当前位置:文档之家› 工业工程师(英文简历)INDUSTRIALENGINEER_个人简历.doc





Sdy Li 15F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1985-Prese LEYNER CORPORATION,Lke Crles,LA Idusril Eieer Provide loor suor eieeri i ried ire ssembly (PWA) d subsysem ssembly (SSA) res Purse il equimeIere i vedors Jusiy exediures Desi l lyou ixures,d lo rs o meril Prorm uomi equime Wrie roess sees d reork roedures Reommed es o rodu o llo ese o muure Imleme desi esIiie meods d roess imrovemes Troublesoo roblemsEe disosiio or rejeio o meril Provide ssise o ll oer dermes 1984 PRUDENCE D MCHARRISON LABORATORY,Ruso,LA Eieeri Assis Codued vriey o ess iludi TesileComressio,d ree ess o molded rs Resosible or roduio o lsi es seimes,d moui olisi,d mirosoi lysis Desied ools d ixures or Isro mie 198283 DUCHESS COMPONENTS,Bo Roue,LA Moldi Room Aed,1983 Oered d miied mie rodui eoxy reorms Miied reords o iveory,loss o meril,d quliy orol Mie so ed,1982 Oered les,milli d ridi mies;moiored eldi d e remes Red blueris EDUCATION LOYOLA UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS,Collee o Eieeri,Ne Orles,LA Belor o Siee Deree i Idusril Teoloy,1985 Mior oerio i omuer siee PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONSCERTIFICATIONS Member,Soiey o Muuri Eieers,Leer Meme Club Ceriied Muuri Teolois d Solderer NOTICE

Relev Work exeriee is emsized ile oer osiios re de-emsized Crooloil orm illusres ler reer


工程师的英文简历 xx年工程师的英文简历范文 求职者要将公司可能雇用自己理由,用自己过去的经历有条理地表达出来。个人基本资料、工作经历包括职责和业绩、教育与培训这三大块为重点内容,其次重要的是职业目标、核心技能、背景概论、语言与计算机能力、奖励和荣誉。 Male, 34, The people of hunan Education: bachelor degree Working fixed number of year: more than 10 years Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan Working location: chengdu - there is no limit

Objective: manufacturing engineer | the director/deputy director | | testing/inspection | electronic technology research and development engineers Work experience (nine years and eight months, did the 3 job) China huiyuan juice group Harbin branch Working time: in May xx to July xx in [1] 2 months Job title: QA Work content: collaborative quality manager to establish quality management system, daily monitor the process quality indicators, product formula, the issuance of the regulatory process execution, etc. Southwest cement ball brook in the Chinese building materials co., LTD


机械工程师求职简历 【导语】求职者想要通过投递个人简历来获得面试机会,首先要学会如何编写个人简历。机械工程师求职简历篇一 赖先生 目前所在:江苏年龄:28 户口所在:江西国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族 身高:168cm 体重:55kg 求职意向 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:技术研发工程师,机械工程师 工作年限:4职称:初级 求职类型:全职可到职日期:一个月 月薪要求:5500~7999元希望工作地区:江苏,上海 工作经历 **公司起止年月:2009-03~2011-02 公司性质:民营企业所属行业:机械/机电/设备/重工 担任职位:机械工程师 工作描述:设计软件:开目CAD、SolidWorks

