当前位置:文档之家› 一些非常有用的英语俚语



Potluck Party: 一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。

Pull over!把车子开到旁边。 

Drop me a line!写封信给我。 

Give me a ring. = Call me!来个电话吧!

For here or to go?堂食或外卖。 

Cool:That's cool! 等於台湾年轻人常用的囗语"酷!",表示不赖嘛!用于人或事均可。

What's up? = What's happening? = What's new? 见面时随囗问候的话"最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?"一般的回答是"Nothing much!"或"Nothing new!"

Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it! 少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。

Don't give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好!

Get yourself together! 振作点行不行!

Do you have "the" time? 现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。

Hang in there. = Don't give up. = Keep trying. 再撑一下。

Give me a break! 你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话) 

Hang on. 请稍候。 

Blow it. = Screw up. 搞砸了。 

What a big hassle. 真是个麻烦事。

What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。

Go for it. 加油

You bet. = Of course. 当然;看我的! 

Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。 

Don't be so fussy! 别那么挑剔好不好。 

It's a long story. 唉!说来话长。

How have you been? = How are you doing? 你过得如何?近来可好?

Take things for granted. 自以为理所当然。

Don't put on airs. 别摆架子。

Give me a lift! = Give me a ride! 送我一程吧!

Have a crush on someone. 迷恋某人

What's the catch? 有什么内幕? 

Party animal. 开Party狂的人(喜欢参加舞会的人)

Pain in the neck. =Pain in the ass. 眼中钉,肉中刺。

Skeleton in the closet. 家丑

Don't get on my nerve! 别把我惹毛了!

A fat chance. =A poor chance. 机会很小

I am racking my brains. 我正在绞尽脑 

She's a real drag. 她真有点碍手碍脚

Spacingout = daydreaming. 做白日梦

I am so fed up. 我受够了!

It doesn't go with your dress. 跟你的衣服不配。

What's the point? = What are you trying to say? 你的重点是什么?

By all means = Definitely. 一定是。

Let's get a bite. = Let's go eat. 去吃点东西吧!

I'll buy you a lunch (a drink; a dinner). = It's on me. = My treat. 我请客 

Let's go Dutch. 各付各的

My stomach is upset. 我的胃不舒服

diarrhea 拉肚子 

吃牛排时,waiter会问"How would you like it?"就是问"要几分熟"的意思,可以选择rare,medium或 well-done。

I am under the weather. =I am not feeling well. 我不太舒服!

May I take a rain check? 可不可改到下次?(例如有人请你吃饭,你不能赴约,只好请他改到下一次。) 

I am not myself today. 我今天什么都不对劲!

Let's get it straight. 咱们把事情弄清楚!

What's the rush! 急什么! 

Such a fruitcake! 神经病!

I'll swing by later. =I'll stop by later. 待会儿,我会来转一下。 

I got the tip straight from the horse's mouth. 这个消息是千真万确的(tip指消息)!

easy as pie = very easy = piece of cake 很容易。 

flunk out 被当掉

take French leave 不告而别

I don't get the picture. =I don't understand. 我不明白。

You should give him a piece of your mind. 你应该向他表达你的不满。

hit the road = take off = get on one's way 离开。 

Now he is in the driver's seat =He is in control now.

Keep a low profile (or low key). 采取低姿态。

Kinky =bizarre =wacky =weird 古怪的。 

klutz (=clutz) =idiot 白痴、笨蛋。 

know one's way around 识途老马。 

lion's share 大部份。

tailgate 尾随(尤其跟车跟得太近)。

take a back seat. 让步。

take a hike =leave me alone =get lost 滚开。

hit the hay =go to bed 睡觉。

Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 载我一程好吗?

green hand 生手、没有经验的人。 

moonshine = mountain dew 指私酿的烈酒(威士忌)或走私的酒。胡说八道也可用

moonshine。His story is plain moonshine.

chill out =calm down =relax(来自黑人英语)

rip off =steal:I was ripped off. 我被偷了;rip off 也常被用为"剥夺"My right was ripped off. 权利被剥夺(来自黑人英语)。

我们称美国大兵为G.I. (Government Issue) or GI Joe, 德国兵或德国佬为 Fritzor Kraut,称英国佬为John Bull,日本人为Jap.或Nip,犹太人为Jew都是 很不礼貌的称呼。

mess around (with)瞎混;Get to work. Don't mess around. 赶快工作,别瞎搅和。

snob 势利眼

sneak in, sneak out 偷偷溜进去,溜出来 sneakers 运动鞋

She is such a brown-nose. 她是个马屁精。 

This is in way over my head. 对我而言这实在太难了。

I am an exam jitter and I always get a cramp in my stomach. 我是个考试紧张大师,一考试胃就抽筋。

Keep your study (work) on track. 请按进度读书(工作)。

Did you come up with any ideas? 有没有想到什麽新的意见?

