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双汇简介 中英文对照


Located in central China and on the shores of the Shali River is the city of Luohe, the nation’s premier city for food products. This setting has given rise to Shuanghui Group, China’s largest meat processing company. Under the leadership of Chairman Wan Long, Shuanghui has pursued scale-driven growth and brand-centric management, and blazed a path of innovation through industrial linkages. Over three decades of development, the Company has grown into a large food processing group with total assets of RMB20 billion, work force of 70,000 and annual production output of over 3 million tons, generating annual sales revenue of RMB50 billion.


Shuanghui has always stayed true to its agricultural roots in implementing projects related to meat processing sector, and in conducting industrialized operations. With hog slaughtering and meat processing business as the core of its business, Shuanghui has achieved vertical integration of the meat industry by extending its operations to upstream sectors including feed mills and hog production, as well as to downstream sectors including packaging, logistics and distribution, domestic commerce as well as international trading. Such a fully-integrated industrial chain has driven the Company’s sustained and rapid growth. In the mid-1980s, Shuanghui had an annual revenue of less than RMB10 million. This figure has since climbed steadily over the years, reaching RMB100 million in 1990, over RMB40 billion in 2012, translating to a compound annual growth rate of 35%.



Headquartered in Henan province, Shuanghui is organized under six regional operation divisions to better serve the businesses throughout China. The Company has established more than 20 modern meat processing bases in 15 cities and provinces across the country, including Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guangdong, Anhui, Guangxi and Shanghai. In its downstream operations, Shuanghui has over 300 sales branches and modern logistic distribution centers in 31 cities and provinces. In addition, Shuanghui has overseas representative offices in the U.S., Spain, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong SAR, Singapore and the Philippine. It has extensive production and distribution networks covering both domestic and foreign markets, bringing Shuanghui’s products across China and the world.


Shuanghui has a long-standing commitment to modernizing the meat industry, and has continuously strengthened its capabilities with state-of-the-art technology and facilities. The Company has invested more than RMB4 billion in over 4,000 sets of advanced production lines and equipment imported from Europe, America and other developed countries. By extracting the best of imported technology and further re-innovation, the Company has maintained its level of technology at world-class standards. Shuanghui is a pioneer in the launch of chilled fresh meat into China through the ‘cold-chain production, distribution and sales system and retail chain’ business model. By implementing brand building and management, Shuanghui pioneered the country’s first meat brand, ending an era of unbranded meat sales in China.


Shuanghui has embraced technological innovation and reinforced its sustainable competitive advantages by setting up a state-level technology and research center, a government accredited laboratory and post-doctoral workstations. The Company has groomed a high-caliber product development team, and introduced more than 1,000 SKUs to meet different consumer needs by revamping traditional Chinese meat products, importing Western-style products and refining slaughtering and processing techniques. With both its packaged meat products and chilled fresh meat recognized as ‘Top Chinese Brands’, Shuanghui has become the everyday meat brand of choice among Chinese consumers.


Shuanghui views food safety and product quality as central to its business, and spares no effort to ensure the quality and safety of its products. The Company has applied the globally recognized ISO9001, HACCP and GAP standards in every aspect of its operations spanning procurement, production, transportation and sales. Shuanghui also constantly refines its food quality and safety control mechanisms, and inspects every hog processed and every batch of products going out. In addition, the Company practices transparency in running its plant and business, opening its operations to the scrutiny of consumers, media, government and various stakeholders. This has let Shuanghui earned the trust of consumers.



Over nearly three decades of development, Shuanghui Group has grown into a major business with outstanding products and a successful brand name. Each year, the Company processes 20 million hogs, 700,000 tons of chicken, 70,000 tons of plant-based proteins, and over 10 million tons of grains. Shuanghui hires more than 1.7 million workers in functions related to its business, including breeding, farming, purchase and sales, contributing over RMB60 billion to China’s agricultural output and RMB10 billion in wages. Shuanghui has created a model of industrialization for its peers in the meat industry, and made significant contributions to the local economy and China’s meat industry.

