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Chapter one Introduction



Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.

2.普通语言学General Linguistics

The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics.


Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.


4.识别特征Design Features

It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.






Cultural transmission文化传递


There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds.

P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions ⑵Productivity

Animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send.


Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels.


Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.

⑸Cultural transmission

Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species.


Competence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of h is language. 6.语言运用performance

Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.


7.历时语言学Diachronic linguistics

The study of language change through time. a diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time.

8.共时语言学Synchronical linguistics

The study of a given language at a given time.


The abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.


The realization of langue in actual use.


It aims to lay down rules for ”correct” behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say.


A linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/a711923564.html,nguage is not an isolated phenomenon, it’s a social activity carried out in a certain social environment by human beings.




⑴瑞士语言学家F.de Saussure F.de Saussure:Langue和parole的区别

⑵U.S.A linguist N.Chomsky美国语言学家N.Chomsky

in1950针对Saussure’s langue&parole提出Competence和performance ⑶曾经对语言概念下过定义的语言学家

Sapir---language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communication ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols.

Hall----language is the institution whereby humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral-auditory arbitrary symbols.

Chomsky---from now on I will consider language to be a set of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.

⑷U.S.A Linguist Charles Hockett美国语言学家Charles Hockett

提出了语言的识别特征design features

3.the word ’language’ preceded by the zero-article ,it implies that linguistics studies not any particular language.


4.in order to discover the nature of the underlying language system ,what the linguists has to do first if to study language facts.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/a711923564.html,nguage is a complicated entity with multiple layers and facts, so it's

hardly possible for the linguistics to deal with it all at once. 判断题6.Frist drew the attention of the linguists were the sounds used in languages.最先引起语言学家注意的是语言的发音。


1.what are major branches of linguistics? what does each study? Phonetics----it’s defined as the study of the phonic medium of language, it’s concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages. Phonology---the study of sounds systems—the inventory of distinctive sounds that occur in a language and the patterns into which they fall. Morphology---It’s a branch of a grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.

Syntax-------it's a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of a language.

Semantics---It’s simply defined as the study of meaning in abstraction. Pragmatics---the study of meaning in context of words. Sociolinguistics—the study of language with reference to society. Psycholinguistics---the study of language with reference to the working of the mind.

Applied linguistics---the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning.

2.why do we say language is arbitrary?

Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection


实用标准文案 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.Linguistics:语言学It is generally defined as the scientific study of language. ( Linguistics studies not any particular language ,but it studies language in general) 2.General linguistics:普通语言学The study of language as a whole is called general linguistics. (language is a complicated entity with multiple layers and facets ) https://www.doczj.com/doc/a711923564.html,nguage:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 4.descriptive (描述性):A linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use. 5.prescriptive(规定性): It aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behaviors. i.e. what they should say and what they should not to say. 6.synchronic(共时语言学): the description of language at some point of time in hiatory 7.diachronic (历时语言学):the description of language as it changes through time 3) speech(口语)Writing(书面语) These the two media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written. (speech is prior to writing) https://www.doczj.com/doc/a711923564.html,ngue(语言): refers to abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of the speech community. It is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by. Such as: In English sentence must have subject and predicate. 9.parole(言语):refers to the realization of langue in actual use. It is concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules. (Saussure ) https://www.doczj.com/doc/a711923564.html,petence(语言能力): the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language 11.performance(语言应用):the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. (Chomsky) traditional grammar and modern linguistics 1.linguistics is descriptive,while traditional grammar is prescriptive 2.modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary,not the writer. 3. also in that it does not force languages into a latin-based framework. Functions of language. 精彩文档


第8章英语语言的应用(I) I. Fill in the blanks. 1. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the _____ of, or the _____the utterance. (人大2004研) 【答案】consequence, change brought about by 【解析】言外行为指说话的效果。 2. When a teacher says “The exam this year is going to be really difficult”, the sentence would have an _____force. (清华2001研,清华2000研) 【答案】illocutionary 【解析】言外行为,表达说话人的意图。 3. _____ were sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable. 【答案】Performatives 【解析】施为句是用来做事的,既不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证其真假。 II. Multiple Choices. 1. The speech act theory was developed by _____.(对外经贸2006研) A. John Searle B. John Austin

