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【最新】高中生英文推荐信-优秀word范文 (6页)

【最新】高中生英文推荐信-优秀word范文 (6页)



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After completing my A-level studies, I know that I want to study mathematics at a higher level; I would like to explore the link between mathematics and financial behaviour (Economics, Business, Management)Mathematics is a subject I became fascinated with in my college. It had intrigued me because I always get great pleasure from solving difficult mathematical problems. My A-level studies have provided me with a strong introduction. I now seek a greater academic focus and more extensive research opportunities by taking a university degree in mathematics.

As my studies have developed. I have realized that mathematics is the foundation of every science, we can use mathematics to solve many problems. I started to touch maths very early, when other children focus on toys I started to do some simple maths. One thing i remember clearly is when I was in Year 4, my teacher left my class a Year 10 level question as a challenge. I spent a few hours attempting to do it, but was still stuck on some stages. I never gave up. I tried to ask my mother for help, and after I got some tips from her, I totally understood this question, and solved it immediately. This experience made me more ambitious to learn more about mathematics, and was a catalyst for me to join the Maths Club in my City. In this club we got the best teachers.


研究生英文推荐信模板 推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件,是一种应用写作文体。为你整理了研究生英文推荐信模板,希望对你有所参考帮助。 Add: *** Email: *** Tel:*** Dear Sir or Madam, At ____’s request, I am writing a personal achievement statement for her. I am very supportive of her application for your postgraduate program which she seems well suited for. As an professor at ___________ (China), I have a great pleasure of writing this letter since I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her intelligence and diligence. The course of _________I taught from September 2008 to July 2010 aims to develop the students’ high command of reading and writing skills. It equips students

with a large amount of vocabulary, strong business writing skills, effective writing methods and comprehensive understanding of business context. Owing to her talent for language and her persistence in English learning, Ms. ________ made remarkable advances. She proved herself to be a promising student with solid language skill and excellent adaptive ability. To most Chinese, English writing is the most difficult part. However, it seems that Ms. _______ has the talent to flexibly use English and to use the good sentences in various writing materials. In addition to that, Ms. _______ has also demonstrated her excellent performance in all the exercises and I remembered clearly that once I gave an assignment for writing a business letter; she not only wrote a normal business letter, but also added her own ideas, which is most effective. In my teaching, she also demonstrated her tactics of making several suggestions and her capacity of business thinking impressed me a lot. On all accounts, my appreciation of Ms._______’s talent was thus confirmed. With her striking


英文教授推荐信范文 to whom it may concern: in the capacity of chair professor of the department of management, having instructed mr. xiao ming in the course of primary management during the academic year of 2006~2007 and the course of operating research last year, i am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce him to you. i have known mr. xiao ming since 2007, when he was a fresh student in the class, as i was the instructor of their primary management. mr. chen’s enthusiasm for and diligence in learning helped him become one of the most outstanding students in that class, making a strong and positive impression upon me. his passionate participation in discussion during class sometimes enlightened the whole group. and he was one of the few students to successfully pass the final exam of that subject, which was so difficult that quite a number of his classmates failed in it. last year i have been selected as the instructor for the course of operating research. as mr. chen has finished his study in the management class with a high rank and chosen the course of operating research as his major, i have had the opportunity to know this young man better. his excellent performance in class has continuously recalled those brilliant discussions two years ago to my mind. what’s more, his creativity and capacity for analytical thinking have also convinced me that he improved himself a lot during his junior year before he returned to my class. in addition, he has demonstrated explicitly his potential as a researcher to me. through the personal communication between us he has also expressed the


教授推荐信 请务必包含以下客观信息: 推荐信正文写作注意事项: 推荐人的选择:推荐人最好选择自己的授课或论文指导老师。当然如果能找到大学招生负 责人都认可或熟知的推荐人更好,如国际知名学者教授等。如果申请人是普通学生而选择职位很高的推荐人(如学校校长),应该解释清楚推荐人是怎样了解到申请人的。同时在第一段就应介绍清楚推荐人和申请人的关系。 推荐信的核心1:还是应该和申请人的学业成绩和学术能力紧密相关,应注意与所申请专 业的结合。如申请管理类课程,勿用大量篇幅描写辅修计算机的成绩,反之亦然。总之,要详略得当。 推荐信的核心2:推荐信在提出申请人优点时,应避免泛泛而谈,最好附以具体事例,当 然有数据支持更有说服力。如:排名10/200 (200人中前10名),多少天完成实验,成功率如何。另外:推荐教师如为论文或毕业设计指导教师,可提及论文或毕设大致情况,来说明被推荐人的研究或实践能力。 推荐信的有益补充:申请人其他方面的优点,如团队精神,开朗性格、品质、对科学研究 的执着等也可简单提及作为补充内容,这些是要求一个研究者必备的素质。 推荐信的篇幅:一般英文成稿约 300 – 400字。 推荐信写作两大败笔: 写成类似中国老师给学生写的评语,每个人都适用。面面俱到,详略不当也是不可取的。 评价太过夸张,好象申请人的现有水平已经不需要任何进修或对申请人的过度吹捧使推荐

