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I. Listening Comprehension (共10分)

Section A (共6分,每小题2分)

Directions: In Section A, you will hear one short passage, and you will be asked three questions on the passage. The passage will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 1 through 3 are based on the following passage.

1. A. To give animals a home. B. To seek pleasure.

C. To create a public zoo.

D. To study animals.

2. A. They are bigger in size. B. More special animals are kept there.

C. They are more nature-like.

D. More baby animals are born there.

3. A. The development of zoos. B. The origin of zoos.

C. The founder of zoos.

D. The variety of zoos.

Section B (共4分,每小题1分)

Directions: In Section B, you will hear one conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 4 through 7 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each blank.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary (共30分)

Section A (共10分,每小题1分)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

8. The two sisters were so busy last night that _____ of them had time to look after the baby.

A. either

B. neither

C. any

D. none

9. _____ Eric likes most about Shanghai is probably its wide variety of food.

A. That

B. Where

C. Which

D. What

10. Whether or not your role models are famous, they should be people worth _____.

A. to copy

B. to be copied

C. copying

D. being copied

11. Some teens cannot be controlled by their parents, _____ the parents try hard to control them.

A. even if

B. as though

C. now that

D. in case

12. Harry _____ to take violin lessons when a friend of his father’s played for him.

A. inspired

B. inspires

C. was inspired

D. is inspired

13. In the novel by Peters, _____ the film is based, the main character is a teenager.

A. from whom

B. with whom

C. on which

D. in which

14. Scientists are studying animals to look for proof _____ they have feelings similar to ours.

A. that

B. what

C. whether

D. which

15. In the afternoon, Tom and Jerry sat side by side, _____ how they could solve that problem.

A. discussed

B. having discussed

C. to have discussed

D. discussing

16. Some parents argue that it is their job to get their kids _____ in community


A. to involve

B. involved

C. involving

D. involve

17. I think it is always the people who have the same culture _____ can share their feelings.

A. which

B. what

C. as

D. that

Section B (共10分,每小题1分)

Directions: Read the text below. Use the word given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the space.

It was a rainy morning two years ago. Shirley Huxham was cycling 18 (gentle) downhill. As she waved to a friend, her bike slid uncontrollably on the wet road, throwing her to the ground. “I’d never even thought of buying a helmet,” she says. For months she was partly paralysed (瘫痪) down her left side and still has 19 (healthy) problems today.

Some might think that Shirley was just unlucky. How 20 (danger) can it be to fall from a bicycle? In fact, e ach year on Britain’s roads more than 200 people are killed and at least 4,000 seriously injured on bicycles. But these numbers don’t tell the whole story: the majority of the 21 (die) and injured were not wearing helmets.

A study of bicycle accidents in the US found that helmets could 22 (reduction) the risk of serious head injury by 85 percent. Yet it is estimated that in Britain, no more than five percent of bicycle 23 (ride) wear helmets. Why don’t more cyclists wear 24 (they)?

People think that helmets look foolish, that they’re 25 (convenient), and that accidents only happen to other people.

One of the wrong ideas bicyclists have is that lower speeds can put them at 26 (little) risk than motorcyclists, who are legally obliged to wear helmets. In fact, according to a British report, a higher percentage of bicyclists than motorcyclists suffer head injuries. And their injuries can be just as severe.

Helmets, however, can make a big 27 (different). Shirley wasn’t just unlucky. If she had worn a helmet, she wouldn’t have spent months in hospital. Why take the risk?

Section C (共10分,每小题1分)

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

You get an e-mail from your friend. It says Bill Gates will send you cash if you just click on a certain Web page. Your friend swears this is official, and that his friend says it 28 . Will you believe it?

Stories like that are known as urban legends(传说). They are called this 29 they are like old country folk tales, but told in a modern city context.

Why do people tell urban legends? Why do listeners believe them? 30 is true of many legends, there is usually a grain of truth in an urban legend that seems to confirm it. That small seed of truth helps keep the story alive. 31 , many urban legends are meant to serve as warnings to children and teens. This fact could explain why a lot of urban legends are 32 : Do not take candy from strangers, because it might have poison in it.

Some urban legends, however, reflect what people want to believe. After the disastrous Asian tsunami(海啸) of 2004, for example, one heart-warming tale spread

a r o u n d t h e w o r l d.

33 the story, elephants near a Thai resort sensed that the huge waves were coming. They led people to high ground and went back into the floodwaters 34 other people. The Denver Post was one of many newspapers to 35 this story: “Elephants became superheroes, raising people with their trunks and pulling them from harm’s way.” There were elephants near the resort, and they did move to higher

g r o u n d a s t h e w a v e s c a m e a s h o r e—b u t t h a t i s a l l t h a t

36 be confirmed. The rest is wishful thinking.