C. Levinson D. G. Leech 【答案】B 【解析】言语行为理论是哲学家约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出的。它从哲学意义上对语言交际的本质进行解释,其目的在于回答”用语言干什么”这个问题。 2. Point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest. (Focus on the type of illocutionary act) (南京大学2007研) A. threaten B. advise C. beseech D. urge 【答案】A 【解析】A为命令性言语行为,而其他三项为指示性言语行为。 3. _____ is using a sentence to perform a function. (西安外国语学院2006研) A. A perlocutionary act B. An illocutionary act C. A locutionary act D. Speech act 【答案】D 【解析】约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出言语行为理论, 此理论对语言交际的


Chapter one Introduction 1.1什么是语言学 1.1.1定义 语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 1.1.2The scope of linguistics语言学分支必考P2 普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics.(语音学) The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音位学) The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学) The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax(句法学) The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学) The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学) 1.1.3 Some important distinctions in linguistics 成对的概念辨析差异必考P3 (1)Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写 If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive. Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive. The task of linguists is supposed to describe the language


Chapter Three Morphology形态学 一、定义 1. Morphology形态学:t he study of the internal structure of words (内部研究), and the rules by which words are formed. 对单词的内部结构和单词构成规则的研究。 2. Morpheme 词素:The smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function. 最小的语言单位,携带信息的意义或功能。 二、知识点 3.2 Distinctions between open and close classes word 1. Open class words开放性词类: In English, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs make up the largest part of vocabulary. They are content words of a language.,which are sometimes called open class words, since new words can be added to these classes regularly. 在英语中,名词、动词、 形容词和副词占词汇的绝大部分。他们是一门语言中的实义词,由于我们经常可以在这类词中加入新词,所以他们有时也称开放性词类。 2. Close classes word封闭性词类:Conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns is small and stable since few new words are added , therefore such words have been referred to as closed class words. 构成连词、介词、冠词和代词的词相对较少,通常不添加新词,所以被称为封闭性词类。


《英语语言学概论》课程教学大纲 一、课程说明: 《语言学概论》课程是英语专业本科阶段的一门必修课。 《语言学概论》研究始于20世纪初,其目的是揭示人类深层结构,对语言和语言交际作出客观、科学描述。现已形成了语音学、音系学、形态学、句法学、语义学、语用学等一系分支学科。语言学研究社会 学等人文学科的结合逐步形成了社会语言学这样的交叉学科。 对于主修语言学的学生来说,了解语言学的知识和语言理论是完 全必要和有益的。 本课程的对象是英语专业高年级学生,在本科阶段第6学期和第7学期开设。其中第一、二、三、四、五、七、八、十一章为必修,其 余章节为选修。 二、教学目的及要求: 本课程的具体要求是:比较全面,系统地了解《语言学概论》这 一领域的研究成果,以及一些最主要、最有影响的语言理论和原则, 从而加深对人类语言这一人类社会普遍现象的理性认识,并具备一定的运用语言学理论解释语言现象、解决具体语言问题的能力。 本课程是一门知识性比较强的课程。在教学过程中,应重点讲授 主要理论、原则、和研究方法,使学生着重掌握基本概念和基本理论,在理解消化的基础上记忆。 本课程的对象是英语专业学生,在讲解过程中原则上采用英语范 例,但不排除一些有助于学习者理解的、针对性强的汉语例子。应鼓

励学生结合自己的语言实践提供更多的例子来解释相关理论,以达到理论和实践相结合的目的。 三、教学重点与难点: 本课程的教学重点是语言学的基本知识和基本理论,语音学、词汇学、句法学、语义学和语用学这些语言学的核心内容。 本课程的教学难点是音韵学理论、句法结构和各个语言学流派的理论观点及其局限性。 四、与其它课程的关系: 本课程是一门主干性课程。与其相关的课程,如语法学、词汇学和语体学等都是语言学的分支,属于选修课程。 五、学时与学分: 学时:72学时 学分:4学分 六、教学内容: 第一章绪论 本章主要教学内容: 1.语言学习的意义。 2.语言的定义。 3.语言的定义特征。 4.语言的起源。 5.语言的功能。 6.语言学的定义。


