当前位置:文档之家› 词汇学模拟试卷1




I . Each of the statements below is followed by four choices. Please choose the one that best completes each statement.(10 %)

1. In the word internationalists, nation is ________.

A. root

B. stem

C. base

D. root, stem, base

2. ________is the most important of all characteristics of the basic word stock.

A. Productivity

B. Stability

C. Collocability

D. All national character

3. Nonbasic vocabulary includes all of the following except________.

A. slang

B. Anglo-Saxon words

C. argots

D. neologisms

4. It is assumed that the world has 3 000 languages, which can be grouped into roughly _

language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar. A. 200 B. 300

C. 400

D. 500

5. The following languages all belong to the Eastern set except________.

A. Balto-Slavic

B. Indo-Iranian

C. Armenian

D. Italic

6. In the Eastern set, Armenian and________are the sole modern languages in the two

respective families.

A. Albanian

B. Russian

C. Slovenian

D. Lithuanian

minimal meaningful units in a language are known as __________ .

A. words

B. allomorphs

C. morphemes

D. morphs

8. The ________ are "actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning".

A. morphs

B. allomorphs

C. morphemes

D. allophones

9. Morphemes are _____ units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as ________ .

A. concrete; allomorphs

B. abstract; morphs

C. abstract; lexemes

D. concrete; morphs

10. 30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through _________ .

A. compounding

B. affixation

C. conversion

D. shortening

11. The prefixes mal- in maltreat, mis- in misleading and pseudo- in pseudo-scientific

are ________ prefixes.

A. negative

B. reversative

C. pejorative

D. locative

12. A word is the combination of ________ and ________.

A. spelling, sound

B. form, meaning

C. spelling, meaning

D. sound, meaning

13. By form we refer to________.

A. its symbols

B. its spelling

C. its pronunciation

D. both its pronunciation and spelling

14. Reference is the relationship between language and________.

A. the world

B. the concept

C. the sense

D. the motivation

15. All of the following are sense relations except________.

A. polysemy

B. amelioration

C. homonymy

D. antonymy

16. ________ is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages because the majority

of words have more than one meaning.

A. Hyponymy

B. Synonymy

C. Polysemy

D. Homonymy

17. Which of the following words does not undergo the process of narrowing of meaning

A. Meat.

B. Liquor.

C. Disease.

D. Journal.

18. ________factor is the one that often contributes to the associated transfer of

meaning and euphemistic use of words, etc.

A. Scientific

B. Psychological

C. Historical

D. Internal

19. The change of word meaning is achieved by modes of____

A. degradation and elevation

B. transference and euphemism

C. extension and narrowing

D. all the above

20. A word has meaning only when a connection has been established between the linguistic

sign and a________.

A. reference

B. referent

C. concept

D. sense


II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10 %)

21. Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, studying the origins and ________ of words.

22. A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and


23. Modern English expands its vocabulary chiefly through________.

24. The three main means of creating new words in modern English are ________,

compounding and conversion.

25. The overwhelming majority of blends are________.

26. Words imitating natural sounds are________words.

27. Every word that has meaning has sense but not every word has _______ .

28. The relationship between the word form and meaning is conventional and

arbitrary, and most words can be said to be _______.

29. Componential analysis, according to Leech, is the process of breaking down the sense of

a word into its ________ components.

30. At the time when the words were created, it was endowed with only one

meaning. The first meaning is the ________ meaning and the latter meanings are ________meaning.

31. ________is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the

center and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rays.

32. Extension and______are the most common modes of word meaning changes.

33. Narrowing of meaning is also known as______, which is the opposite of______.

34. The extra-linguistic context refers to the________situation, which may extend to embrace the entire________.

35. Linguistic context can be subdivided into_______ context and_____ context.

36. Context can be divided into ____and _____ context.

37. Regarded as a derivational process without the addition of an affix, conversion can be called as _______.

38. ________are the most complete description of words available to us. They are large in scope and size, containing at least 200 000 headwords.

39. ________ are medium-sized ones containing words ranging from 50 000 to 150 000. And they are most used on desk.

