当前位置:文档之家› 13GZ、2016年广州白云广雅实验学校英语真卷1





一、语音知识: (每小题1分,共5分)选出画线部分的读音其他三项不同的单词,把答案的字母写在答卷的相应位置。

( )l.A.boys B.says C.helps D.runs

( )2.A.daughter B.doctor C.door D.pork

( )3.A.thank B.birth C.than D.thirty

( )4.A.practiced B.shouted C.danced D.shopped

( )5.A.bread B.dream C.head D.friend

二、语法选择: (每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D中选择一个正确的答案,把所选答案的字母编号写在答卷的相应位置。

Scientists were getting ready to send some people from Americans to the Moon for the first time. At that moment, a French man was watching them __1__ TV in a restaurant.

There was __2__ Englishman there, too. He kept __3__ to the Frenchman, “The __4__ are very clever. It is a very 1ong way from the Ear th, you know.”

“O h,that’s __5__,” the Frenchman said, “We __6__ some men to the sun soon. That’s much __7__away than the Moon”

The Englishman was very __8__.“0h, yes, it is,” he said,“but it is not cool enough for the people __9__ to the sun.”

The Frenchmen laughed and answered,“Well, we __10__ go to the sun during the day, of course. We wil1 go there during the night.”

( )1.A.on B.at C.for D.of

( )2.A.a B.an C.the D./

( )3.A.say B.said C.saying D.to say

( )4.A.American's B.American C.America D.Americans

( )5.A.nothing B.everything C.something D anything

( )6.A.send B.sent C.will be send D.are going to send ( )7.A.far B.the farther C.farther D.the farthest

( )8.A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.to surprise

( )9.A.to go B.go C.going D.goes

( )10.A.aren’t B.can't C.don't D.won't

三、阅读理解:(每小题l 分,共10分)根据短文内容选择问题的正确答案,把所选答案的字母编号写在答卷的相应位置。


The weather report said that it was going to be rainy on the ceremony(开幕式) of 20l2 London Olympic Games. But the truth te1ls us it doesn'train. The weather in Britain is changeable(变化多端的). For example, it is sunny

now, but it wi1l be cloudy or rainy in a few minutes. And many British people often talk about weather when they meet.

There is much rain in Britain. So people cherish(珍惜)the sunshine very much. When it is a sunny day, they wil1 go out to enjoy the sunshine on the grass, hold a party with their friends and families oulside their houses or

do exercise. The rain is not heavy in Britain, so people never take an umbrella even though they know it is going to rain.

( )l.How is the weather in Britain?

A. It is sunny.

B. It is rainy.

C. It is cloudy

D. It is changeble

( )2. Why do British people cherish the sunshine very much?

A.Because there is little rain in Britain.

B.Because there is much rain in Britain.

C. Because there is no sunshine in Britain.

D. Because they like doing exercise.

( )3.What do British people often do when it is a sunny day?

A.They go out to enjoy the sunshine on the glass.

B.They hold a party with their friends and families outside their houses.

C.They do exercise.

D.All above.

( )4.Which of the fol1owing is TRUE?

A. It is rainy on the ceremony of 2012 London Olympic Games.

B. British people don't talk about weather when they meet.

C.It often rains heavily in Britain.

D.British people don't like to take an umble1la with them even though it is going to rain.

( )5.The word“truth” is similar to(相近)the word“_____” in the Passage. A.example B.thing C.fact D.weather

( )1.The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves at______.




D.17:50 ( )2.We have to spend_____ on the train if we go to Shenyang from Beijing.

A.l7 hours and 50 minutes

B.24 hours and 25minutes

C.6 hours and 35minutes

D.l1 hours and 15minutes

( )3.If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the____ train.





( )4.The No.186 train marrives in Taiyuan at________.





( )5.It takes_____ from Tianjin to Beijing by train.

A.about two hours

B.half an hour

C.about an hour

D.over two hours


1.He studies very______. (hard)

2.Sam is one of the best______ at school. (swim)

3.Today is my_______ birthday. (twelve)

4.He practises_______ the piano twice a week. (play)

5.He_______ working and had a rest. (stop)


1.He put on his clothes. (改为否定句)

He______ _______ on his clothes.

2.Sam's father taught him English. (改成一般疑问句) _______Sam's father ______ him English?

3.The weather is very good. (改成感叹句)

________ _______ weather it is!

4.I have studied in the classroom for two hours.(就画线部分提问)

________ ________ have you studied in the classroom?

5.It’s interesting to play basketball.(同义句转换)

_________ ______ _______ interesting.

6.We will go out. It won’t rain.(用if连接两个句子)

We will go out if it ________ ________.