《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版练习题参考答案 Chapter 1 Introduction 1. How do you interpret the following definition of linguistics: Linguistics is the scientific study of language. 答:Linguistics is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure. In order to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language system, the linguists has to collect and observe language facts first, which are found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made about them; then he formulates some hypotheses about the language structure. The hypotheses thus formed have to be checked repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity. In linguistics, as in any other discipline, data and theory stand in a dialectical complementation, that is, a theory without the support of data can hardly claim validity, and data without being explained by some theory remain a muddled mass of things. 2. What are the major branches of linguistics? What does each of them study? 答:The major branches of linguistics are: (1) phonetics: it studies the sounds used in linguistic communication; (2) phonology: it studies how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication; (3) morphology: it studies the way in which linguistic symbols representing sounds are arranged and combined to form words; (4) syntax: it studies the rules which govern how words are combined to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages;


新编简明英语语言学知识点汇总1 Introduction 1.1 What is linguistics? Scientific study of language.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Characteristics: ①language is system,elements of language are combined according to the rules;

②language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what it stands for, A rose by any other name would smell as well; ③language is vocal because the primary medium for all language is sound; Language is a system which consists of two structures. At the lower level there is a structure of sounds,which are meaningless by themselves.But the sounds can grouped or regrouped together into a larger numbers of units of meaning such as morpheme or words,which are found at the higher level of system(carp & park).Then the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite numbers of sentences;


第30卷第2期湖北广播电视大学学报V ol.30, No.2 2010年2月 Journal of HuBei TV University February. 2010, 128~129 浅谈高校英语语言学教学问题及对策分析 张 廷 (陇东学院 英语系,甘肃 庆阳 745000) [内容提要]语言学是英语专业的一门基础学科,但是由于其理论性较强,语言学的教学存在教师和学生双方面的问题,本文分析当前高校英语语言学教学的现状及存在的问题并结合笔者的教学实践提出了相应的教学方法与对策。 [关键词] 英语语言学;教学问题;对策 [中图分类号] G42 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1008-7427(2010)02-0128-02 1.引言 英语语言学是英语专业一门重要的课程,其主要目标是研究语言现象和语言现象之间的联系和规律,帮助学生了解语言的本质,结构和规律,从而运用语言学知识解释各种语言活动。随着社会经济的发展,社会对外语人才的要求标准不再是专业化,而是实用性,由于语言学过于理论化,语言学课程面临着教师望而却步,学生束手无策的考验。本文通过分析当前英语语言学教学的现状及存在的主要问题,结合笔者几年来的教学情况,总结和分析了英语专业语言学教学存在的主要问题,并提出了教学改进的方法与对策。 2.国内语言学教学现状及存在的问题 目前,英语语言学的教学存在许多有待解决的问题,如教学内容相对陈旧,教学忽视对学生创新精神的培养,对学生的评价只注重单一的考试形式,学生的语言学学习方式比较单一,缺乏自主探究和合作学习的时间和机会,对他们的情感和态度关注较少等等。 国内编著的英语语言学教材较少,并且有的教材内容相对陈旧,没有涉及到很多最新的研究成果;有的教材虽然内容较全,被各大学英语系广泛使用,例如,胡壮麟教授主编的《语言学教程》一书,此书虽然好,但在教学过程中,很多学生反映教材较难,生词和术语较多,许多概念很难理解;很多老师也感到不好教,感到用英语理解、讲解和表达有一定的难度、对老师知识的深度和广度要求比较高,因此语言学教学的经验和相关教学信息也较少。 以上现象导致了两方面的问题:一是教师不满意教学效果,尽管费了很大的力,他们对语言学理论的解释达不到《高等学校英语专业教学大纲》(以下简称《大纲》)的要求;二是学生对学习目的很茫然,大部分学生忙于记忆生单词、背诵术语和定义,时间和精力用了很多,但是最终没有明白语言学学习目的的所在。 下面作者从教师必备的知识体系入手,试着找出导致以上问题的原因: 2.1 教师所具备的理论知识较片面,不能有效指导教学实践根据Cochran-Smith和Lytle(1999)的观点,理论知识(knowledge for practice)是研究人员和学者研究的成果和理论,包括专业知识、教育理论知识、关于人类发展的只是、指导课堂组织的理论知识、教学法知识、评价理论知识、社会文化知识等;理论知识为教师的实践提供指导。 然而,教师往往只注重专业知识的积累和提高,对教育理论知识、心理学知识等却有所忽视,因此,教师在课程教学中只传递语言学知识,却没有注意学生的接受情况,没有与学生进行双向互动交流。换言之,整个授课过程以课程知识为中心,而没有以学生为中心,忽视了学生的主观能动性。 2.2 教师对实践知识的积累缺乏敏感性 Cochran-Smith和Lytle(1999)把实践知识(knowledge in practice)定义为教师个人反思自己的教学实践而得出的知识,如教师通过行动研究得出的体会等。由于对这方面的积累缺乏敏感性,教师在实践过程中没有及时反思教学得失,因此,其实践知识的积累也受到了影响。 2.3 教师缺乏团队合作精神,实践知识没有提升 在实践教学中,教师需要组成学习团体,对理论知识在应用过程中所产生的问题进行探讨,提升为新的知识体系,并以此来支持大纲的修订、课程的设置等。平时教学中教师之间缺乏交流与合作,因此缺少对个人经验的提升,影响了教师知识体系的更新,直接影响了教学效果。 2.4 教学没有注意联系实际,与《大纲》所规定的“培养学生分析语言现象的能力”相违背 从学科特点看,语言学是一门学术性、理论性较强的专业知识课,其内容的开放性决定了它是一门信息含量很大的课程。但由于授课时数的限制,教师在讲授时只能抽象简略地对一些基本理论进行概述,而没有训练学生分析语言现象的基本能力。 3.教学方法与对策 现有语言学教学方法主要采取满堂灌的方式,因此导致学生缺乏学习兴趣。而教师的角色任务是根据某一社会所规定的教育目的和学生身心发展的特点去培养人才(周国韬等,1998)。为了提高学生的语言学学习效率,取得良好的教学效果,教师必须扮演好自己的角色,积极探讨新的教学方法,调动学生的学习积极性,促进其智力因素的发展,帮助学生构建自己的语言学知识体系,培养学生的思维能力和创新能力。 针对以上问题,在教师方面,应当尽量做到: (1)转变教学理念,从以内容、知识为中心的教学转向以学习为中心的教学模式,从传授知识为中心转向以培养能力为中心的模式。 (2)经常对自己的教学内容进行反思:希望自己的学生 [收稿日期]2009-11-18


