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初三英语阅读理解精选试题二 (3)

初三英语阅读理解精选试题二 (3)
初三英语阅读理解精选试题二 (3)




April 22 is Earth Day. Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth! The earth has warmed by about 1 °F over the past 100 years, but why and how? Well, scientists are not quite sure. Maybe the earth gets warmer and warmer on its own. But many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer.

First, greenhouse effect (效应) is a very important reason for the change of the earth. People give out too much energy into the air every year. It makes the earth warmer. Climate change is another important reason. Sometimes it becomes too hot and sometimes too cold. Sometimes there is too much rain and sometimes too little. The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. In turn, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too.

When the earth becomes warmer, there may be more rain and a rise in sea level. It will affect the growth of plants, animals and people. On a Pacific island, 100 people have to move to higher ground because the sea is rising. These people can no longer live on the coast. Before that, two islands without people went underwater in 1999. Scientists say that the seas can rise by nearly one metre by 2100.

People can affect the earth's air, land and water. As for us, we can do many things to protect the earth. For example, we can use fridges less. We can tell more people about protecting the earth.

41. Earth Day is probably set for people to_________.

A. learn more about the earth

B. make full use of the earth

C. take better care of the earth

D. study the warmth of the earth

42. We can infer (推断) from the passage that the reasons for the warmer earth are______now.

A. not very clear

B. completely secret

C. well known

D. not given yet

43. Greenhouse effect comes from_________.

A. sea rising

B. climate change

C. nature's unbalance

D. people's activity

44. According to the passage, may affect each other.

A. animals and islands

B. climate and the warmth of the earth

C. fridges and animals

D. sea level and the growth of plants

45. The passage mainly tells us that________.

A. there is more rain now

B. we should protect the earth

C. we must stop pollution

D. sea level is getting higher


As teenagers, you have many dreams. These can be very big. Such as winning the Nobel Prize, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the best students in your class.

Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?

Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams real is life’s biggest challenge.

You may think you are not very good at some school subjects, or it is impossible for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts stop you from realizing your dream, the book says.

In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is. Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step, and your dream will come true faster because a big dream, in fact, comes from many small dreams.

You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the way to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead to better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.

36. Follow Your Heart is _______.

A. the first thing you must do to make your dream real

B. the most important dream to have for teenagers

C. the name of the famous Australian writer

D. the name of the book by Andrew Matthews

37. If you want to make your dream real, you should ______.

A. remember what your dream is

B. keep telling yourself what you want

C. never be afraid of difficulties

D. try to start with all the things above

38.From the text, we know the word “challenge” means “ ______”.





39.What shouldn’t be done to make your dream come true?

A. Always remember what your dream is.

B. Do what you should do step by step.

C. Watch TV instead of studying.

D. Read more books, learn more skills and find new interests.

40.What is the best title for the text?

A. Keep Your Dream in Your Mind

B. How to Realize Your Dream

C. Never Stop Dreaming

D. Teenagers Have Many Dreams


About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman!

There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man can not see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green --- a strange world indeed.

Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones ”. These help us to see in a bright light and to tell difference between colors. There are also millions of “rods” but these are used for seeing when it is near ly dark. They show us shape but no color.

Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes (蚊子) like blue but do not like yellow. Red light will not attract insects, but a blue lamp will. In a similar way human beings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day, and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible (看不见的) colors around.

41. What problems may people have if they suffer from color blindness?

A. Some can not see deep red.

B. Some may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green.

C. Some cannot tell the difference between blue and green.

D. All the three above.

42. According to the passage, why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women ?

A. Women are more careful.

B. There are few color-blind women.

C. Women are fonder of driving than men.

D. Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.

43. This passage is mainly about ________.

A. color and its effects

B. women being luckier than men

C. the sight of people and animals

D. color blindness

44. According to the passage, with the help of the “cones ”,we can ________.

A. tell orange from yellow

B. see in weak light

C. kill mosquitoes

D. tell different shapes

45. We can attract and kill mosquitoes by using a ________.

A. red light

B. yellow light

C. blue light

D. green light


Easter Sunday, which falls on April 4th this year, dates back nearly 2,000 years. It is celebrated by hundreds of millions of people around the world. For my family, it is considered the greatest holiday of the year.