Don't get uptight! Take it easy. 别紧张,慢慢来!

Cheese! It tastes like cardboard. 天哪,吃起来味如嚼腊!

Get one's feet wet. 与中文里的"涉足"或"下海",寓意相同,表示初尝某事。I am going to try dancing for the very first time. Just to get my feet 

meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:44:54
Session VIII: Do Your Best(尽最大的努力)

1.Toot One's Own Horn = boast

Michael's last novel was a best seller. He has no need to Toot his own horn about his literary accomplishments. His readers and critics alike will now become aware of his talent. He won't have to boast about his skill and success as a writer.

2. Stick to One's Guns = maintain one's position

In spite of the fact that it was inadvisable to have a controversial figure address the club, the chairman stuck to his guns and insisted that it would make good sense to hear the other side of the question before taking a vote on the issue. He maintained his opinion and position on the matter, even though a number of members tried to make him change his mind.

3. Get the Ball Rolling = initiate action

A: Look! You've been talking about reparing the roof for weeks now. Don't you think it's about time to get the ball rolling?
B: I know, but I've been busy with other things. I promise

I'll get to it this weekend.
A: The time to start doing it is right now! According to the weather report it's supposed to rain tomorrow.

4. Hang On = persevere

During the depression years the Smiths had a great deal of trouble with their business, but somehow or other they were able to hang on. Although they almost lost their store, they managed to persevere until things got better.

5. Give It One's Best Shot = try hard

A: Can you do anything about repairing this TV set?
B: I'm not much of an electrician, but I'll give it my best shot.
A: Many thanks. I'd be most appreciative.
B: OK. I'll try my hardest to fix it, but I'm not promising that I'll succeed.
A: At this point, I'll take all the help I can get.

6. Make Ends Meet = pay one's bills

A: It's almost impossible trying to keep up with the high cost of living.
B: It's true. Things are so expensive nowadays that it's very difficult to make ends meet.
A: You know, even with Lucie's salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay all the bills.

7. Pull String = exert influence

Steven had been unsuccessful in getting tickets for the opening game of the season. However, he pulled some strings with the manager of the team and got excellent seats. There's no doubt that he got the tickets only by exerting his influence with a person important enough to help him get what he wanted.

8. Spread Oneself Too Thin = become involved in too many activities

Although Teresa has always been an excellent student, her marks have been going down lately because she is spreading herself too thin. Besides spending a great deal of time in after-school sports, she got a part-time job as a clerk in a department store. It's only natural that her grades would suffer. She is becoming involved in so many activities that she cannot devote the time that it takes to excel in any one of them.

9. Go to Bat for Someone = help out and support someone

A: Is it true that Don got into some trouble at work last week?
B: Yes, he did. He was reproached for not turning in his sales reports, but his secretary went to bat for him.
A: What was she able to do?
B: She helped him out a great deal by admitting that she had misplaced the reports that he gave her to be typed.
A: So, it was her fault, not his.
B: Right.

10. Duck Soup =

easy, effortless

A: Can you help me hook up my new stereo equipment? I'm having quite a bit of trouble with all these connections.
B: Sure. That's duck soup for me.
A: Well, with all your experience in electronics, I have no doubt that it will be very easy for you to do.
B: No problem. Glad to help out.
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:45:59
When Things Go Well(顺利之时)

1. Feel Like a Million Dollars = feel wonderful

A: I bumped into Nick at the barbershop yesterday. He looked great, but I noticed that he had a slight limp when he walked.
B: I guess you didn't know that he had an operation on his knee.
A: No, I didn't. How's he feeling?
B: He says he's feeling like a million dollars now. Apparently the pain in his knee is all gone.
A: It's good that he's feeling so wonderful. It must be a refreshing change not having to put up with all that discomfort.

2. Sitting Pretty = in a fortunate position

A: I heard that Michael and Jennifer got a good price when they sold their house.
B: Yes, they did. Now they're really sitting pretty. As a matter of fact, they're thinking of going on a long vacation.
A: I wish I were in such a fortunate position. I haven't had a vacation in years.

3. Have the World by the Tail = be successful and happy

Marc finished school at the top of his class and he was offered an excellent position with an accounting firm. Now he feels that he has the world by the tail. Everything has been working out for him lately, and it's no wonder that he's feeling so successful and happy.

4. Burry the Hatchet = make peace

A: Somebody told me that you and Doug had been quarreling over the construction site of the new building.
B: That's true, but we worked out the problem and decided to bury the hatchet.
A: Glad to hear that. You guys have always worked well together.
B: Well, once we came to the conclusion that we both had the same goal in mind, we put an end to our bitter feelings and made peace with each other.

