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白雪公主和七个小矮人Snow White and the seven dwarves

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, in a land far away, a king and queen lived in a beautiful castle. They had everything they wanted, except a child of their own. One night, the queen was sitting by her window. She was watching the snow fall outside. She looked up and

saw a wishing star(许愿星). Star light, star bright, wishing star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. I wish I had a little girl with skin as white as snow, with cheeks(面颊) as red as roses, and with hair as black as night.

The next year, the queen got her wish. She had a lovely little daughter. Her name was Snow White. The king and queen were very happy. Everyone in the kingdom loved Princess Snow White.

What a beautiful little baby girl. Her skin is as white as snow. Her cheeks are as red as roses. Her hair is as black as night, with pretty curls(卷发). She?s adorable(可爱的).

Soon after Snow White was born, the good queen died. The king married a new queen. The new queen was very beautiful, but she was also very proud. She wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. The queen had a magic mirror that answered any question she asked. Every day, she asked the mirror the same question.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who?s the fairest(最美的) of them all?

You are, my Queen.

Are you sure?

Of course, my queen .You know I always tell the truth.

Thank you, mirror. I?m very happy now.

Many years passed, and Snow White grew to be a beautiful young woman.

Here comes the princess Sn ow White. Look at her hair. It?s so long and thick.

Yes, and her eyes are always bright and happy. She smiles at everyone she meets.

She is as graceful(优雅的) as a dancer. And she is so kind and gentle.

Everyone loves her.

But the queen did not love Snow White. She was jealous(妒嫉)of the princess? beauty.

Then one day.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who?s the fairest of them all?

Snow White is the fairest, my queen.

What?! Never! I am the fairest!

I?m sorry, but I always tell the truth. You are very beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful than you are.

What can I do? I know. If I make Snow White work hard, then she will lose her beauty. And I will be the fairest of them all.

The queen called for Snow White.

Snow White, you are growing up(长大). Your days of playing are over. Now you must work in the kitchen. First, you will carry buckets(水桶) of water from the well (水井). Then, you will cook all our meals. And then, you will wash all the dishes and scrub(擦洗) all the pots and pans(坛坛罐罐).

All that work? Every day?

Yes, every day. Now go to the kitchen and get started.

Snow White worked very hard all day long. She did everything the queen told her to do .But the more Snow White worked, the more beautiful she became.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who?s the fairest of them all?

Snow White is the fairest, my queen.

Still? But I make her do all that hard work.

She is still more beautiful than you are.

Then I?ll make her work harder.

The queen called for Snow White again.

No more kitchen work for you.

Hooray! Thank you.

Now you must work in the castle. First you will scrub(擦洗) all the floors in the castle. Then you will wash everyone?s clothes. Then, you will clean all my jewelry(首饰).

Oh, no!

Snow White worked very hard in the castle. But the more Snow White worked, the more beautiful she became. The queen was very angry. Finally, she had another ides. She called a huntsman(猎人).

Huntsman, take Snow White into the forest and kill her.

Kill Snow White? But she is so kind and gentle.

If you don?t kill her, then I will kill you. When you are done, bring me her heart. Then I will know that she is dead.

I hate to do it, but I will. I must obey(服从) the queen.

That afternoon, the huntsman took Snow White into the forest. Snow White loved the tall trees and pretty flowers. She chased(追逐) butterflies and sang with the birds in the trees. She looked so happy. The huntsman did not want to kill her.

Princess, the queen told me to kill you today, but I can?t do it.

Why does the queen want to kill me? I don?t understand.

She hates you because of your beauty. Please, princess, run away and never come back.

Then you will be safe.

I don?t know where to go. But I will run away from the castle. Thank you for saving my life. Good bye.

The huntsman killed a wild pig(野猪). He took its heart to the queen. The queen thought it was Snow White?s heart. Now she thought that she was the most beautiful in the land.

Chapter 2

Snow White ran and ran. She did not know where she was or where she was going. Suddenly, she saw a little house in the middle of a clearing(空地). It was a pretty house, but it was so small. She knocked on the door, but no one answered. She opened the door and went in.

Is anyone home? Please help me. I?m lost. My goodness(我的天啊)! Everything in this house is so small. The chairs are small. The table is small. Even the dinner dishes (餐具) are small. This looks like a house for children. She went to the kitchen. There

was a pot of soup(一壶汤) on the stove(火炉). She was very hungry, so she ate a bowl of soup. Then she went upstairs. There she saw seven little beds in one small bedroom. She was very tired, and the beds looked so soft and warm. She lay down on the beds and fall asleep(睡着).

That night, the owners of the little house came home from their work. They were seven dwarves. They looked like men, but they were only as tall as young children. They were miners(矿工) who dug for(挖掘) gold and jewels(珠宝) in the hills.

When they got home, they went to the kitchen for dinner.

Hey! Who ate the soup?

I don?t know. We just got back home.

Maybe it was a thief.

Quickly! Search the house! You search the living room. You search the bedroom. We?ll search the back yard(后院).

I found someone. He?s asleep in the bedroom.

That?s not a “he”. That?s a girl.

Poor child. Was she lost in the forest? Let her sleep. We will talk in the morning.

The next morning, Snow White woke up. She was surprised to see the seven dwarves.

Good morning, young lady.

Who are you?

We are the seven dwarves. This is our house. Who are you, and what are you doing here?

