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good morning teachers and fellow students. today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.

my favorite book is (italian: cuore). this is a diary written by an italian boy enrico. the diary is about his life and study. it included various touching stories that happened around enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. every word in the chapter describes the word "love". from patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.

this novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. i

really like this book very much. how about you? what is your favorite book?

my favorite book is . have you read it before?

oh, i haven t read this book before. what is it about?

well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. the story is happy ending.

can you tell us why you love this book so much?

sure. it is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. i am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princess in the story.

i have decided to learn from her from now on.

oh i see, the story sounds very good. i cannot wait to read this book as well.


matt and his wife lived in the country. matt was very stingy and hated spending money. one day a fair came to the nearby town.

"let’s go to the fair, matt," his wife said. "we haven’t been anywhere for a long time."

matt thought about this for a while. he knew he would have to spend money at the fair. at last he said, "all right, but i’m not going to spend much money. we’ll look at things, but we won’t buy anything. "

they went to the fair and looked at all the things to buy. there were many things matt’s wife wanted to buy, but he would not let her spend any money.

then, in a nearby field, they saw a small airplane.

"fun flights!" the notice said, " $$ 10 for 10 minutes.

matt had never been in an airplane and he wanted to go on a fun flight. however, he didn’t want to have to pay for his wife, as well.

"i’ve only got $$ 10, " he told the pilot. "can my wife come with me for free?" the pilot wasn’t selling many tickets, so he said, "i’ll make a bargain with you. if your wife doesn’t scream or shout, she can have a free flight."

matt agreed, and got into the small airplane with his wife.

the pilot took off and made his airplane do all kinds of things. at one moment it was flying upside down.

when the plane landed, the pilot said, "0. k. your wife didn’t make a sound. she can have her ride free."

"thank you," matt said. "it wasn’t easy for her, you know, especially when she fell out."


a helping hand

a man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and put his head out the window to check. as he did so a glass

eye fell into his hand.

he looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down.

"is this yours?" he asked.

she said, "yes, could you bring it up?" and the man agreed.

on arrival she was profuse in her thanks and offered the man a drink. as she was very attractive he agreed. shortly afterwards she said, "i"m about to have dinner. there"s plenty. would you like to join me?"

he readily accepted her offer and both enjoyed a lovely meal. as the evening was drawing to a close the lady said, "i"ve had a marvelous evening. would you like to stay the night?"

the man hesitated then said, "do you act like this with every man you meet?"

"no," she replied, "only those who catch my eye."


love your mother


why are you crying, a young boy asked his mom? 你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈. because i"m a woman, she told him.


i don"t understand, he said.


his mom just hugged him and said,

and you never will, but that"s ........


later the little boy asked his father,

why does mom seem to cry for no reason?.


all women cry for no reason, was all his dad could say......


the little boy grew up and became a man,

still wondering why women cry.



finally he put in a call to god and when god got back to him, he asked god, why do women cry so easily?


god answered......


when i made woman,

i decided she had to be special.

i made her shoulders

strong enough to carry

the weight of the world, yet,

made her arms gentle enough to give comfort...



我让她的双肩强壮的足以能够承担整个世界,但是, 却让她的双臂温柔的足够去安慰他人...

i gave her the inner strength

to endure childbirth

and the rejection

that many times will come

even from her own children.




i gave her a hardness

that allows her

to keep going and take care

of her family and friends,

even when everyone else gives up, through sickness and fatigue without






i gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances. even when her child has hurt her badly....

she has the very special power to make a child"s boo-boo feel better and to quell a teenager"s anxieties and fears....



i gave her strength to care for her husband, despite faults

and i fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart....


i gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his

wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly....


for all of this hard work,

i also gave her a tear to shed.

it is hers to use

whenever needed and

it is her only weakness....

when you see her cry,

tell her how much you love her, and all she does for everyone, and even though

she may still cry, you will have made her heart feel good.










she is special!

please send this to women you know, and those with mothers,

sisters, and special women in their lives.



but, also send this to men so they will understand about what a wonderful thing a woman is.

