当前位置:文档之家› 2019考研英语历年高频词组(Word版)






1. (be) distinct from ( = be different from) 与…截然不同

2. distinguish between (=make or recognize differences) 辨别

3. distinguish…from 把…与…区别开

4. do away with(=get rid of;abolish;discard eliminate)除去取消

do away with(=kill)杀掉镇压

5. have…to do with 与…有关系

6. without doubt (=undoubtedly)无可置疑地

7. in doubt(=in a condition of uncertainty)对…表示疑惑

8. be due to 是由于

9. come off duty 下班

10. go on duty 上班

11. be on duty 值班, 值日, 在上班时

12. be in duty bound to (do) (=be required by one's job or esp. by conscience) 有义务(做

13. be eager for 想得到, 盼望

14. by ear (=play music from memory without having seen it printed) 凭记忆,不看乐谱

15. have an ear for (=have keen recognition of sounds esp. in music and language)对..有鉴赏力

16. a word in one's ear 私房话, 秘密话

17. on earth 究竟, 到底, 全然


18. with ease ( = easily) 容易, 不费力

19. at (one's) ease ( = without worry or nervousness) 自在,不拘束

20. put sb. at his / her ease (=free sb. from worry or nervousness)使某人感到无拘束

21. economize on (=save sth. instead of being wasteful) 节省

22. have an effect on 对…有影响

23. be in effect (=be in operation) 有效

24. go into effect 生效. ( 近: come into effect; take effect; be brought into effect)

25. in effect (=in fact, really) 实际上

26. give effect to (=carry out) 实行,使…生效

27. to no effect 不起作用,没有取得任何效果

28. (be) of no effect (=useless) 无效

29. to the effect that 大意是…,主要内容是…

30. to that effect 是那个意思的…

31. emerge from ( =appear, become known ) 出现, 暴露(问题. 意见等)

32. place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 强调, 把重点放在…上

33. encourage sb. in 鼓励; encourage sb. in his/her work 鼓励某人工作;

encourage sb. in his/her idleness 怂恿某人游手好闲

34. encourage sb. in …with sth. 用…鼓励某人做某事

35. on end (=continuously) 连续地

36. (be) at an end (=finished) 结束了

37. no end of (=very many/much) 很多,大量

38. in the end (=finally, eventually) 最终


39. at one's wit's end (=not knowing what to do or to say) 无法可想, 智穷计尽

40. end up with 以…而结束

41. come to and end (=finish) 结束

42. end in 以…为结束

43. engage in 或be engaged in 忙于,从事

44. enter for (=put the name on a list for) 报名参加

45. enter into (=begin) 开始(谈话, 谈判等)

46. enter on / upon (=begin) 开始(一个时代. 一种生涯. 一段任期等)

47. be entitled to (=be given the right to do sth.)有权…,有资格…

48. be equal to 等于

49. be/ feel equal to (=have enough strength, ability etc.) (某人)能胜任,能应付

on equal terms(=on and equal footing)平等地

50. be equipped with 装备有,装有

51. (be) equivalent to(=equal in value, amount, meaning) 相等于, 相当于

52. in essence (=in its/one's nature) 本质上

53. at all events (=in spite of everything, in any case) 不论怎样, 无论如何

54. in any event (=whatever happens in the future) 无论如何, 不管(将来)怎么样

55. in the event that(=if) 假如, 如果. in the event 结果, 实际情况是(常与but 连用)

56. in the event of(=in case of)万一,即使发生..时

57. except 除…以外; besides 除…以外还有..

58. except (=but) 除了。


59. except for (=apart from) 除…以外

60. (an) exception to …的例外

61. with the exception of (=except, apart from) 除去…., 除…以外

62. in excess of (=more than) 超过

63. exchange…for 以…交换

64. exclusive of (=not taking into account; without) 不包括

65. in excuse of 作为…的借口

66. exert…on…对…施加…

67. exert oneself to do sth. 努力,使劲

68. come into existence (=begin to exist)开始存在; come into use 开始使用;

come into effect 开始运转; come into fashion 开始时新; come into action 开始行动;

come into power 开始执政; come into sight 进入视野;come into blossom 开花;

69. (be) in existence 存在come into existence 出现

70. expect…of 在…期望…

71. at the expense of 在损害…情况下,以…为牺牲

72. expose…to…使暴露于…, 使…受(危险,风险)

73. be exposed to…面临…, 受到….

