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A .B. C. D E

5.__________._________ 4._________ 1. __________ 2.__________ 3(二)听句子,选答语(每小题1分,共5分)


6.A. Yes , it does . B. Yes , it is . C. Yes , you are .

7. A. Twenty -for hours . B. Twelve months . C. Four seasons .

8. A. By subway . B. He's fine . C. For fifteen minutes .

9. A. It's sunny .

B. It's in our class .

C. It's in

Renmin Road .

10. A. Yes , I am . B. Yes , he has . C. Yes , he does .

15分)(三)对话理解(每小题1分,共A. 听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。每段对


11. What's the boy's favorite season

C. Spring . B. Summer . A. Autumn .

12. How many European countries has the woman been to

C. Five . B. Four . A. Three.

13. Where has the woman been twice

Palace C. A. Summer Palace . B. The Great Wall .

Museum . 14. How long has Mary been studying Chinese

B. Since she was 5 years old .

C. Chinese . A. English .

15. What is Tony interested in

C. Swimming .A. Skating . B. Running .

对话读两遍。小题。听第一段长对话,根据对话内容回答第16~17B. 16. Whom does the man want to talk with

C. Dr. Black . B. Jim . A. Mr White

s phone number 17. What's Dr Black' C. 7722-1069. B. 7723-1058 . .

20小题。对话读两遍。~C.听第二段长对话,根据对话内容回答第18 18. What are the two speakers talking about

a C. Taking B. Visiting a friend . A. Shopping .

vacation . How long will the man be away from home 19.

A. 16 days .

B. 10 days .

C. 2 days .

20. Where is the man going for his vacation

A. Hong Kong .

B. Hong Kong and Tibet .

C. Tibet .



21. Where does Sarah come from

A. America .

B. France .

C. Australia .

22. How long has Sarah been in China

A. Two years .

B. Three months .

C. One year .

23. What is Sarah

A. A student .

B. A teacher .

C. A tour guide .

24. What's Sarah's dream

A. To be a teacher .

B. To be a tour guide .

C. To be a

reporter .

25. How does Sarah study languages

A. By making a lot of friends .

B. By listening to the radio every day .

C. By going to a language school .


听一篇短文,根据短文内容补全以下信息,每空填一词,将单词写在答题卡上。短文读两遍。The trip to the Film Museu

Visiting timOn 26 .

By 27 How to go there

Is 28 dollars for each Cost

A 29 and a notebook What to take

Where to have lunchIn the museum dining 30




1.A lot of animals wake up at night .

2.Many people like to visit Water Park in summer .

3.Mickey Mouse is my favorite Disneyland character .

4.The best time to fly kites is in spring .

5.Li lei goes skating every day .



6.Was this your first skating marathon

How many months are there in a year 7.

8.How is Mike going to the space museum

9.Excuse me . Where is the nearest hotel , please

10.Does your brother like collecting shells


A. 听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。

11. M: I like basketball best . What about you ,Mary

W: I like volleyball best . I often play it after school .

12. M: Have you ever been to any European countries

W: Yes . I have been to France , Australia , Canada and the USA .

13. M: I haven't been to the Great Wall . How about you ,Linda

W: I have been there twice . It's really wonderful .

14. M: Do you like history, Mary

W: No, I don't . I like Chinese best of all.

M: How long have you been studying Chinese

W: Since I was 5 years old.

15. W: I like skating and running very much. What about you, Tony

M: I'm interested in swimming.


W: Hello, is that Dr Black's office

M: Yes, it is. May I help you

W: Yes, I'd like to speak to Dr Black, please.

M: Sorry, Dr. Black is not here . He went home this afternoon . May I ask who is calling

W: This is Jim White.

M: Oh, hello, Mr White ! Dr Black asked me to give you his home phone number .

W: Just a moment , please . Yes , what's the number

M: His number is 7723-1059 .

W: OK. Thank you very much .


W: When are you going to take your vacation, Tom

– day vacation starting from July 1 .

stst M: On July 1. I have a sixteen

W: Where are you going

M: Tibet and Hong Kong.

W: That's interesting. Is your wife going with you

M: Yeah. We'll stay in Tibet for ten days and spend the rest of the time in Hong Kong. Then we plan to climb some mountains, go swimming and do some shopping.

W: Have a good trip.



My name is Sarah. I come from Sydney, Australia. I have been in Beijing for

four years. I am an exchange student here. When I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a tour guide, because I like traveling very much . My dream hasn't changed. I know I need to learn more languages if I want to be a good tour guide.

I have taken lessons at the Language College for two and a half years. This school

has really helped me a lot with different languages. I think my dream will come true soon.


听一篇短文,根据短文内容补全以下信息,每空填一词,将单词写在答题卡上。短文读两遍。 Boys and girls, attention, please. The school trip is coming. We are going

to visit the Film Museum on Saturday. There are many interesting things there.

We have to leave at 8:40 in the morning, so please don't be late. And we'll get there by bus.

What else Oh yes, the cost. It will be thirteen dollars for each student. And everyone of you will need to take a pen and a notebook with you. I want you to write down the things you see at the museum. Then we will have lunch in the museum dining hall, so you don't need to bring any food. That's all. Thank you.

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