当前位置:文档之家› 旅游英语演讲稿






Good afternoon, everyone。Today I want to introduce my hometown - Jilin.

Jilin is located in the northeast, so I am a northeasterner. Perhaps you don’t know that Jilin can refer to either a province or a city. Coincidentally, my home is in Jilin, Jilin.


Jilin has another name, called Jiangcheng. From this map, we can see that there is a Songhua River through the entire city of Jilin. This picture shows the Fengman Hydropower Station in the upper reaches of Songhua River, which is the first large-scale hydropower station in china. 冬天,从水电站流出来的水温度比江里的水高,所以松花江的水汽比较充分,这样的水蒸气在树枝上冻结,就形成了雾凇。这些图都是吉林的雾凇。

In winter, the temperature of the water which flows out from the station is higher than which in the Songhua river.So the vapor from the Songhua River is sufficient, and the vapor freezes in the branches which becomes the rime. These graphs showthe rime in Jilin.


These pictures were taken near my home last year.


Let's take a look at the famous scenic spots in Jilin, Changbai Mountain. Changbai Mountain is a famous dormant volcano. The active volcano has had three volcanic eruptions in history. After several volcanic eruptions in Changbai Mountain, the top of the mountain was piled up with white pumice. Looked away from the distance,with the accumulation of snow Months and years pass by.,it looks like a snowy mountain.

著名的长白山天池位于长白山主峰火山锥体的顶部,是我国最大的火山口湖。它是海拔最高的火山湖。天池的周围有很多山峰,池水非常清澈。它是松花江、图们江、鸭绿江的源头。从天池落下的长白山瀑布,是世界落差最大的火山湖瀑布。The famous Changbai Mountain Tianchi is located at the top of the volcanic cone of the main peak of Changbai Mountain. It is the largest crater lake in china. Andit is the highest volcanic lake. There are many mountains around the lake, and the water is very clear. It is the source of Songhua River, Tumen and the Yalu River. The Changbai Mountain Falls from the Tianch, is the world's largest crater lake falls.


Read the scenery of Jilin.Then we look at the food of Jilin. The first picture is pot flesh, and the second picture is chicken soup with tofu string, the third picture is The three fresh, that is, eggplant, potatoes and green peppers put together in fried. Jilin barbecue is very cheap,so you can eat very fun.


There are a lot of delicious foods in Jilin, if you come to Jilin to play, I believe you will be attracted by the Jilin foods, and forget the scenery of Jilin.


Thank you.


British Tourist Attractions 国名:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国( The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 伦敦的主要景点有:白金汉宫、唐宁街10号、大英博物馆、威斯敏斯特宫、伦敦塔、海德公园、格林尼治天文台、福尔摩斯博物馆、大本钟、伦敦塔桥、伦敦等。 英格兰:伦敦London伯明翰Birmingham布里斯托Bristol曼彻斯特Manchester 纽卡斯尔Newcastle利兹Leeds利物浦Liverpool诺丁汉Nottingham 谢菲尔德Sheffield 剑桥Cambridge 牛津Oxfod等 1 景点名称:Edinburgh castle爱丁堡城堡 特色介绍:The main introduction Edinburgh castle is the symbol of Edinburgh, Scotland spirit even standing at the top, High in death volcanic rocks overlooking Edinburgh city, every August in this FenLieShi (Military Tattoo held marching) and, more will be Edinburgh castle solemn majestic atmosphere shows. To Edinburgh tourist would not miss Edinburgh castle, because in Edinburgh castle volcano in granite top, Edinburgh castle in downtown every corner can be seen. Edinburgh castle in the 6th century became the royal fort, Edinburgh castle thenceforth become important royal residence and the state爱丁堡城堡是爱丁堡甚至于苏格兰精神的象征,耸立在死火山岩顶上,居高俯视爱丁堡市区,每年八月在此举办军乐队分列式,更将爱丁堡城堡庄严雄伟的气氛表露无遗。到爱丁堡旅游的人都不会错过爱丁堡城堡,爱丁堡城堡在市中心各角落都可看到。爱丁堡城堡在6世纪时成为皇室堡垒,爱丁堡城堡自此成为重要皇家住所和国家行政中心。 2 景点名称:Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 特色介绍:The main introduction Buckingham Palace is the monarch’s present London home,facing St. James ‘park. It was built for the Duke of Buckingham and Normandy John Sheffield in 1703. Buckingham House was bought by George III for his wife at the price of 28,000 pounds in 1761 and the royal family moved there from St. James ‘Palace. It was enlarged in the Palladian style by John Nash in the reign Of George IV and then the building became known as Buckingham Palace. When Victoria came to the throne,she made it the royal palace. In the palace can be found the Marble Hall,Sculpture Gallery,the Picture Gallery,the Throne Room,the Drawing Room,the Library,the Royal Stamp-Collecting Room,the Grand Staircase and V estibule,over 600 rooms and halls in all. The grounds cover 40 acres and there are collections of famous paintings and of furniture,most of which are works dating from George IV’s time. Since 1993,Buckingham Palace has been open to the public during the summer months only. 白金汉宫英国的王宫。建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St. James Park)的西边,1703年为白金汉公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。 1762年英国王乔治三世购买了当时在现址上的一所房子作为私人住宅。1821年开始兴建


