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苏州市2020-2021 学年第一学期高三期中调研试卷










1. What is the woman probably doing?

A. Looking for a box.

B. Doing some cleaning.

C. Fixing the shelf.

2. What does the man say about the restaurant?

A. The food was not his thing.

B. The waiters were noisy.

C.The atmosphere was friendly.

3. How much should the woman pay?

A. $14.

B.$ 17.

C. $29.

4. Why does Mary look worried?

A. She has lost her job.

B. She didn't get promoted.

C. She is concerned about her father.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. An adventure.

B. A vacation plan.

C. A book.




6. Where did the man buy the necklace?

A. On the Internet.

B. In a supermarket.

C. In a gold shop.

7. Why did the woman apologize to the man?

A. She was rude to the man.

B. She sent him the wrong goods.

C. She delayed sending the necklace.


8. What is the woman doing?

A. Buying a map.

B. Asking for the directions.

C. Borrowing a phone from the man.

9. What trouble is the woman facing?

A. Her phone is out of power.

B. She couldn't walk any farther.

C. She is late for her first job interview.

10. How did the man order a taxi for the woman?

A. He made a call.

B. He signaled one.

C. He used a phone app.


11. Who are the speakers?

A. A doctor and a patient.

B. A teacher and a student.

C. A salesman and a customer.

12. What is probably the cause of the man's problems?

A. He often overeats.

B. He works too hard.

C. He smokes heavily.

13. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Stop working and go on a vacation.

B. Give up smoking as soon as possible.

C. Change his diet and get some exercise.


14. What interests the woman most about the job?

A. The training.

B. The high pay.

C. The work experience.

15. What did the woman major in?

A. Writing.

B. Journalism.

C. German.

16. How many languages can the woman speak?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

17. What does the woman do to relax herself?

A. She goes swimming.

B. She climbs mountains.

C. She listens to light music.


18. To whom is the speaker talking?

A. New employees.

B. Foreign tourists.

C. International students.

19. What are girls advised to do in a cafe?

A. Take care of their bags.

B. Don't talk to strangers.

C. Leave the place quickly.

20. What is the best place to park a car?

A. Beside a house.

B. On a quiet road.

C. In a public car park.


第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5 分,满分37.5分)



Bermuda, the island known for its pink-sand beaches, blue .waters, and year-round warm weather, has been announced the Official Sponsor of the U.S. Open. It's a fitting collaboration (协作), given the island's reputation as a destination for travelers in search of perfect adventures 一just a ninety-minute flight from New York City. Lesser known, however, is that the long history of American tennis was introduced by this attractive Atlantic island.

Nearly a hundred and fifty years ago, the New York celebrity Mary Ewing Outerbridge sailed for days to vacation on this quiet island. She watched, fascinated, as some British soldiers stationed there played tennis, although a' version different from one we know today. The courts in Bermuda were shaped like hourglasses, the net was also higher, and a number of the rules were different.

Mary became fascinated watching the ball flying back and forth, and ended up purchasing a kit containing all the materials needed to bring the sport home to Staten Island. Using a hand-drawn diagram, she laid out a court at her brother's cricket club, where the sport caught on among members. From there, the game's popularity quickly grew, leading to standardized rules and regulations--and then, in 1880, to the first U.S. tennis championship.

In only a few years, Mary' s unexpected souvenir from her Bermuda trip helped set a national tradition: today, nearly eighteen million people in the US play the sport, from the public-tennis-court games in many cities to the annual U.S. Open, in NYC. Mary s role in bringing tennis from Bermuda to America has earned her a place in the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

It only serves to enhance the sport's appeal to learn that every swing of the racket in the US can be trace back to Bermuda, where island adventures still wait for all travelers--tennis lovers included. You' re welcome!

21. What can we learn about Bermuda?

A. It is distant from New York City.

B. It is friendly to adventure seekers.

C. It is unfit to sponsor the U.S. Open. .

D. It is better known for being the origin of tennis.

22. Which of the following is Mary's contribution to American tennis?

A. She held the first U.S. tennis championship.

B. She made the game become world famous.

C. She designed the first tennis court in the US.

D. She set standard rules and regulations of the game.

23. What is the real purpose of this passage?

A. To introduce the founder of American tennis.

B. To introduce the history of American tennis.

C. To attract more people to enjoy the sport.

D. To attract more people to tour Bermuda.


I took a job at a vet (兽医) clinic almost five decades ago. As an enthusiastic animal lover, I accepted the position on the condition that I wouldn't have to assist with any wounded animals. I couldn't bear to see any creature in pain.

At the end of my first week, we were closing the office for the day when a young man ran up to us holding a severely injured Doberman pinscher puppy (杜宾幼犬) in his arms and begging us to save his life. The four-month-old pup had been hit by a car.

The doctor and I ran back into the operating room. The only place the skin was still attached to this poor little animal's body was around one shoulder. The vet worked tirelessly for what seemed like hours, sewing him back together again. That was the easy part. The puppy had broken multiple bones, including his spine (脊椎) . If he survived the next few days, we were quite sure he would never walk.

That day forever changed my life. I became the vet's assistant in all things medical. One of my first jobs was to give that Doberman puppy daily physical therapy, I remember moving his tiny legs to try to keep his muscles from weakening.

Weeks went by until one day, I felt this little fighter push back ever so slightly. And he continued to push back ill he could fall use his legs.

Fast-forward about a year. I walked into the clinic's crowded waiting room and called the name of the next client. Suddenly, a huge Doberman who had been sanding quietly with his owner on the opposite side of the room broke loose and dashed toward me. 1 found myself pinned against the wall with this magnificent dog standing on his hind legs, his front paws on my shoulders, washing my face with abundant and joyful kisses!

I still tear up in amazement at the display of love and gratitude the dog had for me that day all those years ago.

24. Which was the possible position the author took originally at the clinic?

A. A medical assistant.

B. A professional vet.

C. An enthusiastic volunteer.

D. A regular receptionist.

25. How did the author help the dog?

A. She sewed his wounds.

B. She fixed his spine.

C. She helped him to recover.

D. She taught him to walk.

26. What can we infer about the dog?

A. He struggled to be on his feet.

B. He liked to lick people s faces.

C. He got well immediately.

D. He got fierce afterwards.

27. What is the best title of this passage?

A. A loving vet

B. A lucky dog

C. A grateful patient

D. A life-changing story


The driver who cuts you off in traffic. The neighbors who don't pick up after their dog. Situations such as these get our hearts racing and send our stress levels skyrocketing. Anger isn't a pleasant feeling. Some of us bottle up the emotion, while others explode in a wild rage (狂怒). Both habits do considerable harm to our bodies, our minds, and our relationships.