人本身的层次和水平大打折扣。 您的材料会由专业文案进行删改,编辑或整理,谢谢合作,并祝您成功! 教授推荐信 被推荐人姓名 申请学校 申请院(系、所) 申请学科、专业 申请攻读学位类别博士□硕士□ (以上内容由申请人填写,以下内容由推荐教授填写) 推荐教授姓名 工作单位 职称职务 与申请人关系电话 通信地址 电子邮件


高中入大学推荐信范文高中生给大学写一封自荐信 尊敬的同济大学领导: 您好!我是上海市鲁迅中学高三学生XXX。我希望通过贵校的自主招生来登上我人生第一个施展自我抱负的舞台——同济大学。感谢您在百忙中抽出时间审阅我的申请材料。xx年在同济大学的校园中诞生了艺术传播学院,热衷于创作于绘图的我,便将同济大学的名字作为了我努力的目标。如今在全球信息化的变革中,传播学的重要性日趋明显,同时,在物质丰富化的时代,人们在精神上的焦点也逐渐聚集在了艺术上。在这个社会大背景下,艺术传媒已经成为了一个新时代最重要的因素之一。这固然更让我对艺术创作产生了浓厚的兴趣。然而,正真激发我想进入这个艺术传媒学院的动机应当是如今社会的现状。我出生在一个幸福的年代,我们有幸是第一代看上彩电的孩子,我们看着《大闹天宫》感受了中国的经典;我们看着《黑猫警长》知道了善恶之分;我们看着《金刚葫芦娃》知道了团结与勇敢,它们是我们的继父母之后的第二任启蒙老师。长大了,《小龙人》开始出现了,《大头儿子和小头爸爸》,《舒克和贝塔》,《变形金刚》,《忍者神龟》,《叮当猫》,《奥特曼》,《七龙珠》,《宠物小精灵》出现了。《足球小将》天天热播,然后男生喜欢上踢足球,《灌篮高手》燃起了对篮球...尊敬的同济大学领导:我向往艺术传媒这个领域,我同样也有这个资本。我从小爱绘画,从小学起我就一直担任班里的宣传委员一职,这一

当,就是12年,对于教室后面的黑板报我是再也熟悉不过了。我热爱 ___,全身心的投入这个并“不起眼”的工作,12年的黑板报,我的每一期创作都能获得校一等奖,xx年我代表学校参加了区级的“无车日”黑板报比赛,为校争夺了二等奖的好成绩。小学时期,我是小主人报社的一名辑,负责起了插画的工作,在报社的“工作”中,让我懂得了“责任”。在初中时期,我是一个执着的小画家,在美术特色班的日子里,美术老师让我真正有了“手艺”。此外,在高中阶段,团学联的工作进入了我的生活,我的海报开始进入了全校师生的视野,并且得到了大家的肯定。高中的学业很繁忙,然而在我和其他2名宣传部的成员的努力下,我们完成了一次次学校大型活动的策划、宣传、准备的各项工作。团学联工作的经历,更是锻炼了我的组织能力与策划能力。同时我也是校新闻社的多媒体,工作的需要,让我钻研起了电脑,PPT,PREMIERE成了我最好的伙伴。另外,我担任了2任研究课的课题组长,这一项任务头衔虽小,但它却是让我收获了颇多,《青少年代沟问题》不仅是一个研究的课题,更是一个给予我审视自己的视角,《中西方快餐文化的调查》让我第一次以一个调查者的身份进入了社会,这个调查同时也让我在“广告”这个角度明显感到,中国在艺术传媒方面是处于低处的。高三的结束,我从生活中收获了责任,收获了才艺,收获了能力,收获了一个观察问题的独特想法。而这一切都是我进军艺术传媒专业的资本!


