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Letter from an Unknown Woman

By Stefan Zweig

英语1004 100810147 A famous writer, returning from a holiday, received a long letter from an unknown woman on his 41th birthday. It is the swan song of the dying woman, to tell her once lover about her love. However, this woman is unknown to the writer. Several years ago, a shy girl had totally fallen in love with the cultural atmosphere and the charming writer when she saw him at the first sight. But later because of her mother's remarriage, she removed to another place, far from the writer, where they lived together. In the coming several years, with time past by, the girl can't help missing him. Until one day, she came back to her lover. She stood every day behind his door, trying to attract his attention. Finally, he noticed her but didn't recognize her. Without revealing her name, she spent several nights with the man. Pregnant, she lost her job and had to give birth to a child.She loved him, and she did not want to be the burden of him because he was a man who wanted to be free, not wanting to be constrained by others. Owing to this, no matter how poor she was, even when her only son was seriously ill, she was not going to him for help. Finally, her son died.when she was going to die, she decided to show her admiration. After reading the letter, he sensed something of his love

affairs, but failed to remember. It seemed that he had experienced what the woman wrote in the letter, but only had dreamed about that.

Letter from an Unknown Woman is a novella by Stefan Zweig. Stefan Zweig ( November 28, 1881 – February 22, 1942). He was an Austrian novelist, playwright, journalist and biographer. At the height of his literary career, in the 1920s and 1930s, he was one of the most famous writers in the world. Zweig was a very prominent writer in the 1920s and 1930s, and befriended Arthur Schnitzler and Sigmund Freud.He was extremely popular in the USA, South America and Europe, and remains so in continental Europe;however, he was largely ignored by the British public, and his fame in America has since dwindled. Since the 1990s there has been an effort on the part of several publishers (notably Pushkin Press and the New York Review of Books) to get Zweig back into print in English. Plunkett Lake Press Ebooks has begun to publish electronic versions of his non-fiction as well. Criticism over his oeuvre is severely divided between some English-speaking critics, who despise his literary style as poor, lightweight and superficial,and some of those more attached to the European tradition, who praise his humanism, simplicity and effective style. Zweig is best known for his novellas , novels and biographies At one time his works were published in English when anti-German sentiment was running high. The 1993–1994 academic year at the College of Europe was named in his honor.

As we can see from the title of the book, it is a letter. Through a letter to narrate a story is a new style of writing. It can be regarded as a memoir of a man with a long letter written by a woman. This book presents us with a regretless love story. Zweig is good at psychological description. His works mostly aim at revealing the fate of woman. He tried to explore the psychological world of human, write about pains brought after loss of virtue. He praised highly of love, forgive and kindness. They are also the theme of this book. At the beginning of the book, the woman said" Now I have only you left in the world; only you, who do not know me; you, who are enjoying yourself all unheeding, sporting with men and things. Only you, who have never known me, and whom I have never ceased to love."

I was moved by the words the woman said. She to him is jus a companion at night. For this poor girl, the writer was her whole life, and where her soul lied. To give their son a secure life, she made money by sleeping with others or being mistress of some rich people. As a girl who paid all of her attention on her lover, while he had never remembered her or recognized her, she must hate him for always regarding her as a stranger. But between love and hatred, she chose the last one, because he had once offered her love and happy, although in a flash. So it hints the virtue of the woman. She is able to love and forgive.

The author has a strong sense of woman's psychology. For example, she said" When I opened my eyes in the darkness and you were beside me, I

felt that I must be in heaven, and I was amazed that the stars were nothing shining on me." It was the short happiness staying with her lover pleased her as if she were in heaven. As for her, it was the most valuable happiness in the world. And for the transitory happiness, she even lost her dignity in front of her most lover. When the writer asked her if she was willing to his home, the girl said that it was her pleasure. Without doubt, he was astonished. It is unusual for a woman, even though she may ardently desire to give herself to a man, to feign reluctance, to simulate alarm or indignation. She must be brought to consent by urgent pleading, by lies, adjurations, and promises. As we can imagine, only professional prostitutes are accustomed to answer such invitation with a pleasure assent, but she did so. As she said" How could you know that, in my case, the frank assent was but the voicing of an eternity of desire, the uprush of yearnings that had endured for a thousand days and more?"She was so eager to be with him, to be his love and to be the one who he remembered that she answered him like that. Even when that means she would lose her dignity, she did so without regret.

There is a symbol in the book, that is the white rose. White rose is the woman herself. After the woman left the writer to give birth to a child, she sent white roses to him in his birthday every year. While she once came back to his behind, she asked if the white rosed on the desk were from his lover, he did not know. Just as she herself, love him but not

known by him. What a pity! They were not strangers each other, but she was unknown to him. When others made an offer of marriage, she refused. Her love is only to give him, so she remained single to show her sole love to him.