“Anger may fee1 uncomfortable and a lot of people think they have to get rid of their anger," says Patrick Keelan, a registered psychologist in Calgary, Alberta. “But anger is an emotion built into us to signal that something needs to be addressed. When we take notice of that signal and actually wrestle with the problem instead of turning a blind eye to it, we' re usually much better for it.”

Unfortunately, many of us have been conditioned to keep our emotions hidden. Increasingly,

research is suggesting that this can have long-term effects on our health. Investigators at the University of Rochester noticed that people who contain their emotions tend to live shorter lives. When we're angry, stress hormones are released, which can make us more likely to develop a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, depression, immune related conditions.

Is it better, then, to scream and howl whenever something makes you mad? That's probably the reason why“rage rooms" have popped up in many American cities, where folks are invited to let steam off by violently smashing (打碎) stuff in a“safe" environment. However, the research indicates that when people display anger aggressively, it can actually increase the intensity of the anger -- and increase the likelihood of aggressive actions in the future. It doesn't take much imagination to predict how such behavior can affect your relationship with your spouse, your kids, or your colleagues. It also hurts your health. A large 2016 study at McMaster University found that people are more than twice as likely to have a heart attack after an angry explosion.

If we shouldn't bottle up our angry feelings but aggressive behavior isn't healthy either, how should we handle things that tick us of? It's the extreme highs and lows that cause the damage. If you're able to apply techniques that smooth out some of those peaks and valleys, you can have a gentler ride.

28. What does the underlined phrase“bottle up" in paragraph 1 mean?

A. Build up.

B. Hold back.

C. Let off.

D. Bring out.

29. What does Patrick Keelan think of anger?

A. Uncomfortable and avoidable.

B. Terrible and threatening.

C. Confusing and complex.

D. Normal and natural.

30. What is the consequence of displaying anger aggressively?

A. It leads to people's depression.

B. It warns people against violence.

C. It adds to people's anger.

D. It helps people to calm down.

31. What will be talked about if the passage is continued?

A. Possible causes of anger.

B. Tips on handling anger.

C. Possible harm of anger.

D. Tips on avoiding anger.


Alexa is Amazon's cloud-based voice service available on hundreds of millions of devices from Amazon and third-party device manufacturers. With Alexa, you can build natural voice experiences that offer customers a way to interact with the technology they use every day.

Alexa is always eavesdropping (窃听). (So are Siri, Google Assistant, and any other virtual assistant you invite into your home.) This is and isn't as horrible as it sounds. Although it's true that the device can hear everything you say within range of its microphones, it is listening for its wake word before it starts recording. Once it hears that --“Alexa”is the default (默认), but there are other options -- everything in the following few seconds is considered to be a command or a request and is sent to (and stored on) servers in the cloud, where the correct response is triggered.

Think of a smart speaker like a dog: It's always listening, but it understands only“cookie,"“walk," or“Buddy." Everything else goes right over its head.

Every time Alexa hears a command, Amazon-its parent company --has just learned something about you, Maybe the company learned only that you like to listen to the Police, or that you like funny jokes, or that you turn your lights off at 11 p.m. every night. If you were to say “ Alexa, where should I bury the body?" you're not going to have the police showing up at your door. (I know because I've tried it.)

Alexa does make mistakes. Sometimes this can be funny, such as when Alexa hears its wake word in a TV show. Other times it's more serious, including an instance in 2018 when Alexa mistakenly sent an entire private conversation to a random person's Echo device. Occasionally there are even humans listening to your request for weather reports or trying to figure out what you meant when you added “mangosteens”to your shopping list. Sound disturbing? You likely already agreed to it in the app' s terms of use when you installed the device.

What bits of privacy are you willing to sacrifice for the convenience provided by a smart speaker? If you trust that Amazon's intentions are no more immoral than getting a better idea of what you want to buy on Prime Day, then you have your answer. If you worry about your private information falling into the hands of the wrong people, then you have another answer.

32. Why does the author compare smart speakers to dogs?

A. To show smart speakers are life companions like dogs.

B. To show smart speakers are sensitive to users' commands.

C. To show smart speakers are woken by specific words.

D. To show wake words for smart speakers are different.

33. What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. The tech company knows less than users imagine.

B. The tech company is spying on users' everyday life. .

C. The tech company turns a blind eye to some crimes.

D. The tech company is interested in users' music taste.

34. Which of the following best describes Alexa?

A. All-round.

B. Imperfect.

C. Funny.

D. Immoral.

35. What does the author think of using smart speakers?

A. It is a matter of opinion,

B. Privacy is a high price to pay.

C. It is part and parcel of life. .

D. Convenience always comes first.



No one will be surprised to hear that the arts are under fire in this day and age. We view the arts as something of a hobby, something that's fun but certainly can't pay the rent. Do we really need art in our lives?

It seems as though the loss of art in daily life is a sad fact of life, but it doesn't have to be. _ 36 For example, art therapy has helped people with a range of illnesses, both mental and physical, cope with their symptoms. Art is found almost anywhere you look in your home. Practical items, such as bedspreads, furniture or clothing, are all art forms in themselves and arouse emotions in the people interacting with them.

_ 37 History tells us what happened and when it happened, but it can't tell us how the population at large felt about it, which is where art steps in. We know a lot about how people in the past lived and worked, because their art has given us such a deep insight into their daily lives.

Most of all, we need art in our lives as it gives us a form of self-expression._ 38 You may not think you talk about your feelings, but you may express them in other ways. Some like to cook or bake, some like to work on machinery, and others may like to paint or draw.

So, do we need art in our lives? Many people would say no, but the art they're thinking of is the art you see in galleries. 40 _ It helps those in need, gives people in the future an idea of what

life was like, and is a vital form of self-expression.

A. Art also gives us insight into the world.

B. Art doesn't have to be something that everyone understands.

C. There are actually a lot of practical uses for art for many people.

D. Art is much more accessible and is truly needed in everyday life.

E. Being able to talk about our feelings is essential to staying healthy.

F. We use art to express ourselves, showcase talent, and grow as people.

G. Whatever you like to do in your spare time, you're probably creating art.




We moved there on my third birthday. My first__ 41_ is our neighbor Arlene handing me strawberries from her garden through a hole in the chain-link fence. She and her husband, Bill, lived next door.