74. beyond expression (=in a manner that cannot be expressed) 无法形容, 说不出的

75. give expression to 表达, 表现find expression in 表现

76. to …extent 在…程度上

77. in the extreme (= extremely) 极其


78. look sb. in the eye 正视, 打量(某人)

79. close (shut) one's eyes to 不理会,视而不见

80. in one's mind's eye 在心目中, 在想象中

81. in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间

82. keep an eye on(=keep a watch on)照看,监视

83. in the eyes of in one's eyes ( = in the judgment of ) 在某人看来, 在某人眼里

84. on the face of it (=judging by what one can see) 表面看来

85. in the face of 面对着(困难等情况)

86. in one's face 当着某人的面; face to faced 面对面; face up to 大胆面向

87. fail in (=be unsuccessful in) 失败

88. in good faith(=honestly, sincerely) 真诚地

89. keep faith with 对…守信用

90. lose faith in 对…失去信心

91. on faith 毫无怀疑地, 依赖地

92. faithful to (=loyal to) 对…忠诚

93. fall into the habit (of) 养成…习惯

94. fall short of (=fail to reach a desired result, standard, etc.) 没达到, 低于

95. familiar with 熟悉,了解

96. have a fancy for ( =like sth. without the help of reason) (没有道理地)喜欢, 想要

97. take a fancy to (=become fond of) 喜欢

98. by far 远, 非常(与比较级或最高级连用)


99. far from 远远不是

100. far from 非但不…(而且)

101. in fashion(=stylish, most modern)时兴,流行

102. after the fashion (of) 依照…

103. find fault with(=complain about; criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵

104. at fault (=in the wrong, blamable)有错

105. in favour of 赞成

106. be in favour with 受宠, 受偏爱;

out of favour with 失宠, 不受宠

107. in one's favour(=to one's advantage)对.有利

108. (be) favourable to(=advantageous)有利的

109. fear for (=be afraid for the safety of sb. or sth.) 为…担心

110. for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about) 以防, 由于怕

111. in fear of (=afraid for the safety of) 担心

112. feed (sb.) on sth. 靠吃…, 用…喂养

113. be fed up with(=be unhappy, tired about sth. dull) 厌烦, 腻了

114. feel like (=have a desire for) 想要

115. fill in 填写

116. fill out ( =fill in )填写

117. set the world on fire=set the flames on fire(=do sth. remarkable)有突出成就

118. play with fire (=take great risks)干冒险事

119. set sth. on fire(=set fire to sth.)使..着火,放火

120. at first sight(=when first seen)乍一看,一见


121. for the first time 第一次(作状语)

122. in the first place 首先, 第一

123. fit into 刚好放入

124. fit in with ( = suit , fall into agreement) 合适, 相配, 一致

125. (be) fit for (=right and suitable for) 适合

126. focus on (=concentrate on) 集中在…上focus sth. on 把…集中在…上

127. be fond of 喜欢

128. (be) in force 有效, 实施

129. go into force 开始生效

130. by force 靠武力, 强行

131. force…on 把…强加给…

132. in the form of 以…形式

133. be fortunate in 幸运,有好运气

134. free of charge 免费

135. be freed from 免受, 没有…

136. in front of 在…前面in the front of 在…前部

137. furnish…with (=supply) 向…提供

138. in general (=in most cases, usually)通常

139. catch (or get) a glimpse of 瞥见(强调结果) take a glance(or look) at 看一眼(强调动作)

140. be good for 对…有好处;对…有作用be good at 擅长于; be good to 对…好

141. in good time(=early)早早地(做完.到达等)

142. for good (=for ever) 永远地, 长期地


143. take…for granted (=assume to be true)把…认为理所当然的.