7.______ _____ a tree in front of the house.(房子前面有棵树)











Dear Janet,

My name is Li Qiang and I want to be your e-friend.__________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


2016白云广雅九下二模试卷 一、语法选择 With the development of science, many inventions have changed our life. In the past, when our parents couldn’t find us and wondered ___1__we were, there were just worried and waited. When we wanted to tell others. ___2__ good news as soon as we got it, we just waited. Now there ___3__ some changes. Since the cell phone ___4___, it has done a lot for us. It’s much____5__to get in touch with our family and our friends living far away. We even __6___people in other part of the world . Also, two lovers can use cell phone ___7____messages to each other. They share happiness__8___each other all the time. It makes the smaller than before. People can be closer____9___ the cell phone. __10___cell phones help us a lot in our daily life, they bring us some problems. First, __11___cell phones too often is bad for our health. Second, they make___12___much noise that disturb(打扰)our life. Students ___13___have cell phone may use them for playing games or sending messages in class, because they are too young to control_____14___. This will certainly affect their study. It’s hard to say ___15____it is good for us to have cell phones. 1. A. when B. where C. which D. what 2. A. a B. an C. / D. the 3. A. have B. has C. are D. is 4. A. invent B. invents C. was invented D. invented 5. A. easy B. easier C. easiest D. easily 6. A. contact B. is contacting C. contacted D. contacts 7. A. send B. sent C. sending D. to send 8. A. to B. for C. with D. from 9. A. for B. because of C. because D. so 10. A. However B. Though C. And D. But 11. A. use B. uses C. using D. to use 12. A. so B. such C. very D. too 13. A. when B. whom C. which D. who 14. A. themselves B. they C. their D. them 15. A. that B. whether C. why D. what 二、完型填空。 Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to worry about people who have beautiful __16___with large gardens, or those who have nice cars and much money. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel___17___ and those people who have___18___may want to walk on the country roads during their free time. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will__19___ you. When you study hard at your lessons, your __20___are always taking good care of your life and health. When you are ____21____, your friends will congratulate you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you___22___the mistake. And when you do something __23____for others, you and others will feel happy , too. All of these things are signs


2019-2020学年广州市白云广雅九年级(下)4月份阶段检测 语文试卷 (时间:120 分钟,满分:150 分) 第一部分积累与运用(共30分) 一、基础知识及运用(6 小题,20 分) 1.下列句子中加点字注音都正确的一项是()(3 分) A.鲁迅,对于生活在现代的我们来说,他迄.(yì)今为止仍然是一座屹.(yì)立不倒的丰碑。 B.河水裹挟.(jiá)着泥沙,滚滚东流,消防军兵们已经累得汗流浃.(jiá)背了。 C.这个蜡像做得跟真人一模.(mó)一样的,大家忍不住都上去摸.(mō)一下。 D.他一边挖,一边埋.(mán)怨她把宝藏埋.(mái)藏得那么深,到现在还没挖出来。 2.下列对广告中曲意使用的成语修改不.正.确.的一项是()(3 分) 3.依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是()(3 分) ①九龙洞是一个天然喀斯特溶洞,洞内钟乳石林立,各种石花、石幔、石鸟、石兽随处可见, 。 ②我们既要有文化自信,不,又要有全国视野,不盲目乐观。 ③随着楼市回暖,许多大城市的住房价格再度飙升,令购房者。 A.惟妙惟肖妄自菲薄叹为观止 B.惟妙惟肖妄自尊大瞠目结舌 C.栩栩如生妄自菲薄瞠目结舌 D.栩栩如生妄自尊大叹为观止 4.下列对病句的修改不.正.确.的一项是()(3 分) A.由于团省委的一系列关爱活动,使留守儿童感受到了家庭的温暖。(删去“由于”) B.我市承办首届茶博会的各个展馆都在改善建设及改造的进度。(把“改善”改成“加强”) C.一则关于广州市民间青少年足球比赛出现“超龄”和“假球”的报道,广泛引起关注和讨论。 (把“广泛”和“引起”调换位置) D.“中国诗词大会”节目走红,靠的是它带给了人们在思想和文化内涵方面的思考而取得的。 (删去“而取得的”) 5.下列选项中语言得体的一项是()(3 分) A.今天我家在从化街口的新房落成,诚挚邀请你们一家人光临寒舍喝暖屋酒。 B.今天回到母校演讲,我十分荣幸,希望后辈们能以我们为榜样,努力学习。 C.因为最近令堂身体不适,这次高中同学毕业二十周年聚会我就不参加了。 D.杨老师您好!敬请您能够百忙之中挤出时间为本校的长远发展尽绵薄之力。