2013年9月26日,双汇国际成功并购美国最大的猪肉企业——史密斯菲尔德。这标志着双汇完成了由中国最大猪肉加工企业向全球最大猪肉食品企业的历史性跨越。合并后的双汇,拥有100多家子公司、12万名员工、 670多亿元的资产,生产基地遍布欧美亚三大洲,包括中国、美国、德国、法国、西班牙、意大利、比利时、墨西哥、波兰、罗马尼亚等十多个国家。合并后的双汇,年出栏生猪1900万头,屠宰生猪5000万头,肉类产销量680万吨,营业收入1400多亿元,将跻身世界500强。

On 26 September 2013, Shuanghui International successfully completed its acquisition of Smithfield Foods, the largest pork company in the U.S. The combined entity has become the largest pork company in the world, with over 100 subsidiaries, 120,000 employees and total assets of over RMB67 billion. It also has production bases across the three continents of Europe, America and Asia, with a presence in over 10 countries including China, the US, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Mexico, Poland, Romania etc. Following the merger, Shuanghui now has an annual hog production of 19 million heads, slaughter volume of 50 million heads and meat production and sales of 6.8 million tons, generating an operating revenue of over RMB140 billion. This has propelled Shuanghui to the World’s top 500 list.


For its future development, Shuanghui will fully tap its resources in both domestic and overseas markets to demonstrate the strength of its brand, technological prowess, scale efficiencies and network. This will drive its global expansion and maintain its lead in the global meat industry. Shuanghui will continue to provide safe and quality products to consumers around the world, making greater contributions to the global meat industry.


一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金 National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生 Merit Student 学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者 Excellent staff 优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生 Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者 Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体 Advanced Class 优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖 Ethic Award 精神文明奖 High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖 Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖 Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖 Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖 Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项


英国指南.英国的内政.英国的政体 (1)君主政制 女王拥有什么权力? 王国政府代表英王(即宪法赋予其统治王国权力的人)及政府,也是最高行政机构的象征。英女王拥有王国政府的统治权,但行使有关权力的,一般都是向国会负责的部长级官员,因此英国实际上是由英国政府代替女王管治的。然而,大部分重要的政府议案仍须得到女王同意方可获得通过。 国会 女王有权召开、解散或下令国会休会。新一年度国会在召开第一次会议前,女王均会发表一篇由政府官员撰写的演辞,内容主要简述政府新一年的工作大纲。每项议案均须得到女王在国会两院宣布正式批准方能成为法律。 女王在部长的建议下有权特赦囚犯或宣布减刑。根据法律规定,女王个人是不会犯法的——因为她获民事及刑事起诉的豁免权,法庭也不能起诉她。然而,其他王室成员却不能享有该项豁免权。 勋衔及委任女王有权册封贵族、颁授爵位及其他勋衔。受勋人士名单通常由首相提名,但某些勋衔则由女王自己决定。许多重要的国家职位均由女王委任,人选则由首相或有关内阁大臣提名。 外交政策 各国派驻伦敦的外交人员均须得到女王的同意,她有权缔结条约、发动战争或议和、确认海外国家及政府、吞并及割让领土。 枢密院 女王负责主持枢密院的会议。按君主特权所订立的枢密令,以及其他法令均是由枢密院通过的。君主特权包括组织行政机关,而政府的权力则受制于宪法习惯(这些规则本身并非法律,但对政府的运作却异常重要)。 所有涉及君主特权的行为,均须由有关部长负责执行,他们须向国会负责,并就各项政策接受国会议员的质询。国会有权撤消或限制有关特权的行使。 除了听取各项报告外,女王也可随时就国民生活情况向其官员发表意见。 为什么英女王有两个生日呢? 女王的出生日期是在4月21日。但传统以来,英国人都习惯于夏天庆祝君王的寿辰。由1805年起,英国人开始以举行军旗礼来庆祝君王的官方寿辰,日期通常是定于6月的第二个周末。 这个仪式的本来目的是让士兵熟识其所属兵团的旗帜式样,以便日后行军打仗时易于识别。五个步兵团,包括近卫步兵第一团、Coldsteam步兵团、苏格兰、爱尔兰及威尔士步兵团,每年按编制负责于仪式上展示其军旗。 仪式开始时,女王会在王室骑兵军官的陪同下骑马离开白金汉宫,沿着林荫大道步往骑兵卫队的阅兵场,检阅五百名卫兵。军旗礼展示的军旗依照卫兵的官阶高低排列,每队卫兵随着军旗带领,在步兵团的陪同下,分列式步操经过女王面前。至于女王正式生日当天,并无特别仪式举行,只是各政府大楼会有升国旗及播放国歌,以示庆祝。 王位继承人的排列次序如下: 1.威尔斯王储(1948年生)


