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计算机工程学院软件工程专业软件111 班

2015年6 月5 日




关键词:图书馆管理,https://www.doczj.com/doc/af8421042.html,,SQL SERVER


Today is the rapid development of information age, in all walks of life cannot leave the information processing, that's what the computer is widely used in the social from all walks of life. Use computer information management is a symbol of industry modernization, which not only improves work efficiency, and greatly improved its security. Especially for complex information management, computer can give full play to its advantages: rapid operation, intelligence analysis, mass storage and preservation, etc. Use computer information management and information management system development is closely related to, because the information management system development is the premise of the use of information management system for management. This system is designed for the modern library information management

NET Framework-based library management system design and realization. Library management system is a typical management information system (MIS), its development mainly includes two aspects of the establishment and maintenance of the database and front-end application development. The former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity, data security and a good library. For the latter requires the application functionality with a complete, easy-to-use features.Libraries always have to face in the normal operation of a large number of readers, book information, as well as the interaction between library information books. Need of the readers resources, books resources, library information, the books information management, to keep abreast of changes in all aspects of information, help to improve management efficiency.In addition, the system is the part of the readers log on to the system innovation, the introduction of information management mode Dangdang book reviews, and can be independent book lending so that readers can more easily and quickly select books, and will greatly reduce the library management the workload and improve the

efficiency of the process of book lending.

KEY WORDS:Library Management,https://www.doczj.com/doc/af8421042.html,,SQL SERVER


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 课题的提出 (1)

1.2 国外研究现状 (1)

1.3 国图书管理系统目前的侧重点及发展方向 (2)

1.4 主要研究容及部分要求 (2)

1.5 论文的组织结构 (3)

第2章可行性分析 (5)

2.1系统调研 (5)

2.1.1 系统目标 (5)

2.1.2系统的业务流程图 (5)

2.2 可行性分析 (6)

2.2.1 技术可行性分析 (7)

2.2.2 经济可行性分析 (7)

2.2.3操作可行性分析 (7)

第3章课题关键技术 (8)

3.1 .NET技术简介 (8)

3.2 https://www.doczj.com/doc/af8421042.html,技术介绍 (9)

3.3 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008简介 (11)

3.4 SQL Server 2005简介 (11)

3.5 IIS服务器简介 (12)

3.6 本章小结 (13)

第4章系统需求分析 (13)

4.1 功能模块设计 (14)

4.2系统功能框架 (14)

第5章系统总体设计 (16)

5.1 功能模块设计 (16)

5.1.1 用户登录模块设计 (17)

5.1.2 读者管理模块 (18)

5.1.3借还书管理模块 (19)

5.1.4 图书管理模块 (19)

5.1.5 系统管理模块 (20)

5.1.6 个人资料管理模块 (20)

5.1.7 书架管理模块 (20)

5.1.8 借书管理模块 (21)

5.2系统的组件设计 (21)

权限管理组件: (21)

5.3数据库设计 (21)

5.3.1 概念模型设计(E-R图) (22)

5.3.2 数据库关系建立 (23)

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