第10章认知语言学 10.1 复习笔记 本章要点: 1. Cognitive linguistics 认知语言学 2. Categorization and categories 范畴化与范畴 3. Conceptual metaphor and metonymy 概念隐喻与转喻 4. Iconicity and grammaticalization 象似性与语法化 常考考点: 认知语言学定义;范畴化与范畴定义分类等;概念隐喻与转喻的定义,层次分类;象似性的分类以及语法化等。 本章内容索引: I. Definition of cognitive linguistics II. Categorization and categories

1. Definition of categorization 2. The classical theory 3. The prototype theory 4. Levels of categorization III. Conceptual metaphor and metonymy 1. Conceptual metaphor 2. Conceptual metonymy IV. Iconicity 1. Iconicity of order 2. Iconicity of distance 3. Iconicity of complexity V. Grammaticalization I. Definition of cognitive linguistics (认知语言学定义) 【考点:名词解释】 Cognitive linguistics is an approach to the analysis of natural language that focuses on language as an instrument for organizing, processing, and conveying information. 认知语言学是一种研究自然语言的方法,集中研究语言组织,处理与传达信息的作用。 II. Categorization and categories (范畴化与范畴) 1. Definition of categorization and categories (定义)


一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。 4.识别特征Design Features It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。 Arbitrariness任意性 Productivity多产性 Duality双重性 Displacement移位性 Cultural transmission文化传递 ⑴arbitrariness There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it


新编简明英语语言学教程 Chapter one Introduction 一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。 4.识别特征Design Features It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。 Arbitrariness任意性 Productivity多产性 Duality双重性

Displacement移位性 Cultural transmission文化传递 ⑴arbitrariness There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions ⑵Productivity Animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send. ⑶Duality Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels. ⑷Displacement Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. ⑸Cultural transmission Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species. 5.语言能力Competence


