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外研版英语选修六课文Module 1 Module 1 Small Talk


Read the dictionary definitions of small talk and answer the questions.

1.Which definitions make small talk sound like a positive thing?

2.Which definitions refer to places where small talk might take place?

3.Why is it a problem if someone has no small talk?

4.What do you think is the Chinese for "small talk"?

small talk informal conversation about things that are

not important

Macmillan English Dictionary small talk light conversation that people make at social occasions about unimportant things: We stood around making small talk.

Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary small talk polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English small talk conversation about ordinary or unimportant matters, usually at a social event: He has no small talk (i.e. he is not good at talking to people about ordinary or unimportant things).

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Look at the conversation topics below and answer the questions. careers; cars; examinations; film stars; music; politics; sport; travel; weather; food

1.If you talk about these topics, is the

conversation serious or small talk?

2.Which of the topics do you like talking about

with your friends?

3.Which of them do you talk about with your parents?

4.Which of them do you talk about with your teacher?

5.Which of them do you never talk about?

Vocabulary and Reading

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box. damage; encourage; impress; prepare; recognise







Read the passage and decide what kind of book it is from. Choose from this list.

The text is from ____.

a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination

a business course

an English teaching book

a book which tells you what to do at social events

How Good Are Your Social Skills?

Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognise?

Would you love to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest? Do you

want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you don't

know? And are you nervous about the idea of being at a social event in another

country? Don't worry—we can help you!

You needn't worry about situations like these if you have good social skills.

And they are easy to learn. People with good social skills communicate well and

know how to have a conversation. It helps if you do a little advance planning.

Here are a few ideas to help you.

Learn how to do small talk

Small talk is very important and prepares you for more serious conversations.

Be prepared! Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. For example:

?think of a recent news story—not too serious, e.g. a story about a film

star or sports star

?think of things to tell people about your studies

?think of"safe" things you can ask people's opinions about—music, sport, films, etc.

?think of topics that you would avoid if you were talking to strangers—

and avoid talking about them! That way, you don't damage your


Develop your listening skills

Listening is a skill which most people lack, but communication is a two-way process—it involves speaking AND listening. Always remember—you won't impress people if you talk too much. Here are some ideas to make you a better listener:

Do ...

?show that you are listening by using encouraging noises and gestures—

smiling, nodding, saying "uh-huh" and "OK", etc.

?keep good eye contact

?use positive body language

?ask for more information to show your interest

Don't ...

?look at your watch



?look away from the person who's talking to you

?change the subject

?finish other people's sentences for them

Always remember the words of Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister in the nineteenth century: "Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours!"

Learn the rules

If you go to a social occasion in another country, remember that social rules can be different. In some countries, for example, you have to arrive on time at a party; in other countries, you don't need to. In addition, you need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave. Some hosts expect flowers or a small gift, but in other places, you can take things, but you needn't if you don't want to. Remember also that in some countries, you mustn't take flowers of a certain colour, because they're unlucky. In most places, you don't have to take a gift to a party—but find out first!

Answer the questions.

1.According to the article, should people plan what they're going to say at parties?

2.What do people think about those who talk too much?

3.Describe two things you shouldn't do in a conversation.

4.Why is it a good idea to nod and smile when the other person is talking?

5.What does the quotation from Benjamin Disraeli tell you about people?

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.

sigh; yawn; nod; avoid; lack; smile


personal questions.


meet people from other countries.


head in agreement.

4.I think the man I spoke to was tired—


answered me.


shook my hand.

Look at the phrases from the passage and answer the questions.

1.If you can talk confidently, does this mean that you are worried about talking to


2.What kind of advance planning could you do before going to a party in a foreign


3.Can you give an example of a low-risk conversation opener if you were talking to

a friend of your parents', for example?

4.What encouraging noises and gestures can you make when you're having a

conversation in Chinese?

5.What is an example of positive body language?

6.Are social rules the same in every country?

Discuss your answers to the questions.

1.Which of the ideas in the reading passage do you think are useful in your society?

2.Are there any conversation techniques that you think you will use in the future?

3.Which of the listening skills are you good at?

4.Which of the social skills do you need to improve?

5.What are some of the usual small talk topics in China?