主要工作:负责钢结构生产线上的非标产品设计 其中包含:数控火焰/等离子切割机、H型钢组立机、H型钢焊接机(含:龙门式、悬臂式)、移钢机、60°翻转机、90°翻转机、电渣焊接机、机械矫正机、液压矫正机、大型焊接操作架、铣边机(有效长度6到20米不等,角度可调,移动或固定式)、桥梁U型肋板组装机等 还相应参与接触过抛丸机、滚轮架、变位机等特制产品的设计改进工作 使用SW软件的Simulation有限元分析功能,校核设备使用安全系数等 离职原因:在职 **公司起止年月:2006-11~2009-01 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:机械/机电/设备/重工 担任职位:助理工程师 工作描述:设计软件:AutoCAD、UG 主要工作:负责保温杯生产线单台非标设备设计开发工作。 据客户需求,提出设计方案(设备运行动作选择、传动方式选择、成本估算)、与客户沟通→三维效果出图、出工程图及零部件加工工艺编写→装配工艺编写、现场指导→调试设备→验收出货→质量跟踪及进一步改进。 离职原因:寻求更好的发展前景 教育背景 毕业院校:九江职业技术学院 学历:大专 毕业日期:2007-07 专业一:计算机辅助设计与制造专业二: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)所学专业获得证书证书编号 2004-092007-07九江职业技术学院计算机辅助设计与制造全日制大专毕业证书117851200706625435


计算机专业个人简历【五篇】 【导语】成功的简历就是一件营销武器,它向未来的雇主证明自己能够解决他的问题或者满足他的特定需要,因此确保能够得到会使自己成功的面试。以下是整理的计算机专业个人简历,欢迎阅读! 姓名:张先生性别:男出生日期:1988-02-24 民族:汉族身高:183Cm 体重:65Kg 籍贯:湖北省目前所 在地:浙江省学历:大专 政治面貌:其它毕业院校:武汉** 学院 毕业时间:在读所学专业类别:管理类专业名称:计 算机教育背景/ 培训经历20XX 年9 月至20XX年 6 月湖北省孝感市初环中学 20XX年9 月至20XX 年 6 月湖北省孝感市黄陂路高级中学获计算机一级证 20XX 年9 月至今湖北省武汉市** 学院专业情况及特长: 外语语种:英语外语水平:一般计算机能力:省一级普通话程度:优秀专业介绍及其他专长主修“工商管理”,选修“珠宝设计”。本人在校成绩良好,积极参加学院组织的活动及文娱活动,多次受到导师以及校领导表扬。 特长:篮球及足球等体育项目。高中时期曾代表学院参

加过市高中联赛,获得第 2 的良好成绩,大学期间代表班级参加学院篮球联赛,获得冠军。 在职期间, 一直保持学习的工作态度,良好的用户拜访经验及执行能力,具有充沛的工作激情, 强烈的自我激励意识和结果导向意识,具备在高压力下锲而不舍的工作精神,团队合作意识强。 个人实践、工作经验 20XX年 3 月至20XX 年7 月于浙江省衢州市“星光钻石有限公司”实习 20XX年7 月至20XX年10 月于浙江衢州市“智恒网络公司”担任业务员 20XX 年10 月至今于浙江衢州市“巨人网络公司”担任游戏推广员 求职意向求职类型:全职月薪要求:面议希望应聘的岗位:市场/ 行销策划应聘的其它岗位:请在以下列表中选择 希望工作地点: 广东省其它工作地点: 自我介绍 真诚`自信`充满亲和力的我相信一定会给公司带来不少冲劲. 学习能力强。喜欢与人沟通` 热情开朗` 热爱交际也为我做销售行业带来了很大优势. 我相信机遇对每个人来说都是平等的, 只要肯用心就一


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab18585774.html,)/个人简历 关于软件测试工程师个人简历范文 目前所在:广州年龄:22 籍贯:广州国籍:中国 婚否:未婚民族:汉族 身高:173cm体重: 简历求职意向 求职职位:软件测试工程师:员工,计算机软件/其它类:工作经验/年:无专业职称:无职称 工作类型:均可就职时间:随时 期望薪资:1000以下求职地区:广州 工作履历 羊城晚报起止年月:20XX-07-01~20XX-08-01 公司性质:国有企业所属行业:广告/媒体 担任职位:销售员 工作描述:销售报纸,体验工作的感觉,与锻炼和不同届层交流

