当前位置:文档之家› 生活大爆炸经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白英文版





The need to find another human being hasalways puzzled me.

Maybe because I'm so interesting all bymyself.

With that being said, wish u find as muchhappiness with each other as I find on my own

Sheldon:If I could, I would,but I can’t, so I shan’t(Sheldon的语态和连词)(S05E01)

Leonard: I see nothing in this box but awasted childhood. (Howard变魔术 S05E12)

Raj: Ordinary, yet I sense it is drippingwith magical potential.

Sheldon: Hummingbirds are thevampires of the flower world.(S05E09)(比喻蜂鸟是花世界里的吸血鬼,Sheldon的恐鸟症,蜂鸟是传粉者)

Sheldon: In the winter that seat is closeenough to the radiator to remain warm and yet not so close as to causeperspiration. In the summer it's directly in the path of a cross breeze createdby opening windows there, and there. It

faces the television at an angle thatis neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide to create aparallax distortion. I could go on, but ... I think I've made my point.(Sheldon座位理论)(S01E01)

Penny: "Look, you are a great guy, andit is the things you love that make you who you are." (S01E14)(Penny saidto Leonard)

Howard: "Love is not asprint, it's a marathon, a relentless pursuit that only ends when she fallsinto your arms - or hits you with the pepper spray." (S01E03)(Howard告诉Leonard爱情是一场马拉松)

Sheldon: The anthropicprinciple states that if we wish to explain why our universe exists the way itdoes, the answer is that it must have qualities that allow intelligentcreatures to arise who are capable of asking the question. As I am doing so eloquentlyright now. (S06E01 人择原理)

Bernadette: Sheldon doesn't know when he'sbeing mean because the part of his brain that should know is getting a wedgiefrom the rest of his brain. (S05E21) (Sheldon的大脑) Sheldon: "The best number is 73. Why?73 is the 21st prime number. It's mirror, 37, is the 12th and it's mirror, 21,is the product of multiplying 7 and 3... and in binary 73

is a palindrome,1001001, which backwards is 1001001." (73最好的数字)

Bernadette: Everyone of you has thecapacity to be anything you want to be. (S06E18) (远程视频帮助女生对科学感兴趣)

Sheldon: All our lives we have dreamed offinding ourselves inside one of the fantasy worlds we love. And look at us. Atthis moment, we are, in fact, a Star Trek landing party stranded in an alienand unforgiving environment, relying only on our wits, our fortitude and ourmoxie. As long as we have those things, nothing can stop…(S06E13)(智慧、坚毅、勇气)

Sheldon:German philosopherFriedrich Nietzsche believed that morality is just a fiction used by the herdof inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men. (Sheldon引用尼采)

Raj: I’m a wreck.There are many things seriously wrong with me. And not quirks, either. Like,diagnosable, psychological problems. Maybe brain damage. (S06E17) (Raj said tohis girlfriend Lucy)

Howard: Well, in romance, as in showbusiness, always leave them wanting more.(S03E09)

Sheldon: There’s only onelogical explanation.

Somewhere in the desert we crossed into an alternatedimension where the women in our lives can finally appreciate great literature.(S06E13)(穿越平行宇宙)

Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One criesbecause one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and thatmakes me sad. (S03E10)(哭的原因)

Leonard: You are beautiful, you know that?You pop, sparkle and buzz electric. I'm going to pick you up at eight, show youa night you will never forget. (S04E07) (Leonard speak to FBIgirl) Sheldon: The need to findanother human being to share one's life with,has always puzzled me.Maybebecause i'm so interesting all by myself with that being said.May you find asmuch happiness with each other as i find on my own. (Bernadette和Howard婚礼致辞)(S05E24) Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper coversrock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors,scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spockvaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.(S02E08)(Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock)

Amy:It's like SesameStreet says, One of these things is not like the other; one of these thingsshould die alone.