I am Snow White. I?m sorry I let myself in. I was lost in the forest.

What were you doing in the forest?

My stepmother is the queen. She is jealous(妒嫉) of me. She tried to kill me, so I ran away. But I don?t know where to go.

Can she stay with us?

Why do you want her to stay with us?

I like her. I want to help her.

I want to help her too.

Snow White, you can stay here, but you must work for us. What can you do?

I can clean and I can cook and sew(缝纫), too.

That will be perfect. We need a good housekeeper(主妇).

Thank you so much. I?m sure I will be safe here.

But Snow White was not safe. A few days later, the queen asked her magic mirror.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who?s the fairest of them all?

Snow White is the fairest, my queen. She is alive. She lives in the forest with the seven dwarves.

No! The huntsman lied to me. Now I must think of a new plan to kill Snow White. The queen was also a powerful(强大的) magician. She made a magic potion(药剂)and drank it. Suddenly, she did not look like a beautiful queen any more. She looked like a peasant(乡下人)girl. Then she cast(投) a magic spell(符咒) on a hair comb (发梳).

This magic comb will kill Snow White. When she is gone, I will be the most beautiful

in the land.

Chapter 3

The next morning, the dwarves left for(动身去) work.

Take good care of(好好照看)our house, Snow White.

We will be home at sundown(日落).

I will cook a roast(烤) with potatoes for dinner.

And your clothes will be all clean. Good bye.

As soon as the dwarves were gone, the queen walked to the door and knocked. Snow White answered the door(应门). She did not recognize(认出) the queen. She only saw a young girl.

(girl?s voice) Good morning, ma?am. I am selling fine combs for pretty ladies. Do you want to buy one?

I?m sorry, but I don?t need a comb.

Oh please, ma?am. Please try my combs. They are very strong. Your hair is so thick and beautiful. You should have a good comb.

Alright, I?ll try one.

Snow White took the queen?s comb and began to comb her hair. When the comb touched her head, her hair began to move. Her hair wrapped around(卷绕) her neck and began to tighten(变紧). Snow White couldn?t breathe. She couldn?t even call for help.

Die, Snow White! Now I will be the fairest.

The queen laughed and laughed. Then she went back to the castle.

Luckily, one of the dwarves forgot his lunch. He ran back to the house to get it. When he got there, he saw Snow White with the comb in her hair. Her hair was wrapping tighter and tighter around her neck. The dwarf grabbed(抢) the comb and threw(抛) it to the ground. The comb broke into pieces(破成碎片).

The spell(符咒) was broken, and Snow White could breathe again.

Snow White! Snow White! What happened?

A girl was selling combs. I tried one, and my hair wrapped around my neck. The girl ran away, but I heard her laugh. It was the queen?s laugh. The girl was the quee n in disguise(伪装).

The queen found you here. You are in great danger, Snow White. From now on(从现在开始), you must never take anything from a stranger. And never let any strangers into the house. We will keep you safe, but we must be very careful.

The queen returned to the castle, she went to her magic mirror.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who?s the fairest of them all?

Snow White is the fairest, my queen. She is still alive in the forest. One of the dwarves saved her life.

No, no, no! I can?t use another comb. Snow White will know that it is a trick(诡计). I must make her trust me. But how? Ah-ha! I know what to do.

The queen made another magic potion and drank it. Now she looked like a very old woman. Then she took an apple. Half of the apple was green, and half of the apple was red. She did the red half of the apple into a powerful poison(毒药).

Snow White will eat this poisoned(有毒的) apple and she will die. Then I will be the fairest in the land.

The next morning, the dwarves left for work.

Remember, Snow White, don?t let any strangers into the house. It might be the queen in disguise(伪装). And don?t take anything from strangers. It might be another trick.

I will remember. I?ll be very careful.

That afternoon, there was a knock at the door.

Snow White went to the window to see who it was. She saw an old woman with a basket of apples. She did not know it was the queen again.

(old woman?s voice) Hello, young lady. I am selling apples. Do you want to buy some nice fresh apples?

I?m sorry. But I?m not allowed(不允许) to take anything from strangers.

You are a good girl. I?ll give you half an apple for free. I?ll eat the other half. Then you will know it is safe.

The old woman cut the apple in half. She ate the good half and gave the poisoned (有毒的) half to Snow White. Snow White thought it was safe, so she ate her half. After one bite(咬), she fell down to the floor.

The queen laughed and laughed.

Now I am the fairest. Good bye, Snow White. Good bye forever(永远).

That night, the seven dwarves came home. They found Snow White and the poisoned apple on the floor.

Oh no! Snow White, wake up! Wake up!

Is she dead?

I don?t know. She is not breathing. But her skin is still warm, and her cheeks are still red.

The queen did this. The apple was poisoned. What will we do?

Let?s make a glass coffin(棺材)for her. We will put it on the hill. There we can watch her.

We can take turns(轮流) watching her each day. If she wakes up, we will see it.

The dwarves built a glass coffin for Snow White, and put it on a hill near their house.

Form that day on, only six of the dwarves went to dig for gold and jewels in the hills. One dwarf stood guard by Snow White?s coffin every day. A long time passed, and Snow White never moved.

Chapter 4

One day, a prince was hunting in the forest. He saw the dwarf guarding Snow White?s coffin on the hill. He rode up to him.

Who is this young woman?

