当前位置:文档之家› 人教版英语八年级下册英语综合测试卷






( )1.What was the matter with Henry?

A.He had a toothache.

B. He had a headache.

C. He had a stomachache.

( )2.What are the students doing?

A.Helping clean up the city.

B. Reading books.

C. Planting a tree.

( )3.What does Jimmy have to do first?

A.Fold the clothes.

B. Sweep the floor.

C. Make dinner.

( )4.What is John’s advice for Kelly?

A.To give Helen a call.

B. To write a letter to Helen.

C. To send an e-mail to Helen.

( )5.What was Mary doing at 8:00 yesterday morning?

A.She was making breakfast.

B. She was listening to music.

C. She was doing her homework.

( )6.What does Alice want to do with Andy this afternoon?

A. To play sports.

B. To watch a movie.

C. To visit the museum.

( )7.What is Andy going to learn this afternoon?

A. The piano.

B. The violin.

C. The guitar.

( )8. Where does Tim want to go tonight ?

A. To the cinema.

B. To the supermarket.

C. To the concert.

( )9. What’s the matter with Maria?

A. She has a headache.

B. She has a toothache.

C. She has a sore throat.

( )10.What was Wang Hong doing when Li Jun called her last night?

A. She was taking a dance class.

B. She was practicing dancing alone.

C. She was dancing in the city square.

( )11.Where did Li Jun call Wang Hong to go ?

A. To a small party.

B. To a movie theater.

C. To a foreign country.

( )12. How did Jack go to another city?

A. By train.

B. By plane.

C. By car.

( )13. What does Tim think of his volunteer work?

A.It’s difficult but happy.

B. It’s relaxing and interesting.

C. It’s difficult but interesting.

( )14. How often does Tim go to the animal hospital?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Three times a week.

( )15. When will Tim and Mary meet this Sunday afternoon ?

A. At 2:30.

B. At 3:00.

C. At 3:30.



( ) 21. —______? —I have a bad cold.

A. What’s the matter

B. How do you feel

C. How are you

( ) 22. I am used to ______ my hair in the morning.

A. washing

B. washes

C. wash

( ) 23.So far, I ______ my pet dog. I’m very sad.

A. didn’t find

B. have found

C. haven’t found

( ) 24.The popular TV program ______ five years ago.

A. hung out

B. went out

C. came out

( ) 25. When I came into the room, I saw a cat ______ under the table.

A. to lie

B. lies

C. lying

( ) 26. I’ll visit her as soon as she ______ to her city.

A. returned

B. returns

C. was returning

( ) 27. ______ vacations by the sea is Dale’s dream.

A. Spend

B. Spending

C. Spends

( ) 28. They often help ______ sick children in the children’s hospital.

A. cheer up

B. clean up

C. set up

( ) 29. My cousin has difficulty ______ English newspapers.

A. reading

B. reads

C. read

( ) 30. How nice these pictures are! Please _______ on the wall.

A. put up

B. put up them

C. put them up

( ) 31.The population of China is ______ than that of the USA.

A. smaller

B. bigger

C. more

( ) 32.We should stop people from ______ rubbish into the river.

A. pouring

B. pour

C. pours

( ) 33. Gina invited her classmates ______ her party.

A. to

B. in

C. about

( ) 34. I don’t like action movies, but I don’t mind ______ them.

A. watch

B. watching

C. to watch

( )35. She is only a child, so there is no need ______ her so much stress.

A. give

B. to giving

C. to give

( )36. My father hasn’t finished reading the book ______.

A. already

B. yet

C. too

( )37. My mom allows me ______ computer games once a week.

A. to play

B. play

C. playing

( )38. After he ______ the book quickly, he told me something about it.

A. looked after

B. turned on

C. looked through

( )39.Susan did lots of research ______ that subject last month.

A. for

B. on

C. in

( )40. Let’s wait ______ the rain stops.

A. when

B. because

C. until

( )41. Ann was not at home at that time and her mother wasn’t ________.

A. too

B. either

C. also

( )42.Can you tell me ______ yesterday?