With quick access to the Internet today, it is easy to spread urban legends, but it is also easy to fight them. Remember your friend’s e-mail mentioned earlier?

37 to https://www.doczj.com/doc/b213507335.html,, the Internet headquarters for sorting out truth from fiction, and you will find it is false. Next time you hear what sounds like an urban legend, take some time to stop and think and maybe even do some research. The story may be true, but it might just be an urban legend.

28. A. rises B. works C. survives D. improves

29. A. because B. once C. until D. unless

30. A. What B. That C. It D. As

31. A. Personally B. Suddenly C. Previously D. Actually

32. A. interesting B. boring C. frightening D. confusing

33. A. According to B. In spite of C. Due to D. In case of

34. A. rescued B. to rescue C. having rescued D. to be rescuing

35. A. hold up B. pick up C. give up D. look up

36. A. can B. must C. shall D. need

37. A. Heading B. To head C. Head D. Headed

III. Reading Comprehension (共30分)

Section A(共22分,每小题2分)

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Hetty Robinson learnt all about money when very young. As a child, she read the financial pages of the newspaper to her rich father. Her father died when Hetty was 30, and she inherited $1 million. When she herself died in 1916, she left almost $100 million to her two children.

Hetty made her money on the New York stock exchange. She was a financial genius. She made money so easily that people called her the Witch of Wall Street. But although she was one of the richest women in the world, she counted every cent and spent as

little as possible. She didn’t own a house, because she didn’t want to pay property taxes. So she and her children lived in cheap hotels.

She spent almost nothing on clothes, and always wore the same long black dress. She washed it herself, but to save soap she only washed the bottom of the dress, where it touched the ground. Other people had their own offices, but Hetty used a desk in the bank where she kept her money, because it didn’t cost anything. She sat in the bank and ate her sandwiches while she bought and sold stocks and shares. If the bank complained, she just moved all her money to another bank.

Hetty’s family paid the price for her meannes s. When she was 33 she married a millionaire, Edward Green, and they had two children. But Green lost all his money, so she left him. When her son, Ned, injured his knee, Hetty didn’t want to pay for a doctor, so she took him to a free hospital for poor people. Unfortunately the doctor knew Hetty was rich and he asked for money. Hetty refused and took the boy away. His leg got worse and two years later doctors removed it.

But eventually Ned got his revenge. At the age of 81 Hetty had an argument with a shop assistant about the price of a bottle of milk. She became so angry that she had a heart attack and died. So Hetty’s meanness finally killed her. Ned inherited half his mother’s fortune, and he spent it all on parties, holidays and expensive jewellery.

38. What fact can be learned about Hetty Robinson from the passage?

A. She came from a poor family.

B. She worked for a bank.

C. She was nice to her son.

D. She died from extreme anger.

39. Hetty Robinson was called the Witch of Wall Street mainly because _____.

A. she was fond of reading financial pages of the newspaper

B. she made a huge fortune easily through stocks and shares

C. she liked wearing the same long black dress every day

D. she turned out to be the richest woman in New York

40. Which of the following best describes Hetty Robinson?

A. Talented but not generous.

B. Wealthy and kind.

C. Aggressive but not diligent.

D. Curious and lucky.


In 2008, a study was conducted in Hong Kong to find out why some people appeared to be better at public speaking. Three hundred people who were employed in jobs that require an advanced level of public speaking skills were interviewed. The participants included politicians, professors and motivational speakers. The results of the study showed that 77% of the participants reported having parents that encouraged them to ask questions and state their opinions from a young age. Eighty-five percent answered that their parents had repeatedly exposed them to a variety of positive “public speaking” experiences at home. These experiences included practicing speeches, performing dramas and reciting poems.

In another study to determine the causes of fear of public speaking, 70% of the participants said they had not had any public speaking opportunities at home.

Eighteen percent of the participants had been given such opportunities, but these had resulted in a loss of confidence.

One of the participants recalled a painful experience from when he was eight years old. His parents had arranged for him to present his school project about earthquakes to his cousins. As an outgoing boy, he was eager to show off all his hard work, until he forgot a sentence and started to stutter (结巴). His cousins began to laugh at him, and instead of his family encouraging him to continue with his presentation, his father told him to call it a day. The stress of this incident and the feeling of being rejected carried over to school, where he started struggling with his words and went red like a sunset every time he had to speak in front of an audience.

From these studies, we can see that the way parents handle their child’s communication efforts and a child’s future attitude towards public speaking can be linked. Not all people are born afraid of public speaking, but rather they grow to be afraid of it due to awful experiences or outside influences. Yet this does not mean they have no control over their fear—because they do.