This is the princess Snow White. She was a kind and lovely girl. Her stepmother was very jealous of her beauty. She gave Snow White a poisoned apple. She fell asleep and did not wake up. Now we watch her every day. We hope she will wake up one day.

Her story is so sad. She is so young and beautiful. I have fallen in love with(爱上)her. May I give her a kiss before I go home?

Umm, OK. I allow(允许) you to kiss her.

The dwarf took off the top of the coffin. The prince leaned over(弯下身子) and kissed Snow White. The queen?s poisoned magic was strong. But the magic of love was stronger. When the prince kissed Snow White, her eyes opened, and she woke up.

Snow White! You?re awake!

Where am I? Who are you?

I am prince charming(白马王子). Your stepmother gave you a poisoned apple. You were asleep for many years. I kissed you, and you woke up.

My castle is on the other side of this forest.

Please come with me. I love you, and I want you to be my queen. Will you marry me?

You saved my life. I love you too. I will be happy to marry you.

Snow White and the prince rode away to the prince?s castle. The prince sent a messenger to Snow White…s father, the kings.

Your majesty(陛下), I have great news. Your daughter, Snow White, is alive.

My daughter is alive? Where?

She is in the castle on the other side of the forest. The prince wants to marry her.

That is wonderful news!

I also have bad news. Your wife, the queen, is an evil(邪恶的) magician. She put

a spell(符咒) on Snow White. That is why we thought she was dead.

That is terrible. I can?t allow her to put evil spells on people. Guards! Arrest(逮捕)the queen.

The king?s guards ran to arrest the queen. But when they went to her room, it was empty. The queen ran away, and no one saw her ever again.

Snow White and the prince were married that year. The dwarves made wedding rings(结婚戒指)with the gold from their mines(矿). People from all over the kingdom came to the wedding. Everyone was so happy, and they all wanted to see the little men who helped Snow White.

The dwarves were heroes. Snow White and the prince often visited the dwarves in the forest. And the dwarves often visited Snow White and the prince in their castle. They were best friends for the rest of their lives. And they all lived happily ever after(从此以后一直).


最肉麻的英语~ 让你过个纯正情人节!! Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes. 你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了. 2) Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control. 遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁. 3) No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,won't make your cry. 没人值得你为ta流泪,真正爱你的人不会让你哭泣. 4) There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.我早上愿意醒来为两个理由: 闹钟和你. 5) You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me 你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边. 6) In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you. 哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你. 7) If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put Y and I together. 如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起. 8) It's not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in loving with you. 不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福. 9) There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together 通.过四步就能幸福1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起. 10) Love you so I don`t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream. 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words.


船舶结构与设备 特点: 1、知识点多、杂。考点知识多为书本原文,计算、思考等题目较少; 2、与货运、避碰同考,所占比例较小。其中货运160道题目,结构占20-30道题; 3、后期新题更新不多; 4、难点不多,需记忆。如船舶种类及特点、轻型吊杆、舵设备等。

第一章船舶常识(结构货运) 第一节船舶的基本组成与主要标志 一、船舶基本组成 由主船体、上层建筑及其他各种配套设备等组成。 1、主船体 船底:分单层底、双层底。舭部 ★舷侧:首/尾部船首/尾 甲板:上甲板、平台甲板(注:强力甲板、遮蔽甲板、量吨甲板、舱壁甲板定义见“甲板结构”)、甲板命名 舱壁:按方向分横舱壁、纵舱壁(其他分类方式见“舱壁结构”)。★船底、舷侧、舭部构成船壳板 2、上层建筑 定义: 分类:长上层建筑、短上层建筑(定义) 组成:首楼、尾楼、桥楼(位置、作用)、甲板室(长甲板室、短甲板室) ★桅屋属于短甲板室 上层建筑各层甲板:艇甲板、罗经甲板 3、舱室名称 机舱、货舱、压载舱、深舱(定义)、其他舱室 ★隔离空舱(干隔舱):仅有一个肋骨间距的空舱 二、船舶主要标志

1、球鼻首和首侧推器标志:位置(前、后) 2、吃水标志:公制/英制(10cm/6英尺),★读取 3、甲板线标志:尺寸(300mm×25mm)、★位置 ★4、载重线标志:位置、堪划要求、字母涵义、丈量最小干舷 5、其他标志: 船名船籍港标志:船名字高比船首字高小10%-20%;船籍港字高为船名字高60%-70% 烟囱标志:位置 分舱与顶推位置标志:位置、形状 引航员登离船标志:上白下红 船舶识别号:100总吨及以上客船/300总吨及以上货船,位置 公司名称标志: 第二节船舶尺度与船舶吨位 一、船舶尺度 分为:最大尺度、船型尺度、登记尺度


