当前位置:文档之家› 初三英语上册单元测试题





1. 扩展知识面,提高阅读、分析能力

2. 扩大单词量,学会一些词组的用法

Reading of Unit 1 : Old phone , true friend.

一. Key words and phrases (重点词汇)

1. mobile adj 可移动的

2. ashamed adj 惭愧的、害臊的

3. old - fashioned adj. 过时的、老式的

4. outdated adj 过时的

5. fashionable adj 时髦的、时尚的

6. actually adv. 实际上

7. latest adj 最新的,最近的

8. embarrassed adj 尴尬的

9. main adj 主要的

1. on one’s way to 在去…的路上

2. be ashamed of 由于…感到害臊

3. behind the times 过时的

4. at the time 当时

全国服务热线:400-618-2005 (旧手机,真朋友)

6. worst of all 最糟糕的是

7. make sb do sth 使某人做某事(如make people laugh)

8. status symbol 身份的象征

9. if … or not 是否

10. spend …on sth 在…上花费(金钱或时间)

11. be with sb 与某人在一起

12. fit in with sb 与…相处融洽

二. Questions before reading. (热身练习)


以帮助我们对文章更好的理解。To answer these questions , we should use our background knowledge .

Also , it can help us get a better understanding of the text.

For example , “How long has that model been around ? ”

be around 意思是“在某领域或行业中,活跃而突出”。因此,这句话我们可以译成“这一款手机已经


You can answer like that “It has been around for about half a year. ” 又如“What special things can it do ? ”他有什么特别的用途?现在的手机用途可谓多种多样,无所不能,所以也可以这样回答。

It can sing the songs , play cool tunes , send fast messages , surf the Internet , take photos , use as a recorder , and so on.




三. Summarizing each paragraph. (总结每段的大意)




如we were on our way to the restaurant , “我们去饭店的路上”这一状况不可能瞬间发生就结束的,



Somebody knocked at the door while we were having supper.


2. What phone you have says a lot about you to some people these days. 现在,

你拥有什么样的手机会向别人透露许多你的信息。句中What phone you have 是主语从句,意思是你拥有什么样的手机又如:What you said made me terrified.



times : 指时代、时势、境况,the times 指当代

eg. What wonderful times we live in ! 我们生活在多么了不起的时代啊!in ancient times 在古代

4. I was glad to be like my friends who all had mobile phones. 我非常高兴能像我那些有手机的朋友们一样。

like 介词,像…一样用于系动词后面如be like.

又如look like 看起来像

The story sounds like a beautiful song.

这个故事听起来像一首优美的歌曲。hard times 艰难时世



5. I often think my old phone will make people laugh.


make people laugh 使人发笑

make 是使役动词,我们经常用make sb do sth . 使某人做某事

请注意make 后面直接加动词原形,而不能加不定式to .

又如:If you have the latest model , it can make you look good in front of your friends.


“make you look good”使你看起来很有面子。

类似的使役动词还有have , let 。

eg. The teacher had some students stay in the classroom after school. 放学后老师让一些学生仍留在教室里。

If you have a new idea , please let me know.


6. Why do I spend money on a new model when I won’t use everything it has and I wouldn’t

even know how to anyway ?







7. Giving it up would be like saying goodbye to an old friend just because he or she doesn’

t fit in with my new , fashionable friends.



在这一句中,giving it up 是动名词短语做主语。

fit in (with sb)意思是与…相处融洽,与…相配


五. Culture Note (文化背景)

For many people , having a mobile phone is a status symbol . They like to show others that

they have one and use it often . But mobile phones can be very annoying for other people in

many situations . When you are with someone else in a social or business context , you should

not answer the phone unless you are expecting an important call . Otherwise , you are saying

that the person you are with is not as important as other people.





对于中学生而言,也容易引起攀比,虚荣的风气。有手机有利有弊。Reading of Unit 2 : E-mail English (E-mail英语)

一. Key words and phrases (重点词汇)

1. save v. 节省节约

2. chat line n. 热线交谈服务

3. mostly adv. 几乎全部地,主要地

4. acronym n. 首字母缩拼词,首字母组合词

5. homophone n. 同音异义词

6. emotive n. 表情符号

7. mark n. 符号,记号

8. indicate v. 标示,指示

9. expression n. 表情,表达,措辞

10. comprehend v. 理解、领会

11. describe v. 描绘、描述

Phrases :

1. be made up of 由…组成

2. sound like 听起来像

3. take sb …to do sth 花费某人(多长时间)去做某事

4. can’t stop doing sth 禁不住做某事

5. instead of 代替,而不是…

6. make faces 做鬼脸

7. consist of 由…组成,由…构成


9. stand for 代表代替

10. face to face 面对面

11. such as 例如

二. Warming - up (热身练习)

E-mail English ,这篇文章相当富有时代感,因为e-mail英语是近年来随着因特网的飞速传播而迅速



BTW by the way

F2F →Face to face

OIC→Oh , I see !