英国旅游英语作文阅读 The Englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the Englishwoman love to behave ladily.They also show their respect to ladies.They always say" Lady first".In their daily life.the English pay attention to their appearance.They dress neatly.They shake hands when they meet other.When they are with others,they usually say "please""thank you""sorry" and so on.The breakfast in Britain is very https://www.doczj.com/doc/9c12051022.html,ually there are all kinds of egg products,oatmeal,bacon,ham,sausages,butter,jam,bread,milk,juice,coffee and so on.They are popular with the western countries.What's more,the English like drinking tea.They have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon.They enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends. 英国著名的景点——大英博物馆British Museum 这个大英博物馆凡是去过的人都会由衷的赞叹,惊讶于这里收藏非常的丰富。Had been to the British Museum the number of people may feel, Great Britain has a rich grand collection.整个大英博物馆气势恢宏,金碧辉煌。The whole British Museum magnificent, beautiful decoration.博物馆开放之后,经过了英国人的不断的探险和扩张,得到了很多世界的奇珍异宝。The museum is open, through the exploration and expansion of British people,get a lot of the world's priceless treasures.我们现在看到的很多博物馆中的文物,很多都是别的国家的。Many museums we now see in cultural relics, many of them are from other countries.在这里,能感受到曾经的日不落帝国的辉煌,以及厚重的历史底蕴。Here, can feel the Empire's glory, and heavy historical background.所以说,大英博物馆是很值得我们去观赏的。Therefore, the British Museum is worth watching. 英国著名景点——威斯敏斯特教堂Westminster Abbey 这个教堂的位置是伦敦泰晤士河的北岸,The location of the church is on the north shore of the Thames River in London是一个典型的哥特式的建筑,Is a typical Gothic architecture有很多的欧洲名人都是埋葬到这里的。Many European celebrities are buried here.所以,教堂就更加的出名了,很多游客前来参观。Therefore, the church is more famous, many tourists come to visit.教堂的历史悠久,围绕着这个教堂有很多的故事发生,据说,当时建筑师的设计引发了巨大的争论。因为里边蕴含了太浓烈的文艺复兴时期的元素了。The church has a long history, around this church has a lot of story, said, at that time the architect's design sparked enormous controversy. Because itcontains too strong Renaissance elements. 英国著名景点——爱丁堡城堡Edinburgh Castle


英国旅游注意事项(附简单英语口语) 一、总体介绍 英国位于欧洲西部,为大西洋的岛国。由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)、北爱尔兰和一些小岛组成。隔北海、英吉利海峡(拉芒什海峡)等与欧洲大陆相望。北部的苏格兰为山地,到处牛羊成群;南部英格兰原野风光令人陶醉,西部的威尔士以崎岖的山岭和比率的河谷著名。主要河流为塞文河、泰晤士河。面积24.41万平方公里,人口5920万,首教为伦敦。英国国土狭小,却对世界产生莫大的影响力,过去曾是庞大帝国的中枢,因此英语通行全球。 英国是个美丽的国家,文物古迹比比皆是,自然风景秀丽可餐,旅游资源丰富。许多城市,如“万城之花”伦敦,“北方雅典”爱丁堡,大学城牛津、剑桥,古色古香的约克城,莎翁故乡斯特拉特福都是享有世界声誉的旅游名城。目前,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产的名胜古迹和天然景观就有14处,即伦敦塔、威斯敏斯特宫(国会大厦)、布伦海姆宫(牛津附近),坎特伯雷主教堂等,都是极受游客青睐... 英国位于欧洲西部,为大西洋的岛国。由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)、北爱尔兰和一些小岛组成。隔北海、英吉利海峡(拉芒什海峡)等与欧洲大陆相望。北部的苏格兰为山地,到处牛羊成群;南部英格兰原野风光令人陶醉,西部的威