1、‘‘How can a bill of materials be de?ned so that all possible products can be built ef?ciently?’’ One way to answer it is to de?ne a set of components (called modules), each of which contains a set of primary functions. An individual product is then built by combining selected modules. 【1】Bruno Agard,Bernard Penz. A simulated annealing method based on a clustering approach to determine bills of materials for a large product family. Int. J. Production Economics 117 (2009) 389–401. 2、In this study, we propose a methodology for building a semantically annotated multi-faceted ontology for product family modelling that is able to automatically suggest semantically-related annotations based on the design and manufacturing repository. 【2】Soon Chong Johnson Lim,Ying Liu,Wing Bun Lee.A methodology for building a semantically annotated multi-faceted ontology for product family modelling. Advanced Engineering Informatics 25 (2011) 147–161. 3、The aim of this work is to establish a methodology for an effective work ing of Recon?gurable Manufacturing Systems (RMSs). These systems are the next step in manufacturing, allowing the production of any quantity of highly customised and complex products together with the bene?ts of mass production. 【3】R.Galan,J.Racero,I.Eguia,J.M.Garcia. A systematic approach for product families formation in Recon?gurable Manufacturing Systems.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 23 (2007) 489–502. 4、A mixed integer linear programming model is investigated that optimizes the operating cost of the resulting supply chain while choosing the product variants and can de?ne the product family and its supply chain simultaneously. 【4】Jacques Lamothe,Khaled Hadj-Hamou,Michel Aldanondo. An optimization model for selecting a product family and designing its supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research 169 (2006) 1030–1047. 5、This paper presents LCP-families, a concept to develop reference ranges for environmental impact of a new product. A new product can be catalogued as environmentally better or worse than a percentage of its competitors, depending on what position it occupies in its LCP-family.

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart 第一篇 1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words. 2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 3、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you . 4、常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你…… Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so much…… 5、你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart. 6、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言! Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you! 7、千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福! Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don’t care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you! 8、不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。 I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely. 9、长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。


《船舶结构与设备》第四章题库 第四章系泊设备 题库与答案 1)大型船舶的导缆钳多用________。 A.闭式和开式 B.单柱式 C.双滚轮或三滚轮式 D.单滚式 答案:C 2)下列属于植物纤维绳的有________。 ①白棕绳;②马尼拉绳;③油麻绳;④尼龙绳;⑤涤纶绳;⑥椰棕绳。 A.①~③⑥ B.①~⑥ C.①③⑤⑥ D.①②⑥ 答案:A 3)下列类型的钢丝绳中________是半硬钢丝绳。 A.7×7 B.7×19 C.6×24 D.6×19 答案:D 4)在英制中,各种缆绳的大小尺寸是以________来表示的。 A.半径 B.周径 C.直径 D.以上均可 答案:B 5)钢丝缆绳每百米重量W(kg)计算公式为=0.35D2,其公式中D的单位是________。A.mm B.cm C.in D.dm 答案:A 6)钢丝缆绳每米的重量计算公式W(kg)=0.35d2,其公式中d的单位是________。A.mm B.cm C.in D.dm 答案:B 7)各种不同规格钢丝绳的重量可用公式W=0.35D2估算,其中"W"的含义是________。A.每200m钢丝绳重(kg)

B.每10m钢丝绳重量(kg) C.每50m钢丝绳重量(kg) D.每100m钢丝绳重量(kg) 答案:D 8)7×19的钢丝绳为________钢丝绳。 A.硬 B.软 C.半硬 D.A、C都对 答案:A 9)化纤缆的规格用直径表示时单位为________,用周径表示时单位为________。A.mm;in B.in;mm C.mm;mm D.in;in 答案:A 10)半硬钢丝绳常用于做________。 A.静索 B.拖缆或系船缆 C.绑扎 D.大桅支索 答案:B 11)钢丝缆中油麻心的作用是________。 ①使缆绳变软便于操作;②起软垫作用减少缆绳内部摩擦;③防锈和润滑缆绳内部;④减轻缆绳重量。 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③④ 答案:A 12)各种不同规格钢丝缆的重量可用公式W=0.0035d2估算,其中W的含义是________。A.每米钢丝缆的重量(kg) B.每10m钢丝缆的重量(kg) C.每50m钢丝缆的重量(kg) D.每100m钢丝缆的重量(kg) 答案:A 13)缆绳的长度一般以每捆220m计算,但也有每捆以________计算的。 A.100m B.200m C.300m D.500m 答案:D 14)缆绳的粗细一般以________来衡量的。 A.直径 B.周径 C.半径


机械手设计英文参考文 献原文翻译 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

翻译人:王墨墨山东科技大学 文献题目:Automated Calibration of Robot Coordinates for Reconfigurable Assembly Systems 翻译正文如下: 针对可重构装配系统的机器人协调性的自动校准 T.艾利,Y.米达,H.菊地,M.雪松 日本东京大学,机械研究院,精密工程部 摘要 为了实现流水工作线更高的可重构性,以必要设备如机器人的快速插入插出为研究目的。当一种新的设备被装配到流水工作线时,应使其具备校准系统。该研究使用两台电荷耦合摄像机,基于直接线性变换法,致力于研究一种相对位置/相对方位的自动化校准系统。摄像机被随机放置,然后对每一个机械手执行一组动作。通过摄像机检测机械手动作,就能捕捉到两台机器人的相对位置。最佳的结果精度为均方根值毫米。 关键词: 装配,校准,机器人 1 介绍 21世纪新的制造系统需要具备新的生产能力,如可重用性,可拓展性,敏捷性以及可重构性 [1]。系统配置的低成本转变,能够使系统应对可预见的以及不可预见的市场波动。关于组装系统,许多研究者提出了分散的方法来实现可重构性[2][3]。他们中的大多数都是基于主体的系统,主体逐一协同以建立一种新的

