当前位置:文档之家› 上海名校英语--上海市延安初级中学2017学年第一学期初一年级英语学科期末试卷-学生版.do






Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法) 44% V. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.(按音标填空) 4%

25. It is__________[k?n?vi:ni?nt] to go shopping in my neighbourhood.

26. A__________[?w?:n??] tell us things we must not do.

27. Jenny does exercise__________[?regj?l?li] to keep fit.

28. Ladies usually buy some flowers to__________[?dek?re?t] their rooms.

VI. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案) 16%

29.There is______information sign on the wall. It is______useful sign.

A.a, a

B.a, an

C.an, a

D.an, an

30. --Where is our school______the map of Shanghai?

--It is______the city center.

A.in, on

B.on, in

C.on, on

D.in, in

31. --Why do you like living in the countryside?

--Because there’s not______traffic there.





32. There is going to______a school film festival next month.





33. The old lady______take medicine. She is feeling better now.

A.need to

B.needn’t to

C.doesn’t need

D.doesn’t need to

34. Kenny is looking forward to______himself in the computer room in his new flat.





35. --______do you write a letter to your pen friend, John?


A.How often

B.Hoe much

C.How long

D.How soon

36. Which of the following sign means we must stop our car here?

37. Kitty has moved to Guangzhou. She will______live in Shanghai______.

A.not, any longer

B.no, any more

C.no, any longer

D.not, longer

38. I______go to bed late. It was a bad habit.


一、初二物理机械运动实验易错压轴题(难) 1.小宾发现在同一店家购买的同种蜂蜜没有上一次购买的蜂蜜粘。他想到磁铁的磁性与温度有关,于是猜想粘滞性也可能与温度有关。 根据自己的猜想,小宾设计了如下的实验方案:将同一瓶蜂蜜分装入三个小瓶,一瓶放在冰箱,一瓶放在室内,另一瓶放在热水中加热一会儿。然后找三支相同的试管,让爸爸妈妈帮忙,用三支相同的滴管分别从三个小瓶中各取质量相同的一滴蜂蜜,如图甲,分别滴到倾斜放置着的试管内壁上,记录各滴蜂蜜流到试管底部的时间并进行比较。 蜂蜜在冰箱中在室内经热水加热 在试管中流淌时间较长一般较短 (1)从微观角度思考液体的粘滞性主要是由于分子间存在________,通过表格得到粘滞性与温度的关系可以用图乙中________表示。 (2)在上述探究过程中,小宾将“物质的粘滞性”转换成对________________________的测量。 (3)小宾在探究物质的粘滞性与温度的关系时,控制______________等因素不变。(只填一个即可) (4)在实际生活中,油墨粘滞性会对印刷质量有一定的影响。在印刷过程中若油墨的转移不均匀,容易造成印张粘脏、传墨不均,这都是由于油墨粘滞性________(选填“过大”或“过小”)造成的。 【来源】【专题】备战2020届中考物理二轮复习题型专练题型08-创新探究题 【答案】引力D蜂蜜流到试管底部所用时间物质的质量(试管倾斜度等)过大 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 (1)[1]从微观角度思考液体的粘滞性主要是由于分子间存在引力。 [2]由表中实验信息可以看出:蜂蜜的温度越高,蜂蜜流淌时间越短,则粘性变小;所以图像B能反映粘度随温度变化的图象。故选B。 (2)[3]此题采用转换法,通过观察流淌时间的长短来比较粘性的大小,将不能直接测量的


2017年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 1. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call.B.By sending an email.C.By writing a letter.D.By leaving a message.

10.A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday. 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students.20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences.