(S05E08)(Amy修改了Sesame Street 插曲One of These Things的歌词,原版One of these things is not like the others, one of these thingsdoesn’t belong)(https://www.doczj.com/doc/ad9177813.html,) Sheldon:You told me it’smind-blowing, so my mind is going into it pre-blown. Once a mind is pre-blown,it cannot be re-blown.(S02E22)(Sheldon不喜欢剧透)


生活大爆炸经典台词 导读: 生活大爆炸经典台词 1、Well, today we tried masturbating for money. 嗯,今天我们尝试手淫是为了钱。 2、Yes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality. 是的,它告诉我们,你参与的群众文化有个错觉,以为太阳的视位置相对于任意星座的定义你的出生,在某种程度上影响你的人格。 3、You did not “break up”with Joyce Kim. She defected to North Korea. 你没有与乔伊斯·金“分手”。她叛逃到北韩。 4、Ah gravity, thou are a heartless bitch. 啊,地心引力,你是一个无情无义的婊子。 5、Explain to me an organizational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid. I'm just inferring that this is a couch, because the evidence suggests the coffee table is having a tiny garage sale. 向我解释一个组织系统,在那里一盘扁平餐具在沙发上是有效


爱情电影经典语录 [标签:栏目] ,爱情电影经典语录 1、让她知道世界上曾经有一个人倾其身心的爱过她,让她相信世界上是有永远的爱的。 2、可我不爱你!我早就告诉过你,是你自己赖这不走的。 3、当我站在瀑布前,觉得非常难过,我总觉得,应该是两个人站在这里。 4、往往都是事情改变人,人却改变不了事情。 5、我们现在是谈生意,不是谈恋爱。 6、你喜欢过我吗?我不需要任何人,我也不要任何名分,我只想做你的女人,哪怕只有一次。 7、我和你在一起,是因为我选择和你在一起。我不想按别人的方式去生活。 8、或许有一天忘了你,却忘不了,爱你的感觉。 9、我明白,爱情的感觉会褪色,一如老照片,但你却会长留我心,永远美丽,直到我生命的最后一刻。 10、没错,真正的爱情是不管自己付出多少,也不管对方有没有回报,基本上是独立存在的。 11、微笑没有任何成本,却可以带来最大红利。它不仅使你感到舒服,而且会让别人感到愉快。 12、人生下来的时候都只有一半,为了找到另一半而在人世间行走。有的人幸运,很快就找到了,而有人却要找一辈子。 13、每一个男子全都有过这样的两个女人,至少两个。娶了红玫瑰,久而久之,红的变了墙上的一抹蚊子血,白的还是床前明月光。娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上的一粒饭粘子,红的却是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。 14、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。 15、当年舟车劳顿只为与爱人片刻相依的她,一心只想把那份感情守成天长地久的她,可曾想到会有今天?爱着的时候,以为那个人就是自己的一生,谁料到一朝梦醒,就站在了另一个人的身边。 16、如果爱情黯淡,就让回忆灿烂。

17、有一种沉默叫霸气,有一种内敛叫个性,有一种简单叫深遂,有一种不屑叫自我。 18、我甚至连他的一张照片都没有。他只活在我的记忆里。 19、当我决定和你度过下半辈子时,我希望我的下半生赶快开始。 20、静秋、静秋,你可能还没有爱过,所以你不相信这世界上有永远的爱情。等你爱上谁了,你就会知道世界上有那么一个人,你是宁愿自己死都不会对她出尔反尔的。 21、要骗我,就骗我一辈子吧。 22、拥抱真是很奇妙,虽然两颗心靠得很近,却看不见对方的脸。 23、我肯定不是第一个,爱上你的人,也不是最后一个,不过我相信我是最爱你的那一个。 24、从我遇见你的那一天起,我就在心里恳求你,如果生活是一条单行道,就请你从此走在我的前面,让我时时可以看见你;如果生活是一条双行道,就请你让我牵着你的手,穿行在茫茫人海里,永远不会走丢。 25、女的碰到甚么样的的男的都不要紧,就怕遇到了传说中的洋葱王子,你想要看到他的心,只有一层一层地剥掉他的外衣,在这个过程中他不断地让你流泪,最后才知道,原来洋葱根本就没有心。 26、我只想保护你,照顾你,让你幸福,我只做你愿意我做的事。 27、我愿付出一切,只求能再接触你一次。 28、一个受伤的人,不知道如何接受和给予爱。 29、说好了,一辈子,少一分、一秒、一个时辰,都不算。 30、是我的,就是我的,走了的,只能说明他从来就没有属于过我。 31、骆驼不流泪,是因为它知道水的珍贵;女孩不流泪,是因为还没有找到值得流泪的人! 32、这么多年,牵着你的手,就象左手牵着右手没有感觉,但砍下去也会生疼。 33、还给我,如果你爱我,把佩蓉还给我。 34、是我不配,我怎么能委屈你,要你做我的妾呢?你应该好好找个人,好好照顾你,好好的爱你才是,对吧?