配置。然而,协同只是目的的一部分。在现实生产系统中,例如工作空间这类物理问题应当被有效解决。 为了实现更高的可重构性,一些研究人员不顾昂贵的造价,开发出了特殊的均匀单元[4][5][6]。作者为装配单元提出了一种自律分散型机器人系统,包含多样化的传统设备[7][8]。该系统可以从一个系统添加/删除装配设备,亦或是添加/删除装配设备到另一个系统;它通过协同作用,合理地解决了工作空间的冲突问题。我们可以把该功能称为“插入与生产”。 表1:合作所需的调节和量度 在重构过程中,校准的装配机器人是非常重要的。这是因为,需要用它们来测量相关主体的特征,以便在物理主体之间建立良好的协作关系。这一调整必须要达到表1中所列到的多种标准要求。受力单元和方向的调整是不可避免的,以便使良好的协同控制得以实现。从几何标准上看,位置校准是最基本的部分。一般来说,校准被理解为“绝对”,即,关于特定的领域框架;或者“相对”,即,关于另一个机器人的基本框架。后者被称为“机器人之间的校准”。 个体机器人的校准已被广泛研究过了。例如,运动参数的识别就非常受欢迎。然而,很少有对机器人之间校准的研究。玉木等人是用一种基于标记的方法,在一个可重构的装配单元内,校准机器人桌子和移动机械手之间的相互位置/方向联系。波尼兹和夏发表了一种校准方法。该方法通过两个机械手的机械接触来实现,实验非常耗时,并要求特别小心地操作。


《航海概论》课程教学大纲 一、本课程的性质和目的 《航海概论》课程是一门理性和实践性很强的综合性学科,涉及的内容及其广泛。本书针对船舶驾驶专业所必须了解和掌握的航海基本原理和基础知识进行介绍,力求简明扼要,由浅入深,内容新颖,重点突出,篇幅适中,使读者易于接受,便于掌握。 本课程是根据高等海运院校船舶驾驶专业的特点和需要而设置的,是船舶驾驶专业了解航海的船员组织、职责和船舶常识及航行的特点、操纵要点的主要途径,是船舶驾驶专业学生必备的知识。 本课程也做为其它有关专业学生了解航海知识的一门选修课。 二、课程简介 本书共分为五章节。第一章讲述船员组织、船员职责和船员的职业资格;第二章讲述船舶常识、船舶设备和船舶的航行性能;第三章讲述航海基础知识,包括地理坐标、航向与方位、能见距离、航速和航程、时间系统、航标、航海图书资料以及气象与海况;第四章讲述船舶航行中的航行计划、值班、通信、定位、操纵与避碰以及特殊航行方法;第五章讲述海上运输和船舶营运方式、主要货运单证、货物配载和装卸以及航行途中货物的保管等。 三、课程教学内容 第一章船员 第一节船员组织 第二节船员的职责 第三节船员的职业资格 第二章船舶

第一节船舶常识 第二节船舶设备 第三节船舶的航行性能 第三章航海基础知识 第一节地理坐标 第二节航向与方位 第三节能见距离 第四节航速与航程 第五节时间系统 第六节航标 第七节航海图书资料 第八节气象与海况 第四章船舶航行 第一节航行计划 第二节航行值班 第三节船舶通信 第四节船舶定位 第五节船舶操纵和避碰 第六节特殊航行方法 第五章海上运输业务 第一节海上运输和船舶营运方式第二节海上主要货运单证 第三节货物配载和装卸 第四节航行途中的货物保管