上海延安初级中学二年级数学下册第七单元《万以内数的认识》单元检测卷 (有答案解析) 一、选择题 1.一件衣服的价格是385元,一件裤子的价格是249元,大约一共要()元. A. 600 B. 640 C. 550 2.2936和2946之间有()个数。 A. 10 B. 9 C. 8 3.算式517-288的结果()。 A. 小于200 B. 等于200 C. 大于200 4.478+281,下面说法错误的是() A. 它们的和比1000大一些 B. 它们的和大约等于760 C. 478不到500,281不到300,它们的和不到800 5.估一估,结果大于550的算式是() A. 792-268 B. 642-89 C. 392+99 6.202与394的和大约是()。 A. 500 B. 200 C. 600 7.293+587的结果大约是()。 A. 900 B. 800 C. 700 8.下面各数中只读一个“零”的数是()。 A. 2080 B. 3100 C. 3280 9.5894>5□93,□里最大能填()。 A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 10.下面各数中,一个零都不读的是() A. 8008 B. 1080 C. 5500 11.8008的右边的8表示()。 A. 8个千 B. 8个十 C. 8个ー 12.下面各数一个0都不读出来的是() A. 8007 B. 8070 C. 8700 二、填空题 13.由6个千、7个百和2个一组成的数是________,这个数是________位数。读作________。 14.《数学神探006》一共有168页.小明已经看了89页,大约还有________页没读.15.某画展上午有398人参观,下午有704人参观,请估一估,这天参观画展共约________人。 16.45里面有________个十和________个一;450里面有________个百和________个十;890里面有________个十;5000里面有________个百。 17.最大的三位数与最小的三位数的差是________。 18.估一估,把算式填在横线上。


上海市延安中学2017学年第一学期 高一年级英语第一次单元测试卷 Ⅰ.Grammar and Vocabulary(18分) Section A(10分) Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 19.Which of the following is NOT the same in structure with the other three? A.City air is dirty and polluted. B.Fashion models wear the latest styles of clothes. C.He didn’t take interest in law. D.Positive cues indicate the start of a conversation. 20.Which of the following is compound sentence? A.Let’s begin our class meeting since everyone is here. B.The item you requested is no longer available.Therefore we are returning your cheque. C.Study hard,or you will fail in the exam. D.He swept and cleaned the floor in the classroom after school. 21.At the beginning,I disagreed________what he proposed,but later I changed my mind after he explained it to me. A.to B.of C.on D.with 22.The first use of atomic weapon was in1945,and their power_________increased greatly ever since. A.is B.was C.has been D.had been 23.I closed my eyes and imagined________on a beach in the sunshine with some ice cream at hand. A.to lie B.to be lying C.lying https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac11185656.html,in 24.Singapore’s government has insisted that everyone in the island nation should speak English. ___________,in the daily life,many people prefer to speak a confusing language---Singlish. A.Besides B.Therefore C.However D.Moreover 25.According to Youyou Tu,the Nobel Prize winner,time and efforts are worth_________while you are doing a research. A.spending B.to be spent C.spend D.being spent 26.He__________English for eight years by the time he graduate from the university next year. A.has been learning B.will be learning C.has learned D.will have learned 27.Progress so far has been very good._____________,we are sure that the project will be completed on time. A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.For 28.Allow children the space to voice their opinions,_________they are different from your own. A.until B.even if C.unless D.as though Section B(8分) Directions:Complete the sentences with the phrases or words in the box.Each one can only be


上海市长宁区延安初级中学2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末数学 试题(word无答案) 一、填空题 (★) 1 . PM2.5 是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5μm0.0000025m)的颗粒物,含有大量有毒、有害物质,也称可入肺颗粒物.将 0.0000025用科学记数法表示为_______________. (★) 2 . 单项式的系数是______________. (★★) 3 . 将表示成只含有正整数的指数幂形式为______. (★★) 4 . 若分式的值为零,则的值为______________. (★) 5 . 因式分解: ____________________ . (★★) 6 . 计算: ______________. (★★) 7 . 计算: ______________. (★★) 8 . 若关于的分式方程无解,则的值等于______________. (★★) 9 . 已知,则的值等于______________. (★★) 10 . 如果,那么______________. (★) 11 . 正八边形是旋转对称图形,它绕着中心至少旋转______________度能与初始图形重合. (★★) 12 . 如图,将绕着点按顺时针方向旋转得到.若,则 ______________ . (★) 13 . 如图,的周长为12,把的边对折,是点与点重合,折痕交边于点,交边于点,联结,若,则的周长__________. (★★) 14 . 如图,正方形与正方形的边长都为米,将正方形沿着射线的方向平移__________米后,两个正方形重叠部分的面积为平方