Every Easter my brothers and I would wake up early and, like Christmas morning, run downstairs to see what

surprises were waiting for us. We were always excited when the Easter Bunny(兔子), who is like Father Christmas, came and left us a basket of candy. It’s wo nderful. It is like there is a miracle every Easter morning.

Our mother, however, would not let us eat the chocolates like we wanted. The chocolate bunnies, and candy eggs would have to wait. Instead, we would have to get dressed in our new clothes.

Then my family would go to church. After church we would go to an elder family members’ house for a feast. My mother’s family came to the US from Eastern Europe, so we would often eat many traditional dishes. My favorite was ham and a special potato salad. We usually had 20 or more family members at the dinner.

After dinner my cousins, brothers and I would go outside. While we were sleeping the night before, our parents had hidden plastic eggs throughout the back yard. We would always have a contest to see who could find the most eggs. The winner would get a prize. It was our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Sometimes, in summer, we would discover an egg we missed on Easter.

36. When does Easter come this year?

A. On April the fourth.

B. The last Sunday.

C. Nearly 2000 years ago.

D. Untold.

37. Who does the writer expect to come every Easter?

A. Father Christmas.

B. The Easter Bunny.

C. His cousins.

D. His relatives from Europe.

38. In what order would the following happen?

a. We would have a big get-together.

b. We would go to church.

c. We would dress ourselves in new clothes.

d. Our parents would hide plastic eggs in the backyard.

e. We would have Easter Egg Hunt.

A. b-a-d-e-f

B. c-b-a-d-e

C. d-c-b-a-e

D. d-c-e-b-a

39. Which of the following is NOT true about Easter?

A. Easter falls on April 4th every year.

B. Children usually get a basket of candy on that day.

C. People often have a family dinner.

D. Traditional food like ham and salad is served.

40. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. An introduction to Easter.

B. Easter traditions.

C. A moving story.

D. An Easter Egg Hunt.


You are made of seventy-three percent water. You have 206 bones. There are more sweat glands(汗腺) in your feet than in any other part of your body. There are about sixty muscles in your face; you use twenty of them to smile but forty to frown(皱眉). Your heart beats over 100,000 times each day. You are really amazing!

The human body is a complex machine. From the day we are born our bodies grow and change because of our environment, diet and habits. The body has many different organ(器官) systems and parts that work together to allow us to breathe, move, see, talk, and eat food all at the same time. Most of the time we are unaware of what is happening in our bodies; usually it’s only when we get sick or feel pain that we notice.

Many people do not take enough care of their complex machines. Bad habits like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating junk food damage our bodies. Stress can also cause health problems. People who worry a lot or have busy jobs often don’t get enough sleep, or don’t eat properly. We also damage our bodies by playing sports or having accidents. In 1999, Americans made more than 102,000,000 visits to emergency rooms. The two most common reasons were for injure and poisoning. ER patients were also treated for many other medical problems—from bad cuts and broken bones to serious illness that needed surgery(手术).

As with any machine, the better you take care of it, the longer it will last. Of course, the best way to take care of your amazing machine is to eat the right food, do regular exercise, and get enough sleep. Oh, and don’t forget to smile!

41. What percentage of muscles in your face can be used to smile?

A. A quarter.

B. One-third.

C. Three quarters.

D. Two-thirds.

42. Some factors(因素) may cause health problems except .

A. bad habits

B. playing sports or having accidents

C. stress

D. performing surgery

43. What does the word “damage” mean in Paragraph 3?

A. 有益

B. 锻炼

C. 损害

D. 影响

44. Which of the following statements is Right according to the passage?

A. It’s reported that less than 70% of body is made up of water.

B. A lot of people know the importance of looking after their bodies.

C. We seldom notice what is happening in our bodies until we get sick.

D. Injury and bad cuts are the most common reasons in America in 1999.

45. What can’t you do if you want to keep fit?

A. Eat the healthy food.

B. Take exercise regularly.

C. Get enough sleep.

D. Don’t smile often.


6. 41-45 CADBB

7. 36-40 DDBCB 8. 41-45 DBDAC

9. 36-40 ABCAB 10. 41-45 BDCCD


2020初三英语阅读理解及答案 下面有一篇文章,希望同学们用10分钟将此题做完,然后对照讲解找到准确的答案。 Passage 1 If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星). A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels. If a comet isn’t a sta r, what is it then? Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail. Many people perhaps have seen a comet. However no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see. An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because