英国历史概况 英国历史是一部征服与合并和的历史。英国全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成,而整个英国的历史也就是由这四个区域的历史交织组成。1535年威尔士成为英格兰王国的一部分,1707年苏格兰与英格兰正式合并为大不列颠王国,1800年大不列颠王国和爱尔兰合并成为大不列颠与爱尔兰联合王国,1922年爱尔兰共和国独立,爱尔兰北部仍留在联合王国内。 苏格兰历史简介 苏格兰位于大不列颠岛北部,英格兰之北。苏格兰的历史的正式记载是在古罗马人入侵不列颠之后的一些纪录。公元5世纪,爱尔兰北部的盖尔人(凯尔特人的一支)移居苏格兰,曾在阿盖尔郡和比特郡地区建立达尔里阿达王国。此后向东扩张到阿瑟尔森林和厄恩河谷,向北扩张到埃尔金地区。公元843年达尔里阿达国王麦卡尔平兼任皮克特王国的国王,建立阿尔巴王国,王号为肯尼思一世,一个相对独立完整的苏格兰王国逐渐成形。此后,苏格兰历经邓凯尔德王朝、坎莫尔王朝、巴里奥尔王朝、英格兰占领、布鲁斯王朝以及斯图亚特王朝统治,至1707年与英格兰王国合并成为联合王国。 威尔士历史简介 威尔士位于大不列颠岛西南部,英格兰以西。 距今约29,000年便有人类定居于威尔士。至古罗马人进入了大不列颠岛后,威尔士属于不列颠行省 公元5世纪,随着罗马人的撤离,盎格鲁撒克逊人大举入侵大不列颠,直至到11世纪,威尔士人在盎格鲁撒克逊人的高压统治与入侵中度过,而同时布灵顿人开始称自己威尔士人。公元8世纪,传说中的亚瑟王(King Arthur)领导布灵顿人抗击盎格鲁撒克逊统治。 公元9世纪和10世纪维京入侵使威尔士王国进一步统一,成为一个实体,但同时亦使威尔士落入英国皇室统治之下。 公元927年,威尔士国皇承认盎格鲁撒克逊国王阿瑟斯坦保护威尔士的主人。在随后的11世纪中,威廉一世充分利用了这种先例,在威尔士边境建立的强大而野心的封建领地制度。公元1282年,英格兰王爱德华一世征服最后一个威尔士北部和西部的威尔士公国 (Statute of Rhuddlan)公元1284年,威尔士正式被英格兰合并,爱德华一世以《罗德兰法令》 确立自己在该地区的统治。 公元1535年,《联合法案》完成英格兰和威尔士的统一,划分后者为13个郡,并规定英格兰法律通行全威尔士,英文为其官方语言。大部分威尔士人因此无法担任政府公职,但可以派代表参与英国国会。 北爱尔兰历史简介 北爱尔兰是英国的一个地区,位于爱尔兰岛东北部。公元前6600年前后,人类开始在爱尔兰岛定居。现在的爱尔兰人是古代凯尔特人的后裔,世代居住在爱尔兰岛上。公元5世纪的时候,随着罗马天主教的传入,爱尔兰人逐渐信仰了天主教,并形成了由修道院、传道士和王国组成的文化。公元8世纪末,爱尔兰岛上出现了统一的文明和法律,但政治上还没有出现统一的国家。 公元12世纪末,英王亨利二世利用爱尔兰的分裂局面,率军在爱尔兰岛登陆,征服都柏林和附近地区,建成“爱尔兰领地”,交由其四子约翰统治。但到1609年为止爱尔兰仍然是