一、选择题 1.化简221x x x ++÷(1-11x +)的结果是( ) A .11x + B .11x - C .x+1 D .x-1 2.关于分式2634m n m n --,下列说法正确的是( ) A .分子、分母中的m 、n 均扩大2倍,分式的值也扩大2倍 B .分子、分母的中m 扩大2倍,n 不变,分式的值扩大2倍 C .分子、分母的中n 扩大2倍,m 不变,分式的值不变 D .分子、分母中的m 、n 均扩大2倍,分式的值不变 3.如图,在数轴上表示2224411424x x x x x x -++÷-+的值的点是( ) A .点P B .点Q C .点M D .点N 4.若关于x 的分式方程122x a x -=-的解为非负数,且关于x 的不等式组5x x a ≥??>? 的解集是5x ≥,则符合条件的整数a 有( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 5.世界上数小的开花结果植物是激大利亚的出水浮萍,这种植物的果实像一个微小的无花架,质做只有0.000000076克,0.000000076用科学记数法表示正确的是( ) A .-60.7610? B .-77.610? C .-87.610? D .-97.610? 6.下列运算正确的是( ) A .236a a a ?= B .22a a -=- C .572a a a ÷= D .0(2)1(0)a a =≠ 7.小红用15元买售价相同的软面笔记本,小丽用24元买售价相同的硬面笔记本(两人的钱恰好用完)已知每本硬面笔记本比软面笔记本贵3元,且小红和小丽买到相同数量的笔记本.设硬面笔记本每本售价为x 元,根据题意可列出的方程为( ) A .1524x x 3=+ B .1524x x 3=- C .1524x 3x =+ D .1524x 3x =- 8.如图,若a 为负整数,则表示2a 111a a 1??÷- ?-+?? 的值的点落在( ) A .段① B .段② C .段③ D .段④


2016学年第二学期黄浦区初三模拟考 英语试卷2017.4 Part II 第二部分语音、语法和词汇 II.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分) 26. Which of the following words is pronounced[fe?]? A) fillB) fair C) fear D) fire 27. After a long journey, the old man sat down and had _____ short rest. A) aB) an C) the D) / 28. Everybody rose and clapped their hands _____ the end of the concert. A) by B) in C) at D) for 29. Studies show that less active students in class require a little more _______ A) prize B) task C) friend D) care 30. Jane took _____ look at her house the moment she started her car. A) other B) others C) another D) the other 31. Benjamin was born in Boston ______ the morning of January 17, 1907. A) in B) on C) at D) by 32. The waiter was asked to welcome guestswith _____ smile and bow. A) friendly B) kindly C) politely D) happily 33. It’s important for a teacher to express _______ clearly in class. A) he B) him C) his D) himself 34. According to a recent survey, Google Play is one of ______ apps in the world. A) popular B) more popular C) most popular D) the most popular 35. The newspaper says house prices in Australia are expected ______ by 10% in 2017. A) rise B) rising C) to rise D) to rising 36. Something must be done to stop air pollution, ________ we will have no fresh air. A) or B) for C) but D) so 37. Taobao shop owners are busy _____ clothes for their online customers. A) pack B) to pack C) packing D) to packing 38. More than six million guests ______ Shanghai Disneyland Park since last June. A) visit B) visited C) were visiting D) have visited 39. Listen! Someone ______ at the door. Please go and answer it. A) knocks B) is knocking C) has knocked D) was knocking 40. Passengers must not leave their seats ______ the plane comes to a full stop. A) until B) since C) if D) become 41. Many parts of this car_____ in less developed countries, like Thailand. A) produce B) produced C) are produced D) was produced 42. We _____ respect the local culture and customs when traveling abroad. A) can B) need C) may D) should 43. _______ good time they are having with their family on the beach! A) What B) How C) What a D) How a 44. --What about reading loud to practice our spoken English? --_________