导师推荐信范文中英 文

导师推荐信范文中英文 篇一:博士生导师推荐信范文 博士生导师推荐信范文 being a professor in shanghai finance and economics university, i had given six lectures to hua sheng as an auditing teacher when she studied accountancy there as her second major, and had been her supervisor when she worked as an intern in my credit rating company. she had listened to me so attentively that many of the cases we studied in class were applied to her work effectively. i was really impressed by hua sheng’s performance during her five-week internship. in order to be more

competent in the field of credit rating, she volunteered to assume more tasks, and further offered to work overtime with other regular employees. however hard the tasks were, she always managed to fulfill them with flying colors. such devotion to her career even as an intern is rarely seen in her peers. as she had done well in her accounting major, with an average score of 85 for the core courses, in addition to her remarkable learning ability, hua sheng was capable of doing some of the basic businesses in the company, and thus understanding the know-how of accounting more profoundly. she visited and researched fifteen companies in all, big or small, home or abroad, within the twenty-five weekdays. i could see a clear mind and a strong logic in her participation in writing credit rating


英文推荐信范文 sample 1: to whom it may concern: i have had the distinct pleasure of having kaya stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at eastern little hope high school. kaya has been more than the ideal student. in order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose. the academics at eastern little hope are most challenging, and kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. she has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. kaya also holds the degree of special distinction, as a member of the national forensic league. respectfully submitted, dan peel, ph.d. sample 2: michael’s leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to these programs, most of which have been started from the ground up. sincerely, john flester sample 3: to whom it may concern: i must also make note of cheri’s exceptional academic performance. out of a class of 150 students, cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus. if your undergraduate program is seeking superior candidates with a record of achievement, cheri is an excellent choice. she has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face. sincerely, professor william dot sample 4: to whom it may concern: during his time here, andrew has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a dedication to success. his efforts have produced high quality results time and time again. last year, andrew developed and successfully implemented a plan to streamline our production department. the plan was a major undertaking, requiring a great deal of thought and effort on andrew’s behalf. though andrew is my assistant, he is also in an unofficial leadership role. many of his co-workers seek his advice and support. andrew is always there for them and is quite sincerely,


研究生英文推荐信格式 研究生英文推荐信格式【一】 I am writing to you in support of [Mr./Ms. Full Name] and [his/her] desire to attend [University Name] for the [Program Title] program. Though many students ask me to make this request on their behalf, I only recommend students whom I feel are well-suited for the program of their choice. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] is one of those students and therefore, I highly recommend that [he/she] be given the opportunity to attend your university. As [Professor's Title] of [Professor's Department] at [University Name], I work with many students who have substantial knowledge of [Subject]. Each year I notice that only a few outstanding students offer a unique perspective and really embrace their learning of the subject matter. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] has consistently shown such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not turn down [his/her] request for recommendation. I first met [Mr./Ms. Last Name] in my [Course Title] course during the [Season and Year] semester. Compared to the class average of [Class Average], [Mr./Ms. Last Name] earned a [Grade] in the class. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] was evaluated on [explain basis for grades, e.g., exams, papers, etc.], in which [he/she] performed exceptionally well. Though [Mr./Ms. Last Name] has consistently exceeded in all areas