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The United Kingdom 英国介绍_中英文

The United Kingdom, including Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland "and Northern Ireland, is a member of the European Community 12. Its full name is the United Kingdom. Britain is the British Isles by the majority of islands, of which the largest islands are Great Britain, the second largest island Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The west coast of Scotland there is a large islands called the Hebrides. Native north-east coast of Scotland Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, and Samoa. Of these islands with the mainland have administrative relations, but the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands between France is largely autonomous and not an integral part of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom area of approximately 242.5 thousand square kilometers (93600 square miles), from the south coast to Scotland is almost the most northern part of nearly 1,000 kilometers (about 600 miles), nearly horizontal at its widest point about 500 kilometers (about 300 miles). "Britain" the term originated in the Greek and Latin words, which may eventually be traced back to Celtic. Although the use of "Prehistoric" This yardstick to measure, the Celtics went to the British Isles is also a later (and before that had created those civilizations such as the Avebury stone circle Stonehenge construction sites and Such well-known historical monuments), but the history of written records relating to England, after all, about the Celtics from the start. "Celtic" This phrase is very common and regularly used to distinguish the early inhabitants of the British Isles and later the Anglo - Saxon invaders. The Romans ruled from AD 43 onwards lasted 300 years. The Romans in 408 before the final withdrawal of the island were from Northern Europe began to Angles, Saxons and Jutes intrusion, has undergone a period of growing chaos. "England" is the word from the "Angles" came. Over the next two centuries, and gradually became a settler harassment and the establishment of a number of small kingdom. British people in today's Wales and Cornwall Regional Independent survive. These small kingdom there was relatively strong to dominate the country's kingdom, first in the North (Northumbria Kingdom), and then in the central (the Kingdom of Mercia), and finally in the south (Wessex kingdoms). However, from the Scandinavian Vikings then invaded England and settled down, although in the 10th century Wessex dynasty, beat off the invading Danes and for a time to dominate the vast region of England. In 1066 took place on the last successful invasion of England. Duke William of Normandy in the Battle of Hastings defeated the British, the Normans from France and others come here to settle. In the ensuing three centuries, the French became the language of nobility, the legal structure has been the English Channel on the other side of the passage of that set of consequences, and social structure, to some extent been affected. Wales, though often in England within the sphere of influence, but has been a bastion of Boston. However, in the Prince Llewellyn was killed in 1282, after Edward I waged a battle and victory to put England under the rule of Wales. Welsh nationalist sentiment continues to rise, the beginning of the 15th century rebellion led by Owen


每每重温这些睿智的话语, 即便想到说这些话的人都已离世, 也不会感到恐惧。 因为我们看到了生命中的美丽。 E-mail文化传播网https://www.doczj.com/doc/9f6902779.html, Our life is what our thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius 我们的生活是我们的思想塑造的。 马库斯·奥勒 XuY/100831

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Marie Curie 生活中没有什么可怕的。它只是需要理解。 玛丽·居里

Where there is love there is life. Mohandas K. Gandhi 哪里有生命哪里就有爱。 圣雄甘地

and forget your age. 忘掉你的年龄。 Live your life 好好地生活吧, Norman Vincent Peale 诺曼·文森特·皮尔

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. Oscar Wilde 活着是世上最珍贵的,而大多数人只是存在,仅此而已。 奥斯卡·王尔德

The truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is dull without it. Pearl S. Buck 真相总是令人兴奋的。那么,说出真相吧。 没有真相,生活就黯然失色。 赛珍珠


诺和诺德 [请输入文档标题] [请输入文档副标题] [请输入作者]

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. 生活就像骑单车,只有不断前进,才能保持平衡。 P E R S O N A L N a m e: H a n Zhongyu G e n d e r: Female A g e : 19 Health: Excellent Hobbies: Paint draw, Badminton , Personality: Honest , Creative, Cooperative, Dutiful and Dedicated, St r o n g,p r o v e n c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a b i l i t i e s b o t h w r i t t e n a n d v e r b a l i n E n g l i s h OBJECTIVE ? ~ EDUCA TION ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ WORKING E X P E R I E N C E ~ ? TIME : ~ ? POSITION :

EXPERIENCE : ~ ? ~ ? TIME : ~ ? POSITION : ~ ? EXPERIENCE : ~ KNO WLEDGE B A C K G R O U N D ? Hardware —— System s t u d i e d The C i r c u i t E l e m e n t s, The S i m u l a t i o n Circuit, The D i g i t a l Circuit , The Function o f Computer Hardware T echnology ? Software —— Expert in computer programming ,familiar with the software of MA TLAB , C , PRO/E , AutoCAD