Read the pairs of sentences and answer the questions.

1.You must arrive on time at a party.

You have to arrive on time at a party.

2.You mustn't take yellow flowers for the host.

You don't have to take yellow flowers for the host.

3.You don't have to take a gift.

You don't need to take a gift.

1. Which of the following is true about the first pair of sentences?

The first one is an obligation, the second one is a suggestion.

They both indicate an obligation.

They are only suggestions about what to do.

2. Which of the following is true about the second pair of sentences?

The first one indicates that something is against the law.

They mean the same thing.

The first one is an obligation, the second one indicates a lack of


3. Which of the following is true about the third pair of sentences?

The second one is an obligation, the first one isn't.

They mean the same thing.

The first one is an obligation, the second one isn't.

Write three rules for a social event in your country.

If you go to a social event in my country,

1.you have to ____.

2.you don't have to ____.

3.you mustn't ____.

4.Look at the two sentences and decide which explanation is correct.

1. We all know each other. We don't need to worry about small talk. This

means ____.

it isn't necessary to worry about it

unfortunately we worry about it

2. The party is informal. You needn't wear a tie. This means ____.

we must not wear a tie

we can wear a tie if we choose

Complete the sentences with verbs to express obligation or lack of obligation.




been given.



you do.

Reading and Listening

Read and match the conversations with the places. There is one extra place.

at a summer school; during a job interview; in a business meeting; on a boat

A: Wonderful, aren't they?

B: Er ... I'm sorry?

A: The cliffs.

B: Oh, yes, they are.

A: Been here before?

B: Pardon?

A: So ... you wrote in your application form that you're interested in mountains. B: Yes.

A: Have you ever climbed a mountain?

B: No.

A: Have you ever read any books about mountain-climbing?

B: No.

A: When did you arrive?

B: Yesterday.

A: Nice journey?

B: Very nice.

A: Did the immigration people ask to see your visa?

B: I didn't need to get a visa.

A: Really? Why not?

B: Because I was born here.

A: Oh yes, of course!

Answer the questions about the conversations.

1.Do you think the conversations are between people who know each

other? Give reasons for your answers.

2.Which of the conversations would you call small talk?

3.What do you think about the answers in the interview?

a.The answers show that the interviewee is interested

in the job.

b.The answers are too short.

c.The answers are impolite.

Listen to the whole of the first conversation and answer the questions.

1.Do the people both speak English as a first language?

2.Why did the woman have problems understanding what the man

was saying?

3.How did the man help her to understand him better?

4.Listen and check. Choose the correct endings to the lines from the


1. Sorry, I couldn't ____.

hear what you said

understand what you said

2. I didn't ____.

like what you said

catch what you said

3. Could you ____?

repeat what you said

explain what you said

4. You needn't have ____.

spoken to me

spoken so slowly

5. I just needed a few seconds ____.

to get used to your voice

to understand your voice


Read the sentence from the listening passage and answer the questions.

You needn't have spoken so slowly.

1. Who said this?

the tourist

the English person

2. Why did she say it? Choose one of these possible reasons.

The other person was speaking too quickly.

The other person was speaking too slowly.

The other person was speaking slowly and it wasn't necessary.

Rewrite these sentences using needn't have done.

1.It wasn't necessary for you to bring some flowers!

You needn't have brought some flowers.

2.Thank you for tidying the room—but it wasn't necessary.

3.There was no need for you to buy the box of chocolates.

4.Why did you go to school? It's Sunday!

5.Thank you for bringing the book to show me, but I already have it.

Read the sentence and decide which endings are possible.

I didn't need to buy a gift for my host family ____.

so I didn't get one

because I already had one

so I bought one

so I took it back and got a refund

Complete the sentences using didn't need to or needn't have done. Example:It was an informal party so I didn't need to wear (wear) a suit.

1.We brought some food to the party but there was too much, so we


for him.


outside in the street.


(arrive) so early.

5.I told the host all about my home town and then he told me he'd

Reading and Writing

Read the email.

Hi! How are you? I hope you and your family are well.