41. According to the study of 2008, _____ were important in making successful public


A. caring professors

B. high motivations

C. encouraging parents

D. original opinions

42. In the 3rd paragraph, the expression “call it a day” most probably means _____.

A. stop

B. respond

C. try

D. relax

43. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. How much exposure to public speaking is proper?

B. What kinds of jobs require public speaking skills?

C. Is public speaking important for children?

D. Are people born afraid of public speaking?

44. The paragraph following the last might be about _____.

A. more experiences of unsuccessful public speaking

B. ways to gain self-confidence in public speaking

C. other reasons for failure in public speaking

D. features of successful public speaking


Here is one of the world’s largest indoor ski-slopes. It covers an area of 22,500m2, about the same size as three football fields, and the temperature is a constant -1℃ to -2℃. However, the strangest thing about this place is that it’s in the middle of the desert! It’s called Ski Dubai and the outside temperature s can rise to more than 40℃!

It sounds crazy, but it just shows how serious people are about having fun. We spend huge sums on sports facilities. We pay our sports stars ridiculous amounts of money. And we spend hour after hour playing games! I wonder if all the sports-lovers and game-players in the world aren’t a little crazy. I know I am.

I was once driving past a football field where some kids were playing. I turned to watch and crashed my car. I know it’s stupid but I can do nothing about it. As someone said, “Football isn’t a matter of life and death. It’s much more important than that!”

Of course, it isn’t that important really. No game is. But the problem is that games are addictive(使人上瘾的). From the tennis court to the golf course, you’ll find participants and spectators who can’t live without the drug of their choice. It could be a good thing. After all, despite being addictive, it’s true that sports and games help us to relax. Maybe if it wasn’t for sport, our societies would be more violent. Perhaps sport is a substitute for war? It’s hard to think of a quieter, more peaceful game than chess, and what’s the objective? Capturing your opponent’s king. And surely, it’s better to have wars in athletics stadiums rather than on battlefields.

What’s more, playing is natural. Kittens chase balls of wool and puppies pretend to fight. Games help us perfect our skills and prepare us for the serious contest of survival.

But do all games help us relax and stay away from violence? What about computer games? A recent article in New Scientist suggests that playing violent video games (and most of them are extremely violent) makes people more aggressive and more likely to commit violent crimes.

Are these games a rehearsal(彩排) for life or a substitute for life? Do we play instead of facing up to our real problems? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I need a break. Something to help me relax. Skiing would be nice. I wonder how much it costs to get to Dubai?

45. According to the author, the most surprising thing about Ski Dubai is its _____.

A. slopes

B. size

C. location

D. facilities

46. The expression “the drug of their choice” in the 3rd paragraph refers to _____.

A. the game they are keen on

B. the medicine they take

C. the activity good for health

D. the sport in place of war

47. Which of the following statements does the author most probably agree with?

A. Sports stars should be paid more to play well.

B. Sports are more important than life and death.

C. Chess is too peaceful to be considered a sport.

D. Games can make one relaxed as well as violent.

48. What does the author mainly talk about in the passage?

A. The relationship between games and crimes.

B. Human natural craze for having fun with games.

C. Serious concerns about time that is spent on games.

D. Real problems facing game players in everyday life.

Section B (共8分,每小题2分)

Directions:Read the following job ad and complete the sentences that follow. Write

one word or more in each space.

Angela’s Pet Shop: Assistant

--------------------------------$10 hourly rate


Angela’s Pet Shop re cently opened in Bloomington town center,

specializing in baby pets. Other pet supplies are also available.

Angela is looking for an energetic person to help in the shop on


Duties will include:

?cleaning cages



?feeding and exercising pets

?answering the telephone

Some training will be offered to successful applicants; however,

experience of keeping baby pets will be an advantage.

Please apply by letter, outlining your experience,

and giving names of referees (证明人) to:

Angela, The Pet Shop, Main Street, Bloomington

49. If Angela’s Pet Shop is open for 8 hours every day, the assistant will get

$__________ after a full day’s work.

50. Angela’s Pet Shop is looking for an assistant who can work for it every __________.

51. The assistant’s duties include taking care of pets and dealing with __________

in the shop as well as on the phone.

52. One who has __________ is more likely to be chosen than those who haven’t. IV. Writing (共30分)

Section A (共6分,每小题2分)

Directions: Complete the following sentences in English according to the sentences given in Chinese.

53. 人们用贺卡表达情感并保持联系。

People use greeting cards to express feelings and ____________________.