离职原因:上学 教育简历 毕业学校:广东科贸职业学院 学历:大专获得学位:毕业时间:20XX-07-01 所学专业:软件技术第二专业:无 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)所学专业获得证书证书编号20XX-03-0120XX-09-01广东科贸职业学院软件技术英语B级证14063110810234 20XX-09-0120XX-12-01广东科贸职业学院软件技术Photoshop图象处理(四级)证20XX03210097278 20XX-04-0120XX-04-01广州中星培训学院CCNA-- 语言能力 外语:英语一般粤语水平:精通 第二外语:无国语水平:精通 简历自我评价 能够熟练的运用MicrosoftOffice(如:Word、Excel、等)的各种功能进行高效的办公室日常工作;熟悉SQLServer2005数据库建立;掌握C#/https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab18585774.html,编程语言,能熟练应用相关工具VisualStudio20XX进行应用程序和数据库系统的开发:本人有较强的团队精神,动手及学习能力较强,能吃苦耐劳,具有积极向上的进取心。对测试类与策划类比较感兴趣,对数字比较敏感! 求职自我介绍参考


电子测试工程师QRE英文简历 电子测试工程师QRE英文简历模板 导语:现代化的很多企业都要求求职者们掌握更多的能力,特别是语言能力,这时候,一份优秀的英文就显得很重要,今天为大家准备了电子测试工程师QRE英文,欢迎阅读参考! 09/xx - 06/xx Jobs Unversity Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering GPA: 3.3/4.0 XX Scholarships National Undergraduate Electronic Contest NO.3 NCRE DBT, CET-4 SKILLS

EDA: Protel99se, OrCAD, PowerCad Operating Systems: Windows, Linux Theoretical Basis: Digital Circuit, Artificial Circuit, Communication Principles, SCM Principles 02/xx - 06/xx DC Regulated Power & Leakage Protection Device National Undergraduate Electronic Contest Monitored school performance of students from inner-city schools Planned motivational activities for students Designed and led workshops for parents of students 06/xx - 06/xx


Computer Engineer is involved in various tasks of computing like designing, programming related to software and also tasks with respect to hardware. So it is vital that they have proper blend of sound knowledge on both areas. Computer engineers take part in challenging and critical projects and must have the ability to work on a broad range of technologies in diversified critical project areas. For achieving a sound result on the above it is vital that the computer engineers must possess an in-depth knowledge on their subjects. It is also essential that they possess excellent communication and written skills to present their points precisely and clearly to clients and team mates. They should also be open minded and must have good interaction abilities to move in a team and get the work done efficiently. Resume - Computer Engineer Steve James 2230, 173, East Coast, NY 228978 Home: 111-111-1111 Cell: 222-222-2222 Email: (include Email Address) ________________________________________________________________________ Have excellent technical skills, communication skill, and goal-focused professional offering 9 years of experience in Computer industry. I am motivated and enthusiastic by new challenges and tasks and take excellent approach to achieve success in all projects. I like to work in a complex projects which have scope for learning and challenge. I have experience in working with different operating system and platforms namely Windows, UNIX, Linux and Dos. Have expertise various quality process and techniques by which I efficiently took care of quality deliverables of myself and my team which helped in gaining satisfied customers for the organization. Objective: To take a challenging and high performance oriented role in the field of Computer enginnering and implement the expertise and experience gained in this field to develop complex project with efficiency and quality. Education: ?BS, Computer engineering, University of Pheonix, NY,1996 ?MS, Computer engineering, University of Georgia,1998 Professional Certification: ?MCSE Certified,1998


测试工程师简历模板 姓名: 国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州 民族:汉族 户口所在地:茂名 身材:171cm?55kg 婚姻状况:未婚 年龄:29岁 培训认证: 诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:计算机软件:软件测试工程师、证券/金融/投资:客户经理,区域经理、其它类: 工作年限:5 职称:无职称 求职类型:全职 可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:5000--8000 希望工作地区:广东省广州佛山

