当前位置:文档之家› 哈三中2013年一模理综答案




1. A








9.B 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.B

14.BC 15. A 16. D 17. AC 18. BC 19. BD 20.CD 21.CD

22.30.35mm (2分); 4.207±0.001mm (2分).

23.(1) R B (2分)(2)② 滑动变阻器R 1 ;③电阻箱R 0 , 电流表的读数仍

为I ; ④ R 0 (每空1分,共4分)。

(3)① 较小 (2分)② 500C (3分)。

24.解:(1)物块从O 到A 点 2012

mgH mv =

……① 物块在水平传送带 m g m a μ= ……② 从A 到B 点 22012v v aL -= ……③

物块从B 点平抛 212

h gt = ……④ 1s v t = ……⑤

解得 3.2H m = ……⑥

(2)要使物块到达B 时后平抛的水平位移最大,即物块到达B 点时速度最大,物块在传送带上一直加速即可。


22o v v aL -= …… ⑦

解得210.6/v m s = …… ⑧

传送带速度10.6/v m s ≥ …… ⑨

(①③⑦⑧⑨各2分 ②④⑤⑥各1分,共14分)

25.(1)粒子初速度方向沿Od 方向的运动轨迹如图圆Ⅰ所示,轨迹圆心为O 1, 则:


mv qvB 2

= …… ① v

L T π2= ……② 2

1sin 111==∠P O c O Pc O …… ③ 所以:01130=∠=∠Pc O P OO … ④

T t 00


30=…… ⑤ 由①②⑤得:B

t m q 06π=……⑥ (2)最后离开磁场的粒子的轨迹如图圆Ⅱ所示,圆心为O 2 ,设速度的偏转角为α Ob 222??? ??+=L L …… ⑦

由余弦定理得:αcos 22222L L L Ob -+=…… ⑧ 所以:8

3cos =α…… ⑨ (3)因为0

130=∠P OO ,对于速度偏转角小于300的粒子此时已射出磁场。……⑩ t 0时刻恰好离开磁场的粒子轨迹如图圆Ⅲ所示,0330=∠M OO ,由几何关系,该粒子速度方向与Oa 夹角为300……⑾ 所以此时刻仍在磁场中的粒子数与粒子源发射的总粒子数之比00

018030180-=n ; 6

5=n ……⑿ (①②③⑤⑦各1分,⑥⑧⑨⑩⑾各2分, ⑿3分,共18分)

26.?Ba 2+、、SO 32- (2分) ; Na + (1分); 焰色反应(1分)

?①6I - +2NO 3- + 8H + =2NO ↑ + 3I 2 +4H 2O ; (2分)

②NH 4+ + OH - = NH 3 ·H 2O (2分)

?C(Cl -)=2×10-5mol/L (2分) C(Al 3+)=2×10-6

mol/L (2分) ?5 (2分)

27.?① (1分);在D 和E 之间增加装置以起到干燥、尾气吸收、防倒吸的作用。 (3分,少一个扣1分)。


?① ③ ② ⑤ ④(2分)

?冷凝回流、导气(各1分,共2分);蒸馏(1分);2S 2Cl 2+2H 2O=3S ↓+SO 2↑+4HCl(2分) 。 ? (2分)。

28.答案?Fe 2O 3(s) + 3/2C(s) = Fe (s) + 3/2CO 2(g) △H = +232.35 kJ/mol 。(2分) ?①0.054mol·(L·h )-1 (1分);>(1分)。

②9.09﹪(2分);0.05 L 2 / mol 2(2分)。

③正向(1分);>(1分) 。

?①Fe ﹣6e - +8OH - = FeO 42- +4H 2O (2分);② 3.5(1分),1:1(1分)


(1)CO 2,[H]和ATP ,不提供CO 2或增强光照,7

(2)D ,光照强度,较高

(3)①探究CO 2浓度对光合作用速率的影响

②低;光照强度;NaHCO 3浓度太高导致细胞失水,从而影响细胞代谢


(1)Na +内流,协助扩散;相同








(4)二或三 一









33.【物理-选修3-3】(1)BC (2)T=(0p 2p

-1)T 0

34.【物理-选修3-4】(1)A (2)n=1.73

35.【物理-选修3-5】(1) (B )