I have a favour to ask. Next week, I'm going to a reception at the Chinese Embassy here in London and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to meet some senior high school students and their teachers. The only problem is that I'm not very good at small talk with people I don't know—I'm always worried about saying the wrong thing or making people feel bored.

I need to know what I can talk about with the Chinese people that I meet. I wonder if you would be kind enough to answer these questions.

Here in England, there are certain questions that you shouldn't really ask people that you don't know—"How old are you?" for example, and "How much do you earn?" Are there any questions that you shouldn't ask people in China?

What sort of things do Chinese teenagers like talking about? Sport? Music? Films? And what sort of things do they find boring? Politics? The weather?

Looking forward to your reply.


Write a reply. Answer the main questions and offer other advice. Use some of the following sentences to start and finish your email.

?Very nice to hear from you.

?Thank you for your interesting email.

?How are you? It's a long time since I heard from you.

?I hope this information has been useful.

?Best of luck at the Chinese Embassy.

?Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

Reading and Vocabulary

You're going to read a story about a saleswoman. Discuss what kind of small talk you need as a salesperson.

The Wrong Kind of Small Talk

Esther Greenbaum was a saleswoman for a firm of fax machines and business supplies. But she was also the most outspoken human being in the world—well, Westchester County, at least. Her motto was "Every time I open my mouth, I put my foot in it."

Esther Greenbaum's major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk. No, that's not quite true. She had small talk, but it was the wrong kind. In fact, she had never learnt the basic rules of social communication, and as a consequence, she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth. It was no coincidence either that she wasn't a very good saleswoman.

One day during a meeting, Esther was introduced to an important customer, a mature woman.

"Nice to meet you," she said. "How old are you?" The customer looked awkward.

"Forty? Forty-five?" said Esther. "You look much older. And your friend ... she's older than you, but she looks much younger!"

On another occasion, Esther teased a typist, "Hey! When's your baby due?"

The typist went red and contradicted Esther. "Actually, I'm not pregnant," she said.

"Oh, sorry," said Esther without any apology. "Just putting on a little weight, huh?"

Esther was never cautious about other people's feelings. One of her acquaintances, a salesman in the firm, was going through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. She tried to cheer him up.

"Forget her! She was a complete fool. No one liked her anyway."

Much of the time, Esther said the first thing to come into her head. One day at work, a clerk came into the office with a new hairstyle.

"Nice haircut," said Esther. "How much did it cost?"

The woman replied, "I'd rather not say."

Esther replied, "Well, anyhow, either you paid too much or you paid too little."

She met a very famous writer once. "Hey, what a coincidence!" she said. "You're writing a book and I'm reading one!"

The trouble with Esther was she said what she thought, and didn't think about what she said. A young man was trying to be modest about his new job many miles away.

"I guess the company chose me so they'd get some peace in the office," he smiled.

"No, I guess they chose you to discourage you from spending your whole career with us," Esther replied sweetly.

Once, Esther went to a brunch party to meet some old school friends on the anniversary of their graduation. She greeted the hostess.

"Do you remember that guy you were dating? What happened to him?" she asked. "You know, the ugly one."

At that moment, a man came up and stood by her friend. "Esther, I'd like you to meet my husband," she said. "Charles, this is ..."

Esther interrupted her, "Hey, so you married him!"

Read the passage and answer the questions.

1.What did Esther often do when she spoke to others?

2.What do you think are "the basic rules of social communication"?

3.Why did the customer look awkward when she was asked how old

she was?

4.How did the typist contradict Esther?

5.What was wrong about Esther's advice to the salesman?

6.What did Esther think of the clerk's haircut?

7.Why did the young man think the company gave him a new job

miles away?

8.What did Esther think of her old school friend's husband?

Read the passage and find:

1.three things you can say when you make small talk

2.two things you should not say

3.one way of replying to questions which you don't wish to answer

4.The style of this passage is meant to be humourous and exaggerated.

Example:You look much older. And your friend, she's older than you, but she looks much younger!

5.Look for more examples of humour and exaggeration in the passage.

Look at the new words in the box.

absence; acquaintance; anniversary; apology; awkward; brunch; cautious; clerk; customer; fax; firm; fool; haircut; hostess; human being; interrupt; mature; messy; motto; outspoken; pregnant; saleswoman; shortcoming; tease; typist

Find words for:







Note: Not all the words fit these categories.