5. Get Away Clean = escape punishment

After robbing a neighborhood bank, the robbers sped off in a waiting car and got away clean. In spite of all police efforts to apprehend them, the criminals were never caught and punished for their crime.

meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:46:30
1. Shoot the Breeze = chat informally


A: What are you going to be doing this afternoon?
B: Oh, I don't have anything in particular in mind.
A: Why don't you come over to my place? We can listen to some records and shoot the breeze.
B: That sounds OK to me. I'd like to relax listening to music and visit and chat informally until my folks get back from shopping.

2. Bite the Dust = go down in defeat

Andy did exceptionally well in all of the track events, but bit the dust in the high jump competition. Much to the disappointment of his fans, he went down in defeat, losing to a competitor from the visiting team.

3. Bend Over Backward = try very hard
美国人认为向后倾是要花很大力气才能做到的事。Bend over backward 表示非常努力去做某事。

When Joan first started teaching she was afraid that she would have a lot of trouble getting used to the kids and to the faculty. Her fears turned out to be unfounded. Since everybody bent over backwards to help her. Everyone tried very hard to help her feel comfortable and adjust to the school.

4. Scratch Someone's Back = return a favor

A: Hey, Bea. I need some help stacking these boxes. Would you please give me a hand?
B: OK. And I need some help tidying up the house. How about your helping me out after that?
A: OK. If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
B: I know you don't like doing housework, but I'll help you with the boxes if you promise to return the favor.
A: No problem. I'll even do the windows.

5. Turn Someone Off = disgust someone
turn off 表示把电源断掉。Turn someone off 表示让别人一下子没了兴趣。

A: How was your date with Marty last night?
B: Well, it started off OK, but he really turned me off when we went for a snack after the movies.
A: Did he say or do something to annoy you?
B: Frankly, he disgusted me when he tried to talk with his mouth full.
A: I don't blame you. That would have really bothered me too.

6. Kick the Bucket = die

It's been said that the old man knew of a buried treasure, but he kicked the bucketbefore telling anyone where it was. If the treasure exists, the old man unfortunately took the secret of its location with him when he died
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:47:37
1、a bad apple 坏蛋
A:Oh, my God! What happened? Why are you black and blue?
B:I got beaten by Peter’s brother
A:That’s a bad apple! Let’s

think up a way and teach him a lesson
2、a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人;占有有利条件却不会利用的人
A:Give the skates to me!
B:You shut up!
A:If you don’t know how to skate, why don’t you give the skates to me? Don’t be a dog in the manger.
3、a gay dog 快活的人
A:It’s strange they should get along so well!
B:That’s nothing unusual.
A:You don’t know much about the couple. One likes to be alone, but the other is a bit of a gay dog.
4、a hard nut 冥顽不化的人;无知无觉的人
A:Bob refused all his classmate’s invitations.
B:I really couldn’t understand him.
A:He’s surely a hard nut, nobody likes approaching him.
B:We’d better also leave him alone.
5、a hen-pecked husband 妻管严;怕老婆的男人
A:Aunt is scolding uncle again.
B:Don’t worry. Your uncle won’t utter a word back.
A:I didn’t know my uncle is a hen-pecked husband
B:He isn’t. He thinks it’s not necessary to quarrel with women.
6、big shot 要人
A:Do you know Mr. Smith?
B:No, but I know of him. He’s a big shot in the local politics.
A:I’m told he’s only a yes-man.
B:Yes, I hate that. At present, what we want is a strong, independent leader, not a bunch of yes-man.
7、fat cat 大款
A:Where’re those popular actresses in our school time?
B:Get into marriage.
A:Can everyone find a fat cat?
B:Everyone wants to, but not everyone succeeds.

8、bosom friends 知心朋友
A:Is Jack a friend of yours?
B:Yes. He is one of my bosom friends.
A:He’s a nice guy as far as I know
B:You can be certain of that.
9、con artist 大骗子手
A:Is this your first visit to this city?
B:Yes, why?
A:Perhaps I should warn you that this city is full of con artists.
B:Thanks for telling. I’ll take care.
10、the long and short of it 概括地说
A:Do you know why John left our company?
B:It’s a complicated story but the long and short of it is that he transferred a large sum of money wrongly.
A:Who should be responsible exactly?
B:A crook took advantage of him. Our boss would never forgive such a stupid act.
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:48:38
11、no point 没理由
A:There’s no point in losing temper on me. It’s unfair!
B:What did you do to him?
A:If I did something bad, I wouldn’t blame him for getting angry with me. The point is that I did nothing wrong.
B:Maybe he thought you reported him to the manager.
12、fat change(反语)微小的机会;极少的可能
A:I think it was Jason who stole my document.
B:Fat chance!
A:He’s the only one who left here late.
B:I know him. He’ll never do that sort of thing.
13、mark time 原地踏步;停顿
A:Why did we stop?
B:No, we didn’t really stop. We just marked time.
A:Marked time?
B:Yeah, we have to pause until we get approval.