And she was a woman who dare to sacrifice the whole for her lover. She did not want to be the burden of the writer, so even looked fool, she disclosed her secret to the writer, not telling him her name, her childhood with him, even the son of them. The son for her is another him. She felt happy about that. But with her entirely sacrifice, she received back the tragedy of her life. That is she loved him for the rest of her life, but to him still an unknown woman.

By reading this book, I learned something new about love. From dictionaries we can know the definition of love: Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also said to be a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection —"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another".Love may describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. The woman's love towards the man is unselfish loyal concern. By thinking of my life, I find that there are many people that I have ignored in my life. Most of the time, I take the kindness and care from my friends and family members for granted, just like the writer, but they have no responsibility to be kind to me. And there

are indeed too much people or things that I cannot notice. And once I thought that being loved is a trouble, but now I know that being loved by someone is my pleasure. In the coming days, I will be thankful for all the love around me.


小说飘的英文读后感 【篇一:英文小说读后感之飘】 gone with the wind飘(又名:傲慢与偏见) 简介: gone with the wind is a romantic drama and the novel written by margaret mitchell, which sets the american civil war as the background. the novels protagonist, scarlett ohara is the daughter of a planter, who is rich and standing in georgia usa. father gerald is an irish immigrant. arriving in georgia, gerald is penniless but he wins the ownership of the manor of tarot by gambling. after that, he began the venture in this red land, weaving his american dream. until 43 years old, he is married with the daughter named ellen of a french immigrant in east coast knot. gerald is good-natured, but bad-tempered and the young wife has a good family education and strict moral values. she manages the day-to-day affairs of the estate as a whole on her own, even sets the black slaves to the doctor. because of these, the couples get the respects from the white manor and won the love of the black slaves. their daughter scarlett is grown up in this environment. 《飘》所讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事。小说的 主人公斯卡雷特?奥哈拉是美国佐治亚州一位富足且颇有地位的种 植园主的女儿。父亲杰拉尔德是爱尔兰的移民。刚到佐治 亚州时,杰拉尔德身无分文,靠赌博赢得了塔罗庄园的所有权。于 是就开始在这块红色的土地上创业,编织着他的美国之梦。直到43 岁的时候,他才和芳龄15的埃伦——一个东海岸法国移民的女儿结 了婚。杰拉尔德心地善良,但脾气暴躁,而年轻的妻子则有着良好 的家庭教育和严格的道德观念。她亲手操持着整个庄园的日常事务,甚至还为庄园里的黑奴看病,接生。因此,夫妇俩受到周围白人庄 园主的尊敬,也深得黑人奴隶的爱戴。女儿斯卡雷特在这种环境中 慢慢长大了。 经典语句摘录: 1. after all, tomorrow is another day.--scarlett. 毕竟,明天又是另外的一天呢。 2. a glamour to it --a perfection, a symmetry like grecian art.--ashley


白衣女人英文读后感 导读: 白衣女人英文读后感(一) This book narrated young artist Walter responds to a call for recruits to the Fairly family belongings tutor.The moonlit night meets on the way the white clothing woman who runs away from the insane asylum.Woll unique two students:One is master Fairly eldest brother Philip's daughter Laura,another is Laura with mother different father's elder sister Marianne.Marianne confirmed that the white clothing woman is Anne ·triumphant Chinese zither Ricker.Walter has fallen in love with Laura,but before Laura's father just before the end,her Xu Gei Percivall ·standard Lyde from the baron,by now the white clothing woman suddenly presented attempts to prevent standard Lyde to marry Laura,but has not succeeded,Walter departs low-spirited.After marriage Percivall reveals one's true colors,the belt compels Laura to hand over the entire fortune the right of disposal.By now the white clothing woman appeared once more must expose Percivall's fatal secret,but because by Laura's Uncle the Fox branch count was discovered that runs away.The count plans for Percivall fishes for Laura's property.They have made the fraud which