1. Howard is teaching Sheldon Chinese. Howard: You know, I'm really glad you decided to learn Mandarin. Sheldon: Why Howard: Once you're fluent, you'll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me. 霍华德:话说,你终于要学普通话了我还真高兴。 谢耳朵:为嘛 霍华德:等你说顺溜了,有十多亿中国人民等着你去烦,你就不用来烦我了。 2. Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

谢耳朵:剪刀剪纸,纸包石头,石头砸蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死斯巴克,斯巴克击碎剪刀,剪刀砍断蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃了纸,纸反驳斯巴克,斯巴克蒸发石头,最后就是一直都那样的,石头硌坏剪子。 3. If the correct way to do it is the wrong way, then I yield. 如果胡来才是正确的方法的话,那我闭嘴。 4. I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect, like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges. 我以为她是个高度进化的纯高智商物种,就像我。而最近的事件表明她也许不过是个屈服于低级欲望的生物。 5. Sheldon: Why are you crying Penny: Because I'm stupid! Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad. 谢耳朵:你为嘛哭呢 佩妮:因为我太傻了! 谢耳朵:这可不是什么好理由。大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。比方我吧,我总为别人太傻哭,因为人家愚蠢搞得我很伤心。 6. Raj: I don't like bugs, okay They freak me out. Sheldon: Interesting. You're afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic. Raj:我不喜欢虫子行了吧吓得我半死。 谢耳朵:有意思。你害怕虫子,还有女人。要见着个花大姐准让你神经分裂了。 7. What’s life without whimsy 不为无益之事,何以遣有涯之生 8. In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it’s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.


爱情电影经典台词大全 导语:看过无数有关爱情故事的电影,幸福的故事大多雷同,不幸的爱情却各有各的不幸,每一部经典的电影里面或多或少都有令人印象深刻的经典台词。许多经典的爱情电影台词在我们心中永不褪色。下面是由橙子为大家整理的一些爱情电影里经典的台词,以供大家的需要,希望大家喜欢! 1. 我看见了,我看见了!这是爱情的力量啊! 2. 我对死亡感到唯一的痛苦,是没能为爱而死。《霍乱时期的爱情》 3. 《阿飞正传》因为你我会记那一分钟,由现在开始我们就是一分钟的朋友。这是一个事实,你不容否认的,因为已经过去了。 4. 每天你都有机会和很多人擦身而过,而你或者对他们一无所知,不过也许有一天他会变成你的朋友或是知己, 5. 《初恋50次》年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够。慢慢地去了解这个人,体谅这个人,直到爱上为止,是需要有非常宽大的胸襟才行。When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind. 6. 我希望你没有说谎,我希望在你内心深处真的对我没有一丁点儿感觉,你最好对我一点感觉都没有,因为只要有那么一点点,你将会后悔你什么都没有对我说。——《这个杀手不太冷》

生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第10集

莱纳德看我的 Hey, Leonard, check this out. 莱纳德她又来了 Leonard, she's doing it again. 我觉得你调戏食物会让谢尔顿郁闷 I think it upsets Sheldon when you play with the food. 不应该是她从碗里随便拿起食物 No. It upsets Sheldon when she willy-nilly takes it 而不顾还要平均分配的问题时 from the containers without regard 让谢尔顿很郁闷 for its equitable distribution. 这就是印度有饥荒的根本原因 This is essentially why you have famine in India. 你要我吐回去吗 You want me to put it back? 莱纳德 Leonard. 当你调戏谢尔顿时会让谢尔顿郁闷 It upsets Sheldon when you play with the Sheldon. 怎么样啊我亲爱的呆瓜们 What's up, my nerdizzles?

拉杰谢尔顿 Raj, Sheldon, 我想将我的女朋友伯纳黛特引见与你们 I want you to meet my girlfriend Bernadette. 你好莱纳德佩妮 Hello. Leonard, Penny, 你们认识我的女友伯纳黛特的 you know my girlfriend Bernadette. -嗯-嗨 - Yeah. - Hey. 伯纳黛特跟呆瓜们说绝对的Bernadette, say fo'shizzle to my nerdizzles. 我不能这么说 I don't think I can. 我没有霍华德那种街头痞子风 I don't have Howard's street cred. 我希望这没造成问题 I hope it's all right-- 我跟我的女朋友伯纳黛特说 I told my girlfriend Bernadette 她可以跟我们共进晚餐 she could join us for dinner.