Answer the questions about the words in the box.

absence; acquaintance; anniversary; apology; awkward; brunch; cautious; clerk; customer; fax; firm; fool; haircut; hostess; human being; interrupt; mature; messy; motto; outspoken; pregnant; saleswoman; shortcoming; tease; typist

1.When is the next important anniversary in your life?

2.Do people ever tease you?

3.Can you think of a personal motto?

4.When was the last apology you have given or received?

5.What are you cautious about?

6.Do you know anyone who is outspoken?

Discuss the questions and give reasons for your answers.

1.Is small talk important in your society?

2.Is it as important as "real" conversation?

3.Do you think small talk is more or less important in English than in

your language?

Reading Practice

Look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. Choose five words and guess what the writer uses them to say.


选修6 Unit 1 Art-Reading A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD. The Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century AD) During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created feeling of respect and love for God. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way. The Renaissance (15th to 16th century) During the Renaissance, new ideas and values graduallv replaced those held in the Middle Ages.People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess t heir own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements. One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective. This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the roles of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century) In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal. from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes. Naturally, these changes also led to new painting styles. Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.


选修六Module 1 ⒈lack (1)Lack money/ experience/ time (2)Be lacking in (3)For lack of ①健康问题与不好的饮食习惯及缺乏锻炼有很大的关系。 Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise. ②大城市因为缺乏空间建起了越来越多的高层建筑。 More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities for lack of space. ③由于缺乏睡眠,许多学生无法集中精力于学习上( 一句多译). Many students can’t concentrate on their studies for lack of sleep. Many students lack sleep, which makes it difficult for them to concentrate on their studies. Lacking sleep makes it difficult for many students to concentrate on their studies. Many students are lacking in sleep so that they can’t concentrate on their studies. ⒉advance Adj. 预先的在前的 预付款advance payment 提前做点某事do a little advance planning v.前进发展进步推动,将···提前 →advanced 先进的,高级的, advanced technology /society /courses n. in advance 提前、事先= ahead of time. ⒊In addition 此外,另外=besides, what’s more in addition to 除···之外= apart from// besides There’s a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge In addition , you need to know how long you should stay. Except //except for I cant take my holidays at any time except in August.


人教版英语选修六课文翻译 Unit 1 A Short History Western Painting 西方绘画艺术简史 西方艺术风格变化较大,而中国艺术风格变化较小。人们的生活方式和信仰影响了艺术。中国和欧洲不同,生活方式在长时间里相似。西方艺术丰富多彩,仅凭一篇短短的课文难以描述全面。所以,本篇课文仅描述了从公元5世纪开始的几种主要风格。 中世纪(公元5 世纪到15 世纪) 在中世纪,画家的主要任务是表现宗教主题。艺术家们并没有把兴趣放在呈现人和自然的真实面貌上,而是着力于体现对上帝的爱戴和敬重。因此,这段时期的绘画充满着宗教的信条。到13 世纪时,情况已经开始发生变化,像乔托这样的画家以比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。 文艺复兴时期(15 世纪到16 世纪) 在文艺复兴时期,新的思想和价值观取代了中世纪的那一套,人们开始更关心人而不是宗教。画家们回到了罗马、希腊的艺术理论上。他们尽力地画出人和自然的真实面貌。富人们想为自己的宫殿和豪宅收藏艺术品,他们高价聘请著名艺术家来为自己画画,画自己的房屋和其他财物,画他们的活动,画他们的成就。在这个阶段,最重要的发现之一是如何用透视法来画出事物的形象。在1428 年,马萨乔成为第一个在绘画中使用透视方法的人,当人们第一次看到他的画