54. 与来自韩国的金教授面对面交流,这是个多么激动人心的时刻啊!

____________________ to have a face-to-face talk with Professor Kim from Korea!

55. 广告常常诱导我们在无用的东西上浪费很多钱。

____________________ on useless things by advertisements.

Section B (共9分,56小题4分,57小题5分)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

56. 电子产品有助于英语学习这一想法已被广泛接受。(The idea …)

57. 对一些学生而言,可以自由支配自己的业余时间远比拥有足够的零花钱更有意义,


Section C (共15分)

Directions: Write an English composition in between 100 and 120 words according to the situation given below in Chinese.

假设你是明启中学(Ming Qi Middle School)








1. B

2. C

3. A

4. Sweden

5. snow

6. -5

7. Lights


1. 每拼错一个单词扣1分。

2. 第4小题首字母小写扣1分。


8. B 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. C

13. C 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. D

18. gently 19. health 20. dangerous 21. dead 22. reduce

23. riders 24. them 25. inconvenient 26. less

27. difference

28. B 29. A 30. D 31. D 32. C

33. A 34. B 35. B 36. A 37. C




38. D 39. B 40. A 41. C 42. A

43. D 44. B 45. C 46. A 47. D

48. B

49. 80 50. Saturday/Sat. 51. customers 52. experience of

keeping baby pets


1. 内容错误,得0分。

2. 拼写错误、大小写错误、内容不完整扣1分。




53. keep in touch/contact (with each other/others)

54. What an exciting moment (it is/was)

How exciting a moment it is/was

How exciting the moment is/was

55. We are often persuaded/tempted to waste/into wasting lots of money

56. The idea has been/is widely accepted that electronic/digital products help/are

helpful for English learning.

57. For some students, freedom/being free to spend/arrange their spare/leisure/free

time is far more meaningful than (having) enough pocket money, isn’t it?


1. 在每题中,单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误每处扣0.5分。

2. 语法错误每处扣1分。每句同类语法错误不重复扣分。

3. 56-57小题,译文没有用所给关键词,扣1分。



1. 本题总分为15分, 其中内容6分, 语言6分, 组织结构3分。

2. 评分时应注意的主要方面: 内容的完整性, 应用词汇和语法结构的数量和正确性及上下


3. 评分时, 先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次, 然后对照相应的组织结构档次给

予加分。其中, 内容和语言两部分相加, 得10分或以上者,可考虑加3分, 10分以下者只能考虑加0, 1, 2分。

4. 字数不足60酌情扣1-2分。




















上海新世纪英语高二全部课文及重点词组上海新世纪英语高二全部课文(包括additional reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories 18. english proverbs 19. tips on making a public speech 20. keep it short for the audience’s sake 21. making friends 22. what does friendship mean to westerners? 23. adjo 24. ryan, his friends, and his incredible torch run 25. the father of modern physics 26. the survival of the fittest 27. miracle in the rice field 28. newton’s three important laws 29. oliver wants more (adapted from oliver twist charles dickens)

30. enjoy the classics 31. is she guilty? (adapted from the prince and the pauper mark twain) 32. mark twain 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories eager beaver an eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. the children complain about so much homework. but one student does not protest at all. that student is an eager beaver. he loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. the expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. beavers are strange-looking creatures. they spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. they use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. they use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make


高中英语教材xx新世纪版单元标题高一上册 Unit 1 occupations Unit 2 Success stories Unit 3 English manners Unit 4 Holidays and festivals Unit 5 Animal friends Unit 6 Cartoons and comic strips Unit 7 Metropolises Unit 8 Hacking Unit 9 Personal hygiene Unit 10 School education Moudle 1综合 Moudle 2综合 Moudle 3综合 高一下册 Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1综合 Unit 3 English is changing Unit 4 A cushion or a kiss

Moudle 2综合 Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the Cinema Module 3综合 Unit 7 Newspapers Unit 8 Magazine Module 4综合 高二上册 Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global Drinks Unit 3 Sports Heroes Unit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 Animals Unit 6 The Environment Unit 7 Shopping Experiences Unit 8 Advertising Moudle 1综合 Moudle 2综合 Moudle 3综合 高二下册 Unit 1 Words and their stories