个人英文简历中英文对照 专业外语Specialized English 大学物理College Physics 马克思主义哲学原理(认识论) Principle of Marxist Philosophy(Epistem ology) 邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory 毛泽东思想研究Study on Mao Zedong Thought 毛泽东政治思想研究Research on Mao ZeDong Political Thought2 毛泽东哲学思想研究Research of Mao Zedong's Philosophy Thought 体育Physical Education 思想品德修养Cultivation of Ideological Morality 形势政策教育 Teaching of Situation and Policy 军事理论Military Theory 政治经济学Political Economics 高等数学含现性代数Advanced Mathematics (Including Linear Algebr a) 概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics 运算机应用基础Basics of Computer Applications 数据库概论Introduction to Database 大学英语College English 大学语文(文科) The University Language and Literature (Liberal art s) 大学语文(理科) The University Language and Literature (Science) 工商治理 西方经济学概论Introduction to Western Economics 治理心理学 Psychology of Management 治理学原理Principles of Management Science 统计学原理Principles of Statistics 会计学原理Principles of Accounting 治理信息系统Management Information Systems 信息检索Information Retrieval 经济法学 Economic law 企业战略Enterprise Strategy 财政学Public Finance 货币银行学Monetary Economics and Banking 国际金融International Finance 国际贸易International Trade 生产治理Productive


艾默生过程控制有限公司(费希尔-罗斯蒙特) 一. 简介: 罗斯蒙特公司是世界上最大的自动化仪器仪表公司,以生产优质压力、温度、流量、液位测量仪表及其他各种自动化仪表而闻名于世, 连续数年在美国《CONTROL》杂志 组织的年度评比和客户调查中以显著的优势位居第一。 1.压力变送器 罗斯蒙特公司始终如一的承诺就是:连续改进,产品具有向前、向后的兼容性,这使罗斯蒙特1151型和3051型压力变送器一直处于世界领先的地位。变送器的市场不断变化。过去,技术进步常常需要几十年的时间,而现在只需几年-甚至更短时间就可以完成了。在这种情况下,今天安装的变送器是否能支持明天仪表能力新的进步,则成为至关重要的问题。罗斯蒙特的变送器完全兼容新技术,是工厂跨入下个世纪的最佳途径。 仅仅在近四年中,1151的性能指标即提高了250%,例如,量程比已由15:1提高为40:1。迄今为止,1151型压力变送器的安装量已超过600万台,以其优异的性能、可靠性和稳定性赢得了用户的一致称赞。 3051系列压力变送器,树立了变送器性能的新标准。优异的总体性能-综合了参考精度、温度影响和静压影响,而不仅仅以参考精度作为变送器性能的指标;优异的长期性能-五年稳定性,而不是6个月,12个月或24个月;优异的动态性能-比典型变送器响应快5-10倍,可更有效地跟踪和控制过程变化。3051C型Coplanar共面平台设计,为过程连接提供了最大的灵活性。 3051现场总线压力变送器已成功地投入工业运行。 最新推出的3051S可变规模变送器,不仅是性能极其优异的超级压力、差压变 送器,而且是流量计、液位计。总体技术性能和可靠性是现在世界上最好的3051C系列变送器的2倍。3051S为现场自动化行业提供了新的价值平台! 精度0.065%经典型,0.04%超级型,量程比200:1;10年稳定性和12年的寿命保证期. 2. 温度变送器、温度传感器: 罗斯蒙特公司是以温度产品起家的,第一个产品的航空用的高精度温度传感器,迄今已有38年温度产品制造经验。罗斯蒙特公司一直是温度产品市场中的技术领导者:世界上第一台2-线制温度变送器,第一台智能型温度变送器,第一台多参数智能型温度变送器,首批获得基金会现场总线认证的FF现场总线3244。 1995年,新一代的全系列温度变送器推出并广泛应用于各行业。这些产品包括:244EH/244ER型可编程温度变送器,644H/644R智能型温度变送器,3144智能型温度变送器及3244MV型多参数智能温度变送器。3244现场总线温度变送器已投入工业运行。另外,3144P型新一代多参数智能温度变送器2002年初投入市场。


美国签证需要用到的个人简历模板(中英文) 这个模板是沈阳美领馆提供的简历模板,针对非移民签证申请人如果需要写个人简历的话,大家可以参考一下: Nonimmigrant Visa Resume T emplate Name: Date and country of birth: Gender: Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable) Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable) Address and Contact information: Education List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of university Dates of study Degree level Degree major and minors Area of research Title of thesis Work experience List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of company, organization or institutions Job titles Dates of jobs Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment Awards and patents Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work? Please list these. Do you hold any patents? List name, patent number and year registered.


一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award 精神文明奖High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项

美国英文简介-An Introduction to U.S.