个人工作经历: 公司名称:起止年月:2005-07~2010-06佛软信息技术服务有限公司 公司性质:民营企业所属行业:计算机/互联网/通信/电子 担任职务:测试部门经理 工作描述:1.负责部门人员和事务管理。 2.参与公司架构管理。 3.负责开发部门和测试部门的联系和沟通。 4.负责测试部门和公司上级的联系和沟通。 5.负责公司软件测试计划,测试用例的编写和管理。 6.负责公司软件测试实施的管理和调配。 7.具体参与测试实施。 离职原因:个人发展需要 教育背景 毕业院校:广东工业大学 最高学历:本科 获得学位:学士 毕业日期:2005-07-01 所学专业一:计算机测控技术与仪器 所学专业二: 受教育培训经历: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号

2005-052005-06广东工业大学ISO内审员资格ISO内审员资格 证 语言能力 外语:英语良好 国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通 工作能力及其他专长 1.有3年证券股票投资经历,一年外汇投资经历。对金融证券有浓厚的兴趣。 2.有深厚的证券理论知识,熟悉K线,均线,波浪理论等分析方法。 3.熟悉证券市场,熟悉股票,基金,期货。 4.熟练掌握计算机网络以及通信网络的相关知识,并能熟练地组建基于TCP/IP的局域网,并能对其组成部件进行维护以及故障检测 与排除. 5.精通Windows系列操作系统,熟练的运用OfficeWord、Excel、Powerpoint等常用办公软件。 6.擅长LotusNotes邮件系统维护. 7.精通计算机的组装和日常维护,对电脑硬件和硬件市场有比较 清楚的认识和了解. 8.熟悉ISO质量管理体系,熟悉电子产品ROHS指令和ROHS环保体系的建立和维护,有较好的企业质量体系管理协调能力。 9.熟悉办公室企业管理,行政和人事管理工作。熟悉工厂生产管 理 详细个人自传 自我评价:


计算机专业英文简历带翻译 下面是一篇计算机专业英文简历,一起来学习吧。 Vine No.67, Lane123, Hope Road Gender: Male Ethnicity: Han Job District, Shanghai, China (+86) 138-xxxx-xxxx service@hujiang Position: computer software 职位:计算机软件 Education Experience: 教育经历: July 20XX,Graduated with an Associates Degree in Computer Science from Chinese Computer Science University ExtensionVine 20XX年七月,毕业于中国计算机科学大学计算机科学与技术学院计算机科学专业 Vice president Skilled in communicating with team members 副主席善于与团队成员沟通

Current project:MMO game server design,using Java & IBM DB2,on IBM AIX system in IBM Tech.Center,TJU 目前项目:MMO游戏服务器的设计,使用java和IBM DB2,在IBM技术中心IBM AIX系统,TJU Work Experience: 工作经历: April 2012 to March 2013,Technician of xx xx Mechanical and Electrical Ltd 2012年4月到2013年3月××××机电有限公司技术员 - Oct 2013,Appointment to the Assistant Engineer and the Buyer for computer related equipments 2013年10月担任助理工程师和计算机相关设备的采购员 Smart Car Tracting Match 智能车牵引匹配 Chief Programmer 首席程序员 Presented papers on computer science topics specifically focusing on online scheduling problems 计算机科学专题论文,特别是专注于在线调度问题 Assisted with writing a program to simulate the random effect on a pre-published algorithm协助编写一个程序来模拟预先公布的算法的随机效应