III. Reading Comprehension Section B ( 22%) Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (C) Open data-sharers are still in the minority in many fields. Although many researchers broadly agree that public access to raw data would accelerate science—because other scientists might be able to make advances not foreseen by the data's producers—most are reluctant to post the results of their own labours online. When Wolkovich, for instance, went hunting for the data from the 50 studies in her meta-analysis, only 8 data sets were available online, and many of the researchers whom she e-mailed refused to share their work. Forced to extract data from tables or figures in publications, Wolkovich's team could conduct only limited analyses. Some communities have agreed to share online—geneticists, for example, post DNA sequences at the GenBank repository(库), and astronomers are accustomed to accessing images of galaxies and stars from, say, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a telescope that has observed some 500 million objects –but these remain the exception, not the rule. Historically, scientists have objected to sharing for many reasons: it is a lot of work; until recently, good databases did not exist; grant funders were not pushing for sharing; it has been difficult to agree on standards for formatting data and the contextual information called metadata; and there is no agreed way to assign credit for data. But the barriers are disappearing in part because journals and funding agencies worldwide are encouraging scientists to make their data public. Last year, the Royal Society in London said in its report that scientists need to ‘shift away from a research culture where data is viewed as private preserve’. Funding agencies note that data paid for with public money should be public information, and the scientific community is recognizing that data can now be shared digitally in ways that were not possible before. To match the growing demand, services are springing up to make it easier to publish research products online and enable other researchers to discover and cite them. Although calls to share data often concentrate on the moral advantages of sharing, the


Unit 1 Our world Life in a day What do you love? What do you fear? What’s in your pocket? These are the questions from the film Life in a Day. Director Kevin Macdonald asked people around the world to answer the questions and send in a video clip from a typical day. He was interested in creating a picture of the world, a digital time capsule for the future. On 24 July 2010, people from Africa, Europe, America, Antarctica and Asia recorded events on their mobile phones and digital cameras and uploaded them onto the Internet. In all there were 81,000 video clips. It took Macdonald and a team of researchers seven weeks to make them into a film. The film starts at midnight. The moon is high in the sky, elephants are washing themselves in a river in Africa and a baby is sleeping. At the same time, in other parts of the world, people are getting up, brushing their teeth and making breakfast. In the next minutes of the one-and-a-half-hour-long film, we watch everyday routines from more than 140 different countries and see the connections between them. In one short scene an American girl is playing with her hula hoop. In another, a child is working at a shoeshine stand in Peru. One looks well off, the other is poor, but then the shoeshine boy shows us his favorite thing—his notebook computer. He’s very proud of it because he earned the money to pay for it. “We all care about the same things,” says the director and in some ways he’s right. Family and friends are the things most people love and many of them are keen on sports, like football. But then one man says he loves his cat and another loves his fridge because it doesn’t talk back. Monsters, dogs and death are the things most people fear. One young girl is worried about growing up and a man in Antarctica says, “I’m afraid of losing this place.” But when asked, “What’s in your pocket?”, the answers are surprising. We don’t see an ID card, a shopping list, or a bus ticket. Instead, one person has a paper towel, and another shows us a button. A poor man says he has nothing. He’s not ashamed of his poverty—he’s simply happy to be alive. The film ends just before midnight, with a young woman in her car. It’s raining outside and she’s recording a short clip on her phone. “I just want people to know that I’m here,” she says. In other words, she wants to show that her life matters. Even though their lives are very different, the people in Life in a Day have one thing in common: each of them is able to find meaning and happiness, no matter what his or her life is like. My work at UNICEF China Li Zhen from UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) China was interviewed by our reporter last week. Here is what he shared with us. Reporter: What does UNICEF do?


上海牛津英语高二上第一学期全部课文 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

S2A Chapter 1 Reading My favorite sport Skiing is my favorite sport, even though I have only skied for four days in my whole life. Last year, my father promised to take me on a holiday if I did well in my exams. When I got straight A’s, Dad said’ ‘How about a weekend at the Botanical Gardens? ’ However, my mu said, ‘No, you promised a special holiday. I think you ought to keep your word.’ And, despite the expense, he did, M y dream was to see some real snow, so in the Christmas vacation we flew to Seoul, South Korea, and then took a shuttle bus which runs back and forth between Seoul and Muju Resort. As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the snow in the trees. I was dying to get out of the bus. No one in my family had ever touched snow before. We were all like little children--- we picked it up, made snowballs, and threw them at each other! Then we checked in at the hotel. Our room overlooked one of the ski slopes. The slope was floodlit, so we watched people skiing until 10 . We could not wait to try it ourselves.