14、have seen better days 有过好日子
A:Look, Mrs. Thomas is such a beauty in her early eyes.
B:But Mr. Thomas is short, skinny and ugly.
A:Why do you think Mrs. Thomas married him?
B:He’s certainly very poor now, but I think he’s seen better days.
15、a storm in a teacup 风波;小事引起的轩然大波;小题大做
A:The husband can’t understand why his wife got angry so easily.
B:He’s too careless maybe.
A:No, it’s not that. Actually it’s a storm in a teacup. I also thought it’s the women who is to blame.
B:Anyway the man has to consider his wife’s feelings.
16、the last straw 忍无可忍
A:That was the last straw!
B:Why did you say that? Did your girlfriend do anything wrong?
A:She refused to see me. She must have fallen in love with another guy.
B:I don’t believe it. Talk with her, will you? There must be some misunderstanding between you.
17、make a clean breast of….忏悔
A:You’re restless. Are you in trouble?
B:I’ve done something I shouldn't
A:Then make a clean breast of it, you will feel released.
B:I’ve not decided yet.
18、to my way of thinking 依我看来…..
A:To my way of thinking, I think you behaved rudely before your dad.
B:I couldn’t keep my temper then, poor dad, he must be very sad.
A:How about apologizing now?
B:I hope he can forgive me.
19、the same… as 同….一样
A:Jim, is this the bike you lost?
B:Let me see. No, mine has a special symbol on it.

This is the same bike as yours, I think. I can’t tell the difference.
B:If you were the owner, you could.
20、the benefit of doubt (在证据不足情况下)假定某人无辜
A:Who did it?
B:Don’t be so angry, Henry?
A:It must be Robert.
B:Maybe Robert did it, maybe he didn’t. If I were you, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s not so important anyway.
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:49:02
21、right up one’s alley 正合某人的心意或技能
A:David is good at tennis.
B:Speaking of tennis, Daniel is the best.
A:That’s for sure. All sports are right up his alley. Actually, nobody can get a better hand over him yet.
B:He’ll make a successful sportsman, I think.
22、school of hard knocks 艰苦的磨练
A:My boss is such a shrewd businessman everyone admires him.
B:Which university did he graduate from?
A:He never went to high school. He was educated in the school of hard knocks.
B:That’s incredible.
23、something the matter with 出问题
A:Hey, Richard! What’re you doing right here?
B:My recorder has something the matter with its speaker; I want to have it fixed.
A:It broke down again? You really need a new one.
24、under age 未成年
A:Why not take me to the party, Mom?
B:You’re too young, dear.
A:Oh, I’m really as tall as you.
B:Oh, you’re still under age.
25、the matter

A:Is the anything matter?
B:I’ve been watching the game on TV. One of our athletes is seriously injured.
A:My goodness! Has she been sent to hospital?
B:Yes, poor girl. She’s only your age.
26、rat race 激烈的竞争
A:America is a rich country. Many people are dreaming of going there but you came back.
B:To tell you the truth, I’m very happy with my modest job here and the peaceful life.
A:New York is exciting, isn’t it?
B:Yes, but I have no desire to take part in the rat race there.
27、take someone’s mind off something 使某人忘记某事
A:I need a week’s vacation so that I can take my mind of my troubles.
B:Yeah, maybe things will changes for the better.
A:I am hoping so.
28、think twice about 仔细考虑
A:You’re a native of the city and you have lived here for many years. How do you like it?
B:Well, I’d have to think twice about that.
A:It’s familiar to you, isn’t it?
B:Well, I think it’s beautiful. I especially like the weather here.
29、Take the turning 拐弯
A:Could you tell me how to get to the bank?
B:Let me think. Well, take the second turning on the right and it’s opposite the supermarket.
A:I see. Is it far?
B:No, not really, only a few minutes.
A:Oh, good, thank your very much.
30、search me (非正式)不知道
A:Where’s Annie?
B:In the house.
A:In the house? Where is she?
B:Search me, I don’t know where she is now.
meilin 发