时,还以为是透过墙上的小孔,来观看真实的情景,并对此深信不疑。如果没有透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画,在文艺复兴时期,油画也得到了发展,它使得色彩看上去更丰富,更深沉。 印象派时期(19 世纪后期到20世纪初期) 19 世纪后期,欧洲发生了巨大的变化,从以农业为主的社会变成了以工业为主的社会。许多人从农村迁入城市。有着大量的新发明,还有许多社会变革。这些变革也自然而然地导致了绘画风格上的变化。那些打破传统画法的人有在巴黎生活和工作的印象派画家。 印象派画家是第一批室外写生的艺术家。他们想把一天中不同时间投射到物体上的光线和阴影画出来。由于自然光的变化很快,所以,印象派画家必须很快地作画。因此,他们的画就不像以前那些画家的画那样细致了,起初,多数人都看不惯这种新式画法,甚至还非常生气。他们说这些画家作画时心不在焉,粗枝大叶,他们的作品更是荒唐。 现代艺术(20 世纪至今) 在印象派作品的创建初期,他们存在争议。但是,现在已经被人们接受,并且成为现在所说的“现代艺术”的始祖。如今,现代艺术已有几十多种,如果没有印象派艺术,也就没有那么多不同的风格,印象派画家帮助艺术家们用新的方法来观察环境和艺术。有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们的眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来,而是集中体现某些物体的某些品质和特征,用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品太逼真了,


西方绘画艺术简史 艺术是受一个民族的风俗和信仰影响。西方艺术风格经历了多次变革。因为西方艺术多种多样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述。因此,本书只谈及从公元六世纪开始以来最重要的几种艺术风格。 中世纪(5到15世纪) 在中世纪时期,画家的主要目的是把宗教主题表现出来。这一时期传统的艺术家无意于如实地展现自然和人物。这时的典型绘画充满了宗教的特征,体现出了对上帝的爱戴和敬重。但是,13世纪时绘画观念在改变是显而易见的,像乔托这样的画家开始以一种更现实的方式来画宗教场景。 文艺复兴时期(15世纪到16世纪) 在文艺复兴时期,新的思想和价值观逐渐取代了中世纪的思想和价值观。人们开始较少关注宗教主题而采取一种更人性化的生活态度。同时画家们回到罗马、希腊的古典艺术理念上。他们力争如实画出人物和自然。富人们想拥有自己的艺术品,这样就可以装饰自己的高级宫殿和豪宅。他们出价聘请著名艺术家不仅让他们画他们的活动和成就,还要他们画自己的肖像、房子和所有物。 在此期间,最重要的发现之一就是如何用透视法来画出事务。这一手法是1428年由马萨乔第一次使用的。当人们第一次看到他的画时,还以为是透过墙上的小洞来观看真实的场景,并对此深信不疑。如果没有发现透视法,就没有人能画出如此逼真的画。巧合的是,这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,使得绘画的色彩看上去更丰富、更深沉。没有新的颜料和新的手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。 印象派(19世纪后期到20世纪初期) 19世纪后期,欧洲发生了巨大的变化,从以农业为主的社会转变成了以工业为主的社会。许多人从农村迁入到新城市。有许多新发明和社会变革。这些变革也自然地促成了新的绘画风格。在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。 印象派画家是第一批室外写景的画家。他们急切地想把一天中不同时间投射到物体上的光线和阴影呈现出来。然而由于自然光的变化很快,印象派画家们必须很快地作画,因此,他们的画就不像以前那些画家们的画那样细致了。起初,很多人不喜欢这种画法,甚至还怒不可遏。他们说这些画家作画时漫不经心,粗枝大叶,而他们的作品更是荒谬可笑。 现代艺术(20世纪到今天) 在印象派作品的创建初期,他们是存在着争议的,但是如今已经被人们接受而成为我们现在所说的“现代艺术”的始祖了。这是因为印象派鼓励画家用一种崭新的视角看待他们的环境。如今,现代艺术风格有好几十种,然而如果没有印象派,那么这许多不同的风格也许就不可能存在。一方面,有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来,而是集中展现物体的某些品质特征,用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。而另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品却是那么真实,看上去就像是照片。这些风格如此不同。谁能预言将来会有什么样的绘画风格?


外研版六年级英语上册 (三年级起点 )课本目录 .Module 1 U 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long. .Module 1 Unit 2 It's in the west. .MODULE 2 Unit 1 There's Chinese dancing. .Module 2 U 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. .MODULE 3 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby. .Module 3 Unit 2 What's your hobby? .Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. .Module 4 Unit 2 Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival. .Module 5 Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend? .MODULE 5 Unit 2 I can speak French. .Module 6 Unit 1 You've got a letter from New York. .Module 6 Unit 2 I can speak French. .Module 7 Unit 1 I don't believe it!