国王的演讲观后心得范文5篇 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— 国王的演讲观后心得1 今天晚上,我组织全班同学在学校阶梯教室观看了励志电影《国王的演讲》。 电影《国王的演讲》傲视群雄,以14项提名领跑今年的第83届奥斯卡金像奖,压倒此前呼声甚高的《社交网络》和《盗梦空间》等电影。最后,安静稳重的《国王的演讲》终于成功地阻击了人气更高的《社交网络》,问鼎奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角和最佳原创剧本四项大奖。 电影讲述的是一个真实故事,故事情节很简单。 艾伯特公爵因患口吃,无法在公众面前发表演讲,这令他接连在大型仪式上丢丑。贤惠妻子伊丽莎白为了帮助丈夫,到处寻访名医,但是传统的方法总不奏效。一次偶然的机会,她慕名来到了语言治疗师莱纳尔罗格的宅邸,传说他的方式与众不同。虽然公爵对罗格稀奇古怪的招法并不感兴趣,首次诊疗也不欢而散。但是,公爵发现在聆听音乐时自己朗读莎翁竟然十分流利。这让他开始信任罗格,配合治疗,慢慢克服着心理的障碍。乔治五世驾崩,爱德华八世继承王位,却为了迎娶寡妇辛普森夫人不惜退位于弟弟。患口吃的艾伯特临危受命,成为了乔治六世。他面临的最大挑战就是如何在二战前发表鼓舞人心的演讲。 这是一部美丽的电影,它是一件艺术品。电影里没有视效,没有

美女,没有硬汉,没有华服,没有恢弘的气势,更没有火爆的动作场面。画面镜头,仿佛夜半时分盛开的昙花,明明安静而没有高潮,每一秒每一分却是映入你的眼帘,扣入你的胸膛。 这是一个大人物通过努力取得成功的故事,却让看过电影的不少小人物产生了共鸣,很多幽默诙谐的台词让学生们一直在发笑。作为励志片,它没有我们期待的那么激励人心,没有太多的艰辛努力催人奋进,但我们在片中看到了很多关于友情和友爱的表达,看到了作品对人物内心世界最真实的刻画和和心灵历程变化最生动的描写。以人为本,以人性为本,便是《国王的演讲》成功的关键。 面对当今的激烈竞争,只要你努力,没有你做不到的事情。人生最大的敌人,就是你自己。国王也是人,我们人人都可以胜过国王。 面对紧张的学习,我们能有时间静下心来看一场热门的电影,学生们可能会终身难忘。今天看完了电影,也有任务。每位同学写一篇读后感,字数不限;然后在语文学习小组内交流,最后由一位同学听取小组内其他同学的意见,汇总后写一篇读后感在教室内张贴并评选出优秀作品奖。 国王的演讲观后心得2 看《国王演讲》这部电影,实在是让我受益匪浅。这是我看了众多部电影以来自认为最精彩的电影。 这部J精彩的电影主要讲的是:一位患有口吃的王子放弃了希望,经过一场失败的演讲过后,王子拒绝了治疗。王子的妻子特意给他找了一个偏门的口吃治疗师——莱昂纳尔·罗格医生。用自己特殊的方


偷影子的人读书笔记200 你是全世界最美丽的女孩,是那种可以用嘶哑叫声擦去天空的阴暗、有着大提琴般音色的女孩。你要知道,全世界没有一个女孩可以像你一样让风筝快速旋转。”下面是小编整理的相关内容,欢迎大家阅读!希望对大家有所帮助! 篇一“一个会用风筝向你写出“我想你”的女孩啊,真让人永远都忘不了她。 太阳升起,我们的影子肩并肩拖长在人行道上。突然,我看到我的影子倾身,亲吻了克蕾儿的影子。于是,无视于我的羞怯,我摘下眼镜,模仿影子的动作。”这是书220页中的一段文字,书中还夹着一张明信片,配合明信片中的这段文字“爱情,仿佛影子一样,如果你踩中了,就请带走我的心。”感觉真是美极了。 “一个老是受班上同学欺负的瘦弱小男孩,因为拥有一种特殊能力而强大:他能‘偷别人的影子’,因而能看见他人心事,听见人们心中不愿意说出口的秘密。他开始成为需要帮助者的心灵伙伴,为每个偷来的影子找到点亮生命的小小光芒。”这是对书中主人翁的一段简短的介绍。作者为主人翁虚构了一个特异功能——可以偷别人的影子,从而走进别人的内心世界,窥探别人的隐私。其实是在告诉人们每个人都有不幸的一面——即便是看起来强大的恶棍,我们要想