(2)解:(1)A 、B 、C 三物体水平方向动量守恒,系统机械能守恒,当A 滑到圆弧槽的底端时,设A 的速度为v 1,B 和C 的速度为v 2

122mv mv = ①


mgR mv mv =+ ②

解得2v = ③ (2)当A 滑过圆弧槽的底端后,B 和C 分离,A 、B 、两物体水平方向动量守恒,系统机械能守恒,

1232mv mv mv -= ④


mgh mv mv mv =

+- ⑤ 解得34h R = ⑥ (①②④⑤各2分③⑥各1分)


?ab (2分); ?d (1分); ?MnO 2(2分);KOH (2分); ?3

2(2分); ?cd (2分);A (1分); ?过滤(1分);溶解度(1分);浓缩结晶(只填“结晶”不给分)(1分);


?2NaNH 2+N 2O = NaN 3+NaOH +NH 3(1分);

?N 2O 或CO 2或CS 2或BeCl 2(1分)、 直线形(1分);<(1分),

NH 2-中N 原子孤对电子数为2,NH 3中N 原子孤对电子数为1,孤对电子数前者多于后者,孤对电子与成键电子间的斥力大于成键电子与成键电子间的斥力,所以键角前者小(2分)。

? C (1分)

?sp 2 sp 3(各1分,共2分);3d 104s 1(1分) (1分)

?体心立方堆积(1分),12(1分), (2分)


? (2分)




① (2分);

















哈尔滨三中2015年第一次模拟考试 英语答案 第一部分:听力 1-5CBABC 6-10ACBCA 11-15CBACB 16-20CABAC 第二部分:阅读理解 21–24 CDCB 25–27CAA 28–31ACAB 32–35 BDAB 36–40CBFAD 第三部分:英语知识运用 41-45 CDDAB 46-50 BCDAC 51-55 ABACC 56-60 CDDBB 61. humorous/humourous 62. of 63.have been translated 64.have 65.expressions 66.stuck 67. no/little 68.the 69. it 70. who 短文改错 1.第一句kid-- kids 2.第一句it--which,或者it前面加and 3.第二句he-- she 4.第四句am-- was 5.第四句sadly--sad 6.第五句Put-- Putting 7.第五句school前面的the去掉 8.第六句take--took 9.第六句but--and 10.最后一句much--more或者much后面加more 书面表达: Dear friends, In today’s world, being able to master a foreign language will be helpful in our life. Here I’d like to share my learning methods. First, I think it useful to learn grammar and remember as many useful sentence patterns as I can. I believe the more we read, the better our English will be. So I spend much time reading English newspapers and magazines after class, which helps to improve my English. Besides, TV and radio programs are of great help. Learning English not only increases my awareness of foreign cultures but also helps me to communicate with English-speaking people and to make more new friends. However, sometimes I get discouraged because I keep forgetting words I have just learned. I’d like to use the opportunity to seek for your advice. Thank you! Yours sincerely Li Hua