.Module 7 Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo. .Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls? .Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming. .Module 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building? .Module 9 Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai. .Module 10 Unit 1 Don't talk in the library. .Module 10 Unit 2 Go straight on. .Review Module


Module1 unit1 part1 我想要一个汉堡包。 我想要一个热狗。 噢,“热”狗来了。 part2 大明,你想要什么? 我不知道。热狗是什么?它真的是一条狗吗? 不是的,大明。那就是热狗。 它看起来不错!look的三单形式looks 你们要点儿什么? 我想要一个热狗。want+某物,表示想要某物. 我想要一个汉堡包。 我也要一个汉堡包。 喝的呢? 我也要一杯可乐。 请来三杯可乐。three colas 三杯可乐 那就是两个汉堡包、一个热狗和三杯可乐。 多少钱?how much 在此表示多少钱,用来询问物品价格,后面跟is还是are,要根据梭巡物品的数的不同来确定。 (总共)十三美元二十五美分。 给你。 谢谢。用餐愉快!enjoy意味享用和享受,他后面可以加表示三餐类的名词,表示享用某顿饭。 我来拿它们吧。 当心! 噢不!对不起! 噢不!我的新短裤和新鞋! unit2 part1 你想要吃什么? 我想吃些肉。some意为“一些”,用来表示不确切的数量,既可以修饰可数名词复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。 我想要一个热狗, 带很多很多的奶酪。 part2 您要点儿什么? 我想要面条和一杯可乐。你想吃什么,玲玲?

我想要一个汉堡包。 你想喝什么? 牛奶。 那么我们要一个汉堡包、面条、牛奶和一杯可乐。 好的。 Module2 unit1 part1 我要起床吃早餐。get up起床 have breakfast 吃早餐 早餐?11点半了。你要吃午餐了! part2 我们今天在公园里野餐吧! 好哇! ···后来··· 我很饿。我们什么时候吃饭,妈妈?When既可以对事情发生的具体时间提问,也可对大体时间提问。 12点半。 现在几点了? 才11点半。还有一个小时!看,池塘里有一些鸭子。to go剩余 它们很可爱。 嘿,天空中有一些乌云。很快就要下雨了。duck clouds 乌云 我不这样认为。今天天气不错。我们走! 12点半了。我们吃野餐吧! 天啊!现在下雨了! 那边是干的。快跑,孩子们!over there 那边 噢不,看鸭子们!它们在吃我们的三明治! 淘气的鸭子! 看起来你得饿着了,西蒙!look like 看起来像 unit2 part1 哈尔滨将会晴天。 天津将会阴天。It will be +表示天气状况的形容词+其他。 北京将会下雪。 南宁将会下雨。 part2 让我们看看明天的天气。哈尔滨将要下雪。北京将要下雨。西安寒冷而且有风,三 亚将会温暖、晴朗。


人教版英语选修六课 文原文

Unit 1A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones. Starting from the sixth century AD. The Middle Ages(5th to the 15th century AD) During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. A conventional artistof this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way. The Renaissance(15th to 16th century) During the Renaissance, new ideas and values gradually replaced those held in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings, so they coule decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements. One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective. This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. Impressionism(late 19h to early 20th century) In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal,from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes also led to new painting styles. Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worke in Paris. The Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors. They were eager to show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day. However, because natural light changes so quickly, the Impressionists had to paint quickly. Their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters. At first, many people disliked this style of painting and became very angry about it. They said that the painters were careless and their paintings were ridiculous. Modern Art(29th century to today) At the time they were created, the Impressionist paintings were controversial, but today they are accepeted as the beginning of what we call "modern art". This is