超越自己,超越他人,只有以心换心,设身处地的站在他人的立场,怀着悲悯慈悲的心,发现、理解别人的缺点、过失甚至是欺压、谎言。而不是一味站在自己的立场,用自以为是的标准衡量和指摘、仇视别人。 在节凑快速的当下,这部书显得尤为重要。磨刀不负砍柴工。与影子的对话,其实就是与心灵的对话。读懂自己,才能读懂别人。原来,影子在很早之前,就是我们信赖的朋友了,只是自己在长大之后,渐渐忘记了。 《偷影子的人》的故事发展虽然以奇幻为线索,但却走的是温馨情感路线,读者陪伴着男孩从懵懂到成熟,感受了亲情、友情和爱情的无限能量。如果问,谁能无怨无悔的陪伴着我们从出生到死去,有人可能会说是父母,也有人可能会说是友人,但人们都忽略了那个默默无闻永远站在身后、分享快乐与悲伤的“影子”朋友。对偷影子的小男孩来说,他过于纠结已失去的,却没有去珍惜已拥有的,父亲的离去成为了他心灵的创口,而他往往忽视了,母亲对他倾注了多少深沉的爱,想要去弥补他的缺憾。男孩心里满含着对母亲的爱,但是,这种爱他一直没有表达出来,他不知道的是,有的话,如果没有说出来,就永远都没有机会了。成年之后的生活实在是丰富多彩,工作也很充实。他已经习惯了母亲对他的关怀,却粗心大意的,从来也没有关注到母亲已经渐渐老去,他甚至从来都没有偷过母亲的影子。他知道了那么


飘读书笔记_飘读书心得1000字5篇 飘读书心得1000字(一) 记得上一次读《飘》,应该是一年以前的事了。那时,我偶然地在一本杂志上看到了一篇关于《飘》的文章,内容不记得了,但读后却记住了“飘”这个好听了名字。于是很快,我就到书店把它买了回来。怀着一股好奇,在几天的时间里一口气将它看完了。我想,这应该是我所读过的最能吸引我的一书了吧。 《飘》是作家玛格丽特米切尔的遗世之作,自问世以来,便靡全球,并且畅销全球,而主人公斯佳丽与瑞特巴特勒在美国南北战争及重建的背景下展开的爱情故事也成为历久不衰的爱情经典。 当我第一次读的时候,我深深地被其跌宕起伏的故事情节所吸引着,而这一次,更能吸引我的,则是小说中作者所塑造的'一个个鲜活的人物。勇敢无畏、为生存用尽手段的斯佳丽;英俊优雅颇具绅士风度的韦尔克斯阿希礼;善解人意的玫兰妮;投机倒卖,“国难财”却又机智幽默不乏绅士风度的巴特勒……这些个性鲜明的平凡小人物身上,都散发出一种独特气息与魅力,吸引着我。 而在这些人物中,给我留下最深刻的印象的,是斯佳丽。 这位从小深受南方文化传统熏陶而血液里却流淌着叛逆因子的女子,在战争前一心只想着如何凭借自己的美貌吸引全县所有青年才俊特别是阿希礼的目光,而战后,为了生存,为了她所视为生命的土地,她用她那稚嫩的肩膀承担起了一切,包括养活她情人和她情敌在内的一大家人。

为了生存,她开枪打死了闯入塔拉庄园企图抢劫的北佬军官;为了保住塔拉庄园,她可不择手段,抢走自己亲妹妹的未婚夫;为了三百美元,她也可以下嫁给“流氓”巴特勒…… 在她以前所熟悉和生存的世界被战争彻底颠覆后,她并没有因此而倒下,而勇敢地站了出来,“以自己的豪侠气概去征服世界”。 尽管斯佳丽的手段卑劣,爱钱如命,但这一切都只是生存,为了挑起整个奥哈拉家族的重担,尽管她有时会怨天尤人,垂头丧气,但她却永远不会丧失对生活的勇气与希望,无论处境多么艰难,她都不会放弃。 “afterall,tomorrow is another day.” 说得真好!毕竟,明天是新的一天了,这是故事结尾斯佳丽面对深爱自己的巴特勒最终离去时说的一句话。“明天,我一定有办法留住他!”看,这就是斯佳丽的信心与勇气,无论怎样,永不言弃。如同梁静茹在《勇气》中所唱的那样:“我是宇宙无数超级勇气美少女。”这,就是斯佳丽的豪侠本色,无所畏惧,一往无前。 《飘》所带给我的,是一种信心,更是一种勇气。很多时候,我们都是一个人在战斗,就像斯佳丽那样需要独力去撑起塔拉庄园。但《飘》让我懂得,即使一个人,只有你的勇气还在,就一定能够走出困境,只要你的信心不垮,就必定会到达理想的彼岸。 读《飘》,让我懂得。 飘读书心得1000字(二) 人生一世,如草木一秋,常言道浮生若梦,似乎生活就是一出悲剧。