each da


英语演讲稿幽默3分钟 下面是小编为大家整理的英语演讲稿幽默3分钟,仅供大家进行参考。 范文【一】 Someone said we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite. I dont know who wrote these words, but Ive always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. How to spend the youth? It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask what do you understand by the word youth? Youth is not a time of life, its a state of mind. Its not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. Its the matter

of the will. Its the freshness of the deep spring of life. A poet said To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. Id like to share it with all of you. Lets show our right palms. We can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, lets make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love, career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves. We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened. From the past, weve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. Weve learnt that we cant choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. Failure doesnt mean you dont have it,


篇一:英语演讲稿1分钟 亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 我想请问大家,如果我打开地图,请你为我指出,你最喜欢哪个国家?也许你会指自由自在的美国,也许你会指浪漫的法国,也许你还会指神秘的埃及。可是在我们的心中,却永远忘不了一个令人骄傲的国度,那就是我们的祖国——中国! 我们伟大的祖国是最大的国家之一。它的人口超过12亿。北京是他的首都。想必大家都知道,中国历史悠久,在1949年以前,我们曾是一个很软弱贫穷的国家,这些都已成为过去,中国现在是一个强大的发展中国家。事实证明,中国是强大的不可战胜的。 如果有人问起,我会自豪地说,我是中国人。中国我为你骄傲。 谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕! hello, everyone 自我介绍 i’d like to ask you to point out your favorite country if here is a map. maybe you will choose the united states for the freedom; maybe you will choose french for the romantic. i’d like to say that these are nice countries for traveling. but there is one country in the bottom of my heart, and i will be proud of her forever, that’s china---my motherland! our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. it has a population of over thirteen hundred million. beijing is its capital. it’s needless to say that china has a long history.now china is a strong and developing country. facts have proved that china is a powerful, invincible. if anyone asked, we will proudly say that i am chinese.i am proud of you-----china. i am a primary school student now; i know that all of us are the future of our nation. so, what we need to do is to study hard step by step, listen carefully in the class and do homework everyday so that we can dedicate ourselves to our nation when we grown up! that’s my speech! thank you for listening. 篇二:新大学生英语一分钟演讲稿 新大学生英语一分钟演讲稿 yes,we can this is for my people who just lost somebody, your best friend, your baby, your man or your lady. lift your head to the sky, we will never say bye. these are words of the song bye-bye. every time when i hear it, i’ll always lose myself in grief recalling the tough time we came through in 2011. the snow storm, the tibet issue, the obstruction to the olympic torch relay,the earthquake……time dates back to the day the horrible earth quake occurred in sichuan, tens of thousands of people lost life and families. i’ll never forget those days i sat front of the tv, moved by people never gave up under ruins even there’s little hope to survive. i’ll never forget those days most newspapers and websites were all in black and white. i’ll never forget those days i had my black coat on, writing down my best wishes to the suffering people. at the same time, i also remember those days my friends abroad told me that they joined in the protest against western world’s bias on china and the fight against the tibetan separatists. i can still remember the day when i went to see the torch


we are the world ,we are the future someone said ?°we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite?±. i don?t know who wrote these words, but i?ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. we are young. ?°how to spend the youth??± it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask ?°what do you understand by the word youth??± youth is not a time of life, it?s a state of mind. it?s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it?s the matter of the will. it?s the freshness of the deep spring of life. youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals. years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self ¨Cdistrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ?s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what?s next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart there?s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . a poet said ?°to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i?d like to share it with all of you. let?s show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let?s make a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell me.yeah, it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves. we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. don?t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. from the past, we?ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we?ve learnt that we can?t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. failure doesn?t mean you don?t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. failure doesn?t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder. as what i said at the beginning, ?°we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite?±. the past has gone. nothing we do will change it. but the future is in front of us. believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. and from today on, let?s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out ?°we are the world, we are the future.?±?a?t£o3·??óà???ó¢ó??Y?2?? 3·??óà???ó¢ó??Y?2?? ?Y?2??ò?£o3·??óà???ó¢ó??Y?2?? you will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and


有趣的英语演讲稿范文3篇 英语演讲是英语学习的又一境界,是我们培养英语口才的开始,也是我们英语表达技能的过关检测。以下是小编整理的英语演讲范文3篇,供大家学习和参阅。 英语演讲范文一: choice everyonehasachoicewhenhewakesupintheearlymorning.Yo ucanchoosetobehappyorsadalltheday.butforme,IthinkIh averesponsibilitiestofulfillalltheday.soeverymornin gmyfirstjobistochoosewhatkindofdayIamgoingtohave.To dayIcancomplainbecauseitisrainyorIcanbegratefulthat thegrassiswateredforfree.