外研版六年级英语下 课文英汉WORD版M3M4

Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. 第三模块第一单元我拍了一些照片。 Look. It's a letter from Daming. 看,这是一封来自大明的信。 That's great. 那太好了。 What did he write? 他写了什么。 Hi Lingling, 嗨,玲玲, I had a very funny day on Saturday. 周六我度过了很有趣的一天。 I went to a park with Simon and his mum. 我和西蒙以及他妈妈去了公园。 We wanted to have a picnic, so we brought sandwiches and drinks. 我们想要去野餐,所以我们买了三明治和饮料。 There was a big lake in the park and there were lots of ducks. 那里公园里有一个大 湖还有许多鸭子。 I took some photos. 我拍了一些照片。 Then it started to rain. 然后开始下雨。 We ran quickly to hide. 我们为了躲雨跑得很快。 We left our food. 我们留下了我们的食物。 We didn't want to get wet. 我们不想淋湿。 It rained and rained and rained. 雨下了又下。 Those naughty ducks went to our food and drinks. 那些顽皮的鸭子跑向我们的食物和饮料。 They had a picnic! 它们野餐了! Then the rain stopped and we went home. 然后雨停后我们就回家了。 We were hungry, and we were angry with the ducks! 我们很饿,我们对那些鸭子很生气。 Love, Daming. 爱你的大明。 Module 3 Unit 2 The sun is shining. 第二单元阳光灿烂。 In this photo, the sun is shining. 在这张照片中,阳光灿烂。 The birds are singing in the trees. 鸟儿在树上唱歌。 Now look at this photo. 现在看这张照片。 It's starting to rain and the birds are flying away. 开始下雨了,鸟儿都飞走了。 And in this photo, it's raining. 在这张照片中,下雨了。 The ducks are eating our sandwiches. 鸭子正在吃我们的三明治。


外研版英语选修六答案 【篇一:【6份】2016年秋季高二英语外研版选修6同 步练习含答案】 ss=txt>选修6同步练习含答案 module 1 small talk 一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. the brain performs a very important it controls the nervous system of the body. about her success. she never shows off. to take part in the olympic games. you, but where can i take a bus to the supermarket? of this technology will be useful. 8. the other day i helped you out of the embarrassing situation, so you owed me a to my host and left early. 11. by the time we got to the cinema, the tickets had been sold out. we should have bought the tickets of borrowing a bike from me. with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed. i will go out playing basketball. in our education system. 二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 16. the bank is very 谨慎) about lending money to anyone with no credit. 17. these days, he was very annoyed, because his wife decided to 离婚) him. 18. i (自信地) tell you that i can overcome the difficulties present. 19. she didnt tell me the reason why she had never 回复) to my letter. 20. the date of the meeting was 提前) by four days. 21. did you come to london for the 目的) of seeing your families? 22. the two groups met for 非正式的) talks. 23. can you 想象) yourself becoming famous as a professor? 打断) adults when they are talking?


Module 6 War and Peace The D-Day Landings – Passage 1 In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland. The war, which lasted until 1945, is known as the Second World War. During the war, Germany occupied many countries, including France. He most important battle of the war in Europe was Operation Overlord, the military operation in 1944 to invade France. Operation Overlord started when boats full of soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in France, known as the D-Day landings. More than 5,000 ships crossed the English Channel, carrying 130,000 troops to the French coast. Troops from the United States, Britain and Canada took part in the D-Day landings. The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats. American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach. The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad that the US army commanders thought about abandoning the invasion. Eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough and the D-Day landings were successful. It was the beginning of the end of the Second World War. Operation Overlord started as a story of danger and confusion and ended as a story of bravery and acts of heroism. The D-Day Landings – Passage 2 The soldiers of Able Company crossed the English Channel in seven boats early on the morning of 6 June 1944. when they were about 5 kilometres from the beach, the Germans started firing artillery shells at them but the boats were too far away. The Germans continued firing and Boat 5 was hit one kilometer from the beach. Six men drowned before help arrived. Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats. As a result, they missed the fighting on the beach. Six men drowned before help arrived. Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats. As a result, they missed the fighting on the beach. They were lucky. If they had reached the beach, they would probably have been killed. When Boat 3 was a few metres form the beach, the soldiers jumped out, but the water was so deep that some of them disappeared under the water. Many of the men were either killed or wounded by machine gun fire. The soldiers on Boat 1 and Boat 4 jumped into the water, but it was too deep and most of them drowned. Half an hour after the first attack, two thirds of the company (a company is a group of about 100 soldiers) were dead. The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked. After an hour and forty-five minutes, six of the survivors tried to climb up the cliff to get off the beach. Four were too exhausted to reach the top. The other two, Private Jake Shefer and Private Thomas Lovejoy, joined a group from another company and fought with them. Two men. Two rifl es. This was Able Company’s contribution to D-Day. The D-Day Landings – Passage 3 On 6 June 2004, survivors of the D-Day landings from many different countries returned to France to remember their lost comrades. Many of them went to the cemetery and memorial which overlooks Omaha Beach.