英文简历模板(电子工程师)_个人简历 Sdy Li 15F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING BACKGROUND SUMMARY Over eleve yers o exesive omuerelerois exerieeVersed i bo diil d lo elerois iseii emsis o omuer rdresoreSeil exerise i sysem d omoe evluioNeork suervisor resosible or isllimiii Are LAN sysemProiie i ssembly d C rormmi luesExele ommuiio skills iludi rie,verbl d ierersol PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Seveso D Sysems,Los Aeles,CA 1981-1993 Comoes Evluio Eieer 1992-1993 Resosible or e rerizio d evluio o, d roved vedors lis orPoer sulies,osillors,rysls,d rormmble loi used i desko d lo omuersEvlued d reommeded quliy omoes iresed rodu roibiliyCreed d develoed oer suly es l used or evqlui ird ry oer suliesIered i vedors o resolve roblems ssoied i omoes quliiioTeil dvisor or PursiPromoed o eieer II Desi Evluio Eieer 1990-1992 Evlued e omuer rodu desis ,solvi eviromel roblems o rooye omuersCodued sysems lysis o e omuer rous o esure rdre,sore d meil desi ieriyDesied rdre d sore or PC,ISA bus rormmble lod bord used or eviromel esiPerormed relibiliy li esi o omuer sysemsIslledmiied 20 userNovell,Are LAN sysemExmied sysem d sub-sysem suseibiliy o elerosi disre i order o mee IEC-801-2 idusry sdrdsAlyzed omlee


技术工程师英文简历集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

技术工程师英文简历模板 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1998-Present TECHNICAL ENGINEER mERCER INE.,Albany,NY Plan,coordinate, and execute hardware,software and network installation,configuration,maintenance,troubleshooting and repair operations for service contract in maintaining IBM and Mac PCs,and peripherals with emphasis on networking environments. Develop and implement service schedules,systems and procedures to assure delivery of quality,cost-efficient technical services. Quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies,reliability,and quality performance standards. Respond immediately to emergency situations with sensitivity to deadlines and customer needs. Assist network engieers woth installation and trobleshooting of Appleshare and Novell systems. Analyze client equipment and operations to determine servicing and supply needs.


机械工程师个人简历 导读:本文是关于机械工程师个人简历,希望能帮助到您! 个人基本信息 姓名:××× 目前所在:深圳年龄: 23 户口所在:陆丰国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族 培训认证:未参加身高: 167 cm 诚信徽章:未申请体重: 56 kg 人才测评:未测评 我的特长: 求职意向 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:机械工程师:,模具工程师:,技术研发工程师: 工作年限: 1 职称:中级 求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:面议希望工作地区:广州,佛山,广东省 工作经历 江门市银狐美容美发设备有限公司起止年月:20xx-06-01 ~至今 公司性质:民营企业所属行业:机械/机电/设备/重工 担任职位:机械工程师

工作描述: 一、主要负责新产品开发,对技术资料进行编制,如爆炸图、BOM 表、基本配置表、作业指导书、2D、3D等的技术资料的建立,跟踪新样板完成情况,并对样板进行确认,试装,测试。产品试产过程的跟踪、指导;产品试产后的总结、改进。 二、技术资料的完善: 1、外协转为五金车间生产的产品的相关技术资料的整理; 2、外协转为五金车间生产的产品的模具、夹具的评审、验证; 3、外协转为五金车间生产的样品的装配、测试、评审、改进; 4、其他在制品相关资料的增补。 三、对生产异常状况的处理能及时采取相应措施解决。对生产工艺进行编制和改善和对美容床的五金配件进行模具设计与制造。离职原因: 阳江亿利模具有限公司起止年月:20XX-09-01 ~至今 公司性质:民营企业所属行业:机械/机电/设备/重工 担任职位:绘图员 工作描述:在此期间主要负责对模具进行出图和对模具图纸整理等,在这段实习期,使我的专业知识得到更好的锻炼,从而对往后的工作奠定了坚实的基础; 离职原因:回校搞毕业论文答辩 教育背景 毕业院校:广东工贸职业技术学院 最高学历:大专获得学位: 毕业日期: 20XX-07-01


计算机程序员英文简历 在求职中,一份好的简历往往能为自己在面试的时候加不少分。由此可见,求职不单单是你有能力,有才华就能横行霸道的地方。往往,那些能力那么好,才华没那么出众,但在简历上下了不少功夫的人机会更大。 Name:jianli-sky Age:23 South Xianli South China Computer Company Guangzhou 510060 Tel: (+86)135****0971 Position Sought: Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Dalian Qualifications: Four years‘ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation. Professional Experience: Computer Programmer, Sough China Computer Company, Guangzhou, from 1990 to date. Operate flow-charts, collect business infromation fro management, update methods of operation. Adept at operating IBM-PC and Compact computers.