《国王的演讲》读书笔记(精选多篇)目录 第一篇:《国王的演讲》读书笔记 第二篇:《国王的演讲》读书笔记摘抄 第三篇:读书笔记:《国王的演讲》 第四篇:《黄瓜国王》读书笔记 第五篇:《国王与医师》读书笔记500字更多相关范文 正文 第一篇:《国王的演讲》读书笔记《国王的演讲》读书笔记《国王的演讲》这一本书,乍看之下是一个励志故事,当然,这么认为也没有任何的题目。书中讲述的是一个患有语言障碍的王室公爵在皇室、国度的紧急情势之下,努力克服自己的缺陷、积极去转变,最终逃出了缺陷的阴影,而终于让那些质疑、担忧、讥讽等等的民众舆论烟消云散,最终也不失为一个巨大的国王。 这个故事的励志意义另一部分也因另一个人物的所为所对比升华:george的兄弟edward,本是一个风姿潇洒的皇室公爵,王位的理所应当的继承人,却因人生境遇和风骚本性,逐

渐的放弃了对王位的追逐,也从一个侧面阐明了,天赋要是不为后天善用,也会渐渐被消逝,被荒废;而对george来说, 虽然作为王位继承者而言,他有很大缺陷,但如果有心去改变、坚持不懈地实验,终极也会得到改正,获得成功。 你也可以认为这是一个为了讲述伟大王与民、医与患无差别友谊的故事,语言治疗师洛格和王室继承人george齐心协 力战胜“顽疾”,两个人一同为对自己来说是一件非常困难的使命而搏斗。要指出的是,这个“顽疾”不同于外貌上那样简朴,仅仅是“口吃”或是“说话是否流利”的问题。因为,在当时国际情势动荡的环境下,一个强有力的国王,一个贤明的统帅,毫无疑问是人们心中配合的等待。也正因此,国王的一举一动都为人们所存眷,人民希望从他那边看到盼望和信心。这种环境下,george的“顽疾”显得那么的引人注目。 如果george是个寻常的人,大概他有口吃,大概他的发 音有题目,这都没什么,他能够选择成为作家,卖笔杆子,他可以选择出卖体力来维持生存,他能够只管即便避开外交,乃至闭门谢客,这都可有可无,他自己和别人也都不会觉得这是何等有题目的一件事。然而,命运却让他成为一个有语言缺陷的王室继承人、国王,一个小问题就可能成为了巨大的困难;就像edward一样,一个花花公子实在没什么,但是因为出身 配景和负担的责任,就显得有失大要。这都是位置作育的。 生活中,或许很多人都在倾慕另一种生存,倘使我当初怎么样,现在又是怎样……其实所有的生存都是一座围城,除非你可以拥有每一座城门的钥匙而能够自由进入,可现实情况下,基础不大概。最简朴的来说,你不可能同时走在两条路上。人生道路上,你选择了一条路,你就过着这一种生存,而这一种生存便是一座围城。出身更是不大概选择的工具,既然不可逆,


寻找我们的影子 --《偷影子的人》读后感暑假真是一个很好的时间,时间长并且连续,是难得的读书时间,可以不被课业烦扰,静静地慢慢地沉浸在书的世界里。听朋友介绍说《偷影子的人》是一本很不错的书,所以,在放假前的一个星期前就备好了这本书,准备好好享受这一文学大餐。也正像朋友说的,这本书没有让我失望。 真正的高手,总是在平淡的题材中见真章,因为人人都有的经历,人人都体会过的情感,并不是那么好表达,如果不能让读者感同身受,就等同于失败。而作者马克·李维,就是这么一个大师级的人物。 “太阳升起,我们的影子肩并肩拖长在人行道上。突然,我看到我的影子倾身,亲吻了克蕾儿的影子。于是,无视于我的羞怯,我摘下眼镜,模仿影子的动作。”这是书220页中的一段文字,书中还夹着一张明信片,配合明信片中的这段文字“爱情,仿佛影子一样,如果你踩中了,就请带走我的心。”感觉真是美极了。 “一个老是受班上同学欺负的瘦弱小男孩,因为拥有一种特殊能力而强大:他能‘偷别人的影子’,因而能看见他人心事,听见人们心中不愿意说出口的秘密。他开始成为需要帮助者的心灵伙伴,为每个偷来的影子找到点亮生命的小小光芒。”这是对书中主人翁的一段简短的介绍。作者为主人翁虚构了一个特异功能——可以偷别人的影子,从而走进别人的内心世界,窥探别人的隐私。其实是在告诉人们每个人都有不幸的一面——即便是看起来强大的恶棍,我们要想超越