基于性能导航运行的管制工作负荷分析 摘要 由于区域导航程序点对点直飞操作时间稍长,但远距离引导精度更高,通话量更少,管制员 思考和判断时间更短。而且区域导航程序较高的导航精度能够确保航空器保持精确航迹,雷 达显示屏上雷达航迹更加清晰、规律,能够有效减轻管制员扫视强度,缓解视觉疲劳。管制 员只需要干预航空器的速度和高度,可以把更多精力用到对间隔的准确调配上,有助于加速 飞行流量,节省管制间隔,同时也减轻了工作负荷,避免频率拥挤。而且区域导航技术以飞 行员沿程序自主飞行为主、管制员监控为辅,可以有效减少陆空通话数量以及指令复诵错误。关键词:基于性能导航管制运行负荷分析 引言 随着全球航空业的飞速发展,空中交通流量急剧增加,基于传统运行方式的航路结构难 以满足航班量增加的要求,航路和终端区空中交通拥堵的现象时有发生,影响了飞行安全, 降低了运行效益。为此,国际民航组织提出了基于性能的导航的概念,在这个概念的影响下,全球航空运输发生了巨大变化,产生了全球统一标准的大地坐标系 WGS-84 坐标系,进行了 空域再设计,调整了适航批准的方式,以研讨会的形式对相关人员进行培训,产生了很好的 效益。研究管制员工作负荷对于空域容量、空域利用率以及空域的安全等有重要意义。 一 PBN 的概念及主要因素 PBN是指在相应的导航基础设施条件下,航空器在指定的空域内或者沿航路、仪表飞行 程序飞行时,对系统精确性、完好性、可用性、连续性以及功能等方面的性能要求,PBN的 引入体现了导航方式从基于设备的导航到基于性能导航的转变。由于 PBN 产生于 RNAV 和RNP 的基础之上,因此,RNAV 和 RNP 的所有技术标准都包括在 PBN 中,包括了飞行的所有 阶段。针对 RNP 的不足,PBN 还加强了对协同概念的描述,提供了完整和详细的导航标准, 并描绘了未来 PBN 标准及导航应用发展的全球框架,使PBN 系统使用的方式更明确,RNAV 和 RNP 是 PBN 中最关键的要素。 PBN 与通信(C)导航(N)监视(S)和空中交通管理系统(ATM)协同工作,共同构建了 空域的概念,PBN 运行的三个基础要素是:导航应用;导航标准;导航设施。导航标准是在 已确定的空域范围内对飞机和飞行机组提出的一系列要求,它定义了实施 PBN 所需要的性能 及具体功能要求,同时也确定了导航源和设备的选择方式。PBN 包含两类基本导航标准:区 域导航(RNAV)和所需导航性能(RNP)。国家一般将导航标准作为其适航和运行批准的基础。导航标准包括 PBN 系统在精确性、完整性、可用性和连续性方面要求,PBN 导航标准包 括 RNP 标准和 RNAV标准,RNP 标准包括完备的 RAIM 要求,RNAV 标准不包括此内容,目前,RNAV 和RNP 标准的精度要求只是在横向和纵向两个维度上,不包括纵向的飞行技术容差(FTE)。RNP 标准用 RNP-X 来表示,如 RNP-1;RNAV 标准表示为 RNAV-X,如 RNAV-1,其中,X 代表以海里为单位的横向导航精度,要求飞机至少 95%的飞行时间内能在规定的空域、航 路或飞行程序范围内飞行。 二国内管制员工作负荷评估发展概况 国内在管制员的工作负荷及空域规划方面的研究开展相对较晚。工作负荷方面的研究, 主要是在人为因素方面的研究涉及对于管制员工作负荷,进行有关探讨。韩松臣等针对广州 管制区,对于管制员工作负荷进行定量统计,采用国际上较为成熟的主观容量评估方法DORATASK 方法,进行扇区容量评估实验;邢诒吉采用修改的 MBB 方法,评估扇区内管制员 管制一架飞机的工作负荷,用总的滞留时间除以单架航空器的管制负荷来得到扇区的容量。 万莉莉采用对管制员工作内容进行分类的方法,评估每个扇区内管制员的工作负荷,用最繁 忙时段的管制员工作负荷值所对应的航空器数量得到扇区的容量。 三管制员工作负荷的影响因素 管制员在管制航空器时,管制过程会受到管制区内各种各样的内在和外在因素的影响, 从而导致管制员工作负荷发生相应地变化。 3.1影响管制员工作负荷的因素分析


机床加工外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 基本加工工序和切削技术 基本加工的操作 机床是从早期的埃及人的脚踏动力车和约翰·威尔金森的镗床发展而来的。它们为工件和刀具提供刚性支撑并可以精确控制它们的相对位置和相对速度。基本上讲,金属切削是指一个磨尖的锲形工具从有韧性的工件表面上去除一条很窄的金属。切屑是被废弃的产品,与其它工件相比切屑较短,但对于未切削部分的厚度有一定的增加。工件表面的几何形状取决于刀具的形状以及加工操作过程中刀具的路径。 大多数加工工序产生不同几何形状的零件。如果一个粗糙的工件在中心轴上转动并且刀具平行于旋转中心切入工件表面,一个旋转表面就产生了,这种操作称为车削。如果一个空心的管子以同样的方式在内表面加工,这种操作称为镗孔。当均匀地改变直径时便产生了一个圆锥形的外表面,这称为锥度车削。如果刀具接触点以改变半径的方式运动,那么一个外轮廓像球的工件便产生了;或者如果工件足够的短并且支撑是十分刚硬的,那么成型刀具相对于旋转轴正常进给的一个外表面便可产生,短锥形或圆柱形的表面也可形成。

平坦的表面是经常需要的,它们可以由刀具接触点相对于旋转轴的径向车削产生。在刨削时对于较大的工件更容易将刀具固定并将工件置于刀具下面。刀具可以往复地进给。成形面可以通过成型刀具加工产生。 多刃刀具也能使用。使用双刃槽钻钻深度是钻孔直径5-10倍的孔。不管是钻头旋转还是工件旋转,切削刃与工件之间的相对运动是一个重要因数。在铣削时一个带有许多切削刃的旋转刀具与工件接触,工件相对刀具慢慢运动。平的或成形面根据刀具的几何形状和进给方式可能产生。可以产生横向或纵向轴旋转并且可以在任何三个坐标方向上进给。 基本机床 机床通过从塑性材料上去除屑片来产生出具有特别几何形状和精确尺寸的零件。后者是废弃物,是由塑性材料如钢的长而不断的带状物变化而来,从处理的角度来看,那是没有用处的。很容易处理不好由铸铁产生的破裂的屑片。机床执行五种基本的去除金属的过程:车削,刨削,钻孔,铣削。所有其他的去除金属的过程都是由这五个基本程序修改而来的,举例来说,镗孔是内部车削;铰孔,攻丝和扩孔是进一步加工钻过的孔;齿轮加工是基于铣削操作的。抛光和打磨是磨削和去除磨料工序的变形。因此,只有四种基本类型的机床,使用特别可控制几何形状的切削工具1.车床,2.钻床,3.铣床,4.磨床。磨削过程形成了屑片,但磨粒的几何形状是不可控制的。 通过各种加工工序去除材料的数量和速度是巨大的,正如在大型车削加工,或者是极小的如研磨和超精密加工中只有面的高点被除掉。一台机床履行三大职能:1.它支撑工件或夹具和刀具2.它为工件和刀具提供相对运动3.在每一种情况下提供一系列的进给量和一般可达4-32种的速度选择。 加工速度和进给 速度,进给量和切削深度是经济加工的三大变量。其他的量数是攻丝和刀具材料,冷却剂和刀具的几何形状,去除金属的速度和所需要的功率依赖于这些变量。 切削深度,进给量和切削速度是任何一个金属加工工序中必须建立的机械参量。它们都影响去除金属的力,功率和速度。切削速度可以定义为在旋转一周时


