当前位置:文档之家› 汉语常用副词分类




一、选择题 1.My uncle doesn’t like fast food, so he _____eats it.. A.always B.often C.sometimes D.seldom 2.My sister is too young to_______herself_______. A.look at;good B.look like;well C.look after;good D.look after;well 3.—You’re going to Hong Kong. What a re you doing_______? —I’m going sightseeing. It will be ________time in Hong Kong. A.to there; the first B.there; my first C.in there; my first D.there; my the first 4.My mother ________ at five o’clock. A.usually gets B.usually gets up C.gets up usually D.get usually up 5.—Does Mary________come to see you? —Yeah! She comes to see me every weekend. A.never B.often C.soon D.only 6.Of the three boys over there, John sings English songs ________. A.more beautiful B.the most beautiful C.more beautifully D.the most beautifully 7.Being _______, the novel based upon real-life events sells ________. A.very worth being read; good B.well worth reading; good C.well worth reading; well D.very worth reading; well 8.Yesterday I saw Amy . A.on my way home B.in my way home C.on my way to home D.in my way to home 9.—Mom,let's have a rest.I can't walk on. —You get tired __________.You need more exercise. A.easily B.slowly C.freely D.quietly 10.My mother usually at 5:30 in the afternoon. A.get home B.get to home C.gets to home D.gets home 11.— Look! It is raining ______. —That’s right. The rain is too ______ to go shopping. A.heavily; heavy B.heavily; heavily C.heavy; heavy D.heavy; heavily 12.Harry________ eats vegetables, although it’s good for his health. A.hardly ever B.usually C.always 13.The old man lives ___________ , but he doesn't feel ________ .


程度副词一般不能修饰名词,但是茅盾笔下的“很感情”、曲波笔下的“很军阀”,以及港台和东南沿海地区的一些作品、报刊中出现的“很淑女”、“很绅士”等,都是程度副词修饰名词的言语事实。尤其是改革开放以后,近20年来,在大陆作家的笔下和广告媒体中,“很西藏”、“非常现代”、“很女性”这样的副名组合也频频出现,似有流行开来的趋势。为此针对这一特殊的语言组合,我将做如下分析并分类: 一、名形兼类词 (1)他穿上这身服装,多气派。(现代汉语词典) →他穿上这身服装,多有气派。 (2)从前我也跟过一个人,人倒是很规矩,又不赌不嫖,就是一肚皮恶水……(范小青《大家闺秀》1992年第6期155页) →从前我也跟过一个人,人倒是很有规矩,又不赌不嫖,就是一肚皮恶水,…… 解析:“气派、规矩”受“很”修饰是形容词,它们还能受其它副词修饰,如:非常/比较/不气派(规矩);在“程度副词+有+名词”结构中作名词。常见的这类词还有:权威、礼貌、理智、气魄、可能、精神、必要、规律、系统、耐心、矛盾、光彩、讲究、热情等。 二、活用词 (3)刘喜好福气。(芮灿庭《芦林街》,《花城》1995年第6期156页)→刘喜好有福气。 (4)痛的原因,一是张力比较出息,三十二岁就副团了、再就是…… (段平<<林木乡长>>,<<中篇小说选刊>>1997年6期41页)→痛的原因,一是张力比较有出息,三十二岁就副团了、再就是……(5)姜碧柳十分把握:不可能。(何继青《从夏天到冬天》,《中篇小说选刊》1998年第4期134页) →姜碧柳十分有把握:不可能。 (6)我今天请几个很名望的教授吃饭,可这个跑堂一点面子也不给,这么长时间了,连饮料都没拿。(白帆《那方方的博士帽》) →我今天请几个很有名望的教授吃饭,可这个跑堂一点面子也不给,这么长时间了,连饮料都没拿。 “福气、出息、把握”能受程度副词修饰,但是它们不能受副词“不”的修饰,与一般形容词不同,所以,不是典型的形容词。此类名词还有:传统、道德、技巧、技术、进步、学问、优势、偏见、诚意、诗意、新意、水平、文化、营养、原则、能耐等,这些名词受程度副词修饰逐渐被社会所承认(由于语感不同可能有出入),这说明它们已呈现出向形容词转化的趋势,有可能成为名形兼类词。而“名望”纯属临时活用,从搜集的语料看,这样的名词还有:人性、朝气、哲理、情趣、情感、福分、感情、个性、智慧、魅力、运气、气势、程度、个性、天才等。 受程度副词修饰的具体名词一般不能直接在程度副词和名词之间直接加上“有”,但是稍加变动(一般在具体名词后加上一个抽象名词)也可以把它们变换成“程度副词+有+名词”的形式。这些名词主要有三类: (一)、指人名词:官僚、瘪三、小市民、傻瓜、市侩、流氓、阿Q、江湖骗子、奶油小生、男人、男子汉、学生、女人、女孩、雷锋、维纳斯、英雄、绅士、淑女等,例如:


一、选择题 1.Eddie is very lazy and he ________ exercises. A.sometimes B.never C.often D.always 2.Who jumped ________, Tom or Jack? A.the farthest B.furthest C.farther D.the farther 3.—Susan, someone is waiting for you on the phone. It_______ be your sister, but I’m not sure.—Oh, please tell her to call me_______ because I’m busy now. A.might; later B.must; later C.might; late D.must; late 4.Li Hua studies very_______ and her English is_______ in her class. A.hardly; good B.hardly; well C.hard; best D.hard; the best 5.My brother plays soccer . A.good B.well C.great 6.—Patient(病人): 500 yuan for pulling a bad tooth? It only needs 10 minutes!—Dentist: Well, I can do it __________ if you like. A.quietly B.more slowly C.less carefully D.as quickly as you 7.If you don’t work ________enough, I don’t think your dream will come ________. A.hardly;truly B.hard;true C.hardly;true 8.Look after yourself and take care of your pet. A.well; well B.good; good C.well; good D.good; well 9.My mother usually at 5:30 in the afternoon. A.get home B.get to home C.gets to home D.gets home 10.Alan always gets up late and then goes to school, so he ______ eats breakfast. A.always B.usually C.never D.sometimes 11.The meeting room isn’t _______ for all the students to sit _______. A.enough big, / B.big enough, / C.large enough, in D.enough large, by 12.—How often does he watch TV? —He watches TV. A.hard ever B.ever C.never 13.The old man lives ___________ , but he doesn't feel ________ . A.lonely; alone B.alone; lonely C.alone; alone D.lonely; lonely 14.—How was your trip to the British Museum? —I spoke no English and was _______ silent during the visit. A.completely B.peacefully C.patiently D.carefully 15.Han Han’s books are_______ written and sell______. A.good ; good B.good ; well C.well; well D.well ; good 16.Tom gets to school early every day, so he is ___________ late for class.


副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。 副词的分类: 1) 时间和频度副词: now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. 2) 地点副词: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on. 3) 方式副词: carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly 4) 程度副词: much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly. 5) 疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 6) 关系副词: when, where, why. 7) 连接副词: how, when, where, why, whether. 副词的用法: 副词在句中可作状语,表语,短语。 He works hard. 他工作努力。 You speak English quite well. 你英语讲的很好。 Is she in ? 她在家吗?


三名词 名词是表示人、事物、时间、处所等名称的词,能够用数量短语修饰而一般不用否定副词“不”、“没”修饰。 1. 名词的语法特征 ①名词在句子中经常充当主语和宾语。例如: 人都来全了。 文章不是这样写出来的。 昨天我在图书馆看了一天书。 大会现正在向各位代表征集意见。 ②名词一般可以用数量短语修饰。例如: (一桶)水(一道)闪电(两件)衣服(两个)孩子(三瓶)啤酒 ③名词前一般不能加副词,但少数几个副词可以加在名词前面。例如: 商店里光人。 书店里净新书。 ④名词经常作介词的宾语,共同组成介词短语,例如: [用毛笔]写字 [向朋友]致意 [从那天]开始 [给老人]看病 [在国内]征集 2. 名词的类型 ①一般名词 一般名词表示人或事物的名称。 一般名词不受“不”、“没”等副词的修饰,在句中充当主语和宾语。 根据名词前面出现的量词,可以将一般名词分为个体名词与集合名词。 个体名词可以计个体量,前面可以受个体数量短语修饰。例如: (一棵)树(两盘)磁带(三头)牛(八辆)卡车(九朵)玫瑰 集合名词不能计个体量,只能用集合量词修饰。例如: (一批)衣物(一些)马匹(一些)青年(一部分)群众(一部分)船只 ②抽象名词 抽象名词是表示抽象概念意义的名词。例如: 作风道德境界气氛风尚思想心灵灵感 党性友谊观念想法原因内容形式政治 文化社会革命欲望力量交际裨益师资 修饰抽象名词的量词限于“种”、“点”、“类”等,例如: (一种)观点(一种)境界(一点)灵感(一点)裨益