自己,超越他人,只有以心换心,设身处地的站在他人的立场,怀着悲悯慈悲的心,发现、理解别人的缺点、过失甚至是欺压、谎言。而不是一味站在自己的立场,用自以为是的标准衡量和指摘、仇视别人。在节凑快速的当下,这部书显得尤为重要。与影子的对话,其实就是与心灵的对话。读懂自己,才能读懂别人。原来,影子在很早之前,就是我们信赖的朋友了,只是自己在长大之后,渐渐忘记了。 《偷影子的人》的故事发展虽然以奇幻为线索,但却走的是温馨情感路线,读者陪伴着男孩从懵懂到成熟,感受了亲情、友情和爱情的无限能量。如果问,谁能无怨无悔的陪伴着我们从出生到死去,有人可能会说是父母,也有人可能会说是友人,但人们都忽略了那个默默无闻永远站在身后、分享快乐与悲伤的“影子”朋友。对偷影子的小男孩来说,他过于纠结已失去的,却没有去珍惜已拥有的,父亲的离去成为了他心灵的创口,而他往往忽视了,母亲对他倾注了多少深沉的爱,想要去弥补他的缺憾。男孩心里满含着对母亲的爱,但是,这种爱他一直没有表达出来,他不知道的是,有的话,如果没有说出来,就永远都没有机会了。成年之后的他已经习惯了母亲对他的关怀,却粗心大意的,从来也没有关注到母亲已经渐渐老去,他甚至从来都没有偷过母亲的影子。他知道了那么多秘密,帮助了那么多人,却惟独,没有了解过母亲的心。而这也恰恰表达了一种伤感的温情。 有些人,有些事需要我们用心去感知,虽然我们没有小男孩那偷影子的人的功能,但我们可以爱自己,爱身边的每一个人,而这一切也都是在追寻我们的影子。

飘 观后感 英文版

A great woman in Gone with the wind 专业:工商管理姓名:袁莲霞学号:1200701120 成绩"Gone with the wind" is a love story which background of the social reality in the American civil war. The story happens in Atlanta and a nearby plantation .It describes the people's life before and after the civil war in United States and a few love entanglement of youth .Scarlett is the main line in the film. After watching the film, a lot of people may hate the heroine because of her self-will, hypocrisy, greed, selfishness, behavior to marry sis ter’s boyfriend, ignorance of Rhett’s love. But as for me, her self-confidence, tough , brave, perseverance to revitalize possessions let me admire wholeheartedly. The film gives me a lot of inspirations and ideas that mainly divided into the following several aspects: Scarlett is really a stubborn woman. she is confused by love in her most life and do a lot of mistakes. At last, she finds that Ashley she has been loved didn't love her and also do n’t as good as her thought. Precisely, because of her mistakes, she lost her real love beside her. In fact, we can’t avoid to making the same mistakes in the face of love .We always require others should to be perfect but actually ourselves can’t do as we supposed to be in most situations. We claim to pursuit what we call love, but repeatedly ignore those around us again and again. We also often think


白衣女人英文读后感 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 白衣女人英文读后感(一) This book narrated young artist Walter responds to a call for recruits to the Fairly family belongings tutor.The moonlit night meets on the way the white clothing woman who runs away from the insane asylum.Woll unique two students:One is master Fairly eldest brother Philip's daughter Laura,another is Laura with mother different father's elder sister Marianne.Marianne confirmed that the white clothing woman is Anne · triumphant Chinese zither Ricker.Walter has fallen in love with Laura,but before Laura's father just before the end,her Xu Gei Percivall · standard Lyde from the baron,by now the white clothing woman suddenly presented attempts to prevent standard Lyde to marry Laura,but has not succeeded,Walter departs low-spirited.After marriage Percivall reveals one's true colors,the belt compels Laura to hand over the entire fortune the right of disposal.By now the white clothing woman appeared once more must expose Percivall's fatal secret,but because by Laura's Uncle the Fox branch count was discovered that runs away.The count plans for Percivall



《国王的演讲》英文影评及观后感《国王的演讲》英文影评及观后感 This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem. Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate. Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced. This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a professional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted. The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent. The dry British wit is


偷影子的人读书笔记400 一部唤醒童年回忆和内心梦想的温情疗愈小说,有不离不弃的友情,有清新浪漫的爱情,更有感人至深的亲情,让我们笑中带泪含泪成长。下面是小编整理的相关内容,欢迎大家阅读!希望对大家有所帮助! 篇一“一个会用风筝向你写出“我想你”的女孩啊,真让人永远都忘不了她。 太阳升起,我们的影子肩并肩拖长在人行道上。突然,我看到我的影子倾身,亲吻了克蕾儿的影子。于是,无视于我的羞怯,我摘下眼镜,模仿影子的动作。”这是书220页中的一段文字,书中还夹着一张明信片,配合明信片中的这段文字“爱情,仿佛影子一样,如果你踩中了,就请带走我的心。”感觉真是美极了。 “一个老是受班上同学欺负的瘦弱小男孩,因为拥有一种特殊能力而强大:他能‘偷别人的影子’,因而能看见他人心事,听见人们心中不愿意说出口的秘密。他开始成为需要帮助者的心灵伙伴,为每个偷来的影子找到点亮生命的小小光芒。”这是对书中主人翁的一段简短的介绍。作者为主人翁虚构了一个特异功能——可以偷别人的影子,从而走进别人的内心世界,窥探别人的隐私。其实是在告诉人们每个人都有不幸的一面——即便是看起来强大的恶棍,我们要想