144. be grateful to sb. for sth 因…感谢某人

145. on the ground(s) fo (=because of) 由于…

146. fall to the ground (计划.希望等)失败,落空

147. on one's guard(against) 谨防, 警惕(be) on guard 站岗

148. guard against (=defend, keep safe)警惕,防止guard…against 警卫…防止

149. guess at 猜, 估计

150. by guess 靠猜

151. be guilty of 犯有…罪或过失

152. be in the habit of 习惯于

153. break off (a habit) 改掉(某种习惯)

154. break sb. of (a habit)使某人改掉(某习惯)

155. get (fall) into the habit of 养成了…的习惯

156. come to a halt (=stop) 停止; 停住

157. at hand 在手边, 眼前(附近)

158. by hand 用手工(做)

159. hand in glove(with) 狼狈为奸, 密切合作

160. in hand 1)在手边2)(=under control)控制住

161. in the hands of 由…掌握, 控制, 负责

162. live from hand to mouth 勉强度日,现挣现吃

163. at the head of 在…的前头

164. head for (=move towards) 向…方向前进

165. hear of (=know about) 听人说起, 听说过


166. at heart (=in reality) 内心里, 实际上

167. in one's heart (of hearts)内心深处,事实上

168. by heart (=by memory) 熟记, 背(诵)

169. to one's heart's content 尽情地

170. with all one's heart 全心全意地,真心实意

171. hinder…form(=stop…from)阻碍,使..不能做

172. be (go) on holiday 在(去)度假go on holiday = go for a holiday

173. be (feel) at home (=to be comfortable; not feel worried) 感觉合适,无拘束,熟悉

174. be honest in 诚实

175. in one's honour (or in honour of)祝贺,纪念

176. on one's honour 以某人的名誉担保

177. hope for 希望(某事发生),希望有

178. to one's horror 令某人感到恐惧的是

179. in a hurry (=hastily) 匆忙地

180. be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同

181. be identified with 被视为与…等同

182. in ignorance of 不知道…

183. be ignorant of ( = lacking knowledge) 对…不了解,不知道

184. (an) impact (on) 对…的强烈影响

185. impose…on 把…强加给

186. impress…on 给…留下印象

187. make (leave) an impression on sb. =give sb. an impression 给…留下印象


188.under the impression that 有..的印象,认为

189. improve sth.(make sth. better)把原物改进

improve on(=produce or be sth. better than…) 另做一物比原物更好

190. improve in (=get better) 有改进, 好些

191. improvement in 表示原物有改进,好转

192. include…in 把…列在…里面

193. inclusive of 把…包括在内

194. independent of 独立的,不受约束的

195. indicative of 表明, 说明

196. be indifferent to (=not interested in)对…漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎

197. (be) inferior to(=less good in quality or value) 比…差; superior to 比…好

198. inform sb. of sth. 通知, 告诉

199. be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的

200. insist on (=order sth. to happen) 坚持要


https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac935944.html,/new/shengtsinghua 考研大作文只用写一句话就可以得18分 省省清华QQ: 867209142 关于一句话万能模板的几个问题: 1.万能,整片模板200多单词,只要写1句话填写3个关键词就可以适合任何一年考研话题作文。 2.高分,里面的遣词造句都是精心之作,句式多变、用词高级、语言地道,正常考生考场上几乎不可能写出如此高水平的作文,得高分在情理之中。 3.节省考场时间,考场上默写一篇背熟的作文要比自己写一篇作文至少节省20分钟,为自己节省宝贵的考研时间用来做其他题目。 4.节省复习时间,有了作文模板就不用再为考研大作文复习花时间。 历年考研 英语翻译题词组汇总 考研大作文只用写一句话就可以得18分 文章来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac935944.html,/new/shengtsinghua 整理:省省清华 1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast 与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下 1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论 如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于 17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into 走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样


面对英语阅读中出现的纷乱的短语和词组,有没有在为不识短语而感到苦恼呢?考研英语考试中出现频率较高的100个短语,赶快背一下吧,作文也能用到哦~ 1、abide by 忠于;遵守。 2、be absent from缺席,不在 3、absence or mind 心不在焉 4、absorb 吸引的注意力: be absorbed in全神贯注于近: be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on 5、 abundant in 富于,富有 6、access to 能接近,进入,了解 7、by accident 偶然地,意外 Without accident 安全地, 8、of one's own accord 自愿地,主动地