高中老师推荐信 尊敬的xxx公司领导: 你们好! 很高兴今天能以这样的方式向你们推荐我班的优秀同学xxx。 作为xxx同学的政治老师,我是高二下学期开始认识他的,在近半年的交往中,对xx 同学的了解越来越多。在我看来,他除了具有一名高中生应该具有的爱党爱国、品德高尚、诚实守信等优秀品质外,还具有以下几方面的优势: 一、思想深刻,见解独特,有求真精神 记得在高二《文化生活》的一堂研究性学习课上,xx同学代表他所在的学习小组向全班同学用幻灯片展示了《中国古代传统文化》的研究成果,从北京奥运会开幕式视频播放到诸子百家名家介绍,从《周易》、《道德经》到宋明理学的独到剖析,丰富的学识,流畅的表达,让同学和老师深深折服。在后来的交流中得知,远帆同学非常热爱课外阅读,尤其对诸子百家国学经典颇有研究,对中国传统文艺也特别钟爱。从传统文化中汲取哲学智慧指导自己的学习和生活,这对于一名现代中学生来说是非常难能可贵的。 二、学习刻苦,踏实勤奋,成绩优异 xxx同学学习能力比较强,上课善于倾听,独立思考,经常能提出一些有价值的问题与老师探讨。政治学习上注重对知识的整合和方法的归纳,课余时间也能经常关注时事,并发表自己的时事评论。在高中以来的历次考试中都取得了班级乃至全年级的优异成绩。语数外三门功课尤其是数学成绩优势明显,几乎每次考试都能获得班级第一名。过硬的成绩赢得了老师和同学的赞誉。 三、工作主动,勇挑重担,有奉献精神 作为我班的班长,xx同学平时工作积极主动,有较强的组织管理能力,擅长在班主任领导下,独立大胆地开展各项班级活动,从活动的设计、动员、协调到组织开展,再到活动后的总结反思,都能安排得井井有条,给活动参与者留下许多启迪和深刻印象,是班主任老师的得力助手,深受同学们的爱戴。不仅热心于班级管理,对周围同学的关心和帮助也给我留下美好的印象:在班级开展的活动中,xxx能热心地帮助同桌陈楚,针对同学平时学习中的薄弱环节悉心指导,并提合理化建议,使成绩有了明显的提高。这种爱心实践更彰显了xx 同学的人格高尚。 进入xx大学深造一直是xxx同学梦寐以求的目标,为祖国的发展作贡献也一直是他孜孜以求的人生理想。我相信,有了全面的素质和扎实的功底,加上xx一流的育人环境,xxx同学一定能有美好的发展前景。有鉴于此,我郑重地向贵校推荐xxx同学,衷心祝愿他能在这个人才云集的平台上展示才华、迈向成功! 此致 敬礼! 政治老师:xxx xx省xxx中学篇二:老师给学生的推荐信范文 老师给学生的推荐信范文 吴启龙同学是我任高二(1)班班主任时候就很喜爱的学生之一,因此,我非常乐意提供我对该学生的看法,介绍他在学校的学习和生活情况,作为他申请贵校的证明材料。 吴启龙同学于2004年9月以优秀成绩考取我校,在本校高中部学习,平时学习很努力,为此他获得了我校优秀学生奖学金。在校就读期间,他品学兼优,尊敬师长,心胸开阔,性格开朗,为人正直,所以师生关系非常融洽。该同学尤其有一颗纯洁善良的心,特别乐于助人。他长期在校外坚持做公益活动,责任心强,荣(转载自管理资料下载网,请保留此标记。)幸地被老师推荐加入南山区红十字会组织,并成为一名红十字会会员。在学习上,他能善于


英文导师推荐信范文 英文导师推荐信范文 dear sir/madam: as a teacher at xxxx school, i am writing to provide you a recommendation for miss/mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid. considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her/his thinking, (she/he was asked, in the spring semester of 2008, to develop a subsystem of a dbms project for her b.s.thesis, for which i was the chief leader. t his subsystem was designed to manage the information of materials in no.1 foundry plant of dongfeng auto works.to do the job, she/he read many books about software engineering and took some courses in database principles and management. keenly aware that the design of a dbms decides the quality of the whole software system, she did her/his utmost from the beginning of the project.)(参加过什么活动). from analyzing user’s requirements to


优秀英语推荐信范文 推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件,是一种应用写作文体,一封好的推荐信能为你加分不少。下面是整理的优秀英语推荐信范文,快来学习一下吧。 英文推荐信范文1: Dear Sir: It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fuping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council's project- "The United States and the United Nations' Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997. His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities.


关于老师推荐学生的推荐信集锦八篇 关于老师推荐学生的推荐信集锦八篇 老师推荐学生的推荐信篇1 ×××同学是×××以优异成绩直升进入省××中学省招班的优秀学生。两年多来,该生以其学习刻苦努力、为人稳重谦和、工作责任心强、特长优势突出、抱负理想远大而深受老师和同学的称道。 该生学习主动性、自主学习能力很强,除了学好日常各门功课外,利用很多业余时间参加了生物和物理竞赛。特别是生物竞赛过程中自学了竞赛有关的大学课程,查阅了很多资料,花了不到一年的时间就取得了苏州市第一、江苏省名列前茅的骄人成绩。物理竞赛虽然参加时间短,也取得了省二等奖的好成绩,显示了该生学习方面的不凡实力。 该生为人谦虚,真诚待人,做事认真,在班级具有很高的威望。作为班级文娱委员,组织的班级大合唱获得全校第一,集中体现了他的组织能力和奉献精神;哪怕是每次班级卫生值日等细小事情都能看出他做事的态度和责任心,可以说把工作交给他是再放心不过了。 该生爱好阅读,知识面广,关心时事,勤于思考。学校研究性学习汇报中表现突出,班级热点问题讨论总少不了他的身影。由于他的音乐特长,在学校活动、班级历史剧中都