40. Based on the degree of similarity, homonyms fall into three types: ________, homographs and________.



III. Please decide whether the following statements are true or false. (10%)


( ) 41. A word can be defined in different ways from different points of view.

( ) 42. Under no circumstances can sound and meaning be intrinsically related.

( ) 43. The introduction of printing press resulted in a lot more differences between sound and form.

( ) 44. In early Middle English period, English, Latin, and Celtic existed side by side.

( ) 45. The introduction of printing into England marked the beginning of Modern English period.

( ) 46. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language.

( ) 47. Conversion not only changes the grammatical function of items involved but their original meaning.

( ) 48. Stylistically, back-formed words are largely informal and some of them have not gained acceptance.

( ) 49. Backformation is considered to be the opposite process of affixation.

( ) 50. Complementaries can be used in comparative degrees.

( ) 51. In a language, there are more synonyms than antonyms.

( ) 52. Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion.

( ) 53. The meaning of paper in "a white paper" is determined by grammatical context. ( ) 54. The ambiguity in "They saw her duck" is due to polysemy.

( ) 55. The clue for the meaning of jetty in "The harbour is protected by a jetty — a wall built out into the water" is definition.

( ) 56. Idioms are generally felt to be informal; therefore they are usually inappropriate for formal settings.

( ) 57. The stylistic features of idioms are fixed and unchangeable.

( ) 58. Idioms are peculiar to native culture and language.

( ) 59. Dictionary is closely related to lexicology because they both deal with the form, meaning, usage and origins of vocabulary units.

( ) 60. In the Anglo-Saxon period, difficult Latin words and definitions were often collected into lists called glossaries for the sake of research.


IV. Please give the meaning of the following prefixes (the italicized part of the word).You are to write your answer in English on the answer sheet. (10%)

61. a political 62. dis obey 63. il literate 64.

de centralize

65. un bug 66. mal treat 67. mis interpret 68.


69. arch bishop 70. co direct 71. extra-large 72. hyper active 73. macro economics 74. micro computer 75. mini-bus 76.


77. out swim 78. sub-system 79. sub normal 80.

super sophisticated




V. Please give the direct expressions of the following euphemisms. (10%)

81. pass away 82. social disease

83. custodian 84. extermination engineer

85. meet engineer 86. sanitation engineer

87. mortician 88. hairdresser

89. Gee 90. Gosh almighty


VI. Please translate the following idioms into Chinese.(20%)

91. in a brown study

92. lip service

93. bury the hatchet

94. tit for tat

95. the lion's share

96. diamond cut diamond

97. like cures like

98. a fish out of water

99. the salt of the earth

100. see eye to eye with

101. as green as grass

102. once in a blue moon

103. ride the high horse

104. a bed of roses

105. make bricks without straw

106. an apple of discord

107. Jack of all trades

108. a fly in the ointment

109. cut and dried

110. wide of the mark


VII. Answer the following questions. (30%)

111. In what way are words related to vocabulary

112. What is the fundamental difference between content and functional words

113. What is the difference between grammatical and lexical morphemes, and inflectional and derivational morphemes Give examples to illustrate their


114. What are the merits and demerits of componential analysis

115. What is hyponymy



I. Please choose the one that best completes each statement. (10%)

1-5 D D B B D

6-10 A C A B B

11-15 C B D A B

16-20 C D B D B




II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10%)


21. meanings

22. syntactic

23. word formation

24. Affixation

25. nouns

26. onomatopoeic

27. reference

28. non-motivated

29. minimal

30. primary; derived

31. radiation

32. narrowing

33. specialization;extension

34. physical; cultural background

35. grammatical

36. linguistic ;extra-linguistic/non-linguistic

37. zero-derivation

38. unabridged dictionaries

39. Desk dictionaries

40. perfect homonyms; homophones



III. Please decide whether the following statements are true or false. (10%)

41-45 T F T T T

46-50 T F T F F

51-55 T T F F T

56-60 T F T T F




IV. Please give the meaning of the following prefixes . (10%)

61. a- not, without, opposite to 62. dis- not, the converse of

63. il- not, the converse of 64. de- reversing the action, depriving of

65. un- reversing the action 66. mal- badly, bad

67. mis- wrongly 68. pseudo- false, imitation

69. arch- supreme, most 70. co- jointly, on equal footing 71. extra- very 72. hyper- extreme