Educational Background: South China University of Technology. B.S. in Computer Science, July 1990. Courses included: Computer Science, Systems Design and Analysis, PASCAL Programming, Operating Systems, COBOL Programming, D-BASE Programming, FORTRAN Programming, Systems Management Dalian No.34 Middle School, 1981-1986 English Proficiency: Fluent in speaking, reading and writing. Hobbies: Bridge, computer games, boating, swimming. Personal Data: Born: November 29, 1970 in Dalian; Health: Excellent; Marital Status: Single; Height: 175cm; Weight: 68kg References: will be supplied upon request.


电子工程师应聘个人简历 电子工程师应聘个人简历范文 在制作之前,细细回想你做过的事情,每个要点都记录下来,从中去找出你的亮点。 个人信息 性别:男 年龄: 38岁民族:汉 工作经验: 10年以上居住地:浙江台州椒江区 身高: CM 户口:浙江台州临海市 自我评价 熟悉51、PIC等单片机编程

熟悉可编程PLC控制器编程、触摸屏设计及相关机电一体化开发熟悉LED灯具及太阳能灯具的设计 熟悉电子线路及PCB设计 熟悉智能电器及自动化系统的研发 熟悉产品生产作业指导编制及工装设备开发 求职意向 希望岗位:电子/电气(器)类-电子工程师/技术员 寻求职位:电子电器自动化设计 希望工作地点:浙江台州 期望工资: /月(可面议) 到岗时间:随时到岗 工作目标 / 发展方向

目前任职浙江台州,目前职位电子工程师,希望能有更好的发展机会. 工作经历 ▌xx-01--xx-10:台州市汇源光电科技有限公司 所属行业:其他(国有企业) 担任岗位:电子/电气(器)类/电子工程师/技术员 职位名称:电子工程师 职位描述:从事太阳能杀虫灯的研发及生产管理工作,开发的产品有太阳能杀虫灯系列、烟叶编织机等,其中太阳能杀虫灯通过了国家农机管理部门的检测,进入了国家农机推广目录,成为国家推广农机产品,享受国家农业补贴,在职期间协助公司多次成功完成招投标任务。 ▌xx-01--xx-01:公元太阳能科技有限公司 所属行业:其他(国有企业)

担任岗位:电子/电气(器)类/电子工程师/技术员 职位名称:电子工程师 职位描述:从事太阳能灯具及相关自动化生产设备研发,并负责电子车间的生产管理工作,开发的产品有太阳能路灯庭院灯控制器,太阳能交通系列灯具,太阳能草坪灯、节日灯等系列LED灯具。开发的自动化生产设备有太阳能滴胶电池片检测系统、太阳能电池板自动压框机、太阳能电池板自动点胶装盒机、太阳能电池板流水线等设备控制系统 ▌xx-07--xx-12:浙江黄岩华日集团 所属行业:其他(国有企业) 担任岗位:电子/电气(器)类/电子工程师/技术员 职位名称:电子工程师 职位描述:电动车电器系统研发及动力锂电池应用及保护系统开发,电动车车间管理及自动检测设备、相关工装治具的研发


工程师的英文简历模板 ELECTRONICS ENGINEER(Experienced) Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis on computer hardware/software.Special expertise in system and component https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab18585774.html,work supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programming languages.Excelent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal. PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA 1981-1993 Components Evaluation Engineer 1992-1993 Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of, and approved vendors list for:Power supplies, oscillators, crystals,and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop computers.Evaluated and recommended quality components that increased product profitability.Created adn developed power supply test plan used for evqluating third party power supplies.Interacted with vendors to resolve problems associated with components qualification.Technical advisor for Purchasing.Promoted to engineer II. Design Evaluation Engineer 1990-1992 Evaluated new computer product designs ,solving environmental problems on prototype computers.Conducted systems analysis on new computer profucts to ensure hardware,software and mechanical design integrity.Designed hardware and software for PC,ISA bus programmable load board used for