个别抽象名词可以受动量短语修饰。例如: (一场)革命(一次)苦头(一阵)痛苦(一番)斗争 ③专有名词 专有名词表示特定的人或事物的名称,一般不用量词修饰。例如: 中国北京香港渤海泰山长城 太阳火星地壳国务院葡萄糖酸钙 李白鲁迅钱学森诺贝尔爱因斯坦 中文信息研究所中国科学院中央电视台 ④时间名词 时间名词是表示时间的名词。例如: 春天秋天春节元旦清明中秋早晨晚上 今年明天周末来年来日刚才今天昨天 课外目前开端开始现在星期天 时间名词是名词中比较特殊的一类。 时间名词与量词短语的组合能力较差,少数成员不受数量短语的修饰。 时间名词除了可以作主语和宾语外,主要语法功能是作状语。例如: [昨天]我已经检查了三遍啦。 医生建议他[目前]先进行外科治疗,消除炎症。 [现在]这一切都结束了。 他[晚上]不到十点钟就睡觉 表示时间的词都是时间名词吗? ⑤处所名词 处所名词是表示地点的名词。 处所名词常用在“在”、“到”、“往”等词的后面,并且能用疑问代词“哪儿”提问,用指示代词“这儿”、“那儿”指代。例如: 近处远处高处低处明处暗处周围附近 学校食堂教室会议室图书馆故宫南京济南 ⑥方位名词 方位名词是表示方向和位置关系的名词。 根据构成成分的不同,方位名词可以分为单纯方位词和合成方位词两类。 单纯方位词: 东南西北前后左右里外中内间旁上下合成方位词包括以下几种类型 A、前加型:在单音节方位词前面加上“之”“以”所组成。 之上之下之前之后之里之外之内之中之间 之东之南以上以前以外以内以东以西以北 B、后加型:在单音节方位词后面加上“边”“面”“头”所组成。 上边左边东边南边前边外边里边旁边东面


现代汉语语中副词的正确使用 关于副词的意义及种类前面老师已经讲过了,我们不在做讲述,我们组今天主要讲的是副词语法方面的一些知识。 1、副词最主要的语法特征即副词都能做状语,有部分程度副词(很、极—好得很,好极了)还能做补语,但副词做状语时在句中的位置究竟是怎样的呢? 一般情况下,语法被分为可移动副词(多音节:如昨天)不可移动副词(单音节词:如刚、才)。可移动副词既可以出现在主语或是主题的前面,也可出现在它们的后面;但不可移动副词只能出现在主题或主语的后面— 事例:①昨天我去外婆家了=我去外婆家了,昨天;②她刚出差回来≠她出差回来,刚(后者无此说法)。 另外可移动副词包括时间副词及观点副词,而不可移动副词则可分为态度及非态度副词。 事例:①今天我不舒服(表时间);②显然她不高兴(表观点);③她静静坐在那(表态度); ④他已经走了(表非态度)。 可移动副词出现在不同位置时的不同功能-如:学校“原来”打算多盖几间宿舍(意为本来);“原来学校打算多盖几间宿舍(可理解为本来或恍然大悟)”。 2、副词语法上的特殊应用情况 ㈠副词修饰名词及省略的现象