2016年小升初语文毕业试题及答案 冲刺之际,为帮助大家提高小学语文的复习基础,为大家分享的是最新小升初语文考试试题,希望对大家小升初正式考试有帮助! 一、积累与运用(共32分) 1.根据拼音写汉字(9分) dǎo méi chěng fá kuí wú wū rǔ ( )( ) ( )( ) mèi lì gài kuò zhuó yǒu chéng xiào ( )( ) ( ) shě běn zhú mò yīn róng xiào mào ( ) ( ) 2.下列短语中有4个错别字,把它们找出来订正。(4分) 错别字 改正 刻苦钻研束手无策 锐不可挡走头无路 寻物启示责无旁代 莫名其妙买椟还珠 3.改写句子。(8分) (1)面对任何灾难,中华民族难道会望而却步吗? 改为肯定句:_______________________________ ⑵抗击在非典一线的工作人员把我们深情地祝福收到了。 改为被动句:__________________ ⑶我猛然听到随水柱飞扬起奥运会嘹亮的会歌旋律。

缩句:____________________________ (4)烈士的母亲说:“我的儿子是潜艇兵,为祖国牺牲光荣,我不能对组织提出任何要求。” 把第一人称改为第三人称:_________________________________ (5)小女孩叫起来:“奶奶,请把我带走吧!我知道,火柴一灭,您就会不见的。” 改为第三人称转述句: (6)病句诊所。(在原句上用修改符号改)(3分) ⑴我们对于生存环境太重要了,必须保护它。 ⑵老人、青年、妇女、小孩都参加了植树活动。 ⑶公园里,到处可以看见盛开的鲜花和悦耳的鸟叫。 4. 下列对联题咏的是谁?(3分) (1)草堂留后世,诗圣著千秋. ( ) (2)写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入木三分. ( ) (3)四面湖山归眼底,万家忧乐到心头. ( ) 5.相传蜀汉大将关羽写过《诫子书》,书中有这样一句话:"读书好,好读书,读好书."想一想这句话中的三个分句各表达了什么意思.(3分) (1)"读书好"的意思是:____________________________ (2)"好读书"的意思是:____________________________ (3)"读好书"的意思是:____________________________ 6.根据提供的语境,用学过的诗句填空。(4分) 古代诗歌中有太多的表现友情的诗句,例如李白的《赠汪伦》中的“ ___ __ ,不及汪伦送我情.”王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》中的“洛阳亲友如相问,_______________.”王维的《送元二使安西》中的“"劝君更进一杯酒,________________________.”还有高适的《别董大》一诗中的“_____________,天下谁人不识君”等. 7.快乐小字典。(按查字典的要求填空)(共4分)


2016年广州白云广雅实验学校英语分班考试真卷 (满分:80分时间:60分钟) 一、词汇(共10分) (Japan)come from Japan. teach______(they)English. cousin______(have)a new dictionary. are four ______(tomato)on the table. mother often________(buy)some nice food on weekends. 二、选择填空(共20分) ( ) don't like______ thri11ers_________ playing baseball. ; or ; and ; or ( ) 1ike you, Tom. Let's________ good friends. ( ) are your parents talking ______ ---I don't know. ( ) Lily_____ French ( )!Tom. It's 7:00 o'clock. to bed on up ( ) are over. The students are _____ now. breakfast school down ( ) ---It's six o'clock. time is it day is it old are you ( ) does the man______ ---In a room near here. ( ) is_______ game. ' boy's 's ( ) teacher and the students talk______ English______ class. ;in the ;in ;in the 三、情景对话(10分) A:Good morning. Can I help you B:__l__ I want to buy a shirt for my son. A:The shirts are over there. This way, . B:Hmm, I like the style(样式), but I don't like the color. A: How about this one B:That's my son's favourite


福建福州鼓楼区2016年小学英语学科毕业考试卷(闽教) (完卷时间:50分钟)等级 听力部分 一、听音,写单词并在括号里写出中文意思。(每小题念三遍) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,将你所听到的单词的序号填入括号里。(每小题念两遍) ( )1.A.sister B.tiger C.park D.garden ( )2.A.sport B.short C.thirsty D.first ( )3.A.lunch B.chair C.watch D.kitchen ( )4.A.math B.earth C.weather D.they 三、听音,在横线上写出你听到的图片的序号。(每小题念两遍) Part A: Part B: 四、听音,如果录音内容与图意相符请画“”,不符的请画“”。(每小题念两遍)