One day, my parents asked Bill and Arlene whether they'd watch me _ 42_ they were out on a date. This 43 well for everyone, so it became a somewhat monthly occurrence. Arlene and Bill didn't have kids. They had a 44_ room in their house, which became“my”room. I had a cabinet and boxes of toys and books in that room, Arlene and I would do crafts together. Bill taught me how to 45 the lawn tractor and eventually a car (stick and automatic).

When I was about five, I had an idea. My parents were watching TV when I spit it out:“What if l adopt Bill and Arlene as my_ 46 ?” My parents said I could go over and ask them. I 47 on Bill and Arlene's door, sat down in their living room, and said, “Will you guys be my grandparents?" They started crying and _ 48 _ accepted. Soon after, they printed out an adoption_ 49__ ,and it hung on their living room wall from then on.

I remember being surprised that they took my_ 50 so seriously 一not because I wasn't serious but because I was just a kid. They could have_ 51 it off. Thinking of that moment still brings tears to my eyes. There is something truly magnificent about a child offering up her love and _ 52_

being so excited to accept it. Every child in this world_ 53 enthusiastically responded love.

Arlene passed away in 2013, two days before our adoption anniversary. Bill gave her eulogy(悼词). At the end, he said, “Arlene 54 her husband, Bill. And the greatest joy of her life, her granddaughter, Katie.""

After the funeral, Bill gave me the ring he'd gifted to Arlene on their 25th wedding anniversary. It's a simple gold band that I wear on my ring finger as a_ 55 of the kind of love I wish to put into this world.

41. A. thought B. impression C. memory D. communication

42. A. while B. though C. unless D. because

43. A. improved B. worked C. performed D. operated

44. A. private B. spare C. public D. smooth

45. A. drive B. build C. store D. select

46. A. relations B. friends C. children D. grandparents

47. A. observed B. called C. knocked D. stroke

48. A. enthusiastically B. reluctantly C. voluntarily D. unwillingly

49. A. academy B. commitment C. certificate D. procedure

50. A. charge B. offer C. sentence D. favor .

51. A. kicked B. laughed C. kept D. wiped

52. A. people B. parents C. adults D. friends

53. A. refuses B. hopes C. receives D. deserves

54. A. leaves behind B. counts on C. gives away D. submits to

55. A. reminder B. suggestion C. proof D. present



The so-called STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are

popular study choices for young Saudi women. In total, 28% of scientific researchers in the Kingdom are women, in line_ 56 the global average of 30%. Many women who graduate with STEM degrees from Saudi Arabia undertake 57_____ (advance) study in the U.S. or other nations and return to assume : senior roles at institutions in their home country,_ 58_____ their work often earns them an international reputation. Foremost among the female scientists is Yasmin Altwaijri, who_ 59_ (carry) out groundbreaking research in two areas that have become national priorities: obesity and mental health. Altwaijr's study of the rise in obesity in the Kingdom inspired the government's Quality of Life program and its support for fitness, sports, gyms, and 60 _ (health) lifestyles. More recently, Altwaijri has turned her attention to the issue of mental health. As one of the driving forces behind the Saudi National Mental Health Survey, Altwaijri was important in measuring, for the first time, the scale of mental health problems in Saudi Arabia. Some 4,000 people across the country 61 _______(interview) for the study.

The findings from the survey have inspired a new effort to raise 62______ (aware) of mental health issues across the Kingdom. Altwaijri, 63______ keen believer in the potential of digital healthcare technology, is now helping to roll out new apps and health services that will help Saudi Arabia fight 'some of its most pressing health issues. “Saudi Arabia is facing the same health challenges_ 64_ any other developed country," she says. “Digital healthcare products can give us the tools we need_65 ________(fight) these global epidemics."



假定你是李华,你的朋友Frank询问你最近的情况。你校在教育部提倡的劳动教育中,开展了“Let's do housework”活动,请你给他回一份邮件,告诉他相关信息,邮件内容包括:







参考词汇: 劳动教育: education on the hard-working spirit

Dear Frank,

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua,



“I hate them! I really hate them!" shouted Tom angrily.

Tara and Mike looked at their friend. They couldn't believe it. He was really furious!

“Andy is OK now," said Tara, trying to calm Tom down.

The three friends were in the park after school. They were talking about their friend Andy. Andy was the youngest in the class and today two bullies (欺凌者) pushed him against a locker and hurt him. Andy fell and cut his head. Now he has five stitches (缝针) in his forehead.

Their school was a nice, peaceful place until Brian and Mark arrived a few months ago. Brian and Mark were bullies and their favorite trouble spot was the locker room. That morning their victim was Andy, maybe because he was smaller and younger than everyone else in the class.

The teachers knew that there were some bullying incidents at school. But most kids didn't want to report the incidents. So bullying at their school wasn't an“official" problem.

During the incident Andy cut his head. As soon as the bullies saw the blood, they disappeared. Andy called for help and a teacher came and took him straight to the hospital. But Andy didn't tell the teacher about the bullies. When the head teacher asked him, he simply said,“I fell and cut my head"

“Brian and Mark must pay!" repeated Tom. He was walking around in circles and hitting the palm of his left hand with his right fist.“Can't you see? You are behaving like the bullies," Tara said sadly. Mike looked at Tom, too, and he knew Tom very well, Tom hated violence.“bullying is not cool,”said Mike, waving his arms like he was dancing.“We have to tell someone about this," said Tara.“Andy was hurt."

But right now, Tom had other things on his mind. He not only hated the bullies but also hated violence. He was in a dilemma一he wanted to fight Brian and Mark but he didn't want to fight with the bullies by violence.


1.所续写短文的词数应为150 左右:



“What can we do?" Tom and his friends decided to find a way out. ____________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


The three friends started to put their anti-bully plan into practice._______________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________



1-5 BBCCC 6-10 ABBBC 11-15 ABCAB 16-20 BCCAC


第一节(共15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分37.5分)

21-25 BCDDC 26-30 ACBDC 31-35 BCABA


36-40 CAEGD



41-45 CABBA 46-50 DCACB 51-55 BCDAA


56. with 57. advanced 58. where 59. has carried 60. healthy

61. were interviewed /have been interviewed 62. awareness 63. a 64. as 65. to fight



Possible version:

Dear Frank,

I am so glad to hear from you and I am writing to tell you about my life. To strengthen education on the hard-working spirit among students, our school has launched a campaign called “Let’s do housework”. Students are supposed to acquire basic working capability and form good

working habits through it.