超越自己,超越他人,只有以心换心,设身处地的站在他人的立场,怀着悲悯慈悲的心,发现、理解别人的缺点、过失甚至是欺压、谎言。而不是一味站在自己的立场,用自以为是的标准衡量和指摘、仇视别人。 在节凑快速的当下,这部书显得尤为重要。磨刀不负砍柴工。与影子的对话,其实就是与心灵的对话。读懂自己,才能读懂别人。原来,影子在很早之前,就是我们信赖的朋友了,只是自己在长大之后,渐渐忘记了。 《偷影子的人》的故事发展虽然以奇幻为线索,但却走的是温馨情感路线,读者陪伴着男孩从懵懂到成熟,感受了亲情、友情和爱情的无限能量。如果问,谁能无怨无悔的陪伴着我们从出生到死去,有人可能会说是父母,也有人可能会说是友人,但人们都忽略了那个默默无闻永远站在身后、分享快乐与悲伤的“影子”朋友。对偷影子的小男孩来说,他过于纠结已失去的,却没有去珍惜已拥有的,父亲的离去成为了他心灵的创口,而他往往忽视了,母亲对他倾注了多少深沉的爱,想要去弥补他的缺憾。男孩心里满含着对母亲的爱,但是,这种爱他一直没有表达出来,他不知道的是,有的话,如果没有说出来,就永远都没有机会了。成年之后的生活实在是丰富多彩,工作也很充实。他已经习惯了母亲对他的关怀,却粗心大意的,从来也没有关注到母亲已经渐渐老去,他甚至从来都没有偷过母亲的影子。他知道了那么


英语读后感--英文读后感范文3篇 《飘》 Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.To her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I'm moved by her.So, whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on U.S.A.'s Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting. Title: The Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.


本书讲述了青年画师沃尔特应聘到费尔利家当家庭教师。月夜路遇一个从疯人院逃出来的白衣女人。沃尔特有两个学生:一个是主人费尔利长兄菲利普的女儿劳拉,另一个是劳拉同母异父的姐姐玛丽安。玛丽安确认白衣女人是安妮·凯瑟里克。沃尔特爱上了劳拉,但劳拉的父亲临终前已将她许给了珀西瓦尔·格莱德从男爵,这时白衣女人突然出现试图阻止格莱德娶劳拉,但没有成功,沃尔特黯然离去。婚后珀西瓦尔原形毕露,带迫劳拉交出全部财产的处置权。这时白衣女人再次出现要揭露珀西瓦尔的致命秘密,但因被劳拉的姑父福斯科伯爵发现而逃走。伯爵为珀西瓦尔策划以捞取劳拉的财产。他们制造了劳拉死亡的骗局,而把受惊吓而死的安妮当作劳拉埋葬,把劳拉麻醉后送进了疯人院,冒称逃走的是安妮。玛丽安从疯人院救出了劳拉,但因劳拉丧失记忆无法证明身份而陷入困境。此时,沃尔特回国,决心为劳拉雪奇冤。经过艰苦的调查终于弄清事实真相,恢复了劳拉合法的继承人身份。珀西瓦尔在场大火中丧生,福斯科被暗杀。沃尔和劳拉结合了。 This book narrated young artist Walter responds to a call for recruits to the Fairly family belongings tutor. The moonlit night meets on the way the white clothing woman who runs away from the insane asylum. Woll unique two students: One is master Fairly eldest brother Philip's daughter Laura, another is Laura with mother different father's elder sister Marianne. Marianne confirmed that the white clothing woman is Anne · triumphant Chinese zither Ricker. Walter has fallen in love with Laura, but before Laura's father just before the end, her Xu Gei Percivall · standard Lyde from the baron, by now the white clothing woman suddenly presented attempts to prevent standard Lyde to marry Laura, but has not succeeded, Walter departs low-spirited. After marriage Percivall reveals one's true colors, the belt compels Laura to hand over the entire fortune the right of disposal. By now the white clothing woman appeared once more must expose Percivall's fatal secret, but because by Laura's Uncle the Fox branch count was discovered that runs away. The count plans for Percivall fishes for Laura's property. They have made the fraud which Laura dies, but receives Anne who frightens dies to treat as Laura to bury, anaesthetized the evacuation Laura to enter the insane asylum, the one who claimed falsely runs away was Anne. Marianne has rescued Laura from the insane asylum, but because Laura loses the memory to be unable to prove that the status falls into the difficult position. this time, Walter returns to homeland, to be determined for the Laura snow wonderful injustice. Gets the facts straight finally after the difficult investigation the truth, restored Laura's legitimate successor status. In the Percivall fire on the scene got killed, the Fox branch is assassinated. Woll and Laura unified. The Woman in White in a detective novel written by Wilkie Collins.It's said that this