五、听音,在你听到的句子前面画“√”,并写出该句话的中文意思。(每小题念两遍) 1.( )They can make people feel happy. ( )They can make people strong and healthy. 2.( )You can find our addresses from it. ( )You can find our information from it. 3.( )I went back to my hometown last month. ( )We had a Sports Day last month. 4.( )What a surprise! ( )What kind of surprise? 六、听音,选择正确的答句。(每小题念两遍) ( )1.A.Yes,we will. B.No,we don’t. ( )2.A.She has a computer class every Friday. B.She has a toothache. ( )3.A.He is a farmer. B.He wants to be a worker. ( )4.A.They are nurses. B.I’m singing. 七、听音,连线。(每小题念两遍) 1. 3. 2. 4. 八、听音,填空完成下列短文。(短文念三遍) Lin Hai is years old.His father is a police officer. is very busy, but he his .Sometimes he works day and night.Sometimes he works holidays.He doesn’t much time to with his son.Lin Hai is very proud of his .


小学数学毕业考试试题 一、填空。(17分) 1.2003年世界人口是00,这个数省略“亿”后面的尾数约是( )亿。2.最小的质数与最小的奇数的和是( )。 3.工地上有90吨水泥,每天用去3.5吨,用了b天,用含有字母的式子表示剩下的吨数是( )吨。 4.8除以它的倒数,商是( )。 5.20以内既是奇数又是合数的所有数的最大公约数是( )。 6.把4千克糖果平均分成5份,每份糖果重( )千克。 7.从24的约数中选出四个数组成一个比例是( )。 8.刚刚和军军拥有邮票张数的比是4:3,刚刚有邮票64张,军军有邮票( )张。 . 9.甲乙两人走同一段路程,甲走完用20分钟,乙走完用15分钟,甲乙两人的速度比是( )。 10.把:0.6化成最简单的整数比是( )。 11.向阳小学2006年度订阅《小学生数学报》的份数与总钱数成( )比例。 12.的分子加上6,要使分数的大小不变,分母应加上( )。 13.吨比吨少( )%。

14.一项工程,甲、乙合作6天完成,甲单独做需10天,乙队单独做需( )天。 15.一个油桶装油100千克,根据实际装425千克油需要( )个这样的油桶。 16.一堆煤,第一次用去,第二次用去吨。其中第( )次用去的数可用百分数表示。 17.大圆周长是小圆周长的2倍,大圆面积是小圆面积的( )倍。 二、判断。(下面说法正确的在括号里打“√”,错误的在括号里打“X”)(6分) , 1.两个质数的和一定是合数。( ) 2.能同时被2、3、5整除的最小三位数是120。( ) 3.李师傅加工了98个零件全部合格,合格率是98%。( ) 4.长方形、正方形、圆都是轴对称图形。( ) 5.8个篮子平均每个篮子有6千克苹果,任意拿一篮苹果,里面的苹果一定有6千克。( ) 6.圆柱的体积比与它等底等高的圆锥的体积多。( ) 三、选择。(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(10分) 1.一罐可口可乐(见左图)的容积是335( )。

广州版六年级下册英语期末试卷 (二中苏元、二中应元、荔湾广雅、白云广雅及六中珠江)3套

广州小升初小联盟联考英语真题 (二中苏元、二中应元、荔湾广雅、白云广雅及六中珠江)

3、If you are _______, don’t forget to ask for help. A. at trouble B.in trouble C. at a trouble D. in a trouble 4、I saw you waiting ____________ someone in the street __________ Sunday morning. A.at, in B.at, on C. for, in D. for, on 5、--Sorry, I am a little late. -- _______________. A. Never mind B. Certainly C. Not at all D. You’re welcome 6、___________ people around the world plant trees on Tree Planting Day. A. Million B. Millions C. Million of D. Millions of 7、--_______________? --–I feel bad. I don’t feel like eating. A. How are you B. What’s wrong C. What can I do for you D. How do you do 8、You shouldn’t eat ___________ chocolate. It’s bad for your health. A. many too B. too much C. too many D. much too 9、--May I have a look at your new watch? --Of course you ________. A. can B. must C. will D. would 10、Kenny is good___________. He always runs fastest in his class. A. at run B. for run C.at running D. for running 11、-- Where would you like__________ on holiday? --How about___________ Pairs? It’s wonderful. A. to go, to visit B. go, visiting C.to go, visiting D. go, to visit 12、He____________ an article when his teacher came in. A. has written B. is writing C. had written D. was writing 13、There________ a football match next Thursday. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. are going to be 14. My brother goes to school than before. A. much early B. much earlier C. more earlier D. more early 15. Hurry up, you can’t catch the bus. A. so B. but C. and D. or 16. You’d better out alone at night. A. not go B. not to go C. don’t go D. not going 17. Can you the radio a bit, please? It’s too noisy. A. turn down B. turn off C. turn up D. turn on 18. He me if he in Shanghai.