看生活大爆炸学英语The Big Bang Theory 第1季14集:The Nerdvana Annihilation -Sheldon: This sandwich is an unmitigated disaster. I asked for turkey and roast beef with lettuce and Swiss on whole wheat. unmitigated: 绝对的,十足的disaster: 灾难turkey:火鸡roast:烤肉,烘烤 lettuce:莴苣swiss:瑞士奶酪whole wheat:全麦 这个三明治真是太失败了,我点了土司夹火鸡肉和烤肉和莴苣还有瑞士奶酪 -Rajesh: What did they give you? 他们送给你的是什么? -Sheldon: Turkey and roast beef with Swiss and lettuce on whole wheat. 火鸡肉和烤肉和瑞士奶酪还有莴苣 It's the right ingredients, but in the wrong order. In a proper sandwich, the cheese is adjacent to the bread to create a moisture barrier against the lettuce. ingredient:要素,配料adjacent: 邻近的,紧靠的moisture:水分barrier:障碍 成分虽然是对的但顺序不对啊。正宗的三明治奶酪应涂在土司和莴苣之间,防止土司被莴苣弄潮湿 They might as well have dragged this thing through a car wash. might as well:或许drag:拖拉 真怀疑他们是不是把三明治在洗车房洗过一遍了 -Rajesh: I don't believe it. 不太可能吧 -Sheldon: I know. It's basic culinary science. culinary:烹饪的 是啊做三明治是厨艺基础的基础 -Leonard: Some guy is auctioning off a miniature Time Machine prop from the original film, and no one is bidding on it. auction off:拍卖,竞卖miniature:小规模的prop:支柱,支架bid on:出价,投标 有人在网上拍卖迷你时间机器,那可是原版电影的仿制品但是没有人在竞拍 -Howard: A time machine from the movie The Time Machine? 时间机器电影里的时间机器? -Leonard: No. A time machine from Sophie's Choice 不是,是"苏菲的抉择"里的时间机器 -Rajesh: Boy, Sophie could have used a time machine in that movie. Did you see it? It's rough. rough:粗糙的,粗暴的 哥们苏菲可是在那部电影里用过时间机器你们见过它么? 挺猛的 -Howard: Oh, that's cool. 哦看起来好酷啊 -Rajesh: It's only $800? 只有800块? -Leonard: Yeah. And that's my bid. bid: 竞标 是啊那是我的竞标价


电影的世界总给我们天马行空的想象,我们也总能被一些电影台词所打动,重新回顾这些电影,他们都是无法复制的经典。情人节到了,我们再来回顾哪些经典电影中关于爱情的佳句,看看哪一句最能触动你? 1.《卧虎藏龙》:我愿意游荡在你身边,做七天的野鬼,跟随你。就算落进最黑暗的地方……我的爱,也不会让我成为永久的孤魂。 2.《简爱》:你以为我穷,不漂亮,就没有感情吗?如果上帝赐给我美貌和财富,我也会让你难于离开我的!就象我现在难于离开你一样! 3. 《怦然心动》:“有的人浅薄,有的人金玉其表败絮其中;有一天,你会遇到一个彩虹般绚烂的人,当你遇到她后,会觉得其他人都只是浮云......” 4. 《尽善尽美》:“你让我想成为更好的人。” 5. 《春光乍泄》:“当我站在瀑布前,觉得非常的难过,我总觉得,应该是两个人站在这里......” 6. 《甜心先生》: 第一次见面时,我就被你征服了。/你使我的人生完整。 7.《心动》:就在看到你的那一刻,我心动了 8.《真爱至上》:如果你仔细寻找,你会发现爱无处不在。 9.《星愿》:世界上最遥远的距离不是生和死,而是站在你面前却不能说:“我爱你” 10. 《剪刀手爱德华》:我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