A. what you did

B. what did you do

C. what you do

( )43.—Rick, have you been to Guangzhou?

—______. I went there last summer vacation.

A. Yes, I did

B. Yes, I have

C. No, I didn’t

( )44. Linda has two sisters. One is 11 and ______ is 13.

A. another

B. others

C. the other

( )45. . —______? —Since two years ago.

A. How long have you lived here

B. When did you live here

C. Have you lived here for two years

Ⅱ.完形填空 (每小题1分,共15分)


Aron Ralston is an American mountain 46_______. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because 47____ accident. On April 26, 2003, He found himself in a very dangerous situation. when climbing in Utah. On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by 48_______ in the mountains.

Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that 49______would find him. But when his water ran 50______, he knew that he would have to do something to 51_____ his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to 52_______ off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much 53_______.

After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help. His love for mountain climbing is 54______ great that he kept on 55_________ mountains even after this experience.

()46. A. climber B. climbed C. climbing

()47. A. of B. to C. in

()48. A. he B. himself C. herself

()49. A. no one B. someone C. anyone

()50. A. in B. to C. out

()51. A. look B. take C. save

()52. A. cut B. carry C. take

()53. A. water B. blood C. hair

()54. A. such B. even C. so

()55. A. climbs B. climbed C. climbing


Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself 56 the age of four. Last year,she decided 57 out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.“The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they're going on a 58 journey with each new book.59 here is a dream 60 for me ~I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.

()56. A. in B. of C. at

()57. A. try B. tries C. to try

()58. A. difference B. difficulty C. different ()59. A. Volunteering B. Volunteer C. Volunteered ()60. A. come true B. come on C. come over

Ⅲ、阅读理解 (共20个小题,每小题2分,共40分)


Mr. Hunt came from a poor family. He had three brothers and two sisters. His father worked hard but wasn’t paid much. And his mother did all the housework at home. They were both able but they couldn’t get enough money for their family.

Mr. Hunt was in school for only three years and he had to stop to help his parents though he was good at his lessons. When he was sixteen, he came to the city and began to work in a small factory. He learned from an old worker and became a skilled worker. The old worker liked him and married his daughter to him. The young man did not have his own house and had to live with his parents-in-law(岳父母). His mother-in-law always thought he was poor and often chattered(唠叨). So the young man tried to save everything and hoped to have his own house.

It was one fine Sunday. The old woman wanted to have a picnic on the top of the hill. She told Mr. Hunt to drive her car. But sometimes she told him to turn left and sometimes to turn right. The young man had to listen to her. At a crossing the lights were red but she made him turn left. The pol iceman stopped them and told the young man to give his license to him.

“If I did wrong, sir,” said Mr. Hunt, “It was my mother-in-law’s fault(过错). She was driving the car though she sat behind me!”


( )61. The Hunts were poor because they could make enough money.

( )62. Mr. Hunt left the school because his family was rich.

( )63. Mr. Hunt was friendly to him, so the old man married his daughter to him. ( )64. The old woman was bad to Mr. Hunt.

( )65. The old woman wanted to have a picnic on the top of the hill.


When you are ill, you’ll be unhappy because your body becomes hot, and there

are pains all over. You don’t want to work: you stay in bed, feeling terrible. What makes you ill? It’s germs(细菌).Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can’t see them with your eyes, but you can see them with a microscope.

They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on or in a very small thing.

Germs are always found in dirty water. When you look at dirty water under the microscope, you will see them in it. So your parents will not let you drink dirty water.

Germs are found not only in dirty water, they are also found in air and dust(灰尘). If you cut your finger, and if some of the dust goes into the finger, it will become big and red, and you will have some pain in it. Sometimes germs will go into your body and you will feel pain everywhere.

( ) 66. The writer thinks that you will ____ when you are ill.