一、阅读(60分) (一)阅读下文,完成第1-5题。(11分) 我和我的建筑都像竹子 贝聿铭 ①在长达70年的建筑设计生涯中,我先后设计规划了法国卢浮宫博物馆,美国国家艺术馆东楼、肯尼迪图书馆等建筑,大部分作品都与文化艺术有关,符合了自己的追求。 ②有人说一个设计师的命运75%来自他招揽生意的能力,我不同意。建筑师不能对人说:“请我吧!”自己的实力是最好的说服工具。怎么表现你的实力?那么就要敢于选择,敢于放弃,决定了的事情,就要有信心进行下去。 ③64岁,我被法国总统密特朗邀请参加卢浮宫重建,并为卢浮宫设计了一座全新的金字塔。当时法国人高喊着“巴黎不要金字塔”、“交出卢浮宫”,不分昼夜表达不满,翻译都被吓倒了,几乎没有办法替我翻译我想答辩的话。当时的确有压力,我面对的是优越感极为强烈的法国人,卢浮宫举世闻名。做事情最重要的是维持十足的信心,必须相信自己,把各种非议和怀疑抛诸脑后。旁人接受我与否不是最重要的,我得首先接受自己。建筑设计师必须有自己的风格和主见,随波逐流就肯定被历史淹没了。 ④后来金字塔获得了巨大的成功,我也被总统授予了法国最高荣誉奖章,但我仍然保持一贯的低姿态,说:“谦恭并不表示我有丝毫的妥协,妥协就是投降。” ⑤这么多年,我敢说,我和我的建筑都像竹子,再大的风雨,也只是弯弯腰而已。 ⑥我生在中国,长在中国,17岁赴美国求学,之后在大洋彼岸成家立业。但中国就在我血统里面,我至今能说一口流利的普通话,平时的衣着打扮,家庭布置与生活习惯,依然保持着中国的传统特色。越是民族的,越是世界的。当然美国新的东西我也了解,中美两方面的文化在我这儿并没有矛盾冲突。我在文化缝隙中活得自在自得,在学习西方新观念的同时,不放弃本身丰富的传统。 ⑦“志于道,据于德;依于仁,游于艺”,建筑不是服装,可以赶时髦,建起来以后,不能说明年不流行了就立刻拆掉。我从来不赶时髦,我比较保守;但我也从来不把自己定位成古典或者现代派。还有人称我是现代主义大师,相当多的作品都是西式建筑,但在设计方面我力争把古典和创新相结合,并且摸索新路改进自己的风格。 ⑧我曾受邀在日本东京的静修中心建造一个宗教的钟塔,这座钟塔的形状很像日本一种传统乐器:底部是方的,往上逐渐变平变扁,越往顶端越锋利。日本人很喜欢,后来再次邀请我为博物馆做设计。当我还是孩子的时候,读过一个中国故事叫《桃花源记》,很羡慕那种生活安然,环境优美的感觉。日本人知道这个故事,都说,对,要是能把博物馆做成那种感觉就好了。博物馆选在山上,在山上修了一座桥,穿过山谷通向博物馆。日本人非常接受这个设计。


上海延安初级中学人教版(七年级)初一上册数学期末测试题及答案 一、选择题 1.以下选项中比-2小的是( ) A .0 B .1 C .-1.5 D .-2.5 2.宁波港处于“一带一路”和长江经济带交汇点,地理位置得天独厚.全年货物吞吐量达9.2亿吨,晋升为全球首个“9亿吨”大港,并连续8年蝉联世界第一宝座.其中9.2亿用科学记数法表示正确的是( ) A . B . C . D . 3.某车间有26名工人,每人每天能生产螺栓12个或螺母18个.若要使每天生产的螺栓和螺母按1:2配套,则分配几人生产螺栓?设分配x 名工人生产螺栓,其他工人生产螺母,所列方程正确的是( ) A .()121826x x =- B .()181226x x =- C .()2181226x x ?=- D .()2121826x x ?=- 4.下列因式分解正确的是() A .21(1)(1)x x x +=+- B .()am an a m n +=- C .2 244(2)m m m +-=- D .2 2(2)(1)a a a a --=-+ 5.下列方程变形正确的是( ) A .方程 110.20.5x x --=化成1010101025 x x --= B .方程 3﹣x=2﹣5(x ﹣1),去括号,得 3﹣x=2﹣5x ﹣1 C .方程 3x ﹣2=2x+1 移项得 3x ﹣2x=1+2 D .方程 23t=3 2 ,未知数系数化为 1,得t=1 6.互不相等的三个有理数a ,b ,c 在数轴上对应的点分别为A ,B ,C 。若: ||||||a b b c a c -+-=-,则点B ( ) A .在点 A, C 右边 B .在点 A, C 左边 C .在点 A, C 之间 D .以上都有可能 7.观察下列算式,用你所发现的规律得出22015的末位数字是( ) 21=2,22=4,23=8,24=16,25=32,26=64,27=128,28=256,…. A .2 B .4 C .6 D .8 8.以下调查方式比较合理的是( ) A .为了解一沓钞票中有没有假钞,采用抽样调查的方式 B .为了解全区七年级学生节约用水的情况,采用抽样调查的方式 C .为了解某省中学生爱好足球的情况,采用普查的方式 D .为了解某市市民每天丢弃塑料袋数量的情况,采用普查的方式 9.若-4x 2y 和-23x m y n 是同类项,则m ,n 的值分别是( ) A .m=2,n=1 B .m=2,n=0 C .m=4,n=1 D .m=4,n=0 10.如图,小明将自己用的一副三角板摆成如图形状,如果∠AOB=155°,那么∠COD 等于