73. macro- large 74. micro- very small

75. mini- little 76. over- excessive

77. out- surpassing 78. sub- secondary, less important

79. sub- beneath, lesser 80. super- more than, beyond, very special



V. Please offer the corresponding direct expressions of the euphemisms. (10%)

81. die 82. venereal disease

83. janitor 84. rat-catcher

85. butcher 86. garbage collector

87. undertaker 88. barber

89. Jesus 90. God Almighty




VI. . Please translate the following idioms into Chinese.(20%)

91. 沉思默想

92. 空口应酬

93. 和解;停战

94. 争锋相对

95. 最大份额

96. 棋逢对手

97. 以毒攻毒

98. 不得其所的人,处于陌生环境的人

99. 社会中坚

100. 看法完全一致

101. 浑然无知的,无社会经验的

102. 千载难逢地

103. 趾高气昂

104. 称心如意的境遇

105. 做无米之炊

106. 纷争之源

107. 万事通而一无所长之人,万金油

108. 美中不足

109. 预先安排好的

110. 毫不相干




VII.Answer the questions. (30%)

111. In what way are words related to vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to the sum total of all the words in a language. In other words, vocabulary

is composed of words and words make up vocabulary. If we compare vocabulary to a family, words are family members.

112. What is the fundamental difference between content and functional words

By notion, words fall into content words and functional words. Content words include nouns, verbs, adjectives , adverbs and numerals, which have clear notions; whereas functional words are void of notions but are mainly used to connect content words into sentences. Content words are numerous and changing all the time, while functional words are small in number and stable. But functional words have a much higher frequency in use than content words.

113. What is the difference between grammatical and lexical morphemes, and inflectional and derivational morphemes Give examples to illustrate their


Inflectional morphemes are the suffixes added to the end of words to denote

grammatical concepts such as -s (-es) , -ed, -ing and -est (to show superlative

degree of adjectives and adverbs) whereas derivational morphemes are

prefixes and suffixes added to words to form new words such as pre-, dis-,

un- , -lion, -er, -ness and so on.

Grammatical morphemes are those used to show grammatical concepts,

including inflectional suffixes as mentioned above and functional words

(prepositions, pronouns, articles, auxiliary verbs), for example, but, the, do and was; lexical morphemes are derivational affixes including both prefixes and suffixes.


114. What are the merits and demerits of componential analysis

Componential analysis (CA) is useful mainly in three aspects. First, CA reveals the semantic features of the sense of a word and helps one grasp the conceptual meaning of the word. Second, CA can help show the synonymy of two words by giving them both the same components. Third, CA can help tell whether a collocation or syntactic structure is acceptable or not.

However, problems are obvious. First, CA is appliable only to concrete words which have definite referents, but not to abstract words or words expressing abstract ideas or concepts. Second, CA is useful in revealing the conceptual meaning, but helpless in showing the figurative meaning of words.

115. What is hyponymy

Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. The meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word, e. g. rose is the hyponym of flower, and cat is the hyponym of animal. Rose and cat are specific words. They are included in flower and animal, which are general terms.




词汇学考试题型 Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(2×15=30%) 1.In Old English there was _______ agreement between sound form.() A. more B. little C. less D. gradual 2.Both LDCE and CCELD are _______.() A. general dictionaries B. monolingual dictionaries C. both A and B D. neither A and B 3.The word "MINISKIRT" is _______.() A. morphologically motivated B. etymologically motivated C. semantically motivated D. none of the above 4.The most important way of vocabulary development in present-day English is _______.() A. borrowing B. semantic change C. creation of new words D. all the above 5.Beneralization is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become ________.() A. generalized B. expanded C. elevated D. degraded 6.Some morphemes have _______ as they are realized by more than one morph according to their position in word.() A. alternative morphs B. single morphs C. abstract units D. discrete units 7.Old English vocabulary was essentially _______ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian.() A. Italic B. Germanic C. Celtic D. Hellenic https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac4125157.html,pounds are different from free phrases in all the following ways EXCEPT _______.()


