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旅游英语role play

旅游英语role play
旅游英语role play

F=front desk, d=dad, g=girl(taylor) c=concierge

Scene1in the hotel front desk.

G:it is said that elephant is the biggest animal in the land,but how big it can be?

D:maybe is as big as your bedroom…good afternoon,we have a reservation.

F:good afternoon.can I have your ID ,please?

G:nothing canbe that big!

D:calm down,dear,wait a minite…OK.here you are.(to girl)we are gonna see the real elephant tomorrow,and you will understand my words then.

G:OK,OK…and the sister is so cute!(point the front desk)

D:no one can be cuter than you.please be quiet and we`ll go on our topic after we check in.

F:hello,you have a standard room on the second floor,with two single bed.I`m sure you and your daughter will satisfied…

G:I don`t want to sleep alone!mummy is not here…

D:you are growing up now…

G:but I`m cute!

F:sir,we have mini suite here,expecially for kids…

D:ok,show me the mini suite.

F:here,not far from the dining room.

D:where is the swimming pool and the gym?

G:dad,I wanna live besides the swimming pool.

F:sorry,but I think there is not any minisuite near theswimming now.

D:uhnnnn….just a queen-size room is OK.near the swimming pool.

F:ok.your room is number is 314.here is the card.the bell boy will take your luggage to the room later.If you need any help,here is the phonenumber of concierge:0731-555 D:thank you.dear let`s continue the topic.

F:wait a moment,please,sir!we`ve still got minisuite available near the swimming pool.

G:great!I can`t wait to swim!I`m gonna take out my swimsuit right now…

Scene2 inside the hotel(in the morning)

They came back to the room after breakfast.

D:it`s quiet a sunny day here today.we can go to the wild animal park…and…consulting some more activities from the sisters in the concierge.

D:tayor?don`t be naughty,time is hurry.

D:taylor?come out and I wiil get some soft candy for you.or juice?chocolate?OK you are not in the room…

Come to the concierge workers for help

C:good morning,sir,what can I do for you?

D:hello,but I can`t find the my daughter anywhere…she is very naughty. you know I`m new here and not familiar with the hotel.

C:Calm down,please,sir.she must be somewhere in the hotel.i`ll help you find her.

D:but i`ve searched around the building.I go out of my room and go around the corridor;I run up and down in the stairs,and even searched the female W.C…the people in the hall tell me that they haven`t seen a girl there.by the way,she is a buautiful girl,this tall,whit clothes like…

C:ok,I get it.I think she is not in the building now.let`s go to the garden.

In the garden

C:hey sir!taylor is here.you needn`t go futher any more.

D:explain it,please.taylor.

G:sorry,dad.I wanted to go another way to our room.there are flowers and birds here,so I go through garden.but I lost my way…

D:sound reasodable.OK,forgive you this time.but you know ,your sense of direction is even weaker than your mother!so don`t get apart with me without my premission.

G:yes sir!so dad,are we going to the wild animal park right now?

D:And some more activities.MS,can you give us some choices about having fun here? C:I`m glad to.with a unique location here,this city gets all kind of natural sceneries.besides the park you juet mentioned,our hotel also appeals to the shore.ther are golden beaches there,also a excellent surfing destination.

D:awsome.anything else?

C:yeah.three miles away is a local specialty market.almost everyone back from there receive some surprise.and a cliff off the sea is one miles further.I recommend you to the beach this afternoon personally.our hotel have a exclusive bearch there.

D:thank you,dear,I know you want to the


D:yeah,let`s go.

Scene 3 in the front desk,check out.

D:hello,we want check out now.

F:ok.hope you`ve enjoyed staying here,

G:yeah!what a wonderful holiday.but the elephant is not as big as father`s description.the koala is so cute and the zebra is most beautiful!

F:you are also lovely,little princess.

G:oh there are so many beautiful girls in the beach~~dad must be happy,and so many hangsome boys there…they are so strong!

F:there are going to be surfing festival three month later.That`s most lovely time here. G:how I wish to come here again!

F:the reservation is hot then.it`s better to have a booking in advance.

D :mommy will be free then.we can have a holiday together.

F:we have a special survice for the family room.with 20 more dollors you can have better rooms with better facility

D:let me see…ok,a family room in May 13th.

G:wow…I love you dad~.