表于 2007-07-21 16:49:27
31、have it in one 有能力(做某事)
A:Harry was elected monitor at the class meeting yesterday.
B:Do you think he has it in him to be a good monitor?
A:He’s a good student as far as his achievement is concerned. But I really can’t tell whether he’ll make a good monitor.
32、have it over 比…..好些;胜过
A:It’s pity that I haven’t been to many countries.
B:But I think you have it over me. I’ve never been out of China.
B:Never. I am not joking.
33、Have had enough 对…..发腻;厌烦
A:What do you think of the Prof. Smith lecture?
B:I’ve have had enough of that kind of stuff.
A:So have I. I decided not to go next time.
34、serve somebody right 自作自受
A:Would you please find me another job, Dad?
B:What’s wrong with your job?
A:I’ve lost it.
B:I once told you to work hard, but you always turned a deaf ears to me. It serves you right.
35、for that matter 而且
A:His parents won’t trust him and for that matter, neither do I.
B:But his records are very good.
A:But I like to judge a person from his close friends or kin.
B:It’s also a good ways.
36、free and easy 自由自在;满不在乎
A:Henry is free and easy with his money.
B:Yes, he is. His father is a millionaire.
A:As far I know, wealth hasn’t done him any good. He’s drinking and smoking. He’s even playing truant.
B:I’m really worried about his future.
37、back up 支持
A:I agreed to your proposal at the

meeting this morning. It was a good one.
B:You should have backed me up then when I needed it.
A:The matter was too complicated to explain.
38、wet blanket 使人扫兴的人
A:What do you think of Lucy?
B:She’s a wet blanket!
A:Why do you think so?
B:She sulked during the entire movie yesterday. None of us could enjoy the show.
39、keep somebody at arm’s length 敬而远之;疏远
A:I have a feeling that Lily is not so close to Joe as she used to be.
B:Yeah, when she heard about his background, she decided that she’d better keep him at arm’s length.
A:But Joe feels miserable.
40、be on one’s back 卧病;卧床不起
A:Where’s Eric? I haven’t seen him for quite a few days.
B:He’s on his back now.
A:I’m sorry to hear that. But he was all right last week.
B:Yeah, he was caught in the rain the other days. He has got a very bad cold.
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:49:48
41、make somebody’s blood boil 使……极度愤怒
A:I want to sue the teachers for their physical punishments at school.
B:It’s all right as long as it doesn’t harm the children, or they won’t behave themselves.
A:Why do you also have the stupid idea? That’s brutal! It makes my blood boil to see our daughter standing in class for a long time.
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:50:28
Be tied up
Hook up
Brush up 复习,重温
Round up
Mess up/screw up/louse up
Spice up
Shake things up 打散后重新组合
Dig up
Juice up
Jazz up 使活泼
Pony up 付帐,付钱
Hustle up 快点
Cheer up
Gas up 给汽车加汽油

sten up: to pay attention or listen carefully
Wait up: wait till I catch up
Meet up: join sb, get together with sb
Break it up 结束了
Talk sb up 赞扬,说好话
Rustle up 搞到
Open up
Be held up劫持
Break up with
Line up
Clog up 堵住
Fix sb up 安排
Cross up 欺骗,背弃
Shake up 震动,震惊
Brush up
Grind up
Gear up(飞机)起落架升起
Gang up on合伙整某人
Blow up
Burn sb up
Fill up
Speed up
Mix up
Save up
Dress up
Shut up
Back up
Lighten up
f*k sth up 搞糟,破坏
Catch up with
Come up with想出
Crack sb up让某人爆笑
Throw up
Huddle up
Hurry up
Suck up to讨好,拍马屁
Take up
Perk/pep up
Catch up with
Cook up
Strike up
End up
Knock up (slang) 使女人怀孕
Patch up 修补,平息,和好
Make up for弥补
Turn up(失窃的物品)被发现或找到
Shut up
Pick up
Well up
Spring up
Warm up to
Fire sth up
Set sb up安排某人见面,撮合
Throw up
Line up
Split up
Go freshen up 梳洗一番
Cover sth up
Point up
Bunk up
Make up for
Beat up
Spring up/ crop up/pop up
Bring sth up提出某事
Put up
Pull up
Blaze up燃烧,突然愤怒
Stand sb up(放鸽子)
Show up

Fly out of
Turn out
Sit sth out 袖手旁观
Shake out
Work out 锻炼,健身
Ask sb out约某人出去
Give out(homework)
Cop out逃避
(fire)Die out
Run out of
Wear out 磨损
Slip out溜出
Pass out 昏倒,死
Head out出发
Pan out 成功
Whip it out
Flip out 发疯
Bring out
Leave out 漏掉
Watch out/look out
Slip out:漏嘴
Freak out
Creep out吓坏
Storm out 气匆匆地走出去
Throw out
Sort sth out分类拣出、找到解决途径
Burn out
Phase out 逐步淘汰
Flake out 因疲劳而睡着
Spell sth out讲清楚,详细讲解某事
Pick out
Hold out 支撑。维持
Point out
Run out on/walk out on 抛弃某人
Throw out
Sell out
Crap out 放弃,退出
Seek out 使获得
Miss out 遗漏
Fish out
Call out
Turn in 上床睡觉
Try out 考验
Make out
Sell out背叛
Look out
Pop put of 跳出
Hang out
Out of line
Hand out
Psych out: intimidate sth
Send out