尔士以崎岖的山岭和比率的河谷著名。主要河流为塞文河、泰晤士河。面积24.41万平方公里,人口5920万,首教为伦敦。英国国土狭小,却对世界产生莫大的影响力,过去曾是庞大帝国的中枢,因此英语通行全球。 英国是个美丽的国家,文物古迹比比皆是,自然风景秀丽可餐,旅游资源丰富。许多城市,如“万城之花”伦敦,“北方雅典”爱丁堡,大学城牛津、剑桥,古色古香的约克城,莎翁故乡斯特拉特福都是享有世界声誉的旅游名城。目前,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产的名胜古迹和天然景观就有14处,即伦敦塔、威斯敏斯特宫(国会大厦)、布伦海姆宫(牛津附近),坎特伯雷主教堂等,都是极受游客青睐的观光热点。 二、英国美食小吃 首先,以切成一半的葡萄粒或橙汁(定是100%的纯果汁)开场,加上玉米片,浇上牛奶和砂糖,然后食用。以下是主菜,一般是成肉。香肠和煎鸡蛋配以煎蘑菇或西红柿(煎西红柿相当好吃)。当然还有烤同包。最后是咖啡或红茶,也有英国传统的奶茶。这便是英式早餐了。 要了解英国就应当去酒馆 英国人称小酒馆为“帕布”(pub),即public house的简称,这是他们生活中不可或缺的一部分。即使是在伦敦城工作的商人们,也常在帕布解决午餐。不过在住宅的酒馆中,多为当地居民,外人很难融入那里的气氛之中,游客就更被看作是“陌生


【超实用】出国旅游基本英语大全 一、问路时常用的方位词 East东、South南、West西、North北、Left左、Right右、Straighton往前直去、There那儿、Front前方、Back后方、Side侧旁、Before之前、After之后、First left/right第一个转左/右的路 二、请问如何前往... Excuse me,How do I get to the.......?请问如何前往......? How do I get to the airport?请问如何前往机场? How do I get to the bus station?请问如何前往公车站? How do I get to the metro station?请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Metro乃欧洲常用字) How do I get to the subway station?请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Subway乃北美洲常用字) How do I get to the underground station?请问如何前往地下铁路站?(underground乃英国常用字) How do I get to the train station?请问如何前往火车站? How do I get to the Hilton hotel ?请问如何前往希尔顿酒店? How do I get to the police station?请问如何前往警局? How do I get to the post office?请问如何前往邮政局? How do I get to the tourist information office?请问如何前往旅游资讯局?


英国自助旅游行程计划 出发日期:2015年8月15日 回国日期:2015年8月28日 第一天:广州→伦敦 乘搭飞机,抵达伦敦,入住酒店,适应时差,在游览之前先休息好身体,为自己预备一个良好的状态。 第二天:伦敦 早饭后,在伦敦市内游览。参观大本钟、议会大厦、西敏寺大教堂、首相府、白厅街、圣詹姆斯公园、白金汉宫外景。 下午继续参观鸽子广场,国家美术画廊,伦敦塔古城堡,泰晤士河畔伦敦塔桥,晚上乘坐游船游览泰晤士河。 第三天:伦敦 经过一晚的休整,继续伦敦游览。早饭后,参观摄政园,再到蜡像馆和大英图书馆,再去圣保罗大教堂,格林威治皇家天文馆,看本初子午线,以及世界标准时钟。 第四天:伦敦→牛津→斯特拉福德→考文垂 早饭后,直接赶赴牛津市,游览拥有32所大学的牛津大学城,之后赴斯特拉斯福特镇参观莎士比亚故乡,晚上到考文垂市过夜。 第五天:考文垂→约克 上午参观考文垂市现代派大教堂,之后前往英格兰中世纪名城约克市游览,参观全英国最大的教堂——敏斯特教堂,然后到中世纪式小商品小礼品市场街巷参观和购物。 第六天:约克→新堡→爱丁堡 从约克出发赶赴苏格兰首都爱丁堡,中途在英格兰北部小城新堡市停留,参观市容。 第七天:爱丁堡 参观爱丁堡古城堡,游览皇家古道——市政厅、大教堂、皇家公园。然后到爱丁堡王子大街消闲购物。

第八天:爱丁堡→因沃内斯 在爱丁堡休整一晚之后,再次回味这古老的城市,然后启程赶赴苏格兰北部城市因沃内斯参观。 第九天:因沃内斯→格拉斯哥 游览完因沃内斯后,下午赴苏格兰最大的城市格拉斯哥。 第十天:格拉斯哥→黑池→曼彻斯特 早饭后,继续在格拉斯哥短暂游览,下午前往海滨度假胜地黑池市,在海滩戏水或海滨漫步,之后赴曼彻斯特过夜。 第十一天:曼彻斯特 早晨在酒店享用英式早餐后,在曼城游览曼联队主场,顺便观看一场精彩的足球比赛。 第十二天:曼彻斯特→伯明翰→伦敦 到曼彻斯特科学与工业博物馆,然后前往英格兰第二大城市——伯明翰游览。在伯明翰,乘着小船随运河顺流而下欣赏风景,然后返回伦敦。 第十三天:伦敦→广州 在英国的最后一天,漫步伦敦街头,感受异国的文化、生活气息,在街心公园中休息片刻,找当地人聊聊天。下午找个富有英国特色的小店,享受英式下午茶,然后在傍晚踏上返程的飞机,返回国内。