2018年哈尔滨市第三中学第四次高考模拟考试 理科综合能力测试 考试时间:150分钟 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,其中第Ⅱ卷第33~38题为选考题,其它题为必考题。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回 注意事项 1.答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号,并将条形码粘贴在答题卡的指定位置上。 2.选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号:非选择题答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 4保持卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。 5做选考题时,考生按照题目要求作答,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目对应的题号涂黑。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C—12 N—14 0—16 S—32 Fe—56 Ba—137 第I卷(选择题共126分) 一、选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.关于细胞生命历程的叙述,正确的是 A.用紫外线照射后细胞膜被破坏会引起该细胞凋亡 B.原癌基因控制细胞分裂分化的进程并阻止细胞不正常的增殖 C.细胞周期中染色质和染色体DNA指导蛋白质合成的能力不相同 D.细胞的分裂、分化、衰老、凋亡以及癌变是基因选择性表达的结果 2.水是细胞中含量最多的化合物,下面关于水的叙述,错误的是 A.在有氧呼吸过程中,水可以在线粒体基质中参与反应 B.植物根系从土壤中吸收水需要消耗细胞代谢释放的能量 C.光合作用过程中,水既能影响光反应也能影响暗反应 D.遗传信息的传递和表达过程离不开水 3.东北虎生活在俄罗斯西伯利亚、朝鲜和中国东北地区,华南虎广泛分布在华南西南等地区,二者在体型体色等多方面具有显著的差异,自然状态下不会相遇交配繁殖,但是在动物园里两者可以交配繁殖产生可育后代。下列叙述错误的是 A.东北虎和华南虎之间存在地理隔离不是生殖隔离


2016年黑龙江省哈尔滨三中高考物理一模试卷 一、选择题 1.(6分)物理学家通过艰辛的实验和理论研究探究自然规律,为人类的科学做出了巨大贡献,值得我们敬仰.下列描述中符合物理学史实的是()A.奥斯特根据通电螺线管的磁场和条形磁铁的磁场相似性,提出了分子电流假说 B.开普勒发现了行星运动三定律,进而提出了万有引力定律 C.平均速度、瞬时速度和加速度等描述运动所需要的概念是伽利略首先建立的D.法拉第发现了电磁感应现象并总结出了判断感应电流方向的规律 2.(6分)在水平桌面上有一个质量为M且倾角为α的斜面体.一个质量为m 的物体,在平行于斜面的拉力F作用下,沿斜面向上做匀速运动.斜面体始终处于静止状态.已知物块与斜面间的动摩擦因数为μ,重力加速度为g.下列结论正确的是() A.斜面对物块的摩擦力大小是F B.斜面对物块的摩擦力大小是μmg C.桌面对斜面体的摩擦力大小是Fcosα D.桌面对斜面体的支持力大小是(M+m)g 3.(6分)t=0时.A、B两小球从相距7m的两个位置相向行驶,它们的v﹣t图象如图所示.对小球运动状况的描述正确的是() A.在前6杪内,B球运动方向始终没有发生变化 B.在第2秒末,AB两球相距最近 C.在前6秒内,B球一直做加速直线运动 D.在第6秒末,AB两球相距1m 4.(6分)宇航员站在某一星球上,将一个小球距离星球表面h高度处由静止释

放使其做自由落体运动,经过t时间后小球到达星球表面,已知该星球的半径为R,引力常量为G,则下列选项正确的是() A.该星球的质量为 B.该星球表面的重力加速度为 C.该星球表面的第一宇宙速度为 D.通过以上数据无法确定该星球的密度 5.(6分)在如图所示电路中,闭合电键S,理想电流表和理想电压表的示数分别用I和U表示,当滑动变阻器的滑动触头P向左滑动时,两表的示数都发生变化.电源的电动势和内电阻始终不变,下列说法正确的是() A.I变大,U变小B.比值变大 C.R1的功率一定变大D.电源的总功率一定减小 6.(6分)如图所示,光滑水平面上放置着四个相同的木块,其中木块B与C之间用一轻弹簧相连,轻弹簧始终在弹性限度内.现用水平拉力F拉B木块,使四个木块以相同的加速度一起加速运动,则以下说法正确的是() A.一起加速过程中,D所受到的静摩擦力大小为 B.一起加速过程中,C木块受到四个力的作用 C.一起加速过程中,A、D木块所受摩擦力大小和方向相同 D.当F撤去瞬间,A、D木块所受静摩擦力的大小和方向都不变 7.(6分)如图所示,可视为质点的质量为m且所带电量为q的小球.用一绝缘轻质细绳悬挂于0点,绳长为L,现加一水平向右的足够大的匀强电场,电场强度大小为E=.小球初始位置在最低点,若给小球一个水平向右的初速度,使小球能够在竖直面内做圆周运动,忽略空气阻力,重力加速度为g.则下列说法正确的是()