TodayIcanfeelsadbecauseIdonthavemoremoneyorIcanbegl adthatitwillpreventmefromwasting. TodayIcanfeelverydownbecauseofabadcoldorIcanrejoice thatIamstillalive. TodayIcanlamentoverallthatmyparentsdidntgivemewhenI wasgrowinguporIcanfeelgratefulthattheyallowedmetobe born. TodayIcanbedisappiontedformylackoffriendsorIcanbeex citedtodiscovernewrelationships. TodayIcanbeexhaustedbecauseIhavetoomuchhomeworktodo orIcanfeelhonoredbecauseImgettingclosertomydreamint hisway.


英语一分钟演讲稿6篇English one minute speech document 编订:JinTai College

英语一分钟演讲稿6篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:英语一分钟演讲稿 2、篇章2:英语一分钟演讲稿 3、篇章3:英语一分钟演讲稿 4、篇章4:英语一分钟演讲稿 5、篇章5:英语一分钟演讲稿 6、篇章6:英语一分钟即兴演讲稿范文

一分钟的演讲时间很短,看你怎么把握。小泰为大家整 理了一分钟的英语演讲稿5篇,欢迎大家阅读。 篇章1:英语一分钟演讲稿 Hi everybody. I am so glad to give my speech to you I will start my topic about The Dream English,as you know ,The Dream English plans to put our dream come true。When I was a little boy ,I was so curious about english as long as I heard someone speak english around me,so I am very interested in english.Thank for The Dream English,I have a chance to learn more about english which is about life and study. In my opinion,english is not only a language but also a study.It contains much useful knowledge and life experience,if we all try our best to learn about it,such as its background and its history,we can regard it as a tool to make contribution to ourselves and our country. That's all my speech,thank you.


三分钟励志英文演讲稿大全 励志英语演讲是用英语语言的激发力让人心潮澎湃,达到励志效果。下面是小编为你整理的几篇三分钟励志英文演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 三分钟励志英文演讲稿篇一 We should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .It is the flim tellsx me . It is a story talks about a black girl named Precious .Precious isx fat and not beautiful. Her bad temped mother never workx, always cheated others to relieve her ,and atex while watching TV all day.What is worse ,Precious was only 16,but she had pregnant for twice .Out of assumption ,her child is her farther s child .Living in this life ,she alawys imagine to avoid facing her life .Fortunately,with the help and careneof the teacher and doctor ,her life became not so bad . Precious has a tough life ,and if she gives up her life and does not join the adult education ,she will not meet the teacher and her


3分钟英语演讲短文 3分钟英语演讲短文 3分钟英语演讲短文我认为我认为我认为 Fox and ok One morning a fox sees a ok.He think,"This is m breakfast.'' He es up to the ok and sas,"I kno ou an sing ver ell.Can ou sing for me?''The ok is glad.He loses his ees and begins to sing.The fox sees that and ahes him in his mouth and arries him XX. The people in the field see the fox.The r,"Look,look!The fox is arring the ok XX.''The ok sas to the fox,"Mr Fox,do ou understand?The people sa ou are arring their ok XX.Tell them it is ours.Not theirs.'' The fox opens his mouth ang sas,"The ok is mine,not ours.''Just then the ok runs XX from the fox and flies into the tree. 狐狸和公鸡一天 早上,一只狐狸看到了一只公鸡。他想:这是我的早餐。他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得非常好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡 很高兴。他闭上眼睛开始唱歌。狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里 走了。在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住 公鸡逃走了。”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你 叼走了公鸡。告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的。” 狐狸张开她的嘴 说:“公鸡是我的,不是你们的。”就在那时,。公鸡跑到了树底 下。 Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m ver glad to stand here and give ou a short speeh. toda m topi is “Life”.