伦敦旅游景点介绍 - 中英文

伦敦旅游景点介绍 1The British Museum:The British Museum(British Museum),also known as the British Museum, located in the north of the new Oxford street in London big Russell square,was founded in1753,since January15,1759officially open to the public,is the world's oldest,scale the grandest comprehensive Museum,is also one of the largest and the most famous Museum in the world.Museum has many cultural relics and books treasures from around the world,the collection of the rich,the type is various, for the world museum rare.At present,the museum has collections of more than600pieces.As a result of the limitation of space,there are still a large number of collections not on public display. Putting the huge clock inside-the Big Ben."Big Ben"from the bottom to the top of the tower has393 steps. 大英博物馆:大英博物馆(British Museum),又名不列颠博物馆,位于英国伦敦新牛津大 街北面的大罗素广场,成立于1753年,1759年1月15日起正式对公众开放,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的博物馆之一。博物馆收藏 了世界各地的许多文物和图书珍品,藏品之丰富、种类之繁多,为全世界博物馆所罕见。目 前博物馆拥有藏品600多万件。由于空间的限制,目前还有大批藏品未能公开展出。置在里面的巨钟——大本钟。“大本钟”从塔底到塔顶共有393级台阶。 2Buckingham Palace:Buckingham Palace(Buckingham Palace)British royal Palace.Built in the city of Westminster,is a four floors of the square around the court building,house ceremony hall, concert hall,banquet halls,galleries,etc.More than six hundred rooms.Square in front of the house has a statue standing on a marble bench high,glittering.Outside the front door gorgeous,fence golden decoration dignified solemn,thick iron relief create with palace very harmonious atmosphere.Inside the wall,you can see the famous ss soldiers stood still.Around the vast imperial garden,for the typical British style garden.Buckingham Palace was built in1703,the first called Buckingham house,which means"others".In1762,the royal family to buy,and constantly to be modified or added,in the end formed the tonal differ,design a variety of"patch palace".When the queen live in the palace,the royal flag will be hoisted in the middle of the palace.


英国旅游的英语作文 篇一:雅思写作经典范文-图表作文(英国公民出游目的)_雅思写作 智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思写作经典范文:图表作文(英国公民出游目的)_雅思 写作 The first table below shows the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people asking if they traveled abroad and why they traveled for the period 1994-98. The second table shows their destinations over the same period. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. 这两个图表反映的是一项基于10万英国人的抽样调查结果,时间为1994-1998年四年间。图表1显示的是英国公民出国旅游的目的;图表2展示的是他们前往的国家和地区。 The two tables reflect the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 British people over a span of four years from 1994 to 1998. The first one shows the purposes of their visits abroad and the second indicates their choices of destinations. 从图表1来看,度假是英国人出国的主要原因,其次是为公务


英国旅游英语作文 下面是整理的英国旅游英语作文,希望对大家有帮助。 England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom,[1] whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel. England was formed as a country during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles ; one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in the British Isles, capital of the United Kingdom and one of the world's Global Cities. England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;[2][3] it is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, was the


旅游英语口语300句:与英国旅游相关Useful Expressions 体验旅游 1.Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 它的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 2.The Commonwealth of Nations encompasses many English speaking countries. 英联邦国家包括很多讲英语的国家。 3.The Tower of London is the symbol of this city. 伦孰塔是这座城市的符号。 4.Rugby is different from soccer. 英式橄榄球和足球的玩法不一祥。 5.Kids love Easter because they can play with eggs. 孩子们一喜欢复活节,因为他们能够玩鸡蛋。 6.Many modem sports were invented by British people. 很多现代体育运动项目都是由英国人发明的。 7.The British sportsman respect fair play. 英国的运动迷们都崇尚公平竞技。 8.Coal is important natural resources for industrialized cities.

煤炭是工业化城市重要的自然资源。 9.Wales' development has been largely depended on mining. 威尔士的发展很大水准上都是依靠矿业。 10.England is a mix with urbanized cities and untapped villages. 英格兰混合了很多城市化的地方和未开发的村镇。 11.The highlight of this trip was to see the cricket match. 这次旅行的高潮是看那场板球赛。 12.In history, Scotland was independent from England. 历苏格兰是独立于英格兰的。

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