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16. —Do you like to listen to “Mozart(莫扎特)”?

—Yes. Listening to ______ is my favorite.

A. songs

B. music

C. stories

D. news

17. —Will you please ______ it to me on Friday?

—Wh at about Saturday? My computer doesn’t work well these days.

A. post

B. give

C. e-mail

D. bring

18. It’s an important decision for you, so______ your time and think it over.

A. take

B. waste

C. kill

D. save

19. —Do you think it will do us good or harm?

—______. Let’s beg for God’s help.

A. It’s hard to say

B. I’m sure

C. It’s impossible

D. You are right

20. If you are weak _____ a subject, ______ and asking a teacher for advice can help.

A. at; working hard

B. in; work hard

C. at; work hard

D. in; working hard

21. While flying, a bat(蝙蝠)makes a sound which hits things and comes back to its ears. In this

way it’s able to know ______ the things are and avoid bumping into them.

A. how

B. where

C. what

D. which

22. She was so the good news that she couldn’t say a word.

A. excited about

B. interested in

C. angry with

D. afraid of

23. Have you heard of the story of Holi? It ______ like this: there was a bad king who…

A. tells

B. comes

C. goes

D. says

24. A study shows that a tropical fish in America can survive(存活)______ water for up to 66


A. beyond

B. in

C. out of

D. from

25. He didn’t tell his parents he was going home because he wanted to give them a ______.

A. kiss

B. surprise

C. chance

D. gift

26. —Excuse me. How can I get to the railway station?

—Turn left and then follow your nose—You ______ miss it!

A. mustn’t

B. can’t

C. shouldn’t

D. needn’t

27. —I didn’t know this is a one-way street, sir.

—______. Please show your driving license.

A. I don’t care

B. Sorry, but that is no excuse

C. It’s all right

D. I hope so

28. —Do you think we’ll need a coffee pot?

—I don’t drink co ffee, and ______. It’s not necessary. Why not a tea service?

A. so do you

B. neither you do

C. so you do

D. neither do you

29. My son wants a pet rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy ______ for him.

A. it

B. that

C. the one

D. one

30. You say the bridge is safe but I shall take care .

A. even though

B. of course

C. after all

D. at last

31.Newton was playing under an apple tree ______ an apple fell onto his head.

A. when

B. while

C. after

D. before

32.—You aren’t a stranger, are you?

—______, don’t you remember______me at the school gate ten minutes ago?

A. Yes; to see

B. No; seeing

C. No; saw

D. Yes; seeing

33. Which sign means “No Photos”?

A. B. C. D.

34. —How much will you be paid?

—Judy, I don’t do it for money, but for experience. ______, it’s voluntary (志愿的) work.

A. However

B. Besides

C. Finally

D. Possibly

35. My teacher asked me if I was worried about the test and I said “No”. But I was.

A. really

B. hardly

C. nearly

D. proudly




What is the hottest topic at your school recently? In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School, it’s money.

The school held an activity called “making money” last weekend. About 200 Junior 1 and Junior 2 students were divided into 30 teams. They went out to make money by selling things.

What did they choose to sell? Some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets.

Hu Qing’s team decided to sell some useful books in front of the Children Activity Center. They thought parents would like to buy the books for their children. But unfortunately, they met urban management officers (城管). The officers asked them to leave. “We pl ayed hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) with the officers for the whole morning,” said Hu. “Finally we had to give up.”

Wang Bing and her team sold ice cream in a square. They didn’t meet any officers. But few people were interested in what they were selling. The team then put up a board saying “For Country K ids”. It worked. More people came to their stall (小摊). A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan. “He didn’t want any change. He said he wanted to help the children,” said Wang. “We were touched.” Later that day they gave the money they made to the “Project Hope” office.

Meng Zhaoxiang and his team were luckier. They sold all their cakes in four hours, spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan. They made 40.5 yuan. “It was not easy to make the money,” said Meng. “Some people just looked. Others just tasted but didn’t buy. Now I know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives.”

36. In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School, what the students talk more about is ________.

A. the officers

B. the kind foreigner

C. the activity called “making money”

D. the money they made last weekend

37. ________ took part in the activity.