Muscle out 强行逐出
Check it out
Let out
Wipe out (life) 消除,清除
Make out with my girlfriend深吻,发生性关系
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:50:49
Take out
Pick out
Come out
Stick it out坚持做,突出your shirt’s been sticking out of the zipper since you came back ……
Black out
Sort out
Lay out
Dish it out 骂人或揍人
Rat out 出卖
Bow out退出
Hear sb out 听我说完
Straighten out 改正,澄清
Single out
Figure out
Cut out for/to be

Turn sb on
Walk in on 中途进来
be hard on
Move on
Set on
Step on
Cheat on 对某人不忠
Catch on
Border on
Work on
Lug around
Fool around
Goof around
Put on performance
Spy on
Land on we’ve never landed on Jordy. 我们从来没有说过要用Jordy这个名
Focus on
Hang on
Pick on作弄
Hold on
Carry on
Bail on sb背叛,食言 Wendy bailed. I have no waitress.
Plan on

Get over
Win over
How come
Be stuck with
Kick off
Have/take a shot
Go ahead
trade for
let go
hold on
turn sb in把某人送进监狱
put forth
bring on
trade on利用
get in on 参加,参与
bump into
hit on/have a crush on/make a pass at/ come on to
dead on
go for it
send for
calm/cool down
slow down
put sth down
bring down
turn sb down拒绝
take over
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:51:08
kick around 粗暴对待
no kidding
insane/crazy /mad/ nuts/ out of my mind
let down
focus on
hold on
count on

no big deal
fine/cool with me
good for you
there/ here you go
come on in
on behalf of
a little bird told me
make sense
go away
f*k off
cut off
pull off赢得
bugger off 走开,离开(英俚)
piss off
hit off适合
leave off
blow sb off 把某人甩掉
make room for/ make way for
count off
take away
carry away
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:51:27
I deserve it
So what? Do as I say/just do it
Kick one’s ass/ kiss one’s ass
I’m not done yet.

In favor of
As opposed to
Might as well
Be involved with
As far as I’m concerned
Be finished with/ be done with
That is so sweet.
The other way around
Lucky for you
Sleep like a log
Vice versa
Or not
Me neither
Take over

 Go commando不穿内裤
Down to earth
Pull down (money) 挣钱
Pop for: 付钱
Toss and turn
Get in
Run away
Run off with sb=run away with sb
Cut me loose
Bet my bottom dollar
Clear away
Scare away
Gut feeling/reaction 直觉,未经过深思熟虑的
Plus(另外)/ minus(除了,没有)
Lose one’s nerve
On the verge of
Be supposed to
Take it easy
Look forward to
A bunch of
Say grace
Eat away
Give sb the OK允许,同意做某事
Be crazy about
Be mad at
Come on in/come back down/ come on up
You are in good company.
Take a pass on sth不做某事
Go through
On a break
The heck(hell的委婉语)
Step aside
Devote to
A handful of少许
Go off track
Teacher-parent conference家长会
Pretty much基本上
Chip in凑钱、凑份子
Lose track of 失去线索
Go for sth选择,想要吃……
Keep an eye on
Go (to?) the distance
Tit for tat报复
Keep sth down 吞下某物,下咽;小声说话;把头埋下;
Root for sth/sb 全力支持
Send sb in让他进来
Lay off people裁员
Play hardball with玩狠的,来硬的
Be done with/be finished with完成,不再做某事
Per se(by or of itself)就本身而言
In the mood for有什么的心情,情趣
Hand over呈交
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:51:50
Go through
Get through
Put an end to 终结,结束
Ring a bell with唤起一点回忆
Make a fool of oneself
A couple of 一些,几个
Hold on/ hang up别挂/挂断
Are you currently involved with anyone? 你有没有男朋友
In reference to
At gunpoint
Pay off
Take off
Make fun of取笑
Behind someone’s back暗中,在背后
Put through
All of a sudden突然
Bore sb with 让某人烦心
Be allergic to过敏
Hold off doing忍住不做某事
For your information
Pop it in: 快放进去
In a nutshell
Put it off 放弃
Piss off滚开,生气
Hold sb back 拖后腿
Throw away/ cast aside抛开,抛弃
Buzz in
The other way around 相反
Hop in快进来
Play hardball态度强硬
Last but not least
Set sth free
Call off
Hit off 适合,合得来
Show off 卖弄
Drop sb off 放弃
Off the track 离题
Give green light for sth 批准
Be crazy about 非常喜欢 / be mad at 非常生气
Get along with 和某人相处融洽
All of a sudden
The other day/ night
Pull off