Unit 1 Our world 【词汇和短语】 词汇部分: 1. digital adj. 数字信息系统的;数码的;数字式的 2. typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的;不出所料的;特有的 3. event n. 发生的事情;(尤指)重要的事情,大事 4. onto (与动词连用,表示朝某处或某位置运动) 向,朝 5. midnight n. 子夜,午夜 6. routine n. 常规,正常顺序 7. scene n. 场面;片段,镜头 8. earn. v. 挣得,赚得,挣钱 9. death n. 死亡,死 10. button n. 扣子;纽扣 11. type n.类型;种类 12. unique adj. 独特的;唯一的 13. respond adj. 反应 14. select v. 挑选;选择 15. organization n. 组织;机构;团体 16. goal n. 目标,目的 17. partner. n. 搭档,同伴;配偶;v. 结成伙伴 18. improve v. (使)改进,(使)改善; 19. currently adv. 当前,现在; 20. schedule n. 工作计划,日程安排 21. conference n. 会议 22. quality n. 质量;品质 23. deliver n. 给与,递送 24. inspire v. 鼓励;鼓舞 25. tip n. 指点,实用的提示

26. acquire v. 获得;习得 27. challenge n. 挑战v. 向…发起挑战 28. volunteer n.志愿者,义务工作者;v. 自愿做,义务做 29. location n. 地方,地点,位置 30. length n. 长度,(持续)时间的长短 31. electricity n. 电 32. material n. (某一活动所需的)材料 33. senior adj. 年长的;高级的;n. 较年长的人 34. junior adj. 初级的; 35. freedom. n. (权利或状态)自由 36. dorm n. 集体宿舍;学生宿舍 37. aspect n.方面;层面 38. exploration n. 探究,研究;探测 39. edit v. 编辑,校订(文章、书籍等) 40. particular adj. 专指的;特指的 41. element n. 元素,要素 42. behavior n. 行为 43. related adj.相关的;有联系的 44. lantern n.灯笼 45. tradition n.传统 46. reflect v.显示,表明,表达 47. attitude n.态度;看法 48. respect n.尊重 49. description n.描述 短语部分: 50. video clip 视频片段;视频剪辑


高一上学期英语讲义 Chapter1.Body language Reading 章节分析(Reading section )综述 本章节通过Debbie和Simon 接人待物时的成功与失败,来说明肢体语言的重要性。在引导学生对文章进行整体理解同时,培养学生良好的礼仪。 本课的任务有两个: 1 对课文进行整体阅读。培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,慨 括中心)等阅读能力。 2 与时俱进。结合课文以及上海迎世博倡导学礼仪的活动,引导学生畅谈作为东道主该用何种Body Language来迎接四方宾客。 (二)阅读目标 1 知识目标:学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。 2 能力目标:提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。阅读准备(收集相关资料)、略读(获取 大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,慨括中心)等是高中学生必须具备的阅读技能,教师对高一新生可以以本课为例作仔细介绍。 3 情感目标:帮助学生对“body language”有更深入的思考,学会礼貌接人待物。 (三)重点和难点词汇学习 1) 核心词汇 ●senior ●appearance ●express/expression ●impress/impression ●middle-aged, well-dressed, part-time ●communicate/communication ●opposite ●greet ●cheerful ●employ (employer, employee) ●colleague ●customer ●gesture 2) 拓展词汇 ●sigh ●fax ●headline (练习D中) ●heading 3) 词组和短语 ●glance at, ●get down to, ●give sb. a good impressi on, make a good impression on…, ●without hesitation, ●hold up, ●prefer…to, would rather do… 2 句型学习1)look ( sound, smell, taste, feel) + adj.

上海市2018-2019学年高中英语外研版教师用书:必修一 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab

Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 一、刷黑板——词汇全听写(先过识记默写关)Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉) [第一屏听写] 1.liquid n.液体 2.contract v i. 收缩 3.substance n. 物质 4.oxygen n. 氧气 5.rust v i. 生锈 [第二屏听写] 6.partial adj.部分的;局部的7.steam n. 蒸汽;水汽 8.flame n. 火焰 9.potassium n. 钾 10.sodium n. 钠 [第三屏听写] 11.calcium n.钙 12.magnesium n. 镁 13.aluminium n. 铝 14.zinc n. 锌 15.copper n. 铜 [第四屏听写] 16.oxide n.氧化物 17.dissolve v i. 溶解;分解;分离18.crucible n. 坩埚 19.tongs n. (复)夹子;小钳子 Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英) [第五屏听写] 1.expand v i.膨胀 2.mixture n. 混合物 3.electricity n.电 4.stage n. 阶段;时期

5.conclusion n. 结论 [第六屏听写] 6.aim n.目标;目的 7.reaction n. 反应 8.electrical adj. 与电有关的;用电的9.equipment n. 设备;装备 10.react v i. (化学)反应 [第七屏听写] 11.ordinary adj.普通的;平常的12.form v i. 形成 13.balance n. 天平 14.lecture n. 演讲 15.department n. (大学的)科、系 [第八屏听写] 16.astonished adj.吃惊的;惊愕的17.float v i. 漂浮 18.facility n. (常作复数)设备;工具19.boil v t. 煮;煮沸 20.add_..._to_... 往……加入…… [第九屏听写] 21.used_to过去(常常) 22.in_the_area_of 在……领域 23.be_proud_of 为……感到骄傲/自豪24.be_supposed_to 应当;理应 二、刷清单——热身自盘点(再过基本应用关) (一)核心单词