专四英语口语测验roleplay题目 1 / 9

————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2 / 9

Task Three: Role-play 1.A: Recently, the number of students who apply for double majors has been increasing. You are also considering about such an application. You go to student B and ask for his/her opinion. Student B tries to encourage you to take this challenge by analyzing the advantages of doing so. However, you still have some reservations and do not want to make a final decision in a rush. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 1.B: Student A is considering about an application for double majors, which you think is a good idea. You try to encourage student A to take this challenge by analyzing the advantages of doing so. However, student A has some reservations and does not want to make a final decision in a rush. Remember, it is your partner who should initiate the conversation. 2.A: Recently a student has been enrolled in the graduate school of Zhongshan University because of his contribution to the fight against SARS. You and your classmate Student B express your opinions on whether the university is justified in doing so. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 2. B: Recently a student has been enrolled in the graduate school of Zhongshan University because of his contribution to the fight against SARS. You and your classmate Student A express your opinions on whether the university is justified in doing so. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation. 3.A: You are a freshman but you don’t feel happy at all. Instead you are depressed because you think the college you enter is an ordinary one. You curse your fate and cannot see any light of hope in your life. One day you decide to hav e a talk with your teacher, so you enter his/her office. Remember you must initiate the conversation. 3. B: You are a university teacher. Student A is a freshman but he/she doesn’t feel happy at all. Instead he/she is depressed because he/she thinks the college he enters is an ordinary one. He/she curses his fate and cannot see any light of hope in his/her life. One day, he/she enters your office with the intention of having a talk with you. Remember he/she initiates the conversation. 4.A: You and your friend are discussing the aim of university education. However, you hold different opinions. You think university education is primarily to train good members of society while your friend insists that it is primarily to create and cultivate scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers, poets, novelists, etc. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 4. B: You and your friend are discussing the aim of university education. However, you hold different opinions. You think university education is primarily to create and cultivate scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers, poets, novelists, etc. while your friend insists that it is primarily to train good members of society. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation.

职场英语role play文档稿

A:the Manager of Production B:the Manager of Marketing(ask question) C:Chairman(opening and comments) D:Secretary of the Board and vice manager of production. C: Hello, everyone. If we are all here, let’s get started. Firstly to begin with, I would like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting. D: Ok, a completely new phone will be designed and on sales in this year, which will become one of the main products of our company to reverse the decline last year. The most important concept of this product is creativity. These are the main content last meeting. We will talk about the new product in today’s meeting. C: Good, Mr. A , It’s your time. A : Fine, Look at this everybody. What you think when you see it at the first time? Beautiful! That is the first we seek for. Our long term competitor HuaWei has almost the best performance and equipment in china’s market. But the appearance and the big black side are their deadly weakness. So this phone has the artistic appearance and the black side which is a difficult problem in technique has been solved for the better user experience. More important, this phone has higher equipment than previous generation to satisfy user’s need. Another bright spot is the camera of this phone that has bigger aperture and higher pixels. The photo it takes will get close to the level of DSLR camera. And it has some characteristic functions for the convenience of one-hand operation. That will be the best choice of cellphones in today’s china market. Do you have any questions? B: Based on your presentation, what’s the main point we should focus on when promoting. D: The beautiful appearance, of course. That’s the first impression the customers get from our phone. A good opening is half the success. Secondly, we should emphasize the performance and equipment which are better than most of the phones in the market. B: Ok, thank you. I will talk to you about the sales plan. Firstly, we sale the phone both on the physical stores and the internet. We provide pre-sale on the internet for people to reserve phones they like. That’s the most effective ways to sell at present. Internet is full of exciting possibilities, that’s why we must use it. Our advertisement should be put not only on the billboards but the internet. We can make a video to show our product’s concept with artistic ways which can attract people’s attention. Also, we can have volunteers to try this phone and tell people about the experience they use. D: Sorry to interrupt, I have an idea. Since the appearance is our most important advantage, we can use and expand it. Different characteristic appearance can be designed for people to choose. For example, we can design different back patterns or different shell textures. Or we can provide personalized service that people’s favourite patterns or words can be carved on the phone to make a unique personal phone. B: That is a good suggestion. It will be put on the agenda. Here are the main content about the sales plan. C: Thank you for speaking. Everyone have done good jobs. So far, it looks as if we have covered all the main points. That’s all for today, we will talk about more details in the next meeting. See you.