We do whatever we can after study like washing the dishes, tidying the room and doing the laundry. Doing housework not only helps reduce parents’ burden but also helps us to develop a sense of responsibility.


Li Hua


Possible version:

“What can we do?” Tom and his friends decided to find a way out. It seemed that they had to solve the problem in a sensible and civilized way. “Listen guys,” said Tom. “I’ve got a plan.” “What is it?” asked both Tara and Mike with interest. “We can send messages to our friends and ask them to re-send the text to someone else. In this way, we can create a network.” said Tom. The three friends talked about this idea for the whole afternoon and their idea gradually turned into a solid plan.

The three friends started to put their anti-bully plan into practice. Tom wrote a new message on his Facebook, which is a great way of communicating with different people. All the people were impressed with their plan and wanted to stop the bullies for good. One day when Brian and Mark made their way out of school, two police officers went over to them and took them into the police car. Tom and his friends learned something important—you are never too young to make a difference. (156words)


2015届高三上学期期中考试语文试题 一、古代诗文阅读(29分) (一)默写常见的名句名篇(8分) 1、补写出下列名篇名句中的空缺部分。(8分) (1)民生各有所乐兮, (2),池鱼思故渊 (3)地崩山摧壮士死, (4)艰难苦恨繁霜鬓, (5),相逢何必曾相识 (6)沧海月明珠有泪, (7)人生如梦, (8)想当年,,气吞万里如虎。 (二)文言文阅读(15分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成2一5题。 马文升,字负图,貌瑰奇多力。登景泰二年进士,授御史。历按山西、湖广,风裁甚著。成化初,召为南京大理卿。满四之乱,录功进左副都御史,振巩昌、临洮饥民,抚安流移。绩甚著。是时败寇黑水口,又败之汤羊岭,勒石纪之而还。进右都御史,总督漕运。淮、徐、和饥,移江南粮十万石、盐价银五万两振之。孝宗即位,召拜左都御史。弘治元年上言十五事,悉议行。帝耕藉田,教坊以杂戏进。文升正色曰:“新天子当使知稼穑艰难,此何为者?”即斥去。明年,为兵部尚书,督团营如故。承平既久,兵政废弛,西北部落时伺塞下。文升严核诸将校,黜贪懦者三十余人。奸人大怨,夜持弓矢伺其门,或作谤书射入东长安门内。为兵部十三年,尽心戎务,于屯田、马政、边备、守御,数条上便宜。国家事当言者,即非职守,亦言无不尽。尝以太子年及四龄,当早谕教。请择醇谨老成知书史者,保抱扶持,凡言语动止悉导之以正。山东久旱,浙江及南畿水灾,文升请命所司振恤,练士卒以备不虞。帝皆深纳之。在班列中最为耆硕,帝亦推心任之,诸大臣莫敢望也。吏部尚书屠滽罢,倪岳代滽,岳卒,以文升代。南京、凤阳大风雨坏屋拔木,文升请帝减膳撤乐,修德省愆,御经筵,绝游宴,停不急务,止额外织造,振饥民,捕盗贼。已,又上吏部职掌十事。帝悉褒纳。正德时,朝政已移于中官,文升老,连疏求去,许之。家居,非事未尝入州城。语及时事,辄颦蹙不答。五年卒,年八十五。文升有文武才,长于应变,朝端大议往往待之决。功在边镇,外国皆闻其名。尤重气节,厉廉隅,直道而行。卒后逾年,大盗至钧州,以文升家在,舍之去。(节选自《明史·马文升传》) 2.对下列句子中加点的词解释,不正确的一项是()(3分) A.登景泰二年进士登:升职。 B.录功进左副都御史录:记载。 C.振巩昌、临洮饥民振:救济。 D.勒石纪之而还勒:铭刻 3.以下各组句子中,全都表明马文升劝谏皇上修身爱民内容的一组是()(3分) ①新天子当使知稼艰难②即非职守,亦言无不尽


江苏省苏州市2021届上学期高三年级期中考试数学试卷 (满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、 单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1. 已知集合A ={x|x 2 -x -6≤0},B ={x|x 2 >4},则A∩B=( ) A. (2,3) B. [2,3] C. (2,3] D. [2,3]∪{-2} 2. 若角α的终边经过点(3-sin α,cos α),则sin α的值为( ) A. 15 B. 14 C. 13 D. 34 3. 在等差数列{a n }中,a 1+a 2+a 3=-24,a 18+a 19+a 20=78,则此数列的前20项和等于( ) A. 160 B. 180 C. 200 D. 220 4. 函数“f(x)=x 2+2x +1+a 的定义域为R ”是“a≥1”的( ) A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 5. 函数f(x)=(e x -e -x )cos x x 2 的部分图象大致是( ) 6. 已知函数f(x)=xln x ,若直线l 过点(0,-e),且与曲线C :y =f(x)相切,则直线l 的斜率为( ) A. -2 B. 2 C. -e D. e 7. 衣柜里的樟脑丸,随着时间的推移会因挥发而使体积缩小,刚放进去的新丸体积为a ,经过t 天后体积V 与天数t 的关系式为V =a·e -kt .已知新丸经过50天后,体积变为4 9 a.若 一个新丸体积变为8 27a ,则需经过的天数为( ) A. 125 B. 100 C. 75 D. 50 8. 设S n 为等比数列{a n }的前n 项和,若a n >0,a 1=1 2,S n <2,则等比数列{a n }的公比的取值 范围是( )