2017.3.17白云广雅试卷 答案

综合测试数学答案 注意事项:1.全卷共三大题。总分:80分 2.请考生在指定位置上(密封线内)填写自己的相关信息 3.请用黑色的签字笔或钢笔作答,不得使用涂改工具。 一、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分) 1. 2.3升=( 2300 )毫升 2. 一个数是0.2的倒数,增加它的2 1后是(7.5 )。 3. 如图所示,一共有( 6)个角。 4. 一个班的男生人数比女生人数多7 1,则这个班女生人 数与男生人数的比是(7:8 )。 5. 如图,圆的直径d=10cm (π取3.14),则阴影部分的 面积是( 44.625cm 2 )。 二、计算题(本大题共32分) 1.直接写出得数(共8小题,每小题1分,共8分) 8.5-2.7=5.8; 10- 58=8.4; 4×7×0.25=7; 3÷7×72=496; 1610×254=101; 6.5-5 4=5.7; 137+369=506; 2.7÷30%=9; 2.求未知数(共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) (1)1211X -3=8 (2)4:9=51x :2 3 答案:(1)x=12 (2)x= 310

3.简便计算(共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) (1) 21-32+45-21-31(2)0.25×13+2×0.25-4 5 =21-21+45-32-31 =41×13+2×41-45 =0+45-(32+31) =41×(13+2)-4 5 =45-1 =41×15-45 =41 =2 5 (3)2016×2017 5(4)100—99+98—97+96—95+…+4—3+2—1 =(2017-1)×20175 =(100-99)+(98-97)+...+(2-1) =2017×20175-1×20175 =1+1+...+1 =5-20175 =50 =42017 2012 三、解决问题(本大题共4小题,期中第1、2小题每小题5分,第3、4小题每小题6 分,共22分) 1.水结成冰,体积增加原本的11 1,则冰化成水体积减少了多少? 解:把水的体积看作单位“1”,看成11份,则冰的体积为12份。 (12-11)÷12=12 1 答:则冰化成了水体积减少了121。


2017****实验学校招生数学真卷(一) (满分:80分,时间:79分钟) 一、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分) 1.4小时12分钟=()小时=()分钟。 2.一根绳子用去一半,再用去余下的三分之一,还剩下全长的()。 3.小明家在小英家的北偏东50°方向上,则小英家在小明家的()方向。 4.浓度为30%的盐水中,盐与水的比是()。 5.一列分时的前4个是,根据这4个分数的规律可知,第10个分数为()。 二、计算题(本大题32分) 1.直接写出得数。(共8小题,每小题1分,共8分) 9.6-3.9= 2.4×8×0.125= 847+396= 2.6÷20%= 2.求未知数。(共2小题,每小题4分,共8分) (1)(2)

3.简便计算。(共4小题,每小题4分,共16分) (1)(2) (3)(4)25×1.25×32 三、解决问题(本大题共4小题,第1-2小题每小题6分,第3-4题每小题8分,共28 分) 1.亮亮喝了一杯牛奶的,然后加满水后又继续喝了一杯的,再到满水后又喝了半杯,然 后加满了水,最后把一整杯都喝了,请问亮亮喝的牛奶多还是水多?请通过计算说明你的理由。

2. 有两根铁丝,一根长8厘米,另一根长6厘米,把两根都燃烧掉同样长的一部分后,短的一根剩下的长度是长的一根剩下的,那么每段燃烧掉的部分是多少厘米? 3. 如图,求出图中阴影部分的面积。(图中数据的单位都是厘米) 4. 一辆车从甲地开往乙地,如果把甲速提高20%,那么比原定时间提前1小时到达,若果 以原速行驶120千米后,再将速度提高25%,乐意提前40分钟到达乙地,那么甲乙两地相距多少千米? 6.5 2.6 3.8 2.6