A. All the students

B. Some teachers

C. About 200 students of the three grades

D. Part of Junior 1 and Junior 2 students

38. Hu Qing’s team finally gave up because ________.

A. the parents didn’t like to buy the books

B. the Children Activity Center was too crowded

C. the officers didn’t al low them to sell anything there

D. the team played the game of the hide-and-seek the whole morning

39. Why did more people come to Wang Bing’s stall at last?

A. The team put up a magic board.

B. A foreigner came up and helped them.

C. The people liked to help country kids.

D. The people were interested in their ice cream.

40. According to the passage the students learn ________.

A. it’s impossible for them to make money

B. it’s not easy for their parents to make money

C. it’s very important for them to ma ke a living

D. it’s necessary for school to hold more activities in the future


News 1

Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻), won the World Food Prize on Monday. Yuan developed the world first popular and widely known hybrid rice. Hybrid rice plants can make more rice than common ones.

News 2

Liu Xiang won China’s first gold medal in the world championships (锦标赛) in 12.95 seconds.

“Everybody wants to win a world title. I was nervous before the race. But I dealt w ith it so I'm very happy,” Liu said with a smile after the race.

Some reporters noticed that at the start, Liu Xiang was crying. He said that is his way of letting off pressure. “My start wasn’t good, maybe because I was nervous or because I was a bit slow,” he said.

Liu will run next at the Shanghai Grand Prix(大奖赛) meeting at the end of September. He is confident (自信的) after winning the gold medal. “I want people to know how fast I am,” he said. “This is number one speed. There’s nothing I can’t do.”

News 3

Have you ever got angry at books that are full of mistakes? Don’t worry, things will get better soon. Last week, China started checking textbooks, dictionaries and children’s books all over the country. The government said the results of the check would come out at the end of June. News 4

Last Wednesday Medvedev (梅德韦杰夫) took over from Vladimir Putin (普京). At the age of 42, he becomes the youngest president of modern Russia.

Medvedev was born to a family of teachers. He read a lot from a young age. After university, the soft-spoken young man went on to teach law at university and became very popular with his


In 2005, Medvedev became the first deputy prime minister (第一副总理). But he was as friendly as before. “He has not changed. He invited me to his home,” said Vera Smirnova, Medvedev’s first teacher. “In Russia, only two politicians(政治家) have invited their first teachers to their homes, Medvedev and Putin.”

41. Yuan Longping won the World Food Prize because he ________.

A. is the father of his children

B. likes to eat hybrid rice

C. developed hybrid rice

D. spent a long time to research hybrid rice

42. Why was Liu Xiang crying at the start?

A. He wanted to reduce pressure.

B. He was happy.

C. He was a bit slow.

D. He felt excited.

43. C hecking textbooks, dictionaries and children’s books will_________.

A. make sure the books are not too expensive

B. make the children unhappy

C. make sure there are few mistakes in them

D. make the government lots of money

44. According to News 4, Medvedev is now ________.

A. a lawyer

B. a teacher

C. the first deputy prime minister

D. the youngest president of modern Russia

45. What Medvedev’s first teacher said shows ________.

A. Medvedev is as friendly as before

B. Medvedev and Putin were her students

C. Medvedev has changed

D. Medvedev and Putin invited her to their homes


Do you enjoy reading? Here readers of your age from all over the United States recommend (

My favorite book is Don’t Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel. I love all her books, but


I think Nanc y Drew is great! Nancy is a detective (侦探) who has many fantastic ideas!

’s a book from when my grandma was my age, and I can share the fun with her!

I highly recommend Skinny Bones by Barbara Park. It is funny so please add it on your

u don’t want to miss out funny stories!

I would suggest ______ by Judy Blume. It is based on real things that happened to Judy Blume. It is about a girl, Alice, who meets some girls at a new state. They become friends, make a club and meet once a week. They stop after two weeks because they all like a boy in their class and put him as number one. I think every girl should read this because it is about our

I read a book called Neela: Victory Song and it was so good I read it twice! It takes place in India in 1936 and this 12-year-old girl named Neela tries to save her father! It has lots of history in it! I also learned a lot about different cultures! The author’s name is Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.

46. According to the reader, Skinny Bones can be described as a ________ story.

A. sad

B. history

C. funny

D. detective

47. From which book can we learn different cultures?

A. Skinny Bones.

B. Nancy Drew.

C. Don’t Die, My Love.

D. Neela: Victory Song.

48. Who is most probably an Indian author?

A. Judy Blume.

B. Barbara Park.

C. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.

D. Lurlene McDaniel.

49. The best name of the 4th book is ________.

A. My Secret

B. Growing Trouble

C. Three Friends

D. Alice Learns a Lesson

50. Which is TRUE about Nancy Drew?

A. It doesn’t have a common ending like other books.

B. It’s based on real things that happened to the author.

C. It’s about a12-year-old girl who tries to save her father.

D. Both the reader and the reader’s grandma love this book.


Character (品质), courage and confidence are words you might use to describe your heroes. These words can describe you! Take action as follows and you’ll be a hero, too!