杨浦区2017年初三年级学业质量调研 英语学科试卷2017年4月 (满分150分,考试时间:100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) B C D A E F G H 1.________ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你 听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A) Tomatoes. B) Potatoes. C) Eggs. D) Chicken. 8. A) Rainy. B) Snowy. C) Cloudy. D) Sunny. 9. A) 9:00 . B) 10:00 . C) 11:00 . D) 12:00 . 10. A) By bus. B) By car. C) By underground. D) By running. 11. A) At the library. B) At the airport. C) At the hospital. D) At the restaurant. 12. A) Favourite sports. B) Ways to relax. C) Weekend plans. D) Future jobs. 13. A) Go to Maria’s party. B) Attend a meeting. C) Eat out with Maria. D) Take Maria to London. 14. A) The woman will get her laptop repaired. B) The woman will buy a new laptop. C) The woman will buy a desktop computer. D) The woman will buy a battery for her laptop. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列 句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) 15. Nancy was very excited because she got her driver’s license. 16. Nancy and Abby’s mom was nervous about her daughters’ driving to the store. 17. The road near Nancy’s house was blocked and a police car came to help.

2008学年第二学期期末考试预备年级英语试卷 上海 延安初级中学 小六 基础

上海市延安初级中学2008学年第二学期期末考试 预备年级英语试卷 2009.6 (长宁中心乔玮提供) Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法) V. Complete the sentences with words according to the phonetic symbols.(看音标,填入所缺单词完成下列句子): (共6分) 21. Nowadays, we don't buy tickets from a bus ___________/k?n’d?kt? (r)/and we use cards. 22. A strong wind may blow away flower pots ___________/,aut’saId/people's fiats. 23. Don't ___________/weIst/ water, rice, time or even life. They are important to us. 24. It feels hard and rough because it is a ___________/wudn/box. 25. At ___________/f ?:st/, the wind blew gently. The leaves moved slightly. 26. In summer, we can see many bees and butterflies fly ___________/?'raund/. Ⅵ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分) 27. A forest is ___________ large area of trees. A. a B. an C. the D. / 28. The oceans are important to all animals on the Earth. We must keep ___________ clean. A. it B. them C. its D. their 29. We can see ___________ traffic jams if there are more underground stations when the EXPO comes. A. fewer B. much C. less D. most 30. There were five strong typhoons in Shanghai last year and all of them blew ___________. A. fiercely B. slightly C. gently D. carefully 31. Have you ever been to Pudong New Distrcit ___________? A. in ferry B. on ferry C. by ferry D. with ferry 32. ___________ will Yan An Middle School be like in 2049? A. When B. How C. Which D. What