九年级英语阅读理解训练题及答案五 (一 Snow fell on the mountain. It snowed and snowed. The snow did not melt(融化. It became deep and heavy. The snow on the bottom pressed (挤压together., it became ice. The ice was very wide and thick. It began to move down the mountain. It was like a river of ice. It was a glacier(冰河. Sometimes the glacier moved only a few inches(英寸each day. As it moved, it took rocks and dirt with it. It changed the land. In some places, it left hills. In some places, when the glacier melted, it made rivers and lakes. A million years ago, there were many big glaciers. Glaciers covered many parts of the world. The glaciers changed the land. Glaciers are still at work today. A glacier in the north of Canada is cutting a new path (路down the side of a mountain. This glacier will change the land, too. 1. The snow that fell on the mountain A. became snowman B. melted C. became ice D. turned to rain 2. The word in the story that means a river of ice is __________.


B Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake. But don't worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people. Many earthquakes happened in China, such as the big one in Sichuan in 2008. Thousands of people died in it. So it's important to know what to do when one hits. Here are some tips on how to stay safe in an earthquake. 1. If you are indoors during an earthquake, hide under a desk. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you. 2. If you are outdoors, move to a clear place. Try to be away from trees, signs, buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you. 3. If you are in a shop and far from the door, don't try to run outside and rush for exits (出口). Everyone will be doing that and you'll find it hard getting out. Don't get into a lift during an earthquake. Just hide under some strong cover near you. 4. When an earthquake has ended, be careful because aftershocks may still happen. These are just as dangerous as the earthquake itself. So stay under the desk until you make sure it's safe to get up. 5. If you are at home and you smell gas (煤气), open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as you can. A gas line in your house may be broken. This could be very dangerous. 51. Most earthquakes are too _______ to hurt people. A. strong B. weak C. dangerous 52. If you are outdoors, it would be safe to _______. A. go to a playground B. stay under a tree C. stand by the window 53. If you're in a shop and far from the door, you'd better _______. A. rush to the door right away B. run after the people quickly C. hide yourself under a cover near you 54. The best title of this passage is "_______". A. How dangerous the earthquake is B. How to be safe during an earthquake C. Don't be afraid of the earthquake 55. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Most earthquakes are very dangerous, so we must be very careful every day. B. You'd better keep away from those things that may fall on you wherever you are. C. If you smell gas at home, try to hide under a desk and don't run outside quickly. C Raising pets is a popular online game among teenagers. “More than 20 of my classmates have adopted(领养) pets online.” Said Wang Hui from Beijing. If you go to some websites, you can adopt virtual(虚拟的) pets like penguins(企鹅), chickens, dogs and elephants. You can feed, wash, talk to and play with your pet. Dai Yingshuang of Shanghai said, “It’s great fun and I have also learned how to take care of others.” She usually asks her uncle to take care of her pet while she is at school. If you don’t feed and care for the pet, it will become unhappy and unhealthy. So raising an online pet means spending a lot of time online. This makes many parents worried. They fear it will have a bad influence on the children’s studies. Wang Zha otong from Anhui has raised a pengu in since last year. She said, “My parents know about the penguin and think it’s okay.” If the students can kee p the balance between studying and playing, it’s not bad for them to “raise” pets online. 56.Over ______ students in Wang Hui’s class have adopted pets online. A.10 B.20 C.half 57.What does Dai Yingshuang think of raising pets online? A.It’s great fun. B.It wastes time. C.It’s not interesting. 58.Which of the following is Not Right according to the passage? A.Raising an online pet doesn’t mean spending lots of time online.