黑龙江省哈三中2019届高三第一次模拟试题 英语

2019年哈尔滨市第三中学第一次高考模拟考试 英语试题 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码。请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。 3.非选择题需用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。 第I卷(选择题,共115分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What time is it now? A.2:00. B.2:30. C.3:00. 2.What does the woman advise the man to do? A.To dress professionally. B.To choose a proper color. C.To choose a proper style. 3.Where will the woman go first? A.To her house. B.To the bank. C.To a telephone booth. 4.Who is the woman probably speaking to? A.A post office clerk. B.A bus conductor. C.A travel agent. 5.Why was the woman late? A.Her roommate told her a wrong time. B.She forgot the time change. C.She wasn’t informed of the time change. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选


哈三中2018届高三下学期第三次模拟考试 英语试题 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Nearly 25% of the entire U.S. population are likely to hit the road during the holidays this year. We’ve picked the best road food stops along some of the South’s most traveled interstates (州际公路). Ⅰ-35 | Ssan Antonio, TX, to Oklahoma City, OK Fancy That | Exit 109, Norman, OK | Miles from the interstate: 2.8 This downtown store offers a sit-down “classic lunch” for $8 that includes an entrée (主菜) and a side: a big meatball sandwich, perhaps, with a strawberry, blue cheese, or a fat BLT on Texas toast with a salad. 215 East Main Street; 236/908–2209; https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab9105267.html, Babe’s Chicken Dinner House | Exit 477, Sanger, Texas | Miles from the interstate: 0.8 You’ll find yourself at Babe’s by the 10-foot-tall chicken standing outside the front door of this store. But here’s the real draw: golden fried chicken and chicken-fried steak, served with family-style sides. 202 North Fourth street; 116/498–1208; https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab9105267.html, Ⅰ- 40 | Nashville, TN, to Wilmington, NC The Feed Bag Restaurant | Exit 174, Farmington, NC | Miles from the interstate: 2.2 Located in a former general store down a country road, this simple country restaurant serves fresh, local food with zero cheats and tricks. 2339 NC Highway 801 North; 336/998–1109 Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen | Exit 270, Chapel Hill, NC | Miles from the interstate: 1.8 Sunrise is the sandwich king —there’s nothing like these giant biscuits filled with eggs, sausage, cheese, or whatever filling you’d like. It’s drive-through only —perfect for when you don’t have time to stop and sit. Just get there before 2:30 p.m., when they close. 1305t Franklin Street; 919/933–1324 21. If you are interested in meatball sandwiches, which telephone number will you call? A. 116/498 – 1208. B. 336/998 – 1109. C. 919/933 – 1324. D. 236/908 – 2209. 22. What is special about Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen? A. You can taste fresh local food. B. You don’t have to stop and sit. C. A sit-down classic lunch is served. D. A 10-foot-tall chicken stands outside. 23. What do the four food stops have in common? A. Providing giant biscuits. B. Having their own websites. C. Being open 24 hours. D. Being close to the interstates. B There is a little girl called Lisa, who is five years old, and one day a friend invited her to a party held at a gym where Lisa discovered that she loved doing gymnastics. A few nights after the party, Lisa had a dream. She told her mother, Jahira, about the dream. Jahira said, “Lisa said that in her dream she went to the Olympics. She described everything at this international competition. At first I did not take her story seriously. ” But Lisa kept talking about her dream. She told it to her father, David. So Jahira and David decided to pay for Lisa to learn gymnastics. So Lisa started to train at a special and competitive gym. Though only 7 years old, she was already training to compete at a high level. The years passed quickly. Lisa got better and better. By the time she was 12 years old, Lisa was training so many hours each day that she did not have time to do things that many other Americans of the same age did. When Lisa was 13, she had a chance to compete in a national gymnastics event. If she did well, the event would give her the chance to join the national team — the team that trains for the Olympics. But the family was out of money. Jahira had to tell Lisa that she could not go. Jahira said, “Tears came to her eyes, and she said, ‘I understand.’” A week or two later, a rich family came to visit Lisa’s gym unexpectedly. They watched Lisa train. Then they asked to talk to her mother. The rich family offered Jahira all the money they needed! Eventually, Lisa competed at the 2012 Olympic trials. She finished 10th in all rounds. 24. Lisa had a dream to . A. go to the party B. do gymnastics C. take part in the Olympics D. attend a national competition 25. From the passage, we can infer that . A. Lisa’s parents were tired of her talking about her dream B. Lisa’s parents loved her and were moved by her C. Lisa’s mother supported her dream even at the beginning D. Lisa became a national team player at the age of twelve 26. What does the author want to tell us? A. Knowledge is a measure, but practice is the key to it. B. Wherever you go, go with all your heart. C. Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty. D. God blesses the determined and hard-working. 27. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?