CU→See you .

How Ru→How are you !

GR 8 →Great !


1. Hi , how RU ? Let’s meet 4 dinner and then C a movie 2night .

2. Good idea . BTW , I’m at school until 5 : 30 Cu ! :-)


1. Hi , how are you ? Let’s meet for dinner and then see a movie tonight.

2. Good idea , By the way . I’m at school until 5:30 . See you ! (Happy face)




解e-mail English 的一些简单规律,也做为我们增长见识的一个方面。

三. Main ideas of each paragraph. (段落大意)

Paragraph 1 : Where e-mail English comes from.

Paragraph 2 : How new e-mail words are made.

Paragraph 3 : E-mail words that save space.

Paragraph 4 : Using sounds in new e-mail words.

Paragraph 5 : Using faces in e-mail English

3. Paragraph 6 : Teachers and e-mail English .

四. Key Points (重点分析)

1. E-mail English is a new kind of English that many people use to save time . E-mail 英语是


that many people use to save time 是定语从句,用来修饰先行词,new kind of English .

注意use to 和used to 的区别



save time 节省时间save space 节省空间

save money 则是攒钱的意思

2. The first kind is made up of the first letters of other words. These are called acronyms.

第一种是由单词的首字母组合而成,被称为首字母组合词。在这两个句子中,is made up of , are

called 都涉及到了一个重要的语法现象,被动语态结构:“be +动词的过去分词” 在英语中,有主动和被动两种语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承




He wrote the letter . 他写了信(写信的动作是由主语他发出的)为主动语态。The letter was written by him. 那封信是他写的。


eg. 1. These are called acronyms. 这些被称做首字母组合词。eg2. His bike has been stolen. 他的自行车被人偷走了。




eg. I spend my free time mostly watching TV . 我闲暇时大多在看电视。eg. There are only 7 girls in our PE class , so the class is mostly boys.


4. Other acronyms are F2F which stands for face to face , CSL for can’t stop laughing and

… , 其他的首字母缩写词有F2F 代表face to face. CSL代表can’t stop laughing 以及…。

which 引导了定语从句修饰先行词F2F.

stand for 表示…代表… 为…的缩写

eg. U.S.A stands for United States of America.

5. look like 看起来像

sound like 听起来像

6. For example , 8 sounds like -eat in great , so to save time , people write gr8.

比如,8听起来像great 中eat [eit]的发音,因此为了节省时间,人们就写成了gr8[来代表great]。

to save time 为了节省时间,动词不定式做目的状语。

7. Other punctuation marks , such as commas , help add other parts of the face and indicate

different expressions.



such as 比如说,例如。

8. Your best friend will probably understand it ,but your parents and teachers might not.


what it means 是宾语从句,做动词comprehend 的宾语。


五. Culture Note(文化背景)

What’s the difference between an e-mail and a letter ? E-mails are a fast and easy way of

contacting friends , family and business associates , but fast is not always best . For formal

situations , such as notices about births , deaths and marriages , it’s still preferable to send e-mail . In business , it’s best to reply in the way you have been contacted ; if you

have been sent a letter , sent a letter back . Also , be careful what you write in an e-mail .

Often people do not check , their ideas , spelling and grammar and may look foolish to whoever

reads the message.








一. 翻译下列词组

1. 由于…感到害臊__________

2. 过时的__________

3. 发短信__________

4. 最糟糕的是__________

5. 身份的象征

6. 与某人在一起__________

7. 听起来像__________

8. 禁不住做某事__________

9. 代表、代替__________

10. 面对面__________

11. 例如__________

12. 做鬼脸__________


1. symbol

a. not modern

b. sending text messages with a mobile phone

c. words that only some people understand

d. understand

e. feeling embarrased about something

f. a picture that means something 2. comprehend 3. SMS 4. ashamed 5. secret code 6. behind the times


Since mobile phones are more and more popular , many teenagers have their own

phones . But

do you know the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones ?