中考英语阅读理解 阅读下列短文,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。 阅读理解(1) A ( )1.If Joe wanted to buy the cheapest ticket for Peak Day,he could book(预定)one during . A.Pre - sale ⅠB.Pre – sale ⅡC.Pre – sale ⅢD.Expo Session ( )2.On March 1,2010,Sue bought two Standard Day tickets for her parents.

She paid for them. A.¥380 B.¥300 C.¥260 D.¥180 ( )3.It cost Thomas ¥160 to get a ticket for Standard Day.He probably bought it on .A.April 23,2009 B.August l,2009 C.February 2,2010 D.May 20,2010 ( )4.Kathy spent 900 yuan on a ticket for Shanghai Expo.Her visit can last days.A.one B.three C.seven D.ten ( )5.Visitors to Shanghai Expo could buy tickets only after May 1,2010. A. morning B.afternoon C.evening D.midnight B On February 3rd,1949,New York Harbor(港)was an exciting place.Many people were there to greet a ship from France.On the ship were 49 French railroad boxcars(火车车厢)filled with gifts from the people of France to the people of America.These boxcars were from the famous Merci Train(Merci:a French word meaning “thank you”). After World War II(二战),a lot of factories,roads and farms in France had been destroyed.Many French people had no jobs or money and had little to wear and little to eat.In the winter of 1947,a train was sent across the United States,stopping in cities and towns along the way.At every stop,people gave whatever they could.Factories gave clothing and medicine.Farmers gave food.Families gave money.Even school children gave away their pocket money.All the things were then taken to France by ship. By 1949,the French had begun to recover(恢复)from the war.The Merci Train was their way of saying “thank you” to America.French people had filled the boxcars with gifts.Most of them were personal,like hand - made toys,children’s drawings,or postcards.But the boxcars themselves were perhaps the most meaningful of the gifts.On each car,the French people had painted the pictures of all their 40 provinces.with an American eagle on the front.The boxcars were taken to each state of America,where they were warmly greeted.


初三英语阅读理解练习题 1. The worst tourist in the world is Nicholas Scottie of San-Francisco. Once he flew from the U.S. to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home. The plane made one-hour stop to get oil at Kennedy Airport of New York. As he thought he had arrived home. Mr. Scottie got off the plane. He thought he was in Rome. When nobody was there to meet him, Mr. Scottie thought maybe they were held up by heavy traffic. While looking for their address, Mr. Scottie found that the old “Rome”had changed a lot. Many old buildings were replaced by high modern ones. He also found that many people spoke English instead of Italian and that many streets were written in English. Mr. Scottie knew very little English, so he asked a policeman the way to the bus station. He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered him in the same language. After twelve hour’s traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to a second policeman. He asked the policeman why the Rome police employed so many people as policemen speaking English instead of Italian. Mr. Scottie did not believe he was in New York when he was told so. To get him on a plane back to San Francisco, he was sent to the airport in a police car with sirens (警报) on. “Look,”said Scottie to his interpreter (翻译), “I know I’m in Italy. That’s how they drive.” 1. When Mr. Scottie arrived at the airport, nobody met him because _______. A. he was in New York B. he was not in Rome C. policeman could help him D. both A and B 2. In what direction did the plane fly when Mr. Scottie went to Italy from the U.S.? A. To the east B. To the south C. To the west D. To the north 3. Why was Mr. Scottie so sure that he was in Rome? A. Because he knew little about the U.S. B. Because he knew little bout Italy. C. Because he traveled a lot. D. Because he didn’t travel much 4. At last Mr. Scottie __________. A. know he did something wrong B. still thought he was in Rome.


初三英语阅读理解(10篇) (一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of


阅读理解专项练习 1 Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy. Well, almost everything. The problem is that the people in Jean’s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite lonely. So Jean spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous, talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she keeps in touch with quite often. Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a common interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself: He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other. When Jean’s father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him so that she could