导读:月亮代表我的心(英语翻译为:The Moon Represents My Heart),经典歌曲,歌曲由孙仪作词,翁清溪作曲。1973年由陈芬兰首唱,1977年经邓丽君重新演绎后红遍华人世界。 邓丽君的演唱版本面世后,此曲被数百位中外歌手翻唱或演唱,并被选用于众多影视作品之中,成为华人社会和世界范围内流传度最高的中文歌曲之一。1999年,邓丽君版本的《月亮代表我的心》获选为“香港20世纪十大中文金曲”榜首。2011年,邓丽君版本的《月亮代表我的心》获选为“台湾百年十大金曲”榜首。 The Moon Represents my Heart 月亮代表我的心 演唱:邓丽君 How deep I loved you, How strong emotion within myself You are wondering My feeling is true My love is never new The moon represents my heart 你问我爱你有多深 我爱你有几分 我的情也真 我的爱也真 月亮代表我的心 How deep I loved you, How strong emotion within myself You want to know My passion for you is real My devotion to you is a belief The moon represents my heart 你问我爱你有多深 我爱你有几分 我的情不移 我的爱不变 月亮代表我的心 A tender kiss Moved me to the heaven A love story between you and me It's alive 'til today 轻轻的一个吻 已经打动我的心


Int J Interact Des Manuf(2011)5:103–117 DOI10.1007/s12008-011-0119-7 ORIGINAL PAPER Benchmarking of virtual reality performance in mechanics education Maura Mengoni·Michele Germani· Margherita Peruzzini Received:27April2011/Accepted:29April2011/Published online:27May2011 ?Springer-Verlag2011 Abstract The paper explores the potentialities of virtual reality(VR)to improve the learning process of mechanical product design.It is focused on the definition of a proper experimental VR-based set-up whose performance matches mechanical design learning purposes,such as assemblability and tolerances prescription.The method consists of two main activities:VR technologies benchmarking based on sensory feedback and evaluation of how VR tools impact on learning curves.In order to quantify the performance of the technol-ogy,an experimental protocol is de?ned and an testing plan is set.Evaluation parameters are divided into performance and usability metrics to distinguish between the cognitive and technical aspects of the learning process.The experi-mental VR-based set up is tested on students in mechanical engineering through the application of the protocol. Keywords Mechanical product design·Virtual reality·Experimental protocol·Learning curve· Mechanics education 1Introduction Modern society is dominated by continuous scienti?c and technical developments.Specialization has become one of the most important enablers for industrial improvement.As a result,nowadays education is more and more job-oriented and technical education is assuming greater importance.In this context both university and industry are collaborating to create high professional competencies.The?rst disseminates M.Mengoni(B)·M.Germani·M.Peruzzini Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Marche, Via Brecce Bianche,60131Ancona,Italy e-mail:m.mengoni@univpm.it knowledge and innovative methods while the second pro-vides a practical background for general principles training. The main problem deals with the effort and time required to improve technical learning,while market competitiveness forces companies to demand young and high-quali?ed engi-neers in short time.Therefore,the entire educational process needs to be fast and ef?cient.Novel information technolo-gies(IT)and emerging virtual reality(VR)systems provide a possible answer to the above-mentioned questions.Some of the most important issues,in mechanical design?eld,are the investigation of such technologies potentialities and the evaluation of achievable bene?ts in terms of product design learning effectiveness and quality.While IT has been deeply explored in distance education,i.e.e-learning,VR still rep-resents a novelty. VR refers to an immersive environment that allows pow-erful visualization and direct manipulation of virtual objects. It is widely used for several engineering applications as it provides novel human computer interfaces to interact with digital mock-ups.The close connection between industry and education represents the starting point of this research. Instead of traditional teaching methods,virtual technolo-gies can simultaneously stimulate the senses of vision by providing stereoscopic imaging views and complex spatial effects,of touch,hearing and motion by respectively adopt-ing haptic,sound and motion devices.These can improve the learning process in respect with traditional teaching meth-ods and tools.The observation of students interpreting two-dimensional drawings highlighted several dif?culties:the impact evaluation of geometric and dimensional tolerances chains,the detection of functional and assembly errors,the recognition of right design solutions and the choice of the proper manufacturing operations.These limitations force tutors to seek for innovative technologies able to improve students’perception.