副词修饰名词可以被认为是一种词类活用现象,即副词+名词,而名词被活用为形容词。如:①副词+指人名词或处所名词:A.“很淑女”即可视为形容词,用于形容一些具有典雅气质和风范的女性。B “.很阿Q ”、“很东北”、 “很绅士”、“很香港”等用法类似。 ②副词+抽象名词,此类名词多具有抽象名词抑或多取决于的主观情感(很青春、很现代、很传统)或独一无二的事物(美国、葛朗台:视财如命) ③程度副词+时间名词(表时令的名词:春天、中午等)事例:他是一个很春天的人,从来没有什么能够破灭他的希望。 ④副词修饰名词的隐含现象(陈一民认为“名词前的副词有一部分是 隐含的动词”),A:如:“很有气派”常写作“很气派”;“非常像绅士”常作“非常绅士”;“越来越懂诗意”常作“越来越诗意”;在这里,副词“很、非常、越” 被视为修饰动词“有、像、懂”。B:另外“·····化”也表示动词概念的一种形式,一旦失去了词尾“化”,便有可能产生“程度副词名词”如:“他是一个极其家庭的男人”;“他已经变得十分城市化了”。“极其家庭、十分城市”实际为“极其家庭化、十分城市化”的省略。 ㈡副词用法的几个实例 ⑴现代汉语副词“才”和“就”时间表达的比较研究 ①“才”的时间表达 A :“才”的时间短与时间长两种相反语义——具体时段的衡量 ???你怎么才来?事情发生或结束得晚: 要走久发生:你怎么才来就刚刚,表示事情在前不?


一、选择题 1.People will have ________free time because robots will help us do ________. A.fewer; more B.more; more C.less; more 2.—How often does he watch TV? —He watches TV. A.hard ever B.ever C.never 3.Who jumped ________, Tom or Jack? A.the farthest B.furthest C.farther D.the farther 4.—Susan, someone is waiting for you on the phone. It_______ be your sister, but I’m not sure.—Oh, please tell her to call me_______ because I’m busy now. A.might; later B.must; later C.might; late D.must; late 5.________of the people here live on rice, and the people there live________on wheat. A.Mostly; mostly B.Most; mostly C.Mostly; most D.Most; most 6.Of the three boys over there, John sings English songs ________. A.more beautiful B.the most beautiful C.more beautifully D.the most beautifully 7.—Sarah always asks “Where’s my mother?”. —After all (毕竟), she is _______ three years old. She needs mother. A.then B.always C.only 8.My brother plays soccer . A.good B.well C.great 9.—Mom,let's have a rest.I can't walk on. —You get tired __________.You need more exercise. A.easily B.slowly C.freely D.quietly 10.Millie is good at singing .She sings________the famous singer CoCo. A.as good as B.as the best as C.as well as D.as better as 11.Han Han’s books are_______ w ritten and sell______. A.good ; good B.good ; well C.well; well D.well ; good 12.My mother ________ at five o’clock. A.usually gets B.usually gets up C.gets up usually D.get usually up 13.—Remember, ________ you do your homework, ________ mistakes you will make. —OK, Mom. A.the more careful; the less B.the more carefully; the less C.the more carefully; the fewer 14.—How was your trip to the British Museum? —I spoke no English and was _______ silent during the visit. A.completely B.peacefully C.patiently D.carefully



【中考解读】 【考点分布】1.副词的语法作用及分类 2.副词的比较级 3.副词的词义辨析 【考点内容】掌握副词在句中充当的成分及副词比较级的变化规则,包括规则变化和不规则变化,掌握副词的词义辨析及具体用法 【命题趋势】1.副词的比较级和最高级运用 2.副词与动词的搭配使用 3.对具体副词及疑问副词的辨析 【副词定义】副词是用来说明事情发生的时间、地点、原因、方式等含义或说 明其他形容词或副词程度的词。第一讲副词的语法作用及分类 一、副词的句法功能 1.作状语 副词作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语或句子。 It’s raining heavily.天正下着大雨。 He speaks English well. 他英语说得非常好。 【德州1】I carried the bowl with both hands___, so that I wouldn’t break it. A. carefully B. happily C. quickly D. carelessly 【山西3】—Jack, I have to have a talk with your father today.

—Sorry, Mrs King. He is going on business and won’t be ___ until next week. A. out B. away C. back 【盐城4】It was raining _______when my sister and I got to the museum. ②修饰形容词I am quite busy now. ③修饰其他副词Don’t drive too fast.别骑得太快。 ④修饰介词短语,—Where is the book?书在哪儿? —Just on the desk.. 就在桌子上。 ⑤修饰句子Luckily , I passed the final exam. 幸运的是,我通过了期末考试。 【注】修饰句子的副词,一般放在句首。 【湖北咸宁4】—As we know it’s difficult to live in a foreign country. —_______if you can’t understand the language there. A. Exactly B. Naturally C. Usually D. Especially 2.作表语 副词作表语主要指主语的方位、方向、动作或状态. 如:in. out. on. back. down. up. off. away.