一.Give the notions of each term.(9’) 1.lexicology: 2.semantics: 3.etymology: 二.True or False(10’) 1.In old English ,nouns had three genders:masculine,feminine or neuter. 2.In Early Modern English Period,the comparative form became-er,and the superlative became-est. 3. A morpheme may have different pronunciations in different contexts. 4.In 1755,Samuel Johnson published his ―Dictionary of the English Language‖,which is the first attempt at a truly principled lexicography. 5.In old English ,the comparative of adjectives had the ending of –ar. 6.The advent of the printing revolution was in the Middle English period. 7.Phonemes are the smallest working units of sound. 8.The word ―gentlemanly‖consists of three morphemes. 9. A word must consist of two or more morphemes. 10.Bound morphemes must be joined to other morphemes. 三.Choose the best answer.(15’) 1. He waited with breath . A.baited B.bated. 2. There is a in the clouds. A.brake B.break 3. A of the bicycle fell off. A.pedal B.peddle. 4. The wreckers began to the building. A.raise B.raze. 5. Edgar cannot sail until he has a full of men for his crew. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac4125157.html,plement https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac4125157.html,pliment. 6. The battle was so that hardly a combatant on either side was without a wound. A.sanguine B.sanguinary. 7. The general needs more troops and . A.material B.materiel 8.The of our troops is high . A.moral B.morale 9. The argument ,convincing when first heard ,proved on closer examination to be . A.fallible B.fallicious 10. They arrived at a agreement. A.tacit B.taciturn


哈尔滨商业大学2009-2010学年第二学期《词汇学》期末考试试卷 装 题 订 线 内 不 答 要 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1. Argot generally refers to the jargon of _______. Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it. A. workers B. criminals C. any person D. policeman 2.________ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question. A. Argot B. Slang C. Jargon D. Dialectal words 3. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in _________use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use. A. common B. little C. slight D. great 4. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on ______meanings. A. new B. old C. bad D. good 5. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as_________ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals. A. functional B. notional C. empty D. formal 6. In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian , Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived from the dead language,_______. A. Sanskrit B. Latin C. Roman D. Greek 7. Greek is the modern language derived from _______. A. Latin B. Hellenic C. Indian D . Germanic 8. The five Romance languages , namely, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called _______. A. Sanskrit B. Latin C. Celtic D. Anglo-Saxon 9. The ________family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages. A. Germanic B. Indo-European C. Albanian D. Hellenic 10. By the end of the _______century , virtually all of the people who held political or social power and many of those in powerful Church positions were of Norman French origin. A. 10th B.11th C.12th D. 13th 11. The prefixes in the words of ir resistible, non classical and a political are called _______. A. reversative prefixes B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 12. The prefixes contained in the following words are called ______: pseudo-friend, mal practice, mis trust. A. reversative prefixed B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 13. The prefixed contained in un wrap, de-compose and dis allow are _________. A. reversative prefixed B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 14. The prefixes in words extra-strong, overweight and arch bishop are _____ . A . negative prefixes B. prefixes of degree or size C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes


英语词汇学试题 Introduction and Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabula ry(练习1) I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1.Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of _________construct. A. word B. form C. morpheme D. root is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words. A. Semantics B. Linguistics C. Etymology D. Stylistics English is derived from the language of early ______ tribes. A. Greek B. Roman C. Italian D. Germanic 4. Semantics is the study of meaning of different _________ levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc. A. linguistic B. grammatical C. arbitrary D. semantic is the study of style . It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular________ for special effects A. situation B. context C. time D. place shares with lexicology the same problems: the form , meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a _______ difference. A . spelling B. semantic C. pronunciation D. pragmatic 7. Terminology consists of _______ terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas. A. technical B. artistic C. different D. academic 8. __________refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades, and professions communicate among themselves. A. Slang B. Jargon C. Dialectal words D. Argot