有上佳的表现,其扮演的“国王”的领袖气度和风采让人记忆尤为深刻。正因为有如此出色的表现,在进入高中学习的两年多来,每学期均被评为校三好学生或三好学生标兵。 出于对××学的浓厚兴趣,该生已确定了立志在生物学科有所作为的远大理想,并已开始付诸于行动,校图书馆常能留下他翻阅生物学科书藉的身影,业余时间也常能见他在潜心阅读生物学科方面的资料。 ×××同学是一个有理想有抱负的学生,在他的眼神里,我看的是执着,看到的是坚毅,看到的是他对未来的无限憧憬。为了自己的理想,他总是专注于脚下的道路。“机遇偏爱于有准备的头脑”,相信他将来一定会有非同一般的建树! 鉴于以上情况,我们认为×××同学基本素质非常优秀,是一位不可多得的适合从事科学研究的好苗子,我力荐×××同学参加贵校保送生选拔。 老师推荐学生的推荐信篇2 一、 **同学于****年*月考入***学校**系,攻读**专业,****年*月顺利毕业,是一名品学兼优,培养潜力很大的好学生。大学四年期间,他各方面表现都十分出色,主要表现在三个方面: 一,学习成绩好。他勤奋学习,头脑灵活,思维敏捷,领悟力强,各科成绩名列前茅; 第二:思想素质高。他性格豪爽,诚实坦率,有爱心,责任心和团结精神;


导师推荐信英语范文 推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件,是一种应用写作文体。下面是给大家整理的导师推荐信英语范文,供大家参阅! 导师推荐信英语范文篇1 dear sir/madam: as a teacher at xxxx school, i am writing to provide you a recommendation for miss/mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid. considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her/his thinking, (she/he was asked, in the spring semester of 2008, to develop a subsystem of a dbms project for her b.s.thesis, for which i was the chief leader. t his subsystem was designed to manage the information of materials in no.1 foundry plant of dongfeng auto works.to do the job, she/he read many books about software engineering and took some courses in database principles and management. keenly aware that the design of a dbms decides the quality of the whole software system, she did her/his


英文推荐信范文 Sample 1: To Whom It May Concern: I have had the distinct pleasure of having Kaya Stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Eastern Little Hope High School. Kaya has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose. The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and Kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. She has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. Kaya also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the National Forensic League. Due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic competition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her community as well. One of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for the beginners. With Kaya’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude. Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor. Because of her natural leadership abilities, Kaya was selected as our Debate Captain. On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of Kaya as a colleague. Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend Kaya Stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at Eastern Little Hope State. Respectfully submitted, Dan Peel, Ph.D. Sample 2: As the Director of the Bay Area Community Center, I work closely with many of the community volunteers. I consider Michael Thomas to be one of the most studious and responsible members of our organization. After three years time, I have come to know him well and would like to recommend him as a candidate for your undergraduate program.


dear sir: sincerely yours, chung weikuo research fellow and professor the institute of european and american studies 第二部分、对该推荐信的分析您觉得这封推荐信怎样呢?如果这是一封为秘书介绍新工 作的推荐信,那还可以接受;不过对于申请研究生院来讲,就似乎不太够力度了。首先,这 封推荐信犯的一个大忌就是不够明确。从信中我们只看到推荐人很努力地用了一大堆形容词, 试着告诉入学评审委员,这个申请人“很聪明”、“很热心”、“很有潜力”、“很有分析能力” 云云,相关的例证却付之厥如;接著,这封信又未能指出这个申请者这些特质与将来的研究 领域有何相关,只说在这个申请人的帮助下,他可以专心于研究工作,言下之意似乎就是告 诉对方这个申请者是个很好的秘书,而非一个有前景的研究生。 其实,只要多用一点心思,换个观察角度,单纯、琐碎的助理工作一样可以表现出这名 申请者在研究生院相关方面的能力。比方说,推荐人不妨强调他之所以雇用这个人为研究助 理,是因为这个助理以前曾做过与他目前的研究领域相关的报告,表现出申请者在这个研究 领域已经具备的基础知识和研究潜力。又以资料搜集工作为例,可以强调这个申请者如何善 用某些方法,对资料进行系统的分析整理等篇二:英文推荐信模版 英文推荐信范文 sample 1: to whom it may concern: i have had the distinct pleasure of having kaya stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at eastern little hope high school. kaya has been more than the ideal student. in order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose. the academics at eastern little hope are most challenging, and kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. she has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. kaya also holds the degree of special distinction, as a member of the national forensic league. respectfully submitted, dan peel, ph.d. sample 2: michael’s leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to these programs, most of which have been started from the ground up. sincerely, john flester sample 3: to whom it may concern: i must also make note of cheri’s exceptional academic performance. out of a class of 150 students, cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus. if your undergraduate program is seeking superior candidates with a record of

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