A .feel hot B. not want to work C. A and B

( ) 67. You can see germs ____

A. when you are ill

B. only when you use a microscope

C. when you cut your finger

( ) 68. A microscope is used for ____

A making very big things look much smaller

B. making very small things look much bigger

C. helping you see things clearly

( ) 69. Your parents don’t let you drink dirty water because ____

A. water will make you ill

B. there are many germs in it

C. you can see germs in it

( ) 70. The writer talk about ____

A. how to make dirty water clean

B. how to take care of your fingers

C. what makes you ill


Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you “What

is the most important in your life?” maybe you will say “Computers and the Internet.”

The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, “People can’t live without computers today.”

The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, writer letters, do shopping, play computer games or make friends.

Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don’t know their real names, ages, and even sex (性别). They are so interested in making the “unreal friends” that they can’t put their hearts into study. Many of them fall behind (落后)others on many subjects because

of that.

We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at

the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.

()71. The Internet can not be used for______.

A. studying

B. shopping

C. thinking

()72. When the computer was invented(发明),it was______.

A. large and worked quickly

B. small and worked slowly

C. Large but worked slowly

()73. The Internet was born in about________.

A. 1960

B. 1971

C. 1980

()74. What does the writer think of the Internet?

A. It is wonderful

B. It can make students study harder

C. It is helpful, but we can’t do everything on it.

()75. The first computer was made in _______.


B. 1946

C. 1947


Ken: The most interesting museum I've ever been to is the American Computer Museum. They have information about different computers and who invented them. The old computers were much bigger. It's unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! I've also learned that there was a special computer. It could play chess even better than humans. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.

Amy: I've recently been to very unusual museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets. I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there. The museum teaches people about the history and development of toilets. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future.

Linlin: Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum. It's a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. I've finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets.

Which three museums do the students talk about? 76. ___________________

77. ___________________

78. ___________________

Where is the International Museum of Toilets? 79. ___________________

How about the Hangzhou National Tea Museum? 80. ___________________



My children are growing up fast. My daughter is 16 and my boy is already in junior

high school. As they get bigger our house seems to get smaller. So we want to sell some of our things in a yard sale and give the money to a children’s home.

We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use. My son was quite sad at first. Although he has not played with his old toys for a long time, he still wanted to keep them. For example, he has owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. And he didn’t want to lose his toy monkey, either. He slept next to the monkey every night when he was a child. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.

As for me, I didn’t want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now. I am getting older, too!

81.Why did they decide to have a yard sale?


82.What do they want to do with the money from the sale ?


83.Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set?


84.How can the toys be useful again?


90.Was my daughter more understanding than my son?



Dear Sad and Thirteen,

86.It's not easy being your age, and it's normal to have these feelings.87.为什么不和你的家人谈谈你的感受?If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help. Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication. 88.Secondly,why don't you sit down and communicate with your brother? You should explain that you don't mind him watching TV all the time.

89.However,he should let you watch your favorite show.


Robert Hunt


87. _______________________________________________

88. _______________________________________________

89. _______________________________________________

90. _______________________________________________


学校准备成立一个志愿者服务中心(service center),对当地的老人和留(left-behind children)提供帮助。假设你是李华,请写一封申请书给负责人王老师申请加入。词数80词左右,文中不能出现真实的学校名称和姓名。


Dear Mr. Wang,

I am Li Hua, a student from Grade 8.I want to join the school volunteer service center._______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I hope to be one of your team members.

Yours, Li Hua



16.__________ 17.__________ 18.__________ 19._________ 20.__________

76. ________________________ 77. ________________________

78. ________________________ 79. ________________________

80. ________________________

五写作技能 (共三节,共计50分)。



82. _______________________________________________

83. _______________________________________________

84. _______________________________________________

85. _______________________________________________



87. _______________________________________________

88. _______________________________________________

89. _______________________________________________

90. _______________________________________________


学校准备成立一个志愿者服务中心(service center),对当地的老人和留(left-behind children)提供帮助。假设你是李华,请写一封申请书给负责人王老师申请加入。词数80词左右,文中不能出现真实的学校名称和姓名。


Dear Mr. Wang,

I am Li Hua, a student from Grade 8.I want to join the school volunteer service center._______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I hope to be one of your team members.

Yours, Li Hua

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