“船舶结构与设备”课程应知应会知识 1、主船体内包含的舱室有哪些?7 包含下列舱室:机舱、货舱、液舱(燃油舱、滑油舱、污油舱、淡水舱、压载水舱、深舱)、隔离空舱、锚链舱、轴隧、舵机间、应急消防泵舱等。 2、简述吃水标志的作用、标记方法,如何读取船舶吃水?7 吃水标志的作用标示船舶不同部位的吃水,勘划在船舶船首、 船中、船尾两侧船壳上,以醒目颜色标示。 水尺标志有公制水尺和英制水尺两种,公制水尺用阿拉伯数字 标绘,每个数字高10cm,上下字间距也是10cm;英制水尺用 阿拉伯数字或罗马数字标绘,每个数字高6英寸,上下字间距 也是6英寸读取水尺时以数字下缘为准。 读取吃水根据水线在数字中的位置,按比例读取,有波浪时应 取几次读取的最高值和最低值的平均数。 3、集装箱船的主要特点是什么?6 集装箱船的特点如下: 货舱和甲板均可装载集装箱; 多为单层甲板,舱口长而宽,采用双层船壳结构; 为使集装箱堆放和稳固,在货舱内设置箱轨、立柱、水平桁等,组成固定集装箱用的蜂窝状格珊,在甲板上设置固定集装箱的 专用设施; 主机马力大,航速高,多为两部主机、双螺旋桨,方形系数小;

通常不设装卸设备,利用码头上的专用设备装卸。 4、国际航行不装木材的船舶载重线标志识图。10

CS——中国船级社 TF——热带淡水载重线 F——夏季淡水载重线 T——热带载重线 S——夏季载重线 W——冬季载重线 WNA——北大西洋冬季载重线 还需标出船首向、甲板线、载重线圈位置。

5、何谓船舶纵、横骨架式,各有什么特点?8 橫骨架式船体结构是上甲板、船底、舷侧结构中,横向构件尺寸相对较小、数目多、排列密,纵向构件尺寸大、数目少、排列疏的船体结构。其特点是:横向强度和局部强度好,结构简单,容易建造,舱容利用率是高,空船重量大;通常在中小型船采用。 纵骨架式船体结构是上甲板、船底、舷侧结构中,纵向构件尺寸相对较小、数目多、排列密,横向构件尺寸大、数目少、排列疏的船体结构。其特点是:总纵强度大,结构复杂,焊接工作量大,舱容利用率低,空船重量小。通常在大型油船和矿砂船上采用。 6、双层底的作用和主要构件。8 双层底的作用是:增加船体的总纵强度的船底的局部强度,可以作为燃油舱、滑油舱和淡水舱,提高船舶的抗沉性,对也货船提高了其抗泄漏能力,作为压载舱水舱,能调节船舶的吃水和纵横倾,改善船舶航行性能,在矿砂船上有提高船舶重心高度的作用。 主要组成部分:纵向构件:中桁材、旁桁材、箱型中桁材、纵骨;横向构件:水密肋板、实肋板、组合肋板、轻型肋板、舭肘板。 7、船舶压载管系的作用和主要组成部分有哪些?6 压载管系的作用是将压载水打入或排出压载舱或将压载水在压


机械类方向的论文参考文献 机械类方向的论文参考文献 在日常学习和工作中,大家最不陌生的就是论文了吧,通过论文写作可以培养我们的科学研究能力。那么你知道一篇好的论文该怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家收集的机械类方向的论文参考文献,希望对大家有所帮助。机械类论文参考文献1 [1] 王遐.随车起重机行业扫描[J].工程机械与维修,2006(3):68-71 [2] 王金诺,于兰峰.起重运输机金属结构[M].北京:中国铁道出版社,2002 [3] 卢章平,张艳.不同有限元分析网格的.转化[J].机械设计与研究,2009(6):10-14 [4] 朱秀娟.有限元分析网格划分的关键技巧[J].机械工程与自动化,2009(1):185-186 [5] 姚卫星.结构疲劳寿命分析[M].北京:国防工业出版社,2003.50-54 [6] 桥斌.国内外随车起重机的对比[J].工程机械与维修,2006(7):91-92 [7] 王欣,黄琳.起重机伸缩臂截面拓扑优化[J].大连理工大学学报,2009(3):374-379 机械类论文参考文献2 1 金会庆.驾驶适性.合肥:安徽人民出版社,1995. 2 蔡辉、张颖、倪宗瓒等.Delphi法中评价专家的筛选.中国卫生事业管理,1995,1:49~55. 3 侯定丕.管理科学定量分析引论.合肥:中国科技大学出版社,1993. 4 王有森.德尔菲法. 医学科研管理学(刘海林主编.第一版),北京:人民卫生出版社,1991:279~289. 5 安徽省劳动保护教育中心编.劳动安全、卫生国家标准及其编制说明汇编第三辑,1987. 6 Kaoru Ishikawa. Guide to Quality Control. Asian Productivity Organization.Tokyo. 1982:42~49 机械类论文参考文献3 [1]郑文纬,吴克坚 .机械原理[M] .北京:高等教育出版社,1997 [2]濮良贵.纪名刚.机械设计[M] .北京:高等机械出版社.2006 [3]杨家军.机械系统创新设计[M] .武汉:华中科技大学出版社.2000 [4]高志.黄纯颖. 机械创新设计[M] . 北京:高等机械出版社.2010 [5]王晶.第四届全国大学生机械创新设计大赛决赛作品选集. 北京:高等教育出版社,2011 [6]黄华梁、彭文生.创新思维与创造性技法. 北京:高等教育出版社,2007 [7]李学志.计算机辅助设计与绘图[M] .北京:清华大学出版社.2007 [8]吴宗泽.机械设计手册[M] .北京:机械工业出版社.2008 [9]颜鸿森.姚燕安.王玉新等译.机构装置的创造性设计(creative design of mechanical devices)[M] .北京:机械工业

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