Part 1: Character

Character is something that makes you the person you are—like being honest, friendly, and helpful. See the chart (表格) below. On the left is our standard of good character. Write down your promise for each line on the right. Then, get a witness (证人) to sign it. Put it up where you’ll see

Of course i t’s going to take a lot of courage to keep your promise. Courage is challenging yourself to do something even though you think it might be hard. For each promise, find out two or three ways to help you keep it. For example, if you think that Being Honest is the hardest promise for you to keep, one of the ways might be “Tell people about my promise so that I won’t break it”.

Part 3: Confidence

Confidence is believing that you have the skills to do something. Do you have a beautiful singing voice? Are you a good painter? These are all talents that can make you feel good, as well as the people around you. Once you’ve de cided what your special skill is, think about how you can use your skill to make your corner of the world a better place. If you’re good at art, try painting a picture on an old wall in your school (of course, make sure you’re allowed).

51. According to the writer, what is needed to be a hero?

A. Believe in yourself.

B. Be full of courage.

C. Have good character.

D. All of the above.

52. If your promise is “I’ll show good manners in class”, you’re trying to be ________.

A. smart

B. polite

C. brave

D. strong

53. What is the most important thing to build your character?

A. Fill in the chart carefully.

B. Write down your promise.

C. Look at your promise every day.

D. Do your best to keep your promise.

54. The word “talents” in Part 3can be replaced (替换) by “________”.

A. ways

B. ideas

C. skills

D. words

55. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Only a good painter can have confidence.

B. It’ll take a lot of courage to make your promise.

C. Character is something that makes you feel good.

D. You can build your character with the help of others.


阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

My grandmother was an iron-willed (强硬的) woman. When I was five, she invited some friends to her apartment. Among the guests there (61) ____________ (be) a rich man and his daughter. Grandmother considered them the most important among the guests.

During the party, I went to the bathroom. I was still sitting down when the girl walked in. “You (62) ____________ (stay) here too long!”

“It’s not your business. Don’t you know that littl e girls shouldn’t come into the bathroom when a little boy (63) ____________ (use)it!?” I said in anger. This (64) ____________ (surprise) the little girl. Then she started to cry. Most guests had heard what I said and laughed. But not Grandmother.

She (65) ____________ (wait) for me when I left the bathroom. Grandmother shouted that I was impolite and rude and ordered, “You (66)____________ (say)sorry to her.” All the guests watched in silence.

Twenty minutes later, Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent (激流) of water (67) ____________ (run) out from under the door. Everyone knew who did that. Grandmother was so angry that she tried (68) ____________ (get) me anyway. It took several strong men finally to move her away and calm her down.

My grandfather took me by the hand and seated me on his lap. He looked at me, not at all angry or upset. “(69) ____________ (tell) me,”he asked, “why did you do it?”

“Well, she shouted at me for nothing,” I said seriously. “Now she’s got something to be angry at.”

Grandfather didn’t speak right away. He just sat there, looking at me and smiling. I (70) _________ never __________ (forget) his expressions (表情) for my whole life.

“Eric,” he said at last, “I think you did the right thing.”



A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he found an old lady (71) f him.

“Pardon me,”she said. “I’m sorry if my looking (72) s at you has made you feel not comfortable. It's just that you look just (73) l my son, who died a few months (74) a .”

“I’m very sorry,”replied the young man. “Is there (75) a that I can do for you?”

“Yes,”she said, “as I’m leaving, would you (76) s ‘Goodbye, Mother!’? It would make me feel much (77) b .”

“(78) S ,”answered the young man.

As the old woman was leaving, he called out, “Goodbye, Mother!”Then as he stepped up to the check-out, he saw that his (79)b was $ 127.00. “How can that be?”he asked. “I only bought a few things!”

The girl at the check-out replied, “Your mother said you'd (80) p for her.”

五、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)


Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.

First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. (83) You may have a favourite food, but you’d better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients (营养物质) your body needs.

Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you’re really thirsty, cold water is the No. l choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium (钙) your body needs to grow strong bones (骨头).

Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach (胃) feels comfortably full. (84) Eating too much

will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.

Fourth, limit (限制) screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can’t watch TV for more than two hours a day.

Fifth, be active. One thing you’d like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.

Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.

A. 根据短文内容回答问题。

81. If you are thirsty, what kind of drinks should you choose?

82. How many rules should you follow if you want to be healthy?

B. 将短文中划线的两个句子译成汉语。



C. 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。


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