文化是指一个社会所具有的独特的信仰、习惯、制度、性格、思维方式等的总模式,是一个社会的整个生活方式,一个民族的全部活动方式。它为一个语言社会的全体成员所共有,也为这个语言社会所独有。文化既是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物,又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物。虽然随着全球经济一体化及社会信息化的发展,人类赖以生存的家园正变得越来越像个“地球村”,中美两国间的文化交流也日趋频繁,但是中美文化差异依然存在。 一、中美文化差异现象 中国有着五千年的文化和历史的沉淀,而在地球另一端的美国是一个多民族的国家,却只有200多年的历史。中美之间的文化差异是巨大的,它是两国人民交流和理解的障碍和鸿沟。中美之间的文化差异是复杂而多面的。 (一)文化观念的差异 中国的传统文化是以儒家思想为核心,历来主张尊卑有别,长幼有序,也就是说,凡事都要遵循一定的规矩,并受到等级观念的制约。例如,晚辈见到长辈为表尊重要主动打招呼;学生要尊敬老师。而美国文化主要承袭了基督教中的新教思想,等级观念淡薄。美国人更注重个人权益,追求人人平等,没有辈份间过多的礼节。子女对父母、学生对教师都直呼其名,子女可以与父母争论问题.或提出自己个性主张。 在独具特色的中国文化中,人情占很重要的地位。人情在中国社会中有其一定的社会结构性,人情与面子是相互联系的,讲情面的人会将心比心、以心换心地回报别人的情谊。因此,在中国文化中.自我评价是在人与人之间的亲情及互相交往的情谊中建立和实现的。中国人强调家族及阶级层次。中华文化崇尚集体主义。人们之间相互信赖,团结合作,当个人利益与集体利益相矛盾时,集体利益总被放在首位。在衡量个人行为时,往往是以道德为准则,注重和谐、群体利益的维护,这与美国文化截然不同。美国人崇尚个人自由,强调个人潜力的发挥,个人目标的实现及个人利益的追求,信奉法律至上。在美国,人与人之间多为互利关系,表现出人情较为淡漠,但却十分重视个人利益和自由,个人自我意识较强。 (二)思维方式的差异 思维方式是社会文化的产物,受到生产方式、历史传统、哲学思想及语言文学等方面的综合影响。受不同文化背景制约的中美两国人具有不同的思维方式。中国人偏向综合性思维.强调整体优先,采用从整体到部分的思维方式,如表达顺序时,要由大地方到小地方,即国家一省一市一区一街一号;表达时间是按年一月一日的顺序。美国人则偏好分析性思维,强调部分的优先,在表达空间顺序时与中国相反,由小地方

英语搞笑短剧role play荆轲刺秦王

荆轲刺秦王 很久很久以前中国战国时代,有两个国家的王子------ -燕国的白哥和秦国的嬴政,他们是很好的朋友,他们经常一起赏花,喝酒,唱歌,游玩。有一天,他们还在游山玩水的时候,突然发现了一面镜子,一面有着神奇魔力的镜子,这是一面可以回答任何问题的魔镜。于是,白哥和嬴政迫不及待的凑了上去。 白哥(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):魔镜啊魔镜,我帅么? 魔镜说:“当然了我的殿下,你是整个燕国最帅的人” 白哥高兴状 然后,张璐上,问:魔镜啊魔镜,告诉我,那谁是这个世界上最帅的人呢?Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (魔镜:It’s you)张璐做极度嚣张状。 对白哥说:“小弟啊,拿着这个镜子,自卑去吧,我是这个世界上最帅的人啊,啊哈哈啊哈........ 白哥回到宫中 “欺人太甚了,太过分了,我要报复!!!!我的仆人,你在哪里?” 仆人上 “哦,亲爱的,我来了Honey, I am coming。” 白哥:“错,我应经告诉你多少遍了,你应该叫我最漂亮,最美丽,最英俊,最迷人,最可爱,最聪明和最亲爱的太子丹。I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”! 仆人:“对不起,亲爱的,我知道错了,我完全知道你现在的苦恼,我有一个好主意,那就是~找一个英雄杀了嬴政!”I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~ (作杀状) 白哥:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!这句话要跟观众交流,最好由观众来回答,然后拍仆人肩膀,做赞许状)好主意,可是谁是好的人选呢?Good idea! But who is the right candidate? 仆人:经调查,有两个人比较合适,一个是李莫愁小姐,一个是荆轲,明天他们将为谁是天下第一杀手而决斗。After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world. 白哥:“太好了,赶快让我看看胜利者,行么?”Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK? 仆人:“好的,开拍Yes.Action II(《十面埋伏》中刘德华&金成武决斗时的音乐)荆轲Are you Li mochou?李莫愁Yes.荆轲OK. I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world.李莫愁Are you challenging me?你想挑战我么? 荆轲Of course! 耸耸肩表示同意李莫愁Come on!音乐起两人冲上前来“人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,两刀砍死你啊。。。。”李莫愁倒地荆轲大笑李莫愁痛苦状李莫愁:“发生了什么,为什么你不受伤?What happened? Why aren’t you hurt?” 荆轲:“你根本就不懂的什么是剑,哎独孤求败啊….ai….. In solitude I seek for defeat.. 李莫愁:“Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Mochou. You never know what you're gonna get." I got it, Momma is right.(阿甘正传台词)