《偷影子的人》读后感 。 《偷影子的人》读后感(一) 看完后就百度了一下作者,没想到他竟是一九六一年出生于法图。因为单凭这本书,我是无论如何也不能想像作者竟然是52岁的老者。然后再马上查查写这本书的年份,很遗憾我没有明确的答案。但是我查到这是马克。李维的第10部分作品,湖南文艺出版社20xx年7月份出版,但我不确定这就是中国的第一批〈偷走影子的人〉。 很清新的一本小说,讲了一个从小瘦弱总受欺负的小男孩却有一总特别的本领。能够不经意间偷走别人的影子,并发现对方不愿意述说的秘密。是一个有爱,勇敢的孩子。全书讲了小男孩的成长经历。生动有趣地描写了孩子的成长过程。每一个阶段都能让我感受到真实存在。每一句交谈的话语都太符合那个时期的孩子,所以我一直感觉作者应该是一个年轻的爱生活并且很细腻的人。因为只有越年轻才越能接近并熟悉自己或别人的童年。我随着故事的发展也仿佛回到了童年,和主人公一起成长。一起用成长的态度和思维来与他共同去面对所发生的一切事情。不同的是我不是在我的童年里,而是在主人公的童年里,只是我成了他的影子,而他却偷了别人的影子。 喜欢主人公幼稚时期又带点成熟的想像力,那应该是一般同龄的孩子所没有的。喜欢那个最好的朋友吕克,当然也不讨厌那个总爱

欺负人的马格。因为每个人的成长都会有朋友和敌人,但是长大了,会让我们更加怀念那份难得的友情,却一点也不加恨于那些曾经给过自己不快乐的人,也许我们早已忘了他们的不好。 主人公的第一份爱情,是同学,也将是同事。因人她们共同就读于医学院。是时间和空间让他们自然的走在一起。但是往往这咱种自然最适合做朋友而不是情人,所以他们最后理智的选择做了最好的朋友。 主人公的第二份爱情为本书更加增添纯洁与清新的感觉。这份感情原来一直埋藏在彼此的心底。童年的初恋。纯纯的,没有一丝的污染。所以不用太多的表达与行动,只要彼此心里还想念着对方,如果有缘一定会在一起。就像书的结尾一样。主人公读出了她用风争写出的“我想你”。模仿了影子亲吻了克蕾儿。 还有,最让人遗憾和最让人感动的是主人公的妈妈。在书的结尾,她过世了。留给了主人公一封信和永远都包围着主人公的母爱。让我不禁想起了我的妈妈和我的亲人。每个妈妈都是伟大的,虽然她们没有表达过,但是我们可以回想到太多的细节去诠释母爱的伟大了…… 写到这我也下班了,因为单位不是很忙,可以用工作的时间写了这篇读后感。真的是很不错的一本书。 《偷影子的人》读后感(二) 首先特别感谢工作室给我们这样的机会,都说“书非借不能读”,迫于12月份就要交换的“压力”,这几天趁着看晚自习的时间将《偷影子的人》看完,已经很久没有静下


白衣女人英文读后感 白衣女人英文读后感(一) This book n arrated young artist Walter resp onds to a call for recruits to the Fairly family belongings tutor.The moonlit ni ght meets on the way the white clothi ng woma n who runs away from the insane asylum.Woll unique two stude nts:O ne is master Fairly eldest brother Philip's daughter Laura,a no ther is Laura with mother differe nt father's elder sister Maria nn e.Maria nne con firmed that the white clothi ng woma n is Anne ; triumpha nt Chin ese zither Ricker.Walter has falle n in love with Laura,but before Laura's father just before the en d,her Xu Gei Percivall ; sta ndard Lyde from the baron ,by now the white clothing woman suddenly presented attempts to preve nt sta ndard Lyde to marry Laura,but has not succeeded,Walter departs low-spirited.After marriage Percivall reveals on e's true colors,the belt compels Laura to hand over the entire fortune the right of disposal.By now the white clothi ng woma n appeared once more must expose Percivall's fatal secret,but because by Laura's Un cle the Fox branch count was discovered that runs away.The count plans for Percivall fishes for Laura's property.They have made the fraud which Laura dies,but receives Anne who frightens dies to treat as Laura to bury,a naesthetized the

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