2012级(1)班 Chaper1 The Basic Concepts Of Words and Vocabulary I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1. ______is the most important of all characteristics of the basic word stock. A.Productivity Stability C.Collocability D.All national character 2. Nonbasic vocabulary includes all of the following except_______ . A.slang B.Anglo-Saxon words C.argots D.neologisms 3. According to the origins of the words, English words can be classified into _______ . A.content words and functional words B.native words and borrowed words C.basic words and dialectal words D.loan words and dialectal words 4. Borrowings can be divided into________. A.liens, semantic loans, translationloans, denizens B.empty words, notional words, form words, content words C.blends, portmanteau words, acronyms, initializes D.derivatives, compounds, converted words and clipped words 5. Apart from the characteristics of basic vocabulary, native words have two other features, namely_________. A.Productivity and stability B.neutrality in style and high frequency in use C.collectability and polysemy D.formality and arbitrariness 6.The word beaver(meaning“girl”)is_______ . A.a dialectal word B.argot C.an archaism D.slang 7. AIDS as a nonbasic word is_______ . A.jargon B.an archaism C.aneologism D.slang 8.Form words include the following word classes except_______ . A.conjunctions B.auxiliaries C.prepositions D.adjectives 9. Vocabulary can refer to the following except_______ . A.the total number of the words in alanguage B.all the words used in a particular historical period C.all the words of a given dialect D.most words a person knows 10.Kimono is a loan word from_______ . A.German B.French C.Spanish D.Japanese 11. _______ form the mainstream of the basic word stock. A.Anglo-Saxon words B. Frenchwords C.Danish words https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac4125157.html,tin words 12.Black humor is_______ . A.a translation loan B.a semantic loan C.a denizen D.an alien 13.Pronouns and numerals are semantically_______ and have limited_______ . A.polysemous;use and stability B.monosemous;collocability and stability C.polysemous;use and productivity D.monosemous;productivity andcollectability 14.Indigestion is_______ . A.jargon B.slang C.terminology D.an archaism


总,再加上个例子就可以拿满分了。区分两个词的区别,主要还是指明其各自的定义。 第一章 1. Word —— A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. 2. There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional. E.g. ―woman‖ means ’Frau’ in German,’Femme’ in French and ’Funv ’in Chinese. On the other hand,the same sound /rait/ can mean right,rite and write,though denoting different things,yet have the same sound. 3. The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors. (At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns) a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language. b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling c). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500 d). Borrowing of foreign language 4. Vocabulary —— Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given subject and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history. The general estimate of the present day English vocabulary is over 1 million words. 5.Classification of Words—by use frequency,by notion,by origin 1). Basic word stock – the foundation of the vocabulary. 1. all national character (most important)– natural phenomena most common things and phenomena of the human body and relations world around us names of plants and animals action,size,domain,state numerals,pronouns,prep. ,conj. 2. stability – they donate the commonest thing necessary to life,they are like to remain unchanged. Only relative,some are undergoing some changes. But the change is slow. e.g. arrow,bow,chariot,knight – past electricity,machine,car,plane —— now 3. productivity – they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words,they can form new words with other roots and affixes. e.g. foot – football,footage,footpath,footer 4. polysemy – often possess more than one meaning. Become polysemous. e.g. take to move or carry from one place to another to remove 5. collocability – quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages,proverbial saying and others e.g. heart – a change of heart, a heart of gold Non-basic vocabulary —— 1. terminology – technical terms photoscanning,hepatitis,indigestion,penicillin,algebra,trigonometry,calculus 2. jargon – specialized vocabulary in certain professions. Bottom line,ballpark figures,bargaining chips,hold him back,hold him in,paranoid 3. slang —— substandard words often used in informal occasions dough and bread,grass and pot,beaver,smoky,bear,catch,holler,Roger,X-rays, Certain words are labeled slang because of their usage. 4. argot – words used by sub-cultured groups can-opener,dip,persuader cant,jargon ,argot are associated with,or most available to,specific groups of the population. 5. dialectal words – only by speakers of the dialect beauty,chook,cocky,station,auld,build,coo,hame,lough,bog 6. archaisms – words no longer in common use or restricted in use. In older poems,legal document and religious writing or speech. 7. neologism – newly created words with new meaning e.g. microelectronics,futurology,AIDS,internet,E-mail old meaning acquired new meaning e.g. mouse,monitor 2). Content word (notional word)– denote clear notions. Functional word (empty word,form word)– do not have notions of their own,express the relation between notions,words and sentences. a. Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are numerous. Functional words are in a small number.