2018—2019学年第一学期高三期初调研试卷 英语2018. 9 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择題),满分120分。考试时间120分钟。 2. 请将第一卷的答案填涂在答趙卡上,第二卷请直接在答題卡上规定的地方作答。答题前,务必将自己的学校、姓名、考试号等相关信息写在答题卡上规定的地方。 第I卷(选择题,共80分) 第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分15分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesman and customer. B. Boss and secretary. C. Doctor and patient. 2. How many books did Mr. Robinson recommend? A. 6. B. 8. C. 16. 3. What do we know about Bill from the conversation? A. He is lazy. B. He is forgetful. C. He is fearless. 4. What is the cause of their complaint? A. The heat. B. The lecture. C. The air quality. 5. Why did the officer stop the woman? A. She was speeding. B. He thought she was in danger. C. She played the music so loud. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What was the survey about? A. A television program. B. A new shopping center. C. A newly-built railway station. 7. What is the woman's attitude to the plan? A. She thinks it is stupid. B. She strongly recommends it. C. She thinks it deserves careful consideration. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Where does the conversation probably happen? A. At the airport. B. At the ticket office. C. At the hotel 9. What will the woman do in Berlin? A. Attend a meeting. B. See her friend. C. Have a medical exam 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What does the woman complain about Steve? A. He is late for work every day. B. He turns in his reports late every time. C. He does not get along well with others. 11. What does the man think of Steve? A. Lazy. B. Sensitive. C. Smart


高三上学期化学期中考试试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共15题;共30分) 1. (2分) (2019高二下·吉林期中) 下列化学用语的表述错误的是() A . 过氧化氢的结构式:H—O—O—H B . 氮原子的L层电子轨道表示式: C . CO2的比例模型: D . Cl-的结构示意图: 2. (2分)(2019·北京) 下列除杂试剂选用正确且除杂过程不涉及氧化还原反应的是() A . A B . B C . C D . D

3. (2分) (2018高一下·哈尔滨期中) 下列块状金属在常温下能全部溶于足量浓硝酸的是() A . Pt B . Ag C . Al D . Fe 4. (2分) (2019高一上·公主岭期末) 二氧化硅属于酸性氧化物,理由是() A . Si是非金属元素 B . SiO2对应的水化物是可溶性弱酸 C . SiO2与强碱反应生成盐和水 D . SiO2不能与酸反应 5. (2分) (2017高一上·台州期末) 下列不属于物质分离、提纯实验操作用到的实验装置是() A . B . C .

D . 6. (2分)单质钛的机械强度高,抗蚀能力强,有“未来金属”之称。工业上常用硫酸分解钛铁矿(FeTiO3)的方法制取二氧化钛,再由二氧化钛制金属钛,主要反应有: ①FeTi03+3H2SO4=Ti(SO4)2+FeSO4+3H2O ②Ti(SO4)2+3H2O=H2TiO3↓+2H2SO4 ③H2TiO3TiO2+H2O ④TiO2+2C+2Cl2TiCl4↑+CO↑ ⑤TiCl4+2Mg2MgCl2+Ti 下列叙述错误的是() A . 反应①属于非氧化还原反应 B . 反应②是水解反应 C . 反应④中二氧化钛是氧化剂 D . 反应⑤表现了金属镁还原性比金属钛强 7. (2分)下列事实能用同一原理解释的是() A . 蘸取烧碱和纯碱溶液分别放在无色火焰上灼烧,都产生黄色火焰 B . 向氯化钡溶液通入SO2 ,再加入氯水或氨水,都产生白色沉淀 C . 向蛋白质溶液中加入饱和醋酸钠或醋酸铅溶液,都产生白色沉淀 D . 将二氧化硅分别加入到氢氧化钠溶液或氢氟酸中,固体都溶解 8. (2分) (2016高一上·吉林期中) 下列离子反应方程式正确的是() A . 氯气溶于水:Cl2+H2O═2H++Cl﹣+ClO﹣ B . Fe2+与NO3﹣在酸性溶液中的反应:Fe2++NO3﹣+4H+=Fe3++NO↑+2H2O


2018年苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试试卷 英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不合听力口语30分),考试用时100分钟; 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡相对应的位置上,并认真核对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置 上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题; 4.考生答题必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。 第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Scared by the loud noise, the rabbits ran off all directions. A. on B. at C. in D. by 2.—I’m going to miss you, dear. —I feel_______ the same. A. hardly B. exactly C. seriously D. properly 3. A robot show will be held in July, but knows the date for sure. A. nobody B. everybody C. anybody D. somebody 4. He was advised to eat fewer hamburgers and drink cola to keep fit. A. much B. more C. fewer D. less 5. —Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest underground station? —Walk straight on you see a white building. It’s right there. A. though B. since C. until D. if 6. The boy has been missing for five days and his parents are worried about his______. A. attention B. safety C. action D. growth 7. —What do you think of Jason?


苏州市高三上学期语文期中考试试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题 (共1题;共6分) 1. (6分) (2019高三上·定远期中) 阅读下面的文字,完成下列小题。 中国私家园林有两个体系:商人园林和文人园林。白居易在《草堂记》中说“覆篑土为台,聚拳石为山,环斗水为池”,文人园林的几个要素都在其中了。苏州园林大抵是文人园林,和扬州的商人园林______________,气息上不张扬,园主的为人也不张扬,所以在动荡岁月往往能逃过劫难,侥幸传承。在我看来,苏州园林的历史并不重要,()。 园林的“园”繁体是“園”。“園”是______________的象形:“園”据童寯先生说,“口”是围墙;“土” 似屋宇平面,可代表亭台楼阁;“口”居中,像是池塘;而剩下的那些笔画如石如树。对于中国古人而言,“園”______________地表现了他们的日常生活,更表现了一种内心生活。 也许是由于农业文明的缘故,中国文化里有一种对季节的敏感。苏州园林也是如此,尽管风格纷呈、______________,从季节入手,也可以按照艺术感觉把它们分出个春夏秋冬。 (1)依次填入文中横线上的成语,全都恰当的一项是() A . 迥然不同地地道道惟妙惟肖气象万千 B . 迥然不同彻头彻尾力透纸背气象万千 C . 截然不同地地道道力透纸背云蒸霞蔚 D . 截然不同彻头彻尾惟妙惟肖云蒸霞蔚 (2)依文中画横线的句子有语病,下列修改最恰当的一项是() A . 也许是农业文明的缘故,中国文化有一种对季节的敏锐。 B . 也许出于农业文明之故,中国文化有一种对季节的敏感。 C . 也许是农业文明的缘故,中国文化有一种对季节的敏感。 D . 绝对是农业文明的缘故,中国文化有一种对季节的敏感。