哈尔滨三中2015年第一次模拟考试 英语试卷笔试部分 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) A One hometown owner in Detroit is intending to exchange his villa for the latest iPhone 6. The owner has dropped the asking price from $ 5,000 to a new iPhone 6 as the owner is desperate to sell before the tax auction (拍卖) season where ―thousands‖ of homes near foreclosure (房屋止赎权) will flood into the market, a real estate broker (房地产经纪人) called Larry Else told ABC News. ―This house is really not worth much at all,‖ Else said. The windows are broken and there is no front door. The broker himself has not been inside the home because his company has a policy of not going in unsecured houses alone. Detroit’s declining fortunes have left its population about a third of what it used to be in its peak, according to the U.S. Census Bureau(人口普查办公室). Now, the property has accrued (拖欠) more than $6,000 in back taxes (退税款) and will enter foreclosure next year if that debt is not settled. So while the owner is asking for an iPhone 6, the true cost of the sale comes from the buyer including the cost of the back taxes. That attracted great interest in the property, as Else said that he received four offers today alone. One woman said she was interested in the house for the wood. Another said that they would be willing to hand over an iPhone 5, and another offered $ 850. But Else hinted that the most likely buyer is someone who already lives on the block and put in a $ 700 bid(出价), and their familiarity with the area appeared to put them at the head of the pack. He said he expects one of the four offers to work out, and may even confirm the sale tonight. This is not the end of his bartering (物物交换) business, however, as Else said that he’s already gotten another call from a homeowner who has had trouble selling their property. 21.Why did the owner drop his price for the house? A.Because the house was too old. B.Because there is a boom in economy. C.Because he wanted to sell the house quickly. D.Because the population in Detroit is small. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab9105267.html,rry Else hasn’t come into the house because _______. A.it is dangerous to enter it B.the owner doesn’t permit it C.he is not familiar with the area D.it will break the company’s rule 23.The house will most possibly be sold at the price of _______. A. $ 5,000 B. $ 850 C. $ 700 D. an iPhone 6 24.The passage is most probably taken from ________. A. a story book B. a news report C. an economy report D. a tourist brochure B Regardless of the fact that getting dressed in baseball caps and T-shirts are classic American style choices; the preppy(学院风格) look is what sophisticated(高雅时髦的) British youths wear. But when it comes to the best-dressed nation, neither the US nor the UK tops CNN’s list. So which country has the best fashion sense? Take a look. Italy


哈三中2021年第一次高考模拟考试 理科综合(物理)试卷 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,其中第Ⅱ卷第33~40题为选考题,其它题为必考题。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N14O 16 第I卷 二、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14~18题只有一项符合题目要求,第19~21题有多项符合题目要求。全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分。 14.下列说法正确的是 A.楞次首先发现电流周围存在磁场 B.法拉第首先发现了电磁感应现象 C.亚里士多德认为力是改变物体运动状态的原因 D.经典力学对宏观物体和微观物体的研究都适用 15.如图,斜面与水平面之间的夹角为45°,在斜面底端A点正上方高 度为10m处的O点,以5 m/s的速度水平抛出一个小球,飞行一段 时间后撞在斜面上,这段飞行所用的时间为(g=10m/s2) A.2s B.2s C.1 s D. 0.5 s 16.在研究微型电动机的性能时,可采用右图所示的实验电路。当 调节滑动变阻器R,使电动机停止转动时,电流表和电压表的示数分