主题:面试英语聘机械工程师 应聘机械工程师 对于机械工程师来说,工作经验是非常重要的。如果没有工作经验,也可以将以前设计过的作品告诉招聘者。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS基本句型表达 1) Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering? 2) 你为什么选择机械工程专业呢? 3) 2) The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines. 4) 最重要的一个因素就是我非常喜欢摆弄机械。 5) 3) I am very interested in the field your company is in. 6) 我对贵公司所从事的这个领域非常感兴趣。 7) 4) How do you see your career development? 8) 你如何看待你的事业发展呢? 9) 5) Why do you think you are qualified for this position? 10) 你为什么认为你适合这份工作呢? 11) 6) Can you tell me about one of your designs? 12) 你能介绍一项你的设计成果吗? 13) CONVERSATIONS会话 14) (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) 15) Dialogue 1 16) I:Come in, please. 17) A:Good afternoon, Mrs Smith. 18) I:Good afternoon. Have a seat, please. You are Mr. Sun? 19) A:Thank you. Yes, I am Sunling. 20) I:I have read your resume. I know you have worked for 3 years. Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering? 21) A:Many factors led me to major in mechanical engineering. The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines. 22) I:What are you primarily interested in about mechanical engineering? 23) A:I like designing products, and one of my designs received an award. Moreover, I am familiar with CAD. But I can do any mechanic well if I am employed. 24) I:Why did you decide to apply for this position? 25) A:Your company has a very good reputation, and I am very interested in the field your company is in. 26) I:What do you think determines an employee抯progress in a company such as ours? 27) A:Interpersonal and technical skills. 28) I:We have several applicants for this position. Why do you think you are the person we should choose? 29) A: I have the abilities, qualities and experience that you requested in your job advert, for example I have three yearsexperience in designing products and I got leadership experience while serving the college student union as president. 30) I:That sounds very good. How do you see your career development?


Word文档仅供参考 Word文档仅供参考计算机专业英文简历模板 Richard Anderson1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741,(123)-456 7890.Employer Job-content Compose type correspondence. Maintain record of incoming outgoing correspondence. Make reports, receive, take dictation, check files, records, all the correspondence. Submission of various statements related to reporting and monitoring after compilation of data on MS office. All accounting work. ABC Software Pvt. Ltd., Aug 2001 - Dec 2004Computer Operator/Office assistant Receive visitors, place calls and answers telephone enquiries. Maintains records, files other references materials and perform related clerical duties. Search files, documents and maintain library for information. Drafting of letters Noting for approval of proposal. Report preparation Some sort of Data Entry related work. All Company work in Word, Outlook Express, Excel, Photoshop, Scanning and Internet.


工程师软件测试的英文简历 工程师软件测试的英文简历范文 软件测试工程师英文 Basic Info zhaopin Gender: Date of Birth: XXXX Native Place: XXXX Yrs.of Experience: 2 year Email: Mobile Phone: Career Objective Desired Position: Test Engineer Desired Location: Shanghai I can start: within 1 month Professional Skills

1.Proficient in testing methods and theory, have the ability to design test plan and test case aording to user requirements specification and related documents; 2.Excellent mand of the whole process of testing work and testing management tools; 3.Proficient in a variety of automated testing tools (QT, Python, Selenium), familiar with windows and Linux operating system; 4.Master Wireshark work packet analysis tool, SecureCRT terminal emulation program, office series(Excel、Word、PowerPoint、Visio); 5.Acquainted with the products of security industry. Self Assessment Nearly two years of software testing experience, have rich experience on test, proficient in the testing process and method. Able to think logically, good at summing up and

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