《英语词汇学》模拟试卷 (一) I. Choose the best answer and then put the letter of your choice in the given brackets. (30%) 1. The minimal meaningful units in English are known as ______. A. roots B. morphs C. stems D. morphemes ( ) 2. The most important of all the features of the basic word stock is ______. A. stability . B. productivity C. polysemy . D. all national character ( ) 3. Old English vocabulary was essentially ______ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian. A. Celtic . B. Hellenic C. Italic . D. Germanic . ( ) 4. In modern times, ______ is the most important way of vocabulary expansion. A. borrowing B. backformation C. creation D. semantic change ( ) 5. The words “motel”and “comsat”are called ______. A. blends B. compounds C. acronyms D. initialisms . ( ) 6. The word “teachers”contains three morphemes, but the word “shortenings”has ______ morphemes. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( ) 7. Reference is the relationship between language and the ______. A. concept B. world C. context . D. sense ( ) 8. Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example: ______. A. dorm for “dormitory” B. fond for “affectionate” C. dish for “food” D. TV for “television”( ) 9. The word “mouth”in the phrase “the mouth of a river”is regarded as a ______ motivated word. A. morphologically B. etymologically C. onomatopoeically D. semantically


C9 Test-2 below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that I. Each of the statements would best complete the statement. 1. The fixity of idioms depends on A. idiomaticity B. structure C. grammaticality D. style

2. Idioms are generally felt to be A. formal B. informal C. casual D. intimate 3. In the idiom “ move heaven and earth ” , is used. A. simile B. metonymy C. personification D. juxtaposition 4. A large proportion of idioms were first created by . A. linguists B. poets C. working people D. ruling class 5. Forms and functions of idioms are . A. different B. identical C. not necessarily identical D. not identical at all 6. Slang expressions are often peculiar to and varieties. A. stylistic, affective B. social, regional C. professional, cultural D. cultural, social 7. The semantic unity of idioms is also reflected in the relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom. A. illogical B. lexical C. grammatical D. logical 8. Idioms nominal in nature function as . A. adverbs B. modifiers C. nouns D. adjectives 9. In “Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters ”, figure of speech is . A. simile B. personification


全国高等教育自学考试 英语词汇学试题 课程代码:00832 Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.() A.meaning B.Sound C.combination of sounds D.Group 2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.() A.more slowly than B.As quickly as C.more rapidly than D.Not so quickly as 3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notion C.origin D.sound 4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.() A.green revolution B.fast food C.moon walk D.space shuttle 5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need. ()A.form B.meaning C.look D.pronunciation 6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall” means ______ in British English.() A.four B.fell C.for D.autumn 7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______. ()A./t/ B./g/ C./p/ D./k/ 英语词汇学试卷第 1 页共9 页


全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英语词汇学试题 课程代码:00832 本试卷满分100分,考试时间150分钟. 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效。试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。 2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用28铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。 3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。 4.合理安排答题空间。超出答题区域无效。 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A,B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(30%) 1.“Woman”becomes “Frau”in German, “femme”in French and “fùnǔ”in Chinese. This example shows that in different languages the same concept can be represented by different ______. A. sounds B.forms C. unities D.meanings 2.The following words of the basic word stock denote the most common things and phenomena of the world around us EXCEPT ______. A. fire B.hot C. photoscanning D.sister 3.Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Which of the following words comes from Chinese? A. Bazaar. B.Kowtow. C. Rajah. D.Blitzkrieg. 4.The Indo-European language family is made up of the languages of the following EXCEPT ______. A. Europe B.the Far East C. India D.the Near East 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of new words in the present-day English vocabulary? A. The rapid development of modern science and technology. B.Social, economic and political changes. C. The invasion of foreign countries. D.The influence of other cultures and languages. 6. Modern English vocabulary develops through the following channels EXCEPT ______. A. creation B.borrowing

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