伴你成长高二新世纪(下) Unit 8 Enjoying the Classics (2) 2、重点词组 把……误以为mistake … for… 导致bring about 完全有理由做某事have every reason to do sth. 拿掉;脱去pull off 弯腰,屈身bend down 具有……的才华be gifted with 成废墟,被毁灭in ruins 平静地,安静地in peace 逐步建立build up 负债in debt 竞选run for 被指控be accused of 突然开始burst out 看穿see through 3、重点语法 Should+ Have Done 情态动词(2):情态动词表达虚拟语气 Vocabulary and Patterns 1. fate n. 命运 They met with a terrible fate. 他们的结局十分可怕。 He expected to spend his life in Germany,but fate had decided otherwise. 他希望到德国生活,而命运却偏偏另有安排。 by a twist of fate由于命运的安排,由于阴错阳差 By a twist of fate,they met again In New York ten years later. 这真是命运的安排.他们十年后又在纽约相遇了。 fatal adj.命中注定的,决定性的;致命的 a fatal wound致命伤,不治之症 The loss of all my money was fatal to my plan.钱都亏损了,把我的计划也毁灭了。


Section C Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences listed below. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need. An Iowa high school counselor gets a call from a parent protesting the “C” her child received on an assignment. “The parent argued every point in the essay,” recalls the counselor, who soon realized why the mother was so disappointed about the grade. “______67______” In a survey, 90% of new teachers agreed that involving pare nts in their children’s education is a priority at their school, but only 25%described their experience working with parents as “very satisfying.” _____68______73%of new teachers said too many parents treat schools and teachers as enemies. At a time when competition is rising and resources are limited, when battles over testing force schools to adjust their priorities, when cell phones and e-mail speed up the information flow and all kinds of private ghosts and public quarrels slip into the parent-teacher c onference, it’s harder for both sides to step back and breathe deeply and look at the goals they share. _____69_____ But what most teachers feel, and certainly what all parents feel, is anxiety and panic. When a teacher asks parents to be partners, he or she doesn't necessarily mean Mom or Dad should be camping in the classroom. _____70______According to research based on the National


S2A Chapter 1 Reading My favorite sport Skiing is my favorite sport, even though I have only skied for four days in my whole life. Last year, my father promised to take me on a holiday if I did well in my exams. When I got straight A’s, Dad said’ ‘How abou t a weekend at the Botanical Gardens? ’ However, my mu said, ‘No, you promised a special holiday. I think you ought to keep your word.’ And, despite the expense, he did, M y dream was to see some real snow, so in the Christmas vacation we flew to Seoul, South Korea, and then took a shuttle bus which runs back and forth between Seoul and Muju Resort. As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the snow in the trees. I was dying to get out of the bus. No one in my family had ever touched snow before. We were all like little children--- we picked it up, made snowballs, and threw them at each other!


上海牛津版高中英语教材详细目录 高一上 Module 1 The Human Body Unit 1 Body Language Unit 2 Care for Hair Module 2 Colourful Life Unit 3 A Taste of Travel Unit 4 Entertainment Module 3 Food for Thought Unit 5 Think before You Eat Unit 6 Fun Food 高一下 Module 1 Extraordinary Tales Unit 1 A Trip to the Theatre Unit 2 Great Minds Module 2 The Natural World Unit 3 Plants Unit 4 Creatures Large and Small Module 3 Ideas and Viewpoints Unit 5 Problems and Advice Unit 6 A Variety of Viewpoints 高二上 Module 1 After-school Activities Unit 1 Sporting Events Unit 2 Continuous Learning Module 2 Aspects of Modern Life Unit 3 Contemporary Style Unit 4 Big Businesses Module 3 The World of Science Unit 5 Technology all around us Unit 6 Space Exploration 高二下 Module 1 Happiness Unit 1 What is Beauty? Unit 2 Laughter Heals Module 2 The Power of Images Unit 3 Colours Unit 4 Painting the World Module 3 Our Fragile Environment Unit 5 Living in Harmony Unit 6 Problems and Solutions