11.《廊桥遗梦》:我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。 12. 《恋恋笔记本》:一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。 13.《天下无双》:所谓深情挚爱,就是你中有我,我中有你,原来,一个人吃饭没有两个人吃饭开心。 14.《花样年华》:如果我有一张船票,你会不会跟我走?如果还有一张船票,你,会不会带我走? 15. 《当哈里遇到莎莉时》:我爱你,你是我晚上就寝前最想聊天的人。 16. 《剪刀手爱德华》:我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 17.《断臂山》:如果我知道怎么舍弃你,那该有多好。 18.《开往春天的列出》:有些人一辈子都在骗人,而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人。 19.《东邪西毒》:如果有一天我忍不住问你,你一定要骗我。就算你心里多不情愿,也不要告诉我你最爱的人不是我。 20.《霸王别姬》:不行!说的是一辈子,少一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰都不算一辈子……


你发什么疯呢 Whatcha doing? 我在尝试以瞬时环形影像来审视我的成果 I'm attempting to view my work as a fleeting peripheral image 来激活我的上丘脑 so as to engage the superior colliculus of my brain. 真有趣 Interesting. 我一般喝点咖啡就行了 I usually just have coffee. 你彻夜未眠吗 You've been up all night? 早上了吗 Is it morning? 是的 Yes. 那我就是彻夜未眠了 Then I've been up all night. 你卡壳了 And you're stuck? 要不然怎么会有人想要激活上丘脑 Why else would a person try to engage their superior colliculus? 真抱歉亲爱的喝完咖啡前我可帮不了你 Oh,sorry,sweetie,I can't help you till I've had my coffee. 佩妮我早就告诉过你你要不把他关到他房间里Penny,I told you if you don't put him in his crate at night 他会在公寓里上蹿下跳一整夜 he just runs around the apartment. 现在又是在干嘛 What is he doing now? 他要不是在分解公式的项 Hmm,he's either isolating the terms 一一检验的话 of his formula and examining them individually, 就是在... or... 寻找在被彼得潘削掉之后 looking for the alligator that swallowed his hand 让短吻鳄吞噬的手 after Peter Pan cut it off. 虎克船长的手是被鳄鱼吃掉的 Captain Hook's hand was eaten by a crocodile, 不是短吻鳄 not an alligator.


败犬女王经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白 《败犬女王》是一部台湾偶像剧,故事讲述33岁的败犬女王单无双追求幸福的过程。 高学历、高收入、高年龄的三高女强人33岁的单无双(杨谨华饰)六年前遭到未婚夫的突然抛弃而对爱情失去信心,已经33岁的她成为了一只嫁不出的败犬。就在她对爱情绝望之际,却遇见了一位25岁的草莓族助理卢卡斯(阮经天饰),卢卡斯被单无双坚韧、善良的优秀品质深深吸引爱上了单无双,而单无双误以为卢卡斯依旧对他死去的旧情人韩向芸(柯佳嬿饰)念念不忘,从而只将他当做一个小弟弟看待。恰好此时单无双的未婚夫宋允浩(温升豪饰)回到台湾,单无双知道了宋允浩六年未归的原因后与他冰释前嫌,破镜重圆,而陷入爱河不能自拔的卢卡斯向单无双表白,单无双也发现自己竟喜欢上了卢卡斯,最终宋允浩选择了放弃,取消了原本打算与单无双结婚的计划。而单无双和卢卡斯开始了跨越了8年的代沟,开始了一场轰轰烈烈姐弟恋。 最终,卢卡斯在美国留学2年,完成了学业,成为了一名优秀的医生,他拿出钻戒向单无双求婚,而学会放慢生活节奏的单无双竟发现自己十分享受现在的独居生活,笑着对卢卡斯说考虑看看。此时,剧中的所有人都找到了幸福。 经典台词一 1、连宋允浩都看的出来,我已经爱上你了!我刚刚说的,每一句话,每一个字,包括标点符号都是真的! 2、失恋没什么啊,睡一觉起来就好了嘛,你说过啊,我二十五岁,你三十三岁,我们七年级生的爱情很速食的,我才不会为了一段没有希望的爱情而念念不忘。 3、这世界上只有三种东西掩饰不了,一个是打喷嚏,一个是爱情,一个是贫穷。 4、就是因为我知道你们是因为这个该死的误会而被迫分开所以你们现在一定要在一起。 5、我的确没有名车,更没有漂亮的头衔但是我跟无双对彼此吸引想要单纯简单的在一起不行吗?我没有名车但我有机车每次载你的时候我都会感觉到你从背后抱住我那种温暖的感觉八岁的距离,我们可以一起弥补啊你可以为了我继续穿迷你裙我可以为了你穿西装打


Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration; 冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和,也不会很热到直流汗。 In the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there, and there. 夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。 It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion. 而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话,不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。 I could go on, but I think I've made my point. 我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。 Forget? You want me to forget?This mind does not forget. I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me. 别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗? 我这脑子啥东西忘得掉啊! 从我妈给我断奶后我就没忘掉过一件事 Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary. The word "plenty" has been redefined to mean "two." "许多"现在被重新定义为"两个" Sheldon,you are a smart guy. Sheldon,你是个聪明人 You must know... - I'm "smart"? 你得知道- 我是"聪明人"? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as "smart." 要被归为"聪明人" 我得去掉60点智商才行 You've given me an obligation. 你给了我一份责任 Don't feel bad,Penny,it's a classic rookie mistake. My first Hanukah with Sheldon,he yelled at me for eight nights. 别太郁闷Penny,一般新手都会犯这个错误。我和Sheldon过的第一个光明节他吼了我八夜 Sheldon: Why are you crying?你为嘛哭呢? Penny: Because I'm stupid! 因为我太傻了! Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.这可不是什么好理由。大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。比方我吧,我总为别人太傻哭,因为人家愚蠢搞得我很伤心 If I've learned anything from British televishion shows on PBS, it's that servants dine downstairs with their own kind. 要说我从PBS台的英剧里学到什么的话,那就是仆人和他的同伴们都是坐楼下吃饭的。 It's just that all the years I've known him, he's never had the opportunity to receive my admiration. 只是认识他这么久,他从没被我表扬过。 Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors. 剪刀剪纸,纸包石头,石头砸蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死斯巴克,斯巴克击碎剪刀,剪刀砍断蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃了纸,纸反驳斯巴克,斯巴克蒸发石头,最后就是一直都那样的,石头硌坏剪子。 I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect, like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges.


经典台词电影情人 经典台词电影情人(一) 1. 有人追求幸福,所以努力;有人拥有幸福,所以放弃… 2. 对前途,要看的乐观些;对人心,要看得悲观些… 3. 卑微的誓言总能让我泥足深陷,即使说了一遍又一遍… 4. 你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。 5. 伤口是别人给予的耻辱,自己坚持的幻觉… 6. 你越想知道自己是不是忘记的时候,你反而记得越清楚,我曾经听人说过,当你不能再拥有的时候,唯一可以做的就是令自己不要忘记。 7. 伤过了,幸福,还会远吗? 8. 曾经拼了命的追,如今发了疯的退… 9. 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 10. 我微笑。在任何我难过或者快乐的时候,我只剩下微笑… 11. 望着窗外的眼前出现了一幕一幕,就像幻灯片一样闪过。嘴角上扬,冷笑着嘲笑自己… 12. 她或许不知道自己想要的是什么,可她清楚知道自己不要的是什么… 13. 女人别傻了,世界上哪儿来的那么多幸福与美好?! 14. 希望和信任是蜥蜴的尾巴,即使被切断,但它们还会再

长出来。 15. 两人相爱是,渴求无限甜蜜的吻。但为何在争吵时,却要用接吻的嘴互相伤害呢?每当我忧郁困惑,疲惫不堪时,我只能给自己一个吻。 16. 那一夜,我抽了很多烟,烟雾化成你的脸。我挥一挥手,一切都已成过往云烟… 17. 我喜欢不劳而获,可不劳而获不喜欢我! 18. 除了爱情,还有友情;除了男人还有女人… 19. 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 20. 有些话,适合烂在心里;有些痛苦,适合无声无息的忘记! 21. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 22. 如果方向错了,停下来就是前进。 23. 人原本就是在星星上出生的,暂时居住在这颗叫做地球的星星上,因此,任何一个人,都是具有星星般美好的心灵,生命尽管有限,依然不断用微笑和爱向他人散发光芒。 24. 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的我一走近,就会被深水淹死。 25. 沉默是害怕的借口,傻笑是委屈的理由… 经典台词电影情人(二) 1. 你是说杀人犯之所以成为杀人犯,也是非他的“自性”,他只是生于杀戮之家,他杀了人,众生都有罪,大家都是同谋者。