9、in accord with与一致、 out of one's accord with同?不一致 10、with one accord 一致地 11、in accordance with 依照,根据 12、on one's own account 1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益;2)自行负责;3)依靠自己;on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不; of account 有?重要性 13、takeinto account 把?考虑进去 14、give sb an account of说明,解释 15、account for 解释,说明 16、on account of 由于,因为 17、on no account 绝不要,无论如何不要


历年考研英语翻译词组汇总 1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于 17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样

1992年 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度 32. only if 只要 33. the same…as 与…一样 34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏1993年 35. nothing but 只不过是 36. by means of 通过;借助于 37. by the help of 通过…的帮助 38. in a sort of sense 从某种意义上来说 39. manage to do sth. 设法做到 40. extract …from 从……提炼出 41. out of…起源;来源;根据 42. build up 建立;树立 43. by no means 绝不 44. be compared with 与……相比 45. a sort of 某种 46. set…… in motion开始; 47. differ in…在…方面不同 48. go through 经历;经受;仔细检查 49. in the one case =on the one hand 50. in the course of the day=during the day 51. a train of=a series of=an array of=a variety of


考研英语高频词组汇总(一) 1.abide by(=be faithful to; obey) 忠于;遵守。 2.be absent from... 缺席,不在 3.absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4.absorb(=take up the attention of) 吸引...的注意力(被动语态) be absorbed in 全神贯注于...近 be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in;be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on 5.(be) abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6.access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 7.by accident(=by chance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外。 Without accident(=safely) 安全地 8.of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地 9.in accord with 与...一致。 out of one's accord with 同...不一致 10.with one accord (=with everybody agreeing) 一致地 11.in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 12.on one's own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one's own risk) 自行负责 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不; of ...account 有......重要性。 13.take...into account(=consider)把......考虑进去 14.give sb.an account of 说明, 解释 (理由) 15.account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明。 16.on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。 17.on no account(=in no case, for no reason) 绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 18.accuse...of...(=charge...with; blame sb.for sth.; blame sth.on sb.; complain about) 指控,控告 19.be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。 20.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially ) 熟悉 21.act on 奉行,按照...行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理 22.adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 23.adapt...(for) (=make sth.Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) 24.in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之 25.in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除...外


考研英语高频词组汇总(三) 71.begin with以...开始 to begin with (=first of all)首先,第一(经常用于开始语) 72.on behalf of (=as the representative of)以...名义 73.believein(=have faith or trust in; consider sth.sb.to be true)相信,依赖,信仰 74.benefit (from)受益,得到好处 75.for the benefit of为了...的利益(好处) 76.for the better好转 77.get the better of (=defeat sb.)打败,胜过 78.by birth在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth在出生时 give birth to出生 79.blame sb.for sth.因...责备某人 blame sth.on sb.把...推在某人身上 80.in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作) 81.on board到船上,在船上,上火车或飞机 82.boast of (or about)吹嘘 83.out of breath喘不过气来

84.in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之 85.in bulk成批地,不散装的 86.take the floor起立发言 87.on business出差办事 88.be busy with sth.于某事 be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac935944.html,st but one倒数第二 90.but for (=without)要不是表示假设 91.buy sth.for...money用多少钱买 92.be capable of能够,有能力 be capable of being +过去分词是能够被...的 93.inanycase(=forloveormoney,atanyrate,atanyprice,atanycost,whateverhappen s, anyhow)无论如何 94.in case (=for fear that)万一 95.in case of (=in the event of)如果发生...万一 in the case of至于...,就...而言 96.in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句) 97.be cautious of谨防 98.center one''s attention on(=focus one''s attention on)把某人的注意力集中在...上 99.be certain of (=be sure of)有把握,一定