Cultural differences on politeness between western and Chinese can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including addressing, greeting and parting, compliments, apologies, thanks, etc. In the following, we will look at some cultural different between China and western. When people meet acquaintances or friends, people usually greet each other . The purpose of greeting is to establish or maintain social contact. So formulaic expressions are often used, but such formulaic expressions often causes conflict because of the great cultural differences between Chinese and native English speakers. In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. “Fine day, isn’t it? ”How is everything going?”“What are you going to do?” Where have you been?”etc. Westerners treat them as real question. While in Chinese, we always say “Have u eaten?”“where r u going to?”to show our consideration. Parting may be divided into two steps. Before the final prating, there is usual a leave-taking. Western and Chinese cultures have diverse ways to deal with leave-takings. Firstly, in English society, during the closing phase of an encounter, from ”I” perspective, reasons for terminating the encounter are presented in mitigatory comments. Typical comments are associated with expressions of apology, such as “I” am afraid I must be off, I have to relieve the baby-sitter” etc. Western people believe that to be willing to visit and converse with someone is to have respect for him.; to terminate the visiting is not of one’s own free will, but because of some other arrangements, therefore they always try to make their leaving sound reluctant by finding some reasons and apologize for it to make the leaving acceptable for both parties. English speakers often signal several times before leaving. “Well, it’s been nice to see you again. I do enjoy our talk and the lovely dinner, but I must be going soon”. Thank you very much for asking me over. I hope we’ll be able to get together again before long…” Consolidation in a wider range of common acquaintances also occurs, in expressions such as “Say

英语课role play

施:月光电源经理苗:月光电源人事主管 石,王,刘:接受面试大学生。其中石很优秀,王是富二代 苗:Good morning,everyone.I’m the HR of the moon moon company. Today,we will have an interview. Our company is seeking for talented person. After several examinations, two outstanding interviewees are here. But only one of them can win the opportunity to enter our company. Now,please come in. 施:Good morning,first,introduce yourselves. Mr. Shi please. 石:Good morning,everyone. I’m very happy to be here.My name is Shi Rongliang. I’ll graduate from XX university in July next year. And,my major is life science,which is one of the most famous majors in our university. In my way of thinking, education is an important aspect of my life.And I get national scholarships every year. I thing I have the excellent ability of working independently or with a diverse work force as well. . With my pious enthusiasm and sincerity,I want to join you to work for your company. I believe that I can because I think I can. 施:And you Mr. Wang. 王:Good morning. It is really my honor to have the opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today and I am confident that I can succeed. My name is Wang Ye. My father is “Li Gang”. And Mr. Shi,we have known each other right? Last night you and I had our dinner together and I wonder if you have lost something. I believe that this book must belong to you. (王拿出一本书,书中夹着几张100元钱,施接过书,把钱收起来,咳嗽两声,假装正经继续面试。) 施:Ke ke… You know, what you are doing now is very harmful to our company and also to yourself. So I hope this kind of beh aviour would not happened again. Ok ,let’s go on. 王:Ok, I have just graduated from XX University with good ability. And also, I have a powerful family background. I think it will be helpful to both of us if I can enti re this company. That’s all, and I believe it is enough. Thank you. 苗:Now we will ask you some questions. First,what are your greatest strengths and weakness? Mr. Shi please. 石:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertook. Your organization could benefit from my analytic and interpersonal skills. However I tend to drive myself too hard and I like to see a job done quickly, and I am critical if it isn’t. But I think I can conquer them in the future. 王:My strength is th at I am confident and brave enough to do things that others can’t achieve. Well my weakness is that,you know,I am not tall enough, not handsome enough. Otherwise I would be a perfect rich second generation.(富二代)


Lesson Plan Topic Role Play Date _____________________ No. of Students _______ Time: 45 minutes GENERAL OBJECTIVES: The trainees will be able to use role-plays in the ELT classroom.