站住 Hold. 干嘛 What? 解释你为什么打喷嚏 Explain your sneeze. 什么 I'm sorry? -你有过敏症吗-没有 - Do you have allergies? - No. 你在沙拉上放太多胡椒粉了吗 Is there too much pepper on your salad? 我没在沙拉上加胡椒粉 I don't put pepper on salads. 够了坐那边去 I've heard enough. Sit over there. 别这样我不想一个人坐 Oh,come on.I don't want to sit by myself. [美国伤寒带菌者] 当年伤寒玛丽也这么说 That's what Typhoid Mary said, 显然她朋友让步了所以都病了 And clearly,her friends buckled. 伙计们帮帮我 Guys,help me. 谢尔顿别这样 Sheldon,come on. 不就是一个喷嚏嘛 Yeah,it's just one sneeze. -自个坐去吧-再见兄弟 - You're on your own. - See you,buddy. 莱纳德我有东西给你看 Oh,Leonard,I have something for you. 根据室友协议 Per our roommate agreement,this is 这是提前24小时通知 Your 24-hour notice that I will be having 我有一位无血缘关系的女性要在咱家住两晚 A non-related female spending two nights in our apartment. 你说的无血缘关系的女性 When you say "non-related female," 应该指人类吧 You still mean human,right? 当然


BIG BANG THEORIES S01E01 PENNY: So what do you guys do for fun around here? SHELDON: Today we tried masturbating for money. LENOD: Make yourself at home. PENNY: Holy smokes. SHELDON: LEONARD cannot process corn. PENNY: On top of everything else, I’m all gross from moving. LENOD: I’m not going to engage in hypothetical here. That’s not to say that if a carnal relationship were to develop. H: it’s before he became a creepy computer voice. S: Leonard has a lady over. S: Technically, that would be coitus interrupts. S:You think with your penis. H:He’s kind of a nerd. S: it’s just a privilege to watch your mind at work. I don’t know what your odds are in the world as a whole. S01E02 Basic words: Epinephrine 肾上腺 Puffy 肿胀 (拓展词puff 得意、泡芙、膨胀) Swell极好的,一流的,n.浪涛v.肿胀,鼓起,增长 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Pathology 病理学 Swoosh 嗖嗖声 Rife 普遍的,流行的,充斥的


风筝嗬 Kites,ho! 风筝嗬 Kites,ho! 不好意思 Excuse me. 你们误用了"嗬"这个词 You're misusing the word "ho." 这是用于引起目标注意的感叹词 It's an interjection used to call attention 而不是物体例如"停下嗬" to a destination,not an object,as in,uh,"Land,ho!" 或者"向西嗬" Or,uh,"Westward,ho!" 风筝嗬 Kites,ho! 各位好在忙什么 Hey,guys. Whatcha doin'? 出去发现电的存在吗 Going out to discover electricity? 如果你说的是本杰明·富兰克林的成果 If you're referring to the work of Benjamin Franklin, 他没有"发现电的存在" he did not "discover electricity," 他只是利用风筝证明 he merely used a kite to determine 闪电"带"电 that lightning "consists" of electricity. 他还发明了富兰克林壁炉式取暖炉 He also invented the Franklin stove, 双光眼镜和灵活导尿管 bifocals and the flexible urinary catheter. 风筝嗬 Kites,ho. 我们准备去斗风筝 We're heading out for some kite fighting. -斗风筝-对 - "Kite fighting"? - Oh,yeah. 一项极具竞争性和激烈性的运动 It's an extremely competitive,cutthroat sport. 其实割到喉咙的风险很低 Well,actually,the risk of throat cutting is very low. 另外严重被线擦伤才是真实 On the other hand,severe string burn is a real


生活大爆炸经典台词整理 -Shel d on: In the winter, that seat is cl ose enough to the radiator to remain warm, 冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和, and yet not so cl ose as to cause perspiration; 也不会很热到直流汗。 in the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening wind ows there, and there. 夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。 It faces the tel evision at an angl e that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, 而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话, nor so far wid e as to create a parall ax distortion. 不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。 I coul d go on, but I think I've mad e my point. 我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。 别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗? Forget? You want me to forget? 我这脑子啥东西忘得掉啊! This mind does not forget. 从我妈给我断奶后我就没忘掉过一件事 I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me. - 那天是周二下着毛毛雨- 好了... - It was a drizzly Tuesday. - Okay... 你哭什么 Why are you crying? 我哭我自己蠢啊 Because I'm stupid! 那也没理由哭啊 That's no reason to cry. 人只有悲伤的时候才该哭 One cries because one is sad. 比如说其他人都太蠢我感到悲伤 For example, I cry because others are stupid 所以我才哭 我和许多女生交往过 Well,I've dated plenty of women. Joyce Kim还有Leslie Winkle... There was Joyce Kim... Leslie Winkle... 通知牛津英语词典的编辑们