江苏省苏州中学2014-2015学年度高三第一学期期初考试 英语试题

苏州中学2014-2015学年度第一学期期初考试 高三英语 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两卷,满分120分,考试时间110分钟。第I卷将正确的选项填涂在答题卡的相应位置上,第II卷直接做在答案专页上。 第I卷(选择题,共79分) 一、听力部分(20% ) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Which transportation did the man take? A. The bus. B. The taxi. C. The subway. 2. How does the woman feel now? A. Happy. B. Disappointed. C. Confident. 3. What does the woman want to do? A. Make copies of her application. B. Find a post office. C. Apply for a job. 4. What does the man think Mark should do now? A. Enjoy a movie. B. Watch TV. C. Study for exams. 5. What does the man dislike about the place? A. The weather. B. The large crowd. C. The competitions. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does the woman offer to do? A. Try to get in touch with Mr Crowe. B. Give the paper to Mr Crowe. C. Reschedule an appointment. 7. What will the man do? A. Cancel the meeting. B. Sign the paper himself. C. Explain the situation to Mr Brown. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Which place will the speakers visit on Thursday? A. The Louvre Museum. B. Notre Dame Cathedral. C. The Eiffel Tower. 9. What do we know about Les Invalides? A. It was built two hundred years ago. B. It has Napoleon‘s tomb inside.


高三上学期历史期中考试试卷 一、单选题。 1. 马克思在称赞巴黎公社的领导者时说:“这些勤务员经常是在公众监督之下进行工作的。”他们“公开地老老实实地办事……在众目睽睽之下进行活动,不自命为绝对正确,没有文牍主义的敷衍拖拉作风,不耻于承认和改正错误。”对以上材料的认识正确的是() A . 一定程度上反映了天赋人权的思想 B . 说明公社领导人的权力制约与民主作风 C . 表明国家政权机关已变为“社会公仆” D . 体现了巴黎公社无产阶级政权的性质 2. 在西周分封制下,被嫡长子继承制排除在王位继承以外的众王子弟,获得了新建诸侯国的权力,更得到一般宗族子弟绝不会出现的各种政治特权。材料表明西周分封制() A . 强化了王室间的血缘纽带 B . 推动了王室宗族迅速分化 C . 有效缓和了各诸侯国矛盾 D . 实现了地方对中央的拱卫 3. 1938年,布哈林(当时任共产国际技委会主席)在中共六大上说,红军应该“分散到各个地力经相当的时间,再转一个地方,到这个地力在一些时间。杀一杀土豪劣绅,吃一吃饭,喝一喝鸡汤,再到另一个地方,照样杀土豪吃鸡,过了相当时向再前进”这说明布哈林() A . 要求重视农村根据地和红军的建设 B . 指明了中国革命正确道路 C . 认识到动员农民阶级力量的重要性 D . 反对工农武装割据的理论 4. 古代希腊和古代罗马都曾大规模对外扩张,在此过程中,罗马不断扩大公民权

的授予范围,而雅典则严格将公民资格限制在雅典本地居民范围内。这种差异() A . 是罗马扩张迅速的根本原因 B . 促使罗马帝国进一步完善法律建设 C . 保障了雅典公民的紧密团结 D . 使罗马公民的权利比雅典更加广泛 5. 公元前242年,罗马设立了外事裁判官,裁判官审案时从罗马古老的“信义”观念出发,认为无论是罗马人还是异邦人出于善意的行为都应该且能够得到保护,确立并认可了一系列新的契约法律关系。罗马法的这一发展() A . 树立了各民族间的交易法则 B . 形成了完备的法律体系 C . 说明当时民族矛盾日渐消失 D . 对私产作出了合法保护 6. 15世纪末16世纪初,罗马教会加强了对德意志的掠夺。罗马教廷每年从德意志搜刮的财富达到30万古尔登(货币单位),相当于“神圣罗马帝国”皇帝每年税收额的20倍。德意志成为教会榨取最严重地区的主要原因是() A . 德意志社会经济的迅速发展 B . 教会是德意志最大的封建主 C . 德意志社会各种矛盾的激化 D . 德意志缺乏统一的中央集权 7. “延安县中四乡在进行普选运动时,在两个村里,有个别群众提出一个地主当乡长,因他识字。当时该乡的群众知道他表现不好,都不愿选举他。大家主张要选能代表群众利益的人当乡长,不要以识字多少为原则。结果地主落了选。”材料所述现象() A . 发生在抗日战争时期 B . 反映出地主不受农民欢迎 C . 反映当地群众已经有了民主的意识 D . 证明延安实行了普选的民主选举制度 8. 1935年起,蒋介石在国内外通过三条渠道寻找共产党进行秘密接触:一是由曾养甫、谌小岑出面,通过翦伯赞、吕振羽与中国共产党北方局以及长江局代表谈判。二是通过宋庆龄、宋子文派以牧师身份活动的中国共产党党员董健吾秘密到达陕北,向中共中央转达国民党要求谈判的信息。三是令驻苏武官邓文仪找中国共产党驻共产


高三生命科学期中考试试卷 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,满分150分.考试时间120分钟 请将所有答案写在答题纸上,否则不给分 第I 卷(共60分) 一、选择题(每题2分,共60分。每小题只有一个正确选项) 1.下列物质中同时含有磷和氮元素的是 A .丙酮酸 B .核苷酸 C .氨基酸 D .脂肪酸 2、微生物的种类繁多,下列微生物中属于原核生物的是 ①黏菌 ②酵母菌 ③蓝细菌 ④大肠杆菌 ⑤乳酸杆菌 A .①②③ B .②③④ C .③④⑤ D .①④⑤ 3、下列关于生物体内有机物的叙述正确的是 A. 脂质不参与生命活动的调节 B. 蛋白质是生物体主要的能源物质 C. 核酸是生物体储存遗传信息的物质 D. 糖类不参与细胞识别和免疫调节 4.生物体中的某种肽酶可水解肽链末端的肽键,导致 A .蛋白质分解为多肽链 B .多肽链分解为若干短肽 C .多肽链分解为氨基酸 D .氨基酸分解为氨基和碳链化合物 5、下列有关ATP 概念的叙述正确的是 ① ATP 是生物体内主要的贮存能量的物质 ② ATP 的能量主要储存在腺苷和磷酸之间的化学键中 ③ ATP 水解一般指ATP 分子中高能磷酸键的水解 ④ ATP 只能在线粒体中生成 ⑤ ATP 在生物细胞内普遍存在,是能量的“携带者”和“转运者”,有“能量货币”之称 A .①③ B . ③⑤ C .②④ D .④⑤ 6、某种植物细胞在浓度分别为200mmol ∕L 和400mmol ∕L 的M 物质溶液中,细胞吸收M 的速率都是10mmol ∕min ,通入空气后,吸收速率不变。对此现象最合理的解释是 A .细胞吸收M 的方式为自由扩散 B .细胞吸收M 需要载体蛋白的参与 C .细胞吸收M 的方式为主动运输 D .所需能量供应不足 7、以下关于微生物的叙述,正确的是 A.细菌芽胞在合适的条件下可萌发形成新的菌体,它是细菌的有性生殖方式 。 B.质粒是许多微生物细胞内独立于拟核外的能自主复制的DNA 分子。 C.光合细菌和蓝细菌都含有叶绿体,所以都能进行光合作用。 D.细菌核糖体是核酸和蛋白质合成的场所。 8.控制传染源是抑制微生物传染病传播的重要措施,下列做法属于对传染源进行控制的是 A .接种特效疫苗 B .设立隔离病房 C .注射相应抗体 D .室内定期通风 9.有机磷农药可抑制胆碱酯酶(分解乙酰胆碱的酶)的作用,对于以乙酰胆碱为递质的 突触来说,中毒后会发生 A .突触前膜的流动性消失 B .关闭突触后膜的Na+离子通道 班级__________ 考试号_________ 姓名______________ …………………………密○………………………………………封○………………………………………○线…………………………