2015—2016学年度小升初数学(北师大版)毕业水平测试卷 (满分100分,考试时间80分钟) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总计 分数 20 6 24 18 12 20 100 得分 一、我会选。(每小题2分,共20分) 1、有2根小棒分别长10cm 和5cm ,从下面4根小棒中选( )首位连结可以组成一个三角形。 A .5cm B .10cm C .15cm D .20cm 2、2015年10月1日是星期四,今年的10月1日是星期( )。 A.三 B.四 C.五 D.六 3、把一根铁丝剪成两段,第一段长53米,第二段占全长的5 3 ,剪去的这两段铁 丝长度( )。 A.第一段长 B.第二段长 C.一样长 D.无法比较 4、鸡兔同笼共12个头,40条腿,鸡有( )只,兔有( )只。 A .4,8 B .8,4 C .2,10 D .10,2 5、小军看小华在东偏北50°的方向上,小华看小军在( )的方向上。 A .南偏西50° B.东偏北40° C.西偏南50° D.东偏北50° 6、把线段比例尺 改写成数字比例尺是( )。 A .1∶40 B .1∶800 C .1∶4000000 D .1∶8000000 7、节日的公园里挂起了一盏盏彩灯,彩灯按黄、红、绿、黄、红、绿……的次序有规律地连接在一起,那么第2009盏彩灯的颜色是( )。 A.红色 B.黄色 C.绿色 D.无法确定 8、2枚1元的硬币同时抛出,同时正面向上的可能性为( )。 A . 21 B .31 C .41 D .5 1 9、在一条宽4cm 的长方形纸上剪10个直径为2cm 的圆,这张至少长( )cm 。 A.40 B.20 C.10 D.5 10、学校操场长100米,宽50米,把这个操场的平面画在作业本上,选( )比例尺比较合适。 0 40 80 120km


2016年广州白云广雅实验学校英语真卷(一) (满分:60分时间:30分钟) 一、语音知识: (每小题1分,共5分)选出画线部分的读音其他三项不同的单词,把答案的字母写在答卷的相应位置。 ( )l.A.boys B.says C.helps D.runs ( )2.A.daughter B.doctor C.door D.pork ( )3.A.thank B.birth C.than D.thirty ( )4.A.practiced B.shouted C.danced D.shopped ( )5.A.bread B.dream C.head D.friend 二、语法选择: (每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D中选择一个正确的答案,把所选答案的字母编号写在答卷的相应位置。 Scientists were getting ready to send some people from Americans to the Moon for the first time. At that moment, a French man was watching them __1__ TV in a restaurant. There was __2__ Englishman there, too. He kept __3__ to the Frenchman, “The __4__ are very clever. It is a very 1ong way from the Ear th, you know.” “O h,that’s __5__,” the Frenchman said, “We __6__ some men to the sun soon. That’s much __7__away than the Moon” The Englishman was very __8__.“0h, yes, it is,” he said,“but it is not cool enough for the people __9__ to the sun.” The Frenchmen laughed and answered,“Well, we __10__ go to the sun during the day, of course. We wil1 go there during the night.” ( )1.A.on B.at C.for D.of ( )2.A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )3.A.say B.said C.saying D.to say ( )4.A.American's B.American C.America D.Americans ( )5.A.nothing B.everything C.something D anything ( )6.A.send B.sent C.will be send D.are going to send ( )7.A.far B.the farther C.farther D.the farthest ( )8.A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.to surprise ( )9.A.to go B.go C.going D.goes ( )10.A.aren’t B.can't C.don't D.won't 三、阅读理解:(每小题l 分,共10分)根据短文内容选择问题的正确答案,把所选答案的字母编号写在答卷的相应位置。 A The weather report said that it was going to be rainy on the ceremony(开幕式) of 20l2 London Olympic Games. But the truth te1ls us it doesn'train. The weather in Britain is changeable(变化多端的). For example, it is sunny


2016年小升初数学试卷 一、细心读题、认真填空.(25分) 1.(2分)我国香港特别行政区的总面积是十亿九千二百万平方米,写作平方米,改写成用“万”作单位的数是万平方米. 2.(5分):16=9:=0.75==%=折. 3.(3分)6时=时分0.54公顷=平方米. 4.(3分)5.4千克=千克克 45毫升=升. 5.(1分)在3.1、3.14、3.142和π中,从小到大排在第三个的数是.6.(1分)王老师月工资1400元,超过800元部分需缴5%的个人所得税,王老师缴税元. 7.(2分)去年,全国参加高考人数是528万,今年达到613万,比去年增加%.今年录取率为70%,将有万考生进入高校学习. 8.(1分)六(4)班男生人数是女生人数的,女生人数占全班人数的%.9.(1分)李刚家要栽种一批树苗,这种树苗的成活率一般为75%﹣80%,如果要栽活1200棵树苗,那么至少应栽棵. 10.(2分)4x=y,x和y成比例.4÷x=y,x和y成比例. 11.(1分)等底等高的圆柱和圆锥,它们的体积相差50立方分米,它们的体积和是立方分米. 12.(1分)把一个底面半径4厘米、高10厘米的圆柱体,切拼成一个近似的长方体,表面积比原来增加了平方厘米. 13.(2分)把一根6米长的绳子剪成同样长的5段,每段是全长的,每段的长是米.