中考英语阅读理解专项练习综合(word) 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Scrapbooking is a hobby. It was popular for more than 500 years. People called it a friendship book. They kept pictures, letters, poems and other things they wanted to remember. Today people collect many things in scrapbooks. Some people have funny collections, like the world's most awkward ideas or pictures of the world's most ugly dogs. Other people may collect stories about the bad weather. It is easy to get started. First, you should decide what you want to collect. Start with just one idea. Next, you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue. You need the scissors to cut out the pictures or stories. You need the glue to stick them to the background paper. You can be busy and collect many things or lazy and collect few things. It'll be lots of fun to make your scrapbook and you can share it with your friends. (1)How long was scrapbooking popular? A. less than 500 years B. 500 years C. over 500 years D. more than 550 years (2)What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "awkward"? A. 聪明的 B. 愚蠢的 C. 美妙的 D. 残疾的(3)How many items (物品) are mentioned to make a scrapbook? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. (4)To make a scrapbook, what do you need first? A. Glue. B. Scissors. C. A book. D. An idea. (5)What's the best title of the passage? A. Scrapbooking B. The History of Scrapbooking C. What Is a Scrapbook? D. How to make a Scrapbook 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C (4)D (5)A 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了剪粘书的通途,可以保存照片、信件、诗歌和其他他们想记住的东西。 (1)细节题。根 It was popular for more than 500 years可知它流行了500多年,故选C。(2)词义猜测题。根据pictures of the world's most ugly dogs. Other people may collect stories about the bad weather 世界上最丑陋的狗的照片。其他人可能会收集坏天气的故事可知awkward指愚蠢的,故选B。 (3)细节题。根据you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue 你需要一本背景纸、剪刀和胶水的书可知3种物品被提到制作剪贴簿,故选C。 (4)细节题。根据 First, you should decide what you want to collect. 可知要制作剪贴簿,你首先需要,故选D。


初三英语阅读理解(10篇)(一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of


初三英语阅读理解练习4篇 (A) In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years. To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there. Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makeds more and more people interested in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan. 1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______. A. Many football fans B. a very good team C. many football player D. a big playground 2. The next World Cup will be held in_______. A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2005 D. 2004 3. From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________. A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers 4. In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______. A. to show their love for their owe country B. to tell the people their stories C. to show their good wishes for the football teams D. to show their new ideas about football


I In the early 1990s,the word” Internet” was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类) Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There

中考英语 英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案)

中考英语英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案) 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.阅读理解 Children love to play and laugh throughout their days at school or at home. Finding the time to laugh with your children may be the best thing you can do for the relationship. Encourage your children to develop a good humor by laughing at the jokes they make up on the spot. This will help them grow confident and build their self-esteem. If you do not get the joke, you can ask why they think the joke is funny. Honest feedback will help your children develop funnier jokes. You can take them to your local library and have them pick up a few joke books. Then you can head back home or out to the park and read it together for a good laugh. You can take turns reading jokes to each other from the book or make up a few yourselves. But if they make a joke at the expense of another person, you may want to discuss the difference between making fun of yourself and making fun of others. In turn , try not to make jokes at your children’s expense, you need to set an exampl e that they can follow. Learning to laugh at oneself is a great quality to attain. You can set an example by laughing at your own mistakes. This is a great way to help reduce your own stress as well as your children’s. Laughing may make the situation seem lighter and easier to work through. By doing this, your children will be better prepared to handle any difficulties. Most importantly, laughing will bring you closer together as a family. You can have your family find different ways to laugh. You can play games. You can start a staring contest, arm wrestling contest, thumb wars contest and have a prize for the winners. You can all watch your best funny movies and act out the best parts together after the movies are over. You could hold a contest to see who can make the other members of the family laugh more by doing something funny. Kids will be able to enjoy the good time they had with their parents. The family that laughs together stays together! (1)If you often play and laugh with your children, you can ________. A. develop a good humor B. become proud and confident C. make up some funny jokes D. get along well with each other (2)The underlined word “them” refers to ________. A. funny jokes B. interesting books C. your children D. the family (3)We can infer that when your children make mistakes you should ________. A. teach them to laugh at the mistakes B. blame them seriously C. punish them at once D. tell them to do better in future (4)The author advises in Para.4 that people make their family members laugh by ________. A. having a party B. having some kinds of contests C. doing some housework D. reading joke books (5)What can be the best title for the text? A. The More You laugh, the B etter You’ll Be B. Laughing Every Day Is Simple C. How to Laugh in Everyday Life D. Laughter Is Good for Your Family

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