2016年江苏省苏州市中考英语试卷 第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1.Edward and William are brothers.There is uncommon similarity between two boys.() A.an;不填B.an; the C.a;不填 D.a; the 2.﹣Here’s a box of chocolate on our desk.For me or for your mom ﹣It’s ,Dad.Happy Father’s Day!() A.hers B.her C.yours D.you 3.﹣What does Justin Bieber’s song Never Say Never impress you most ﹣It tells us that we do almost anything if we never give up.() A.can B.have to C.should D.need 4.A good student connects what he reads what he sees around him.()A.for B.with C.in D.on 5.﹣Oh,dear!A power cut! ﹣Sorry,I didn’t know you the washing machine.() A.are using B.used C.use D.were using 6.To make your DIY work perfect,you’d better not st art you get all the tools ready.() A.when B.while C.before D.after 7.If the customer rings up for me again,please the call to the sales department.() A.run through B.look through C.go through D.put through 8.﹣ pale you look!Are you feeling all right ﹣I’m not feeling well.I’ve got toothache.() A.How a B.How C.What a D.What 9.Steve Jobs was full of ﹣always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society.() A.instruction B.invitation C.introduction D.invention 10.Our teacher often advises us the habit of making notes while reading.()A.to develop B.develop C.to developing D.developing 11.﹣Playing video games is a waste of time. ﹣I can’t agree more.There are meaningful things to do.() A.the most B.the least C.more D.less 12.There’s no ticker left for Lang Lang’s piano concert. you your sister can go to it.() A.Both; and B.Not only; but also C.Either; or D.Neither; nor 13.﹣Hobo and Eddie the cinema to watch the film Zootopia. ﹣Oh,that’s why I can’t find them now.()


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 苏州市2018届高三第一学期期中调研试卷 数 学 一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分,请把答案直接填写在答卷纸... 相应的位置) 1.已知集合{1,2,3,4,5},{1,3},{2,3}U A B ===,则()U A B = ▲ . 2.函数1ln(1) y x = -的定义域为 ▲ . 3.设命题:4p x >;命题2:540q x x -+≥,那么p 是q 的 ▲ 条件(选填“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、“充要”、“既不充分也不必要”). 4.已知幂函数2 2*()m m y x m -=∈N 在(0,)+∞是增函数,则实数m 的值是 ▲ . 5.已知曲线3()ln f x ax x =+在(1,(1))f 处的切线的斜率为2,则实数a 的值是 ▲ . 6.已知等比数列{}n a 中,32a =,4616a a =,则7935 a a a a -=- ▲ . 7.函数sin(2)(0)2y x ??π=+<<图象的一条对称轴是12 x π = ,则?的值是 ▲ . 8.已知奇函数()f x 在(,0)-∞上单调递减,且(2)0f =,则不等式 () 01 f x x >-的解集为 ▲ . 9.已知tan()24 απ-=,则cos2α的值是 ▲ . 10.若函数8,2 ()log 5,2a x x f x x x -+?=? +>?≤(01)a a >≠且的值域为[6,)+∞,则实数 a 的取值范 围是 ▲ . 11.已知数列{},{}n n a b 满足1111 ,1,(*)2 1 n n n n a a b b n a +=+== ∈+N ,则122017b b b ??= ▲ . 12.设ABC △的内角,,A B C 的对边分别是,,a b c ,D 为AB 的中点,若cos sin b a C c A =+ 且CD = ABC △面积的最大值是 ▲ . 13.已知函数()sin()6 f x x π=-,若对任意的实数5[,]6 2 αππ∈--,都存在唯一的实


2019学年第一学期高三期中调研测试试卷 英语2014.11 第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分15分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,待录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂 到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 段对话仅读一遍。 1. What kind of music does the man like? A. Folk music. B. Classical music. C. Pop music. 2. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At the airport. B. In a restaurant. C. At the hotel reception. 3. What is the woman’s possible occupation? A. A travel agent. B. A customs officer. C. A school teacher. 4. Why didn’t the man see the doctor earlier? A. He didn’t think it necessary. B. He failed to make an appointment. C. He was too weak to go to see the doctor. 5. How much does one ticket cost? A. It costs $2.5. B. It costs $3.75. C. It costs $7.75. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What’s the man’s problem? poor in chemistry and physics. A. He’s B. He has got to take a science course. C. He has no idea which science course to take. 7. How many science courses does the woman take? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. What is the conversation mainly about? A. What kind of food to eat. B. How to keep our mind strong. C. How to keep our body in good condition. 9. How can we make our hearts stronger? A. By sleeping well at night. B. By doing physical exercise. C. By eating lots of vegetables.