别为1.0A 和1.0V;重新调节R,使电动机恢复正常运转时,电流表和电压表的示数分别为2.0A 和15.0V 。则当这台电动机正常运转时 A .电动机的内阻为7.5Ω B .电动机的内阻为2.0Ω C.电动机的输出功率为30.0W D .电动机的输出功率为26.0W 17.水平方向的传送带,顺时针转动,传送带速度大小V=2m /s 不变,两端A 、B 间距离为3m 。一物块从B 端以V0=4m/s 滑上传送带,物块与传送带间的动摩擦因数μ=0.4,g=10m /s 2。物块从滑上传送带至离开传送带的过程中,速度随时间变化的图象是 A. B.C . D. 18.空间某区域竖直平面内存在电场,电场线分布如图所示。一个质量为m、电量为q ,电性未知的小球在该电场中运动,小球经过A 点时的速度大小为1v ,方向水平向右,运动至B 点时的速度大小为2v 。若A 、B 两点之间的高度差为h,则以下判断中正确的是 A.A、B 两点的电场强度和电势大小关系为B A E E >、B A ??< B.若12v v >,则电场力一定做正功 C.A 、B 两点间的电势差为()gh v v q m 222122-- D .小球从A 运动到B点的过程中电场力做的功为 21222121mv mv - 19.如图所示,一木箱放在水平面上,木箱重G1,人重G 2, 人站在木箱里用力F 向上推木箱,则


听力原文 Ⅰ. 听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子读两遍。(5分) 1. Was your father at work last Sunday afternoon? 2. I’m sorry for being late. 3. Excuse me. May I use your pen, please? 4. Please give my best wishes to your parents. 5. How long have you been like this, Bob? Ⅱ.听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。(3分) 6. Alice’s mother is cleaning the living room. 7. Have you read the newspaper? There is some news in it. 8. Excuse me. You mustn’t take photos here. Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择能回答所给问题的正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。(6分) 9. Woman: What do you think of the film you saw last night? Man: Well, it made me sleepy. But my girlfriend thought it was interesting. Question: How does the boy like the film? 10. Woman: Hello, can I help you? Man: I want a bowl of beef noodles and a glass of orange juice, please. Woman: Wait a moment, please. Question: Where may the conversation take place? 11. Man: Where are you going, Liu Mei? Woman: I am going shopping. I want to get a present for my brother. Tomorrow is his birthday. Man: Was he born on Children’s Day? How interesting! Question: What is the date today? 12. Man: How do you get your English better, Alice? Woman: Well, maybe reading aloud every morning helps me a lot. Question: How does Alice get her English better? 13. Woman: Dad, my bike is broken. Could you drive me to school this morning? Man: It’s still early. Why not walk there? Woman: OK. Question: How will the girl go to school this morning? 14. Woman: Look ! A lot of leaves are lying on the ground. Man: The wind was very strong last night. Question: What was the weather like last night? Ⅳ.听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。(6分) 听第一段对话,回答第15、16、17小题。 Woman: Hi, Fred. How are you? Man: Fine. I must say goodbye to you, Lily. I am going to the United States next Monday. Woman: For how long? Man: I don’t know. My mum and dad want me to finish my college there.