秒速五厘米经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白 《秒速5厘米》以一个少年为故事轴心而展开连续3个独立故事的动画短片。影片的时代背景是从1990年前半起至今的日本,通过少年的人生展现东京以及其他地区的变迁。 本作由三个独立故事的动画短片构成。第一话《樱花抄》描述贵树与明里年幼时恋爱的心情,以及他们重逢的一天,第二话《宇航员》描述以对进入高中就读的贵树怀有好感的澄田花苗的视角来展现贵树与明里分别后的生活,第三话《秒速5厘米》则刻画了贵树和明里长大后内心的种种彷徨。 樱花抄 远野贵树因为父母调职而转校来到东京的小学。一年后,篠原明里也转校来到同一班级。两人因体弱多病,不擅长运动,而喜欢独自待在图书馆。虽然年纪还小,可是两人还是互相吸引,对方在自己心中的存在渐渐变得无法取代。但是,两人亲密的世界因明里再度转校而悲哀地告终。之后,贵树一直努力地适应没有明里的世界。但在中学一年级的夏天,贵树收到明里写给他的信时,感情一下子再度涌现。他们开始通信,并再次得到能够互相传达心意的幸福。那年冬天,贵树要转校去一个遥远的地方。于是两人在信中约定了再见面的时间。 宇航员 中学二年级的第一天,澄田花苗看到从东京转校过来的远野贵树时,就已经喜欢上他。无论上课时还是放学后,甚至带狗在海边散步时,花苗都会在视线的一角寻找他的身影。为了和贵树在同一所高中而拼命温习,虽然合格了但还是没有向他告白的勇气,一直都暗恋着贵树。1999年,高中三年级的夏天,不但受姐姐影响而在高中开始的滑浪陷入了低潮,而且也决定不了毕业后的出路。虽然花苗对贵树的思念愈来愈强烈,但只是为了装作偶然遇上而一起回家。在高中生活只剩下半年时,感到焦急的花苗做了一个决定:能够在滑浪时再次站起来的那天,就向贵树表白。 秒速5厘米


2019年爱love电影经典语录 篇一:爱情电影里面的经典台词 电影里面的经典台词 Ihavebeendoingalotofthinking,andthethingisIloveyou. 我思考了很久,结论是我爱你。 YouaretheepitomeofeverythingIhaveeverlookedforinanotherhuma nbeing. 你拥有我梦寐以求的一切美好品质。 LoveistooweakawordforthewayIfeel. 爱这一个词用来形容我的感受太苍白了。 IsortoffeellikeI’mondrugswhenI’ mwithyou.NotthatIdodrugs,unlessyoudodrugsinwhichcaseIdodrug sallthetime.

和你一起的感觉就像是在嗑药。不是说我真的嗑药啊,除非你嗑药,那样的话我就一直嗑药。ThereisonlyaplaceintheworldIcallhome,andit’sbecauseyou’rethere. 这世上只有一个我能称之为家的地方,那就是你在的地方。 I’dfeelbettersittingoutsideyourapartmentonthecurbthananyother placeIcanthinkoforimagine. 坐在你门口的路边感觉很好。我再想不出其他更好的地方了。 I’mnotwakingupanothermorningwithoutbeingabletolookatyounextto me. 我不想清晨醒来的时候没有你在身边。

Iwouldrathershareonelifetimewithyouthanfacealltheagesofthis worldalone. 我宁愿和你共度凡人短暂的一生也不愿一个人看尽这世间的沧海桑田。 Iloveyou,likeasicknessanditscuretogether. 我爱你,就像病与药方一样难分。 IshouldhavetoldyouIloveyoueverydayfromthemomentImetyou. 我应该从遇见你那一刻起每天对你说一遍我爱你。 Ithinkthat’stheonlythingIhaveeverbeenreallysureofinmyentirelife. 这是我人生中唯一确信不疑的事。 Youhavebewitchedme,bodyandsoul.

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