ???A.初B.视 ???C.人D.民 10. 在语言结构的某一环节上能够互相替换,?具有某种相同作用的各个单位之间所形成的关系叫( D ) ??A.转换关系B.组合关系 ??C.层级关系D.聚合关系 三、名词解释(每题4分,共20分) ?1.专语语言学以具体语言作为研究对象的语言学。 2.组合关系指两个以上相连续的语言符号组合而成的线性关系。 3.语流音变语流中的某些音由于相互影响而发生临时性的变化,这种变化就叫语流音变。 4.语义场由具有某些共同义素的一群词类聚而成的场。 5.语法范畴把同一性质的语法意义综合和概括所形成的语法意义的类别。 四、试以国际音标标出下列各词的读音(每题2分,共10分) 1.优秀 2.维持 3.宏观 4.精神 5.离开 五、用义素分析法分析下列各组词(每题3分,共9分) ?1.瞻仰 [+用眼 +往一定方向 +崇敬地]


1. Q: What is the scope of linguistics? The scope of linguistics can be illustrated as: 1) General linguistics: the study of language as whole. It deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study. 2) Phonetics: the study of sounds used in communication. 3) Phonology: the study about how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication. 4) Morphology: the study of the way in which symbols/morphemes are arranged to form words. 5) Syntax: the study of the rules about the combination of words to form permisible sentences. 6) Semantics: the study of meaning. 7) Pragmatics: the study of meaning in the context of use. And the Interdisciplinary branches. 1) Sociolinguistics 2) Psycholingu istics …………… 2. Q: What makes modern linguistics different from traditional grammar? Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar in several basic ways: firstly, modern linguistics is descriptive, it describes the language as it is; while traditional grammar is prescriptive, it


I. Fill in the blanks. 1. The features that define our human languages can be call ed ______ features. (北二外2006研) 2. Linguistics is usually defined as the ______study of language. (北二外2003研) 3. Language, broadly speaking, is a means of______ communication. 4. In any language words can be used in new ways to mean new things and can be combined into innumerable sentences based on limited rules. This feature is usually ter med______ 5. Linguistics is the scientific study of______. 6. Modern linguistic is______ in the sense that the linguist tries to discover what language is rather than lay down some rules for people to observe. 7. One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy of ______ over writing. 8. The branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns of a language is called ______. (北二外2003研) 9. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words is called______ . (北二外2004研) 10. ______mainly studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. (北二外2005研) 11. Semantics and ______investigate different aspects of linguistic meaning. (北二外2007研) 12. In linguistics, ______ refers to the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language, or simply, the study of the formation as sentence. (中山大学2008研) 13. ______can be defined as the study of language in use. Sociolinguistics, on the other hand, attempts to show the relationship between language and society. 14. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of sentence is called _______. (北二外2008研) 15. Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual ph enomena or data of linguistics (utterances) as and . The former refers to the abstract linguistic linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and the latter is the concrete manifestation of language either through speech or through writing. (人大2006研) 16. The description of a language as it changes through time is a ______ study. 17. Linguistic potential is similar to Saussure’s langue and Chomsky’s______. 18. One of the important distinctions in linguistics is ______ and parole. The former is the French word for “language”,which is the abstract knowledge necessary for s peaking,listening, writing and reading. The latter is concerned about the actual use of language by peop le in speech or writing. Parole is more variable and may change according to contextu al factors. 19. One of the important distinctions in linguistics is and performance. (人大2006研) 20. Chomsky initiated the distinction between ______ and performances. (北二外2007研) II. Multiple Choice 1.Which of the following is NOT a frequently discussed design feature? (大连外国语学院 2008研) A. Arbitrariness B. Convention C. Duality of the following words is entirely arbitrary? (西安交大2008研) A. tree B. crash C. typewriter D. bang


语言学概论题 2009年语言学概论试题及答案 第一部分 选择题 一、单项选择题 1.关于“语言”的定义,下列说法不正确的一项是 A.语言是一种社会现象 B.语言就是人们说出来的话 C.语言的客观存在形式首先是有声的口头语言 D.语言是一个符号系统 2.关于“言语活动”、“语言”和“言语”三者之间的关系,下列说法不正确的一项是A.“语言”等于“言语活动”减去“言语” B.“语言”是主要的,而“言语”是次要的 C.“言语”是“言语活动”中的社会部分 D.“语言”是从“言语活动”抽象出来的一个均质的系统 3.索绪尔创立的语言学可以称为 A.传统语言学 B.历史比较语言学 C.结构主义语言学 D.社会语言学 4.从音质角度划分出来的最小语音单位是 A.音渡 B.音素 C.音位 D.音节 5.[p…]的发音特征是 A.双唇送气清塞音 B.双唇不送气清塞音 C.舌尖前送气清塞音 D.舌尖前不送气清塞音 6.下列各项中,都是不圆唇元音的一组是 A.[i,u] B.[e,o] C.[A,y] D.[?,a] 7.说话人根据表达需要有意识地加上去的句重音是 A.节律重音 B.语法重音 C.固定重音 D.强调重音 8.下列关于语汇的表述中,正确的一项是 A.语汇是有意义的能独立使用的语言单位 B.语汇是最小的有意义的语言单位