2019-2020年高考英语高频词汇必背及训 练3

2019-2020年高考英语高频词汇必背及训练3 1.peacefully adv.安静地,和平地 He died peacefully without any pain. 他安静地离开了人世,没有一点痛苦。 He was back in her arms and she could once again sleep peacefully.他回到了她的怀里,她又能睡得安稳了。[剑桥高阶] All the people in the world want to live peacefully. 全世界的人们都想过平安宁静的生活。 (1)peace n.和平,安详,平静 in peace(=peacefully) 安心地,平安地,安静地 make peace with... 与……讲和 at peace 处于和平状态,和睦地(与at war相反) The two countries are now at peace after a 10-year war. 十年的战争之后,这两个国家目前处于和平状态。 (2)peaceful adj. 安静的,和平的,宁静的 a peaceful place/evening 宁静的地方/夜晚 品句填词: (1)The war was a great danger to world p________. (2)I decided that I would go and make p________ with her. (3)We want to settle the problem by p________ means. (4)I want my children to be brought up in a p________ world. (5)We want the problem to be settled p________. 2.deal v.处理,应付 n. ①量,数量②交易 完成句子/单项选择 ①这学期开始我们将有许多难题要解决。 At the beginning of this term, we'll have many difficulties __________________________. ②他在大会上做了一次演讲,谈民间音乐。 He made a speech in the university, _______________. ③他很难打交道。 He is ____________________________. ④We all know that, ________, the situation will get worse. A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not carefully dealt with C. if dealt not carefully with D. not if carefully dealt with ⑤我们不知道怎样处理这些废料。 We don't know ________ to do with the waste materials. =We don't know ________ to deal with the waste materials. ⑥对付小偷最好的办法是什么? What's the best way of ____________________ thieves? ⑦雨水把大量的泥沙冲下山坡。 _________________________ sand were washed down the hillside by the rain. ⑧每年在烟草上花去大量的钱。 ____________ money is spent on tobacco every year.


英语语法总结全集 名词和主谓一致 一、名词的分类 英语中名词主要可以分为可数名词和不可数名词。 1.可数名词 可数名词一般都有单复数。单数时,名词前可加不定冠词a/an;复数时,前面可加数词,名词本身要改成复数形式。 可数名词的复数有规则和不规则两种变化。规则的名词,只要在单数名词之后加“s”,“es”或去“y”加“ies”就行,如:an umbrella, twelve umbrellas;a factory, three factories。不规则的名词变化则要靠积累记忆,如:a mouse, ten mice;a policeman, six policemen。 有少数可数名词,如sheep,works(工厂),Chinese等,它们的单复数同形:a sheep, four sheep;a chemical works, five chemical works。 此外,还有一些可数名词只有复数形式,如clothes,trousers,cattle,police,people(人,人民)等。 英语名词中还有一些合成词,它们的复数形式有三种可能:1)后面的部分变成复数形式:grown-ups,boy students,grandchildren。2)前面的部分变成复数形式:passers-by,lookers-on,sons-in-law。3)前、后都变成复数形式:men doctors,women drivers。 2.不可数名词 不可数名词没有单复数的变化,前面也不能加a/an,或数词。但是我们可以用量词来表示不可数名词的数量,单复数表现在量词上,如:a piece of paper;two pieces of paper。 在有些情况下,不可数名词也可用a/an,表“一种”、“某种”的意思,如have a wonderful time,receive a good education,be made into a fine paper。 有时为了表示量大,不可数名词的后面也可加“s”,如sands,ashes,waters等。 但是我们在学习不可数名词的时候,特别要记住英语中有一些名词,它们无论在什么情况下,前面都不能用a/an,后面也不可加“s”,如weather,information,等。 3.有的名词既可是可数名词,也可是不可数名词 英语中有相当一部分的名词,既可以是可数,也可以是不可数,它们的意义有时略有不同,有时则完全不同。如:difficulty, success, time, work,paper,glass,等。 4.用于表示可数与不可数名词的数量“多”“少”的常用词和词组 跟可数名词连用的如:few, a few, many。 跟不可数名词连用的如:little, a little, much。 可数与不可数都能用的是:a lot of , plenty of。 二、主谓一致 1.通常被看作单数的主语部分 1)不定式、动名词和主语从句。 eg.. To see is to believe. Seeing is believing. What he said was different from what he did. 2)表示“时间”“距离”“金钱数量”的名词。 eg. Twenty years is quite a long time. 10 kilometers doesn’t seem to be a long distance to Mira. 300 dollars is too much for this old coin. 3)数学式子。 eg. Two plus five is seven. 4)书报杂志、国家、单位的名字。 eg. The Times is published daily. The United States is a big country. 5)前面用a kind of, a sort of或this kind of, this sort of等词组的名词。 eg. This kind of tree(s) often grows well in warm weather. 6)代词either, neither作主语。