RATIONALE . why select these linguistic/conceptual objectives) LINGUISTIC: Role-play is an active phase of learning, so it involves a number of language functions. Students should pay attention to use right language form to express those functions. CONCEPTUAL/CULTURAL:The conversation goes on in a break, so the language used should be informal to some extent. Since the conversation takes place in a staffroom between colleagues, the speakers should keep polite manner. ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE . what do you assume learners know/can do ) LINGUISTIC: All trainees are familiar with the vocabulary and grammatical rules related to the topic, so it is unnecessary to present those language elements. CONCEPTUAL/CULTURAL: Most of the trainees have the experiences of role-play, but they are not theoretically clear about the definition, procedures, advantages, problems and solutions of role-plays. It is difficult for them to show respect, tolerance by being polite in situations of strong disagreement. AIDS: Overhead projector, computer, lesson plan in PPT. PROCEDURE Pre-task activities activity (1minut ) of four groups (each member in a group getting the same role-card)( 2minuts ) the situation of the main task.(3minutes) Situation: You are four teachers meeting in the staffroom. You are very different with regard to your age, character and teaching experience. Try to speak to your colleagues in this role play as you would speak to colleagues in the staffroom, who are not necessarily your friends, whose viewpoints you might not agree with. Keep to polite language and social conventions. 4. Helping students deal with necessary vocabulary, functions and register.( 2minutes)

英语role play

Exhibitor: Marry

B: Can I help you? M: Yes. It’s our first time to attend the exhibition. We want everything is perfect. B: How old are your audiences? M: Our products mainly face for young, fashion male and female. B: What do you want for the booth? M: I want to divide into two areas. Demonstration area and negotiation area. B: what style do you want for the booths? M: I want you can design by Mediterranean style. You’d better to design with three dimensional effects. B: Ok, Anything else? M: Well. I want you finished your design on time and find some professional construction unit. They can’t cut corners when they install, Pay attention on details. And make sure what they build is exquisite. B: I will try my best, expect quietly for the good news.

英语专业四级role-play topics

Task Three: Role-play 1.A: Recently, the number of students who apply for double majors has been increasing. You are also considering about such an application. You go to student B and ask for his/her opinion. Student B tries to encourage you to take this c hallenge by analyzing the advantages of doing so. However, you still have some reservations and do not want to make a final decision in a rush. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 1.B: Student A is considering about an application for double majors, which you think is a good idea. You try to encourage student A to take this challenge by analyzing the advantages of doing so. However, student A has some reservations and does not want to make a final decision in a rush. Remember, it is your partner who should initiate the conversation. 2.A: Recently a student has been enrolled in the graduate school of Zhongshan University because of his contribution to the fight against SARS. You and your classmate Student B express your opinions on whether the university is justified in doing so. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 2. B: Recently a student has been enrolled in the graduate school of Zhongshan University because of his contribution to the fight against SARS. You and your classmate Student A express your opinions on whether the university is justified in doing so. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation. 3.A: You are a freshman but you don’t feel happy at all. Instead you are depressed because you think the college you enter is an ordinary one. You curse your fate and cannot see any light of hope in your life. One day you decide to have a talk with your teacher, so you enter his/her office. Remember you must initiate the conversation. 3. B: You are a university teacher. Student A is a freshman but he/she doesn’t feel happy at all. Instead he/she is depressed because he/she thinks the college he enters is an ordinary one. He/she curses his fate and cannot see any light of hope in his/her life. One day, he/she enters your office with the intention of having a talk with you. Remember he/she initiates the conversation. 4.A: You and your friend are discussing the aim of university education. However, you hold different opinions. You think university education is primarily to train good members of society while your friend insists that it is primarily to create and cultivate scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers, poets, novelists, etc. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 4. B: You and your friend are discussing the aim of university education. However, you hold different opinions. You think university education is primarily to create and cultivate scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers, poets, novelists, etc. while your friend insists that it is primarily to train good members of society. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation.

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