C.语汇是固D.语汇是一种语言中词和语的总和 5.[p…]的发音特征是 A.双唇送气清塞音 B.双唇不送气清塞音 C.舌尖前送气清塞音 D.舌尖前不送气清塞音 6.下列各项中,都是不圆唇元音的一组是 A.[i,u] B.[e,o] C.[A,y] D.[?,a] 7.说话人根据表达需要有意识地加上去的句重音是 A.节律重音 B.语法重音 C.固定重音 D.强调重音 8.下列关于语汇的表述中,正确的一项是 A.语汇是有意义的能独立使用的语言单位 B.语汇是最小的有意义的语言单位 C.语汇是固定词组和熟语的总汇 D.语汇是一种语言中词和语的总和 9.从词的构造方式看,汉语“健儿”一词属于 A.单纯词 B.派生词 C.复合词 D.简缩词 10.下列各个汉语词语中的“子”是词根语素的是 A.笼子 B.鸽子 C.瓜子 D.日子 11.下列关于语法的表述中,不正确的一项是 A.语法是关于词的构成变化和词构成词组和句子的规则 B.语法是说本族语的人的直觉知识和约定习惯 C.语法是与语音、语汇等要素互不相关的规则 D.语法是与语音、语汇等相比变化较慢的现象 12.在“这些书我看过了”这个语言片段中,“这些书”和“我看过了”的性质是A.既是成分也是组合 B.是成分,不是组合 C.是组合,不是成分 D.不是成分也不是组合 13.下列关于词义模糊性的表述中,正确的一项是 A.词义所指范围边缘区域模糊,中心区域明确 B.词义所指范围边缘区域明确,中心区域模糊


I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False. 1.Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional dialects such as British English and American English but cannot be found within the variety itself, for example, within British English or American English. 2.Sense is concerned with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience, while the reference deals with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. 3.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations. 4.In semantics, meaning of language is considered as the intrinsic and inherent relation to the physical world of experience. 5.Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts. 6.Behaviorists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.


英语语言学 Ⅰ.Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully,Decide which of the four choices completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets. 1.There are ( )main areas of phonetic study. A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 ANSWER:B 2.The term( )linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages. A.synchronic B.diachronic https://www.doczj.com/doc/963510503.html,parative D.historical comparative ANSWER:B 3.Foreign language learning always contain ( ) A language historical process learning B.input and language learning C inter language in language learning D.grammar and language learning ANSWER:BCD 4.The way in which people address each other depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. The English system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last name, title+ last name, ( )and kin term. A title+ first name B title+ title


英语语言学试题(2) 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题2分,共20分) 1. The pair of words “lend”and “borrow” are ___. A. gradable opposites B. relational opposites C. co-hyponyms D. synonyms 2. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar____ . A. Jacob Grimm B. Rasmus Rask C. Franz Bopp D. Sir William Jones 3. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as ___. A. unusual B. something to be feared C. abnormal D. natural 4. ___produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense, often as unintelligible. A. Broca's aphasic B. The linguistic deprivation C. The damage on the angular gyrus D. Wernicke's aphasic 5. Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night” as “light”. This shows:___ A. They cannot pronounce/n/ B. Interlangue interference because there is not the sound /n/in their mother tongue C. The teachers do not have a good teaching method D. They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds 6. A word with several meanings is called __word. A. a polysemous B. a synonymous C. an abnormal D. a multiple 7. The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it?” is __. A. informative B. phatic C. directive D. performative 8. The most recognizable differences between American English and British English are in __ and vocabulary. A. usage B. grammar C. pronunciation D. structure 9.__deals with the way in which a language varies through geographical space. A. Linguistic geography B. Lexicology C. Lexicography D. Sociolinguistics 10.The semantic c omponents of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __. A. +animate, +male, +human,-adult B. +animate, +male, +human, +adult C. +animate, -male, +human,-adult D. +animate,-male,+ human, +adult 二、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 11. A sentence is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of w________ to form a complete statement, q ________or command. 12. In sociolinguistic studies, speakers are treated as members of s____ g________. 13. Utterance is based on ________ ________ ;it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a context. 14. To many people, a linguist is the same as a ________, one who can speak several languages fluently. 15. Consonant sounds can be either v ________or v____, while all vowel sounds are v________. 三、判断说明题(判断下列各小题,正确的在题后括号内写“T”,错的写“F”,并说明理由。每小题2分,共20分) 16. All words may be said to contain a root morpheme.( ) 17. Tense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of meaning.( ) 18. Linguistics is the course of language.( ) 19. The part of a sentence which comprises an infinite verb or a verb phrase is grammatically called

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