【英语】副词分类详解 一、单项选择副词 1.Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets ____ escaped disaster. A.hopefully B.narrowly C.suddenly D.practically 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 考查副词辨析及固定搭配。句意:两架喷气机差点出事故之后,起飞和降落的操作规程更加严格了。A. hopefully有希望地;B. narrowly勉强地,险些;C.suddenly突然地;D. practically尤其是,特别地。句中修饰动词escaped,要用副词形式。在两架飞机侥幸逃脱灾难(差点出灾难)后,起飞和降落程序更严格了。“narrowly escape”为固定用法,意为“侥幸逃脱”。故选B。 2.Linda's health is improving ________ day by day, and the doctor has advised her to stay home for a couple of weeks. A.frequently B.gradually C.fluently D.actually 【答案】B 【解析】 根据improving和day by day可知,琳达的身体在一天天“逐渐地(gradually)”康复。frequently频繁地;fluently流利地;actually实际上,均不符合语境。 答案:B 3.Michelle Obama told the audience not to “ let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t g reat, that ____ we need to make it great again.” A.somehow B.somewhat C.somewhere D.otherwise 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词辨析。A. somehow不知何故,设法;B. somewhat有点儿;C. somewhere某地;D. otherwise否则,要不然;句意:迈克尔奥巴马告诉听众不要让别人告诉你这个国家不再伟大了,我们要设法让这个国家再次伟大。根据句意可知本句中的“somehow”意为“设法”, 故A项正确。 4.China may as well keep its growth above 7 percent. __________, the rate may be set between 6 to 7 percent, for the sake of a healthy environment. A.Consequently B.Alternatively C.Accordingly D.Contrarily


英语副词分类详解 一、时间副词 1. 常见的时间副词 常见的时间副词有now, then, soon, ago, recently, lately, later, finally, before, early, today tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, suddenly, immediately, already, just 等。 2. 时间副词在句中的位置 (1) 表确定时间的副词(如today, yesterday等)通常位于句末,有时也位于句首: He went home yesterday. / Y esterday he went home. 他昨天回家了。 而那些表示非确定时间的副词(如soon, recently, suddenly等)除可用于句末或句首外,还可位于句中(通常位于实意动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词之后): He went to Paris recently. / He recently went to Paris. / Recently he went to Paris. 最近他去了巴黎。 (2) still, already, just 等几个表示时间的副词通常位于句中(实意动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词之后): He’s just left for school. 他刚刚去学校。 I have already finished my work. 我已经做完了工作。 当要表示强调时,still和already也可位于动词be、助动词等之前: She was still [still was] beautiful at the age of forty. 她到了40岁仍然很美。 I already have told him about it. 我已经把情况告诉他了。 still若用于否定句,则总是位于助动词之前: I still don’t understand what you mean. 我还是不明白你的意思。 另外,still 和already 还可位于句末,表示惊奇: Are you on page one still? 你还在看第1页? Is your mother back already? 你妈妈就已经回来了? 二、地点副词 1. 常见的地点副词 常见的地点副词有here, there, up, down, away, nearby, home, ahead, abroad, indoors, overseas, halfway, upstairs, downstairs 等。 2. 地点副词在句中的位置 地点副词在句中通常位于句末或句首,但从不位于主语和谓语之间。若有多个副词排列,地点副词通常位于方式副词之后,时间副词之前: Can you help to carry this table upstairs? 你能帮忙把桌子搬到楼上去吗? The boy read quietly over there all afternoon. 这男孩整个下午都在那儿静静地看书。 三、方式副词 1. 方式副词的特点 方式副词表示动词的行为方式,许多以-ly结构的副词都是方式副词,如carefully, happily, quietly, heavily, warmly, correctly, politely, angrily 等。 2. 方式副词在句中的位置 (1) 方式副词通常位于动词(及其宾语)之后: He read the letter slowly. 他从容不迫地看了那封信。 方式副词通常不位于动词与宾语之间,除非动词后的宾语很长: 不可说:We like very much it. (应改为We like it very much.) 但可说:We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us. 我们可以很清楚地看到在我们前方有一道奇怪的光。