Put the following sentences in the right places , please . (请将句子代号填入表格的横线


1. You can make a call anywhere.

2. Mobile phones can make a lot of noise , especially in a class , or at a meeting .

3. It can be used as a notebook because it can keep many phone numbers.

4. It harms people’s physical health.

5. You can take photos with it and then send them to your friends or relatives.

6. You can send fast messages and it costs less than making phone calls.

7. It’s easy to be robbed.

8. It’s dangerous to receive a call while riding and driving. 全国服务热线:400-618-2005

四. 阅读理解:

A: Cats Have Nine Lives

There is a saying that cats have nine lives . A recent study examined why . Scientists carried out a study of cats which had fallen out of windows of buildings . Nine out of ten

remained alive after a fall of two storeys or more . One cat which fell from the 32nd floor of

a building only broke a tooth . Interestingly , the cats were in greatest danger of being killed if they fell from the seventh floor . Falling from either a lesser or greater height gave them a better chance of survival (生存).

Damage (损伤)to a body depends on how fast it hits the ground , which in turn depends on

how far it has fallen . But it’s not quite that simple because , as an object falls through the air , the air holds it back and slows the object down . After a while the object stops accelerating (加速)and continues at a fixed speed . This is the terminal (临界)speed .

Bulky (庞大的)things have a lower terminal speed because there is a larger area for the air

to push up on . Heavy things have a higher terminal speed because they push down


against the air . Cats have a lower terminal speed than falling people , for example , because


slowly and are less

likely to be hurt.

Then what does the seventh floor matter ? This is the distance cats take to reach their terminal speed . After the seventh floor , they may relax and spread out their legs like a

flying squirrel and change their falling position so that they may land on their feet . This

would slow them down and allow their muscles to reduce the force of impact (冲击),and thus

reduce the damage.

1. The scientists came to a conclusion that a fall from the _____ floor was most likely to

kill a cat.

A. sixth

C. 33rd B. eighth

D. seventh

2. A falling cat has a lower terminal speed than a falling man because it is _____.

A. bigger but heavier

B. bigger and stronger

C. lighter but relatively bigger

D. smaller and lighter

3. A fall from higher than a seventh floor allows the falling cat _____.

A. to have time to reduce its falling speed

B. to relax and spread out its legs and to land on a safer position

C. to reach the ground softly on its back


4. Which of the following pictures best shows the usual sight of a cat falling from the eighth floor shortly before it hits the ground ?

5. Do cats really have nine lives ?

A. Yes , they do.

B. No , they don’t.

C. Yes , it does.

D. No , it doesn’t.

B. The Cats : First Eat , Then Wash

There is a story which tells how Man wanted to build a house . First he asked Dog to help

him . Dog was not interested and said he wouldn’t . Then Man asked Cat. Cat was pleased to


fire . As for Dog ,

Man told him he would have to sleep out of doors . That is why dogs often sleep outside , but

cats seldom do.

Do you know why the cat eats first and washes afterwards ? One day the unfortunate (不走

运的)Mouse (老鼠)was just about to be eaten by Cat . Mouse was quite minded . He said to

Cat. “Don’t you have any manners at all ? Everyone knows you should wash your hands and face

before you eat. ”The cat was ashamed (害羞)at this and began to wash . While Cat was

washing , Mouse ran off , and so Cat lost her meal . Ever since then cats have always eaten

first and washed themselves afterwards.

1. Where do cats sleep ?

A. Outside .

B. Inside.

C. At the home.

D. Out of door.

2. Why did Man let cats sleep at home ? Because ______.

A. he likes cats very much

B. he wanted to sleep with cats

C. cats helped Man to build the house

D. cats liked to sleep at home

3. What did the mouse do when the cat was washing ? 全国服务热线:400-618-2005

B. The mouse was also washing.

C. The mouse watched the cat washing

D. The mouse was talking with the cat.

4. After that cats always _____.

A. wash themselves before the meal

B. have good manners

C. eat first and wash afterwards

D. wash first and eat afterwards

5. The story is about _____.

A. Cat

B. Dog

D. Man , Cat and Mouse C. Cat and Dog




1. be ashamed of

2. behind the times

3. send fast messages

4. worst of all

5. status symbol

6. be with sb

7. sound like

8. can’t help doing

9. instead of

10. face to face

11. such as

12. make faces

二. 1. f 2. d 3. b

三. Advantages : 1356

Disadvantages 2478

四. 1. DCBBB 2. BCACA

全国服务热线:400-618-2005 4. e 5. c 6. a

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