上海教材牛津版高二年级英语词汇考点(上册) Unit One Sporting events 1. be popular with sb. 受某人喜爱be popular in some place 在某地很流行 2. my favorite sport 我最喜欢的运动 a great favorite of mine 特别喜欢的人或事 3.a promise of spring in the milder air.和风预示着春天就要到来 a young man of great promise. (=a promising young man)一个很有前途的年轻人 promise sb sth promise to do promise to take me on a holiday.答应带我去度假remember to carry out your promise .记住要履行诺言。 promise(sb. )that 答应某人做break one's [a] promise违背诺言, 违约 keep one's [a] promise遵守诺言, 守约make [give] a promise答应, 许诺 4.do well in, be good at 擅长在….学得好 5get straight A 得全优 come straight to the point 开门见山go straight to Beijing 直接去北京a straight line 直线straight away 立刻马上 6..keep one’s word遵守承诺have a word with sb. 与某人谈话 word came that….(word=the news, 不加冠词)消息传来------ a man of few words 沉默寡言的人beyond words 无法用语言表达 break one’s word 食言eat one’s words 收回前言in a few words简单说来, 总之 in a word= in one word一句话, 总而言之in other words换句话说, 也就是说 7. despite the expense (=in spite of)尽管开支很大 despite what others say 不管别人怎么说 8. the Christmas vacation 圣诞假期 9. take a shuttle bus 乘穿梭巴士 10. run back and forth between A and B 来往于A 与B两地之间 11. climb through the mountain 穿山越岭 12. be dying to get out and play with snow 很想下车去玩雪 13. scramble out of the bus 争着从车里跑出来 scramble to get the best bargains 争着买最便宜的商品 14. check in 登记入住check out 结账离开 15. overlook the city俯瞰全市 overlook the accounts检查帐目overlook several mistakes 忽略了几个错误 overlook little points.忽视小细节。 16. rent an office in a building .在大楼里租了间办公室。 The apartment rents at $2000 a month.以…出租这个单元套房以每月2000美元出租。 17.basic skills 基本技能 a basic course基础课程basic principle 基本原则 basically adv.(副词) base (n.)基础,基地 18.stand sideways 斜着站 19.go up step by step一步一步往上走 20 keep on falling down 摔个不停 21. improve in health 健康有好转

上海新世纪英语高一第一学期全部课文(+Additional Reading)

1. People from all walks of life When a person grows up, he will take up different occupations in various work places. A society is thus made up of all walks of life. What kind of person do you want to be in the future? The following introductions may give you some idea. TEACHER Teachers are professionals. They work in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions. They try their best to help students gain new knowledge and become useful people in society. Teachers are involved in many tasks, such as explaining lessons, giving homework and correcting papers. At the end of every term, they mark test papers and give grades to their students. Actually teachers do more. Often their impact on students stays all through their lives. SURGEON Surgeons, like teachers, are also professionals. As a special group of doctors, surgeons operate on sick people and repair the organs that no longer work properly. Hospitals are their work places. After an operation, a surgeon takes care of the patient?s medical treatment until he gets well. The skills of a surgeon sometimes mean the differences between life and death. SECRETARY A secretary works in an office. The job of a secretary often involves writing letters, answering telephone calls, and receiving people. A secretary stores information on a computer and puts papers in good order in file cabinets. As a link between the boss and the visitors, a secretary also helps the boss work out plans and timetables. Traditionally, more girls than boys work as secretaries. FASHION MODEL Fashion models wear the latest styles of clothes and show them to us through television, newspapers and magazines. Fashion show programmes usually have a large audience. The clothes and hairstyles of fashion models may seem strange to the elderly, but a large number of young people enjoy following trends and want to be dressed like the models. They collect fashion pictures and admire those superstars of the catwalk. Would you like to be one of the people introduced here? What do you want to do in the future? 2. What to choose? Today more and more high school graduates go on to college. Most young people decide their courses of study for themselves. They do not wait for their parents to tell them what career to choose. For example, Jack?s father practices medicine. Even though he wants his son also to become a doctor, he doesn?t insist that Jack study medicine when he finishes high school. He believes that Jack must make up his own mind about his courses of study. His wife, on the other hand, disagrees with him. She thinks that Jack should become a doctor, and so he can become a partner with his father. Jack isn?t sure what he wants to study in college. One day he feels that he?d like to become an engineer. However, the next day he thinks that perhaps he should study business management. Right now he is studying chemistry, biology, and physics. All of them will be useful if he finally chooses to study medicine in college. Jack likes his father?s attitude, and is grateful that his father isn?t forcing him to become a doctor. In some countries parents often decide what careers their children will follow --- especially their sons. Tchaikovsky(柴可夫斯基,1840-1893,俄国作曲家), the composer of Swan Lake(芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》), was asked to study law. He, however, didn?t take an interest in it. Tchaikovsky

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