人教版中考英语复习专题副词综合分类解析 一、初中英语副词 1.We should not go outside, in such a terrible storm. A. Probably B. especially C. immediately D. exactly 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我们不应该出去,尤其是在这样的暴风中。probably可能,especially尤其,immediately马上,立刻,exactly准确地。突出强调天气恶劣,用especially,尤其是,故答案选B。 【点评】考查副词辨析。注意理解句意,根据语境选出正确的答案。 2.—The fish tastes _______, we have eaten it up.—It is certain that she cooked it _________. A. good , well B. well, good C. well, well D. good, good 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:一鱼尝起来不错。我们把它吃光了。一肯定她煮得好。taste尝起来,是连系动词,连系动词后用形容词作表语,cook是行为动词,修饰行为动词要用副词形式。good只是形容词,well作为形容词仅指“身体好”,同时well还是副词。故选A。 3.—Have you seen the hot film Wandering Earth ________? —Yes, I have. ________ wonderful science fiction movie it is! A. yet; How a B. already; How C. yet; What a D. already; What 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——你曾经看过电影《流浪地球》吗?——是的,我已经看过了。它是一个多么好的科幻小说电影啊!yet用在现在完成时的疑问句或者否定句,already 用在肯定句,句子是一般疑问句,所以用yet。what引导的感叹句结构是What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!how引导的感叹句结构是How+形容词或者副词+主语+谓语!,这里强调名词movie,所以用what a,故选C。 【点评】考查副词辨析及感叹句,注意平时识记,理解句意。 4.Daming runs ______ of the three. A. fast B. faster C. the fastest 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:大明在三个人中跑得最快。A. fast快,原形,用于不比较时;B. faster更快,比较级,用于两者相比时;C. the fastest最快,最高级,用于三者及三者以上相比。本句中of the three说明比较的范围是三个人,用最高级形式。故选C。


最新副词分类详解 一、单项选择副词 1.You can choose not to forgive. ________ you can also choose to let it go. A.Absolutely B.Consequently C.Subsequently D.Alternatively 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:你可以选择不原谅。或者你也可以选择放下。A. Absolutely绝对地,完全地; B. Consequently因此,结果,所以;C. Subsequently随后,其后;D. Alternatively 或者,非此即彼。空格前后句子意思是相反关系,而ABC表达的意思都是一致关系,D表达的意思是相反关系。故选D。 2.Success means working hard, but working hard doesn’t mean success. A.certainly B.necessarily C.probably D.possibly 【答案】B 【解析】 词义辨析。.certainly肯定的,一定的;necessarily必然;必定;probably和.Possibly可能的。成功意味着工作努力,但努力并不意味着必然成功。选B。 3.--- I was walking along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down. --- You can never be ______ in the street. A.careful enough B.much careful C.very carefully D.too carefully 【答案】A 【解析】 句意:我正沿着街道走,突然一辆汽车冲过来,把我撞到了。在街上你多小心都不过分。和be连用,后跟形容词,排除C,D;且根据句意,所以选A。 4.With only a small number of pandas left in the world,China is trying to clone the animal and save the endangered species. A.steadily B.desperately C.patiently D.deliberately 【答案】B 【解析】句意:世界上仅剩下少量的大熊猫,所以中国正不惜一切克隆大熊猫以挽救这种濒临灭绝的物种。desperately意为“拼命地,不顾一切地”,符合语境。steadily稳定地;patiently耐心地;deliberately故意地。 5.Parents often have high expectations for their children. ,it is Chinese parents who are trying their best to make their children nearly good at every subject.


小学英语语法:副词的分类 以下是整理的“小学英语语法:副词的分类”内容,供大家参考学习,希望大家可以仔细阅读,若想了解更多“小学英语语法”的相关内容,可以关注,小编会持续为大家更新。 什么是副词? 副词是一种修饰动词、形容词或全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。 1.时间副词 now, today, yesterday, tomorrow, before, soon, early等,其出现往往决定了该语句表达的时态。 Now I'm writing a letter.现在我正在写信。 I went to the park yesterday.我昨天去公园了。 I will be back soon.我很快就回来了。 2.频率副词 部分频率副词频率高低的排序: always (—直)?????????? usually (通常)??????? often (经常)?????? sometimes (有时)?????