《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版第4章练习题参考答案Chapter 4 Syntax 1. What is syntax? Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. 2. What is phrase structure rule? The grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements (i.e. specifiers, heads, and complements) that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule. The phrase structural rule for NP, VP, AP, and PP can be written as follows: NP →(Det) N (PP) ... VP →(Qual) V (NP) ... AP →(Deg) A (PP) ... PP →(Deg) P (NP) ... We can formulate a single general phrasal structural rule in which X stands for the head N, V, A or P. 3. What is category? How to determine a word's category? Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. To determine a word's category, three criteria are usually employed, namely meaning, inflection and distribution. 若详细回答,则要加上: Word categories often bear some relationship with its meaning. The meanings associated with nouns and verbs can be elaborated in various ways. The property or attribute of the entities denoted by nouns can be elaborated by adjectives. For example, when we say that pretty lady, we are attributing the property ‘pretty’ to the lady designated by the noun. Similarly, the properties and attributes of the actions, sensations and states designated by verbs can typically be denoted by adverbs. For example, in Jenny left quietly the adverb quietly indicates the manner of Jenny's leaving. The second criterion to determine a word's category is inflection. Words of different categories take different inflections. Such nouns as boy and desk take the plural affix -s. Verbs such as work and help take past tense affix -ed and progressive affix -ing. And adjectives like quiet and clever take comparative affix -er and superlative affix -est. Although inflection is very helpful in determining a word's category, it does not always suffice. Some words do not take inflections. For example, nouns like moisture, fog, do not usually take plural suffix -s and adjectives like frequent, intelligent do not take comparative and superlative affixes -er and -est.

新编简明英语语言学 Chapter 8 Language and society

Chapter 8 Language and society语言和社会 知识点: 1.*Definition: sociolinguistics; regional dialect; sociolect; idiolect; Received Pronunciation 2.Relatedness between language and society 3.*Varieties of language 4.*Halliday’s register theory 5.Degree of formality 6.Standard Dialect 7.# Pidgin and Creole 8.*#Bilingualism vs. diglossia 考核目标: 识记:*Definition: sociolinguistics; regional dialect; sociolect; idiolect; Received Pronunciation 领会:Relatedness between language and society; Varieties of language; Degree of formality; Degree of formality; Standard Dialect; Pidgin and Creole 简单应用:Bilingualism vs. diglossia 综合应用:Halliday’s register theory 一、定义 1.Sociolinguistics 社会语言学: is s the sub-field of linguistics that studies relation between language and society, between the ues of language and the social structures in which the users of lamguage live. 社会语言学是语言学中的一个次领域,它研究语言与社会的关系,以及语言的运用和语言使用者所在的社会结构之间的关系。 2.regional dialect地域方言:is a linguistic variety used by people living in the same geographical region.地域方言是指生活在同一地理区域的人所使用的语言变体。 3.sociolect社会方言:has to do with separation brough about by different social comditions.社会方言是与由不同社会条件所造成的分离相关的。 4.idiolect个人方言:is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations.个人方言是个体言者的个人方言,它结合了又关地域、社会、性别和年龄的变体成分。 5.received pronunciation(RP)标准发音: in British English, which had become characteristic of upper class speech throughout the country by the 19th century. 在十九世纪成为全国上层阶级的特点。


第13章英语语言变体(Ⅰ) 13.1 复习笔记 【本章要点】 1. Regional dialects of English 地域方言 2. Social dialects of English 社会方言 3. Styles of English 英语语体 4. Genres and registers of English 英语语类和语域 【本章考点】 方言的定义;地域方言;社会方言;英语正式语体和非正式语体;英语语类;语域。 【本章内容索引】 Ⅰ. Regional dialects of English Ⅱ. Social dialects of English Ⅲ. Styles of English Ⅳ. Genres and registers of English Ⅰ. Regional dialects of English(地域方言) Dialect: A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region or by a specific social class is called a dialect.

方言:是指在一个特定的区域或一个特定的社会阶层内所使用的能够识别的语言变体。 Like other languages, English may vary in its use in different places and at different historical times. The former results in regional or geographical dialects. It is worth noting that the social value of a regional dialect or variety reveals the social status of its speakers. 同其他语言一样,在不同区域范围和历史发展阶段中,英语的使用方法可能不同。由于地域不同所产生的语言变体就是地域方言。值得注意的是,地域方言或变体的使用体现语言使用者的社会地位。 Ⅱ. Social dialects of English(社会方言) English also varies with the social attributes of its speakers, resulting in what is called social dialects (also termed “social-class dialects”, “sociolects”, or “class dialects”). Often, they arise from the separation brought about by different social conditions. 社会方言,或社会阶层方言,是指具有某一特定社会阶层特征的语言变体。体现使用者的社会属性。通常,社会方言是由不同社会条件所造成的分离引起的。 Ⅲ. Styles of English(英语语体) English, like Chinese, makes a distinction between two styles: formal style and informal style. 和汉语一样,英语也有两种语体:正式语体和非正式语体。 Formal Style: It occurs in social contexts that are formal, serious, often official in

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