二、判断题.5分 14.(1分)如果甲比乙多,那么乙比甲少.(判断对错) 15.(1分)甲班人数的和乙班人数的35%同样多.(判断对错)16.(1分)二月份不可能有5个星期日.(判断对错) 17.(1分)圆柱的体积是圆锥体积的3倍..(判断对错) 18.(1分)用故事书中任意一页的两个页码数做分子、分母,这个分数一定是最简分数.(判断对错) 三、辨一辨,不粗心,选择出正确答案.(5分) 19.(1分)下列轴对称图形中,只有两条对称轴的图形是() A.等边三角形B.正方形C.长方形D.圆 20.(1分)一根绳子剪去米,还剩下这根绳子的,剪去的和剩下的哪一段长.() A.剪去的长B.剩下的长C.两段一样长D.无法比较 21.(1分)一件衣服,先降价10%,之后又降价10%,两次降价后比原来降低了() A.10% B.20% C.19% D.18% 22.(1分)下面的叙述中,没有错误的是() A.一条直线长8厘米 B.2、3都是质因数 C.6能整除24 D.圆的面积与它的半径成正比例 23.(1分)投掷3次硬币,有2次正面朝上,1次反面朝上,那么,投掷第4次硬币正面朝上的可能性是() A.B.C.D. 三、看清题目、细心计算.(26分) 24.(8分)


2016年广州白云广雅招生真题卷(一) 一、填空题(共计6题,每空2分,合计18分) 1、3千克50克= 千克,5分30秒= 秒 2、被除数+除数+商=39,商是3,被除数是 3、三个连续奇数的和是n ,期中最小的一个是,最大的一个是 4、找规律填数:21、26、19、24、、、1 5、20 5、已知a >b >c >0,请用>或<或=填空:d c a b b a 。 6、服装店计划采购一批服装销售,按20%的利润定价销售,每件正好是60元,采购时,这种服装进货价降低了20%,如果商店仍按20%的利润定零售价格,每件应是元。 二、计算题(本大题共计26分) 1.直接写出得数。(共计5小题,每小题1分,合计5分) 63+37= 51925 0.57 760.251313351 11542 2.求未知数(共2小题,每小题3分,合计6分) ( 1)1.7x-x=7 (2)34 21 23x 解: 0.7x=7 解:3x-2=1 x=10 x=1 3、用简便方法计算。(共3小题,每小题5分,共15分) (1)51552(2)217575 (3)2015201520142014 20162016

三、解决问题(共5题,1-4每题7分,第5题8分,合计36分) 1.小明读一本书,上午读了一部分,这时已读的与未读的页数比是 1:9,下午比上午多读6页,这时已读的页数和未读的页数变成了1:3,这本书共有多少页? 2.把20个梨和25个苹果,平均分给小朋友,分完后梨还剩下 2个,苹果还缺2个,最多可 以分给多少个小朋友?3.图书室里有文艺书、科技书、连环画共计1880本,文艺书借出52 ,科技书借出50本,又 买来40本连环画,这时3类书的本书相等,原来3种书各有多少本? 4.客车与货车同时从甲、乙两地中点反方向行驶,五小时后客车到达甲地,火车离乙地还有60千米,已知货车与客车的速度比是5:7,求甲、乙两地相距多少千米?