高中英语选修六重点(老师打字很辛苦,努力背哦!) Module1 1. be serious about 认真对待 be nervous about 对…紧张焦虑 be cautious about 对…小心 2. lack(v) sth =be laching in a lack(n) of sth 3. in advance 提前 4. think of 想起think highly of sb 高度评价 5. look away from 把目光从…移开 look forward to doing 6. A is good, in addition, B is good. = In addition to A, B is good. 7. apply for 申请apply…to …把…应用于… 8. do sb a favour = do a favour for sb 帮某人一个忙 in favour of 支持/赞同 9. a reply to…对…的回复reply to sb.=answer sb.回复 11. be absent from 缺席 12. as a consequence 因此/结果 13. apologize to sb for sth/doing 因…道歉 = make an apology to sb for sth/doing 14. be aware of…知道… 15.take the lead 带头/领先 lead to 导致lead-led-led 16.show off 炫耀17. go through 经历/经受(困难等) 18. they have sth in common 他们有一些共同点 19.leave out 删去/省去20. cheer sb up 使某人振作 语法:1.didn’t need to do 不需要做 needn’t have done 本来不需要做却做了 2. 情态动词+ have done 有两种意义: 表过去推测must/ might/ can’t have done 一定/可能/不可能已经做了 表后悔shouldn’t have done 本不该做 Module 2 1. play an important part in 在…中起重要作用 2. hesitate to do sth 犹豫做… hesitate about/ over sth 对于做…犹豫 without hesitation 毫不迟疑 3. in the direction of 朝…方向 under the direction of sb在某人的指导下 4.put down 放下,写下;镇压put up 张贴 put aside保留;put away收好put off推迟,推延5. I doubt if/ whether 怀疑是否… there is no doubt that…毫无疑问6. hold out伸出,维持,坚持hold back阻挡 hold on (电话)等一会,别挂断hold up 举起7 long for sth 渴望得到某物 9. turn away 走开turn to sb 向某人求助 11. keep/ have one’s eye on 注视,盯着看 keep an eye on 留意 12. fix on注视,凝视13. cast about 搜索/寻找 14. be laden with 充溢着(某种味道) 15. look around for 四处寻找 16. marry sb 娶/嫁某人 get married to sb 和某人结婚(表动作) be married to sb 和某人已婚(表状态) 17. appeal to sb 吸引某人 appeal to sb to do sth /for sth. 呼吁/请求某人做某事 18.be associated with 与…有联系 19. be restricted to…限于 20. in possession of sth 拥有… in the possession of sb 为某人所有 21. ahead of…在…前面ahead of time 提前 22. ought to do 应该做 24. catch a glimpse of 瞥见 25. by hand用手,用手工 26. set out出发set up 建立set off for 出发去… 27. sth be invisible to sb 某物某人来说是看不见的 28. 强调句:It is +被强调部分+ that/who… 29. be responsible for 对…负责 语法:v-ing 作状语(时间、原因、条件、让步、伴随、结果) 介词+ v-ing 作状语 例:Turning to right, you will see the hospital.(条件)Module 3 1. get close to 靠近chat with sb 与…聊天 2. burst out doing=burst into sth. 突然发生,突然…起来eg. burst out crying= burst into tears 突然哭起来burst out laughing= burst into laughter 突然笑起来burst out singing= burst into song 突然唱起来 3. knock over 撞死/撞伤knock at/ down/ into 4. lose interest in 对……失去兴趣 have an interest in对……有兴趣 6. turn round = turn around 转身 turn to sb求助于turn out结果是,证明是 7. a large/small amount of + UN+ is…大/小量的…. large/small amounts of + UN+ are…

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