seldom (很少)???? hardly (几乎不)??? never (从不) 还有说明次数的副词,once, twice等。 频率副词经常出现在一般现在时态的语句中,表示规律性的动作或习惯。 Ben often goes to the cinema with his friend. 本经常和他的朋友岀去看电影。 He never eats hamburgers. 他从不吃汉堡包。 3.地点副词 here, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, along, round, around, near, off, past, up, away 等地点副词一般表示事情发生的地点。 He played basketball here yesterday 他昨天在这里打篮球。 It's raining outside. 外面正在下雨。 The toilet is over there. 厕所在那里。


副词,是一种只能充当状语的虚词。在句中一般修饰动词性词语或形容词性词语。现代汉语归入实词,传统语言学归入虚词。 古代汉语中,副词可以在判断句中修饰名词性谓语,这在现代汉语中很少见。《史记·项羽本纪》:梁父即楚将项燕。 《荀子·性恶》:此皆古之良马也。 古汉语副词按照它们的意义和用法可以分成: 时间副词 范围副词 程度副词 情态副词 语气副词 否定副词 谦敬副词 指代性副词 一、程度副词 程度副词是表示事物的性质、状态或动作、行为的程度的副词。 (一)表程度高 有“最、大、太、至、极、绝、尤、愈、略、殊、良、甚、孔”等 最、至、极、绝——最高度 大——十分 太(泰)——指程度上超过一定的限度 殊、尤、特——特别、非常 以上词古今意义变化不大 讨论: 1、良 “良”在汉代,与“久”连用,“良久”就是很久 六朝以后,修饰其他词语,“的确”、“很” 孝公既见卫鞅,语事良久,孝公时时睡,弗听。(《史记·商君列传》) 清荣峻茂,良多趣味。(水经注·江水) 2、甚: 在六朝以前,既作状语,也作谓语、定语,是形容词。 太后曰:“丈夫亦爱怜其少子乎?’对曰:‘甚于夫人。”(《战国策·赵策四》) 苛政暴吏,甚于虎也。(《论衡·遭虎》) 六朝以后,才由形容词转变为表程度高的副词。 好读书,不求甚解。(《五柳先生传》) 其实汉代偶有使用: 生之者甚少,而靡之者甚多。(贾谊《论积贮疏》) 此外,较为特殊的有“孔”、“重”,一般可译为“很”。 ①其新孔嘉,其旧如之何?(《诗经·豳风·东山》) ②子之哭也,壹似重有忧者。(《礼记·檀弓下》) (二)表程度不深、轻微 常见的有“少”、“稍”、“略”、“颇”、“微”等,一般可译为“稍微”、“略微”等。先秦一般用“少” 汉代以后才用“略、微、颇”


一、选择题 1.—Remember, ________ you do your homework, ________ mistakes you will make. —OK, Mom. A.the more careful; the less B.the more carefully; the less C.the more carefully; the fewer 2.Who jumped ________, Tom or Jack? A.the farthest B.furthest C.farther D.the farther 3.—Patient(病人): 500 yuan for pulling a bad tooth? It only needs 10 minutes!—Dentist: Well, I can do it __________ if you like. A.quietly B.more slowly C.less carefully D.as quickly as you 4.Yesterday I saw Amy . A.on my way home B.in my way home C.on my way to home D.in my way to home 5.—Mom,let's have a rest.I can't walk on. —You get tired __________.You need more exercise. A.easily B.slowly C.freely D.quietly 6.— Look! It is raining ______. —That’s right. The rain is too ______ t o go shopping. A.heavily; heavy B.heavily; heavily C.heavy; heavy D.heavy; heavily 7.The meeting room isn’t _______ for all the students to sit _______. A.enough big, / B.big enough, / C.large enough, in D.enough large, by 8.We’ll meet kinds of difficultie s in our lives in the future.We should learn to be ________any challenge! A.confident enough to take on B.active enough to take up C.enough careful to take up D.enough patient to take on 9.Tom came to school ________and missed the first lesson A.lately B.later C.late D.latter 10.“The new technology is so ________ used in the world!” said Mr. White surprisedly with his eyes wide open. A.wide B.widely C.heavy D.heavily 11.The old man lives ___________ , but he doesn't feel ________ . A.lonely; alone B.alone; lonely C.alone; alone D.lonely; lonely 12.—Does Mary________come to see you? —Yeah! She comes to see me every weekend. A.never B.often C.soon D.only 13.Han Han’s books are_______ written and sell______.

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