学军中学2015届高三上学期期中考试 语文试题 一、文言文阅读(42分) (一)阅读下面的文言文,完成后面题目。 张建封,字本立,邓州南阳人,客隐兖州。少喜文章,能辩论,慷慨尚气,自许以功名显.。李光弼镇河南,盗起苏、常间,残掠乡县。代宗诏中人马日新与 光弼麾下皆讨。建封见中人,请前喻贼,可不须战。因到贼屯开譬祸福,一日降数千人,纵还田里,由是知名。时马燧为三城镇遏使雅知之表为判官擢监察御史燧伐李灵耀军中事多所诹访杨炎将任以要职卢杞不喜出为岳州刺史①。 李希烈既破梁崇义,跋扈不臣,寿州刺史崔昭与相闻,德宗召宰相选代昭者,杞仓卒不暇取它吏,即白用建封。希烈数败王师,张.甚,遂僭即天子位。是时, 四方尚多故,乃缮陴隍,益治兵,四鄙附悦。希烈使票帅悍卒来战,建封皆沮衄之。贼平,进封阶。 是时,宦者主宫市,无诏文验核,但称宫市,则莫敢谁何.,大率与直十不偿 一。又邀阍闼②所奉及脚佣,至有重荷趋肆而徒返者。有农卖一驴薪,宦人以数尺帛易之,又取它费,且驱驴入宫,而农纳薪辞帛,欲亟.去,不许,恚曰:“惟有 死耳!”遂击宦者。有司执之以闻,帝黜宦人,赐农帛十匹,然宫市不废也。谏臣交章列上,皆不纳,故建封请间为帝言之,帝颇顺听。会诏书蠲民逋赋,帝问何如,答曰:“残逋积负,决无可敛,虽蠲除之,百姓尚无所益。” 治徐凡十年,躬于所事,一军大治。善容人过,至健黠亦未尝曲法假之。其言忠义感激,故下皆畏悦。性乐士,贤不肖游其门者礼必均,故其往如归。许孟容、韩愈皆奏署幕府,有文章传于时。 (《新唐书·卷一五八·列传第八十三·张建封传》) 【注】①马燧、李灵耀、杨炎、卢杞均为人名。②阍闼:宫门。 1.对下列句子中加点的词语的解释,不正确的一项是()(3分) A、慷慨尚气,自许以功名显.显:显扬 B、希烈数败王师,张.甚张:张狂 C、但称宫市,则莫敢谁何.何:怎样


苏州市中考英语试题 第一卷(三大题,共68分) 一、听力选择(满分24分) A)回答问题(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分) 听下面6个问题。每个问题后有一个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每个问题读两遍。 1. A. Thank you. B. Certainly. C. Good luck. 2. A. I'm sorry I don't know. B. I'm sorry to hear that. C. I'm sorry I'm late. 3. A. Forget it, please. B. Be careful, please. C. Hold on, please. 4. A. Seven potatoes, please. B. Two yuan a kilo. C. I prefer potatoes. 5. A. Tea, please. B. Really? C. OK. 6. A. Once a year. B. For over two years. C. I like this school very much. B)对话理解(共8小题,每小题1分,共8分) 7. What's the weather like? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 8. What did Mary do yesterday evening? A. She saw a film. B. She did some shopping. C. She went to school. 9. What is the woman going to do? A. To close the window. B. To find another room. C. To go out with the man. 10 What is Jane doing? A. Reading a letter. B. Washing clothes. C. Making a phone call. 11. Why does Peter thank Mrs Green? A.She has helped him with his problems. B. She has known him for a long time. C. She has been happy all the time. 12. At What time does the library open? A. 8:45 B. 9:00 C. 9:15 13. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a hospital. B. An a meeting room. C. In a restaurant. 14. What is the most probable result of the' conversation? A. The man got his watch repaired.


苏州市五市三区2013届高三期中考试试题 数 学 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分. 1. 集合},1{t A =中实数t 的取值范围是 . 2. 若不等式032≤-x x 的解集为M ,函数)1lg ()(x x f -=的定义域为N ,则 =N M . 3. 如果p 和q 是两个命题,若p ?是q ?的必要不充分条件,则p 是q 的 条件. 4. 将函数)6 3 cos(2)(π + =x x f 的图象向左平移 4 π 个单位,再向下平移1个单位,得到函数)(x g 的图象,则)(x g 的解析式为 . 5. 已知向量a 与b 的夹角为 3 π ,2||=a ,则a 在b 方向上的投影为 . 6. 若3tan =α,则 =-++5 cos sin 2sin cos 3sin 222αααα α . 7. 设变量y x ,满足1||||≤+y x ,则y x 2+的最大值为 . 8. 函数x x y +-= 11的单调递减区间为 . 9. 已知关于x 的不等式0)1)(1(<+-x ax 的解集是),1()1,(+∞--∞ a , 则实数a 的取值范围是 . 10. 已知函数bx x x f +=2)(的图象在点))1(,1(f A 处的切线l 与直线023=+-y x 平

行, 若数列}) (1 { n f 的前n 项和为n S ,则2013S 的值为 . 11. 在锐角ABC ?中,若B A 2=,则 b a 的取值范围是 . 12. 已知函数)(x f 在定义域),0(+∞上是单调函数,若对任意),0(+∞∈x ,都有 2]1 )([=-x x f f , 则)5 1(f 的值是 . 13. ABC ?内接于以P 为圆心,半径为1的圆,且=++5430,则ABC ?的面积为 . 14. 若已知0,,>c b a ,则bc ab c b a 22 22+++的最小值为 . 二、解答题(本大题共6小题,共90分) 15. (本小题满分14分) 已知函数]4,16 1 [ ,log )(4∈=x x x f 的值域为集合A ,关于x 的不等式)(2)2 1 (3R a x a x ∈>+的 解集为B ,集合}01 5| {≥+-=x x x C ,集合}121|{-<≤+=m x m x D )0(>m (1)若B B A = ,求实数a 的取值范围; (2)若C D ?,求实数m 的取值范围.


江苏省苏州市2020届高三上学期期末考试 英语试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共85分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ()1. What does the woman think of golf? A. It's fun. B. It's silly. C. It's exciting. ()2. How much will the man pay? A. $50. B. $40. C. $20. ()3. What does the man want to do? A. Walk to the next stop. B. Wait for the next bus. C. Stay on the bus. ()4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At a restaurant. B. At a hotel. C. In a shop. ()5. What is John doing? A. Meeting the manager. B. Visiting his father. C. Asking for leave. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 ()6. What did the man do in Atlanta? A. Attended two meetings. B. Made a presentation. C. Worked in the garden. ()7. Why did the woman move to Colorado? A. She got a job. B. She liked the weather. C. She went to college.

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