2019-2020年高考英语高频词汇必背及训练8 adj.乐观的 We are still optimistic, whatever the result may be. 我们仍然乐观,不论结果如何。 The stockholders are optimistic about the pany's future.股东对公司的前景很乐观。 反义词:pessimistic adj.悲观的 Her pessimistic attitude turns him off. 她那悲观的态度令他很不高兴。 ________,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. A.Shy and cautious B.Sensitive and thoughtful C.Honest and confident D.Lighthearted and optimistic n. (1)气候 She is not used to living in a cold climate. 她不习惯寒带生活。 (2)(某一社会、时代的)风气,趋势;气氛,环境气氛 social climate 社会风气 political climate政治气候 the current climate of opinion目前的舆论环境 After the revolution,the climate of the country remained tense. 革命以后,那个国家的气氛依然紧张。 climate/weather辨析 climate:气候,指一个地区气候的总情况,如气温、降雨量等,还可指(社会)风气。weather:天气,指特定的一天或某个时节的天气的具体情况,如冷暖阴晴等。 What will the weather be like tomorrow 明天天气怎样 I would rather live in France because of the climate. 由于气候原因,我宁愿住在法国。 单项填空 (1)For the sake of her daughter's health,she decided to move to a warm________. A.weather B.temperature C.season D.climate (2)Although farmers there mainly grow wheat,the________is also warm enough to grow rice. A.criminal B.climate C.air D.sky (1)n.洪水,水灾(可数) The town was destroyed by the floods after the storm. 暴风雨过后,小镇被洪水淹没了。 (2)n.大批,大量流入 There was a flood of plaints about the poor service at the restaurant. 许多人投诉这家餐馆服务质量差劲。


历年考研英语翻译词组汇总 2002年 167. behavior science 行为科学 168. human nature 人性 169. natural selction 自然选择 170. a little more than a hundred years 一百多年 171. what is called 所谓的 172. trace…to…从…寻找根源;从…研究 173. state of mind 心态 174. and so on诸如此类 175. partly because…and partly because…部分是因为…部分是因为… 176. be held responsible for…被认为应该对…负责 177. be given credit for…为…受到称赞 178. with it 随之 2003年 179. cross-cultural perspective 跨文化的角度 180. concrete research 具体研究 181. subject…to…使…服从于 182. in…manner 以…方式;用…方法 183. seek to 力图;试图;设法 184. combined with 加上;连同 185. bring to 加进;使用;采用 186. define…as…把…定义为 187. makes…possible 使…成为可能 2004年 188. language and thought 语言和思维 189. have some connections with…与…有联系; 190. take root 生根;被牢固树立 191. be obliged to sb. 感激某人 192. die out 灭绝 193. so…that…如此…以至于 194. accuse sb. of…指责某人干某事 195. be interested in doing sth. 对…感兴趣 196. come to 开始;逐渐;进而 197. believe in 相信 198. a sort of某种的 199. habitual thought 习惯思维 200. grammatical pattern 语法结构


1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下 1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于

17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样 1992年 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度 32. only if 只要 33. the same…as 与…一样 34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏


2019-2020年高考英语高频词汇必背及训练1 1.access ①通道,入口②(接近或进入的)方法,机会,权利③[vt.]取得,获取(尤指计算机数据)考点提示: ①have access to sth.可以使用……/有……接触机会 have access to a car/a puter.有汽车/计算机可以使用 ②gain/get access (to sth.)进入[某地】;见到[某人或某物] 完成句子 ①学生需要得到图书的方便途径。 Students need easy _____________________ the books. ②每个人都有受教育权。 Everyone __________________________ education. ③只有沿着那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。 _____________________________their house is along that narrow road. 2.absence n. ①缺席,不在场[反presence] ②不存在,缺乏 考点提示: ①absent (adj.) 缺席的;不在的; be absent from……不在……;缺席…… be absent for……(不在)去了……