The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. At 3.79 million square miles and with over 310 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries. The


二、各系比赛与奖项 外语系(Foreign Language Department): 话剧比赛Drama competition 英语演讲比赛English Speech Contest 八系辩论赛Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition 黑板报设计大赛Blackboard Poster Design Contest PPT设计大赛Courseware Design Competition 文明宿舍Outstanding Dormitory OK杯篮球比赛OK Cup for Basketball Game 我心飞扬歌唱比赛“My Heart Flies” Singing Competition 中文系( Department of Chinese Language and Literature): 诗歌朗诵比赛Poetry Recitation Contest 诗歌创作比赛Poetry Creation Contest 摄影大赛Photography Competition 金话筒比赛“Golden Microphone” Competition 兴我中华演讲比赛Speech Competition on Revitalizing China 课件比赛Courseware Design Contest 报刊比赛Press Writing Contest 足球比赛Football Match 三笔比赛Essay Contest 冬日环保针织比赛Knitting Contest on Winter Environmental Protection 数学系(Department of Mathematics ): 登山比赛Mountain-climbing Competition 网络工程师Network Engineer Certification 全国建模比赛National Mathematical Modeling Contest


London introduction London,the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Europe's largest city, one of the world's two major(主要)center city, is one of the most prosperous(繁荣的)global city. London is the center of economic(经济的)financial(财务的)and trade (贸易)in Europe and the United States of New York, tied for the world's most important financial center. The Big Ben, Tower Bridge Big Ben is Elizabeth Tower. London's famous ancient(报时)bell, the palace of Westminster clock. The British Parliament (英国国会)meeting hall clock tower, built in 1859. Tower bridge is the Tower Bridge of London. Tower Bridge of London is the first bridge the river Thames from where it begins, is a symbol (象征)of London, "London front gate", was built in 1886. The London Eye The London Eye, The London Eye, British Airways, also known as the Millennium(千禧)Wheel, is located(位于)the banks of the river Thames in London, is the world's fourth largest Ferris wheel, is one of the landmarks(标志)of London, is one of the most attractive(具有吸引力的)tourist attractions(旅游景点)in London. Thames River Thames River is a famous British mother river, rising in southwest Coates Ward Hills(科茨沃特丘陵)of England, 338 kilometers in length. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the Royal Palace(王宫), built in 1703 and named for the Duke of Buckingham(以白金汉公爵命名). Westminster Cathedral Westminster Cathedral(威斯敏斯特大教堂)is located in the North Bank of the Thames River, was a Benedictine monastery(修道院), founded(成立)in the year 960 ad(公元960年), was expanded(扩建)in 1045, built in 1065. Tate Museum of Contemporary Art The Tate Museum of Contemporary Art(泰特现代美术馆)is located in the South Bank of Thames River, face each other across the river and the St.Paul's Cathedral, connecting(连接)them is the Millennium Bridge across Thames River. St.Paul's Cathedral St.Paul's Cathedral located in London, a representative(代表)of Baroque style architecture (巴洛克风格的建筑), is the world's second largest dome(圆顶)of the church, it imitated(模仿的)Papal Basilica(教皇的教堂)of Saint Peter in Rome(整体为罗马圣彼得大教堂), is the representative of British classical architecture. University of Oxford The University of Oxford is a public university located in the city of Oxford, founded in 1167, is the oldest university in the English speaking world. Stratford Evan upon Avon Ford (埃文的斯特拉特福德)(Stratford) is located on the banks of the Evan River, a beautiful city is the greatest playwright(剧作家)of England, the hometown of Shakespeare(莎士比亚).


个人简历中英文对照 个人简历词汇大全-其它 objective 目标 career objective 职业目标 employment objective 工作目标 position wanted 希望职位 job objective 工作目标 position applied for 申请职位 position sought 谋求职位 position desired 希望职位 for more specialized work 为更专门的工作 for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途 for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任for wider experience 为扩大工作经验 due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭 due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满 offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会 sought a better job 找到了更好的工作 to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会 to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作个人简历词汇大全-品质 able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的

amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办事仔细的 candid 正直的 charitable 宽厚的 competent 能胜任的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的 dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 disciplined 守纪律的 discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的 dutiful 尽职的 dynamic 精悍的 earnest 认真的 well-educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达 faithful守信的,忠诚的

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