2020-2021上海延安初级中学小学六年级数学上期末模拟试卷(及答案) 一、选择题 1.黄豆中各种营养成分所占百分比如图。400g黄豆中脂肪的含量是()。 A. 56g B. 100g C. 144g D. 64g 2.一种商品,先降价20%,再提价20%,现在商品的价格与原来相比() A. 高于原价 B. 不变 C. 低于原价 D. 无法判断3.给7.5后面添上百分号,这个数将( )。 A. 扩大100倍 B. 缩小100倍 C. 大小不变 4.一个圆的周长扩大3倍,它的面积就扩大()倍. A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 5.两个圆的周长不相等,是因为它们的()。 A. 圆心位置不同 B. 半径不相等 C. 圆周率不相等 6.已知b:2= (b,c均不为0),那么b,c的大小关系是() A. b>c B. b

11.50米比40米多________%;________的20%是250。 12.用一张长26cm,宽16cm的纸片剪出一个最大的圆,这个圆的面积是________cm2。13.六年级和五年级共有270人,六年级与五年级人数比是5:4,六年级有________人。14.若李明走到陈红的位置要向北偏西25°的方向走450米,那么陈红要走去李明的位置要向________偏________、________°方向走。 15.一瓶饮料升,淘气喝了,他喝了________升。 16.一根铁丝长3m,先用去,再用去 m,还剩________m。 三、解答题 17.某校六年级学生期末复习前后的成绩统计情况如下图: (1)经过一段时间的复习,达到优秀的学生增加了88人,该校六年级有多少人? (2)经过一段时间的复习,不合格的人数比原来减少了百分之几? (3)经过一段时间的复习,良好的人数占总人数的百分比下降了,请分析原因。 18.列式计算。 (1)一个数减去它的60%是18的,这个数是多少? (2)用21的去除56的,商是多少? 19.把一个半径6cm的圆形铁片加工成一个环形零件(如图),环形零件的面积是多少平方厘米? 20.甲、乙两人原有的钱数之比为,后来甲又得到180元,乙又得到30元,这时甲、乙钱数之比为,求原来两人的钱数之和为多少?


2016学年宝山区第二学期期中考试九年级英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 2 Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) 26. Which of the following word matches the sound /?pe?r?nt/? A. parent B. present C. pleasant D. peasant 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A. He arrived there half an hour late. B. Tom is the most honest boy in his class. C. I really hope to win. D. It’s a great honour for me to be here. 28. ______ old man in blue is Susan’s physics teacher. A. A B. An C. The D. / 29. There were so many ______ in the streets yesterday because it was a national holiday. A. people B. traffic C. policeman D. student 30. Mr. Smith can’t attend the meeting because he has ______ to do. A. nothing urgent B. anything urgent C. something urgent D. urgent something 31. Mike likes coins very much. He has collected about five _____ coins from different countries so far. A. hundred of B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundreds 32. Liu Yang became the first Chinese woman astronaut to fly into space ____ June 16,2012. A. on B. in C. by D. at 33. The CN TV Tower(which is in Canada)is a _______ building. A. 553 meters tall B. 553-meters tall C. 553-meters-tall D. 553-meter-tall


上海市延安中学2018学年第一学期期中考试 高一年级英语试卷 第I卷 I. Listening Comprehension II. Grammar and Vocabulary 21.Before ecotourism is conducted correctly, we had better not force our will ________ those local residents who wishes to live in a quiet and peaceful life. A. for B. to C. on D. of 22.Hepburn was so ________ by Givenchy’s work that she kept loyal to him over the years. Most of her casual wear was designed by Givenchy. A. fascinated B. fascinating C. fascinate D. fascination 23.Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation(创新) distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Just remember: ________ you start to think creatively, the whole world is going to be following. A. Although B. Where C. Unless D. Once 24.________ there are often many resources available on campus, like professors and advisors, youngsters find it most comfortable and convenient to turn to friends for help. A. As B. While C. When D. If 25.Shan Tianfang devoted his whole life to the seemingly ordinary act of telling stories. ________ the simple act created an extraordinary cultural legacy(遗产) that will doubtless live on. A. Therefore B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. However 26.Even though we have made much progress in preventing the air pollution in Beijing, yet much ________ before we can have the blue sky. A. is remained to do B. remains to be done C. is remained to be done D. remains to do 27.In China hundreds of different dialects(方言) are spoken; people in some villages ________ themselves understood by the people of the next town. A. making trouble have B. have making trouble C. have trouble making D. made

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