2018 年哈三中一模考试 答案

2018年哈尔滨市第三中学第一次高考模拟考试 文科综合能力测试试题参考答案 一、选择题 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A10.C 11.B12.C13.B14.B15.C 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D20.B 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.D28.C 29.A30.A 31.C 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.C 二、非选择题 36. (1)数量大①多肉植物营养器官肥厚,储存大量水分,可以维持旱季的生存②旱季较长,其他物种难以生存③受寒流影响,多大雾天气,有利于多肉植物吸收水分④有 短暂的雨季,多肉植物可以吸收水分⑤适宜地区面积广 种类多⑥纬度跨度大,范围广 ⑦区域内地势起伏大,适宜多种多肉植物生长 (2)夏季,气温高,蒸发旺盛,降水少。进入休眠,生长缓慢,减少水分的消耗,最大限度地保持水分维持生命。 (3)原产地:加剧荒漠化,生物多样性减少 输入地:外来物种入侵,破坏生态,可能会造成病虫害传播。 37. (1)我国可燃冰主要分布在南海海域、东海海域、青藏高原冻土带以及东北冻土带。 (6分) (2)自然方面:开采时可能遇到台风、暴雨、巨浪等困难;不合理的开采可能造成海啸、海底滑坡、海水毒化等灾害;社会经济方面:开采技术难度大;开采成 本高(6分) (3)可燃冰的发现促进我国能源消费结构的多样化;缓解能源紧张的局面;目前中国原油对外依赖度不断上升,开采可燃冰,可以进一步保证我国的能源安全, 加大能源战略保障;可燃冰为清洁能源,燃烧值高,可减少对环境的污染;随 着科学技术水平的提高,我国开始具备开采可燃冰的能力。(8分) 38. (1)(14分) ①有利于促进农村经济结构调整,转变经济发展方式,发展特色农产品,提升 品牌效益(提高本地农产品信誉和形象),增加销量(生产适销对路产品), 提高服务质量,满足消费者需求,促进农村经济发展(农业现代化)。(7分) ②有利于发展农村集体经济,巩固公有制主体地位,完善基本经济制度。(3分) ③农民们要学习网络经营,有利于提高农民素质,更新观念,增加农民收入。 (4分) 文综答案第1页


2015年西城区初三英语一模试卷(有答案) 北京市西城区2015初三一模英语试题 2015.4 听力理解 (共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。 (共5分,每小题1分) 1. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 (共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第 6至第7小题。6. What’s the matter with the man? A. He’s got a cold. B. He’s lost his umbrella. C. He’s had an accident. 7. What was the weather like yesterday afternoon? A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。8. What’s Helen going to do on Friday evening? A. To visit her neighbours. B. To go out with her friend. C. To have a birthday party. 9. What’s the woman going to take with her? A. A bottle of wine. B. Some food and drinks. C. Some flowers. 请听一段独白,完成第10至第11小题。 10. What can we learn about the man? A. He learnt cooking from his mother. B. He is taking a cooking lesson. C. He works in a restaurant. 11. What makes the woman get bored now? A. Cooking at home. B. Eating take-out food. C. Being busy with her work. 请听一段独白,完成第12至第13小题。 12. What is the woman doing now? A. Putting paper cuts on the window. B. Teaching how to make paper cuts. C. Drawing some pictures for paper cuts. 13. How did the woman get her paper cut? A. She bought it at a local market. B. She got it from an old lady. C. She made it all by herself. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。14. Why can’t the speaker go to work today? A. Her son is ill. B. She isn’t feeling well. C. She has to go to her son’s school. 15. What does the speaker ask Raman to do? A. To get in touch with the trainer. B. To book a room on the third floor. C. To order lunch for ten people.