演讲中的美式幽默 美国人爱幽默,特别是大庭广众之中,演讲者丢包袱、甩噱头,营造出一种轻松欢快、 与听众互动的氛围,已经是现代美国文化的一种常态。马克-吐温的幽默细胞,已俨然浸入到 美国文化的血液中。 市长的幽默 崔永元先生介绍了波斯顿市长在与中国市长同僚们会面时演说的幽默,波斯顿市长说道, 他绝对没有中国市长们那么威风,他在波斯顿当市长,更多的时候感觉自己就象个“墓地看 守”,“看起来人挺多”但——“没有一个听我的”。呵呵。那是当然的啰,在美国是个 人主义得道,强调天赋人权,人人平等。不象中国,千年来儒家的“君臣父子长幼有序”, 人的尊严完全奠立于手中握有权力的大小。当了官,尤其当了个“高官”,周围多半会有一 批马屁精们围绕。马屁精们放弃自己的尊严,整天把领导的官衔挂在嘴上,使得我们领导的 感觉不要太好哦! 看看山东作协里的“作家”——在四川汶川地震时为追思被埋葬在废墟下的学生写的诗 ——对领导的吹捧和赞美到了不知人间羞耻的地步! 没看现在国内,大家千军万马争当“公务员”——其中必 有不少人恐怕为的就是想要出人头地,期待身边有人来给他溜须拍马嘛! 可在美国,是不流行拍马屁的哎! 牧师的幽默 去过美国教会听礼拜的大凡都有体会,美国牧师大多讲道时比较幽默,气氛活跃;不象 国内牧师那样常常板起脸教训人,把讲道搞得枯燥无味。 有一次去教会参加美国朋友的一个婚礼,主持婚礼的牧师认真地向这对新人祝福,愿他 俩“making love everyday!”这句话,直白点的翻译便是:做爱每一天! 当然也可以有柔和点的翻译:恩爱每一天! 完全木有过去在国内婚礼上主持人对新人的励志话语:共同携手——抓革命、促生产、 为国家多做贡献(其实也只让生一个),,,哈哈! 葬礼上的幽默 美国人演讲的幽默甚至连葬礼也不放过。 我在美国通过电视直播观看了苹果公司创建人乔布斯去世后的葬礼现场,苹果公司的一 位高管,在葬礼上发表激情演说,他谈到乔布斯一向追求细节的完美,不能容忍任何的细节 疏忽。演讲者说他“曾经多次陪乔布斯外出公干”,每到一地在宾馆住下,他把自 己携带的行李中的衣物取出、摆放好,就立马会接到乔布斯打来的电话,乔布斯对这家宾馆 房间乃至对这 个宾馆的某个细节不满意,要他“收拾行李”,准备跟他“换宾馆饭店”。 以致后来他再陪乔布斯外出,到宾馆住下后,他连自己的行李都不敢打开,就坐在房间 电话机旁边等——等乔布斯打电话来,准备换宾馆,“这样比较方便”,省得把东西刚拿出来, 又要放进去。 会场一片笑声,哎,这哪像“葬礼”啊?有木有搞错?偶滴油墨 幽默英语演讲稿 love your mother 爱你的母亲 why are you crying, a young boy asked his mom? 你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈. because im a woman, she told him. 因为我是女人,她告诉他.