②in/during sb’s absense在某人不在期间 完成句子 ①我不在时,请照看我的房子。 Please take care of my house ________________________________________________________________________. ②在缺乏其他证据下,我们不得不认为这属实。 We were obliged to accept it as true ________________________________________________________________________. ③老师对他旷课很生气。 The teacher was angry at his ________________________________________________________________________. ④他今天缺课/缺勤/缺席会议。 He ___________________________ today. ⑤有些国家终年无雪。 Snow __________________________ some countries. ⑥他外出了,现在在欧洲。 He ________________________. 3.suppose vt.认为,猜想


历年考研英语翻译词组汇总1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于 17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样 1992年 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度


考研英语常用短语汇总 1、bring down the government 译为:击败政府 2、A diet deficient in vitamin D 译为:缺少维生素的饮食 3、Digital divide译为:数字鸿沟 4、A big storm is brewing up译为:正在酝酿之中。 5、Get their just deserts 译为:得到应有的惩罚 6、Money is fungible 译为:可代替的 7、Stretch limo 译为:加长房车 8、Hit heavy fog on its voyage译为:航行时碰上了大雾 9、In strong language译为:以强硬的语言 10、Of no avail 译为:无功效 11、Charge treason against the prisoner译为:指控罪犯叛国 12、A fresh coat of paint译为:房间重新粉刷 13、Capability译为:性能 14、Keep a tight hold on their purse译为:看紧钱包 15、Be in a tangle译为:限于困惑之中 16、Be a long shot译为:希望不大的尝试 17、A large stock of 译为:一大堆 18、Superficial change译为:微不足道的改变 19、without any reservation译为:不折不扣 20、With a stern discipline译为:严谨 21、Have an unerring instinct for译为:有准确的直觉 22、Fine distinction 译为:明确的区别 23、Make a spectacle of oneself译为:大出洋相 24、Live on easy street 译为: 过着优裕的生活 25、Holiday shopping译为:假日购物 26、Principal breadwinner for their family译为:家庭的顶梁柱 27、As witnesses to evil in the past译为:作为过去罪恶的见证人 28、Contributing influence译为:影响因素 29、Voice their concerns译为:表示对于。。担心 30、Assume responsibility for 译为:对什么承担责任 1.abide by (=be faithful to; obey)忠于;遵守。


2019高考英语高频词汇 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi./n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac935944.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求 44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到 48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac935944.html,work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨 54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55.wax n. 蜡 56.weave v. 织,编 57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会 64. battery n. 电池(组) 65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏 66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物 67. career n. 生涯,职业 68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 69. vertical a. 垂直的 70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激 71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊 72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度 73. exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的 74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的 75. petrol n. 汽油 76. petroleum n. 石油 77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁 78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽 79. decent a. 像样的,体面的


考研英语固定搭配词组大汇总(A)(go) on the stage=当演员 a few=有些,几个 a great/good deal of=大量(的),许多 a little=一点,稍;一些,少许 a lot of=大量(的),很多(的) a matter of=(关于...)的问题;大约 a number of=若干 a series of=一系列,一连串 a variety of=种种,各种 able to=能,会 above all=首先,尤其 above all=首先,首要 according to=根据n 5H d. account for=说明(原因等) accustomed to=习惯于 add up to=合计,总计 after a while=过了一分,不久 after all=终于,毕竟;虽然这样 ahead of=在...前面,先于 ahead of time=提前 all at once=突然,同时,一起 all out=全力以赴,竭尽全力 all over=遍及,到处

all right=行,可以;顺利,良好 all right=好,行 all round=周围,处处 all the same=仍然,照样地 all the time=一直,始终 allow for=考虑到 along with=与...一起 and so forth=等等 and so on=等等 and so on/forth=等等 and then=而且,其欠,于是,然后anything but=除...之外的任何东西around the clock=昼夜不停地 arrive at=达成,提出 as a matter of fact=其实,事实上 as a result=结果,因此, 由于...的结果as a rule=规章,规则,通常,照例 as far as/so far as=远至,到...程度as follows=如下GE as for=至于,就...方面说 as good as=和...几乎一样,实际上等于as if=好像,仿佛 as long as /so long as=只要,如果as regards=关于,至于 as soon as=一...就,刚...便

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