Out of the blue 突然
On behalf of
Once in a blue moon 千载难逢
Come to terms with 妥协
On purpose
Drop by 顺便看看
Have an affair with sb 与某人有染
Up and about 病人起床走动
By far 到目前为止
Call for要求
Drive sb crazy
Barge into/in 闯入
Keep their eyes off
Say grace 感恩祷告
Try one’s hand at
Settle in/ down
Lose track of
Pack up
Get down趴下
Put sb through 让某人经受
Get rid of 摆脱,去除
To be exact 准确地来说
Knock off 从帐单中减去, 谋杀,stop working to take a break
Send in 派遣
Check on 盘查,检查
Sound out 试探
Put on two more guys 增加两个人手
Step up 增强
Box sb in 包围某人
Pull over 靠岸,停在路边
Not In the mood 没心情
Give credit for sb赞扬某人
Get sth out 把事情说出来
Stage fright 怯场
Look up 照看
Ramble on 继续漫步
Suck into 卷入某事
Stick up for 为谁辩护
Pick on 作弄,挑剔
Catch on 流行,抓住
Cater for
Teach sb a lesson教训某人
Access to
Cut off 断绝
Turn sth down 拒绝
Give sb a hand 帮手
Give sb one’s hand 答应嫁给某人
Ask for sb’s hand 向某人求婚
Settle down 稳定下来
Bring sth on
Step aside 让开
Push for 为谁争取
Shake off 摆脱,算了吧
Steal one’s thunder 抢某人风头
Up in the air 悬而未决
Give sb away 出卖
Call sth off 取消
Take off 离开
Break sth off 中断,停止
Off the rack = ready made
Be stuck with 被缠着走不开
Steer clear of 避开
Better off过得更好
Trade off 交换,交替
Draw on 根据,利用
Cold feet (对预定好的事情)丧失信心
Embark on从事
Behind one’s back 背地里
For crying out loud=for God’s sake
Pull off 脱
Hold up
Back off 退后
Knock over 打翻,吃掉
Head to/for 朝向……走
Call sb names 骂人
Settle down 平静下来
Fall for sb 爱上某人
Stay away from 远离
Stick around 逗留一会
Wear sth down 使某人厌烦
Drop off 离开
Hang up on sb 挂某人电话
Take back 收回,取消
Cross off 删去
Be rooted in 植根于
have a bone to pick with somebody
on the verge of 在什么边缘
cut sb slack 放松,饶恕
back down 取消,放弃
horse around 胡闹,鬼混
old ball and chain 老伴
turn sth in 上交
close in 白

so to speak 这么说吧
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:52:48
pull back 使(撤退)
put sb on 叫某人听电话
hold to 坚持
slip in 匆忙穿上
be suited (for) 适合
second thoughts: reconsideration
benefit of the doubt: 裁判员对可疑情况无把握时不对有关运动员作不利判定
let me give you the benefit of doubt.
Catch phrase 警句,妙句
Who’s who 名人录
Myocardial infarction 心肌梗塞
Play the field 从事多方面交往,不专一
Gravy train 肥缺
Fair and square 光明正大
Run errands 跑腿
Settle for 接受(不高兴的)事情
Get/be carried away 失去自制或很兴奋
Speak ill of 说坏话
On board 开始接受,理解一个做法
In my defense
Shoot down 击毙
Close call 千钧一发
Take into 说服某人做某事
More often than not/ as often as not: fairly frequently or in a majority of instances
Jerk off: 手淫
Shake off 摆脱
Pull for 接近,靠近
Play hardball: tough or ruthless behavior, especially in politics or business (informal)
Some other time 下次
Turn one’s back on sth 对某物视而不见
Put sth down 把东西放下
Pave the way for铺平道路
Touchy-feely: demonstrative
Stick with 坚持做某事, 跟着某人
Put aside 撇开
By any chance 万一
Hunt sb down 穷追直至抓获
Package deal 一揽子交易
Do a magic trick 变魔术
Follow my lead 听我指挥
Pull strings 幕后操纵
A pain in the ass/ butt/neck: an offensive term for somebody or something that is considered to be extremely annoying or troublesome (slang)
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:54:01
1. All at the same time. 全部都挤在同一个时间。
2. Allow me. 请让我来。

(疯狂注释):当对方并没有提出要求,而你主动提出要帮助对方时,就可以说“Allow me.”。这是一种很有绅士风度、很有礼貌的说法,大都是男士对女士说的。

*A: I need to open this jar. 我得打开这个罐子。

B: Allow me. 让我来吧。

3. Am I getting through to you? 你懂不懂我的意思?

4. Anything you say. 好的/ 随你。

(疯狂注释):“Anything you say.”的根本意思就是“你怎么说,我怎么做”。通常是在不太愿意却又不得不服从的情况下使用。

*A: Get to work. 去工作。

B: Anything you say, boss. 是,老板。

5. Are you ready for this? 你有心理准备吗?

6. As I see it. 依我看。


最好先说“As I see it.”这样语气较为委婉,容易让别人接受。

*As I see it, there is no way out of the problem without losing money. 依我看,想要解决这个问题,在金钱上必然会有损失。

7. Can you handle it? 你能处理/ 解决吗?

*A: This is a difficult situation, son. Can you handle it? 孩子,这个情况很复杂,你能处理吗?