人教版小升初试题及答案(系列一) 一、填空题。(每小题2分,共20分) 1、我国香港特别行政区的总面积是十亿九千二百平方米,这个数写作( )平方米,省略亿后面的尾数,写作( )平方米。 2、为绿化城市,某街道栽种一批树苗,这批树苗的成活率是75%~80%,如果要栽活2400棵树苗,至少要栽种( )棵。 3、在 8 x (x 为自然数)中,如果它是一个真分数,x 最大能是( );如果它是假分数,x 最小能是( )。 4、a=2×3×m ,b=3×5×m (m 是自然数且≠0),如果a 和b 的最大公约数是21,则m 是( ),此时a 和b 的最小公倍数是( )。 5、一个圆锥与一个圆柱的底面积相等,已知圆锥与圆柱的体积比是1:9,圆锥的高是4.8厘米,则圆柱的高是( )厘米。 6、甲数是乙数的8 5 ,甲数比乙数少( )%,乙数比甲数多( )%。 7、一个长方形的长宽之比是4:3,面积是432平方厘米,它的周长是( )厘米。 8、一批苹果分装在33个筐内,如果每个筐多装10 1 ,可省( )个筐。 9、把 7 3 化成循环小数是0.428571428571……,这个循环小数的小数部分第50位上的数字是( )。 10、如下图,长方形ABCD 被分成两个长方形,且AB :AE=4:1,图阴影部分三角形的面积为4平方分米,长方形ABCD 的面积是( )平方分米。 二、判断题。(对的在括号内打“√”,错的在括号内打“×”,每小题1分,共5分) 1、用四舍五入法将0.6295精确到千分位是0.630。 ( ) 2、长方形、正方形、三角形、圆和梯形都是轴对称图形。 ( ) 3、在含盐30%的盐水中,加入6克盐和14克水,这时盐水的含盐百分比是30%。 ( ) 4、一种商品提价10%后,销量大减,于是商家又降价10%出售。现在的价格比最初的价格降低.( ) 5、右图中的阴影部分面积占长方形的 4 1。 ( ) 三、选择题。(每小题1分,共5分) 1、在比例尺是1:3000000的地图上,量得A 、B 两港距离为12厘米,一艘货轮于上午7时以每小时24千米的速度从A 港开向B 港,到达B 港的时间是( )


1. : 号 证 考 准 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 题号 评分 小学六年级数学毕业水平能力测试卷 (考试时间:100 分钟,满分 100 分) 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 : 名 姓 0 6 : 级 班 小 附 师 保 : 校 学 … … 线 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 订 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 装 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 一、填空。(25 分) 1、哈利法塔,原名迪拜塔,总高 828 米,是世界第一高楼与人工建筑物,总投资 1495000000 元,这个数读作( )四舍五入到亿位约是( )亿元。 2、明年第二十届世界杯将在巴西举行,明年是( )年,全年有( )天。 3、5.05L=( )L ( )mL 2 小时 15 分=( )分 1 4、( )÷36=20:( )= 4 =( )(小数) =( )% 5、把 3 米长的铁丝平均分成 8 份,每份是这根铁丝的( ) ,每份长( )米。 3 6、8与 0.8 的最简整数比是( ) ,它们的比值是( )。 3 3 7、甲数的4等于乙数的5,乙数与甲数的比是( ) ,甲数比乙数少( )%。 8、小明在测试中,语文、数学和英语三科的平均分是a 分,语文和数学共得b 分,英语得( )分。 9、5 克糖放入20克水中,糖占糖水的( )%。 10、一个 3mm 长的零件画在图上是 15cm ,这幅图的比例尺是( )。 11、一个长方体的棱长总和是 48 厘米,并且它的长、宽、高是三个连续的自然数,这 个长方体的表面积是( )平方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米。 12、以一个直角边分别是5 厘米和 3 厘米的直角三角形其中一条直角边为轴旋转一周会得到一个圆锥 体,这个圆锥的体积是( )立方厘米。 六年级数学试卷(共 6 页,本页第 1 页)


2016年广州市中考英语模拟卷(白云广雅) 一、语法选择 Yao Ming was elected to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Class of 2016 1 April 4th. The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame said that Yao Ming, 2 is from China,helped 3 the NBA popular in China. “He led his hometown Shanghai Sharks 4 a CBA Championship in 2002 and 5 the NBA in the same year. As a member of the Houston Rockets, he got all honors(2003) and was named to the All-NBA Team five times(2004,2006-2009). He was also 6 eight-time NBA All-Star(2003-2009,2011). As a member of the Chinese National Team, Yao got the Asian Championship MVP three times. He is really a great 7 .No one in Asia 8 be better.” the speaker said. 9 gets on well all the time. Yao Ming got hurt in the game in 2005. 10sometimes he had to stop, he kept playing 11 2011, when he had to retire from basketball because of his injured foot. “These ten inductees,including Yao Ming and12 nine players, have done a lot to the basketball game in13 own way and we are happy to honor them,” said Jerry, leader of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame is an American history museum and hall of fame. It was14 up in 1959. Since then, it 15 345 people and 10 teams already. 1.A. on B. at C. to D. in 2.A. which B. who C. whose D. whom 3.A. make B. made C. makes D. making 4.A. of B. with C. about D. to 5.A. joined B. joins C. joining D. join 6.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 7.A. successful B. successfully C. succeed D. success 8.A. must B. should C. can D. need 9.A. Something B. Nothing C. Everything D. Anything 10.A. Because B. Unless C. Though D. So 11.A. and B. if C. until D. after

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