2019年黑龙江省哈尔滨三中高考物理一模试卷 一、单选题(本大题共4小题,共24.0分) 1.以下说法正确的是() A. 普朗克提出了能量量子化观点 B. 在探究求合力方法的实验中使用了理想实验法 C. 汤姆孙提出原子的核式结构学说,后来由卢瑟福用粒子散射实验给予了验证 D. 牛顿发现万有引力定律并应用放大法测出引力常量G 2.A、B两辆汽车从同一地点同时出发沿同一方向做直线运动,它们的速度的平方(v2) 随位置(x)的变化规律如图所示,下列判断正确的是() A. 汽车A的加速度大小为 B. 汽车A、B在处的速度大小为 C. 从开始到汽车A停止前,当时A、B相距最远 D. 从开始到汽车A停止前,当时A、B相距最远 3.如图所示,倾角为θ的斜面体c置于水平地面上,不带电绝缘小物块b置于绝缘斜 面上,通过绝缘细绳跨过光滑的定滑轮与带正电小球a连接,连接b的一段细绳与 斜面平行。在a所在空间中有竖直向下的匀强电场,当电场强度逐渐增加的情况下, a、b、c都处于静止状态,则() A. b对c的摩擦力一定减小 B. 地面对c的摩擦力一定减小 C. 地面对c的摩擦力方向一定向右 D. b对c的摩擦力方向可能平行斜面向上一直增加 4.空间存在一沿x轴方向的静电场,电势φ随x变化的关系如图所示,下列说法正确的 是() A. 沿x轴正方向,从0到无穷远电势先降低后升高,场强先减小后增大 B. 将带正电粒子由~之间的位置静止释放不包括点仅受电场力作用,粒子先向右加速,后向 右减速,最终速度为零 C. 位置场强最小,大小为0 D. 在图示区域内点两侧电场强度方向相反 二、多选题(本大题共6小题,共33.0分) 5.我国的嫦娥四号在2019年1月3日着陆在了月球背面,这是人类历史上的首次着 陆为全世界的月球探索开拓了新方向。为了保持地面和嫦娥四号的通信,我国于 2018年5月21日,将一颗地月中继卫星“鹊桥”发射到地月轨道的拉格朗日点 L2上,我们可以简单理解为处在L2点的物体在地球和月球的引力共同作用下绕地 球做匀速圆周运动并始终与地月共线,已知地球的质量M、地球球心到L2点距离 为r、引力常量为G、月球公转周期T,以下说法正确的是() A. 中继卫星“鹊桥”的运行线速度大于月球绕地球公转的线速度 B. 中继卫星“鹊桥”的运行线速度小于月球绕地球公转的线速度 C. 中继卫星“鹊桥”的加速度为 D. 中继卫星“鹊桥”的加速度为 6.如图两个质量均为m的可视为质点的A、B物块用足够长的轻绳跨过一质量可忽略的光 滑定滑轮连接,A套在竖直杆ab上,ab杆光滑且足够长,滑轮到ab杆的垂直距离为 L=0.123m,开始时让连接A的细绳与竖直方向垂直,同时由静止释放A和B在之后的 运动过程中B始终未到达滑轮处高度(滑轮大小不计,空气阻力不计,g=10m/s2)下列 说法正确的是() A. AB系统机械能守恒 B. B的机械能先增加再减少 C. AB系统动能一直在增加 D. 当OA与竖直方向夹角为时, 7.如图所示,M是一小型理想变压器,在a、b端输入稳定的正弦交流电,变压器右侧部分连有电阻恒定 不变的相同小灯泡L1、L2、滑动变阻器R,所有电表都是理想电表,当滑动变阻器P向上滑动时U2为V2表示数,I2为A2表示数,以下说法中正确的是() A. 的示数增大,的示数增大,的示数变增大 B. 的示数不变,的示数减小 C. 变小 D. L、都变亮 8.如图光滑金属导轨efgh由宽窄两部分组成,导轨电阻不计,其中倾斜导轨与水平导轨用光滑绝缘材料 连接(长度可忽略,导体AB经过此处时动能不变)水平倾斜导轨都有垂直导轨平面的匀强磁场,磁感应强度大小均为B,方向如图所示。eg间距为L,连接有阻值为R的电阻,fh间距为2L,导体棒AB 长L,CD长2L,质量均为m,电阻均为r,倾斜导轨与水平面夹角为θ.现导体棒AB由距水平面H 高处静止释放(H足够高),AB、CD在运动过程中与导轨接触良好并始终垂直导轨(em、gn足够长,AB不会越过mn两点,重力加速度为g),则() A. 导体棒A在倾斜导轨的最终速度为 B. 从释放到最终稳定,通过电阻R上的电荷量为 C. 最终CD棒的速度为 D. 最终AB棒的速度为 9.以下说法正确的是()

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