B: Yeah, Dad. Don’t worry. 是的,爸爸。不用担心。8. Catch you later. 以后再聊。

(疯狂注释):“Catch you later.”是用在彼此要离开时说的客套话,表示“再见,以后再聊”。

*A: I’m leaving now.

B: OK. Catch you later.

9. Come see us again. 以后再来看我们。

10. Could I join you? 我可不可以加入?

11. Dear me! / Oh my! 天啊 / 糟了!

12. Do I make myself clear?


13. Don’t ask! 别提了 / 别问了!

Andrew’s Note: If someone asks you a question about a topic you wish to avoid, just use this handy spoken element.


*A: How old are you? 你多大了?

B: Don’t ask! 别问了!

14. Don’t be too sure. 别太肯定。

Andrew’s Note: A great way of responding to people who are over confident of their knowledge and abilities. 这个口语要素对于回应那些对自己的知识和能力过于自信的人非常有用。

15. Don’t drink and drive. 不要酒后驾车。

Andrew’s Note: This is very good advice. 这是一个非常好的忠告。

16. Don’t even think about it. 连想都别想。

17. Don’t make me laugh. 别让我笑了。/ 你别逗了。

(疯狂注释):当你认为对方的话太离谱,你可以说“Don’t make me laugh.”,对方就知道你完全不赞同他所说的话。

*A: One day, I am going to be president.


B: Don’t make me laugh.

18. Don’t speak too soon. 别说得太早。

(疯狂注释):你认为事情还没弄清楚前,不能太早下断言,你可以告诉对方说“Don’t speak too soon.”,也就是告诉对方,“你说的未必对”。

*A: I think I won the election.


B: Careful, don’t speak too soon.


19. Every now and then / Every now and again.


20. Fine with me. 我没问题。

21. Get lost! 滚开!

22. Go for it. 努力干。/ 加油。

23. Have fun! / Have a good time! 玩得愉快!

Andrew’s Note: Instead of saying “good-bye”, Americans often will just say “Have fun!” or “Have a good time!” 美国人常常会用“Have fun!”或者“Have a good time!”来代替“good-bye”,是一种常见的告别方式。

*A: It’s time I met my girlfriend. I really have to go now. 我要去见我女朋友,我现在真的得走了。

B: Have fun!

24. How’s it going? 你好吗?/ 过得怎么样?

25. I am just looking. 我只是到处看看。
meilin 发表于 2007-07-21 16:55:06
(疯狂注释):当你在商店里看东西时,店员通常都会过来问你“Can I help you with something?”如果你还没想好买什么,或者你根本就不想买东西,只是来window shopping,那么这时候你就可以回答说“I am just looking.”

26. I don’t believe this. 我真不敢相信竟然会这样。

Andrew’s Note: This is a good phrase to express exasperation or disbelief without offending someone too much. 这一个用来表达恼怒或怀疑,而又不至于惹火别人的经典口语要素。

*A: Your flight will be delayed for another two hours, sir. 先生,您的班机将再延迟两个小时起飞。

B: I don’t believe this. What’s going on?


27. I guess. 应该可以。

Andrew’s Note: This mild agreement can actually be used to passively disagree if you put enough reluctance in your voice. 如果你的口气表现得十分勉强,这个委婉的同意实际上可以用来表示消极的不同意。

28. I’ll be back soon. 我很快就会回来。

Andrew’s Note: The line” I’ll be back.” Made Austrian actor, Arnold Schwaarfzenegger, a famous American nearly overnight. 《终结者》这部电影中的台词“I’ll be back.”使得奥地利影星阿诺德施瓦辛格几乎在一夜间成为了家喻户晓的美国人。

29. Is that so? 真的吗?

30. It happens often. 那是常有的事。

31. It is becoming traditional.


32. It is inconvenient. 不太方便。

33. It was a stupid mistake. 那是个愚蠢的错误。

34. It was a tie game. / It ended in a tie.

打成平局 / 势均力敌。

*A: How was the football match between Italy and England last night? 昨晚意大利对英格兰的那场球赛如何?

B: It was a tie game. 打成了平局。

35. It was an afterthought. 事后诸葛亮。

36. It’s a good deal. 这是笔好交易。


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