英语励志一分钟演讲稿 上台演讲一般都会准备好演讲稿的,那么,以下是小编给大家整理收集的英语励志一分钟演讲稿,供大家阅读参考。 篇一:英语励志一分钟演讲稿hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you! I am glad that you can spend this precious time having this class in this afternoon. Now please allow me to introduce myself to you .My name is Wangjia and I majored in traffic engineering .Baoji is my hometown it is very beautiful. and the people are very friendly. As we all known thinking is easy acting is difficult and to put one's thoughts into actions is the most difficult thing in the world. So if we want to learn English well ,we must practice reading English everyday ,actually practicing repeatedly is the best way to you speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just care about catching the chance to speak ,enjoy losing face or just forget your face because the more you speak the better your English will become,never afraid of making


三分钟青春高考励志英语演讲稿三篇 导读:本文三分钟青春高考励志英语演讲稿三篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 1经典励志演讲稿We Are The World ,We Are The Future Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life. A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with


英语课前三分钟演讲稿幽默 英语课前三分钟演讲稿幽默一 Why does football get people into a frenzy? Who is your idol? It may be Napoleon, Picasso, or Michael Jackson. But who is my idol? Can you guess? It is Ronaldo. He is the No. 1 super star of football. Football is a game in which 22 people chase one ball around a large field. The aim of the game is to get the ball into the net to score. After all, it’s such an easy game, and yet people go crazy mad over it. The answer lies in two facts. One is the game itself. Sometimes it is beyond any description. Football is a game of passes and techniques, passion and love, more importantly, unity is the key---the whole team working as one, united they will never be defeated. The European’s style. of play is like a Waltz, the Brazilian like a Samba, and the passionate Argentineans play as if they are doing a Tango. Football is so unpredictable, so unbelievable. You will never know who will win until the last minute. Especially when suddenly there is a goal, the


英语即兴演讲稿(带翻译)3分钟3篇 英语即兴演讲稿(带翻译)3分钟篇1 My Definition of Success By Bao Jinlong(鲍金龙) It is easy to describe success in terms of money,fame and reputation. But I believe that success is not external.I believe that success comes from within.My definition of success is to be true to yourself,and be true to others.That means,that you must cherish your personal ideal even in the face of adversity.I also believe that success is not discriminatory. Success is not restricted to such a class of people,in fact,it may be achieved by any person irrespective of his race,creed,gender and economic background.A good example of success is that of Beethoven.He is one of the world's most famous composers,yet he was deaf.He could not hear the majestic pieces of music that he created.Yet,in the face of this adversity,he was able to maintain his ideals--that of composing music. To exemplify what success means to me,I pose a question to all of you.What brings us together here today?I believe that it is the beauty of the spoken word.The effect of pause and the sound of rhetoric are unique to the spoken word.I believe the beauty of the spoken word is even stronger for those who have difficulty in expressing themselves. These people are reclusive and had their emotions hidden within them. I once went to Australia and I saw two pictures,Once was drawn by a normal child,the other was drawn by a child with social inhibitions.The picture drawn by the normal child was simple and plain.The other was life-like,


一分钟英语演讲稿 a helping hand 伸出援手 a man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and put his head out the window to check. as he did so a glaeye fell into his hand. he looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down. "is this yours?" he asked. she said, "yes, could you bring it up?" and the man agreed. on arrival she was profuse in her thanks and offered the man a drink. as she was very attractive he agreed. shortly afterwards she said, "i'm about to have dinner. there's plenty. would you like to join me?" he readily accepted her offer and both enjoyed a lovely meal. as the evening was drawing to a close the lady said, "i've had a marvelous evening. would you like to stay the night?" the man hesitated then said, "do you act like this with every man you meet?" "no," she replied, "only those who catch my eye." a place to sleep 睡觉的地方


3分钟励志英语演讲稿 励志英语演讲稿3分钟篇1English is a useful language all over the world. Why are we began to learn English when we were little children? Beacause it is very important for us to learn it.In the world, if you cannot speak English you will lose half a chance to success. I began to learn English when I was 8 years old.At that moment,I do not like English.I connot remember all the words which I have learnt.I think it is very difficult for me to learn it well.So I cannot read English loudly and I never answer the questions in the English classes. Even if my English is very bad, my teacher stll encourages me to learn English hard and he gives me some ways to learn English. He tells me to read passages loudly and listen to the English tapes everyday morning.In order to progress my writing he also asks me to write some articles at times. I like listen to the English songs,he suggests me to sing the English songs.As a result of his ways my English becomes well. Now, I like English very well and I still use the ways he tells me.I know I must learn English even hard.

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